The Herald, 1902-04-25, Page 6LOIE STRONGER
Aged Man Makes His Home
in Wife's Tomb.
Jonathan Reed, Spends fits Days
Gazing Fondly at Ilis Dead 'Wife
-leas Led This Life Nine Years -
I, Isn't Mary Pretty ?" Re Says.
New York, April 21. -With feeble,
tottering steps Jonathan Reed made
his way through Evergreens Ce1110-
tery, Brooklyn, yeeterday, to the
tomb in wherh reels the by of lils
w ife. Timm have been few days
since the died nine :MU'S ago that
he has not matte the juurnee, but
the steads of life are running low and
his long pilgrimage is near an col.
It took all of his little strength
to open the granite door eestertht
and enter the viten,. Then he walke
to the hermetically sealed coffin i
tent Sail on the Parisian on June 7 -
Where Will it Concentrate e'
Ottawa, April 21 -It appearto be
as yet melecided vendee the corona-
tion contingent will concentrate ba.
fore leaving for England. Quebec, Le.
vis and Montreae are competing for
the honor accomModating tee fav-
ored detachment. The men vvill be
mobilized about May 27th or 28th,
or ten days before their departure.
As 'before annoueced they are to
leave by the Parisian on ,rune 7th.
itlenteCol. Turner, V. C., of Quebec,
is spoken of as likely to receive a
commis:don. He may perhaps be the
second Major. The name of Captain
Thaeber, of the Royal Canadian Re-
giment, is mentioned in connection
with the adjetneee ot the contingent.
It is probable that eight non-com-
missioned officers and men will be
selectea to represent the Queen's
Own, of Toronto, and that the two
other infantry regiments will fur-
nish a quota of four each.
Came Horne With a Fortune
and Played Aladdin.
New Yore, April 21. -When "Young"
d Tim Dewney returned Immo from
Montana for a vleit to his Cannily
itt.Netware a few weeke ago, lie was
which bie wife's body lie, and sail
"God meriting, Mary; I've come t
sit witli you all
Efe spoke the words • soft and lovv
as if etotlebeg a chile who was ill
Evers meriting it is the same. Neve
does he fail to greet her and talk
to he' just as le) did in life.
Nearly every they1e liftthe slth
e razy quilt that covers the coffin:tut
'take' 1.11rougl) the gime; cover it
the fame tliat let» lain Uteri.) see"
Wel dead for et.) long. Yesterday
weeretng he leelitel at tier feet, until
tht) leave bleteed line. Tenn ht' v.:tilt-
ed to tile P.ittor of tali, tonnit.
,tiite is jut, g, ttprette as to
be eaid, tenement; eelie vote tilvezies
the plinth et weaeie in the world.
"It bek Ir41* 4tn„,e4"ar enthe
we Ma il, al w. ;Iry )4.11 on orir
home te et. Ves, tl ”P. [len' leen.ev,
Seem), rtit„) I tee)) lve as I th et fleet
Yen tete her peter s !wee: 1 leate
them front tie- ten,'
ghtee is hot tlie
veld te.t I,) Tt,1',. , t ** t,/to
old 1111:tfli, htr.o,s .1ts n..11.••
by tee tee., 4.4 tee- women he ,otee,
lie is,sit-se-el:eel'. Ile r),tee nee l'.»
witla enure' coon. "let ecelit.) itrott.te
for Len be tee sole, "II t CO, trku.:, uta
VIItriI eit)) reeee 1 b eeere
fizere, wee en enter le eeniel
Of the grave„ ti 1
41,14.4't MI Z. pee
Latele Le her, stele es) I..) .30
See leer in foie •-seret, teorni tahl lett
She ts teultere: eite
tees, tele teen ee ere eiene Ire, re
parted lee elenile. et)
Mena) in Lee t'tteleILtee; ut 3
thert. re11/1i t tai. .ralett
thou, keen te etee,,,,yfeee
riiittArit4.4 W4qt 'InGt .1 If1f!li
fiileAtt[4,11t • .%E.I
till thq Fq44'
1,,n) fetter).- lieelt teeetteen nee
ianteetere, Neaten le, le
favIza 1..1,,
Aetitqw,,„ •
ali tee * tot 1lth »"ere tett)
nefenee. e LIS
nee :eel tt.ere. 'Lei e.
tenit nese:tea=
sheree t.
