The Herald, 1902-04-18, Page 5Forage Crops For -Summer Feeding.
The losses that mem, uinilally to
our farmers from the drying up.of
their pastures in July, August and
September, should induce every
stock man to grow a few acres of
green feed. In most case's only
personal experience with • fodder
plants will enable a farmer to
ascertain which are best adapted
to his own needs, and district. In
the past the Chief objection to soil-
ing has been that time is too valu-
able to be employed for this pur-
pose. But it is becoming very
evident that on high priced, lands,
and with valuable herds or flocks,
we cannot afford to neglect our
stock during the summer droughts.
Some suggestions as to the selec-
tion and growth of suitable crops
for summer feeding are worthy of
In laying out the work it is
necessary to know how many bead
of animals it is desired .to fend.
The following estimate has been
made of the land required to pro-
duce sufficient green feed for a cow
for one day. Of Lucerne or other
clover % of a square rod per day ;
of barley, ' oats and pease, rye,
wheat or millet, % a square rod per
day ; of corn or sorghum % of a
square rod per day. The above is
a fan estimate for a day's feeding
on land in a good state of culti-
vation, and with no allowance for
pasture. No cow can possibly con-
sume % a square rod of rye. barley Continued on page 8.
oats and pease or millet in a day's
feeding, where there is a good 11fISHTER GROGAN.
strong growth. But allowing that
the above estimate is approximate- On the Uncertainties of relates.
ly correct, we find that one care of �-
these crops is sufficient to feed. a Politics is all th' go now. 'Tis
cow for 320 days. The amount :akin' th' place iv Millinery Open -
required by other kinds of stock ia's an' Paice Negotiations in th'
can be calculated on this basis. It public moincl, an't it will continue
is always best to make a liberal to do so till afther th' gineral
allowance. There need be no waste explosions in June or thereabouts.
since any surplus can be cut and As fur me I don't bother me head
cured for winter forage, or plowed much about politics. I vote whin
under as green manure. • th' tonne comes an' I giuerally vote
Next it will be necessary to con_ th' same way nnliss I change ire
sider the most suitable kind of hound, anit's altogether likely I'll
crops to grow, and the periods at vote th' same way this toime. It
which each will be available. Eor don't seem to make lunch difference
general feeding, rye, clover, rape, W]licll party is in power. AV ye
lease and oats, vetehcs, millet take notice ye've got to pay ypae
sorghum and corn, will be found kaxs:s nnlay way, an' it don't atl'iet
most satisfactory, and the
list all' lull 1r•]late anny. I suppose eV
muted will cover pratic'n]ly the 111ad u. soft goy ernmint enaap loike
whole season, if sown at suitable rude frin(1 C0nlliletor McGeeI
intervals. Rye sown in the fall Ginightn't be :iti plain spoken, but I
will provide the tamest feed in the haven't.' ata' I'll jilt have to wiggle
spring, but us grass is ostially uloihl; tht' best way I cnn on ane
w,bnjtdttnt at that time, this crop is prism€ income. Now it's dilrorint
not Ri likely to be needed unless a wid native-. He calls himself an
Bona flea system of soiling is prtac- Inclypendint, a an' he giuerally
tiled. Clever, where it will grow N associates wid tit' Tories till th'
well, come; next on, the .list, and elietion, alt thin ye have to hope
will furnish an abnndunce of good, y er Oye 031 ]hint. Polities is .rarer.
feed during the latter InLif of June. u taint I tLttind.etl tit' Liberal Con-
]+U 1j aaa', or alfalfa, where the soil, w intum at Mu salt, not asadilly-
aiatl climate acre favorable to its. gutsy,. nit merely to add a 'little
growth, should be given first platee dignity to th' uggrrgaw'tiop. Whip
"wen"wentttLr v.
