The Herald, 1902-04-25, Page 8114 t`Ut tct-I t4tRA.L.ti The People's Store MILLINER OPENING BEGINNING THURSDAY M' GM 27, AND FOLLOWING DAYS Under the Supervision of—"°'illir Miss Ross. JO. MERNER ZURICH ONTARIO The Leading Blacksmith and orse=Shoer. I make a Specialty; of Shoeing Flatfeclt- ed and Iutcli'e'rin g Horses (+ENEl"L 'SL ] T .('Ksmi'ri•1 L.NU J. it, !I isillei', DASHWOOD Furniture Store. 1 wish to annou�- the Public that 1 have moved my Stock to Mr. Willert's Store, opposite Hoffman's wild stand where I will carry a large uu,t up-to-date stock of Household Furniture. DASHWOOD Special to TILE HEuuALD, Mr. J, J. Merner shipped a car of potatoes on Friday last. Mr. M.Y. McLean paid his friends in Dashwood and vicinity a visit last week. Mr. J. Kellerman has improved the appearance of his store by new coat of paint. Dr. McLaughlin was in London last Saturday on a business trip. Alex. Zimmer who has been ill with appendioiti , intends going to London on Saturday to undergo an operation f or the same. Mr, Sim.Ireland got quite a smile on the other day. Another boy. Mr. J. J. Merrier and Cs Stein- hagan were in Zurich on Monday. Mr. C. Frits, shoe merchant of Zurich was in Dashwood, Monday evening. 17 r siri� tUNDERT AKING Undertaking Stock is complete and e ;trcful attention given to this department. JohnsonaS FURNITURE S OR' Is the Place to go when you rt quire tiny of the folie wing Arttt1t': Sideboards. Bedroerat Suites. E%tension Tables. Couches, Fancy Rockers, Parlor Far - tidings, Picture Praming SPECIALTY The Woollen Mill Store can give, von ,°-,°,PYoa vane ilia 1 Picture Franking. Moulding and Window Shades. We make a se e•ialts of Picture Framing. PRICES RIGHT. Call and see' us before purchas- ing t4.ewhere. P. McIsaac DASHWOOD SPECIAL ONTARIO I3ARGAINS reeler °l innidee„ Bli d kets. Hee- -. lett, IFia uttnels„ we:e.li te. " o .. BOin nN Zurich 'O IIs HENSALL Special to THE HERALD. Mrs. Yeo (nee Miss Cantlin) of Mt. Forest is visiting the Misses Murdock for a few days. Rev. W. J. Doherty rector St. Paul's church was married last Wednesday to Miss L. Croysdale niece of Mr. Jas. Petty. The Rev. gentleman and his wife are ex- pected here this week, and will take up their residence in the place lately vacated by G. F. Arnold. Their many friends wish them hearty congratulations. Mr, L. Harold is moving into Mr. Sacobe's house as a temporary resident. Rev. Prof. Harrison, London, took the services at St. Paul's church last Sunday, and preached an eloquent missionary sermon. His address stamped him as em - hued with a thorough missionary spirit. Geo. McEwen M. P. spent Satur- day and Sunday in town returning to Ottawa Monday morning. Mrs. Middleton and family left Monday morning for the north- west. H. Eiiber M. P. P. was in town on Wednesday. Mr. Rannie, merchant has pur- chased a new driving outfit and now has one of the most complete outfits in town. A clubroom has been, or is about to be started up stairs in the Ran- nira block in the place lately occu- pied by the Miss McHugh's. A dozen or more of the gentlemen of the town are interested in the matter and no doubt it will be a success. Mr. Geo. McKeey bus started to finish 3. Miller's cement shop. 3. E. McDonald has been fitting up and putting in a new pair of weigh scales on the market square. BAYF/ ELD Special to THE HERALD. Miss Gibson of Toronto was the Guest of Mrs. Dr, Stanbury last week. Mr. J. Wansley has moved to Mrs. Huston's house. T. Sanderson has moved to the farm lately occupied by A. Town ahem'. Frank Keegan is home from Sar- nia for a month, John McLeod who has been fishing at Port Dover returned Monday. Miss Reba Stanbury has returned form a visit to her brother, Barrister Stanbury, Exeter. GOSHEN LINE Special to THE HERALD. Wm. Heard has a gang of men framing Edward Curvin's barn and S. Winson has the job of the stone work. A number of the farmers in this vicinity have finished seeding. Give your attention to the Gosh- en column in the future. Charles Smith visited at Calvin Dowson's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinley visited at Mr. Nathan Peck's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLinchey were the guests of Isaac Eratt on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Jane Church