41,9 C•"1" e 119'1U
:41P ,-enee elte
tree flu ter) teern etehnee
nee %heeli. t. tc1lente
ceniap 1.•,, itrn.t5=7,
On ire.ttie teette.e twe-
eted, he se rent::: Not to cite -
*eaten ees Die
nays it eutelei btti iti ifo.attt. tAT 11..2
Inlet from len en..1 teat the
tetee 4,tees, ter ee....te
Of eeueel Lot, ee
teifili Lee.
Veleen 11,e, teeile mor,1
ate • 7L.. t!,,I,':1:70 Ochs to :it
tivar.4, levee enter), et. No. eel
teereie lechitee eteeet. liter:e heft
eeter.eee, t4rair. q
IN the n'n.t. • L'jq btPtri
arriving1 .•,1 11,1t” fee.
heart' or 7:Te lee!" hely is
gate:ring ,e're-er; &2 gA eley
nreele hie e. Lis eletees
ere t e. ..eto 117carta
thrtite el neer. ieve
tee 1.1:EA eeten lbeeri
Vielesat. -tee' "heel.
Veneta Wete Young.
eZ- e. Li tf:.:-J ;:t ter ,t-ne
.utee, -I :ilaitrS.,
- eee,
• 'et -eel) :en
teeteesh.' t,
- e' teet
ant tee lesveir
tee fee- -
E.- toe ;J:s 4.:21
ie N'er enee • 'eie teeIn-,-
F. 311Irt
e• t- ein fat
• • • lneene It.
e ,e)f
Ine .,• - -et liteetenere
II• - n -keen; ▪ itesineee.
e.n.I -fie I17s nein, was
eveneee-. rxry t'14'VC'7
4144V4 -el Wr?..!;.; 5.,r-VV:rtg
ketew W:iL;i4t
he 7 ee et devoted I:ne-
e:en „. ethee, .1'te
was a
home:ere Jet. e, sell on our wee-
ding toere' Zen ;4111
Mary pretty e" t -,n1 the 'oli man
elowel r!, seeenrei1 thrt tArl wf;i0 won
ids heart en,/ weem itaWIT" swell join.
Altee figliting the lea:Intersand
Dceorators`t�t oe the past two
weeks three firms tont:ie./steel with
the Toronto Master Painters f Aft -
etiolation 'Terve eteceied to the vie -
=altos of the Urd0t1 for :JO -Cents on
bOnt and an eight-hour 'Work 'ally.
The aotion 'of the 'ereployers cartie
• aela arpristeto the. ritio,n•,
greeted with all the love oil parents
o and sisters, who bad not seen him
for fourteen years. Ia 1888 be went
West to work- for an *niche who had
• a general store in the gold mining
✓ dietriet of California.
"Tim" stayed about the Newark
Ionsand visited friends. His father,
Patrick Downey, of No. 161 Newark
i etreet, went daily to his labors, and
hie two testers continued to get up
earie and return late in the even-
ing from the department store in
wlthh they were employed. At night
"Tim" talked witli the fawner about
them tiff:tiro and sometimes about
DiiiR ,W11, but not much or the latter.
11,, was. just rt good son and brother,
I doing little kindnesses for his moth-
er and testers like angt go0,1 bro-
thee. hornet after a long absence.
Li the tittetitue trim visited old
reiellude told tonne Meters, hilt of the
letter he saki mithIng. Tint had a
me -tooth and he watt getting his bear-
. was ready to Mei lad week.
Ile tense Ilona% one evening and Mini
the table before ids father the
inortgoge, on the Downey !DOOR,.
weinit he had paid. Ine mete lay he
„r lied the honse hell of earpenternt
petaterst and thenratore, who re -
ITA iii.+51141 and entirely refitted it.
alentire Atclat011 102011N or hand-
),,eute reirititure were 41rilven up to
• he door, awl :dee. DoWney, hair In
etee hair in regret, Wive seieeting
from ohl furniture what must be
Sent 411elly make room for the new.
iNetVitrk etreet awoke with aetart
ter the reatiirtlion that a. iDear prrive
resele it retry tul-3 haul vie:vented "auto
„ ten midst, iv Mu id) nty or Money that
then Ire fairy tcale, tau)/ n Welton loyal
, loon for his parents anal elattere.
