The Herald, 1902-04-18, Page 6A RAILWAY MAN.
EXtraOrdinary Unpleasant Syrnp
tonisof Kidney Trouble in
This Case,
'Porte:Iced by all Kinds of Pains and
Aches die Tries Everything, but
traits toe:rind ilteliet Tilt a tcriend
Advises Hint to Use Doe(Ps Kidney
iellis--They have Nude a Weil Men
ot Him and He is Grateful.
!Ottawa, sOnt., Mara $1,-(Spec1al)
es•Prellia .Chartrend, a railway male
'Mehl:see wbome is at No. 180 Little
•Obaudtere street„ byes .aarnowledged
'ghat Dodd's Kidney Pills have done
pore for him than anything else in
world hasever clone. He says:
suffere1 with besets:she, and Iva&
. 'always draws's' and had a very heavy
feeling In my Limber. .
"I had frequent severe headacaes
and more times very sharp pains in
tile Sop of my head, whicie gave me
snuele annoyance in my work.
"My angers would meanie and I
Would hare an un•eassiness in my legs
and occasional poens in the loins.
"I was dizzy n spells and short of
breath. If I ate a hearty meal I
would have a pate in my left side.
My appetite would sometimee be
very god and sometimes I couldn't
eat anything.
"I had a constant soreness and
tenderness over tue spine and tired
teellug in the region of my kidneys.
"I suffered mate a Little with drag -
slag, heavy feeling areasthe loins.
'ISocid's Klaus.** Pille were recone
Mended to me by a friend of mine
-who had been cured, and I began
Po use tlt•eno.
"Almost' from the start I began
to feel the wonclerful improvenient,
arbielo continued as the treatment
•proeeteleci, tall the unpleasant symp-
toms had one by one entirely disetp-
ateadd'e Keiney have worited
• wolelerfal cure in my eeee anti 1 a.
catua•et speak. too* Sialay of this gr at
mei goal remedy."
'What Nears !Sibley Pits have done !
for r.("eartrand they have tetra
for t loess rasa ca others tone thy /I
do the vane Sae yoo; etre gess tie
a elersece.
INZPIN:` are nanny ralway men In
Cana Pa tteder we** aria ro ere Kle.
etre leas- se g.
V*10 roalway noatirs earest and best
Tee aaeisteen viare tam on trains
and ressines ito very Sera M tee
alenees, eat Italia IS' awes Pals I;
merge tepee -argent) well ansl able to
eerie: disease,
Montle in etaittorstia,
alrelire*1 itortWa terms' tofneer. rest t -
Is! urea dteirstal • sasteage usf feta.
Corea, tee einece for elle el orates -re ."
itenter, elas nal peotea, ersherise ease'
traete 44W-Z.077ki-e;', 411 area 11; leolee
inforreitate frivelstest lateareee
benotio sai tresssol envie me tas "rap- ,
tnt T. 1.11"0 I.
karate easecor hoe rel• fernies: 'aroma
/Ste Mt 11,*11.,1 at *tepees
A Mattatel of 'Minutes.
Theroleara prersessese teatieteatee
that at 1A.14 t11.. en April tat siesst '1;
talitetee C reashieel f4E6tir I 010..
110013104 rseall te're teepostiti terra the
birth ef (least.
Hart* lailterate tot le the
raSitittlittorbtrii5 tettnIV., UV -peaks Itselr,i
si Se are ha ties
it 110 'Stet tau* Insare elf faes-ipt
Attlee& tb Ti cat ks aitio el ti 1
1.tela years; ,3,414ItL s11.,2),7 iligiqt1
& Saes* test ay sasee ese se on the;
1114 te-Vetlitiati nV
Of stentese foefee_e seesset
ZO:.) VO, Lit -
fa sesesesa testa seseese, .„ ese at see
ate Itateeike:t ste earesset
leratare Lae.; af sate fteee
dsaire tissed eluded:,
; =
Tr.1 eseeee ease -
:Casey asate tee 4.1...*•• a tea ea
keteere tfj:
A Preece of Enterteesees.
las to•
arta iesseseiter-Ilaease esae-s tent
roe *rotsratetessil Seal oleag_ettailat.
il 4, „eat I. Li ti
tatealia Ist aSes a et tee ass
Seta seers cif Lae L.
