The Herald, 1902-05-02, Page 1VOL. IL, NO 40.
QT. BONIFACE, Catholic.
os -I Order of service for the summer
Sundays: High Mass at 9.30 a. m.; Cate•
ebism and Instruction at 10.3'0 o'clock
Vespers andBenediction of the Mosi
Blessed Sacrament at 7 p. in.
Holy Days: High Mass at 9 o'clock.;
Vespers and Benediction at 730. p. in,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 7.3C
o'clock.'First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition it 8 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour b visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Sacramet every Sat-
urdy evening fronall to 8.
Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock.
The Communion Sundays before Mass at
8 o'clock.
Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services: -
German, at 10 o'clock a. in. English, at
7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 p.m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9.
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. 'Thursday evening;
English prayer meeting at 7.30, Friday
evening; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. II. Finkbeiner, Pastof.
geuticiN ev. lutb. St. petri Uird)e.
OottesSietift Dorm. fialb kk 2Ibr
111th abeiths 7 ilbr. Saniftagidnile
vorm. ko abr. Cebrerverfanoulung
211ittmocii abenbs mu 1)(111)8.
c l-3dnlife,, pallor.
L. V, BACHAND, St. Joseph,
Notary Public,Fire and LifeIn-
surance Agent, Moneyto Loan, either by
private funds or loan companies.
li J. D. COOKE,
(Late with Garrow &Proudfoot)Barris-
ter, Solicitor, Notary Public.
lienaull, Onterio,
Barristers, Solleiters, Nuturies Public
vie, de. Cor. Square and North Street,
teedetiele Ontario
* Clerk 10th DF. Court, Huron
Commissioner for taking Attidurits,
Cinave,yanicer etc. Valuator for the ha'
ton sod Brie Loan and timing* Co.
0111lee== Zeller Beak, Zurich Ont,
• Limited Auetioneer for Hur-
on emanty, respectfully eolielte the pat
renege of these who intend truing sales.
'Satisfaction guaratated.
Ineutist. gravitate of the ileal College
of liteetel Surgeons, Tinto, 41140 honor
graduate of Department of Dentiistry„ ,
Toronto teivennany. teeierlete extetaeltionn
of teeth. Plate work It speciality.
At DOttrOrti011 ttOliStv Zurich, every
Monday. tele
ste,....± to coLLINs& sirAlvInnMY
Conveyancer, Money to Loe on Village
end Fenn ?Import,. at lowest ratee of 1n
retest. Documents le original German
read and edwineft upon.
Ogee offer O'Neil's Bank, Exeter.
larree'eareeSeS440140044kilelsttea e**0
tutucH * 44 *
_ _ _ _ -
* • Strictly up-to-date In modern bin-
provements. Dining' rooms is sup-
- plied with only the very best. l!`,
Bar contains choice ittinors and fi
cigars. ti tri
41 Excellent Sample lioorns
O rot. Corennercitil Men.
- '
eit*ea4z.leeei ealtOdiOreellea4sOetoeetn014
- I
The Official Orgau"of Zurich. arta Hay Township.
30c per RO
Revised every Thursday afternoon.
Wheat 73 to 75
Oats 28 40
Barley . 50 55
Peas 65 70
Fleur .....1 75 1 85
Butter 15 15
Eggs 12 13
Chickens lh ...... 41/2' 5
Ducks . 6 - 6
Potatoes .... .... .... .35 40
Wheat • • ...... 75 to 76
Oats 38 39
Barley 48 52
Peas. 75 80
Flour .200 2 10
Hogs (live) per cwt.. 5 75 6 25
Book agent -What ! You say you
never read this great book? Did I
hear you right?"
Busy merchant -No, you didn't
hear me write, but you'll feel me
speak if you don't get out. -
Catholic Standard. and Times.
The Council of Hay held a special
meeting on Saturday evening.
Mr. J. G. Stanbury of Exeter
was in town on Wednesday even-
Miss Catharine Hill has returned.
to town after an absence of nearly
three years.
Cheer up. We shall have an-
other attack of spring before the
season is ended.
Messrs. C. Hartleib and C. Greb
intend putting peddling rigs on the
road. this summer.
It is generally the man with the
most vivid imagination who cat-
ches the biggest fish.
Division court will be held in the
town hall on Monday. A number
of cases are on the list.
Large deliveries of fruit and
ornamental trees are being made
by P. Sipple this week.
Mr. B. Howald left for Stratford
on Tuesday. His family will re.
main here for the present.
