The Herald, 1902-05-02, Page 6R1ASINA1tLE VIEW
The ket Resit Win be a Blessing to
the World.
.Writireg on- "the Beginning of the
End osf the Boer War," the editor of
'the New Yoek Journal or Commerce
• Rey it; :
There, la eveey indleation that
peace in South Aic i at hand
and that the Boer leaders at least
have Math up their minds to eon
eept terms which stop short of in-
dependenee. That the result of the
referendum will be the eneorsemeet
ot the jude„-ment of the leaders is
hardly douetful. While it is Impoe-
sible not to admire tho personal
bravery, military capacity and in-
domitable resolution deopla,yed by
the Doers in their etruggle to omen-
tain the atitononey of tbo Soath Af-
rican republic's, it is equally im-
possible Irone the standpoint: of civi-
lization or human progress to re-
gret the disappearance from the
roll of sovereign Statee of tho
Teazle -veal and its ally. The Doer
republics were govern.ed under a
system of patriarchal despotism
which rendered it Impose -We for the
governanent of either to do jus-
tice to tile stranger wielna their
.gates, whether he were of the
native owners of the soul or tto
outlander from Great Britain or
her colonies. In elle Transvaal the
Snen who "stood in" with Kruger
were able to amass :fortunes at
the expense of those to whom the
country owed the development of
its mines, and the rapid increase
of It tamale. There was a dyne.
mite monopoly, which levied an
enormous tax on the indiepeneabla
material of mining operationce and
a railroad,- without any competi-
tor, whieli charged ten theirs the
value of the service it rendered in
the traneportation of freight. In
the tweet+tho loeal taxes Weate
heavy, and the fogeigner paid a good
deal more than his share, without
bang; allowed any role in the epend-
lag of them, or any participation in
the benefits of the educatioual sys-
temwhich .they went to support.
The Boer farmer eared- but little
what went an at the spat of govern-
ment so losig as hte own rude inde-
pendence of all restraint .Was not In-
terfered with and the burden of tax-
ation was Wooed on other shoulders.
A man more ignorant than the Boer
of all the conditions which make our
time what it is does not exist with -
ii the pale of civilization.; of one
naturally more hoettile to all that
stands for the progress of human --
kind, it would be diffieult to eon-
reiva. His virtues and his vire alike
aro those of the seventeenth rather
than those of the twentieth cen-
tury, and while his stalwart heroism
is of all time, it Wasdieplayed in an
attempt to perpetuate a system for
which even South Africa is not large
enough to find room. Be the rights
or the wrong e of the conflict what
they may, it has been one which it
would have been a misfox-tune for
the world to have ended in any other
way than it has done. In the affairs
of nationa, as in the relations be-
tween individuals, there is a higher
equity which has sometimes to be
beaked to guide the hand of justice,
and however heroic an- episode his-
, tory may reckon the last stand of
the Boers to have been, the forces
%Odell make for the elevation, Qf hu -
inanity will aet the mere freely noh-
that the Boers have given in their
allegianze to the British Empire.
frwrn RI -rni: any
rtitifttli Ili H. 1 ER (:4=`;!. a!
- -, •
Reatetrar, ▪ Arther.
! We•Legton Weet -A. •e. Alien, IOSher-
- irr thx:p14.
Young Japanese .otriCK- To -
U 4
pocket Brother
: near, Jonetion.
1:ntett North -a. J. Po erten, heels-
! tree, Natwona rice t.
Apra to, t1.1 Vitttoet t.
D. Apalt tiee-tin the 7th Metant
a tea tete M.r.,upt).1 la erttaine; ar-
rietnt at l'oeoleteloriaiti etetlen from Net- Admiralty Entiu:ry into Latest
greea ley the, traia oI, ft I.:toile
at p, ta„ i;i,p1 the pretatzet tire.
lett! t mer woe teal no edeett th tete Morgan Combino,
hail tit-' railway etall, tett ; optt d
tt tit p, t, 'nee t1 iac le lee- TheY
were V;',:'.3!1!O"i'll, ttai t a !".rall'a ...„
th tette tor a team who bed et/ le tatty I liPelltsiltlitt Hi Milli
t Uolgo 1?„ '41 I8l4latt.L.
