The Herald, 1902-04-18, Page 44 THt, ZURIC14 14LPALO
'1� charw to be outployed In naval '$'t, Joseph Wharf,
olectilos. It is admittpa that
pioricacRI,nowatter wider what.
is PU 4
I pr
L In the Globe Of recent (Late, I
uarno it is used, is a very violent not ce(T "' discussion in the House
of Commons on a grant, of $5000 for
-plosiv it produces little
e::�, - e, but its ' the constructio'n of %,Nvharf at St, WHErILS
BY X. ZNLLI�131 flame, it is niuch lew; likely to set t
Joseph, I was not surprised tit the 'HU C.R;RAT 111,00D
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION - $1,00 Per the ivood-worl� of it SIlip on fire
Len the I evident lack: of accurate informa- )PURIFTUR AND
YORT paid stricti), in aklyfinee. . than common black powd SYSTtX
er, Es -
IMP" is not ordered to be discontinued, tion that members
it will be sent until such order is givell i Pecial Stress is ltlid On the f -10t that of the govern- r will r,,re the raost Pggr.�- J
and arrearages paid. $1.50 to beeh' 'd in the se fig tin which took place nient exhibited of . the conditions vated forin of Dysoep��ia
4"9L a- gh g audludigestioii, it will cor.
when not paid in adyauce. c'Xisting in, tile far famed U red "That Pull Veellag
t between I -lie Spaniards and the � t, amlet of After J17,atiug.11 TNervous
St. Joseph for it is very much in Headache, Sour moinach
advertisements, 5 cents per Brovier line was un
mericans black powder I- ancirlatuleuce. winysuffer
for first insertion and i cents per line Tor i versally employed its a bur4ting keeping with the astute promoter 7S wheti a cure is gtutr�nteed?
each subsequent insertion, Sluall.-A, dys past conduct to present only 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00.
tra7p� dr "Stolen .1,1�charge, and every Spanish Allip,
such as"Lost" "Es bx1crlit -side of the question, the one Jonu, 'HAUG, Dashwood,
be characd 50 cents f1r9t insortion and 1-15 was set on fire by its use. 'say-; was unable to get
best suited to his interestand most say; re"Aef fro= Astlima Best known and b e s liked. They've
Cents fol, each subsequent insertion, aud stomach Trouble uutil
liloly to impre.qs itself favora ly
Copy for chang-a of advertisement must b , using Our -Native Rerbr." held the first ip 1,a c e for years.- hold it yet.
on the inind of the Government.
be handed in not later than Tuesday night The Strong Boy,
�ollow- I can we.11 imagine the glowing 1) 1 ic-
of each week to iusure ahange in 'Mki. JOHN UUMART, aew Hygeiiic
hag issue. Do you know hira? Perhaps lie ture of the prosperity awaiting the AGENT. First grade"'Clevelands" have the i
Local notices in ordinary reading tvP6 I doesn't weigh one hundred and I 41vent Of the long looked for
;1. ZURICH, 01410�. CUShion Fralae_111,,11�e,,3 ,Ol ro,,tds simoth roads...
5 cents per line. Notices for churell en- wharf painted by the promoter,
fortT potinds. Perhaps he doesn t 1
tertainments or other benevolent illstitl- or aided 13-y certain capitalists eager 0 THEALONZO 0. BLISS CO. SEND F'OR CATALOGUE
tion at special rates. play center -Tush on the team to recover thoir thousands stink in 1Y Sole Proprietors,
Contrapts for column, 11alf-colunin and I stop the ball behind the bat, Or t this dreary unredeeming spot, 0 MON I 'MEAL, CAN.
quarter -column rates fox, specified periods i
%vill be cheerfully giyen. _,�ddress all i lead the, tug of war, or put the shot: When exarnined in the light of
communications to farthest, or row stroke oar i facts their united zeal fo`r' -this we Uo Hrrlk.�S, Zurich
I grant is very easily explained, He,
,r, lost in the maze he
Perhaps he doesn't swag'ger ill'('! the promote T H E.. CANADA CYCLE & XOTOR 00, Limited, TORONTO Canada
lblu'iter an(l bluff and boast and 1 has created for himself,, having ex -
V. r/P.TLER EDWOR ZrRIC131 P.O.�I, 11 A 1, 1 , + 1; 441. rIl'. IQ 4f'i 1, - , sted 1-thth a at;4671ne -1 4-1, flomynp nin.1 T-Tntpl
purse of his dupes the capitalists,
theytfall in his way" Or "guy I .