the list of soiling crops. It c•ulr I, wrah there f reartlirlsslsl, "weni'i'
be eat almost as early in the spring tit` kYeit ere� ruttlleltt dillysate s that tit'
tut rye, and furnishes at least throe dillvgntes as It' whole appeared to
crops, per season of highly nitro. me to be a .Marty tough lookin'
genous food. It is greatly relished ; t•rdwwd+ -They are aall that" ho
by all kindsofattack, but IS apt :to
says, '+Itut jiet wait till ye, wee th'
use Ideating if +rurtla+x5ly pie., '.ort rooterson Thurstlu . Politics
t'en ei, Its the Southern parts of is tlta0Prta%in. Now I dither faraL �i
(It ttuh tela It generally stands
ntcatt daft imagine that 1. rward 'wave
„minter waif, pial lasts for years tit' unanimous vote iv tit' eonvin
without re -se oaiiepe, l;t slimed he beth, an' 1 clidtt't even L'i'nk I wud
sown in the spring, Oh r1r qp, Very 'be nominated as at candidate, but 1
well prepared ground, eIfli e doe ° etyrtaainly t'on ht 1 wanes be called
of with alight nurse mem of burley on •td) make at beadles. 1 Buri wean
'Wheat Or elate, tout at least °iii arltieldy lareltereele I W tS ,gotta to
touods of, good fresh seed to they say that 1 didn't ir.lhfet to be celled
qr,"f' a Tt is a'li we slow in gaming on aft haulef t aantt t lit' 111.01 I110da 1
tootholi , end alma ld riot brae roans- Av ye'll notice they gineralkhi
fared :lie~ first mar, lint of le that ehtyart their s1aa Sebes that way. fait
itb yen, tetaae olaac of filo, ,!tial ° thinI was gain to say SOht1et nig
withstands droughts remarkably blsr" unlimeted +co tpitknce I
Well. Rape may be tsowvti nbont hail its tie !meant>laiiaislntn' .tuff.
Hest st of May en trle`it well pre,. full 1I', th'Mettle emed only god
pawed.: soil for eairiy feeding, and i atarwrnt a ifrywwY titin bike 1lshtor sowingsMe-
.neldititonalmaybe mutate at ! awash io,ba k. up aliskter� Ross its,
intervals as desired. It is ;ems.a his loight astlaistst that hyda•head
table to sew rape in drills two feet o etmlii�s Ituryiti n as tit' Opposition,
apart, maid eaaltivate as for ttutrtnilps
he wild. be able to hope tit'country
Plrohts one to two pounds of seed ref all fast prislnit prosperous eotnlitiof
the Dwarf f 11s5e x varietyshould.Ire ,.mite ii* th' referr:tid:tut or tinny
sewn to the aero if drilledin. or
other Hiatt. Fiat somehow or other
dsrrt tilts the arilotiilt if sown broad- t ems os'erlookerd, an' it's bard to
east. llape 1rradtuees large quanti- = how I maga" "vote now. rotates
tied irf gr iehlt tea:. aid is one of the is titicertai t Clancy aatindd d. th'
best foods for keeping!•attitti•alsj ie. Conservative, Convitition, air' he
oniliitg Irl s, sheep anuli 6 zyves, in says s that t- Tories is `ist ss stire
geed; oinditio l t is not .eatis , that Mishter' Rilbet" will be return
factory. :for mulch cows. invitee to edas Of lief vriners i s suite that
its tendenc to injure the flavor of 115„s iter' "kLe nts wJi, go i c y back
to Torotily ail' .-sit Blown. ua `batt;
the milk. Y7 '
t, (1 ase mate r of the ellye fink yersilf,'Clatnie ': 1 asays.
Vett' bast soiling �e MPs ftpr r3knthhns'tv," says Cliattcy. 'Poli
growth, peetieeleely fee fieieliaig' Tics a p certaittn. There's Wan
daYiY r cowai, 'a .y 511o0d hp sown t'8g sa;.lc7 Mishtet ti
at early in the s eingeei the ground 41"-eLeaan C:aal trete tr lits ltrQgt t it t11cl
t dsii ' \iorrh ind3 au Menage
Will permit, eta sit intervals there- + �i✓ to'
after'* at the rate of about three; Ooilids11catp tis' majority` ev tit'
- votes in Stalypiaili an' Ifey he'll go
as click as a whistle. Aar' on
til' other ha lid'" flys 'Chancy, '-adv
Nervous lunger Eilber .caro ret h'
rri5iitt t'etintioii. etc th' votes in tl1'
bushel 'op two ie ballots in th'
Andilike* *pin" *I'd liar Fciana North. 't'w'it. be illi day wid i
Mean,liteettgtZi 'atid high* Di y3;Iishter ?tcLeate." •`In. 'oth'er.
