The Herald, 1902-04-25, Page 7Dear Sirs. B----.-Ieply to your, inquirs• as to whiall lethe best tea
to use, I tvould say that in my opinio n it rests betvveen the Blue Ribboaa
and Monsoon PACKET Teas. V you like rich, tstrong tea, then Blue
Ribbon is undoubtedly the best:, but shonlci your taste be for a delicate
aed very flavory tea, then ttoneoon Is preferable. Personally, I drink
Blue Ribbon for breakfast and lifonaorm at 5 o'clock, but then you know
I am a 'perfect 'crank about tea, Yo nra sincerely, SARAH' GRUNDY.
-------,---reee-----r--e--et-ereese-: _ea....es_ —
I The .Co ing .of Gillian: I
A Pretty Irish Romance.
He looks very happy andvery hand- , the aforesaid "(loin'" There is to
some, as goodly. a son as a father's : be "a grand dinner an' a ball, an'
eyes ebuld rest on, as he stands oppo- laelan's lavin's for all the tin.
sit Sir .Harry's chair, and the sunken late." tallsther, George" is to be
blue eyes gaze up at him with a "made a barrownigh•t be Act o'
pitiE,cms, vi-istfe.I affection, an eager, Parlemint." "Mister George is
trembling pleasnre, that is touching guilf to be married to the young
to seelady that bruek her arm- off the
'I'll tell everyone, George -every • ,
cur last year, an' they say see
one io due form -with Stacy and Mors can t count the money in. gold an'
silver that she have!"
timer to bear witness to what I eay.
They've had copies of my will and the It is a happy, ham' evening to
fair-haired, stalwart George and
certificates in a sealed envelope these the dark -eyed girl who levee ;
twenty years," he is saying in his and there IS no restraint in the
eager, trembling oleo, "and I will presence of poor'Sir Harry, rubbing
have a fen% old friends, and the his wasted hands, with his old gas-
PrinelPal tenants and 6(.1w:tutu- ture of pleasure, and smiling on
have 'ten all in here, my boy, and them both.
say-eas"'-the tenni:ling voice le:-
comet luau There Is nothing to mar their hap -
:Hee with emo- piness and their gayety even during
tion. "I'll say-"Ihis gentleman, those plectenat heurs that evening,and
Whom you knew an nly agent, tletarge Ilfe *teems all warmth and light and
Arelt•r. 11 really George Damer, perfanes and :glee .eyes and loving
my lewful Nen anti heir, horn of My lips.
first marriage with Mise Ruse Ma- Rtmoreefully they recall it after -
*ninny, 27 years ago! Ste -ea -ands ward; forever dote; ',eve.-
twenty-yenrs ago! liPavall kPve '' Like rime Indrieking ronge,
meray en me!" he matter:* Lately, saiee. ele Lair eamelet, with the duet
wipete ewase the .teare Chet, fill his of death."
eye... "1 tan 0 pear get
S 1... by side they it, hand clasped Vs'
br.ii.',111-;100.11 I.itl : itIllo-r 110W : 1 V.'411.2 Li tirit..1, lOkt14,944.1" Into each other's td
YottiiIY Ith,/ hallii,omo 1-1101. 81tbrgt".,ii.L.10.41 III the magnetic Ideate- r•
and elle, Rua. Mattarthy, year mo- . es„. 0., cave „eeee,e met:team, laughing ";
thee, was tile of the loveliest girls • low e ,, at per,* do light and. gladness ri
in be I a tad ! Ay, elle, was I A ml site 1, . t. hoLil ..y,,k,i2g. and rah. and n
had a tamper. and Slar., WAS prOil I. 7i,,I.
and tea. anti ie.:Ostrom; as 1 W.I r; ; Aid•; 3.,,.; ;,4„ K.,og of Terrors Is it
rt p it'• if Stellar .rat'W lialty.Y r`,341'3". eineicarieg .es :.• tat. abevi.• their k
let. a s .'u -.i a 1-a wee" y row's' et;''' eases, au, I well ettea tick el' Ile, v.
lea ! hate ni rey eal nee!"
temtl: that awful 14. 11100 63 drawing In
I'llael. 1, as. ea. in distretsing nigiter end nigher, until he "eramses to
yeersa ,f eaes. Mee uporp.,.., in /1.11),mi'm ' OW ti111.04L4/14 i, :11101 never returns
F. I.,,,r t.1 9 ,",I; . VV990014:: .1 L ittqlr- , alum,. :
11S pit .., InIt 411 'et: yt glt 11. "Silfh IS ul.,ri,ily, awl 1,0,1. :,,,,.. Rasey insane en th.
411;14' CUI'l Y"I tn''' Il hill.'" he asi4S1 eitillipagile 'unwed of his ueual glass st
Dito. ha oh alettoa."
hitt' IIY: "tht!'°' 6 Ha' m""111°P• vi'll"tt eil tide elaret. tin
l'^';•- R hr 1".'"1!'-11 1111,01k Star; 111111thiy. ,. 4 r J
"Rut I rant traria:: la attolle. nlY i, 1 bus ljui, j„„al i h in "ii,gar. iiky nu
" lath, It b 1,i-ry t-Orry Id be to
tirtarea. I 4.6,10 -hi 't w..pret it, but I rn iLt. ihogio. rename" back with the wl
to epeak of the agency, sir. We ;Mist
settle somewhere else."