. is very anxious to recover their HENSALL, ONT.
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1902. moddst girls its they lueet. hini, or
confidence, -while they are equally
-ijost-le elderly people if lie 1)."s zealous in aiding him to obtain this
thein. or defy the teacher. or ridi-' This popular hotel has been
: grant in order to give it semblance
Proba.bilities-The werither wil '
delin-1 1 cule the preacher. of it monetary value to the proper- thoroughly renovated and refitted
soon settle and so will our I woLlest ties and securities they may chance;
Perlutps he is slender, . a n
believe I:
to hold in St. Joseph. I nd will be found up-to-date i
-abscribers. TABULES
' FRP1,e
quent s studious, reticent, or prudish no;'
I for ninety-ni
speak ne out of every every respect.
-toed or puny, but just it ati- hundred of the, inhabitants of the
On a recent Sunday seventy col- pale -ft r Vvery attention paid to the
, onal, diligent, earnest, sober bov.'locttlify when I say that it wharf is
ored converts were baptised in the. , e,�_ � neithei necessary nor desired at traveling public.
, Lookout for hirn ! That quiet 1 .3
river at Otta,-wa, Kan. The -water , : St. Joseph, Mr. MeRwen, M. P.,
;-terior covers bi.- possibilities YOtLL
was cold. and the. =eachers, worked � .1 1 for this constituency, had not it Do. c;�,�.tram:os find
not fool with his! wor�l to say in commendation of
with & celeritv that Surprised iho,� Nvoul(l better W. R. 11ODGIN&
Onlooker, not niore flinn thirty,�, patience. Tho'se ;Iender inuseles the grant and veho, in Parliament,
are not beefsteaks, sure enough, IC110-ws more than lie, the needs of' PROPRIETO'R.
Seconds beind, required for theint-' this part of the, county
0 4 but they uiay be �,trong. and Spry!
Inersion of each sinner. The con- If certain nioneyed nien have
as steel. That valin eye a nil firm seen fit to etink their thousan(Uz in
verts formed in a line an(I niarelied faee Io not flieker or llinell. iierore 4 -it. Joseph at the bcck of the pro. J C. ST 0 N1 E MAIN
down into the water, while the, A 0-0-d
Hedoesn't fight moteritis not the fault of tile'
crowd on the bank saug ,
0 � till he hw, to. then ho fig -ht$ to a nationantl the government who Graduate Optieiaxri,
Garment Spotle.,:s?" with greitt, [11IL-41. are its, trustees should not spend a
yic? single dollar for their relief. Some- 4WD% -
The �-trou b%T may make mis- I thiurr has beensaid in parliament HENSALL.
_A,1)ou,t ten day �o
, s -it - Dave Dun. tilk". but it is at these tinies when'of the paltriness of the grant as it Frezer
can, Don, hold a threshiu- beea0lemay best prove his strength. i-(.�tis�),i,forlettiugitsttind. Itinat- ifftion
ZI t(,r-; lit t whether the -rant be large SPECTACLES AND EYE LASSES:�
.&JIgug, He lilay fall hI usth bad rellowi, C,
his place While itt dinner � 01, s1liall. the principal is wron.g.
Graybrought up the sul#jeet of biLd manners, had babits, batl� It woulil lie anutterwa"teof public, Pitted on Scientific Principles.
nustnuents. batl intentions. He nioney antl wonId expose. the gov- j,
imuligration-Angusis it debat(Ir ill
their arip antl infillenee (IrlunPutt0thecharge of yieldlng� tlL FULL STOCK OF
tt) the importunities of it small' ima
froin, Debatersvillo. 15-a lie put the foel,
,11 ft eliquo of private capitalists instead
question to Mr. Dunean. whilt, he ti tening. Ho knows their dan.