tee it Dr, clittaea Nrr rve rood. wards." I says, "thy elan who :guts
teem -tee especially Dr. ei ase% .tit 11if'S votes fl '�E,' l bC t rye,
verve rood is proving' to be very ”..chats about it, sacs (Malley.
creat blessinE. So many we nen are , "But politics is uncertain. An'
Weakened and debilitated by- overwork, how about th' Tiniperaance cote"
:worries or diseaaSes peculiar 'to 'thei
seif. and 'tweed the i15sjstance of jo=t I Says. ,e 'Tis fist this way," says
larch a restotratlwYe as Ws .great food Chancy. -They'll talk tetyhperatttcel
cure. ft11 the ct:t;v iv fiY' elietiont an thin
large. M. A, itte eeea, 'tory hili, Ont. they'll vote as they eflwaiye 4i4 airy
�Iy system ,gas ell 111 doetira 'erve , their Lathers Whine tbiali. Politics
7k n 'gaan ;.o use as very set 'or) s , is iinee1"tatin," lie says. '"Dkt ye
4i. E Chas � e�lc and very n 7..
and telt se tired and worn out that i -notioc gunny pecooliaiity about th'
irolrld +8arcely ,4t8 rl,yself about the ` dile -gates,' I says "I ,clid,'r seees
bot e It waned itulroselble tor me %o :. Clancy- •i noticed that th'' a,gri_
tilatrestsaoar sleep at night, and Y Yelt 1 n Y
gradually growing. weaker . cul lxlu'as..all]1Y at¢s frog 'h' North
nand snore nervous mid. irritable :Since as a rale. wore til Wil lam', fa nix
beginning the use Af Dr. :Chase's Verve : shoe that Richaardson and l cinnis'
ii.60 is telel altogether different- it has • t10 he sellin'. Ye call do aunt'
era death' Strergflrsilesl hang ri'er li' Asad form l,oirtel iv fai wuri: vivid alliin all'
bulit up my $3%5te3Ys w'Ondsri'ftall. X . •.
sleep well novo, and am being tem -eagle- • elver wet yor Y°!t'tl , Sit' tlxe' re j'a,t
1y restored to health and strength- r as good as army other koind to
believe It is the best medicine to b'e a,ttind oonvixtions vivid. Thes'e's
heti Di~tor
Gh ee serterve Food, 5u coa'ts s + uethin" ttncert in aLbout tit' Wrl-
bot, boxes fbr u2:5O at ra:li 'deg feral, ox ::anis shoe, •Grogan, an' dont pate
1dtnalileon, Eaten '& CO,,'Torento4 -- mit.iersilf to furgit it,
bushels per* acre, (equal parts, or
two bushels oats to ono of pease),
Vetches or tares are now grown
its Canada to a considerable extent,.
especially by dairymen. They are
likely to prove of value, not only
in Ontario and Quebec, but in the
Maritime Provinces and British
Columbia, and the West as well,
The•colnmon spring vetch has•been
most generally grown, but, recent
experiments go to show, that the
hairy vetch will yield a consider-
ably larger amount of green fodder
per acre in Ontario, It is very
desirable for soiling purposes,
especially on dry districts. It
appears to be relished by all classes.
of farm stock. Tho greatest draw-
back to the more extensive culti-
vation of the . vetch in Canada, is'
the high price asked for the seed.
At present prices it will probably
be found best to sow vetches along
with pease and oats, at the rate of
one bushel of vetches, one bushel
of pease, and two bushels of oats
per acre. This mixture will pro-
duce an excellent crop for July and
August feeding and will also afford
good pasture after the first cutting,
if cut early.