;ors haeaelaralea IINEIENT .
tare realetes- rte.
larsesa alatee.
I keen'
tf_ fia. thiesSei
Ceps- Sehee.
I knees 1,11Ne. tietaieLiNZITSNT taas
blest ram•say en esertili.
aferaealaili aNCen.
laereray,„ Me.
Hove nt Knew.
Tste' os Troy- had at own each aegree
greeroence era mentat ttboinseeeees
that the tit neer was; aithearten
and' .61:ze. feestey asked sareasticalty:
abo ;sou keens- weether George e
Wershiegton was a *oilier or a sai-
'He Weet a sorNek,'" rep:ied the nr-.,
thin promptl.
-now elro you know that ?" she. per-
" Team- 1 ssw teettire or Men
&masa-4 the Delaware. mod arty sal-
foaSI kraw er.ongh Lea to &terse up
it the boat."-thicago Everting Pas'
. t
tforserRreecting for Profit.
Every business seemsto have its
times of prosperity, and its times
aelvereity. For a number or
'ears, Canadian horses Met with a
rend e sale at good prices, and then
all at once eame a period during
which ever* tbe best were scarcely
;Saleable, and Inferior stook could
hardly be given away. This state
at thleas was cane largely 'to over
proauction, the indiecriminate breed-
ing or teaetatable animals, and the
substitution. .of electric for horse-
power oz street cars. Tee result
was that the majority of farmers
zero up the breeding of horses, and
many or those who continued in
the business became. careless in re-
gard to the sort of sires they used.
The importation of high-class stal-
lions almost ceased, and the trade
peeame generally demoralized. Dur-
ing the past two or three years,
business has been gradually reVIV-
ing. Tie scarcity or good horses,
due to the cessation in breeding,
caused a rise in prices, and the re-
quirements of the army in South
Afriea increased the dentand. While
title increased demand has affected
all classes of bursas to a certain
extent, tloere are some classes that
are neurt more profitable than
other*, for breeders to raise. alie
first question for the breeder to
deeid.e is what sort of horse will
brine him in tlie best returns. Suc-
cess in the bronosling of live stock
must be measure...1 by the actual
value of the products, and the pro-
fits thet May be derived therefrom.
'Dm draught horse is undoubtedly
tie• most profitable sort that the
farmer 'an areal. Good, heavy
eurees. weieloims, froon 1.5013 up-
wards, and of good quality. are
likely to meet with ready :elle for
rams. lame to corrate By breeding a
goo,' mare u z. hasty tlysietelale
or lare stelae% a fanner is rea-
sotalley sere of seeuritag a volt
that at MO Vi.lars oat will Drina
het not awe term Sta.15. Beatles
tees. there is less risk or a heavy
oii'AL gettlete bletealattel. A. ;blemished
colt ef the iligater breals eanamt
he seta, at a, sacrificv.
whereas on a horse vegeta-is1 at
raW orh. sa b as ea:aim:4. a
bleati-to is tan t.ti-oh Lk.liailvot,a•erL,*.
Moreos•T, 41,tpe bntisti titrOltellitit`-
vei. Ile. rttrtleve" will still hav.k
101)A1 t.ttila al Per lets owa ferns
wark, uu 41 tlu e mere he,iotpoi u.,, f. or Ore eding
Of Lo e. zztl lie re,41. are. The
;scabs's. tersest. tine
,•!1,1ti tS 1(44:L1 i.„la,” 1184,11E4ipi
S seam toi 1eoi. tbo. eneest,
' DVS', tet' al V' it, freetill-V
tfie,.s .4 IV IL reset -
est -1 enivz1Nato% a ;. an;.1 walla
assessaina sea, etc. 34" a eitiely usel
for rev sooles feeia %Leek. tipit.
