The Herald, 1902-04-18, Page 3ofe-r-ti/ 4ftz 44'
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The, Coming of Gillian: I
+ A Pretty Irish Romance.
Ine+4.44•44.44011.44.4.44+14+++.4-0440104ente 4 4+44es
"The rain. Is only oceitisional drops, of the old) castle axe aeautified, and
Preston," Gillian says, impatiently, not revolutionized, see a vulgar taste
"and the rain anti the weal will do would make them; they are adorned
me good! Give me my furs, please."
-"But you won't walk far all alone,
ma'am ?" implores Preston, alio
had been the pertest of waiting -
women when she entered Miss
with Anne's few dainty belongings,
and Anne's faultless tate, and Anne's
artietic ideas, and; the result is that
Captain Lacy'home( is one no man
neon be ashamed that friends on ac -
Dean's service, and is now -to her quaintancee should see, In which no
mistreat.; at least -as affectionate gentleman ehould sigh, wteh regret to
and conellerate as tee faithful Susan dee his wife Installed; am:fa Wife like
Nipper ever vette to gentle Florence Anne no xuan on earth could feel
Dombey. "'You won't go out In them ashamed to earn.. Anne is a gentle -
lonely woods,. or anywhere far out woman in every inetinet of dress and
Of kight, will you, ma'am ?" she deportment Anew ie comely, grace -
urges. "Let me donee with you, or fun and weinbrea ; Anne it growing
keep call ol you, Miss Deane ;do, hanneomer, fairer, brighter, more
please." • greicione and winning In manner since
"I am not going beyond the shrub- elle married the man she aaoree,
bery, Preis ton," Gillian an ewers That Anne is el -ver in management
quietly, "and 1 would rather be -that Anne lei a brilliant housewife,
alone, 'thank you." •"8. woman with a faculty," tie Amer -
The cold wind leowe in her face, , leamt say, may be easIlY guessed -
and the rain patters down new and • That such a. wife is v. treasure of
again from thi. rm_ront eIoud, tre:amres to a. very p•oor, very fas-
hut feels the setopathy of the • ti'a."16„F,eatIe'lliall, be (easily
etorm. with the eurgines end inatina gaessen
Of the tether storm p3. „, within s„, that Gtarge, sit•ting .own with
breaet. ao tele. wells"; en and trio in Ids friends to their t•imple early din-
t he ellen ered :thrill:tiers: pa the, and tier. le evareely surprised, however
nine!' he may admire Thee Luee"s Fer-
tile+ wise! !mode threat:eh tle. bare
woidlande le.yeeel, and breaks In a In"I'd,l,ng4- She n'sidest
texerpost Of snund and
"the the twm
ee natur had Vold,* like n. duchees-
clothed iholivin or yo, great laurels r•xitept that duelieeses are not often
and !veleta aml laarestinas that tO gin'y rut." We 1 b7e 1, awls° haPPY
skir t the. • lawns'. -end looks like a weenan in n pliture
tean,t,•,!. neb. ere ay. het ult. Wattle vseveteen
gown, her freslileateelee white lace
infiulteel me.'" she says over and over
to wane:, la in ,h „afro 4•4111.r, with a Outlet. or polo gtoisiell
. C.,I.V•Or; in Ilea broitele
trying to p ennano hers 8gt,'
!tiro:1g In pride and Ineteguittleal And that elinple early dinner of
aganteL ronet ?mitten) ate! vi 'get ablies. and
moreel tametilent entree and il
• we a %Movie -vitt. werthl se ileinty modeling an I 8.tottle of etteaP
'Claim to am as -re the first. He never
wamei peel Plana, a hetet In its un-
nted L. he never witionel me, That
wrelehed mole.; Umtata Min ;map,. Petieloon perfeetien. " A elomer than
at flees -Ie. was teem 011, Da Inn J*** '1 :n"t Peat five ehrlinene
ljeortto : 1t^,;4 hood' giVOII 1/11
worn!. DT I lu IL far the i*' -n little.
yam' "ova ate1 theme:tat etitio-
leer en kir* gitti : it mend
tempt hiaa ta merry $ Mit tie. dee, ps
tone I am Inel •Af Hera theetaglo
might have intoeolal h811 loam In ray
dellusam, e 'ne.8 Imo.. seeva•il 3114
I wollel trete nava !aid Ito
aleaeloYel 1 holgent• have heen his
wine a few eileen tenpin thantlio or
ream and theta e13$j3, noel neeee'r
known Mal lee never eared Far 1014°"
At t hie point. the Wel
alto. awl nil 3' Letey to.erge Inn
preseively eefit.rwarthe " Jove,
think ttoonetionee ezonens witele" he
1o11tint8et7;,, itla the. irserletee pleasttre
nent.ii :admiring louelonn•ne •iake. in
larannitat tet their whee leo ehoisen
" 1,."toti t lt188V ittoar dime,
p.0 41:(m't met nee Meer,. ; bett on my
homer, Anote hag Lem loonse for as
1‘011., here -ant feytioree
weak. on no e Female : Kr Harry iVIVe
SOVelily.five pomade. nay quarterni
eatery. In edentate, 'ashen we were
married, met Of rour.t. !gay*. It ta.)