Millet is another plant that is
particularly good as a catch crop.
it can sometimes be sown after a
forage crop of pease and oats has
been taken off the ground and. if
there is sufficient moisture to start
it, it will yield a fair crop. If
sown early in June, at the rate of
Clubbing rtes
4 ,
111 -We have made arrangemente
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with TEM 1-111R&LD :
Daily Globo . 4.25
Mail Jr Empire d,;�S
weekly Globe . , 1.60
Mail & Empire 1.75
Berliner Journal (German) 2.610
Family Herald & Star 1.75
A Discovery of an Almost Certain
Cure for Rheumatism and Kind-
red Diseases.
Amongst the greatest discoveries
of the age for the relief of human
suffering, perhaps none take so
high a place as Dr. Clarke's ' i Little
Red Pills, The formula from
which these pills are made was the
result of many years study and
experiment. It is with the greatest
confidence, therefore, that the pro-
prietors place these pills on the
market, and so .satist]ed are they
that they will prove a blessing to
suffering humanity,that they make
the following offer : To any one
who is a subject of rheumatism (no
matter how long standing) or any
blood disease, as enumerated below
and will give Dr. Clarke's wonder-
ful Little Red Pills a fair and im-
partial trial and do not find a per-
fect cure,we will refund the money
paid for the pills. If no substan-
tial improvement is observed, we
will, in addition, pay $10 in cash
on satisfactory evidence being sup-
plied us to this effect.
We have yet to know of a single
case where these wonderful pills
have not been almost entirely suc-
cessful in affecting a cure. CANA-
DA CHEMICAL CO,Peterborough,
Detroit Murderer Tried, Convicted
and Sentenced. •
Detroit, April 1:3a --Joseph M.
Miller, the confessed murderer of
('ta•rio M. Jcexnett, is now serving
a life sentence in Jackson prison
for lois crime. In less than 72
hours after the commission. of the
Cringe, Miller was arrested, tried,
convic.tctl, sentoneed and ledged in
the prison where line must plass his
remaining years. This forms a
record never betore equalled or
even approached in the history of
Michigan eriminul trials.
Wednesday night Miller naet, his
victim by appointment. land inside
of an hour had beaten her life out
with a hatchet. Within an hour
after the girl's idtnitity was es-
tablished 'Thursday u . ti
.f '�11 .13' �i
ra tai st
I, a�+ I3ei den ,
knowledge of or e.?onneetioni with
the crime.
At noon Friday be confessed to
the proser. uting attorney wad other
otricial, that hie bald eilttitrtitted the
tlturder, and on the afternoon of
that day he was arraigned in the
police court on the charge of mute
der. and waived examination to the
IRecorder's Court.
Yesterday morning Miller was
arraigned. iti the Recorder's Court.
when his attorney asked that he Ise
e aahthitted es to this sanity. Three
alienists phi' th€e Highest yeti: in the
medleal lhrofesatimi ehf *twit ex-
amined hitn, and en' the opetritlg avf
court in the atfornoint tesfilic,il
that he was sane,
`I'estimotty wet atter* given by the
tiantlt'eitdtretl lyyti',d's ttrotber, 'police
officers and other's to :establish as
Prepare toilet. idler htitaiself made
a statement to the coact, shinier
to .alai confession of the day before
except that he said he merely: in-
tended to frighten his victim with
the hatchet he had Bear' the lalaee
of murder and not to kill her.
Judge Murphy sentenced the
unfortunate matt to the extreme
penalty fined by the laws of
Michigan, and the first traaitn after
that Carried Mitt to prison.
His etihne de igintted as that of s:
elenoit by the jtttdge a tel ior'aaken
by his cot -nisei, who eeottgratulated
the police and ltrosecttting; officers
for fheie aatighiil able work ie brieg-
iin a ar bait to , uusticg. Joseph M.
Miller's host racy of hope eves di-
vorleed eestet4ay from his mind as
he sat in the 1l7rittr_isoorer's box, toyi ig
with lily kril�k4o tfriiifl ftp tering
to Iiiaie !i s Nee Gent the game of
seolras of piercing eyes.
