The Herald, 1902-04-25, Page 4iu�; --.41 cvt� vile utiner one ell
e , t
I -u, Z-� LA p '" 1�-� f (USCIISSOS vory closely this phase r2wQlve 04ses, 01 old ones
IS PUBLIS-111PID Of family obligations and calls at- are in the hospital at Ottawa.
Day towliship, Veterboro
tention to tho fact that lack c untyl
JESDAY EVIU1. k; 15est Th t Is
ZVZRT T11T NG, of Belleville, and Brockvilleo
care Onthepartof parents results developed nothing new have
1 - from the
too often in the � foolish on. -age, cases alrea(17 reported,
TER�ISOFSTJBSCIIIPTIO',N':-$I,()Opei,iiixeiits�L'ItI imprudent early war- 0 R UAT DJo
Yearpaid strictly lit advance, Whenthel OD
paper is not ordered to be discoiitiii,,,I,rlage-';Ofyoun,rl)oople. West Huron. FOJ�AVIHR AND
it -ill be sent until suth order is given; UT,AT()JZ
and arrearages palJ, $1.60to be eharged I Great Britain, for revenue. pur. Mr. Mitchell, Conservative Candi. will cure the illost aglr,�-
I vaLect form of D3,spepsm
When "Lot paid in advance, 1 T)Oses, under Stress of a costly 11,411. date, Accepts Prohibition Plat.
form. rect "'I'llat 14111 veelilig
ADVER11118INC, %kTE8.-Tran s i e nt i has iinl)(Ise(I a duty on wheat. Thi After Fating.- Nervotls
advoftiselneut�q, r) cents per Brevier ]in treadache, Sour Stomach
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for, (111ty Will Probably be temporary, i Goderich, April 19 -The Execu- aticlViattilelice. Wilysufrer
each subsequent itiseriion, Small Adv wile'L a cure is guarariteed?
's - � Bile has not seen fit to grant tivG 00111111ittee of the West Huron 200 DAYS' TREATME T $1.00.
such as"Lost" "Estrav"m "Stolen )VL1 a
I preference to colonial grain Prohiliffion Alliance met at God -
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 quite Nothing like them yet made, for comfori,
probably because the duty sa3,s: "I was unable to ge -wear and finish, They're made right
eouts for each subsequent insertion. erich yesterday to consider the JORN TCAUG, Dashwood
is not, reports of the committees appoint- i
am� relief froin Asth,
a Stomach Trouble tin"til and sold at a RIGHT PRICE,....
y nigh t;
Copy for ellan,", of advertisement musT intelided to be permanent, and also ed at the convention of the Pro-
be handed in not I ater than Tiindn. t': because a preference might disturb hibitionists of West Huron, 11 ing our Native Herbs.,,
of each week to insure ahange in follow :leld
ing issue. her present relations -with other two weeks ago, to wait -upon the CLEVELAND WHEELS
political conventions held at Dun- eoki :V# MN UUMARI,
Local notices in ordinary readuilgr type wheat-gro-wing conniries. I ""., . AGENT.
5 cents per line, NotiLes for Chul'uh ell- I gannon and Smith's Hill, There V- Vk ZURICH, ONT. The first grade ones 1�ave the I-Iy
In other Words, in her own inter- 1 Were representatives from all the
tertailimeuts or other benevolent hultitu- ge.nic Cushioll
tion at si)ecial rates. I Psts Great Britain, has not deemed! municipalities in the riding except LL THE ALONZO 0. BLISS Co. Frame-inake all roads sinooth roads.
Contraets for column, haIC-colu:11111 and it advisable at this thne to discrilil. I one. At the time of the meeting t. Sole Proprietors,
quarter- colain n rates for specified periods illate in favor of her co'lonies. neither the Reform nor 06liserva- MONTREAL,CAN.
will be cheerfully given. Address all ; tive candidate had signed the low=
.! Is it the part of , filiendship, for i pledge necessar
communications to y to secure the sup- W. G. HESS,
i the coloilies,in the face of Britain's 1 port of the Prohibit -ion Alliance. Zurich
!inanifest di e,,I+;.. 4. Mr Oo - T.;Ik THE
) o no Ue . 1 11 , er canUluate, CAXAW� CYCLE & NOT0111 CO, Limited, TORONTO Canada
E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, p.(). mand a prefer'ence? Is it the pnr� and Mr. Mitchell, the Oonsoryativ,,
, . noininee were both invited toCommercial Hotel
of loyalty for Canadians to unite iu annear Ll (I state +11 -ir - 4 4-4
()q I J.J . - on.
FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 19N, a demand to Which Britain May i Mr. Mitchell responded in person,
not be able to accede, but can, only andafter it had been made clear
refuse at the risk of alienating the that in case neither of the political
Broad has advanced a penny 0 candidates accepted the pledge of This popular hotel has 'been
a, SyllIpUthies of the Dominion? As-; t e
loaf in Great Britain. The Cann- I slirvdly� if Canadians allow thelli-! It Prohibitionists they -would thoroughly renovated and refitted,
dians -who have aLrguea that it'. selves to be led into thinking that take steps at once to place a pledged
I man in the field, Mr. Mitchell and will be found up-to-date in
small duty on wheat woulcl 'lot in- a preference in the British market accepted and signed it, calling
every respect,
upon tho temperance people to
crease the price, as the American is their just right ftnd ane, a refus-
stand by hint. The alliance t ok
on �
surplus product must find a mar -'al of that riklit will tend to weak 0 Every attention paid to the
- the sympathetic cords no -%v con- organization, and are -,ending a traveling public.
ket, have not yet had their argu steps towards comi)leting their
ments corroborated by facts. necting the two nations, delegate to Toronto on Monday to
If it be true that Britain expects, secure an organizewr and other help Vyr
It ztppears that, Canada is taking t from the Dominion Alliance. The V1. R. HOIDGIN8
the new duties to be temporary, it
a very dangerous step in voluntar. � - I Prohibitionists are hopeful of PROPRIETOR.
%Vou (I avail Canada little tu Ile ,
ily sending her sons to fight ful. tile 8-sliceess for their candidate.
s. A cert- sess it preference for ,I year or two,
Empire against the Beer,
ain Munroe doctrine fliend sees in, "Inle to restore, Kissing the Baby.
. ana when the thile (.
this actiona distinct violatiun of wheat to the froe list there would' C. STONEMAN I
be kli�zlocation of bwdness in Caliada There- are nialiv mothers 'who ��
this Yankee -worshipped do pl, na of give themselves 'infinite trouble'
'Uncle Sam. again, -tin. Graduate Optician
It's terrible to thijil-_ andelairtor . stBrit, saction. aboutthebig and obvious things
To deniantl that tile Mother Coun. connected n
of it but this counti%v may sokin be with nursery nutuage-, HENSALL.
expectedbysome Yunlcet.4,,til a -;k trygiveapreferenve under exist- Illentwho strive bravely to be up
liberty to exist. Jil.- vireunistan(,oi is oqiiivitlelit,itodtLteintlieiiiatterof plunihing,J
; illViting, ventilationgn(l infection.% diseases'
who yet fail W(Vfully w1jen it SPEUCTAGLES AND EYEGLASSES
tir tilt, OfC011111101'eial and politic -al rela.,leolnesto eQrtain detaiis. 0!1e of Fitted on Saientitle Principleag.
London Thnes quotes a pro.,ninent tils'I'S* tile 1110st important of these is the
Dutchman us stlyin., that it was' It is easy for irresponsible politi. disgusting. untl (langerous habit of
allowing every eonitur tt) kis.
the Grerniall Eniperor*s finlitaIN tele. t4uns and writers to nittko ileinktrld s and A VULL $TOOK OF
n)ttlI1 tile bally. A babr. no doubt.
graza to Kruger tbat st"t t1w Door i I'll the Vanatlian (4oyprainjent that is It objeet 'It-nd ahnost
heather on. firo and pravlpitat�.4,1 t1lo it '.181, f, ir preforml tial treatment. il'rt-Astabltl. but that is no roason lleweliry
war. It eansea the llwr,,; t,) feel It i's wl. nlyint.1% tilt% 111111tiltillU., Wh
that Germany, it llt#t �jll k, IttlValItU90 $110111d be taken of Watches and
that sut-h prtAferonvt,- Ivijuitl I)t, t�) Ilis 11019ess V011ditioll to ofre-r hint i
V, tilstant llygienle
was behind them. If this lie trutA. Cullada*S advantage. But tiler
k� a WAl.;neaning
tbeEniperorhas 'given tile, Wkil-ld ;tr,!,dhvrthiJ1#.' to Ito eansidereq'i goust, "OFOU119111other made to Clocks�
the Most uOqtl.v ilillstration history b%* 11 t4rewerament pild a 1)0(11)1# ow httlitr Of hkr ehild toll his re.