3,3);;, ale; far clear 111; sp. tlao the
Leese ens; le *
earratat• atto a loaresstf /be
le et tette vah alwees eel; foe attest
esieee lotean its the la :Wel easitee and
talent Illetein. We *thee laste *of the
Lash pialieess tea 1 r.o? flue teisfileeft!
-.1111 ei Letter. lea isInease the
feriner seisebiete.•1 pit re atie these
'ai]aae nes oily tett e •,Tk. zud
Itelh0PS E101) die, tot treinleses Wei Ilia
tense fa tee leviete deetere. "nee
freer r all es seas tittle altal the
to' .7';'.'it1ny ll trehease treetheasettoll
"Leaves 411S" 1.** toto leas the 14 lead
nvt1,1. .%.41 tiles sa et a fte a take
11314,4.10..22 eteee, met
et* feta ne Iles tease Iss14 Mtn 12 129
9 4sn,-1 hose sl. Tie is et serrhiees
Deasses are
laselleee ate so- ea 4i'air,,ah 4.V tesaelln
kJ1 el star olataaisse ;11 steisietiss '114P'fa,
eiresattaieSesi 1;,
a settee:es Isere a erle 4 2»j isarsiess
Reams sesta n, • a tee'. sees ea:ate.
latatoree isle's' • lo ass 1e4;Ib reseal
• Lse tease es vie te s; sae. le a tin.' re NI
t1.924 IL' i1L 9
siseeve patillesele Sse taco's:soave.
la -sat eV: s: lees. vra ‘;*.s; Ile wo oesesses
hoes• etn ass,
TeX 11,17111,P.1,-;;.' easesso;•e4. rota' .Dy, tAlt.,Sf"
tnVz:..1;;;" itie 1 tee foe MIrtiggery.
Nestor, to'1 aataissii aisles
foe femorraell 1- fenssee 'nos, oi the e.,ovs9 1n,.. terse. the en:-
seells tengeng in liatelle Perm
tte, 1:1%1. 1v meet
osia,--assuoico; froze 15 I laa Llas to
177ea, 11-2 teen is. -;i tarty iseseas
Teem lit! ;e ta 4 as Ie. al-aakse
ees 1 L252t 21.C s.not-
oasse 1;•strt'S fee a see elastee. elves
se r it zi s.ressi•e 4h dese
esaise es:sleet: .lens 7 "ease eseinses of
a" at' rtar.,
Easeese, sersi 44 is; Tea wieh
se. mese beee e•eli bona as pasta -
The asestasy :este or a 114.,7'2Avr
ts, pa with a- a 1 I: re, . leas anal
teak. Tee •oserse I futristrale
set:Slaters' lesteses. Tee teat stereetI
?saes !'s ara se -a; Case-
tareens tea **ray asuls in tie its 2t' -
Lt ,tl-tJ
a 4.,r4I-L'n,;-S,7 trvi'rtvzotN,C1to.,
Tea tete therstse tor seleseeser
lirele:7ao t1.1V ;5.4 rate retries:2, sleet:el
• tr.:=1, of the tinglaie Iranter, mean
asset hers, eloort eritert bares ;goal
sheulaere, amok rib end Ilene.
reel ass more bite -Nitta conaishiall
streneta, the better. isaloat 1
tienk are 2:40$t teetred to preauce this
tesea are Viol thoresughbred
not over 16 lialin1P, compaet leases,
witis plenty or bone and action."
It is Liege- ilesireble that none
but the best class of regietered stale
licess be need.. There are rer too
melee inferior horses hi the essentry
ewes .4111 if car farmers breed to
'rade or irileap erre bred s'aircele
' -
big, sound, active Clydesdale will
probably give the best reseals on
heavy mares, and the therouslibred
on good strong ine.ree oZ the lighter
sett. afaxee with eenseterable
warra blood are most dee/table for
One wash win make linen remain dean
&Alger than Two washes with impure soap.
