The Herald, 1902-04-25, Page 3t -4.14,41.0.-aft AltC441.0-4141.,,,Z.C,414,46.2.14 vii ..., "Ma r V; BO inetion."-R. V. Be- peres,,,,aseeme,„ettem,
1„,:g to tile Cambridge Bible, 1
twee:: Jew. and Gentile. But, accord- S
Some Gowns of ihe New
ART SET • York inner Circle of e
400 Described
. „ form of tho verb ie nOt tlael Untitil)sl ot, THE mARKETs
aftr s had ethe eventtaught him
(By AuGuerA PaEscorr)
April showers are here and the Hay
flowers are springing through the
sod. The showere and the flowers
are the signal of spring, and as
Mother Nature flaunts her gay hues
the woman goes out into the svorld
upon summer shopping bent. Tnat
she must soon be a summer girl she
The most apparent fact in her
spring catalogue is the one whieh
tells her that it is to be a White
summer. Perhaps not all white, but
so nearly so that you might as welt
say white.
Who cares if a gown be in moon -
colored yellow, just off the cream
and only a little deeper ? Fortun-
ately for her who is to be in the
White swim, this color collies this'
year in beeomiug tones. Instead of
the blue -white which Is becceming
only to the fairest blondes, the clear
type, it comes in a deep tone, :tiniest
cream, and in oyster grey, which is
quite white, and in the grayish blues
that are ernoky in their depths.
One of the most economical of fine as an attraction last year and the
dressers is Mrs. John Jacob Astor. year before. e
She is not obliged to "scrinIP" as Why not get d simple'little printed
other women understand scrimping,
muslin and ma
yet she does not spend a fortune lice it up in the Way it
in her gowns. She chooses sults should go? Ton will want a shea,th
that are in harmony. This spring Skirt, as close as possible around the
She has two walking sults, one in hips and as full as am orchid around
grey and one in blue. Both are the foot. The orchid skirt is one
sweep leng,th, much longer than the o- .
f the n skirts. , So is the morn-
pedestrian, and both require hold -
Ing glory skirt which Is extremely
Ing up on the street.
, .
Tie blue is 'in the old-fashioned The flounce can be one that is
shade of navy blue, and is trimmed pointed at the top. It can be, cut le
with wide bands of braid stitched great points so that only ten of
on both sides. .
them are needed to, encompass the
;Flys. Astor's Gown. skirt. The bottom hangs straight and
The waist is a Russianblouse, even and Is finished by a, hem.
open in front over a French red Around the top of the flounce there
shirt waist whieli is eubstituted are narrow black velvet ribbons rap,
for one of white on some ocea- and these are threaded in and oht
alone. Trimming the skirt there or a band of insertion which finishes
are long bands of the braid that tho top or the flounce. At the top of
come down each aide of the front each point there comes a little black
and curve around 'the skirt at the velvet bow?
head or an undulating flounce which Tits belt need be only a band or in-
growswider in the brick. sertion with narrow black velvet run
Ailey Shades of White. a With this mit a very large black through It. Two-inch-wlde insertion
hat is worn. It turns up in the back makes a good belt.
Ton will be surprised to find law, with a big bow and there is a
many shades of white there are, ah d weeping plume around the brim,
ILINH roiNT Phan ihet1111 WITH TULL% AND ROMS.
if oda aro oneatenteletiag the motels Mao; male cleave zemetpleae Uhl
ing of a tsleta anis tiri se &Lou had -ea wee oitesailt etreet ;viten.
boater take alias; et HI et the geole,ogee min thet see wools the
tor no Matter Row Moo auutif'e tit,0•1 Wooer: the lint itinhe ewe I
have foe calor soil sell; elesely nuke g..:1200 rig on,. t
a lilleadsa stni home hula gat 1001,012' taP21.9 65,za&ttn. The enteente tie:atlas
%tenet that mash out in ttch •5110. oh the new ehoess with their pelielt
The color of oh; ;coo 111=.1ra1ar Deatlirr their halhiniat the
olui" for tlie %ern' hakn 1L1V11 titeir ante tope. esohttes adelair
1. As; IL tilonleh ithe solt and attlont reepeet. They are ite.tve,
lelnionftstle- hio-hchneht, erfillwru" „tiro thq„ theee moo iourelaig shatel; ugel rev
intw Who t'atir,..51,1 MitNittl' He. foa 1eine seeserdee etteerta oust, o twitfrd g0
clout Mi. uk,e 1111 111 ateett bratsda with that tatttlf31
With cora aiiii latet8 5151341 Wing
feels troeheteh poimie u Clue UM- lisii !hit oh ne
lelleaelled ielares tairearly toeey part OT th
Satin Lately eofetiese there Le hel: conhtths ohs ssen snoss. is 15ns
tills tote otoried itloaani selluolls" toe NM Elpi10,,g ass, oreashtt hut soh
tottli. To aireas utir a Vette' „or' wotteli Whe. tO leek:Teat arsine
bight 11 It and hitinel oht lb? c unr tite feet eteleotee thIS el'ortolidica
Ot ziour cheeks eon aeh wan". a shoe eoes r
Or panne paik %cavt'. hoot upon the met tont heat.