is at present renewing old acquain- tances. The Misses Mary and Jane Mc- Bride visited at Henry Hayter's one evening last week. Henry Howard and Peter Durand visited friends here on Sunday of last week, A number of the boys had a very exciting game of shoulder stone one evening recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rayman. visited friends in Stephen on. Sun- day. Great Shipment f Politics are now the order of the day. Mr. Thomas Johns is doing a rushing business at the peddling. Mr. Charles Brandon of Bayfield was along the line buying pigs one day last week. Miss Edith Stephenson is at present at John Sharp's. Mr. Maxwell Sr., of Hillsgreon, was along the line pruning apple trees a' few days ago. A number were wondering what had happened the reporter,, but at't ESI f lust we came to the conclusion that he had been out girling. THE RIGHT PLACE o For Good Goods and Right Prices I will have in stock this coming season, the two Best brands of Paints on the market— and the FRANCIS FROST ARK:— and RKS and the two leading Binder Twines PURE MANILA, MANILA. AND STANDARD. - rlcCormick's Plymouth GOLD MEDAL and GREEN SHEAF. These two Twines require no recommendation. You all know they are First Class. I am getting a car load of Portland Cement, Fence Wires, of all description, Nails and other building material. All kinds of Hardware, Tin, Granite, Glass and Silverware. Roofing, Eavetrough- ing and Furnace Work a speciality. Notthing but first, class material used and first class men employed at the Big Hardware CHA . GREB9ldiain StYreet �ri n rio �� cl , � to ZURICH !LEADING DING 81-10L STOUE It would be a difficult matter to find a Bigger or Better Assortment of Boots and Shoes than we are showing. ��' e have nice lot of Spring Goods and still more coming, we have a nice lot of Toe Slippers that we will sell at a right price. A number of Misses and 'Women's Low and High Shoes at low prices,from 50 ets. to $1, these Shoes were sold at $2 to $3.25. Come in and See our Goods. We will not be undersold by any means. P. a ' ": = ., Main St. Z`t .2'icl'z. Zurich W. 0, T. IL Owing to the absence of the Pas - 1i'. J. Miller is papering and re• tor of the Evangelical church, the fitting the property he recently tida. C. Te eve. U. ning and a veryk the meetinginter. purchasedtate. as al from the Marshall c ;• estinbysinti also instructive prri• tate. gramme was given. All the mein. t HILLSGREEN hers occupied the choir chairs. The meeting was opened with Special to the ifxitean. j Devotional Exercises, the lesson �, Mr. Ilobt. Love is laid up with out being read by the Vice President, n e ttaaek of lumbago. I Mrs. 3. Merner, after which a I Mr. James Troyer of Hensall wee chorusMovement R'"r l ofas rendered e»re Tempet Temperance' in the village, Sunday. of the members. The President, Some tune ago we road of aan Mian Laura Williams. then gave a! eagle #lying oft with a. liady's Eat short interesting talk on eThet .. :owing to a. bird being on it as ads map" " after which it was read by ornament, that we would. next be the Vice President. A paper en- ssurpriseed if some of our young titled ••Why sign the Pledge? was ', ladies lose their flower gardens by then read l y Ethel Williams. Then being attacked by a swarm of frees. ten reasons for signing the pledge 30 Days. ' y i ill Lydia . Mr. anti Mrs.Horner of Drysdale were read byten of the members. ESUGGIE,S;'wall-paper. i le roll up.visitand ed. at Chasr. and .T' oy er's e8 alev. ifelm aMettler; .. C. bo. t� ; . as. 11 Ladies Shoes, special, rye. The 1+ o Hess Gents' Beautiful Ties. 10e,€r3fon'2oc. BUGGIES ES Special i bars Soap, 25e. are now finished. ,s°41tzto manly ether Bas ins winch #ispace ern.111 not allow us See them before YOU BUar W . SOX i 5 el Kalbfleis !GI a us a it Why not get ottt arta play Palet- lmhler� ; No. IV, Mrs. Magel ; No. ball boy's? V, Addie Witwer; 'o. VI, Mrs. Reader; No. VII. Mrs. E. eller; Mr. Win. Reichert was in Chin- No. VIII, Lizzie teniiie; No. I, Chil- ton Sunda. Mr. Neil Maxwell visited in Ko filer. Agnes cher and No. X, Mc�lviiisi Rrticeileld and. Clinton a few days The main clauses in the ten of levet week. masons were as follows :-No. I, Miss jean Ceet rrai is on the sign the pledge it is your protean . sick list at