Tratene hitter were the iterohlett or the
;I le ighhorittni.1. ttind Titre began riliS
oe INV Malang
herd Matter -AO re-
;r3iiPti nela theie pineee uor tliploesintent.
-Tot need not Work. or ituther.
' iltbf 0, lin TLutt. "her 1 hetet, t noitgio
to eneport eten end II1 do tee'
Tenet nulle reertnile ttleieltkthatt
htt,t tte el‘81.44Y OS one teat kW He
hetteleteenitt itelientre. lle worktd
Uri Nil, his %Leh?itt tnhtcriuia NVIDtIO
ihe Went totem. nu toy of fifteen, and
s.dved his tittlCutoy. Viluen a hand or
I'tutieenialit minute thee/eel to pretty:-rit..
in 1 ort- genet 1ri iin Montana. Tan
teteht eraelfqes and Selland then. Ile
vied ,nueer, peoetesetitee Btu the mete ter-
hethey. obi rotted stone
eleuern hemp lituet then, tied DOW -
1', net htzgil $1lte.1111) in hatik :nano:emit.
L: teen ellnistee Wralv rl Inc duelled to visit
fi liKs t,".ni Leine reedltl areily. lhI itan
- Ileconnlit fey to ell. hut itee hest. so
„ her nett -found 4F4 -sr. and Melte
Leh thee: pleases his Mother US the
lrltttleealty of her boy, Who
Ittechight ids terttitqi. !WIMP. 1.1:4 'Mahe
. Lee peteete and sleters happy..
Yoe= tote -tiny utat return to Aron-
tio3a nett Week.
Dab010. S. Ofiicer
the .Phpphies
sInington April fil.-Sectetary-
o2 War Boot • Las sent an order by
ene:e to General Chaffee at eleirelia
to lneei,:tigete the repotts of the
trial of litteet- Weeler ele.nt to this
heenery.. rune if they are true to,
ne.'ne-reertial General Smith. Ale°. ie
',het feels releac, 2 by witnesses terote
, eneate VINI4MT.C.t06:1 44.174% cetabilsh-
' i.te uesert-marted leaner Chen. Lt.
eielAss't. eterenort Le-onwho
eelineteree tie, -water cure" to
the reeefierette oZ Icalettente.
ct21,legratte te tIent:nal Chaffee
• :
"Ort Pelereetry tete a letter was
• zroa hat -losing for itmestigation
eit!ee ciet el.nt,ges nteele ley governor
c tietytt s 0vtr,wttieh
;74-Ntera; allegations of
erreeitho pre:eh-el by u -op cina-
'fives, and genera/1y of an insolent
etie beatat nttitiele ot the' army to-
wari riativen
, "On Apral 2nd -a eable 4:1esta:it-eh
wfig tent ;hoe nrging action' with ail
speel eonsietent with thorough and
ancblng investigatiorr.
"On the 4thi or March. a .cable dis-
parcit was se.nt you directing discip-
ihtery menseres ter produce obedi-
ence to the President's instrnetions
enbordinating military officers to
civU government .inpacieied provinces'
and instrueting you to retieve Maj.
1r4w1a F.Gione and Capt. james A.
t Ryan from duty and order them to
Manila to awitit. inveStigation- Into
their nondutt, itt accordenee with in-
. etteetione to fealtatv. by nxajJ..
DR. TALM/-it--60S DEATH.
"Waeldngton, April 13, -Iter. T, De-
Witt Talmage died at 9 o'clock Met
night at Ids home it) this city. He
had been ill for some time, and only
a few weeks ago had experienced a
change for the hotter, which gave
hope of his recovery, Several days
ago, however, bie condition grew
worse, caused by congestion of the
brain, with catarrhal complications,
and since then the:family had been
daily expecting Ids death.
T. DeWitt Taltnage was one of the
remarkable men of his time. His
success financially was phenomenal
for a clergyman. .