Laundry . ,
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
ood foods
Prices light
Watches, Clocks,
Jewellery, Musical
Instruments and
Fittings, also Spec-
tacles and Eye-
Fine Repairing a Speciality.
Sold by All Newsdealers
Fnrraisbea Monthly to aiI /even its ,dud,
and 3tuein a snit volume of New, Choice
Cotayright Compositions br the aadt •.War •a
hail Vocal, hall Iltstra.Cen%n a Piano Music
Pieces for Piano -01W a Alacth f..r ars
Cents. Yearlyy; Subserlption,;:s.00. If you
wttl per) us the name and ad•Ir t of Ewa
performers on the Piano or Organ. wewills:n t
you a copy of the 'togavtue Free.
Eighth 3. LocuW. st PEPPER,
. Phlbmdelphta. Ps.
Is Ton daily cae•tiept '•ai tlat; `,11'tan
at anL. until a 1h all .. Tho mails ere
distributed are l" �It->;va:
tat. vett 13te,aim . a.. dare. bet 4 ;tau
o. „ •+ •. •: +oi.-o lawn
n ,•
5•r Jr�aetyteit. •• 11 :leant
•' L. H. le 13., •' t i e , en
•° •• L,1.1 at lt,, •• s.' n'enao
„ FRaebl >-1i,�,. %LI" %t i' 11 a r �oant
" ,• a+ a. II 1111,
,+ „ ST ,ib‘slse•ll, °• 9e' . a: ,
" 1.. It. t' 1;.. e D ] :n tat:.
„ L. la . , I ., +, : III.crta
Li'rTElas i.on htweeril.wrtMv�• thtaa"t.
irostasd hall' an hour previous 1
the time for e"l.ceen t the mule
I).s.i' A a., S.{ , ,�or�stia batter.
. _...-
They:Nort t a of the IN clam u,ti
tot ttuittbe]r 2 t. e.. in. i<.Y llt.�„ua-
Sa4ihhiing n,i aa -res. 5ueeoe t9i' 1t";-"+, A
110881e eiww'erini;1ttl with. raiit�°raein :
4190 and yelnivitng-stBNE77, uvan�v1"u,•
peetnnisee alma y "o,wl t4 Y'L'1w. l ,e.13
veMellt ttv ifautlai'a•ase is' t'➢ ai tuc.
Saw atrial 'hoc Mills. anal will le -
sold. on very easy teri�n4.
For further laaan•• sa1Dl�Py tee
i hs. T .n.l_ -6u. Ze r1Q ^n.
Nervous Headache;
retain is Brat Fa... 'ii $ - iia
and Beefily Weakness. rgoer. tag, Y P , :.
of illi eit,>tiY; of , *fieleele 'iee
p'eteoste 1l* N'otr 8atd VA-
1,u.u*i1na6 Br sitz of k—j ±. 'C%iiae '�
i er-'e I`on,i mote's;
.rl. ac8, laerkoalp Iteactaehe tact nervous
dr'srt .frau tlr tnaigestirn are usuaDI
Aland' together, and have a common
cause iin an exhausted condition of the
nerves. Modern headache powders
are simply tarcot:es that deaden the
ni licted nerves. They arc harmful
,and frequently 4angrrons The, only
wway to eltt a t -the: agar" atm a h' to r;.. -
store yh nerves by such treatment as
Dr: 'Chases Nerve rood.
Mi. J'oseph txeroux 22 Metcalf street,
Ottawa, Ont., writes
••I was nervous, had headathe and
train fag. 1 was restless at night and
could not sleep. My appetite was
poor and I si rfe-sal fai,rdig i1ErtAils s3ys-
pepsiit. Y.lttie bt.slites' thres worried
and irrita' et ine. After. having used
Dr. E,hiisels ?4trve Food for about two •
months, Y pan frankly say that I :revel
like a new luau. M3 apliaGte as good,
rest and sleep 'wolf, and this treat-
,nei'li lifts iatr'ehgthened mt wvonderfully-
r. t;lrase's Nerve Food is certainly the
best medicine T ever used, and T say
So ' because I want to give full Credit
where it is due."