haa out to nerve lit,1,„.414. Altne. to nay Ib1t t;-;, ttylvan-
for tante felesov-hehetet ettling
prong thalami in hoe suture, 5 titehe llito Vint,
(4011,,owt """
.,„„„ Naitos-twvittr' genonde tea In8 pahl
D Tit, ° Statheree that etoodtooneled tailor
s 'ete ntato-folly
, •
Ig 4lie ilUlai; %%Via:: IC! t5VI.N XI% trt,i1 trohth„,t„Inh. hnia owe, 8118 (iv., hum,
43Ver r""1"" "r to"t ""'" 51"' ere:I-twenty panels; Lull tisi le tartly
potatiblie futurwh
e, eella bee meanie aa. 4. %trete, 11*!' an tee .tlyste, eat
houo•e eatteareet top. ''fifteen to nu+ ;noel twenty tai her to
"I `as w"Tirii" "i" 1831° I "n"it heina leatee mit fox a quarter of a
Intall 141"r vt-t" 111111:1""' 14 hat de eau, think eel that filer
eenee Itneeftela. tite hat illooeh to: on' sannayetell nereartena
tynoto. noy beet V
ger ea F.:1mm,, ottrztILLt tele en -ore ceo
non. oval:
11er D"' "11 '''"'"""?"t1 then eart neotteeeta"nt. nal the
atom ell tie and sellGerespeett." hi„na.1„. ihnim itataonzi eonountackin
and 'dua.• taars eirDec LIMee an -.1 ollt„tvarmit vAff, etrot
mom 182 ta„., tirark4 en lutortiendes, tm, tunte..v.E,J601,j tt„„04,(0„....
ee,oree tants.; whitliee ehe 59 attiteg... we hire'•ht.ha. Ahrle
nee -ter earee floe men' No ear '2 are n tr4ntitt,r, eetel Ir.': 11101 ttlieat q't+"411i4'; ""r" tenen. ilatlelty, with elleen elleh. "Well
melee tee:sat Men autell geivesefor rm. nht 33:!1 oto. ittutr,
tonne' )04»)11eee'r-elle 0 take eon wete nioahhag Wee% it 'Ono
'.1 'i pen taat DOM! Sin, treerge •• • ton natio."
trJ111qt," L'ACY
8U 1!i1P Pu. '„'•VA'"rt, curtly. bet nuotenoloog,
••.14- tlot wirite et. Anne alas e melee than tine. and
gate- in tie- 8.0 18 re telinie load' . wheel het. arab 1181 tocil y
patteet ri-ozn hen /boat Da'nnIr IV; OBI breinese to a anent farm. she sits
ago. Csimtj 11,'"ris '1"16.L1.4 11°11,g- l'2Stt6 beenire Garage ocal talke, him Peng.
of thie W:gan roan le'lleg kindle-, anti etatneettly, as a sister
WI.9aet% Lop lee- en The 14:"^:11"`; migt epeak.
roar ann rata- tMr, the trees 58 ahra et.„.r.etath.t.vuun trlt nu.,
of areeme e.' the •call wed. armee' Graeae eate, rreneaa oleo
1 1181 6,E 4\*nth= :.i. -714z mere thee/ t for alIJ motor
et, hoe D a eni nee eh -le !ace ...ecprH 4,1 ktra.ini••4 tei yea ho the. doges
ionnee,,•••• ante elo steore elan. wet eehett /eat -woke to one Rua
last sail, Lyle am', two. !ora4.411atc.„•'
At9.13,- „ .•3 had thee no Roy tees, when
pries•X, me- hineleand and le -wrote
"Ab• eyelet eliyan 1w- at filinn thet letter to yen imaging e-tu tof
esaesean naseene keep 8:8 rave. came Rena, n' lane cey.e. laaing her
If I M*1,"!;.. wenn 0 - letter 3 white true, with it e ceeel noes-
telotesu 1 on:au e4T.i two tail-rive'l:" me-rie toeee on ide ." 05-8ere1tt 1itu,
Singe ens-- pee. ;.; Indy el- araies raesteeilie Iva with eetne
Ated i8.o aien eles : Sor tee went-- ''._ l-ou? fr'7•1331'2'. Pnolh„errang
teozne tieseet a." eta ten el -dee nese. teitterer weeo eo-ara.giel neon an I; loved
ille! mirage na,,,ra,ir..„.; f!,..113?iii''. end Stem al ewe: 153teatee. 1 lamght_
Hanger:is el' ennele reeeeetellinateu ovesla the near.
and .j l--. !„,3 , as Els-.3 cit 1iE' E. t treir3 over. Levee you SO
41C18a,.,..5 ;ZI.W.;* eafore the Sad 017.1'.1 en train, -ant wea never
evrongeil yeel in need 07 WOrd.'
eyes of "sweet•-ned-tweerity."