poised a fried oyster on. his ftirl.:` irer. but other Inp; r!sl "-. it and litt of listening, to antl earrying, out, tile Jewelry,
the 'tI t TI e
labs or lt,� plej� &j4. Jer is
(twitadit*-" Mr. Dunetin kept on TiO�rR4 J,Ay. howttver. ab�,ilutely nothing in St. Joseph to Watches and
Nvarnnit tbe, govi,�Innieiit buil(ling
earvingayoung ronst 13,armapinv �,Iivlrt- I-kely a Ilialit alont'. %vith Ills
and trhen. lie got farough lit, replied "Itl,. wtwn u wora a Nvarnhi' it wharf therki. A sniall artificial Clocks ?.44,
boomwilis created. there during the
thus -. -'My father was an inuni. ("MCF5 t" hiln f"lll day. -4 firs -t Veal- tif its existence some live
i� I
grant au4 a good Conservative 1,�t a wortl of inother ilear �w fatiller W111*8 ftgO by the lavL�;lt expenditure Special attention paid to str0t,
that. Your grauffather Nvas an filithful- (tonseiencesounds ularill. 4 private eapital-uot, the Iwo,
nioter.,-for it very, poaremon, in all kinds of Repairing.
Inving out itnito �.'ild eonqtruetilig
Immigrant; tliere is an innuittrant. 11"tfI2111 Mos(t Moilil-4 "Ifluence".
(pointingto,llr. C�ooj*r) unfortun. appetito. tor 11:tbit %V"aich V�0'42' 81IP- u-,'e�ess Imil(lings. but the bomnhlLs�J. C. Stoneman,
at#br Scotch. and there is another. PO%P(ItO t"v falleifnl- nwri4y. tind sinee fifflon flat and I consider niv.
and in, fact all thatare at the taIjIl. etvqily llrot!Eln. vt�lutrtlrffta%, 'with"t-elf quite safo in predicting tbat, 't, HENSALL, ONT.
�t, %Vill relludil flat. The much talkc4
-are immigrants front the thint to'-dow istat irrusli-04it- lo�%Yar. . of 146tel lmilflin!x hits now beanO
tho present goneration. rorwal-11 thb� W-r!-Ais, ill ;lilt li'P* the `�tv"On'g 130-V tiWD -1 Ro
46t!s not stili .121 ftt�-hxlt t4 argrbv i.
�A not T
6 n
cludingrenmrk. Aligns wa, monteAt talws:i fit cS aetivitr when a new
et though it -Atilt "S "M
,the crame. please." were hi� Von- G le, o T T'
on firstba,.;e%vith no ivue at the grilo i-_4 ttghtening" 4 efillitall-st is Qngdn�,,vma int,) W t Two a R me
140 exert- 1� bt t'. L 4t,
bat. Lis NVIlut llaplamls? 11,P, J6,vidi. Tho g Photographer,
gr�-at 1'avtory linild-l! 4"amq,�aft for cutior
in,4 %Tbieh lvil� to employ Rs hund-
its fr(-e! The %vvvi-lol ehetrs lifint.
Angust said. tit exylanatio% re 11% f.' ftiletildeA ill olle �Small Par.
he wit -4 not refer=4g n poLqyle. 10�j 0,�41 help. bim. He raft gpq now fter 14 the tll�ir(l flat by otte solitatr HENSALL.
to billy godts. Unt the lau#h w %ith V antliel to tTau".. LI.e-n 4 to -rgah rilre la-ITuLr wh�� in ti S
sperity ustonisIge-4 -.XOTHMG 11rT THr.
great 1�ra
on him. -tua is stinon. nalives V Q10111oym an extrd i,)L
lx g Vt
M. his dm=we tud 1�il
't- tile �roajlld flgal, �jl
Th6Frt,neh (liumber Pao Q�ythvr lwsver. It tnlkes a steolag 'Llor to 1by a privXto bnnkter aftd'a ��� U "�! UP
4rd k-eeper OrT AT REAISMABW,
thtv rftehed it deeimon - whia. if �t 'lay, "N'"- *Lewi ho �,4 tonlpleI V,�) do 40neral St'l, t1t in, wrlotz "TnEtl�'. yol ff%�uz,. t;, �t tz�Jlt_ 4 ��:r ft_ -1 dtivonde44t
of whe, he wotll'a 1;;ke to 4oNinshrmlil. i010,fte of btlSiftess in a VEar tvqmlil Cal P�fvo tt V &
holdsgood. is Ukely toprovo ik PA1098. to C4. 0).-
eonsidtrableo palitival hupor, qtalftr ttian bv, %9 qmoftfity. Thic-re
resolved, by -Vote!g
1,tovokeil awl, taliftleti- to Thold smi y
am'l UT
F BLO 0' D 201 map 14
thkt tht:fiext, aft(I all 11-dftftre A111- Leh passion'; wall.z4 otl".,e geheed to fm- -fing bf ki
e n s tac-e .3 tHn:!t li�o to.-,:.%5tA its 'Re Lil'e
thdanvil In t they ay. lo g if J.q
bers sball last six Sears. iftgtc-aa of t�,_YIotlfell that fanillinr ea&rw
in' MUP94
"V�'3r- �Sueh a ;;,; lsi-,_ C'I# V6 f.1t easd g Of G� Pay.