Di. Chases .11erVe rood, yA tents' a
box , ti boldos for $2.50, at all d,a1er5
Ddmae;son, hates & Co., Toronto.
5O YEA: e.*
catchy areaats &e.
X'tyemaseedi.t a ke tl told Y qd•+ r a^ 9
rc.dee:ar *'rate*gra roc or" tr a LEV::
I,tTathufa (as Obi :7 'a+,T eae
tCyr.9i3ar"i¢¢ri;aa3t[�. ii.� �'� Ydat�+ �a9
&t1fv 11. ii'#Bus+,t4e cg .:rt
i ,tt erre Ya3car ab �g a Toe a S t . rYtr' ori
ij+r'ttsa'elk#1 tcOis ti +.Yes, loans
rtiUUk cries
A leo* ewe I ".arstratad
,hW�yYtylt oS laky ire:eriue:r r.,:
Ylu1t'?r* t tt o�ittia,$11. 5C 5 $g9 n
Co'-Ct;sag yNeibort
frRI<S? k bung displayed Sit rhe
Slee of smokeless, powders seal'
lacktre largo cc2 ti8rerif:es.
�-- �
A 45 e&iibre hrsilet Yhirlg 500
graifis gives §'shock to ;!tom game a" rhe
email bores eon not s;,vey�s be ceperdded an
for- Marlin tti -esI 1805 Repeaters bane
Stoke/est Steel"
barrels. Per
e__rpp'au'^Il t'tu leafOttialltalln. seep nor catalog.
mailed for 3 stirap's.
NEW 'HAVltet'. a 't eee.
The Kind
You Want
Bill Heads Sale *''ills
ote Heads Envelopes
Circulars Etc. Etc.
Painting is part of it just as much as soap-
ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water
cannot remove, and discolorations that scouring
will not take away. Use the paint brush in such cases.
Amu P7I,Vr
In small cans, is made to meet the thousand and
one demands fora little. paint about the house. It
h ready to use. Dries quickly witha good gloss.
Can be washed.
d f"
rh Sd
+"aDJ+' 1%* Vet 1) /4+ + )iftn on,"
-DAN rtios,
I.'t1 THE
me Only Fre Consumptive Hospital in A.
Ib=R' X•,;n' F' ff ,ip•f 111,upReei, taPt ''d1itkr the
Ni RW //�ayti; doe' f TI,i >: ,.df1Q 4q$'1T�1 is "I ..s , r
� .,.v, ��t.lrbe.�InJ« ..�i�.�u��t�'�t3,sHr7, :TM
7b,'Airf'ljrenuiIiGC�l�fj'fru'djii cling famish
Oro. Z66, ri4 t(t,f :`r� ry y.;tr a.+0,ti allilic"itufe f
t( Q _ � _ � tai the ..��eds�'tt,��st
'C�o tet � ' lPil�piatr d e.T yYl - t tie' ivy Gs4; diel erg' the :X cllioiutZ
—hare re retarn€d home either
e_wr d or i",,Yg7' 4f J;7� ip�ri`ffa
Fr+(f'• Ho.cp;tee2 + s,;9natert .j 1 the Mite
d ?' .qf't 1ii1 lir,;o7ifef„ t tr iiiory, 1 the same ad-
vantages to 00.. patients dry to t a r rick.
tv 44..E
e.The esti cf T3. .r. Gc'i', Fsq.. creat eer' F.:v(nfors Hart_4. fer,ver .Estate
-Think Of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Ctustamp-
Live Hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove.
-Will you not send a deltar-or $32.06, $3.40, 5.190, $lO.00-
er more, for this most pressing of all charities?
-The victims of the White Plague are found all over Canada.
corataIBr 2'ro vs 31-4r PE SENT TO—
SIR W. R. MEREDITH. RI.. Chief Justice.
rice -Pres. 2Vzt. San. Assoerd„ Toronto.
'GAGE, Chairman Ex. Com., Toronto.
NA.TIONAI, TRUST CO. Limited, Treasurer,
TerrSltto, 1.
"The H'ern.ld