49 9 9 9 9 It -r;1 ve. wronged 5:er 10 need neel
And, tecalaviciee. Cute:nee tar, misty, " taut:tors George, penitentlee
ghentne-, 03g4 18 tr-. 134v-9.3l!g. thro87g13 th" hrotme 001 has
turning ntosa Parregie al 'ng the nor- rat olee nie 110 tile eleancut tawny
tow mouuttalia rana.11 that win Es past hum 1 tklia't st-e Infm- she, can ever
the kilo uplands; arel the eve:este g:et over the way I treated her last
Into the Mourn Casary %semi:Simla 0 silles`ht, and see adving one all the wel-
He benstrzeitge,„ a ft -w. Latta • canna of her 'ening heatt without one
tii tim swiety ,7"1 UsfracnoF___ caw_ depreciatory thanght
tain Pa.trien- Bien:laza Lacy and hie Alni You wander' aft that en Anne
neeety_weeided wile, ho that pleae. 'enestionswith a smile and a sigh.
Sent and roixtfortable borne which It is orilY woMen, then, who reel
Anee'st love has already created for That-
het beloved out of tike scant onater-
Love ie not lave
tai at fon., ehatamas. et es teat, the Whiz+ altete Ween h altereitinte find18.
new married console are very peor Or bands with the removal to re-
-poorer in motley than ever Cap- Move;
tale Lacy knew himeself to be in the ph, no it Le an •ever -fixed Mark,
wbole couree of Ins Impeennious lite. Thet locik•si on tempests and is neve
They are VD very poor that the
•gallant ex-citotain of lancers is ishaken;
It ig the star to •evety neendeting
grateful and full of wor.dlernient at bateau.,
possessing the simple coniforts his, Wirese worth's •neknovre, although his
beight be taken.'"
vety simple daily existence.
For Amato deft fingers and 'clever . 'George laughe and thosbes again, as
'bralia her abilities and sbreadness.• enten no When they. eontess to an
Mental and pheeical resourees, are till honest -emotion of terrderness.
at the utinegt strain of their .e:Iihi- xo, indeed, Anne 1„. savo.
alties "to love and to eherigh ' Lim fecoeely, bet talking hilskilv,
whom elle has taltem until death rising and lingering his hat.. .nerv_
th•enx -do: part. • oitely. "Other steeple beside y•on,
The dar sparsely -ferrets -heti re area ona Deane, anti Will
- • Shakeepeare, know all about the
•• • •
tops the Cough
'ever -fixed mark,' and the :molding
s '
; atat 'love; 1 assure you they 'do,
and 'Works Off the Cold. hfre. Lacy."
Laxative Bromo-theinine Tablets wore "I am glad of that, and (mite be -
1d in one day. • No Cure, No Pay. Hove it: 'etre. Lacer answers softly.
Priee 1 cente. ; "Are you going back to Mouet Os-
•sory now, George ? Good-bye, then,
and my beet wielies go with you.
And, George, you will remember
what you prom's/0d mo? Gillian has
a great -deal to forgive, and yon ,your-
• oaf have heaped up the diffieultine
in the wan. Remember, neorge
"Ole yea, I will remember," George
611Y,S3 smiling and grasping Anne's
• hand 'fervently.; "1 prointee every-
thing, Anne. Patience and tehder-
nese • and humility. I'll eat humble pie
laviehly, Anne, I vow, and never
' wince at It. I deserve to have It to
With which eheetnut aesurance, and
looking very brave, and bright, and
honest, George bids his Waite' good-
bye, and eats out to walk back to
Mount Oesory in the stormy, murky
afternoon, with the Light of, a tree
and tender purpose in his blue eyes,
and the warmth of a tender, re-
noorteful love in his heart,
"I will do all I can to make amends;
I have °Headed her deeply, I lasow,"
George says to lameelf, contritely,
as he strides along. "I was a fool
a cad -to attempt to ask a
favor of her tide morning, be-
fore I apologized, to her for
noy behavior lase night. I was rune,
and unkind, and ungentlemanly, in
trying to be honest. 111 apologize
now, on my knees • if she likes, to
my dear little girl -my dear, Insult-
ed little girl !-it 1 can anly get the
chance." He instluctively hurries
faster, breathing quicker at the
thought. "Site may have, left sintn
I have been at Mount Ossory ; but she
wouldn't have baen in time for the
steamer today, I know, and if she
ban gone 111 go after her to Bally -
ford," he decides. "I may see her ill
that room whare I inet her first -my
gentle little darling. There was love
for me in her swe-et eyes from the
first moment we mat. I have been a
onni, anrdoIa
live blundered, and have
but' I'll try and make
amends to her at least as far as a
man can !" George says, harrying
faster, with bent head against the
blast, that -tries in vain to retard
him. "I'll be patient and gentle as
I promised Anne, even if Gillian is
very scornful and has hardened her
tender heart very sternly against
me. PH take patiently whatever she
• ellooses to say to nee Ill speak hum*
lily and entreat her forgiveness, ae'.
08 my knees if she will, and if she
hag left the house I'll follow lier to
Ballyford Me very evening, and-"
He is within three. or four yards of
the. white gate leaning Into the. shrub-
bery, and there leaning against the
gate, is a lonely, sneeler figure in
a long, elem.,. mantle.
gazing with it weary, abstracted
balk Into the woodlands, and the
teteep bank ant Its greavelo or rho-
doeleneirelia hist before her, and
quite 'enema -Tel ma In the 11015e10 of
the braviIng wind and met:ling foli-
age, of hie napreaclaing footetepe.