"We won't, I tell, you 'We won't 1
I won't 1109,1" Of it !' Sir Harry gasaa
excitedly. "What are Lay and Anne
wire! Don't' say You're going awaY
to me compared to you and. your
to leave me; George; I won't trouble
you long, and, I'd give a year of mY
life, if I had, it to give, to eee you and
year little wife in the eideaetle yon-
der, and to see a Child of youre-(1,
son. or a daughter of yoUre,
-on my knee before I die 1"'
.And while poor Sir Harry is blinded
with affectionate tears at the pleas-
ing domestic piettire he has drawn,
Gillian wisely thinks it 18 high time
for her to go before she is enlighten-
ed ter to details of the future.
"I think I will say good -night now
to you and Sir Harry,, dear George,"
she says" With dewn-cast eyes and
hot red -rose' cheeks. "It is past 10
o'clock, and the. doetor ' says Me
Harry ought to ao ,to bed very
"He has frightened you away, my
darling," George laughs/. "Kiss him,
then, and say 'Good-nighte father,'
It will please him so mach."
"NO,' I can't," objects Gillian, red
to the tips • of her' little ears,. But
when she comes beside his•chair and
bids him good -night with a timidly
proffered kiss, Sir Harry clasps her
in his arras and kisees and
blesses her fervently.
"Good :night, my jewel. My own
sweet little daughter -so you are,"
he says. And Gillian go se away meek-
ly silent and very happy at tlie bless-
ing and the epithet as wehl.
George goes out into the hall
lior, of courde, to light her can
and then, doubly blessed arid kissed,
GlIhian goes upstairs and George
stands a moment looking up the dark
staircase after her.
"They have forgotten to light the
lamp on the lauding, or else it has
gone out," nautters George, noticing
the darkness above and the glimmer
of Gillian's candle. "Perhaps it is not
lighted by her hadyship's orders. It
looks as dark- as a tomb up there."
It is a cold and stormy night, and
as he stands thee, a ehill blast deems
to sweep through the house and to
rush down the dark, silent stairea-sc
toward him, and he shudders as he
hurries back leto the bright, warm
dining -room.
It Is nn hoer • later, and Gillian -
he has long since dismissal her at-
nulant for the night -hat; jut
aeeed herself out of a trance, of
smitten meditation"- elttine, bv the
re in di-et-tele:A.-gown rind slippers,
!el knelr dewn by her bed to pray
lien there visite 118 .ity roditStepS up
te e'aties to lter roam. a berried
tae.k. 11 011 *the !tears his
, for Wein) she lute l:n•en pray -
g, liar In quick, agitated
"Gillian ! It is I-evorge I
'want to epee!: to yon, dear 1"
"Thank Heaven yen are op rinol
psspil," exelnime, as site in-
antly (guns the their to him. "MY
rlingl I want yoe to help met"
He has tonelatel tilt, right string.
d elet le ealan and streng in a nes-
my son
in Londou to the Hetel Meurice,
where he a.ned hie belie are st eying, in
Gee hatter le from Captain: Lacy,
whom he hate lseea regarding as his
future eon -le -law, rend one is.from hie
draught er Cillten. And Bingham Lacy
letter, written with honest mire-
eerve, 1041 sincere, and humble apolo-
gies for having acted dieho.norably,
in a certain degree, toward lam and
hie daughter, concisely 'informs Mr,
beeae that the writer cannot ful 11
hie marriage engagement with Miss
Deane, for thereclean that he is mar-
ried alreadsr! lit bas been married
for more than three weeke,,he odds,
to the lady to whom be had been.
long and deeply at footled, and apart
from the fact of hist marriage, whlbh
had been one of tender and uncon-
trollable affection on both sides, the
only thing that reconciles MMto his
erratic eonduct in the matter le that
Mies Deane is neither grieved nor dis-
pleaittecl at his marriage, and, he is
haPPY to say, kn.ow.s and .likes his
"His 'erratic conduct a Mr. Deane
8aY5, boiling with rage. " 111 make
Illm smart for his 'erratic conduct!'