TAO C.34311 Alt) CUM^ 1.33i13 2.aloel 11"1/
▪ 41k. ri.‘„ or 01,„ b rehhedh. eetaahatee., toetia, tee :se oesetre ol the
d teat eao soe p yea .e , A tuteraile. liege it. Are doi-eor
toted et, we; r corf N# that the! re144,,tee ha L tau Flaw:, that I „to Ad-
b„,,h, t4 a or, „he o rot h c„ 1314'414 335 1 11.1; 6 holy,
• ; th„ c „ „h 11 133.o3 h he
tette et'e-1'. 1,:1,,363-, Ai . ,...ele oewt J till LW: lt 4,9 Ii3lat of tier
sf likto a , Net esetteraea Tee aelehe .12.:1123,.1,,i1111 an 4.1 t tlasZtti.
• tio zatetelee i• go en Male 3 °pea e W11 ff. 4'13' II"'
t taper owe (ht the eteet, 4 ot et 40'41.Liil1 e al. ae. 4. leheao %he
pit- eta:Ate:A. e ,n-01 ee.„ !.•nt r4b.6▪ -tat f teat, ,nenat add aq,1,-'.ng4-,11;%, f/1„ wag e tet, e 11- t epee, tee tee ; tesehettitoatout ton-
al ee_. eehetJikh,a• huh,tea:tame toseer..1 t 3C-`
1"3. wee e eh t het, go: at. bat tgx. Atiossjeollty lee* ap•
Leal bh, ter.reeeee auj.1* 4,1, 44,z '0.-,1 4'1 59',01/4111kItre to 2 ,1111,./...Utr l,1021
etre wet, ;s tames ee elite eop ',et 3.121 taeo J31- '1 WWI horse of
at the tir _ be *Strath. tenure, ettleei4 eaten:22 A.S. Tele
Tie a t eel. se „se pews* ea lee tee:eerie in the eas ttee He ita titateet
pate lostan. 'la late ILelelo tee ate . to nealtetelattorn et at! 91/ Bea., ..,02
ileth eel thee n, ease the Ei911i9 with -rd tit0
tenant! 11 tett] r the tetolan la Una@ t "!'Y arn- -1 11127-7" Jr
ilh lj t the Mit ineenta, Aileen 7 neteu,a'?•-eleitt, etellath ?tee tele -ea trlts-'470rs
the notarolleat r eh revel the tp...,Ay It:It 'tot t° a .fu1l•5-;g"" 1144 u'ialeut the
• Itetlet, ifeterelieh ht-he.g. it seeneeet ea the Aereortatte duttetg the
geteheli ehe eeteetteee, atoll peetseh ge texeseereal perthe, or Shaerirealte,
nroiht te trelters. Aesoratitte, to gese, agate meets,
teetle .1.10 u t , th. p 9 J3J» j3eeeas:ese .111.1; orecuat legal points evete
er at fleet 1J paianan kril les Welterft the atm stems 'elle-
leoeleettnetee to! settetrall rterlitiotee cord' tutiert litt the isetlt 01 War, there WaS
lee ttleoinal proelleiltles Tl c inte 1 Loo.thaiig: t1A9 ./16'044"' eoreiligalt
ter, holeever, agsumr,.1 deratont ate les front butstItut43t hole ign fter
Melte, eel tree incited the former the Dritleit Ilag at cohort notete, and
to Ida ha, areeeee eeeeli a tetra sweat, voltether the elaboiraite Item the ino-ans
the prepetty of the %lent.
of eittorethoe, Its tight Of pre -emirs
teen. or hire in mesh ease; or 11, by
abaltdonliog the subeschtion, theConte
RETURNINa OFFICERS. patties could claint that the rig1t. of
pre-emption ceased. AH 614;11 points
weal be Carefully Considered, awl
the Admitalty s raghte would be as-
, cettainect,
Appoitotenetit or 84 tof Thant Atee
Altiteugia the -writs toe the Previa.
teal ghee -Jai Elie-tie/le Willi hot Issde licreefeed4s Ideas.