Anal tine is how tlesergo "Itnnably
mike her forniveneee7
Ile getover the Intereenhog space
between tined in tovo baner iatrielee,
OVA' hor In three Bee-
onde eof
Alio' then the darn. startled eyes
mope hie na a loalfeterralneel flaunt of
reeogail .n. Th ao le a patine lOr per-
k:doe two ear threo rapid heart -le ats,
11181 then --
"The spirits rushed toge0ther at
the touching et the Ilya:" and
ilatorge eleeepe hie little reiveutheart
1%r140.1 feroeletta nod -
dainties*. and all retiree:Mies or
ogieg. all wants Of Pehlke or coatri-
• neon 11 any tnieit lx+ Italtimt teen
tioureat ter loy either, are stifled o811
of eeletettee In- a ete,re of mutual
So that when oho is at last re -
hewed *he lias to breath to nevelt
for a tew oo moaatig, and when tate
an *peen. Whew palls Up 11* r 3o8.8*L-
ho r fame fair tael reee flamluvell oie
a tent apple litheseeno, noel uttere t•
WOttligool INIE'114 deitedfael reintleinle lo
the lover MO D has oirelinled her pte
se^ tirep9%-
,. eleven etiolate,:
nese trunotellen. Ileatehies up at Lica
eattle treattoit teyeta ni ended% tilatni.
itt %Vat:, ,yoya; 3 lieouEls ax,1 eon:he:v.
toy nettling."
It fts east as Wen. le -realm tnat Lae-
c5.,neellti neigh tat lel *-s' beeketti a•aee
eolael MLA.
What ratter Devoe -3104 tekiere, one
inoithing winds, and driftiin4
when lit 18nittiasser
8.33 the eirds arts shigneg, aloe inn tea
rotets el life are leleenningn eneta
one's path etretehes oun tt,roagn
fait", lonagiaary 1201.tiN1W.,13.11,1Ae.•
etelbeetel tad way, itragwaat. n-arna and
sheiltercl, where vastly two eau Wars
Ale by snip?
The wane le eeenteet in. neat:
and 3. -5114.-sta../.oN, a iinnett,
•atzti het lover quit the talteeilte'nehai
ahrubbilies ann the *3;* D811- aventern.
and euddetne•d lawna thtoolgit,
they have. Gren wandering far tee
lase two hottes, unheeding wind and
winithet, Weepead up in Ca.,•ii 05therse
menety anti eonvisesestoon-vaines an :
very siesetenn eon!, nal very emetie-
tind, toe teat ettevetsatirea teettainee
wottlei seentoi to unpreenatent ears-
gitni awl gale, ten•5 +Nana with tee
eaten wad -ratio of happy pollees sp7t,
or thee elull northwest alai arid tEn-
dropping rain.
It le lielf-rost MX when they fin-
ally return to the image, with Gil-
lian's sealskin rini tittotgees etistet
a realms- soaked condition; eviin
muddy bents awl rain -drops on Gin
liana snort eerie. arel Gootegane big
monstarine but with :gay voices.
awl radiant -eye.% and warm. flush-
ed fates. Olt. life in ilfe'n -early sum-
mer Olr, youth! Ole love!
len minutes' hurried toilet le
sufficient; hovvevet, to make brill-
iant ryes. rand •s.noiling flps, arid deli-
cate, rose -flushed complexion: Peak
all the lonelliet in a harielsome gown
ot rich histek silk, With black lace
ruftlee and jet state, and then Gil-
lian emcee downstaits softly and
shyly, and eomee into the inning-
roona •re veil' shy, fait maiden,, eon-
seityins tlatorigh all her glad tiatob-•
bing pulse'sor his • ptesettee-her
lord (Anil raastetanvith his keen bine
ryes fixed on her with a hidden
George has Mede; Iihriself heedless -
y beautiful and fascinating In a
weln•etit blaek eoat, and dark gray
trousers, in place ot his tough 'ul-
ster and muddy leggings.
His bright hair is, 'crispy golden
and shining, his handsome name-
tacsfeet, his spienclidly-shaped head
• Ctit'E A cOObt ir ONE tokt.
take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab-
lets. Ali druggists refund the mimeo
if it tafls te cute-. lh W.Greys sit.
nature Is on eath box, 25e.
A tannic enotrineet. eanorneetore ibreetts.
When a another puts a thing einplipticelly
It is bee/tease **ho louowe what *he ue talking.
about. Mrs. J. F. liarrtgan, Huntingdon,
Que., sayst-" I have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets in our house for over a,.and I can
say that they are all that is claimederet
Strong igutiorsallon.
Mrs. Walter Brown, Milby, gue. :-
" Ive never used any mesh= •r 'aby
T blots. I would not be without them."
th did him as much good eas Ba see Own
Mrs. Hurst, Dumfries, N. B., says s--" I
am glad tosay that I have used Daby's Own
Tablets wi h iatisfg-y r I
Al 1.11411-ner's Couldn't.