111 punish hire and las family until
they are ashamed to lift up their
heads. The preposterous pride of
those penniless aristocrats 111 make
my Lady Darner, and Sir Harry, and
Captain Lacy, and the whole crew
of the high and mighty eerie and
honorables smart for this, and blush
tor this, or my name isn't Herbert
Deane! I will back my money, and
infhetnee, and posit.on-hardly earned,
IUy won, all three -against
with later tarnished escutcheons and
die moldy banners, and blue blood, and
the': I h" 1114"hil" Ht".17 h;y11trEja,y (date together pleartantly and
el Wean. y. 'i 11 neater feresve ,war,- tq•L'i's• ...itit"4s0.1."* (Haiti al, Mr
thongh seee hie Lea*
tallow* te, eteate fer :veer *twirl gaiety haul Ills %• ie.'. "And EO. here's Pr
atop to 11:1 *z_ wrongs. I'll t4$ 1,13.4441ag 1132. lee e to eon. an u* best
:aux give "1 30 for meets' liappineas to In WI
111) .11',* !Nate ter go anywha re eve, Putire* hi Ole life and that with% Is •
matt awn ,taa latra taa, zny to eteme-my dear titm's loving and
bail •
!'an sElaal 07 that, I lett el it fee wti-r' Poor Hr Liarreti
11 li4/ ren rico pviait heivo sunken, eparklang eyes are not 'the
ebb *sues faille41 wait leans at. this
wyela 1 aael :area, e te leave
t 041t 4, very „ toast, but. prvoelit ly there is a di-
tr„ rte t.entivwd !...2vurriten ne the eleth IS rollIOVatil., and
hat 1. OP t.v* Iv awe ! '0'3144 eagurie ineweemi that
alto. and his eyes are NH or a
ela estate.
Tee, G(orge. anything I eau
* es. Mr. Deane declares, with
onipeue indignation, indulging in
name:titphraseology and flights of
imagery, as lf be had been addressing
radical meeting.
And then hie handsome, shrewd,
elear-beaded wife interposes calmly;
etosing herself restfully on a couch,
with lier splendid white arms above
her head -elm is going to have her
eortrait painted so, and is practising
the attitude:
(To be Continued.)
to Obtain Bright Eyes
and Rosy Cheeks
Pete Anaemic. and Ia1ty Tired Ghee
41)iien Fall a la ey to toe- 4
eteleg girls we look for abuted.
t /1481.11.11 Lahti strength. rosy
• height eyete firm, plump
, Altai etdlitititItt elteerfulnese,
aaftelt, however, we uweaveuatat
terat why" event prematurely old,
• ee pate 1051101,5. thin and Jere
• °Meet, abnormal and elan.
. • ekinditIone are due to a gete ‘,1
ee Easerairal of the .13141 ,
" t seared ,itatt as 141'44t1tl4t15-tus
,,,,) „ pthen the same ration without
tilt' at-eailk,
During the past year 501 eel:elites,
K, were received at the Farm Jailers,.
tortes for examination, and cern.
prised Sat% feeding stuffs, fertilizeres,
and so on, and where resulte of an-
alyses would be of more than per-
• soual interest to the senders they
• lia•ve been published:,
Din'ing the twelve months ending
with the last of De -Weer' 8,161 doses
or tuberculin were prepared and for-
warded by thea division to the Gov-
ernment Veterinary inspectora
In the Poultry Department success -
Ltd tests have been niade as to meth-
ods of fe'ediug; to bring about the -
largest produatIon or eggs at the
time when they command thelighest
prices. A. table showing the relative
value of different earls of poultry
for speedy and profitable fattening!
seam the result of further experi-
ment ; and a comparison has been
made of different breeds as to their
powers of annual egg production.
U a sort perk, thle teladency
can, in a large measure, be countur.
acted by the use of ekiza-milk, It was
found that with all oluesees of ratierse
htan-milk invariably gave a fireaer
The 1sc1at1on77-f the-fariner, natal" -
any resulting tam his occupation,
in the earlier days of settlement in
Canada, kept him out on touch with
those best calculated to assist him in
his work;, but to a large extent
thisdisability has been removed by
a system or Experimental Farina es
tablishad in known Centres, to which
he can appeal for information when
irs doubt, and for co-operation when
in difficulty. Object lessons of the
moat convincing character have
been presented to the many thou-
sands of farmers who have visited
these farms in persoe, and the visit-
ors have carried away with them
information which has been put to
practical test on their own farms
with the result of increased profits
in their business. Fifteen years ago
both the farmer and farming
occupied a much interior posItioe
to that taken to -day. With advanc-
ed information the farmer's material
prosperity has been augmented arid
his status dignified.
The systematic testing of promis-
ing varietleo of agricultural crops
obtaina,ble in different parts of the
world has had an educational ef-
fect. Upwards of 130,000 farmers
have participated annually in the
distribution of seeds. During the
past bix years about sixty tons of'
seed have been yearly iiirtribated
fOr this purpose. And thee the Min-
ister of _agriculture has, to use his
own words, 'placed Canadian farm -
ere In the veal as to knowledge of
the best and most produetirt. sorts
of agrieeltural produettet
least 'Veer 'e la ett h.
teal Expi.rimetatal Farm, at leatt•
Durieg the least year. et lea,
WII, the work in fill 1 egrieuiture
has pri•sell ea hi' ora ea sl tt ,. et as. le
of rottations, the teetlese, of natale
ode of cultivation. and deter-
mining, of the 4.41'.4. Id 1'1'0 h
or digestible dry Lae t t er in ffer.
ent formw.N:1111,314IOalata 01 tug whittla
30.044 434.0tainl° 10 la a WIWI 11
haslet:miry 104•9110.tit. 301 V n. 14001,
041 aro °41i11 being eoatasted tat ate
ertain the %alma of eilltertnat real.