Miss Clara Savants returned from
Michigan on Friday evening after
an absence of over a year.
A curious result of the scarcity
of feed -those that have the
"shorts" are considered. well off.
If a small boy is chasing a
bumble bee and you hear him yell,
it is a sign that lie has caught it.
Tho young man who wants to Fine feathers make fine hats.
Young Hushand-"Don't you .shouldn't attempt to do it with red lire he on tweather man.
of 0P.oGrtrleabrhlacseiln'eeeneti7C1 a car load
New Ads : D. S. Faust, F. A:
Edwards, IV. G. Hess.
Mrs, Makins of Stanley visited
friends here this week. -
Mrs. Ed. Sanders spent Sunday
with friends at Hensall.
Mr. Henry Bauer is doing some
repairing at his dwelling.
Miss Mina Doan has almost re-
covered from her recent illness.
Mr. Edward Heideman at Exeter
visited his brother here this week.
Mr. 'Wm. Schenck is having his.
house repainted and. other repairs
done. H. Randall -is doing the
Mr. Fred. Hess is repairing his
woodshed, the roof of which
collapsed by an overload. of snow
last. winter.
The election for the Ontario
legislature on the 29th inst, prom-
ises to be a hot one, especially in
old Mouth Huron.
Mr. L. B. noted.pafford the noted.
carttiuist, reciter and. instrument-
alist will be at Varna on Friday
evening, May 16th, and the press
of,h.• country speak very highly
of Mn. Spafford's abilities as an
cut. rt mer.
A Few Points.
make his mark in the world
think, darling, that it would, spoil paint.
the curtains if I should smoke?" Mr. C. Fritz is busily engaged
Young Wife -"You are the best digging the excavation for his
and most considerate husband, that dwelling which lw will erect this
ever lived, dear ; of course it spring,
would," Young Husband-. The young girls gave a farewell
then, you'd better take them down. , '..• a. a 'in a nun at
A cynical baeholim listening to the funt. of Mrs. C. Fritz on Pri-
m uss n„ . list.
female suffrage was asked by one Mr. M. Y. MeLean of Seaforth
of them for his views on the ques- \Wei in town on Friday and attend -
tion led a Reform etninnittee meeting in
He replied thus, with great de. the evening in P. tsipple's hall.
liberation ; “I once heard a woman t.svveral s If his egmgreantitm pre.
who was asked. how she had voted sowed floe. s. eindthiiiner with
at the recent election. 'In my la watch guard Tu,,,any pventng
plum colored gcrwn," was the ni t
some w 1 . • • '
1,V;or bas mused. Mort' 10'S of
lee than babies.
It •.. a rd.:0 mon.„fla that know...„,
its ‘'n owner.
may laugh at bwksiniths,
but nt,,..‘or t get $1f1•4111iit is.
„t thaw ti have n' time
to ‘4I- he time ot others.
tak4 t ,ane, ae they it•^4144* nee, t°11' get
v. I a fellow roes out in an
ant Talc he is st,aliettlfle.9
‘1,* men are h 1111 great. -,3Ntle
nreat nos.. tatti tethers 1/./.
answer. / /a t4 t pat t`04./Iri fr.,. no& tillratti..4
roopho Idtie 4 „it it
Then the cynical bachelor bowed ' Hurry Eimer of creduition .1motin ,11,014 the b,not that no,Ine
%Ma t'At'sES' PAIN?
at teltdea rteasertentiVO niteietog• Wels
ind escaped.
Was in Co4WIll on 31ontlay. A well ,,,44tsnl tylilt in a
liost pains and atelle9 conic from , held at it hi in
Neet,s of uric aeid poisons in the 'avehlhg.. 77. C. T. IT.
&mil, due to &ranged kidneye, ItI7HAT 1'4 MR MATTE
fl It v.itit
betunatistn. backache. Ininbage.Jour correspondents this %%vela It
ains in the sides and limbs, you are wit if statdoO nery let
onnpanied by bladder ALM urinary ilttrnir and a supply Vail be forward
roubles. are %earnings too WrigMIS ed ationce.
utl painful to he neglreted. tn' I Clean tap! Tidy tip the yard end
Inasews Hitiney,Liver Pills act t;u. ,tt Jitli trota :pf leve:'.
liteetly anti on the nc.„,iattEll 'i mit- of it ;111i1 ne.seee....