/Met with Miro bonging eltds aildstaed Frmily :hew rohlt wouthn wcar !ow r
WLIi vcivet knots, Your belt and Aloes ea ulster, mid 446 ntehaient
*tack way he the sankv h'ou can den wag tkis custom durince, thilast eerie
hart froin this cas_t „to 11 I t 4 son that clergymen peeaclial agaltis
pink tesso to hour ivie.ha one ae roar it and doctors Were itterviethed up
tack ard rite at your bele. „ " oil itte 10 &eche. _Sven With the open
It Mat not he supposed that- tctS worked stockinge Were tate IOW @hoe
cloth Which IS the teeter' or oil lace were awl Nhh.. york wonnsu netuay
la de:doled spedialla toed oaly tor the t t- • - -
trt raeMed the fee
hoese. rat' from it. This soft ehade with these hsos„oha shoeo buttoned
is Wade up lute street gowns alai is ., by only a eiegle brittoil at the abide.
Wort With pink decorations or with 1 the sestoohle.641., the noloniaL tie of
bows or brown Velvet, %vledh 'WI) spring has made its appearance. it
really Far better' tot the street. !! raw aim rather. wide The to6,
Take oshli a gown and 1'7761 11174,, it ie high in the heel, bat, after the
blottue waist. Tnck, the sleeves atd pattern, _not the riv.tiell heel
let cuffs of yid lace heists the tat:fele sthhe Isis the Ledo ghat -he,
With InaTes of lace above theta. 1
Let the oole be a lace one and a hate tseitloses shoe.
let the teliat be of the cloth with! The hssi, some hitsh, .„eluall, and
Inee over at. Then let the belt and if eshisehts the, enhte. theta le a, big
Irest have a very little celtee brown r, metes heal, n.o.„, the instep
*egret in the aliape eit a twist atd eihnosse. hhh„ss
Sem* tit* hrowa velvet roses ramie 'the thsh..hee` them ge a hishties-oGan'p"
up Frans vsle-et by the yerd, not artie ens h,tt„ woe, o„0„,
t`cors, but "nieele" roses. Ans. he, -1;,
itioma or refineznent has "4 with- her --pro-t-oe--tivs; er-etrleoa.t7,ntetniaull
around this gowns starer' it beattli from this style of
foTs- shoe.
One ot the most cbarming oreations = „woman .w.M.tirhsses remarkably
oeo tioielaetaorkse" :inonlrealute vie8iffugg,owtanhhiel, Cwhees"r-leszartdDaWn:a 611Gribselt-doArr 11-atitMtel:i
atteedatit at the tase show, a TITO
pale. more Ince ac iectsclate-au-lait.
man of magnificent. physique a lash -
The etinrt is of sweep length, laid
111 tecke from the belt down nearly! lonalgeshcreerAlisallbe, ainatiofunlelysesonswe floe% titfiet
to the beta, and the waist is made word,
the same way, al! tucks ftom throat times- She wears the tailor made
to belt" nith Igttle' l7")11.e"aY effea I .4.1Prerg's. Vtg.ifil-..%1=11mr4laktefftlyBcrti
ossat;si•p2et,sfr!ontiett.. ourpotnliethblasIt.,,ovoi, ao ; forget she is et grandmothet when
treero all tine dreeses of sprIro 5 3-ott see her bronze gold hair brush -
This season so many pretty belts
ELTO made of insertion. The kind that
will isecommodate a ribbon is used
and the velvet ribbon is run at top
and bottom. Any coler may be
chosen and the belt is so inexpensive
that ono can have lia.lf a dozen -
one for each suit, run with ribbon
to match.
A charming way to finish the
wrists of your summer dress is with
a ruffle of the printed muslin. Be-
tween ruffle and sleeve use a strip
insertion for a cuff and run two
narrow ribbons through It.