Kee winuffc:, Imth rimeon-
ra t 1, for the Imola of
wet, mutton and perk. %a effort made. Meta tat gent some
alien -matfett as to the emanttrattive
een Inns tat ft.asinier 20 1.010. 44
taw tend wide, untrItae etetaas for
es, mein ellen of aniElt. and to F.
;4'1 *in them latfbateueo nom the
n ,itty of tin' 0ii1L praLteati. A te r-
e: paparattaaatt. la ateeeo t oW
he *la ° sent ie s t V"ii thee infinewse
f tha• time t*f 814:00
uhatity and •,tutant.:, :ear pre -
'teed be yeas. ia 9 :1St :Von
litloat. 0 sel the rewlitt* /path tal-
ert!et ilea 00(1 COM' latigVe.
t..rovvr011ty 411
la or tile ts hole info in the 0
.0z l0e tfa andeed, tg
o." and toteetentanni do
tet ,,y follow. Dr. 'Wilintante Pink e
air Pale People are the nat. t
tre 1 lozical and eure cure for weak' a
'Et gara-. 1 hebe Pills itedee real, red t
nt , loistod with every doer. 'Thee
in e.reirethen the nerve**, art *gentile. , t
1 elitale systemand bring
' 'erelizta and happainees t thaee
leo,. them
Mrs. trirant thalalee, giAtia Pei. • b
Eit Sant totrasialp. 'Weiland teatinte. • it
"la *Mt., trivia "it is With Iddetat.alive ft,
rt gm", 1 give thie trete:tie: to
7.ealth-resterilikt; irtato•t4 et har.
cloW11 With hie to Lady DI -
toot el rosin% he says, hoarsely, •
ight e; her if intruded, b
e hi vere anal that wane:
11011 pa like a crazy creature°
it caught Itor running up hurl.
11. Come down Yalta nue shear, It
1145 gee Wititl. 1. the Pilatter."
There are. th6 faIntlz
0111 In minute mere. Where ltd
listraettdEy elteleavering to retile,
to tie(' Stan foram the White, e
ei.ting gun t Btu. jalloaa.
al while tioargit turnS up
ipst, Mad Ileelotts th • cam:dila% 1111r.
.14 over the he I.
aete lettere in hor brief gletich 11
a face alilae tide. 1..e
1. thaut let.41 ull; ts toe ea.,
k 1111 its ,treeilitutu quiet., its rigid, /9U
Ittlk.SON etarlaas *edam:.
Ir Um wh tele earrliest We
0 V illtattitb,1 of that aultn ir
tag ihrouutrewtrtitulta relts
towable. Ieictertilueores. lin tr
Ai' terror and niaboliloS.eulduan % et
r r. tto .1.14Lt Iot loto.
d Wrist, the hard, tanaries/-26i."
el," wale ateat\,,,Itattat.4. ra.%airoalitt.
I .1* 804 411110.14.! and aghast*
dear nave, b at ale tote -thing in the 01, grog 101,1!
atan Id eon aella ate te re
4 lint lie prevents tit tame treats mix -
'Tee, pew_ It a bie man Es elleeltiltar, ing the litiaatar ler lien wall tt has
tee ta t teenittliart Iralkiik le it, htdoadtlis
6$104,14YoP; 1 40 f.-aill41010.46%944431 plitt1411.4 Iktputt, tee tease te eseelate fate
t'on„.p.6 t444., oeontenv fet
Z. era. ie hoed: btall 1181 atoll lei to
boa p his ti,e,o tat tot -
ort the test taaietat 14 tido
lo ir.t•tioa1 dal pool motto% ,
y Jung. *as Welt .44 tootla.4a."t,
11,i,eng tatil tatota tatat loath
totters tater teanteri thy intco tho
luu pal% fatec•-•3at,Itaraa tete 110.
ostag-.111;:ne. 11e -a to 110 vaa teunie.