As for the (Wag= Bar.
eytat gieger dannot =Nay, write to Igatat akiYaksesitS
alaallfea Toronto, agn 'ding les matte Iona Steatites and •a
teriel testate ef Stincligla Soap willebeteet yon free of test,
breeclieg to te, haellsiiey or eoach
Finally It is of the greatest
portance -that the foal slzalL be well
fed, as the best of breeding will
avail little., if the young animal IS
allowed to suffer for lace of proper
feed and care. Good breetlina ;tea
good feeding must go hanclan-hand,
If a suecess is to be macho Or the
business of horse -breeding
E. W. liodsoa, Live Stook Commis -
Hotels are Crowded and Gold Mining
Will Soon be Resumed.
A letter received in this city from
an American In Johannesburg says
that a large number of residents are
returning every week. Everybody te
too busy to think about the wax,
and all are sanguine that in six
months from tbe present time the
miming industry will be on as large
a scale as it was when the names
were dosed over two years ago. The
town was never so busy as it- is to-
If these sanguine expectations are
realized 6,000 stamps will be at
work before the end of the year, and
If they turn out got(' as fast as be-
fore the war, they will be producing
at the rate of over $80,000,000 a
Tire people on the Rand, however,
feel perfectly certain that there is
to be an enormous inerease in the
industry. They say there is not a
particle of doubt, from what Is
knowe of the mineral resources and
the present plans for development,
that within five years there will be
17,000 stamps in operation. This
would be nearly three times as
many stamps as have ever been
worked on the Rand.
This estimate of future growth
may Doe extravagant, bat it shows
at the confidence of the peo-
ple le the future of the Rand whose
fallen fortunes they are now work-
ing with the utmost energy to re-
Ask for Mina:a-Ws and take no other.
()ter Reputation Down South.
Walgary Albertan.)
One stf the members of the delega-
tion of pressmen who visited the
Southweet ern . atate* this winter
met In with some congenial spirits
In Arizona.
"Wht•re are you from, stranger ?"
wend the Ariz:mete
"From Canoela," returned the dele-
1 gate. with pride.
"Oh, yes. Cattatia. Any. whces keep -
'lug lioa 1 thi•re new ?'
New York Central lead litoOson River
The above name Is a. house -hold
word, and the superior excellence of
the road should be sufficient to at-
tract most people, but may that the
rate is the same to New York and
petals east as by other lines no fur-
ther recommendation should be
sought, Everybody will tell you it
is the beet.
Vernal Votichinget.
A. thorn in the hand- is -worse than
two in the busk.
Presents make the heart grow
Keep your shoes poliseed. Then
you can always shine at one end,
11 you can't at the otiMr.
Where there's a kid there's a
Man is like a nail, when he Is
crooked. Yoe may be sure he has
been driven to it by a woman.
The things We don't want are
given to us to console US for the
Jack or the things we want.
The relation between color and
sound is raerely hue and cry. -New
York Sun.
Df 'nerd's Liniment Luonberman's
Bullets Cannot, Pierce Snow.
Snow is a substance winch offers
a most surprising resistence to pene-
tration of a rifle bullet; far more,
indeed, than wood. Experiments made
in Norway have shown that a snow
wall four feet thick is absolutely
proof against the Norwegian army
rifle, which, by the way, is of quite
exceptionhi piercing power, and that
et ;al ranges from, fifty yards up to
a half a. mile.
Monkey Brand Soap is a cleaner mat
polisher combined, but won't wash clothes.
How to Avoid an Exceedingly Un-
comfortable 13.filletion.
If a person suffering from persist -
est cold feet is constitutionally of low
vit.:day, says the seeseaman, las arta
.lete ebould bi thct. of bracaig liis
esteem by a geueroue dietary, and,
In winter espial illy, by the addition
of fat to has fool -the emount of fat
wsuallh tabten blionki be bonxewIntt In-
ero *ed. The Itretie- growing fairly
ciantion ta taking after meals IMMO
faeou of fatty pro iteration ie no doubt
esereniely toasteu1. time prefer cosi
e Os or 4ail1ar emulsion. Tim
peeson who suffers frozn chilly feet
meet. ief course, be careful to bee that
hae t't as are changed frequently.