A great many ennoner wrists are
Cut very low la the neck to set over
a yoke or white lace. This pretty
fashion permits the leaving off the
yoke for evening and dinner occa-
sions. The only neck finish required
for the waist Is the little black vel-
vet ribbon run through Insertion.
The etock Is a simple matter of
needlework with velvet run through.
At one elite of this bust there titaY
be a big chou of black velvet rib-
bon. Anil for the hear vou will need
another viten of black velvet to /
match the one at tho bust.
Crisp White Goal's.
8iniety girls who dress a grea10
toed atel hot e a great many gowtes
.aPRII. 27, 1902.
Gentiles IteesIvedin;o the Church -Ads 11148
Commentary.-. Heard -The news
that the Gentiles bad received the
gospel and had been baptized spread
throughout the whole country, Had
aleo received -The murner in wbielt
the fact Is stated shows in the first
place that it had made a favorable
impression on the apostles asel broth -
2. Was come -There is no evidence
that Peter was summoned to J'eru
sahan to defend his conduct; but be
had reason to fear that be would
be censured until the partieulars
were known, and he may have has-
tened his reture In order to furnish
that infoemation.-Haakett. The eir•
mine's/on-The Jews who had Leconte
Chriellans. "This must have been the
whole church tti: this time, but St.
Luke's uarrative was compiled when
lbey that were of the eircumcleion'
had become a distant party." -Cam.
Coeteneed-D1 psted, r p.osed
charged him with being at
fault. -Barnes.
53. DItist eat with them -The dieei.
Ples would have rejoiced ancl would
have welcomed the further spread of
the word, as they did the conversion
of a. Samaritans (chap. VIII. 14),,
but it was a cause of offence that
Peter had consented to become thei
guost of a Gentile. He had eaten
%vitti men with whom there would I
be no regard to the character of the
food, nor te the way in which it was I
prepa red. -Cant. Bib.
4. From the beginning -The apostle I
furnished a detabed account of all !
the facts In their order. It is pre-
eisely the intimate manner in wideb
the several incidents of the norm -
t it it are here interwoven AVM each
ether that produces eonvietlon and
...atlas's every doubt
5. Praying - It was about noon.
Peter was on the housetop. The flat
re.ifs formed a convenient place for 11
retirement. Ia it trallee-Or east:nee% 1
A etate of mind when the attention Is ,
eiettrIkiti In a particular train of
tioaglit, so that the external senses
partially or entirely suspended. '
---)1.rites. Ile W118 t mu...ported out of !A
,eit elf awl pat In•to 0.. mental state;
tsitieli he multi dleeern elsliTts bah 5
the appreheneO in of man 8 lima? .
powera. Haiskett. A great
• - hat the ;gam le en w was
estended Gm form owners p
toeteli tvere held up a." it were by „
iet down from the four eXtre- '
Precisely what the vieion and the
spiritual application mezuet.
in. An aegel-Cornellue ref erre
to this heavenly . messenger as 'L
"mail In bright clothing."
14. Tell thee words -The gosp
message concerning Christ. All tie
house -The assurance embrace
them becalm they were prepared
,as wen as Cornelius, to weloOra
the apoatlenz message. - Hackett
Shall- be ea ved-Tney Were indeed
now saved, with a present meet',
tion; and yet, now that Chriet 1
presented, 'acceptance is necessary
to a .Sinal salvation.-Whedon. Peter
be Sent not to be the Instrument
of the conversion of Cornelios, but
simply to "show him the way of
hod more perteotly."
15. As I began -While' he was
or:making but before he had pre,
ceedeO 'far iu Ide .discourse. On them
-On the. Gentiles. As on us -The
Jews. At the begionning-On Pente•
cost. Acts 11. 1-1844.
16. The Lord -Peter remembered
Chrlet's words as recorded in Acts
1. 5.
17. What was I -What right or
power had I to oppose the manifest
will of God that tile Gentiles should
be reveived into the Christian church.
-Barnes. IITUretani God -Oppose, or
resist God. He had indicated His will
and Peter's prejudices must give way.
38. Held their peace -They op-
posed Peter no longer because they
saw that Gocl had directed him ie.
all he had done, and that the Holy
Sptrit had endorsed his action.
Tetwhings.-When the truth is pre -
united to honeet hearts their preju-
dities are at once removed. One of
the beet means of destroying error
&Rd overcoming prejudiee and false
opinion le a cevival of religion. Though
it is the duty of num, to repent, that
they may receive forgivenese of eine,
yet none will repent unless led to do
eo by tile Holy Spirit.
d wr-orr-Or-or-or-WrOW-irrlir14,100.