to littes oe,sinetety ,
With lee teete*e.,01 aem. anal (ltstarraN litiotatilla;tat. riebbase lianas : 11- dial Nitutititig inn
lteeelt, also)! lit no ire :nava itches to . leis load waggusta, "deli it's lint 1121
ltdt 7 laaaal 14,_ t'.' tuna call leave: hire go;fait tie by eitaur rartea ESOP III the ki
tt-dia, tta I tta. h.* Ia.a . 14.91414a1 luitehelf laturo, raiz, ;tear 104.. lt"s the little kali;
uT :, :00 a .,..., ay . 0 0 ,;., Z` 0.414.",.. eitia-o 048 1. tba iCutat, tie VIVI% 6,0 Z044.049
'1 tv,o u$ 3:4 tkl v90 Salving. fur tines bte4Lt"17. tt'auelo luor ma tante! It's* a Tao
1 9tto -..,^'• ilw. ‘...,t!,, a,. , y t lz . 111,11.11442114., 1100) hoii,,vo 1,0200.4p, to four: tlige grneg rind
tIne - pad-, littivis un 6069, •"---lecial. to inn 11114luI Illir•- Pliles irt9r litr lollsballd alud /
11144.11.34.! 1,.0/ ii,,' ty,..11ii ame e,at romp/ her trigzhev,, aral tilatoth, ripen any int L
111131444441rj, tt ItOttrq.,;, Otttik14.1 wartnian. lower Ivii,
lima 141 03,04. 4444'41411 44.i te;,,,„,,arp, 11*' 01 gen„ took.s aaturtaer to 40 untied titan When ront
CI .. init.-le, ad' tilie 4.11•8a6.--L014.111e. ilia] a. '4111' ' '.49'1111111 till" it liTel"'" 11144)111 tr°1311. Iblite
ttaalt. ane•tu af 0112
si,..rts.yl t;1111- 1-04142,"" Ifttit4''' ult 0
''tlll01444? that. (9.01,,,,,;.:Itil ,,,tau,.1.1, ),....,,„ 1,,,00,,,,,. ticoi,..,t2,,,w0,01,11..,,. Darin, s allele a win_etrat is idoiregent ,
tlie,!,eM.a .a” "al. it,r.4 a
t:.enn8" Pinua',•anst-h. e
'4144100411- 41.0f1-4, 144. od teaee,t,es*044 1-1114.11 4.,:.44l4.34' 140014 111
" a.-ecn,ase ta
,el,it t4tn.!'4
,!t 10-Z.:.
• a l,1,,a"t :6'.,na
4 444414,4 1414 11 1
at!1am; 441i1y20,0 4.41439
h 044v144. Lov,e7-
0111:4.(4.4.4., htnit64 ofELL
aa1 nPE 9t,iCt$kr079
99 14,441 OZlu. teugntp
eLena beerVac, 44 yourS
modiellie, t•es in a 911.u441 taretalu411I eunlltho, let, weanseal- p
''2148h' els:resat het 44e 0191$ neat ,
La hyouiptatua, were 441Io▪ il= s111104243030' 44441,1
4.48o0.un4%l40, 1S.'n toe14
trnitente,. else'
tr7p.enneitta, Islsteetltetrtrh,tgh.i"
n,t.da .
a el
e 1-rn
" 60 appetite044:4. Wat.ati.araatatty 41:.
.OilItv41. iiti:dy
brt414»l4.4114111)':)1#' E vallte1
eeett tee e tourrinn ; • veeteres palr Iarry rea
:at tIot irru9414 4ataa dulgalter. la sue tlerd
reed, with a wil, intendA
O, Ohl clinginto his
1)1-4458(48 014. saaza 44ora:
41 09040 Lcara t
ebS. he ma -11 - itflat-h 11lug tate lospartd
1.11 01111 41 000e 0) Ql,.. 1147*fa 1101011DO. 3 1% 0
11.6b" Gorges
a, per latuly11)14842941 : 11d. long -bidden tuth beenh, teta
ti thn Layne*/ 6:46.13 14411-') 10140
an3 491310 protstatinis.
re; haly at otiw.a. *t,. 44129121.4441 124)1414114.441' laat41!i044,144r, any 44,
to tLtiher, am/ s 1 ;Ibis t
t0,11 1421-4.4 her roma agatIa 1-e2:
veiled me."
t and sora141413011 ali
ard wefInes<1 Hatanality:
the simplest. sweetest,styf existence: unsyntpe-
elEn trial.
thegarment 01' and
atil worldly. greed -as site
sca ste had died-ron„ unwept.Sett lannuourned.