"I have found Baby's Own Tablets
fee:medicine for children of all ages," wr
MM. II II. Fox, Orange Ridge!, Man., "an
I would not be without them in the house.
They are truly a comfort to baby and moth-
er's Mend."
Ansi Vie Thing Om mane
Mrs. Ed. Jones, 5.5 Christie street, Ottawa,
says:-." Have used Baby's Own Tablets
stud lied them just the thing for baby."
Free to nothers Cody.
o every mother of young children
will Gond us her Milne and address plaini
written on a postal card, we will send free
of all charge a valuable little book on sloe
eare of infante and young children. This
book has been prepared by a physician who
hag .made the ailments of little ones a life
study. With the book we will sen'd a free
sample of Baby's Own Tablets -the best
medicine in the world for the minor ailments
of infants and c.hildren. Mention the name
of this paper and address The Dr. Williams'
edicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A tercet Mena
"1 e found Baby's Own a let's a
great he for my little ones," writes Mrs.
James Cla , 60 Conway street, Montreal,
"and I think so much of them that I would
advise mothers to keep them iu thahouse all
the time."
An ai*gieritisci,00 1Slasher.
0 tam the mentor of nine child re n," writes,
Ji -j, John Haitian, a Mackey's Station,
Oute "iied have had owe:akin to use much
medicine for children, and I can truthfallY
say I taw) never found ;Anything to °emit
Belga Owe Tablets. They are prOrnpt in
their action and just the thing ler Inas
A Caro for ceessipeosion.
Many little ones aro troubled with oonsti-
pation it is a dangerous trouble, Mrs
John leg, sylvati Valley, Ont., taILYS;-
. by has been badly troubled with
Allan and I haye never found any
eine to equal Baby's Owo Tablet».
ey soma put baby all right."
Mrs.William Fitzgibbon, SteenburiteOnn,
says :-" /sly little t•aby, six months old, was
very eick. I gave lam Baby's Own Tablets
and was surprised to find the change they
made in him it few hours. I shall always
keep the Tablets in the lioni,p after this."
and throat. are quite sufficient to leying-"I don't know anything about
eeen amoug good -good big mein
award him the palm for good looks. your lame down tere,"
"Foiled by the lawyer, ne turned
betrlitglitlotutfaceev. en the addition of his the attention of the court to one by
Symmetrical limbs, and his' bold, stating that this was the first time
a clergyman had interfered with
shy,oretrailway work in Canada. I replied
librownthat, at once that the statement was not
eyes to admire and delight in. correct. "Well," said he, "It's the
The few manths of travel aua first I ever beard of." I :thought
mingling with social equals and sue it -wan' time .to remind him that Ills
knowledge was limited. He then
ness, and given hi
periors have brushed:off rustic shy -
anted to know why the company
him more self-pos- -
ad uot been prosecuted directly, and
110861011, and a better tone and bear- h
ia good test case made- out. We tann-
ng; and, beside this -since last year ply informed him that we were not
George lia.s learned the tenderest, as trying "a test ettee," that tha law
well as t he fiercest, •passions of the was plain.; that every transgressor
heart -has learned, by bitter expe- was aineauble, and that we would
rienee, what love, and hate, and
- deal with themi one by one. To show
grief, and despair mean, and this how lively tiling., were, may say
teaches a man more In a year than that the lawyer won some Joann
he could, learn In a lifetime without clapping from the audience when he
graduating In that bitter school. eliarp,ly rebuked the Manager for at -
And now, since, last night, though Ile tempting to brow -beat the court, and
will not acknowledge It tally, even added, "I will show you that the
to lihnself or the friends who re- law has a long arm ana a strong
Nee with linu, a galling load, a arm, etroeger than any company or
erten weight has boort Weed off his any corporation or any individual.
heart, and he holds Ids head higher, however elieekv he may im. who will
alai hls smile is brighter, and his - dare to lift a hand against it." Thle,
veleta gayer, and hie thoughts Render, 110wever, (1icl uot el* se the scene.
111 around him. e
; eel his words mor.gentle to all the M
i anager osier. noon. Vernet) attentiont
to me by remark:inn that "The rev-
erend gentleman earned his liv-
ing by working on teunday''-to whielt
I replica, "My Master pre:tilled cu
the Sabbath. and my orders are to
do the seine; my work Is a work or
I;w.O4t the nianegxr (taunt
say that of Me S ere. v vane I preeeh
the Gomel' on tee Sabbatb, ani
88) teffiehil. te 4,,'.1. 0Of .L elietreti
Totontr,• the titi.4 rrould have been
The following grapii:e btur.% of the 8 pre Fent tee hears meteal or tioq.”riro-
ovum...Amp; cemeansie iueicienee of Mg the Leerio's Day ohe 31111,
tne Dee against Its thesteira^ Mid 118, litwei Of
36..08 0, lilt "lii‘yriir.Sis Ineltinune, try un that etilej 0., ns I ant prepared
as 1414.1Wi* etallpalle Y,1I1 lo pitAe ne leant dente"
ee ram won; keen intereot toy all het- ; tilal came eff, the
e•re el the. eliret tint* enoblia tit.