lintel May 31111, excellent progrese ha
heen made in tbe appointment a tee toirdOto, Al 23.-Ilearaieleniral
taiteng, efeleete, the selection of 81 Lord Charles Veit skied, at therceirse
of NV110:3 WM; hnizoneCted yesterday. of his first ereoceit, ohade bet night
Whe elleser chosen, le in aintoet every in hie election campaign for the seat
titer? tii, Sheriff or Um of for Woolteich, Zit the 11031S:3 of coal
the rcs4ro: etteve Nerdy. Tlilaiitif ill liete-7, referred to the temobanattou.
titie pare of The Province: Itle eaid he declined to 1131:14ew that
kaeopases weee_e1. efehest etehleeraet ; British trade and commeree were:yet
intemiltno. . p ,1' stiipataiztal, lett he adiettteal it ad:4U
peeeea Entee_j le eioahgeeesh,1 come to that 1111111E3.1.4 Great 1.4ritaill
't heelef, Ilenettoa 4 changed her pea-ere:at teetitede. lie
treat eeeren...41-, -i,,,, irA, -elegise !I deelared he was mtlast kilan to say
teat*, Ifereeelterd.I tem Gotemeennt should interfere to
Breent aiteettleate-mt. 'Vote, Sheriff, ''; prevent tire eat* of British seepe to
Brantforo. Aracteitnane, hbet, at the ilialitri tilni2i,
Balitirin IlItt-glitZigr, ;if tla ieenetteetatis wittet rate dont:nix-
Ifteeet.4a. thee of the earryine treole of the
Reit. a-:. itehneetresto, litegestrae, , world fro:e a... It weeds: zranote our
11:111.tet. " vemeaerelal pecepaehy, tall the pub -
Lei -1-T. C. rateltoro, Sheriff, St. Ile eliteuhl weaken to tiro denger of
the eituatio....."
lel retie -hi. E. Merin, fIegietrar, "
Noi"ohe, lee a t7.-1. a Bonly, Reg-'7iuN'-'9.4k3 FTO
0.4.,t3,. , tatit-J. F. Paetton, eihrateg ei Verfeelitts castie,TT Burt 50 leers
Lie la tt cu:.. Ago, Prey to the e• lames.
IsteeLtryiv;:ei7-bet:ti.t-fe. e7. Dre-don, leea-; B.„0...eheLs.„.e. erne: acee-To_eethat at
,. .. ..... v.... , .
'7 o'clocee etelet is known as
O.seord Noetio-S. Brady, Sheriff,. ..,v * - ea ch,,,th,-,, was (he:cohered
Nth oisteak. 1 . rIgs.14. Si
hhhhht hohthaltt
1h phetehe, rte4eda to be on fire. an I by 7.30. nothing
Weer Iretteetook. ,'!„- hut .is bare evetn,4 were len stand-
'qintee,- %.1"-----te Tr A It o ine7e 'lee. ben4leenes Iv 2_9 el`',Ctl1:3 "rtlii
2- - - 4-• r Awr sr. -sown, Creel- 4 --e- -4- • a r -e- - e
ter. tea. - neere eel liv the late Geo. 'Wright,
eteeeeet ihhhhit, Res-h.:trete', ate: woe the tenet itilIPOSIZIIT, private,
Barrie. 7 i reelerecto in Western Canada at
-Teihnee, tiVf.,gt_charlia Iththse.,'; that thne anal coat about aeol5,000.
Registrar., Toroato. i Shortly after its mimic:Lion the
Toronto East -J. II. Whiclitielfe! owner talieel, and it was for a Mon -
Sheriff. Tee:mace I her tot Tette these act a ladiet;" col-
Tonetzto Nortit-Frederick Mewat, I lege* finolilY <king divided artel used
Sheriff, Tt:rollo. ....uptwo <iwdfliug liaaiies. 11 wni r
Toronto South -Spencer Leee,. To-!. cent's: told to the Williams Brothers
tont°. . 1 for a couple of thaw:and dollars.
Waterloo North -j. D. 11,aore, Rig- i T.hey tepaired and beautified it
1st:ear, Berlin. I tonsiderably.-and only completed it
Water' .o South-joha Mete, Sher-
iff, teriin.
'Welineri-James Smith, Sherill,Wel-
The output of the Solia-noesburg
mines for March was. 1044.27 ouneree
of gold.
Mr. Thomas Robertson, Speaker
of the Nova Scala Legislatureedied
in Seutit Dakota.