cat ii un
rnI1tti:4'ue"r-fn7.'::•:'1iN,' ,,,,.-i:A„1q..11
,trL4-,-1;.e.s ..e
4,,.ri. 1 -,0., 4tbio•f,rra•M* t ... a".sr ...l'ea:7te4
_.t,„..'.:3ss v
1 , str.1cfsWaA;gl1.P1-au-;f'I0''tiaee*r:Sttnt9ye.1Vr,4°i
iti:.-1`-i- .. esel.ai1
1 t he(tt:, ill" ts- tililavi, with shy bntslie0.04(1 404114.0 044.843141-0*', 0> taught thwhole artats one tkiyou eat; t_a 144 4111astayof,r10iO4gwi,e/4,laPO.' g.', f/Nce.'4139, 1 -Ail a 7,t.P-i4.41.111.41 of fining11PVId: hauntswil.tbilitu. 436114141481-, 'al, 00:2 'With 10119t1 !l'412144814,trkiStiy WIlieity12444111»noun- here!" 12414999 1:V-42.ft9Y rk14194,48110 -1:1Aui143 Liu. rfP"r 11"lCr:;7 *d'te*...t It.11:arr44 to 'Idtio 04.10c- 44434di 4 ttt"•. 04, l..t. t;w1 44r 311), ,gi tit,: poikeii,tt`1'8 ;len wa0 ea.o; tit to" ard 49V 1 44014,, ., i "9011* dalid ye kied"
09.414 Whoa 14,ltort00144 1-:.'4i'111.4 )"L!E 10.44.94'3and sontact' feita:I: to Ike, very 441'41411qtrt ovota le pteaualt of 1 r sereles. •
°0tt:244!41'8 othis 14-144.4.' 9 0414.IAis 0, ael10ath.r fltes:414to t4144141, gruel ousl- ahtromala-IIaa1agit slEatteri-e, 1412.1 iilln la gits. ueelltAu 0 0 Org. p1104'VI: 4.148 at nz 3 her la ietetre ra4191.1121 t:tat 4481r Ildirry 1-11
141 up hatter'NDl1iaI444° 49la Nitt he 0,3109,01V. is 441,1 -1414 y reckless il lds "
PT9 t4411gtT17o autt2 1416414,414.0. my 21:4.0n wife:" 'lrete neyal 0i:4 to 1114-0,•
ttI b° ° 'lour vlf• St Sir 114.94413' tecterg .3-.41. 3241,141 °° he ask. 14, (911.taqrg e,goatees: Willl 4 7- tbwmeae later -1 *,,>, 2. tO ge3ttit4;a.-at. ' Litt11191Eerorgo ? 01084 714412 4(VIA 919114 111P isaarea; but of • 11s'Elele.? ta 3' youturse tt r- inea uust tn thiking.3 1.0h. a ! ' 441111:1144 pr- hauet," leadds. 1.11:1 ea top olgz. ARtrate rael we r r, a,"4912:y..-:41l044--' ° Le:a, Lavirg thagnucy. /Ltire 111Caiy nay plomid, 1:J'4414.91414); 1, Ill- eeeess. bat. 09you.1 ear;-41111ue 434)88g affuu.c 3peEg.41-alet-lrylviet '4410 113411- I4.4 1-1 14. bgg14 041144 ell ew:ttle V9111' 4219014199 lieerge, with a1tt_esaigi,"1,ei544ttftelle, I010138,. i1iuilgaoigi11,1,,ft,.ieeotlltfetl
10 IF 4 ** i be 0:/ - :a Lan L'...a.nt t o:d pItatte to he rolt_ls
i. e-1
i.„ a 1,0414.,,y.,, 14441)1487 ase,,,Atees, i sur.-, tta-t..-ii aft -natio /4 011.1 V.411'91991- ' sell
. - a
tile happiest tatty have e•et knerah, ; 1ig:4 arad all taaita Pal see t,. 111- it was lived
to tle young lovers: for there 10 *1344(414? fit for hi- to li
e in, Gv-erorgt;e,:
1 tnkletender sttietity oitheir ackiawl- if I izaoi
th6e.oat..u,rit, svge-et.i.t
.lag t irr-es 1:ab
zri ,1vee
48 4.1' tee,atz n-14 %
er reEtt dr141esti1
'114' VlS 1114.140'9 110100' Ito cnt:'1104
* eater, alto sad41:e41 19144:3!.4)e and Wattia end Lotwi:I
istete badly run down111-1'?• I's treatment z:!1 ;00 p
-1/711, anl theo, acting on toaltuc,
a nelthor. I ingin to ale
114 4419* 1'12 1'114.
..ettwit.wititil t9t74 1049.00 474 1
„god upon n. laab not
' 1 soon aotii 0 iesia
ovenueut in 104. '-4.4.4,4.4e
111etua ,
1144*'0241430414441.4 i'404o
•14t19414t tOull' 0444 0'-
- amerfal, ligh4i1o1r0 1 4.0.4'3eture of
Thee pile; uever to rest and strenth in t”,
e abeee. Theaea t11,4.0'4,4.41 41
t the tootand tones LaaLy 64.
I1'4) sack (iass as rli4.11lettlnlagt. "Vitus4.4114314.444.4114314.444'. 4.0
yekidney trouble, paellE 44.4'
y.eete, eeetc, nr.M
ore nare -ninn
yled tonic halt Cu
e 4.11
,'re imitations of E;
02(44 le stae thatyou got 4.00
:mine With the 0:44.a.e.111111114)1442' Pik rigs for rale reopae-
9. 454-4)1-7 box. 344)441 tier le ,,g
-t kep them they wld be
st paid at eets 0 1e61orioxS for $.41.30 by aetalressi... to
odville Ont
edged hattrothal t heighten their int thettiares earnestly. And a, thous-
otanietioee pride awl Lap:loess in each and ponnutils is a very gr at sant of "I
other. . meet:1' to poor gir Harry Dam tr. Ing
It is ecareely needful to add that • "I should love it above any place hour'
1120 51-01-441 01 affairts 'speedily- patent- ,00. earth,' tanner; exclaims, 'with 1110nt
to :Hrs. Nelly Hagerty and to i sparkitee; eve, eebut—a.
axed is known in the village and "There isn't," Sir Harry says, itid- grim
aticdtion-that the news spreads his wife"' George Says, very decisive- 01118,every mon-Auer of the household ; "'Ent Nye ewer- ilt-"PesSess1 Lacy end Dean
into e stabieeard and the ly, "and beetles, there le tine. en-
arotnors' and taborets' eottages, mig
ht to talk about that, sir." I my o
among the tenants as far 0.5 Glen- "Thete's mate for you; my 010134.04real btfore ten ,'.,,2,,,.t, same even- i times nearly gene, anti want to what
,±L be were the 1144413 ofVetter.)