'not etore ot, beet tat !to the weals . PrENt n't, hint
Nfallarot was flnol. 110^ W:OR nen 1
his etnatwl was there. '
VIP! Aibt % • 0. '.‘101'nliatil, B. .11., Of ' frn.1 ZaA1 n4,t3., or opiwo. ht. '
tea, flatten -Ate h. te. It wee hot a rit- NIA for the •neel sear„o' and "
to a ler pallor cation, but Mr, Mellon- get limn. 'elene+ Ornate tater lit
k-ltri, 0 Si011Ied that it 8 UP+ ei•Muti 01.111181idit.1 OW/ 111P Mare
8, •*- 344 ai 181. tasin. :oat olio re ' near heel tiro Kiv,t the 1,04338,,.,13: -8*3
3:4 via 14-d 9$1108 131*° 110^WO of vet- " leve la we 1.11.1 tqg S ben
had 3) [4 11 tan zee reeve ,.
'amen* work. Willt'v carried on tao 8.11 nmelay warn would tee on melt N'N tube
layaten an IWO teem -vett ikon. I; 0ICCii90.1'3'." an 3 tliat tat „
natenhea teed ehoe-eu, The Meal men le pal abate -solo toren maims of the 4
were internale feel:tug timer wan. Tian 11870 lake 1,1fiAtl..
:Miner gthtl order to haw the ; " There the matter deopped, The;
Letway completed by the sopa oiled „ NN Winne;, Wito dateinel belere
Lae: ttliel to lietvo the eleareat omelet (3)34. tante Met the•e wa.aul 3 week '
to, nee aataar wawa tee aline) a tilat alys tante kanaleterit. !orients,
31841 t"Itill MELO Ifiloolnl hatter, people und feev, wed vele* Verseileed
Wool: Wales torro•A Eogiit. awl : lit tame eta the slay 3m wee tioutal '
and a few nen 45,118 weekung en ,{ 1E0094154 II N,AVIVQ1'AilLatIVIOV, 414q '
cape for u sonde OH Mt- WWI await ; Wen woe teelted around the newel leant !,
l'reigia 'Ovate lertesallot feettn Haelleage before the Meneger• retnrecel deem
to !Snead tone etyma on 1*818144..11 (TOM. litKia Wept tiou tla evetunth t 10
nreleaeletratho tweet Gifent leue getovieln one or ale llaglstrAtes to haw ti,'
p:t belitiout tibt. 1oratg411,.etille Rilin to Ma- !! kakee anseeten, end ta get a ereatet
bent and 1-ene Lateen iseuerehnetatot male reasonable toppialletted foe thee? awn .
{area el en:tare-toe keens %s -s' rearrotal !! %oven hall nisi wte in vele. Slay
tiaaaher„ Tao pefine" Wire 1 oterieletely tenni attea ,D !he
alloothen be- male 09;11 1ta2'si.:78I.,S.o11 c.',14404' Was ha q:-lleatQl ofetniteette30*
u,N, 08.9 or dull, ao L. atr a aertaato Tee 3til. 133-1,1
see the fficaarlil :; 'If then ttora rowan thy feat Inane
to, find him, a 02e 41t110A !! the Sahleth Prom donee thy 1,33e10ta
Sabbath uelnot rota"... eonot+ tell the • ere ola 31114,1' (hey GLIT".011 Vail the
ermine,* wee eneatatell 07 an- Set:bath taur-33ag314. 1.85 Iiholy 53 tneq
ailetiOne on tee IhA01,e9;i. no rain teuei hertorenela ._ and ;shalt Loner
eotoarto,tmo„ tvO'Ir4 Went tot &nen tilde& own waae, nosh
leteety 08,„ 33 thne ea a DA,tco...,‘Fao !. Lenten; titDoye 01Z11 n.811' '
(To be Continued.)
lu loleh the General Manager of O.
Itit/IWit3: Is theme:la to nie lenees.
comes from the chafing of the two
pieces of leather that compose tbe
sole, not °ousting the welts. If left
to themeelves, levee pieces will sooner
or later part oufficlently to make
a space about the point where the
ball of the foot comes, where there
is not perfect contact -and this Es
w here the noise 'comes from.
"The cheapest soles should be the
noisiest, for the leather their soles
are made of is tanned In hemlock bark.
This makes what we call red leather.
It is rough and harsh. The next
grade Is Union, a combination of hem-
lock and oak bark for tanning giv-
ing It it name. The next hignest
grade is white oak, and, with title we
have the least trouble so far as
squeaking is concerned.
"When the public made up Its/Meld
that Its shoes must not ameak, we
had to stir aboat and find something
to pet between the eines. For the
ehraper grades we use leather clops
, and for more expensive shoes we liave
1 corla and then. there is thie
•tpeia1ly prepare el tar paper. We
, reit a little of any of these materials
between the two soli ex and therena
0 an ertd to the squeak usually. Some -
tines, however, the chipe of the pa-
per act out of plaee or are ground
into powder and thcra the (^real:lug
is heard from.
le vere strange how some slirces
"•, sill wrar for 1.1‘ months we itinit
nosormur and their ownersyin tread
Ilfe's pathway In peace and conitort.