Toronto tvac..xstortv ..1turitet.
el shpril 21. -There were only two
y 10,1.1d of ()ate? offered on the street
s market this morning. They Acid at
, 4,8e .per bushel, .
Hay WAS firmer, 5 load& selling alt
• $13 to) $14,50 per to for tineothh.
• .Straw was firmer, one load selling
• art $10 per too. •
8 Meats are all higher, exceptveal.
iBliegeht6rhit;Idbquitera tteorsslair De (1,510covrtp.erF:coviir.e...t.
tempters .are $1 to $1.50 per cwt,
higher, at $6 to $8 per cwt. Choice
carcasses are $1. higher, a,t $8 to
$9.50 per .cera, and common .ones are
$1.50 to $2 higher, at $7 to $7.50
per cwt. Isaanios are le per lb. higher,.
art 10e, to 12c per lb. Spring lambs
are, $1 each higher, at $4 to $8.
Motton ie ohlazt to $1 higher, at $7
to $9.50 per cwt.
• Wheat, white, 71 to 77Oe ; do. req.,
70 to 76c; do. goose, 66c ;, do. spring,
• 67e; rye, 5Se ; barley (malt), 51 to
Oahe ; do. !Veil, nl3 to 5,as ; .st.e,
41o; pean, 84e ; Reed, cwt., jolt. al-
sike, 812.50 to $10.0; do. reil clover,
to $0.25 e do. timothy, ill7.80 to
hay, timothy, $13.00 toll..1.50;
do. clover, .$S to $9; straw', 88 to
$10; butter, pound rolls, 18 to 2:2e;
oo. te(f ole2ites, , 15 to 17a; eggs, new laid,
Toronto country Produce.
That "God is no respecter of per-
sons' eonimentie Itself to thq judg-
ment and conscience of men. It makee
10 difference with God in Ins treat -
nett of mon lion- niutth money they
nay have, or how ivell edneated and
refined, or how leeterant they limy
be, or how high they may start 1 In
the eetattation of tloir follows, or
that. official. pli.sititu.R. may
110d will trcat atilU,.
tOl'llt ;Ill to the haute standard, ro
'walk in. the light a.» Ile is in the
livettese the Jewish pee& were the
eltiliiren of Alvah:tin nevorotligg to
,he flesh, they thoegio, that title;
thew wore the lalwrittivez or -the
treaasee nuide hatn. owl lhat the
lentiles had no part. nor bot in the
metter. !tenet. they iteepielel tioene In
titiq lel•sq.551 'MA I.:VW:114 5 x155', Vitut 18
Plst.whiptp deeinriel 1 "rier he le not
a dew. whirl; is oito. oat watelly; net.
thee le that eireinotost .30 trag:tit
51nt WPM in, the 1115'10. it.5t he Is a
Jew, witted' is ota• Inwardly I awl eir-
lv 'that Pet heart. In
the spirit and tiot ho the hater"
name,. peals.. le tot SIT 'seen leo
ikAr Rom. les. 1.11i. le 111;4a a
nalraple these; titeree elpeetiel 1,4 eine
litre Peter. gales was+ a dr w, nio
vino Pea gem1 rehoesto tam there
hot he. seatiut to V4itral- the gee psi
•"; Voile lies ;nal the Toe hie woo
51 rc, ,areutiip.!‘t. ,i4u,,we4 ntitt gozei
oareen Wily moist Inas, etnert.alti
luta:nu-nig net nro et rote; roe „s
44ohe tames. touts; top..y
urea dartheeilit env.? af
saiifiN 1;,Pli Th);.14.',U
1010,: ktt hg.
teieth: ee4 tletei
iectittestanm4; r1134 I
S415 no) ,t5'.A04,. tieet.elleers,
es might Reeve seen • ee gravo.
hteistaininse the tease v•-neeion thee
4. I) gEtillq2t11 ttrtit5; R.901.1Y Mat t. M5'5%.f.
:Itt V.* 118%-e
am,Nat. ',reser in etgatell te5ii.!:,...'11.9
t1'Ovh7 nib eternity. a teettata ttr-
e tea., oni
lie retre.,:ning reriitele heti= Moro-
telsolnesi to lie hist. 'hhoy s- --b
Poen the sleet ale/ seeeeenset. Now
nes-It' rill Ital inconsgstcAnt or ;az-
easotalao thing. It leave
pen both hart EMeil Prweree ever
eete nut4,15.,. Toti 4•41SG-4. Or tni Veir-Lok-nlIr.11
15,rqn!.11 tp,4aroll lo ego owe
-1•o• et...v..1 nu5 zroi-
-o5.111gy the Grell en' love.