That "`isle.r - I "ST : see lThe
elated ea Tse -Lae ear met t nateri2140±1144(1 told happy for a great Many' eaetia
eleration, there are -goin " to be "And I want to have yen
grate don's inflect:Ey in which as- I 'near me," the father saye„ in a trete-
nertion are ineluded various wildly- i bling voice. "I want to be able to
sketched -out brilliant picturee of go in of an g'
evenin, and sit aed ehat
with ,you, and have a. drop of punch
end a smoke, George 1"
'So you sled!, father," George Says,
smiling, with his aran ereenti liis
sweethettrt. "Sliten't he, Gillian? Rut
We can never consent 1-0 414)1)4)1410 poor it f
Lacy and .441i50 of their home, not %later
shall telegraph to Gillian desit-
ter tee return home without an
s delay! And I 4-11014i write this
ent to Lady- Denier, gi-aing her
pinion of the whole affair 1' Mr.
says, red-faced and poinp-
and wrathful. "An alli-
with my daughter to be
U otf in this -this
abramt and uneeremenione
et I *shall tell het 05444141441)r -Millis of het nephew,
ing.Afoteg with this piquant blt ' see you nieurriettl and happy, G-eotge, retideedy
MtG*,orge" is deVersirYou ukall ue
mi9410111-4?e I" e
re 10 'somea94091114)1-1- in the !
ht of beowbeeting an veers"
ftet, Enid making a poesibie tut- f
ar-I fee/ ashamed of himself,
of goselp le another amazing rumor. i 111 rbefetet I die."
the reasther'e son" by a first mar- Yenrs b42re 'Ton diet I hoPe," Geotge aaaki
and: that suceeedi4 thie de- says, vooehingly.
Stops the Conga
and Whe Works OtrtCold.
:eatative Bromo-Quinine Tablete orate
se cold In -one day. No Cure, No Pay.
Lica 2eente.
Beealch of Prfttsianal Lataltiette.
It'antaellan Luc EvvitV,.:
t lawyer whilfs, bathing was nt-
teeked by a slrark. He managed to
that off his assailant and 421.1170.43048o
11.16,0k to shore. Once in safety on tha
41 biacit he shook' his fist at 114' retir-
ing and disappointed shark, and gasp- o.
ed '04411-2
-You beatel That's the most ,
.1.r. Deane has been astoeneled
anti enraged at teceiving, by this
eveniagapost, two lettere, which
hate been forwarded front his Theme
TO 'CURE A cob!) IN 01.47E
Take Laxative Drones Quintets Tab-
tets. All druggists tefual
nd the Mey
ails to cure. E. W. Grevek e1-
01 le en each box, 13511.
.• 1
Z e.•.:tt.a
14 - 4 5:E
0 • 1
,jv. ‘
4 11 • elr r
tete I 4,411, 00
t: „ etresta
044 1. ersess
1103▪ 3',14. 41
t v-Ltr;1 g
Lt1.. hes e *et
,3etterea«Iea 0 :at
et 4.0!41:4-' I . 41'3041'30'4., 0
1 se- ereeeat at t ele
a ite 1, 14.7..-
_0;Otto,.a. ' 7"-1
44148 V604 ,
'* 14 a.
_ , „
010-- see E -
4.44.441 1111 44841('1141241 8047, 11100 Zr°r
roIee 4)1442 of 4)7,4 • 409-
tiV1101. Tae 804.3'5:1::o1 aror
particular Int(lest to CrttadirNSts 4114t4.
elait 1110044.419*.
Pt! Zt,h;t's 1e111' 01-41318.
onliliog ee43 etar b7 -;:41e3:40448 11131104,
01110 met adtX4,1tg tre 4,641144,114,.
301:8134 front the naraufoeture 414 1142410-
801244-141 as prolueed in CanarEraee, n1. a ,
bean ar:tlyzr1, elet ta-trititc
feeding value. deermined. Potinandfa, are the twomast important eon-
Stittents, anal tvhl :aceoldtihnagto the peeenteges in which thee
txfst that thes, feels taiit lt vainele.
compesiton of the oeditaryfarnt roots has agai0#'4'21 a ratter
of researeb. and it was found in
evitunination of nargels that tite por-
ion ot the root growing abovse
ground tontained tonsiderable leS
nrar titan the porton beneath the .tt.o..nd
abominable breach of professional a
etiquette I latve ever known.