Then, withent the unia,luteet amen-
; ent rennin for it, thee AM
melt a ;lin that the wean r' 3. will
ee mad,. a hue it unendura s If he
be a no none man.
'It ar: if were
tired and wanted a rest, nal r
ratty lieneve shoes do get Mel.
• 801111ds 01,3, but ihn satisluel it is
a, fent Clete': a peir or shocs into
the eh•set noel let t Item alone nee a
eiStplf. Of 1.V.,e1iN noel see hew et, o-
3* reable. tie e 'it eel wee a e,11 flUt
Own) on agnill,"
rnn't rind Any Olie id' 371 betelren.
Mrs. Mary Eleitta lens
tall a ootionittiel tta the celetel in
feenver at the age of Se. tate ist
ormt.or thirtaseeven $iitd4
be very retire:a about her 'life, but
10078 toll her elathilre.a were horli gra
• twentS: yrars fiellorthrit Ever
ringt^ to Col. Williaen talleasne. et
„ irghoia.
IOaeleig the war an I bet a nenx
. lattice the +teeth Of her lite -111-.1e! al
, the Wattle of Vileksbower the fa-
, teentb pah' twitte wait leen, Alt
; lett 44 !VW of Cote
telt tt+ E.0011 41.S th.+.y %V'Ort, aNt. toOs
they were tunnel leene to saalt tor
391e0ne1Veg. !itrS. altileeple d evil Eptre
PqrAt- hl211200 MB" or 1. ro..
goa,):T. At *05 thole ene. Dra
N. -a- tin:01one.
ant. tvaiiira a lineteets geed 18 10--1-
t.aoiltd te 14. geed onente aor
to; -lie het osendll ten sere IX ter zo.'a •
cer' tern le statifril WO*
160 10 .11 tin' lineftee-len tele nse le, fie
Ma1*t31.F.7001 01,1L4d the 618*.' 81,' tether. eaten wards; 181031
railway teselytiree out olliet letientia enek Ikea dolleent tioes-aollt in the
!laborV,ai n•tai-a* tria:• LOWS 4,1 hotel End 11 six333 ireettee iilaato to rine Ilpop ifinFino, e Feel
• ,.„.
cog tentliA 018'+earth.
Eower the' lilleeetent moree O 49,7- rnal reel MN^ 'synth 12.i" Earrlittago
an 0u
:t o Sorts.
ltaal t aitcesh Virr . 11I9»130tit
W°10 at beet ant. IIV411111 .01 "310111;1134t9D *051. *1.---u8,10,
ttOilS115p, aninl titME zSanday work- " hate
ver:38tat:glixlpyt. ticoept..catii,totirrotTn#:dizzls;110g 2 -gr, failt4 s•on mutt AttItt !agate an e)eneehahe
with receteediag, to Mae neves was on teat the nieneete ge vav tales, ree Infl 'this ll:teDlag tim Ift,t
:eaters:Ay. nay weak went ern asiaese9 Ilene these it Dees I.VPPn r- Wraltietr Months _Arrive.
rtgahn." A day oe 3we t4157 Paieers 'Litre: tor ei lana
0.44•VE e-wn 191 nap neap- le Tea 33.aen.,e 1.e1, • 1'31)i93 3,91 ..:',41,:..lo•-•"."11-C4 bit
the grant -I -PA. (513 1.L.` pe set Cep!" Ifeentoueee. Alen ;any heisiltioy tte, 0g-elev. Ti, . het name
of -Hee setions tine, atei tee nee .• 4,,•08'ra3 neon at the Snob -toe teeee elt zee enes ea:n-0ra .10 28i,74
Manager. The two flatter 411 not op- pay Advo.,,str.
Pear at the tiret coral, 19100 Vzi,P
Um: foreman was final ase 10 81 cents -
-about $6 all. He ani.f wotileet •ae--
ihe the othees oveee, 110
he aovay from 1191111!' WI1*38 Ig.113t.nt'9 Coast, of ithe Neese_ the ae,
were served, nate woine be away an
Ihloog-ahoesi enst 3 iiseitt.
the day of 'heal. wee iapip.r-latel :
other trial two days Ilat•r. At Calls "W8a 8. ia nk.•
trial the Generail Manac,er tal'ivaroa. ereele
and evidientr Erato-ra to 11^,,,ev.:-RiNall
the •eotitt. Ile told tee Mag5etratese
that he was golag loaatrooal to the
Ingloer etoatte fur the 0'r 11:188.. the
*walking boss mai himself -Oa: lawyer,
Mr. John la lleleeagail-ot noserno
Catloolic-tepiled, "You Asaetat ap-
peal for elle fore/mat. lie meet ap-
peal for Itimee3f, If appeal te mane.