1"re oelec.ttit tl
g ze crisp materials,
zire faaltionablo taus year.
Ti it' mattrials give an appearemeer,
or youth That slannot be Obtained,
from nate- other kind of stuff.
They are crisp and Creel', yonng
nail natural looking, quite different
from the claigang, aeasheale t1 p1'. so -5
iln-11 Dor change eery ria •
friseitinos kIhnit hoW '0114 Wall titand
no* W(41k1 and 1150 trotttlfiet, the 1'4 3
breams. and the nitruittain fuettieste
• or zuntito-r to (Welt o
ho brat. made Hay are ehartah
Iniansees are varied by trowel' a
;wait riht oat. To, nvas
&Moe.; tr.muilitie get a WhoIe ploe
sxt stli,to satin ribbon, baby wie.O.
TAM 21 rtuti„tDo roeette.
olge; ,.%00 0515 not -ell, re"
enough! to tie It. Let there be
hem too's to tie it. Teike tile roete • •
It will be
ea moat he aa big toed ntrau ,•
9 a a ante love apple. alai !hetet,
• ", the upper edge of the Ilinalte-0. -
! knee es-eet Wave 6t1ch a roe,
• ' rat ilidervals mill the W tarsier:el .
, &kilts or etert tit tote three taisto:•.
r u to trOta liet, trent et the oe•
.1 tweet.
aboth the oilutr. truth alit -
Tuoaliert-eisetced girl a 64...Mr._
t11" h1.1 164'irtaltly here, attl gui,' g.v
e nit Malay. Tans! oleeve ULU le ea
pod ta tit tete callseer La' the ei's• •
15 Cheat will he aorta le Aeneeet. "eh -
h meth:rig tial; _
11 11. 7. -is ettt oil raid fi/led with a teen
re le esi`i7149 material, that io he-
arer./ Vera a:Mole 11 la,
There etre fogey ways ot met.:
throe Short sieeVest They cut!
o:f attote the' dhow atta tension, o
t until, a weSe., eliorp weeteh te-
befell and elands; mit like a Isse
- • s
eitamete mot. Or the sleeve eat PO'
sal below the eaboW and
tlio *Able Way.
A lotely u1 platee the allow 'n
bag tvItli .1t cliff below tile zeta
and tlitoedti le finished with Ozteei....
Theta; te bate aleete that is tree'
heetatiFiti oh ell. It is* the great k
ona sleeve., 11.011 it is ferule oat
lasetto elzOli Or aelseet. It is hoer
nth. -Cotstattly grows latgsr. Loa -
isenlig tight nt the shoessor etta
Wideos ettil It is pea-few:ay
tsetse orotund „the loan:l. wi
islmwsa brantifu17y goregrons
The oues:oe oT the Elf-fli0 Is ere,
/ Mat not alwaas with a total er
vet t at sometimes with slrans e
if It be a lightwehtM. sV:"..• •
the strabs extentimg up the arm -
A -sleeve in Worn beneath th:s.
the ioote delicate the tarelereneeve
the ,prettier. It ,shoolel be e a ez...7
Lotitslu-esbh,it.)1 beentiful hue, arit3
; fine hi it, texture that it wir., 0171772-
' Pie Ilse a weir. Yet shake out age.7:.
5 without a wrinkle!.
thcr they be roe tho otreet or the ed away Irma her temalea in gteat st good men does good merele•
house, mai the lace in this tasie is curves, while the Front is brotight
used as a filo soke, with a point liz 'loan in the eYebroW putt
the maidie of the front: and with tap- -Ills= Belmont's favorite eolor is
ming sides. There is a Waist „yoke, F, een spring she Is wear -
but oorace upward trot; the belt lellg maYveiona teaf-gteeu, eloth
urea 'leeks eeme.thing Bke a eontinua- trimmed With gold and black balks
Coo of the hip yoka. 'The coif's are UC with iltshairthinagdoolcvnoakeacerhbladoekotirtinfie--
baggy affairs of the ellocola.te cloth,
ere ate bell sleeves bot -
with neat little wristbands of lace
dered with the brilliant Wald.
finishing them.
Buying for summer.