Tie- feet Ink bathed in water
to wit eh latztv, has been added, or
orAt. These apid cations appear %a)
Catarrh Cannot be Cured emzet_nr..4 Want effect. on the skin
g/...u.ts, and it would be .well to note
ileit 11z0. feet and into the 6tiolt-
iii.;J.,44 there :h odd be dmited a 'gout
powder," wh eb any druggist will
I1 pty. tieetatu soldiers on tho
ni.Dvea are made to us- rittat a powder
by sly' z,1 prektOrSinec- the natural and
hi lti eeteation of Heir feet. 1a
thez te women eepeelaily it may
n" well to tioIiktlirit tuella Nate noel
Lee card also [mots anoi ehoes witli
UV rthoto etas's, and tight, garters, re -
tar eang the eirctolotteen of the idoeta
are nil conducive to chilli and there-
fore pave the way for the inroad of
more oPt..ous allsuen Ls.
English heaven Lleinient reMetee
sall hard, .Fort er ealltiaSed Lumps and
lasanolaltee Haiti laseeess Bloo,1 apnea%
Voiebte apatite. Shag Sone, Sweeney,
Vara...tit, toughs, to1e.1.4..tVo Ku) by
of one !settle. 'Warr:tease the
eteet w zder1el Itienaliele Cure Weer
isiltotett. Sold he- all oireggists.
.1.0CAls as they cnn-
nii Iltomr0 11o, kli,o atoe, taterrh
WEIka or coma it 121 anal tlecte-re and 1» order to
One At ynn 132541 taLeilletemAn.mtelle». Heirs
rteturrh elm, tal,t.n etticitt.eitY. and eels
erne .ozz lh* ...OA 21,Nf7111. surfaces,
talorrit Cere DM a 1142aCk intelicina
1 a was pirsersibs 4 la ones:1' floc be ;physicians
too ilois country for se:tre and is O. 24%gtp$02.
*sett -tem. le is serciased Or like hat tattles
latown. teinisioese welt the toe Mood. mai.
Ilo areas: ale ally tee the leontttest surfaces.
tt.0 Itvrto7TtAteNte...itien tof •itte two literoll-
eve& V.10,24, 1.r,oittoc,..01510 vortseleifel make
;Isenrseetsetarat. sane fortes -simonizes free.
. 4.'11 h%' -E1 & ate. Props., Wale. 0,
Seal devereases rt
Haifa earetly lene are tate hest.
ales. Davis Is Vase.
lealleet essatera
Sere. Jeffe2-s:05i Ittels hall pretest el
• ief4. the toreetlen of a triumpleil
torah In 10k ntery ot her 1at i2L1atgd,'
the Pregdent ef tire aentherla acne
fseilereee. It le not thole 'et to tea
tip lathier tattritotoleitts 10 the leader
ter a rebeliten Hatt •Ine
E1,11.fisen streets and svpiars• will
teems/ tarter them. 4and the 41141'
Itionell of history' will :give all tied
14 Ctraultg to these,
51:Ake a note rot ie. itCarlt von are
Iraelm,P tont', to 15,1-v s, a
afielea_ZI Minster. It Iloatersesteteel
eotee taws tetaat &tee etbaekittetwe
testatelte, stitetee. vssil everyt Gatourt
said to/pea:A ne t2 .(;.t taso eSelitatto
wage bsr "(MINN& Lacrreuce Cott Ltd
!tow to tell a 1,C:vea, Probe et
aSes..2. a Sallie
Lon;ton tooy wag 16::Izing• Eils fleet
tisit to the reereoley. and he: atten-
tion Was dte-tan tet a ltiorose graeine
• the roadslee.
"'That lierat a. lierse." hze matt -steal'
91 is a row."
itemenstratec... on tile pin't olIlta
grown-tr-p conupplaton wee- 122 votB:J.