Born in Bound Book, New .Tortey,
on ,Tan. 7th, 1882, educated in New
York City for the law, which he quit
at hie parents' desire to take a theo-
logical course at New Brunswick, the
young Talmage did his first preaching
at Belle:eine, N. J., and went front
there to Syracuse, N. Y. to get a
better place in the Deed' Reformed
Church there. In Syracuse he began
to develop these peculiarities which,
further exaggerated, were in later
years to make libn talked about.
In his Brooklyn pulpit, where he
preaoher to baptize iihn in the ,Ter -
clan, which Mr. Talmage, aCeerding
to Ink; own story, did, do, But in
Brooklyn Mr. Talmage's enemies
said that he heel caught a tramp
oa the river bank and dueeed
.111 Russia Mr. Talmage was recciv-
ed the Czar. In, his story or that
Meeting Inc maid : "I asked the Czar
aehrtany questions as lie asked lee,"
Could Make $1,000 a Day.
Mr, lelmage once boasted that he
Iconic' make $1,000 a day. It was
at one time estimated that he was
worth $1,000,000, but bie friends
said that his - wealth was only a
quarter of that sum. Much of his
money he invested in Brooklyn
Twenty-five years ago Mr. Tal-
mage was tried by an Eecleslastical
Court in Brooklyn on charges or
"falsehood and deceit." He was not
found guilty, but the vote of the
court was a close one.
While Mr. Talmage was at Phil-
adelphia, whore Inc preached for
seven years before going to Brook-
lyn, his first vv-ife was drowned In
the Seltuylkill River.
elm Talmage's success In building
up the membership of the Brooklyn
ikheei 4...;
1 Ut ATE ttleV. T. DEA% LC
began preaching in ISO. be retorted
to tine trick.; of manlier anal sp veil
wlnleh CallSed li O be 4 a 11411 tlired
front one end of the I ounstry to the,
By smelt methods he 11140W ilototle.8 trim
or perSttriS o the ehurrh, anal, as it
MIS Mad. -ale claire"), ttietettrer at M-
O:tined that there were
of emits in the rentrilation
When Mr. Taint nge 5,,YEtileat 41 hi,-
s:ctinotte lie prepared them, et work or
two in 'tntt 1tI Inc had to di.* to
supply the press on Ono, and when
Int went to rump:, and in rEr-ly retwal
ritt sold his sernunds fore he left
.Netv• York., They were nteltituri as
no b.? cable, On, Woe
printed On a 11,ritodny ntilthin4 as
Laving Ittican tidieered at Weenie, -
town, winence At% Talmage sailed ran
tine prttedleag attend ay, mei after
Mr. Talmage got in ra, theta:owl,
eil4ed siunt It had nett r het:12J
delivered tit nil.
Ihe Hely Lrlift4 nutiad to yield luirm
. settee:tient). attel the tette? Was sPftt
ovt-r luere that allq Amer/lean Rued
inet Ittnet there and haul noiked tltr
'On the titth 111-ure1d inistrartion..,
were ,Tetont etintainslangn1sItti..
ituetit of charges agaiuund otli-
cer4 and Gen. .Itmob 11. Sialth. as am,
tk-ssiO th... ..t.fIP-kt-,.3 int
the icAup of 3f-treln
Portlier instruetiong bit both mat-
ters? are tormittel by tee folliowing
Smith's Bloody Orders.
'Press despatches state that nit
the trial of' filator Wailer of the Mar-
wo Corps', testinnany Was Alven be ,
Wa1iereottobotated by other wit-
nessee, that Gen. jaeob II. Smith
ttttatnd hint to kill and barn; tiuntl
the more he killed Ana burned the
better pleased Cita. ntanitin tvoull
that it was no time to take prism -
need that when Major
asked Gen. Smite) to define the age 11
limit roe Miring, Ito replied, 'Brett.-
thing oeet 10:
hir etech testimony was given nee:
the tante tare be est:rib:is/tree, yoza wit',
place Gen. Smith on trial by exert -
Inertly/. The order alga direete in-
quiry into the otter -cure tottem
toads letovieled to View the 'Coro-
nation -
London, April 21. --The Daily lail
says that the Goeerezeent has pro
raised to provide thousands of seats
for the colonists ter view tee coro-
nation procession. By invitation or ;
Lord Strathcona thf. cicr43.69 Agents-
Genera/ 'net at the Canadian oefice
and it was annoanced that tech of
the 'larger eceotees Is to have four,
r five hundred seats alloted to it,
nd that the Agents -General will
have the privnege of portioning them s
out. The en:tenet oolonlee wilt have "
seats in proportion. The -allotting of
the seats will be deferret5 until the
whereaboute Of the steeds is made,
known he- the Government.