There aro so -ran very smart dresses
iti this country, smarter far than It Is time to he out and htlying the
those In London, and there are Amer- summer gown. You case do so for a
Jean women who make theft money very tittle. The rarely printed taus -
and their clothes go farther than
English women know how" to do. lins ate very eheap and thete are
fignreci chiffons, ehiffonettes theyare
They are not always the women et ed.,
that m lovely trimmings.
cif wealth, but often they are leaders' ee
iti dress, because they know se 1 Tine Freneh prints are excellent &led
tiothee seem
how to dress' trid to Xnaire their _the ash nonveasi =mites throw
eishays and aeey, , into the shade the mercerized goods
which held the centre of the Stage
11s ing.-Ilatwer.
No. Mamie; ..;Nar, 21 would scareele
be dipazified es> speak of a canon as
one or the big ganST or tale eaturcii.
nits. Otrassip-Your wife's very ex-
travagarit, isn't she
Mr. H1 -What makes you
think- that ?;
Mrs. Gauseip-Well, I notice she al-
ways goes In for the most expensive
Mr. Henpeck -Not nlwaye. "Talk Is
cheeps." and she goes in for that.
When Mau ftV Mrs.
andee's husbaeal big ease let bopelesa
Zente people complain that they
never get a chance to do anything
except the th;ogu they' can't do
1 I
h ..0.• of lite nt ales.
Atel haw, ete. - "Me siston re.
ma srtatilio.
le 4 olittel the whole ni 1 .
ro• Were in it ihleg ereaturee te-
441 hint), not multitude of
• same sort el birds aril beasts." g
11 kinds of nithuale were there, dia;
•tte and wild, dean nt111 unclean,
t her u i4 ere' ping t hinge and
i- Ix of the air.
7. Slay nal eat -"That is, aiseo,
eies of the animals exinbitea hiesol
without regard to tile diathietion or
eleen and uneiran.h Tale Inatel.eular „
VII W5113 tIngoVal!5.0 l'eter-5.4
• Chlentnea or ithelean By ton!
filen, WIlutz.v.00r 111504 gebeinn noqe , t
statues; the •tlehtilee, is to be melee -
stood ; weelleatic, userething that
us forberfaeii tam Meeztie haw -
ever tete weed tease be teeneiler.-.11
explaantosy a4f the other. Tam rah.
bilt 441111d lituay of the early fatlieraO
believe:A Lena ho the Naze:sae atitinals''
the •tlenutiles u•LVt: 11115qtra..-Clark. ot
area tittle entered - Tim dessaat .letv
anreleed gtozat eare oleserviteg the -
vguogglall t.ElAfilte•21iiztou..g 1'
ltd usiehmen. liters, Iv. H; Alan. D.
U.. Hata eseansea-tiall mode the 1115
dsttezetimee 8.4,44:wet:I§ t.leato 10,11 tne:1111"
costae tor A4-1:,cot riarp0Attu, 11110W por r
esesaaiy• ate,. parpaes tILOSe
r45goieci. llo toad auutliouloy
to otve the haw ; Ile 11114M atIlt!!._0rItL4' 5..45 ,
rt, cue thw. 114Ate met tfion t
Mon alls. .11-" Toe oid dispeneatlion is t
goy lle gese seoce to title slew. 'out
tee to toneent. th:15.51. kit 15 at'e not t
inakt, such motions uttPi pairo-
tigress touger." "For meat tiestros, not
Wotk Goa." Item say 20
10. Tattoo tiniee-For the greater I ill
(Ileitis, anti in order that a deep
eiel lesitag itepreesion alelit lie tin !lt,
Oti 11.11.115a. Cougilovv, I her- h
;totes dream Isamu ar. 32y and Zoe- n
esphys iftterere.tatIcla ther; or. Drawn _
ufs Agttin----Tho reettlitiani 0. thz wholh. 51) teenneeiy 8 Me 424, it-Vif,ItS 614,1
inte, )1011VM again 1V219 dcs524ned .sti,it aterilornas tene with praise.
point oat that it was aItsson Which
OW had ate directly sett as 'eh oil Ile
sent the law on Sinal. -hate. Dibe
it, Ihelased-Rehool how retteurkabley
the itollesites tailisenie Tete shows
Gott G'eel Se directing in the twitter.