:Montreal pollee report that 500
stores of all kinds keep open in, that
otter en Suedays.
The 0, P. 11.. toeW freight tariffs
Photo considerable recluetion as com-
pared with last season.
Disorders have broken out in %WO -
den in connection with - agita-
tion in 'favor of univereal suffrage.
The •Montfort & Gatineau Rail-
way line in Quebec wee completely
blocked by 'three extensive land-
Chinese bandits attacked a Rus-
sian post at Newchang. Menehuria,
killing one Russian officer and four
One of the promised resalts of the
new steamship combine is a daily
mall service between New 'reek _and
motional nominatiensfott the Leg.
One Hundred and Fifty Build-
ings Burned Down.
Clarion, Pa., Ahill 28. -The fire at
e'orest County, yester,
day, raged until late last night, con-
suming 150 buildings and entailing
a loss of nearly $300,000, with not
over $75,000 insurance.
About one-half of tbe town is in
ashes and five hundred people are
hometlees. The flames spread from
tb.0 to tt lumber yard, -and from
there to the woods, and burned for
two miles up the railroad. About
one-half mile of track of the Brad-
ford, Broedell & Kinzea Railroad was
burned, including eight oars. S. Pick-
ens, editor of the Mattionville Express,
was severely bareed about the face,
while several other parties were in-
jured. John Johnson, it tailor, is miss-
- - •
• ca•
Win •
The Family Physician Firmly Believes a
Fall Caused
Brantford despatch. - The Quirk
inqueet, which bus now been twiceadjourned, was resumed to -night
before Coroeer Eisette. Chief In-
speotor Murray, Who has been work -
hog on the ealee, was present during
the proceedings
The !trent evidence taken was that
of the medical man, Dr. j. W., Dig-
by, the physielan of Mr. and Mrs.
Quirk. lie iold of a telephone mes-
sage he had received calling hen to
the hotel, and; the finding of
James Quirk dead ou the fluor of
the harness room in the barn. When
ile reachel there he was told by
John Toole, Quirk's partner, that
Quirk had fallen down and hilted
Maisel". After the arrival of the
pollee the body was removed' on
rough boards to the hotel. In a
further convereation with Toole
the latter ventured the remark to
the witness that Quirk load fallen
down the lathier which leads to the
eldek.on loft. Dr. Digby was one of
1110 phyteemne who was present at
the autopsy, and read the poet.
mortem report. There .were, alto-
gether five wouuds in the head to-
wards the :left Side, the first 000
being just ovtor the left eye, one
and a half 10011e0 in length, a int 4,
threeemarters of an inch in width.;
a jagged wound of a triangular !
eitepe. Above thin Wtittl nimutho
wolted about. half 11.14 Weil in length.;
extending stilt Lltrthor hatotkraerhaa ;
((8a 1.11t! k,14111/1. 8/14 1.01N1trtl:: the roar
were throe ootial':" the.131 't
Feral -AO: «a here t tee eta t re of the ;
aloont two taal tiorleeetrertots
'whets in tete:eta elite
the teeell 3331.13331.1 eseleites itee 4' Irene,'
ele ot; it o. :
(not. atel in ttee leeeteom ter he. Z"-;`.; °.;
teat. the iitaat• 4. :at:, ooaste• ote t ;ea
Tee woolen:a, 4P,', 7 IN. It. E A kA
Witt°. AA; fl'9,12.1Y rr;,.'t
eefeel the ton !see :eh ee• of %tee:
t Let..• .ette t reoe.e.",„ lee 7
It. eet ..o• aleat
4;' Pils a fate4l 1
, 110,413 '' 3,13 20-3
'tti; ro ea; tee -et, el ate Lite; 7
Shin -How emelt os "lir el 111 (Ad
eve:le leeder- rove emote a 1:,:tr. ;
hdature: Mr. T. fe let teet. Is113etra0
'West Neat ; Me. 1713(tenr. lehead. :
.1 The CO 6Illttl/ri`llt 1130 ii,r430.*31 t formes .
have eaptotred aloe town of Boone'
del Toro. Time Avorisetto tonval fortes:
laavot withdrawn. ,
32 IOW. 1, 013 : Li'll
Mr, r. E:. Bit toot. leeee., . Mr. Donald :
IL ,1,114.1,..44 1'33 0 et tot. P4 to. ' le It I eti 4
-Mae Peel Dater, letn iret.