Tont petal ease must take its irOlaie.
hetet b•efore you can FO also
with the walking-, hors ti,Jore heCan
OPpeaL" The Gerietal 'Manager want-
ed, to appeal before the trial. Then
he wanted time -two ^weeks -to get
Counsel. We gave him one week or
•six days„ bat no Vane to the
calking 'bin's, as he did not come to
the coati elthet day, although at
home. The General Manager under-
took to defend the Walking Boss. We,
Th91 lEtare t-holas:ak•-r 1 EiJ
esm:led tor a IWOZA0.-41e uj 08. n ;sea
on for a ani . aisle his tapping It
was ZCOLI 01j, o392 Clil,!:,Stk31. and ist wa0
reoe eatey 10 aresaese et Nolte; aria:ling
Take them off. rh'st. one, then the
other,- he ;mil, °:an 1 18 siee if 1 eta;
fix -erawlittle 7010
-Off 'came one state anti tlie owear
elf it ea.t down with his stockleged
root over his knet^is to watch Lie
i,qte-ak-curing aktoiiess. The
maker simply pallea the shoe over
an iron lase and drove' four or five
nails straight up the mlJoile Of Lie
sole, cot -eking perhaps three iechee.
Tilen he flanked tine roov with two
on each. side.
however, made him give evilence as a. " Try that," moil he.
witness in the case, and his own. evil- ; The Man tried • It and found himself
derma wag enough to convint his walking Mound -die shop with one
allent„ who was Fined $10 and oasts. .eilent shoe and the other a mass of
The General Manager paid' the equenkings. Si tete process was re-
antonert and got 115 receipt. Ile also peated on the echtese foot covering and
signed a bond Of '10•3 that be would the man went off down the street
appeal- eithet personally et by roan- • In nilence and in tonifort.
gee in, his own trial text week. He The next day, when he had more
finned 'cotenant -ably, and claimed the , inns, the man songht the shoemaker
tight,. undet 'our Dominion Railway tar mere informatioi.
Laws, to do on Sundays just as lie! ' 0aee,- said this rnan of lastand
bad done whatever our Proainciai ; waxed string, "people seemed to
law might be; reniatking that street thitik that you had not given them
care were running on Sunday in "Po- their money's woreh it the shoes you
ronto in spite of opposition. Mr. Me- ; made or mended for them did not
Dolman emitted out that these ears • squeak. That was about the time
Were run tinder n, local law and not that stvells were reluctantly giving
under Railveaer legislation by the up hair oil and similar allege.
Dominion Governineta. This; was too • "it is usuelly easy enong'i to make
ranch to be taken ta.lmly„ Ilene° the shoes that will not hemeak, and all
retort. "I know more law than you but the -Cheapest knals are suppose 1
ate" Tbett after a little mere ar- to late Anti- quertk=1-4 o ;
tar. 13 eneee ten xitality tee tee.
• Tee eiseeta;
pas tan n. -ss Ott
stelia-r fo -.
e.2:,9t, R.: ttail tesen iin-
ae V. 1.640'o..:ti:It the wee -
tee vennilles, neaten take. 2.5 ino.• toetsal
ane ee esaaese 35 81....7pe o, -•• tor
en. a 5 5e ellITSFAil,l'A teneee ;en 5 eit.-a
ita a: a tee OT.,.."Z::4 !I31 • C.M..
tSee slate -ea Ito asleep wornis even
tilted thenonge enearese ee
name laylic P,115e. If yea t317
'VA he sarp.sts.-1 'to note 1:91*• vifgra•ozas ,yena Piegait tci feel, Siozv this
lassItanie das:navata-,;, year seep
lecesenyous teastitt, the leee torinleteent
engi o e.1 slit-Pk:7th tali:Elf
the place• ef all 3e.:irLgs. have praccd the truth of'
EP words reef ft 'aria 1e0i.-Wf.'.1'.3 atth
t8r141141: ;VI • Inse the. pJls
speete One ef the litany is Mime
tatesee Wee, 01 Pi -tom, ijaite who
ece-s: "A few, years ago' 1 Was eared
et' a eery sevt•tet mei prolenged
taek. p;..EyspcpsEit tile, 'ass of
wolliaine" Isnot IPille, after all,
tether ye:eat:Ines. 1 had tried failed.
eine*. that thee I have used -t1ie. pill*
bt the spring as a tonic and blood
hernier anti final iltern the best medi-
cine I knowtnef for tine purpo.ea. Peo-
ple aim feel rata down a1 title time ef
the e ear will make no onietaket 331*
using Dr. Pink Pillee'
, 7111PSO pine .are not a pargativa
I remit:hoe •and do not weaken, at all
pnegritives do. They are a tonie311
,18 ir nature -and -etrengthen ftoin Hret
dese to lat. They are. the beSt Medi-
c ine in the world for rheumatism,
seiatica, nervous troulinee, neuralgia.
anaemie, heart tronbleat,
tx:reofula aud humors in the blood
rt*-. The :genuine are gold only ho
tamest, the wrapper around *bleb
bears the full mune "Dr. Willie:Ms'
Pills for Ptile People:" Soldier
all dealers in medicine or sent post
paiT t s 8. bon oi six boxes
for $12,50 by addressing the Dte-
Medi:411e Co., Brorkvillee. 'Obis