S-,t1)P0rtC-A the _ger t inn,
t1lit, clou"Unav �4!Zenre that followe'l.
Intasuria- on 'behalf of the ndnist Sapalc,,Dr.. er Gxra nt. L--e-oiftli .eature 01-1 St. 4
sr�'. T a -Ly#*#*
zs -orealler vlo� btiekvata. '04 IntA Special -
R# argued that. as niallers now
than ke that tako-th a eit2r. wh!".51 11,jttol is matie I)v tll# pro- Tkz!!ttett, Xlegueta Traft A. tAL
stKud., first 'V@E�sie4 is 4-evete'l to Ito
vvlis) is the -11VAIL0 ziel?
,., L, e moter. Everrona 4who has visitea
while the fottrth ses.
ho ver that at- Geo. TROTT
the spot, kho�v. )tre
sioji is tefidetda Uselesg Iy Vha *�146,.feveq ill fluel It4t-0 ef a b, V. thet, rh 0 W-luty of the elay-
.L m q
te v g
t ab' w .1 t7niteA -&mtvs s6'Aler. pi -it h ev Id le
obly sessions are tvark 'aft 6
blectioneetitig nwdtfi�_,;. so that 61111mined is g+.30d vet its quant
31M ev - . It&-
-iej�re! -htlig t dralft oil; L
'E'veti fA th -e
pftdtietl Work. MeefleU54. itdeed. it will itevitably exhaust it.
1 the
+ t,,� ihe *::-sar*;=att*)n%�',L.t_
hitifticipal ar. 101flia- Besides. 4ttho would I F-1!
Unni!!A Atuer!CtIM.- t dilk of 10.1
,t!rehgt , _ I 'Ib. ZLI' -0 V
ho deelatoa� uinch �h"IdIlling a eff.v til th C Western lizeal %,�
Z�rn , . - b !�,*
ba-zelk.-vard, t1ne t1rtatioft of' VIE=
twfrequeiftt. koi�-Ping; -the eltet r, T-mle. in :Vc5nr I.!, =LkLaiz !ar
And 'aet ine go %i�,.=e rigtalh 2-ast fo, r e -V
ste.,M,4 IS Sa JWeeatinas? The ban, 11.
tD-nqgTat_ Elea Of b-a-.2ding a e3tlmletci I t,,V. U DRS. IRE 4IN-7 I -i- 11,11EV
=n S,37.e jeea�t_r steq h he
I,- at tv mat 1�nrtEe I p t nt ja�_k
14 ......... .. .............
�q too aJ,1,!1-d to IW,. #V-
Gtekt- 33tifixift-s naval authotiltzes cani'myt. btealk: alft�- Inan. but the enthusiw* t in
lixve beim exainining tffie ellrtc, of ToinLa, L�s Lv-�ln,
'Lin -water *-BoSe romanfle brain the stlielne 781 buftbods Strat
tht Which the o2d tath. had its ine-n-pifton- -now of no�
Ar�4 imecyn as -stron, as ov nelues in tS�e lotalftV. Timlyell, IS %
jmnored hulk Bblfeieke -was, �mb- u
8�0 S(.Iftrea that farmeis atee-vehang-
g f,t �, - � " t k
GatL; for . ............ ..... .... . ........ ... . .... ..... . ...... . . ...... .. ....... .. ALI 51 1 . Vtl
^d '. i � i,� 11.1 -IN
jected. T-wo Ithe latest four -inch -Weary
Mriving on -What I -cim-t izg- their wn-
burning coal. While fishitw
plittes; wer-o-coffipl6tely- ent, every, City, Vfflttge, Saburbrn.,
one knowk, is, out of the question
*lftd oito of the Intest si--c-inen And eaew5mg tzp rnblher anj tali-; Ott E A U
in I beei. "WI,__CelLV- enoti&h. Of the
plategwas also pierced, In *-,-cn
t k r I P
Dackward. 'urn backward. wear. scatoreanbe cautht to SUJ)pIvi&ndt_tdh&,n&er&
case it was, an armor-pliercing pro- lenten needs. As for Making if'
. I -I U � fS
jecU18 that got farOvea. -c-OmInOu Allid give, hno a whavk ad detm- -'R- j4a-selih a siuwmerresart. heaven " MoAsy LoiLneed on Flyst "d Se.-ond E All'i �, IS I