a few months ago. The furniture
Was all fiaVel in a datetged 'condi-
tion. Insetted in the Western for
etergetant lit A. Williotin2.541 113.. Vat° t
allacon Atetallary le-sootet.ot. 1,aea43t1eel. I
haa heath topntoel lo 114.,,6t1!0211,0i;
111 the fourth realizes -We
ten. Oh ;rade dile Ise i4 i toli"
months Irate et the ea: 171"
sad will then retire froil the
/ono or tho tato oltottt health.
AbOtit I.LCO ot2o3oloyee3 of ; en°
Metered Eitettrion 0..111p3oy •-•,terte,. -
ettelanneetatle,114. te, on entare. .
bet later returned to wore.
Teie stride -be et:tamer tub. "eh
lor, eta she Ilea ha St. John
was sold on Setriteley tta ew
Brea, tor for
Thot Atetteleetaa '4 Mal t. owl -o
Come:Hoy, witio 14 201It.111•z ;",
Sitiesd0,11V9, 3•';
euntokatiota at Mooed% Arte.
nellisto utast-Ones: ottriolnis 'ea -
to step the vac:ding tot C. et. teat
t(Ca INc plated b Battelle to pee -h. -ea
he the Se, to seeere tebeep goeste....
The American torttlethei. Col
der, who ineeetegated the telees,
, British seteet pprzur New .terlent>e.
i teattnuitttod his repert to Pee ;•.Oal -se
Henri Cheratini. Who eittimeal to le.
groereleoto ice the 003I>0 €-r. 3 Le re -
bike, leo* died in gt. i9e70107111141
tioll in the hospital at Matietehe,
Prande. lie was 33 yetirs el It.
Itea.reAdrerroil Davi treater real le tee
Coneervatite eandhlate foe the 1311
of Cohn -tons in the byettiotetitet 4:3
4. 311
41.k2, 34141 4> 1 hp 16,1 3.,'t4 5 /3 ',It:•L4-3 73'e°' 71
30 hi.; taii or eiolee. Iht *woo ea too ,o . Ire- . -7 s3 to, .
"la dila n 1 Mee 4.0 to` St 0 r, Were , ' .et els t, 1 Le eqto 11 .l6r* •": t4 rE
7 [NIA .41.14r e opiera Ith 8 2 * 3,10m ne noted 1 to 4. t, et to ot,
241.. hitertnellie Reel 13,• It 2321 330.0 ,7 °
3 '031 IMPLETilllt (Iterate. e , r, ono oat' a lot
104113.i. la ill'. ,31 >3 91 1 ''1 2
PO 61312 1104°0 i 11112 311211 40321 et 0" vet a oft a te-ohloe 604 7E:11 113 r 14 Mr*
r:1' I, t et, CI 1"14 41111 1 /40.1 T*,1-' 3,4 3,2 3>i IAA sea 3333943 3.
IOL e etore, tete la otel wet tone at '[123' oh' .*,.
ent, 319 11 :1' 1 J 4A
--1-1 .2-9 23i3 reiltn'•;. toeeol
,lli;°111: ;ti.1:s.,..."9,3247.. „n0g.:-e'e"; OR
hepO': • ' 113 '113-
4",i'l'91 tea Tee ve-eattl- weals tee
* diver itstiel Met, leirleoloaterol 314 1514 • *h •13e;el. lee -, tee. t et to:
aitte -et !tile lt litre 5,412(3*,• e 7o. It• tet e". '00 ,11.;,.
13 (11V.V13:AO 4133"7.011'N 3.19- 312421011 lo3.65210hi, s 13.o37 . 14'
trate; tb • 111 21 43 0,3 I** >3.3 1 „i":' ,11•"""-ta of 7 t• '• ea to 44.. eosi
tendhe te- 148211 1.5*' 32,1.9oila.r, ;eat ghee . thee *toe leo ro. *noes ts "th lot sI
tit.- etteetatnie 44 9.44'21' le eo tee
;ea -el
10311436 31',t>{, w
et. Io mai .e E 81,
the hinethet .1:03333.1>14. er' the la ie.. Tee
hotel, nen ere 3.3.021113) ea out tee tarots
ter. nee it -tale -Alto .4 33: 23
3.3.313. hat 34:7' e 34 V't•A 31343:3.314,
COM 11?;tt, 'Ntroogt e 11,•4 rateel
i 1411/2 37413.3.1i431133.rotheer,
ete etre-
Hare- 41:2014 14'r tititalee ('433Ole1e7e
tecontare, neet to Vetreet
to eitry.
fl1tietetromentis atejerato Ninety..