11118 known of the danger tof taliting auxiqnvs to int)vp ali jig lille.4 1,eng. B I urn fruni busintwss: -Mrs. Sinith Special attentbLyil paid to
valled today. John. site 11,18 it all kinds of Repairing.
too ill neh. 110ul 11vot 1130110 to Canada, but tll� fearful eold and aore throat. Site
the Enildre. Wt_4 will 11c. ljt�-h-iljlr in th4ollght th I)ah.V _
0 Avas just t03)l
The &)bton Trauserile prillDig a the true Ini1wrialspirit if in thi�4 sweet for anything, and wouldntt�ij. C A..
1) 0 tonema
des ateh from MV forgut 731.1taills IPt hill) olilt of her arans. Ile to�& I S, n,
ftrin, t�)1101- wonderfuliv. ttlt)." !Xatur.�'
c gthat�g,thq* s -f NIL& 16-S. and 111.11te -.�olflsh do. HENSALL ONT
endgradon froinflat, alb, tilt, 101%. ( 0 . ... I
a bad, eat-_
ulion lll-r, The wet that of ill It dav tar two. and
Central anRl %'Vvstt�rn t two -he has lvot aranted it llreferv%�!# t�
flien it 44 balm has a lift
in ttstalf ovidellea dreadful vold. Nve V41,1116t �i;ini, U V, 10
tit t"De the e�41rAlit- t%
alillion Amerhean-s %vill It!:s.
Dtintinivin tit ti�e tq111 v�y tL,,;q,nty tintat �4lv dw!'res 1114, e�nsider it ad-�'j whipre he got It, wo are always so'; T 0 T MIX 4%Z
Years, NVItfle this fe ab,&P. i -.r red�. %. Varefial", 1i B L 0 D
ollt 0'r allother. to This nlothpl. uugl tInQ hunt1rells If rou ever contruta atir Ill&
Photo,&ranher, ate
& fA
be h,:; 1100tv JBIaLte Snell a grunt. Ltt Ir's 11(b o be tau"ght I] le les.4(m utlive lit aerlinis VAults will follow, mu th tbibo,
AtdMftyou8,te&JA a #
Hart Yet. Any of tue 11a 6wing
doubt that a l.arc!'2 ? �4 n114 f-rop Iner hand. 2109'r try to ta1e that proftnisetions kisAft.-I is V�
a thrOfttw ulcem at, thd tionan6or ia the tonall., hkr tAier out. acti.
Anierieans n V a HENSALL. iew�,,§ cc the tf_f�cs or tt%lcbes ou
14111vflfill dys ?1T!L'C WCaPtacgs-hadleltions of @tAre. Don't
�41' Ltt 41 abit. pr4ijilletive IDIP-b�tdS, typs red lind gmarto
-h daitgpl,
attrat-ted parfly by AID.
Toll Fl.
Ibnfinnent I itezi *ith the old toxy Cc 1�ji tkud
'at�l tall m . Ylleft i
rieliness of AVt� Onfldren. AdultS !Ast-wriaelt esily pianlirt--re- tibe symptows tot mL tj do jj�
MyrIll anwheid
und Wilt, V(; H V T TH let dc -An. �-* lifd� Dan't lot quacks expethuento
t Infinab., TRUAT529%ff it C, to tuft re- d3vu- UarNUIV P.TiloD
by bmilic bonds th-,kt me! dj§@ a- Our tul0iftAlatteik i*re backed
DIP U11�rcal n"'rence. 'Vennot. ativi S,) it'�s the dutN' of tlae �V PMEST WOUX TVIVNED hive Ea -lm rxue�qy eq. -&g by 1" Vill n6wr k*tfmrkl� Uefil*
Jktrtly by t" 11'selvwtif thev like. bu
offerect to funnit!rants. Let t's steadfly �v@ar in tuind thftt a 1110therw VD pr#�tlr-et thet,11. TR 9A'VA k N T for 6-e r ryeA t4.