sfiell havinge brokeh up harmlessky mother help the poor tourist -who may be,� Mortgages, ResdEstate, Xotles and ALL CASt-:S OF
,4gafttst the pletes. Me And let =e milk that has invelglileil into spending his few _'OtherSecu±itles. lit
ME MARIE 0 � --1 'i- N
never tven skiallne(L preeious weeks upon its shadeless, � W F N Eic SS R HIMR[t), 16"Hil -,;z A R 'a
shell likewise 'failled. to crwsh. ,, kstrewn beaen! He Will soon Pathms, 11ouses and Business Prop -
L twe eat bnttter whose hair has rOc --
cast langing evestowards the more etW Ikelited and Rents C-ollected W -W 0 U RA
through, but thd f oftwdable showar been tkinimed. ARE W. aLE
of splfinten4 whien each projectile 2*'end andu Retmon&bl,,� YT, inventr_= on'.v '" ase h,=1 41eat arra incurawle.
lit pie� the next dav af tor his artivitI, at Pon
thkewout As it burst zhowed tL '855t.. Josefil. N�ffl find h1in Violkey Invested. for Ptivttte Indi- H E AD _y
in his wav E
AAid then I'll be reat�r to ga south WAb INNI.-alas, EL
it Would be tetribly eiffec-11-Ve thither a sadder but a wiser nia�, v1duWLIS On First Rattg&ge Of' Real, V. A. WERPAAN, 10P SALTRfidpm., sAyt�
and (lie.
*gaiutt unatmoted ships. Accord- I trust the Min. i)f Public, Works 99taillb.
t in n to visit
lligtoth6opinion of an v v. ill carry out his intentio
anto� vorse, untif I lost
tile place before beginning Operii-
osives.quottdin the English gett; I
TM Great X12gMth Mr/wIt. e wh- I
tion On tL arf. A visit
Vitpers, the experiments -were con- reWhriended by gn cl:.�. t*;.!Ie�t timivu- t.,.r ;,tof ;',Ij, cliv. Nv' uo to*,d Ive that
Correet im-pressions,
ou"y -In,
TMEPHONt 6966 .�gj n. t
rar. .. that thil head noiseswould
gnined through with
dfteted With tht set purpose of b M'I'et &C U;
&a to relon all
WC3 r.141 -MA S�'"' "_ T'.- I - - - , - i:! f. New ycxlz i,ansr� antiorilered, voor treat-
,dis f6ving the value -of e_,mloslves, or of thepronioter and capitalists aud
P Sexdal weiktrek;, P-11 ervftts of
highand, othet-wist, as btEr Inany line r to-41ni%zItt�:., :d
g prexcesso RenW worry, E±etsslve txae,6:tTd- also serve to demolish E Z-'
V�.ry t-.
'r he L L K R
bseco, 014mbi or StItn3lttts. Itafledotreftipt
0 ly 6640ne V9d1.AA% tL six- castles in air erected b -v them.
6firges hi atmot-iAet-cing shells- n. &�t6WPZW64 11?.' A. nvnaaway, raltiluore-M&
We.s, T�Me W' any iddiew, Pranco Cftt�dien. treff(Ily? ent dons not oca�tpettioyu.
�]fiftj ntLftI officets are 62' th, COW19mly, vViadso4ft&
e -rho QN3,
Opiftioikthkt, everything Adt N YOURStLF A It M'fioKlillid
g considered Wood -s Phos-ohodine i,.4 sold in Special pTices on tien*s wall -in -1 advic *'-'_,f�.
1160k POWaet,� is --the best burstitig; Zurich by Dt.fkichankn, Druggest, -c.oatsat D.St-bitibach. INTEMPITIONAL AURAL OUNIC., 596'LA SALLE AVE.,, CHICA03 ILL
Z= "zURId.14, wiTA*10.
. . . ...... .
...... . .... aw-
... . ...... i"6,