iihneys, inake them act;'. vi -'r- ettea ettreele and tidy yard,. zu-o
ens and theroughly mate thesel ritAet.e tt geed tefileeeeeeve,
ailments. thee 13 'en t lon: of tilde
creat ictlitay itiotikitie Will do yon Rot.. l'Ittlittita.r awl fitoulle tern
laere von Tnnv.,eillay fee tinter retv
a t.Vilzhd ,g;krutd.
statien at FebrinneeriEe. The Moan;
"'During the year that ltrtve Iritiyanlis trtutittettmtil
been getting antrannseripts hack hien every ennveTes
fr.ann unatqtreciative editors,- said The, mire, nap
s TarraV the .ether. IUjLUIUU1'' 'i'i
L. tre held at .1the here, the vice eesnn Mtn
t- "}.1 have elks -cm -NI qeticral Will t Th.s 11,n:1 -Der
tone of t "t:
11,l------enting Al; ztaD'ettljagailh2ltilltitegd2elaortesedltotiVefeetard An are e°ratinilY invited,
to 1111(1114-
,,,,, . .tit. .
that, my feedings Might he hurt 1 It'"5 nal. °s-iv, it' Hatt Itr'a tahit
Of coarse I have become so hard: Your house and when you do paint.
erred by tions time that the return yam. oxine the want you use tyt
of some of my niatms:cript fails to ' Ytvar well and locule wenn f'."(' a Tel'
arouse any feeling a
rot n, Ira scissure length of thee. The ‘14.
Vali fill the hill. For s'
Gilder rather started me to think- /-
Mg last month when he seint inze Married.
back a humorous sketch of which 11 Ditsony_t3Aboun.......At st. Joseph.
was especially fond. in lin envelope Tuesdity, the '2eth April. Mr.
with a deep black mouthing border prank bc.nozny., to Miss
and without continent. tadour, both of the tianlele
York Titnes. hay.
11 - r..-Wri's the rei-
must confeee that Ilichard Wateett
8ALt REGISTE,R deter of the bride's parents.btanil-
hey. on April 23th, Mr. David
Dewar. to Miss Ade. Wintson.troth
'Cadet Power of Sale contained in of letenley Ip.
ceriumn mortgage beating date the Idth
day of Match, A. D., 1887, made by
Seannel Treffry and Janet Zreffry to the,
Vendots, there will be sold by Public
Auction at the Dominion Hotel, in the,
Village of Zurich. in The County of .
HuroIn., on
at the hoar of 1 o'clock p. m., the fol-
lowing property, viz: The north half of i
lot No. 14, Lake Road East Concession
of the Township of Hay, in the County
of Huron, containing 64 acres, more or?
fess, excepting then -cent le acres oft the
rear or east side of said half lot. This
Pam is situate near Lake Huron, about
6 miles from Zurich, and II miles from:
the Village of HensalL There is erected '
on the property a good dweiling house'
end large barn, with stable ander, also.
good orchard. Terms Liberal. For
further particulats and conditions of sale, i
apyly to
PCRDOM & PERDOM, Vendors' '
Solicitors, London, Ont., or to
2-39-2t Zurich, Out.
I fresh miTch cow; 1 cow-, in calf; I ,
yearling jersey heifer. This is all first- i
eless stock and must be sold at once as I
am about to remove from Zurich..
Terms will be arranged with puaehas-
era. JOHN GALSTER, prcp.-39-11
OM n
Equipped with an Medan
conveniences. First-class
accommodation to commer-
cial. travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always suppled
with the best obtainable.
" For 25 years I have never
Missed taking. Ayer's Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanses my
blood, nakes rim feel( strong, and
dans me good in every ay."-
3eh P. HOchiette, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pure and rich blood
i carriesnew life to every
part of the body. You
are invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
active. You become strong,
stcady,courageous. That's
what Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
Ask your doctor wbat as Thinks of A.yer".1
Ramp/cella. Ile knows sit Abontals grata
old ferefip ni elan e. PoliOw ble ad, -ice and
tt**111 be Ats Citified_
J. C. A.YEtt co., Lowell, Mao.
Ferntinr theAtipetits.
A young nmta it t.T.ratmlit.,n and
i ,L:nonmetit I.,:.,, Ant,- ;At Ari le
vieulter. Wil -in toshol lion' the.