Aireedy shoals of applications are
pouring in upon the Agetate-Generel,
and many of these are remarkable
mainly for their unblushing andeeity.
People whoee great grandfathers
once lived a few years lo one or
other of the colonies are trying to
Make but claims to seats on the
scare of 'colonial birth or ancestry.
One ingenious German thinks he has
a &Mine to it plate because a distant
ancestor on his =Ahern; side spent
tonsidetabie period in Australia
many years ago.
• 13.
was Fowl) that tine einureln
buil att., in ttInerninerborn street Wee
tens - twit. and the first Brooklyn
T: 1, a wood and Iron strnte
ttlts ttt 1 hII pereotte, watt
pat up ite 1e,70„ It W4IN enlarged in
hat nate deseroyeti by fir,
119 IJee. coiner of that year.
t yew tab roach% seating nsio,)
rs0010, II 1111 e.,)111 Lagting slalitlfttg
room for 1,bild more, nos att oitee
Iteettn. The tut w loairilD14 Wag, deal.
titt lt,71.. ''Iiit, too, was hum,
ttl down in 11t.til1.
t third taberonnelt, was built at
iwatton and Orprine entennuesand it
4.t5 41
wcn deetreen el by ITIlve. in
eeteuu vales after ids first wife
.111,=11 Mr. Talmage marritol Miss n-t:t
,- Whitten:Dee. Or Brooklyn. Ms
11t,t. Frank Tahnna2e. by I
first Wire, rollioevrell hie 1
Atert.4liiu iteeides the net-.
L trunk Taintnage. four titteogEttere Intr.
C,Mr tienlittunge. Ali or there are
I relied eteept Wine. tine daughters
leers, /tartlet b. Morgan. Elves at 41
Men %tee, firatlAtn.
lord Ntralltrona and tine %Aloe r
rtelt-esemerittUVes haVe resolt
• ten decorate tine fronts of their
0.,ttittesittVieterla street according
to their IndiViduel Ideas,
Estiertated that the visitor -1,0
fuenv Canada, and Australa.sua alone
11 .V.sitcber tan fewer than 0.030.
.1 when those front India. South
.ttrica and other V144,41q4FA are added
tuttielbet Wee proltably reaeh 114.
I, It
nertegie Willina to Pitt CP $7,000
OD the tsuat tottellimas.
viallt Gnat., April Vs. -Gait is the
4, place in Canada to receive front
Attdrent Carnegie an otter of lands;
the erection of a public library 1
vettwtday 0unit-wan Alex -
of the rablie Liturater Board,
tine notillee by I. eatnegicee ezere-
z neer that lir Galt would tutees/1i a free
si_o and the, Council agree to tspend
..!t least $1.1.70 ,year matinten-
,1-,:re. Mt. Carnegie Would give $1.7.-
l'or a public library buil:ling. At
a =tenting Of the Llitreary Board this
evening Sir. Carnegie' s otter was; innously accepted, and it cora-
nnittec was appointed to wait on the
INYStir Council and ask or the pro-
naistOry resolution wItltin 3tr. Car-
neae requires before his otter be-
comes effeetive. 'alt at prersent has
tt tree 1nb1in Library aver
lieteen.frandeed readers, but the build- (
!rug is very Email and unsatistactor,y.