The tt%s to Ile E70111 if they inereffull e�rallf- 11 OtT AT L Vitt tat& IlLo wan zi:;i
re y t 6 %L V
0 "Ito %r,
d. ihev" kip*
is tostAlml Ivy qo,�Vfn�v man tin t-,�tvn� 'ADDains thp fuet that zt
to') ftevty. ulvt in tL�t and uneleah Italbit 1,4 ffbnl,1�41
wheftever �1 tl.uun IN 4'41tr-�! wo!'2 do t,,e enfel*,11 ilm, s Dzr-oall& A
1.rW9AL1t%kWN1r 111% eate
ity vneh J'artv to I lutting in sehools full of kh--4 I # Fawn Of I Y6
not tear hjtn tloWft� AM n�,,s that it is,[U t -1. Kdcr its Ztmv. ty'd 61&m putilied to that
Aft VidlD)10, V tatthtig Aitd Met" dit;k0fit"
Dot fpA1v%QHzs. Clat the magtft- tftornd *tftAgt ds iteel# W
shouId be lltwthors. 2. it -4 w1vun- lr-httdrelll. Qftd b.r 11MI bV1 in ridtc`
The inure, of 1issing ne- rae#
_*Q' .4 tijeftfte btjght�
_full dthd itttarnit t6 -the h6dy. tald th,�Ftofa.. r
ro fal'Aysa6mg areinvi
s Yotlr riht W40 ftlar loarn a _U, bilt&led; all dtWat eta
the, more yD11 Fvej,�r T,,;t Thi� v.I116ag divAt= ge-110 more VaAlwaqw Itim the *yglikW.
MLLED AT STRATFOAD. fultasson front tho,jtwand." it., P19 Xb6 flatfitAl ltd ffl'tuty- you f6l'l YdVe;Af d Mau difid kbdW
this regarcl, 111.11tty are jot a
iftess man who treats I&
honestl�r. ronrI(qjm_ak7 alt1l f,,jjrlr Man upets sing race. alld the littld ehildren do A zT, ect
Ills I)Mth Whilt 9n. not khow *
Will gCt hig thare. 1h(J flle Ba,�ror? ;&Med #it Work. vilat it lnedilA.
except, N.,
perhaps from their mothors. it & .� 11 *
businessthat cat Ire that tlae VI.V111,
wlese bahes a 10` TT
Ont.. Alwil genorally ackft Geo. TRU
Vr� W;
Inlittavlort. the Letter it vtrfl; t*. the ge fieftlthip�-t
0A i U8 Kill-
& avlt�, happiest of yotffigstdrs. and"
for all. when a town f.e.-es Com- I HENS -ALL. -e-5 IV, Mid lof pri 116tftt 6, jai" rfkoi bt cha-
who shall Say how 1111tch C 6fl;i1bT& Ah' 4w R
the Whole- t -ed * ,
his If y die. and tile inotnina, in sollill Testtallit front sot f
grow it begi `hfftin�r a lal.";e piece of thn-b'er, AlIv# t 6 L
ptople ft-�V to kill esieh nlxho� habit inav have to do W!
T ft, when the I th this, #40 faddidO mit 0, 0..
their bu- YeMID %vas Lit bv a fortzlftat� stat6 of armirs? v 6�ft. tv'014
i falling.,4inek .60
sihoss the zatjr,3 reatjilr -,vim titavelrang tran@. 'the CZ, filoblitiL Outtjjb
utfoe kftin come to alfl. Stank th TO m9kc too JiMeh ofe children i,4 t eal
On ' e head. fractlar- t., sp,,)
in- thpul. btit itl ote re- 'L t
9tther for the advalgec_.netlt of his The inpred inan thev SvIon1d lye trea spe
teA like ror;flt IV is UNnEDT &
-r,v Vitizelft. if a wail sh11rq%VL thev must he kh Xstau; =.
4,z(q1 it shoaild i��
Ile Im
nbilit,v to noon
b9tvikoly MICH*
IkD Fears 4 aqe, an4 anarrZtIls Only ihe baek of the hanil. 14a SHMOV !§'r,,
baek tbrough jtajon.��r br . . .. ...... .... 1 1-111, ... I'll
hfin down throu.,gh a 5nd_;fyer_ 011a toyg'wiavisit soaflefth. : 1".. _
en,ee. -1 1. .. 'M
Abont thirfur Members of the ift Aft ,
Pop! 0- Whu E.60611,y 01(t. el- Ely.
t . ..... . ....
fttur4lav night in the
HurOn Old B;ys" Assoctation of:
One Of the "lost hupaMant de- 't
7ouna Tergiple buffdin,�c?, and decided, to' Y1. 0 .
niands of social Ifife 1�; that
girls should Le properkv- ez;a Have U-sud
old their
th per(�n_ accept the fnritatwn or the Se$L_ OiLy that Dt. Chate*a Syrup of LInsee4, ttjld Gjrden, Proper
ed- 3tO" 6rs cannot be too vareful fOrth TOWn Conwr-il to h Farm, 'City, Villa..e,
annnal exelirzgon this year fo th� t Mhd Turpentine aftotd-:9 wor-der,.u.,i tyj f3old, Bought
of their duties in the guardhingship PromPt rellet for coughs and cold and V.x0h&ntod.