Is a. hors.,.." 4.132e., clepay..:.
egain des-larest; "it's a tete; fet
heareee loae cabs te areil
„sae -se ,
. _
— (es lel ilsit
Want to be Loaded Too.
coarespoirsteta tor the Blade
minatrelLuit reletes Hasse Miele him-
,- •11 alz,11 1z9ss49r Wtre: Issavelicsig 121
%Irglitita, tare' estate upen an old
testersell mars witeise mete, attneand
an eel teseatio teltiele Wi10
th uulrip zt u Wtialicilett go.
"Hee mule atm aseasse lease" said
the tole man, "an" „es' gib a dental,
as alezaalz van start
".4 wiil ses it for less than that,
saysisea ate] the vtoetor.
took, his tame from the carriogc
#.F4 lit salad sariegc, Wheat
ea finesse Stith nesseptaa, anal then
jscted the deug le the animal's
The mule rearea, gave a. teal bray
sal et:tortes; oil at railway epee&
Tlos negra gave took of astoe-
o- luesent at the *toter, eel with a
. • el "%Mae seorte4 taowal the
reati sefter tiro imitate.
Lit the efeatee or to"a no -elutes they
eezae wale- ease et:tette:3. in the
ese..1 we/it toss. Ti.':: lento was ea-
rstiete hi eigail.
'-atty, issies..,' said the *iartiey, "how
_,a:1422 4 -rat" 1uuhing1y
eaf e ass- essoansale "as t ; 4 - itAttAtrft.tte.,43%t4-1;;7:1-‘4 tr
1123t711 daZ fu"5C wrtb you pet
! exe(2'.3itt Mit'N'ILZAZI.L1 l'f'112111.1:..7111 111.1'11:1' n S.174142t:11.7'
lestreet tteett
Stete°4 -
ira ere retest away Malt
-le I Must ketelt d at
DID VOU EVER1 1.tinard's Liniment is used by Pay-
-- stalatios.
'Why the Mancha; of the Lorabeeees •
Vet/slat VoInt Vlosens-d?
1...c:rabardy poat .111
at,; shesteraseewiare peal:ate Lietecees. '
The; toculloarite- or the brarases
accoinaCji for (a 1119 way: nold
man was* fer fortunate as to f:rel a
pot ef gold at. the en i of the raiz,-
bilw„ ,,lust at sans it. Being a long way
tram home, he deeded to bete a ante
aeon:nog, ate; return for -it. eo he carc-
ases.,: at tearer the amots of the
'isz0r.g poplar. Iris miesed the pot of
gell and acia Mereerys the wirel nzss'
roger, 10, look for it, He asked the '
trecs if they bad seen it, and the .elm
cok and pine pointed straight out to
the lasidate salving, "The poplar '
know: the poelat knows:" •a• know:,
a-ea:bawl the poplar, "Why,
elietild I loalow '2" and she heel up her
limbs* in surprise. Down fell the pot
of gold.' much to the poplaraston-
/sIntient, RV It Wax; a very honest
• tree, ase eta stretcbed hcr limber high
above het- head, vleala.ring that ehe
woula alwaya hail their; so, that the
enn god might see sloe bad nothing to
conceal. Of -course the other trees
Roughed at each an unusual proceed-
ing, but she taught all the little pop-
• let trees to stand in the same up-
right and fearless way, and they
were ever afterward loved arid re-
peated by all.-Fram "The Legend.
nrY Lore or Treesa' by E. M. Barrett,
"1-lome and Flowers," aptingrield,
a, for April.
Bred Co*
Whee toned up by
Dick's 13lood Puri-
fier will give as
muck and as rich
milk as alit -lily
Upon ter-
feed, and
a aersey
-ontlomiderftgly ihcreese lier yield
of milk. It saves feed too, because
a smaller amount of well digested
food satisfies the demands of the
system and. every particle of nour-
sistanent sticks.
50 'cents a package.
Leetning, Miles ,Sc CO., Agents,
Write for took on Cattle and Horses free.
sups, asessepasoluer.tyl.41.ti.he Herd is
"There are now tie buffalo in the
Baoar national patlea says Superin-
tendent Hownra Dcieglea who Li hero
huoinege with Mao interior Depart-
ment. "The herd 'lets doubled in tbree
years and le five years we should
have 100 bead in the potrk."