Guest-Thie steak is 1emarkab/.7.-
Waiter-T41,44t ? Voti must halve
aretten. the steak 1 inteneied r
gentletaan what Iced me.
oil hell:eating the value et "earth -
!043 ep," as wed as tae growta (1
sueli varieties as poyeess a. natty:AI ,
tendency to keep antelerground pro-
• tiled, of eon:se, that they give a sat-
• is -rectory ;yield.
0014. Prk 1;.c4144i4.4'.
The work in colteteeCen with 'the
.a4 pork 014143-4.34444.4. 911421:, Legun eorana
!tree ysars agia, has beeli itrot:ght
o 41'4.894'( 848304 to:celtIs'Ani ; and,
Mont; otlisr titeleet.ora it may
Ott‘ti that ill: (MALY Or the pork
ra--thmo..110 eortrotical 1,-4.4.'S 1 g 1.-
y the etharaeter of the food used,
Ilai that., whae Italian torn and
Roy -Paper, sir ? t t
Citizen - 'Cm ---Ly es, 1 will take a a
paper. n
RtY-..i.11 right, eir. WI-eadi aro t p
1 1 ken -Line -let me, •grt.. "tVirieh ono b
is 'lifeline- a. /mese and Int or a grand a
piano this morning? b
eatis Undoubtelly tenil to the pr.a-
hfiE THE MC'S?
The Story of Hart's River
Battle l\hit Yet Told.
11 1ru:o 0141.4
There ie a leek of tole:ranee lit the
reports se far esteivel or tee Hart's;
River bai.thi, 4....t,..1vh stat,
*flaw.: *vela tete Ivoimacol. the
41, LW. b..!Ye: 1010, 34Uttl
414, 41 140,44.4 ar.• Wololori.44
The 111 11 e,re ,1 w.ii 10
W4„.• 'fi 1
W.011.44,1- 1 E. tie
tio. ita,,Ear,.1 0 F.- 1•1.4•
' 00 *het '01.11,, 100444 012
Lel s w cre ;Ira t • •htt
4. .4)41t1v*14.• r- ni 0
z 10) ,4i '
•.1i • pa :ca.,: 'h..
ataat re; ta. 44^' 3 a ?.“
Is " 1.44.1 ita
4.4.01 . 1. 444 4'11
1 .44 6 '!..; ; it. ,
11 4301, t • .1/ lo
m et toed 14, ir• -1.r pe
atory tetreateie *ewe :,,sse
• ••••• •4, • t -.• • I..'"
-,. o. 4.44 ...1
da. 4' 03 3,0 'A
1.0*, Oa 0 1 5i • 9,11 4r114
31• 4,41 00 0 et, t,
Ice,- la la :1" 4.14 4 '00'!4
7i • :hi' 31-11,
• ti,ii.t -a. • to. Ira VlN tt
1• 14:4";4',41.`,2,11T;. !3"-;'4 ,*41 *
cl,t VIL0' `..;
• 11 44' V
•4 le °°. ' k
• 114.A3 110",", 34. tea,' 3 CA '0
4f4. 11' '4 0" la 3 4' .1 '43 .04
144.091• 444,44 V .0
° 0, a
• ailut: 6
'114 41
,1r4 .17,' t 4"
ta• .44 . 44 I a.
14. 14 tat.4,, .4 ",
411142144 44) '
,,4,wit 67.
, 6
viY • Ati3 4:,O " 1
11 . ,f..)4.
:77 •4144.1'
041, 44.14
- t.
p-, a t g--•ra •,•4.7
41,4.11 • - "..
..- 11-
t. " ate
a •
. t.
• 44 V4.1..
• 6, . 5, ttt
:.6 *le
-41 Z. 41 41 .
t •
. ,
• '4
0.a: t•1
at; '.'s.
a s:
t." •a'. The
ea,i,F a..!7.g 1-4:71 4.4140 40/3-
11e *ales ttot tense fee tereeseese
lei:c.o.-, • 07 8144' ot.:et
a teat wat, 44 to ire a, graest,
lie tee Lereeset pletate in Et
I.:aa'rda to rematE sr:Earle:gee IOT
hail at. tri14114110. Titer: 44.•14,404e
1,41 1'ae0,.3 state!' ten animates. anal
a-t1u. ;Leta-
pi.-atare of I. 11411-11t'u-t 121
gr• e etaark. Tails 41.113 telt
ail the eallere toe the plants, But
ene r to keen otheee :rem comieg
to take tear plate's'. as they Meet
ce.".rteti,dy witi Itenipt tn if not itto
lel .0%• 2 WU 441'11 I)? '.11'...441`1,17 to
aet eenstatitly on t.ta de-Lit:ewe. VeS.
S• ik 01 tenter kept eameteatly ever.-
or..ati.:g on steavs ani ta-glsters wflb
of great het:ea-it. A flip bath (limo
twi.•:•tt a w. -it's do a tvoriel ef
e8:1441etit3.- if Vic plants 41.778 al.
lowed te remain eerier wetter five
31114.14444444) at a t'llIP."---rrOM
"The Anteteur Florist" aVes be• Eban
P.. Rexford, in li..:aree and Flower4
SprinegfitIl, 0., tor April.