Place. The date Was E.Ted for, Zverybody has confidence In
of their youn.- t1aughter.q. This Salt urday Dr.Chase
and tickets will in his great recipe book and farnoui Nione
-does not im lboaned on First and Steo
- doubt as fie good to re, rn on Mond&
p1Y anv to L11 y� � falil-v reMedles, They have learned by' nd DEAF I
their trustworthiness. T)nt tile beaforth has promise(I to give the eyverience that it pays to In-tst on' hay. , MOM98L96s-, RW A§tstte, Xotes and ALL CASES OF
Ing Dr. Chase's syrul> of Einseed and
old boys a good tinie. and arran Other Seentiti6s.
earth isneither a lenient ne-r 'a ge- Turpentine 1nv*eq4 eir N
ments will be Inade with t7
.1. vatioug untclentlAc "mix -tips"
kind judge, society demands that in v;ew. �tt end `111ch Farms, Houses and Business OR HARD SE
korne druggl§ft ovet as -imst as Ptop- I W." CURXISILE A C
c6rtaiu 1&w-9 for e0lidnet; ije, Wo- Dr. Chase's srrup of Llnsaea a:n4 'er.y Rented and Rents Collected! A 9 N 0
v- are di-sregardea THE SMALL-PDX, Valuxble and Most e-f-lective telnedial 'nPoh Reasonable Terms. IV ffi0se 1yorn dea& are fiicurab�e,
sekved, and if thk Tutpentine containt niany of the rnost H ky Our. newinvention. on.
a M
the patents mrm., get the 'e-redit of gents tor thtoat 4avd lung froubles. Xoney Investtcl for Private i
being ignorant or saClv- indigerent. Provincial Health AuthoriticsHave that science hat ditcoveted. It indt- EAD"' NOISES GEAS
acts ' i IAT
iro directly and pronippy vidualsonritst. mortogg on Real
Incalculable worth in an casesor of
or the dang being a Hopeflul Viewof the SituatiOn. as to b -te. 1P. A. WithY
ghters of croup,. Es&%
forward or rebellions. There bronchitis and whool)lng cough. I.t I& do..
are Toronto. Ont.. April 19. -The *0 far-reaching in its effect:9 As to afall history of i 76y,
small-po loosen the tighte-st chest eou Ab 111Y case. to belTsedat yo.1-_iiscrctio11,
gh Ana 0'-zr fivt Years 'ago !ftiv ri.�ht ear begaft to gag, and ihis L-qgo,
f§w thing-c;'RO Precious and sacred X Situation in the Province! re the cold of 16he ttithding. 2�10 a I ni� ury hea-i-ii iii this ear4entiray, VrOM. 1131til, I rost
,derweirt a treatmeiit for cattirrh. for three 1,1olithg.
At the reputation of a young girl fi-, Verr bright, and tile diseaso eb'o'ttle ; farany site, three timeg ft7tv1!!ccesx, cqnsttl Ieda rium-
gives every promise -of being en- Much, (Via. at all dealers'. or EarnAli_,
niother is a girl,s natura. 11 t T P H Ne LY. Ito that
firely VICared mat before the end of 90n, Bates & CO., Toronta. e mact noises would
I.- Teas ordered vour treat -
8, up e uoi-es cz-ase& 2 11 a
chaperon. If she cannot atleomp-! the month. There are two now Chase"s
any her alw&ys� She ean. e t icases f n Perris township,. which, Or estorta. Itha.11-you
% reported Z EL Ll E
ture that her daughter is .1 1'� with the case. some time.
'lic'erl'aga -which are about Of Lin e -ed
proper and dignified protecfion.� ,, recovered,�
makes eight in till. A neW casel js�
at A 1i 611nitttd
'ca AT E_
'The D011ueat0k for May, In its I reported for Thessalon, in the i -lit i dlu rpon t''Int, YOU