Freight rt an Into Rocks and went
trthe Track. '
North Bay, .:Npril 18.-A wreck or ,
en 'unusual notnte oecneted about'
tlateermarepes of a. imie Cant ot
'Nairn. A fete tons or reelk which
had been loosened ftont Its bed by
watet enentug Into the etevicesarra
rteezitig fell on to the ttack. A
freight ttairi, in obarge of C'onclue-
tot C. Bentley, strack the tack, and,
turning to the right, went down
the) bank into the bush upright. The
drivet wee thrown oat, the heat'
brakeman went throng/1 the nab
the teudee and no one washutt. The
window, the fireman craWled even
roteraed lean contained -a anan
cow, and settlet1s efrecte, the nec-
nt fele' oil barrels. The ptineipal
breakages Appeared to be about
the tritces told the Stoat and lower
patte of the -engine.
London's eax rate Ina e been fixed at
23 mills.
Burble,' March 7,500 new settlers
reaolied Winnipeg'.
Clarke's Malt Works, Ivengstee,
diunaged by fire. Loss $15,000.
The Bishop of Huron consecrated
new St. Panes Memel at Woodstock.
The British House oe Commene
has adopted the increatted cheek
duty by 180 to 119v
Fire destroyed $75.000 worth of
property at eietapeclia, Que., in-
cluding the Catholie church.
Eight ettenMants have been dis-
missed front the Brandon Asylum. It
is said they have abnsed patients.
Signor Maroon' says wireless tele-
graphy will be ,working between
Cn nada and England in -four months.
Mr. IP, H. Maass has been appoint-
ed N. Y. 0, R. passenger agent, Al-
bany, to succeed Mr. F. E. Barbour,
Thomas C. Bulmer, of Montreal,
committed suicide by shotting him-
self In the head at Ids residence in
Mr, William Waldorf Astor has do-
nated Le0,000 to endow the exieling
unendowed professorships at Univer-
sity College, London.
The striking longeboremen at Hall -
rax have applied to Deputy Minister
of Labor King to try and arrange a
settlement of the difficulty.
The Cape Colony will erect on the
hill adjacent to Cape Town a liuge
statue of Cecil Rhodes with an arm
stretched out to the north.
George Johnson was fatally hart
wbile loading a blast in nt quarry
at Motherlode mine, Greenwood, B.
C. The blast exploded prematurely.
The Congress of Venezuela has
adopted the French protocol pro-
viding foe a removal of diplomatic
relations between France and Ven-
The annual meeting of the Execu-
tive Committee of the A.Iliauce of the
Reformed and Priebyterian Churches
throughout the world. is being held
a.t Pittsburg.
Illht;olsnupreme Court ileeLlee that
the law taxing foreign insurance
companies doing business in Illinois
2 per cent. -on geese premiums is me
The government Juts elosei it eon.
tnatt with the 1.4ne to carry
tie) Ca mi *ilit n etironat ion vo tit! nghn t
from Monti tett to Lis ereool On the
Parisian. 11 tieing liere on Junn, 70.
TM, Bretielt eteniner Port Auto.
Mit, of tie) liltier-Dentpster Line.
built hisi ear for the Jamaica
fruit trade with Englanal. was .1‘,-
royed by fire at Kiiqp,-ltbi.
Sitter art) biere," Inepeettel in the
tliNt Met, neer Mannelo es er,
on hibuif or an Amerienn syndic:an%
owning. enitnell piantatione in South
Carolina, whit the thew to erecting
two boom 4'44t tun mills.
Ohio Supreme Court in sta Inc.ur-
once case recogantes only sun duo.,
width is there 11.27 thatoulterti hinte,
end ordered roan,11rallt,e conimany
It policy 30 tihjette, there Whig
Ss,•It three trelittleDt to spare.
The dawn Evangelleal Aida ni'1, has
passel by an overwhelming nittlenity
a resolution arninnunia its WW1 in
the OlOalty of Christ and declaring,
the, Bubb, ttn in, the only perfect rule
• Christlion faith anti practice.
The report published inn tine rnited
States that Dowager queen! Mar-
g intrita 01 Italy will visit that count-
' in the autumn anti return hence
way or Catintin, is again officially
°Ariansi to he nehtolutely unfounded.
The Bev. it. Lawn -nee, Secretary
of tie- Sotlety of itianduess to AM -
melee sees the+ Stele@ Government is
ithent to tali a conference of the
g reat Ivottr•ta
to tettltdder the pro -
o11 arittgatts rituapDoyea 111 wat°.