present. t against strong drink s II, it will Mr. Percy Wattless of Varna benefit your health , Itit, it will visited A. Stele . Sunday. save y'ottir purse; IV', 1t; will save l see G11� Mrs. Jaiiies Haaga3i left torr yolk, from temptation; V, it will tie„ Detroit; last ,Satgiralasy iriorniang. (a definite starting point in your w hMrs. Ctttrry anel Miss J'aanie left•~ 11listot , , it `viii save yottr tiatit# ; VH, it Will be shute scull answer to :. tnrdaty evening lar Morrsela those lyttas temps yati t drink; the warm weather ss . Wt wish thesis +a safe bc3 - Il y it iilakes a: strong obliigation ; , r hey,_- , IK, it makes it easier for others to' is now .pproac Ing Mr, Arthur 1Taagalf returned to,, do the sarins; it. it will be a great, 1111.1101:1Trunks, rea�pmeno and Satch= els. Will be sold • Pik a Bargain. 10 set of Single Harness at prices never before known in Zurich (from $ x .00 up.) Now is the time to Oil yonn' :'+e artless. flet so of our Harness Oil at reduced prices. WI Stock of gobertsons Mixed Paints, the good kind at IL, LAKP ONS. AML]IIB Hardware and Harness Emporium, Ny Scranton, Pa- last week- Mr. help to your neighbor and ,your;; Hagan holds a. position as con- 1 weaker brother. i dttctoron the electric railway there. We trete then favored with na duet ..Dore in the Lieeinsed t teen" by Ethel Williams and Lizzie dist church Sabbath last;. Mr. Relent°, Millyard is a; very able and fluent At this juncture pledges were speaker and delighted his audience, handed around by the ushers Miss with his remarks. 'There will be Andrews and Ella Rennie and to na service in the Methodist church ` the great delight of the members p Rev. Mr. Millyard of Exeter occupied the pulpit lit the Metho- oods We have the 'hest variety of Prints, Muslins,. imitiOs, Ginghams and Chambrays the ever skewed Planing and Saw Mill I —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of b ciiii�5. A full stock of B. C. Bed Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. Field Gates, Water Tanks for Wind- mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. L.ULLPeints � inpyaa heavy and 32 inches wide. Fancy Muslims, at S and bee. FOR, Ha USBCLLAN.INGf bine we are ready with Ceepets, Oil -cloths, Lineoieum, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Art Muslins, Table Covers. We Will Al! ow ,2 4 C son aretnrn int; this advertisement before IST OF MAY whose purchases in Drygoods amounts to $2.00 or more. Italbfleise P . A. Edwards 'urich P. 0. EAYPii L D It may put you in mind of your Sj seanni*reeercviv'eeSdatronctk mole; Lawns at toe a yard up. next Sabbath owing to Quarterly- who are working and trying tap 4 ... something eiLt tris ane for S. meeting in Rippe a. help along this good cause ; a, large L� at 2.ct Mrs. Stacey of Hensall -visited number signed the Pledge_ f a W to Dress, - T her sister Mrs: Wan. Jewett lass. Nett the work of the W. C. P. Ti.1, a Saturday. wee explained by the president , Quite a. number of tchildren are - eas.es at present. la Win McAllister wtil ss eveteiy. l ing the work of the Press Depart. p bitten by a horse last week, but we i1 lent by Mina Doan, next on '• are glad to say he is recovering Missionary and. Lumber Camp nicely. work. by Beatrice Steinbach and Mr. Ralph Worltmart spent Sue- one on Anti -Narcotics by Mins' clay at his home here. liridrewsa'. g Mr. Win, Gram loaves for solo teas then tang by Minnie , I Deet erville, Mich. the latter part Doan. Mrs. Paulin of Dashwood of the week.who is corresponding secretary of the county of ITuron occupied a seat on the platform, led in prayer and Made a few remarks on the work of the W. C. T. U. The meeting was then closed by singing the Temperance Doxology. Mina Doan, Press 'Superintendent. . after which essays esplainin g the c work of the different departments were read. First an essay explain - When you are in need of any bicycle repairing or bicycle repairs have them done by N. E. Cook at the Hensall. Flour Mills. A full line of supplies kept in stock. Many a man uses his religion as at *ort' of lightning ±od. Organdie Hussite in Colors, Embroidries and Insertions. A new siock to choose from and the very choic- est patterns. Umbrellas fitted with the New loth Century Runner at $Y.2 to $1.75. %-teinbacb, n h