Iininellatets-St. Luke toile 119 -chaise
i. rhy that vete a Peter' had erozeooa
(tole 1210 trate:. 119 wa.s "nattiteh per-
plexedhu taltirts:415" not kierow-
hig at first how. to apply what he
It:ultimo aid heard. Three men -Even
the character oi these, men Is de-
Setibed 1iy Teike ex. 74; they- were
trestwortler men. Ento the
lionek;-The enteel thet ePnrorhd to
()Mazza had told taint where etot
lodged (x. .8)). n224I WhPril the messen-
gers ionviii the details true it must
have be-ean eceenragernent 20
12, the 'CS/deft-Before tilde Owl
had spokee to laint vetth a voice. tett
here "Spirit spoke to spirit," elent•
lar yet clearly. Nothing doubt1ng-
Wa141,08 awa,o frrIPM the 550151
itplarce.lei.b.set el everyday
',.!toliaitur4 Vie %senior
ta:ti:Ilteit are :pen strear:"Ite; 01-43;11
, 'ark. tient tiew oft tezatoser
51fIN, tysttguer ; -toe's tgeve.t. to bre
fenini wkexx Ine"ts writatel."'
"Ilteresiztary. I seetepese. His tether's :
.• polezniate otat
, "l'an sores. Mt. creat,%hp;' sal.3 Mrs. 7
• Stervem. "that we ha vaniso Oho
poriehoos see -14; so sztr43
TIM But the .-f;04.1.'storra rasene stoat 11
se:zree anci-a" 15
.• "tinier the eireentataricess 751,
hterveno" rephel„, as he stertaieleti
w.hi; Ira !K. -elm'. "I tieleit rathzer
(eine:aerate eh eon our stink rienes
ore- over eo In -lob Sc1E52'."
Toront,e, April 21.-Dutter-The of..
ferings coutitin a few dairies of fairly
choice quality now and noon there
will be plenty of tlein. Creameeles
ofier frei-ly. Piquantl for all ;Oleic°
butter is etrong. We quote: Ci•eam-
ery, prints?, :1'2 to 21le; solids. 21. to
22x:: seconds, 38 to 2(1e: tlair,y plaid
roll', elloice, 18 to 1:Ohf: large rol7s,
s bolo?, 18 to ein.: tubs .14 to itle;
nteleuni and low, 10 to .11.2the
Eggs -The market is firm at late
uith a goo- drmand and Ilhern0 fo.ter-
PotaliOt.b-Di-IIILLIVI atteing
offerhapi 1.beral. 'rite maraca le
steady at the ads:core. Prices are
Aviles. to 144 to aile on track Lere
ano 60- 4 nit Alb', (Mt stoas pota-
Wee are worth 75 to k407%1
es -Tit re 1-4 tie ..lentez_ a of -
bolters are ii-elet tie,
Pzieee are steady at. ilhato
loci for well.fetoca edr-
keeN (0) 2.. PG. for eltele
Dore! et et --The meek i•t red et,
nt it lo Waned prier ;wee an 1 a ha %,
wand, at hid eat twine' le N.411.
1 t et
Paled r -
1551152. dennixel offeeings zkt-
...nil. Tie snot bet .4. %el. ;al
125 2".
A:ritt,,th Live "soled% vaelkeie.
L' :ease. .Apiel te, sI 152
eidee" ..; ,o 0.1h Ise is •1 11125
65r. N,4-.0 . L, 01 lie
lie. 24•,r lb.
Lsoolien la heat 4.041t.•2,,.
lesalowees, ino too " leelee „entsie
tin. e g., .•6 12". 11 'J.:p...5 1 • 0 1, 't
&Mt t
eon, Ti fool
, ,
5 25252115, 4'. 5 7°' 7 '43
zegna I•oho 7: eoe, _
toroonte !".;341.1 413
15-1 *e..
11un!aer; .. . 74.j
Etr,2 4.,a1 )
11 :3t .11,t!.. r. -155
Ito 4. • !!s".
'1," -4 q,:!' 4-o•iss eu •
r. ww,
1.'”; I.e..
lireteE.treet's .,..,., 1".r. -o., •
whe.,,ste. ra, a:ea-4 h- •,e ee.-:••i? e-,,,;•.Ivs.:30
Ibil treble 0 g _tree ise.:e. -h.:4: •-a- ia,';3.i..
f f`r9 tt. til 15..e..1r,,,,,,..0 t!:,....-..r,p 1,,, ---.tis 1:-ast
qt. reree•cle. Tie 0 -4: -Rd' '1'; .ss -o v, -,r7
,i , eleese. eze•ii tlee "leeIkea for
ivastitees us 1.ef,y ,pror.n1,1....g. At Toe
ronto tilele tea .k. ore 11 sele 2rs:' bail
not twee. eteite ee ,teteive ..1r.!,4 it W240
21. week ago. ritesneeso so for ae trav..