The tary system!, which has !teen
Ion roues in Voilet Sallee 1000, has
ber:qg dbOIORIIIMIL The pollee courts
and nil the trandencias throughout
the islantd asked that it be discern.
no minder tine *stem it wat5
diffEcullt. to obtain rontivrototim
The L11verpo.,1 eftsttinti ontieleise met-
ing Weiler instruetions front tilei Gov-
ore/Meet, have Visited the bonde.d
watelemiseel and lenlidden further
delivekies of sugar, of wintli there ari
heavy sitteits In dm stores. 'Tide
net/on is tnikett to inellitate that there
vifl be aft increase in the sugar
duties ift the buinget.
Coronet' Matt. Youngstown. a, hae
written tei the Chief of Police, To,
reettre. hotifyiug bite of the finding
of the body of it Sontag Man supposed
to be that of George Mee. of To-
ronto. on the track or the Erie Bail-
ey. The body is that of a Wan aged
bout 21, grey eyest "'town heir, and
sinoath tate. wcau-ing a grey coat and
black trousers,
Tann Welsh itatag-outan Commit=
tee, haCrng eetectod Lit,181, 19 ar-
t:nag-bug for a steamer to nail at Ellta. I
Mat to hake tie) hatch, ptobaley
t50, of the r2ost &serving elide;
sertante. to Catania. It is hoped the
tuned:en etzwirtettuent will itereace '
the priwent paynctnnt-t1 pin! head --
o enable the others to follow.
A gentleman lust returned from „
tine &mit says the building:,
boom en there io unprecedented, and!
Illat luncdred new houses have
been coutracted for, and many are
itt eetarse af rev:striation. There is 0
popsea.ioe of lo,000 in the town,
and eitizeas were :to crowded last
winter that everyboly is starting]
to build.
Two litonlred anti fifty settitts front
various sectione in Ontario lett To-
mato by special train on Tuesday
for the Northwest. This brings the
tercher.of settiere who have gone to ,
Manitoba earl the Northwest from
Ontario alone thle, spring to over I
4,E00, neatly tin ea- times' more than;
the number that 'went out on hist*
spxing axcnntsions.
Eliae Rogers ,ee Co., anti the Conger
Can,' Cca., oroirta,. have receive:I
wore tho.t their .schooners, E.eenre-
tin and Dunn, respectively,have
both 'eprung leaks, and the damage at
t '
e es treated'. The
Dmm was leaving Charlotte ror To -
route+ with coal when the accident
happened. he had just Ieft the leet!
when, she teraped the bottom, and
brokc a Iarge hole. Her captain,
Wakelee beached her at ottee,
and at „preterit she is being pumped
out. The leeevvatin Was receiving her
ergo- whext a leak *rang in her I
Side. et.
Dominion Companies Come
to an Agreement.
Steel Company Asettniee'tlertaln Ob-
ligations -Will Issue $5,000,000
Stock at GO to Shareholders -A
Rig Scheme.
Montreal, April 21. -Meetings of the
directors of the Dominion Iron and
Steel Company and the Dominion
Coal Company were held here to-dae
for the purpose of considering the
question of the brteging of the twit.
companies together, melee the term&
of the option whiell the Steel Com-
pany has beld for the past two or
three years on the property of the
Coal Company.
The terms of the original lease are
briefly as follows:
1. The Steei Company agreed to
pay the fixed eharges of the Coal
Company, that Is, the interest on
its ti peg cent. bends, the dividend on
its 8 per cent. preferred stock, and
the sinking fund of 5 cents per ton
entire output to provide for the
redemption of the boucle.
2. A U per cent. dividend ten the
.counnon took.
a. An allowance of $25,000 a year
for ilie Coal Companies expenses.
4. The Steel Company to pay to the
Coa/ Company $600,000 in caelt as
a. forfeit for tlie due, carrying out of
the terms) of the lease.
5.. The Steel Company to pay the
Coal Company a royalty or 1.3 cents
per ton on eveiT ton of coal teken
out or the property in excess of
tiii,000,000 tons ill any one year.