The befell° herd te one of the prime
attractions of the Banff perk, btit
IP intended to lead other important
zoological featuree. toueerintenclent
Doug -Jae is going to New Nark to-
motoroNv to aimed a few days at
Bronx park and get posted upon the
best practice in housing and caging
wiId aninetle, When as, returns to
Banff he will begun the erection of
accommodation for specimens of all
the wilt animals of the Northwest
Territories, It will form a. fine addi-
tion to the already unrivalled at-
tructione of the Banff park. •
Mr. Douglas speaks enthusiasti-
cally or the new district set apart
on the British Columbia side of the
Great Divide, as an extension of
the National Park. Photographs
which he has brought with lain show
the Yoh° valley, as it is called, to
include a truly magnificent stretch
of mountain memory. There are sit-
uated the wonderSul Tokelau). Falls,
the highest in the world, a large
body of water tumbling down an
almost amer descent of 2,2300 feet.
While in the east Mr. Douglas will
confer with 'Mr. Stupart, chief of
the meteorological bureau of Can-
ada, 10 n:eferenee to equipping the
observatory which has been erect-
ed on Sulphur mountain in the Na-
tional Park, 8,500 feet above sea
level. It can be reached now by a
good bridle path, five miles long
and not over ten per cent. grade
in any part of the ascent. Previous
to the construction of this path
access to the site of the observa-
tory was extremely difficult. To
illustrate this fuel Mr. Douglas men-
tions that it cost 6 cents a pound
to freight sand up the mountain for
building the observatory. It had to
be transit rred by pony and pack
saddle. -Ottawa Vitizen.
Learn _how I,do awns, s tit the cutilturbeit
and remtenetrannstts.z Mho itupturostiettout
pressuroon hips, spins er bones
Lenrn /1.4WW01132(4 6 nip.
.13," ruining year bee th bY
using spring irnO lex.stran
enrces which pressen ste!,t
vital lento ntt ran ex:tihl
sl lila ruptarn et al .
Learn how X ism otter
r",..yezity prectiv, zolved
tills smell - teliStInaerstoe.t
ruptetrorrloma os my pl.
Learn how
theactinn of
liftesr. ea.
nnly eno7,3 a fastor
by my Ant 4- tu se I rt .1i
Learn wine threes:sof
/latter.) rcailyea tent) howl twat estrous,:
fully tuslinexycativelyBY MAIL.
aeleeforey FREE RoOKirterealitsm
the trholetreth abotttltatuturearal Memo.
CHAS. CL1T1114 20 rast
lieu* litsrls City.
:kayo ree scont2. vorel4,nsectircel
c ty eppleing dtteLtl::' tome.
ISSUE NO, 10, I.902.
No use .to hunt tigers with
bird -shot. It doesn't hurt the
tiger any and it's awfully risky
for you.
Consumption is a tiget
among diseases. It is stealthy
—but once started it rapidly
eats up the flesh and destroys
the life. No use to go hunting
it with ordinary food and med-
icine. , That's only bird -shot.
It still advances. Good heavy
charges of Scott's Emulsion
will stop the advance. The
disease feels that.
Scott's Emulsion makes the
body strong to resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
and sustains the strength until
the disease wears itself out.
Send for free sample.
soe and $1.00; all druggists.
Cy .51.1%
nese, no stetter where it is. Fend demerip.
tion and cash price stud get our Van for find-
ing cash buyers. Patent Es:change tend Inve:a-
Inca Company, Tororto, Canada.
.L etc. Rome or foreign procured and ex -
plotted. Booklet on patent, fr...e. no,,xit
amohange end Investment etaterale, lemma
Toronto, One
WANTED gvr.'-,.„-;1714
thros,,f +at ("amnia
to introdteve our c.00ds.taeltitter .1tow cards
On trecsaences.aluogro Ms and alit`, n. 11!#.1101.111
abte tlbdretouting small wit ertesieur
spatter. Corambsion or fa"tay„ 4,02
day. Steady employment to goon, hatio.t. re.
month and oxoeuso,..., not 2,, ex", gl tt.4 per
11.011; No experience nerdf'S. Wats for
full part leulam. 'I 1112 miriut,
co., London, Ont.