Landon. April tite-lion the 330:1141'31 debate on the groin tate In the
11034(344 or Conn:eons 11133-o overtire:, tite
Chatucellor tor Exelertmets. 133323
Ilitece•Oecoeit,antateanoed that
"offal or coarse 211131331 foe etoek
feeding Would per" only titteepenee
per inindetaltesntaitt, futeteati of fere-
Willem Ile raided 'that in the teage
tof flour atal film menthe the fraehlers
JUAN blr A .
LUM ON rim
than produced by blows, I -think,
most decidedly."
toe. Wraith. Differs.
A medical ()pinion decidedly at vari-
ance with tide was given by Dr.
Harry 11, Prank, the physician who
made the autopsy. " I do not think,"
lie mid, "that tile wounds could have
been caused by a fall."
"Do you believe it possible that'
the deceased email have fallen
through an apert.ure and these
wounds be 'comma 7"
The witness questioned as to
what instrioneut ineelit have- .12>22 131
the wounds, and replied that they
were probably caused by a beaty
triangular, not it sharp, inetrumeet,
A. squarco bar with en angular Or.lgio
would have caused the wounde.
Night ot the -reeeedy.
A further doteeteptitet of the events
in the Ltommereial Mott.' oti the
Sunday eight of the tragedy Wali
given by Me. tletange Taylor, a
boarder in the hotel. When that wit-
ness ran out Ito thtt born on hearing
the toileturianate lot eaid to Tomle.
who went out with him, that Quirk
must have fallen off the lathltor iead-
ing up to the 0001,. Toole
e Yes. I did net want him to han-
dle theme' Toole three frit into :me of
the pootkets of the dead man, and,:
takeig out venue tele eat sliver, and
a knife, litintleol them to thaterion, in -
1t.( Qilirk,1‘1.111lit41;11: It-tri!rit.fl.r4Inteitor:nin-
tertatiou with Tcsect :shone the
11:tiitnitettioil I 13 t
121, i.rp;•tiAtona
The bet witnate calla!, Ateireve
It3 li• e. threw v.ry dela ott til••
;l14 13 13 ,111...1- • 11113.,
80 (i"Vi'a a 0114H knet fent tete ell. a b• -21
••,33 neeieto, %64
Ott the ('00.1 et- - ne..oe • ea . 1 11. it
t i91b 3'>' 31 1 e venue e erel tit*
II": 7..„
e t
lett to 1i -et 3, °- is t
3%3 143 111^ 3,33:22• 7 r
-l168'3, ter> leer, ot. e,
tee; nee,.
1. ‘'1;''.:!: 1
[42-3.1-tt '1:-
.1014 9,, to. to
ea, h h-tooseret ru'aot
tee oh, le n'. 34'>44, *,
7.° 3 *, /' A 1*
3-31t, 1,, !
33,2'2 3 '14, 6b*, ”'N ••',
t oleo teant , - 114
4,1 p
CI, 4. Te,4 t1Irr,-.14,
ore e,-- 77,10 t v; '; ;;. t, 1,3
ta t 1 '-;
ha 4 3- to *e :a • e
'4"-. ee a- 7 •
•c, • !';'% • '; t' 7
3- " 39
3,4 >11A
toe 'i'3h• 4 .- • ",
ta•'t ne• sea ao Leh s /
4 r.t...12''
2 -":;21
t, .4t2,9 449, ,r) 222
31 ; thee ':3'4-3
,22931,utli t
1:-:- 1'>:21110 1113"">
y tre aen tia•- .