6. The Seel Company to assume
anti pay nit the debts and liabilities
or ako cool comp:ilk', less the value
or certain cash arsons, which the
Coal Company wag to retain, 'lively-
ing the iminetilite payment or about
7. prop, rty to be teasel did
not 'twin t1.! :CI the properties of tire
Coal Computy, certala valuablt pro.
pertlent. inAu. lIng ShOpet and the on
tiro tnereantne busines4 tDr the roal
l'oatpacin being exempted.
Tine hew Agreement.
After en rein I eau nshlera thn. it
Attu unanimously resolved by bOtil
boards that, subjeet to ratiloa.tion
by the shareholders of ceseit ernit.
pony, an agreement should hi, en-
tered into t• rabodyiiitty tine foldownag
presont 44g14.4°111411IL to he ton.1..1-
Hied ttina make a
the propertlea 0311.. newt.* of the
Coal Von:up:ay, iiteheling
surpius tannings of the past two
or three years.
The Coal Company to nitty Wins
bonds aand prern3rred stoek L. Ulm
LRAM of Sit .000.0d11 connuen stork
at 120 to Its CODIDLUOID sharAtehlers,
thereby increasing its totni calntal
10 :t'Littitili,093.
The Steel Connupany to to reineved
fronn the obligation to prOvitile ilo
•forfelt nuonneytnx,il t1ptY
the Coal Cdnilkunny t retittel elnal
to S per rent. on its teeettelehethe
cenplitau etthee,
The directors of the Ste)," rota -
pony decided to it.nto, tF,;13.1tit3sin1a
new stock only, and to oiler Ut
60 cents vitt the dueler to the ;pee -
Mat eiluireltoliders pro rata. The
whole amount of this has itt.tio
ready underwritten by a sitrcutg
eyntileateo11 hethaulliall niniAnn-vi-
e:nut tapatialstts interceted 6Ji two
ereese 'Melded rpon at a eleeting
of 1entelints9 Association.
Toronto despatCh: The priee or
Meat is going up. The butehers' 6ee.
tieti el the Retail Assoe
lateen lost Denial deeldel that f272 tqttir
of the prevailing wholesale prieee,
t. eetbstential Inetease of tite, retell
pieces) would have to be neede.
Cheice cuts of sirloht beef will be
raised from 17 to 1.103, eoultui steak
will be raleeti eronti 15 to 11e. Prume,
tibswilt he 15 and 16e. Shoulder
nutee vultieh have been selling titg
o 19,4 will be 10 to Ile. On the
'Mande, tine hatchets" aim at a pro -
lit of :20 cent. No Inatehetel-fast
rules wil be set down. T.itie itttoneirS
will fix their own tEll. they
will peeltaltility be, aecording
to tile foregoitig figures.
The organization Onelveles nit -tit
ninety per 'cent. or the butein riitt
thc city.
These prices affect beel„ welote een-
etitutes about 80, per etnnt ann
meats sold, mat 11. is prolieLle that
the primes of other meatwill be
raised in the thieve peopeetion.
The wholesalers ertaree tee &etch-
ers $9 a ituntircti for first -eines beef.
The .eost of the front an." hindeptar-
ere, is apportioaed a.t 7 aril 1ic. Teen
the matter of .waste hes 10 he non -
"steered. -Suet., for instanee ir eteee
rem With the lather portions ,,e7 the
carcase, costs the butcher Ve itptund.
Only about three per cont. or it cart
be, sold, and then a.t only lc a peen'
proilt. The other seven per <tent.
has to he sold at an mite:rite ices
of Elie cents per pottier. Then a large
portion of the hone is dead waste.
Thle makes tile actual eost much
higher than etc a pound. Therefore,
the' eutchers reasom tne present re-
tail price of beef ie altogether too
low. •
The butchers eletim that the peo-
ple of Toronto ars .supplied with
cheaper and better meat than itt sold
in any other city on the continent.
The Meeting was presided over by
Efenry Puddy„ 'Chairman or the butch-
ers' section, and about .05 members
were preStlit
Many of the betchere do not realize.
what their meat really costs them,
anti it chert will be made out and
ociplee forwarded to all Members' of
the section, giving the netted coat
,or the delete/It 'cuts