CV P4100 trtet wertliy apti .1 at we,
tett in every lawalioN Iisem to is•
truainee22 ti.uv dits,ovcry tend Lei -1,, thoW
4..82r11q mai nth • rth.tint wait, 21 *4444 sae
• seiettotos 22sri41e421.,ai2 ri ant,
country. StrittlY VIA ;Ito 11911 2 0. 2 01051
et2830111*,1011 or bah. y, en ei and
espouses, sot to 4441.2' 0.4 1$ !..t.
tvrito for tett endure IS; sae os s ose
111 NATIONAL MfiltitCSNG'tZ,C) 011.
Alm, Winnow's Qtkottaing yrit
tilways be used for CruiLitell WV Mg. It
seethes tatecinki. setteesate:pulp., mass %stool
cone MK tne noir. rotaciy. rer oiarratra,
_ • •
NtrANT111-0001t1 ilot!..AEREEPERS TO
r know that eirelele. ibre. (Le
eltra)56ally prepallq, aerie teams silloateragrl
Sewelloryand all bintlt tutees lake noarsic. No
•„ ittslo or parteloor whatever is manna ; a de-
hielafell estate. lateen reeds, aea hy drug -
aisle Yen ento pikeenteitt tatesele free: the
lentemilose Brea CO, I apoullesto. The elteoeads
! taa.seetatitariets. SEIDa ttgat `.,a1;11t4.C-14
facet in• Pcnitte,sist.
Wastese.„ le ages Wet Ilasselloto en two tate
23aet, of stash a en awe
tenons* plebe.; vial be tele ha tete eaceel
diVidnA acre reNef to SIS ease as stle
Ifelisis 22 detticlitel tansits tateree
sarsenteo Carsenter. P. 0. bat .Lti, Wieritas
Low Rates
Every Day
Every day fi oil AP tee eeltotto or
19014 till. i"Nait's 1,14•11,1k. will
14(11 ono C41,0.18I .it tee
helloes -Les rat to 4
24118S4j2ir 1.1111l: 1,14
COM 8a!t. Leree
Butte mei 114 „ -Ile 0
Spekeete... t_41.1.0
IPortharel and ete aa .1,11.N.11
'raeoinn. Sastsd
Nen Vranete.,2•9
Los A2rg,-It,4 an co
lorzt 11 17. eV:
11810 NM' NW lie pe; tit .
1,"tfir Inn I^.(terete,at_ette 4.,15
resereet weeny vie hi Ay's'
fe /Haan ate. (1n t
t2tOt /41;42,4*426-,114ut '14..'.. 11oit Mori,
It r ‘11111"12. la 1P es
ee Se, -t-u'-
Orant1 Gates and Larift
_are a specialty with tis. Prices Cote opplicatiz.:.4t.
THE FRoST drinafitental gates ftre tho a:amis.)meet and
best. Write for cataiogne.
?let Prefaet Walt P&Nct Car. LTO., Wt Lt.tilT:.% start
_ _
CSe legal grade ter eaoror ilsecests Vs*
it all tee teem. Mallet ace onset
este'. Lomat lags -ales 1hus tt%,•:1.-•,,, et
pitre prarotta Thee east aiss tesal
elterap sturf.
Ramsay s Pain,
ate hath grade, pore preirttr,. H **este
no more to brusb them ou than It
does cheap paints, and they wear
batter, look bttter, and sob?, et et.
Drop uea tonal and ask for
shoeing cuts of beautiful lessee&
Established 1842.
/ Ai 5
I ur,t.,1 value,
MONTRENL, Paint Makera
Mfibh '01.4
ate 'vastly miptividt to the ordinarx
lifetidetneare attlekts for dome/Ale use. . •
tsr #4;11 titre ,•biltivii th *11