'thee hen fee --,
31-: >>'-t11_ 4.11to- >>'>>'-t11_Lao".
t -
et A..3 leaf. tele•
'23.33, 7, eilt7i9-09.• ..V..11 a
2 ,;,•51,p32 41,09.. • •• ••• kr. 1
0eei,1 3.31 3' .712
ll:P4-911 2" .''1"•' '
et se gettlatt" aeetthe in.,- ea' ereeee1,31;3,4313,e;
3.033.1117 :331:" 03
teoet 4121' 211 hig reelue nen, 13teetteeeete
oat lest law gee. 1ft,',
Tla'e teepee*, the aereeerat., ten ste the
Teoe Coneniell as it sees:eel tee mo,
had fore-gelthereal in the EattAavone
mezolein- themeere neeiess toy eegges-
tione son' inschelshilearet tele itaeleh ray
Teen swept.
Bat 1 212333.'e14 .14e41' the likes to' Kirk- el'e lea -less lattagego-e" S1V.3;9 1. n.
itattE'ella foils
I hok"ed at mytreiaat t
telett.111 vete an etatehane 1 o1016lve-
e;,1•3; way tene
ita tite twee see et -
. ;I oCSlfIee.eOene!aaelte,'sI
fo.•;..4,r .4
rt1loly'-,401,1331 .11283
• 022e:4'23s 33 23.113.318'31r.9l.3S/80•- rUlm
.de lthe Coed Hated
1141331 the 31131u c$> -33I >3033te taut
eeeetat tie thotgate. 1913031' getitered
10 tiecr Pntl3`. lealra' toe see
Ruin ton Fte. Ttote (:33>13111210
nest Taep-Gtab 51- spar. 3:3,. aT de td% waez us In.
Second '1>03313134'1>03313134)-I'3.3 take ao> .330033, Sykes, X ai't got de here
be Washed in.
lute been a buggies gestverb suppose
in' they lane hetet mitia' the teelt
t" the Sefanie hsetetetioo
et est rekaet. ee Y 01133.5 31,3i
e48 trete,. It0214loc9/ ewersit
ae g
ttat 31at't Ct1
.trP .
he enottee nee- toot relet it shoe' Aote It enoto• teat:areal
loonthood his tate Sel* there aft. 1 eau tea/ ye.
"Wfontselleet tran' 142.1 ,4-S, 44* Onh Labe e ,EL. ale
gee thee she h,'..'#*eeh 1i the get. 41 011• 1717>3l33 !ye taae 13 'at e
ah OA
eathet ter a' tide:east-4.. past ca eeee t. tee o
I ant' he tete fitaratite" 3111e3'
in meet" "Jeeto, tteitoonel. It ale peee 3032.13.
a. 33
ser tler,nu. I Jur una,n na, even otelat. tlumeatt hat. eats tee, -
worklite't" ex:1,1 It had pet. X wits tee Ott" t
weertert`'.11ssg9:3E7.1421T''''1'2r03r3 F".s21•
11IlitYdid e ay" t wades la:7,Il a te
1113 13911 333131 >337>5peeted
truortl3 stimat; st's 33757 feeettlee a "eta men. mete. eesell tett elt na.71,
_toe" Gee 20o" met yet. An- tarsetet- et" 83* V.121'3
ICrit 3>"'8372 E:ra: It •s•
4 '131033 0330438', 1173' teletake, bye, tiehlt ere ee, nth-- tthe enesa ep
Tao ce3e2e713 tehreeseset. I thee hal, pz-r- s
I'mr•13,1.11 glint 1 1:ta13 pit on a bite r; -Waite vex yeese le, -le ato " ate ree,,
tire thee tteetteieh arcette facat .kVatim" in "detente vex eanessie.
101* 131231 IIOUIZI33SI it wis ken" o' 3233W "g370813 mare :Fe ,t• -•"-"e
earatlei. tote-ele y:'1191ite eiel • 'tee _tat
0 Nkr,ca. v„,,,71, 0" ereah ear 31 " , - 1itis1,....3t3 e
itait leled "ea feet. '>:3'»,'.'t >1' gi.r -
and it le pree'hsra
tam that he Vn be thetel.
. bed been greatly :disturbed by the
fear that a heavy tax on "offal"
would offset tree' proteetive advan-
lege which they wouil gain by the.
grain duty. Tim Chao:editor aleo
expressed his belief (het the nd-
vance in the priee or bread. which
had been a hair -penny to one penny
; a loaf higher throtrrhont the Unit-
° ed Kingdom since the batinet
nottneemertt, would testae as voten
as the ttade had ntleested itself to
the nett° 'conditions,.