. a Htetitto, Was foin=1A,A., be NAPftA i.14tt
.ert .' ut liti,,70W., thtli
e , lin
- trather"!4 7.z 111'wq, -,:lt t:,M Lia ?Taut
il tine Dinys havi f.,it-t. Will,,,,m th
';:teot- 'uttr ODA wod Wittalot, Iii' nli,,Ij
.Ce in ttiglApt. I,,,,„ ? in clm..r,
-nil u-iiu' ln neeree. Thee Kerte 4 ,
BD `'' ktthC,fy• blur neve 111e" nt'ir•r13t"e
ee•Irteell with vidg,tnn the hit' tilQVI
ti-.!Iw demands ',+!'utindy---,nr,noi, CJLat"
young, man is 0 wvep•I',T..
A Christi:on mann alesieene veY
tfx-Allittg: ltii. ,s.l.vetni sNts ;211111#
v..-, 1.,1,1 rot he %wide tIse.,3, the danger
:." hexing nt cider two:-•-• ated unnakrinnz
7'i'it• 0%11 either. He v. -4a9 repPatt"Atitr
: warned. but he -gi-qN4 in iris
- -r e s .-' g., ''-i I t-tth'-r
sever hurt mc nen. 'MC,' i;k04.71,." I Yee
ht- one the Imeys left the form and
a s they were ic-d int. t temptat ion
: ',Taileill eaS:t teeterns, tate C211' -til -C'
1;or strong drinks halytml.; 1,ean
already- formed by the ins? vit eider.
When they iteetette en:am:Tel in
Tensittess. the father seught to he2p
nein antthe old film was :meet-
eged. Again and agoltu wae lie
celled upon till at last the house
;there his chn;h4ronn were hymn. the
broad acres Which Bind hum ht.
pride were swept away. end the eli
nem and his wife wens left home -
'Zest. One after another ',Hes revs
died the death of a drunalicied. At
heit, the youngest son. the Hen -
0 ermin of the family. •viten life was
i almost gone made his way tQl his
broken-hearted mother, and there
, v. -lien life was ebbing.: away., he
l'. groaned out. "If it hind not been
for father's cider -press we elionaid
never have learned to drink." title
the anguish of that fathers heart
ehildless, homeless. broken-hearted,
mei -all for the sake of sweet eider. -
Father. beware! Your toys are ,
treading dengerome ground, when
they indulge in the s:3-eti•led
. -Harmless Drink." If your boys
, fall a victim to drink, it will be no
consolation to you in that last sad
hour to hear him say that the
appetite was formed en the cider
pressed out by your own hands, ;
front the fruit of your cherished
And please remember he eon no
1 more avoid forming the alcoholic
appetite if he indulges in cider or ,
; I any other kind of alcoholic drink.
than he can avoid being poisoned
when he takes prussic acid.
Alcohol is a nerve poi:eine, and the
I poisoned nerves cry out for the !
Mthel M. 'Williams .
Press Supt.
t attracts attention
Not by what it says, but by what it does.
Our Millinery Ladies Stockings
Dapartment is Grand a
all Up to -date; call and see.
of all colors. Some pretty
white Musdins With dot and.
figure, for 12cts.
Silk tucked Muslin at !Wets.
Silk Ribbons
for Ladies' Ties. Red. Blue,
Pink, Black and White, for
25cts per yard.
Black Cotton Stocking for 10
ets. a pair.
Black Cotton Stocking for 15
cts, a pair.
Black Cashmere stocking for
50 Os. a pair.
Black Mixed stocking
and 30 ets. a pair.
Red Cashmere size 7 at 40 et.%
a pair.
Red Cashmere size 5 and 6 at
25 and 28 ets. pair,
for 25
Our Prices Are the Very Lowest.
Produce taken in exchange fur Cloods.
re solicit y ur Trade
For Spring Foot -wcar, and we can assure you
that yi In will not find ;t Mein. lot of Spring
( hunts in any City or Town. Corns' in and see
07.7IB .7n*:ErW
We also have quite a number of Women's Fine
Low and High t -hoes, sizes :I aml 4, whieh will
he t•0414 front l5cts to $1.00. These :41Iin's
Wert, SI*111 front $2.(10 to t.110.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
\% have. just _opc-ned up a line of Dress Goods
that we bought at a Big Reduction Pice, regular
pi'k'e from 40 to 4:ic per yard Nir-hile they last, at
Gm!), Block..
Zurich Ont.
-EW On
lr -4"
Light and Heavy Harness; Trunks,
Bags and Purses, for ladies and gents
Parlor Suites, Fancy Dining Chairs,Side-Boards,
Fancy Rattan Rockers, Baby Carriages, Ex-
press Wagons and Sewing Machines.
High Grade Organs and Pianos.