4•11.5_ -re." '41.tuoil kg i,Inl strAil.,r,, trom a-itnrld'
25.15.-t- .l s ree,i t,.. re - A'.17.:....11/47%:...,St c.-0.0
ls. verF E..01:st: .,,cor..1.. An. ....r; ic.-...' '.•(..P.r-
s-iriel'aLio tzetiv it ... ....:La - ip-..,::::. tozic.: d
IIEJ A:Itole1;a1.0, 5 ••••1 03-.1ri'L,". i.i'.1,.•
week, tztl...171e,,s ..5-. I4 eel :se- een-
tinnee sraiete c'tl*E:''•-'. "tn.S', 11';', ;' .4.
R faotitrs. c'orp z'T.7:11,:- v.',1:i V11.,:-.,::,-`,.,, ,ntir
go..51e. ranzi si'tr; ea- t,.,,: ,!.: .e..-er ,...e- 7', -1.7
riP;',. crl,111V.reg 11M 'i.:.., ,_.4,:.74.11.11.;!' .4 -"_.
large.. Illeeetil tee 7e 'i.e.!, 3e -e ;
teiElll,e, .a, .to, ....,-.74
14,70--3 triZI Tr:a 44_.,z4 in:, : e..
tl.e Selte,erst, 11,:.1-,.., 7..' , -w.
n '',.1:n"..734,..r .t• -1151...-t.:.., '..,,-. •,'Z',5,-
5c.:.0.11...:a. reed et e, e ..... :''...r
her thie seeeese, 'e• en
.iso lose:: e4an -. . ea
ulnetesole te•'el• .
he ;'24 ILO eh '-''.'ee --
teen 1'15::1 • e :••
sz,•_leOtl'rssea .g.
Payity,n,...P ••..r, ' ,,. tat
Ig.milft.!: ::::‘, ..:
ne 12eci--.. '' Y"' 15: e...e-fee ,i, t_.:U4',...7.6,.
Suf erer
Who Feuhd
w • 4.44,44 is ma.** wear. wax ,,mww•sow Kw 114444****44........14.1 ww. 4,
From Ronal,
ick Relief atld Lasting Cure 621 the !Ilso of
ilt". Chase's Ointment.
If sod toed read a few- at the letters wheel' 01151521 10 115e55e 0111:ZZ!S' PIN:f0; 524
from the iniserleaof itchlag., bleeding, or pretratilng- you woail seen 2''5151h1 the nee
inv'eses p of eliis
'Wonderful preparation. 1181-0 are 1 wo earapie ;letters slow the heartfelt gretiziale ef (erred ones':
Mr. Jelin Tnttle. expressinali, 107- Sttrevert street, Nir.getet. Ont., 1115.9 :L5kq 1555 't ratn Iv"anoloznaeh
great hleal, •and often tefeysed to t!anlprie.RS, 1( h.:NO 3 great. siefferer rtes. As
for a number of ye:its, anti trie.ti eVerytia/n4- couill hear of In a vain
effot• -t ter get ,Ibitigottllesyszieeeitsleil when I used Dr. Chase's- Ointment. 'Me first reppileatien of this
burning sensations. and. les.s than two boxes
alYrpeerpairecattioanndbPtecrilnigilatneunTer4lei.efIrraininn'grthantdefallonriitIlitieslirrge'edorn from suffering, and desire others to
benefri,Eby. my experience with Dr. Cha '
se'e Ointment.
Kelly, Cobeurg. Ont., states: "I have used Dr. Chase's Ointment for itehing piles, end can truth-
fully say that it has •entirely cored me. Oz:Iss pe.rsons who have endure5 the torture of itehing plias tetn have
any idea of what I suffered. Dr. Chase's Ointment brought me prompt iellef from the misery, and has Made
41 thorough ante. I ate .thankfei for this reinedy because it haS Made life worth living. 1 cannot srty 'enough
in tecommendatloo of Dr. Chases Ointnierit."
.ehesee 'Ointment hae worthy rival 41-8•s ertre for itching plies and itching skin dismses. It IR
' ' '
poeeeseal tortnin powers •or."t these ailments which imitatorS are enable to repro.ince. ton .can be 3.1.105-
11itety tura -of Dr. hizaseh; 'Ointment bzingieg relief and cure. It Is backed .hy the testimony of the best people
In all parts, of Cannaitt. 60 cents a box at all dealers,. -or Eiltnansore bates .Se Co., Toronto.