; The, whole evening, wag oecupied
o in It. heated debate of the (lathes
• as provided for in the budget. At
• midnight MO. etelfour applied the
7 23(0>10112033 of the Corcet to leaiet ••
nuy Railway wae made to the Iteat-
ish Columbia Government by
r. /loan of New York capitalists.
A. epe „ecial despatelt to the Lonitel
"limes fro= eta Peeertottrg
that the disorders in 23083.3133-3343I Itusele, are 333311:1313' to those etiziell
preceded the Preach revolution.
Mateoal "Wireless Telegraph
s Company. crf New jersey, has re -
1 timed its capital 'from ten to six
10111132013. ail of Nrh:ell 18 enr.rade.m
stock. Sig. 'Marconi, G. A. Greecont
and Auemet Belmont are atuortre the
Dieatetatous prairie firee Vielted the
eledleine.„ flat, Assa., -district bet
week.- :Thousandat of Square' melee
Were burned over. Fortemately the
. ;or:matte Le very etittesely settled,
but the retractsIn the path pi the
fiat:tete will lo -se heavily, ,
elosure, and the corn duties! reso-
lution was adopted by 283 votes to
! The President .of the Atlantic
euransport 'Company annountes that
ehateholders will receive -three pre-
, totted and one common Stock share
in the new thipping combine for each
eltere In that coMpany
re whin he cent' 471 "riles tole wee" e; erellt4tet '.4 '3 1,147
.„..' 3131S)-
19 -3.'4-r. I'd 1:en-cotton 0>'33>0> for the "te.t.
'Is ' "
, tea. .sete I asked him tact keep his tt.,-,th'ett.,71-;.",33.
We on the pen whittle I tock. a reit ' ea "
. eaa ; e ea fee
oat tan tall thlIC the fine, one` who -Jet in rte. re
• CA71;i2 3:st, 2131302311teadiy.
; T 1
lie eye heaths: o' his 334403129113' etopa- h with, heetat„ lee tee ;eh
berlitisat ene theziet 'heti be elite.wht, reaehere she „sesee :eh se • ette
, tact took atter the fish for thI
e space a ;LIM V. -4i2 :elm, in
a 0,4.
0" 113.183 923.33e2713.54 The Bailie.
"Min' an' no let the an coep-
he. .. , o ettered be the vera;
rah:elder:" c 2 The eitalern ileesten.
"Hoots. Jean, rin awn'. / ken hoc I "Where ere yon retest; my or tty
tete mile fish worth eatie." i matt 2" "I'm golog ph:est.-per eine. elle'
'We'll s_mo," eases I. gaen oot aft (Nal - 7, I. 3: :.
door. never thinkine booever whit ,
2 ii13.7! Si:32M hefty , g I, raze yet. ter
sleet absence.- 31)3331131 maid'?" "Yee, it yea 'eke kite*
a hearfn" acene teact be 'enacted' in MS' i -
Wee. wad ye believe`t, nark, I had- 1 the Plug-P'3`r'S LI"' a" i tl".`'‘a ("In.' fln
4 " ;she said. She Irsi kilts :iway tee
I wis list, comb" oat 0' (ho milk shop h...ek vit, (het, hats. „e! tle. etehag
hour he'll never forget ; for hie shoed-
na been awe? for aaxtv seconds an' i .,
opposite, whin whit dae ye think X 1 iri,,,mr... where eh,,,, hhhte hire twice
II eters aehe !rem the MOAK; etoope to
View bit our Dem roarin" an'
an' the big email wee gaitherel roon l_ he/ref ping where key.. penge egain,
I/lee-21e' t. with her racket emode wittelo hert her
Ilke an o' the lume at the foondry, a
oor h009O, ill,' Tonkin' Toted as she struck the bell ; and he'll
it7 wie tae be pitten oote
suggestions 1100 i for ohs( healed him steatte when she
:"Keelp oot tit thJa wey, ye gomeraire" I opairing.ed Ihrt then.-13.atiteenee Anierle
e.e.,314 gi."