The Herald, 1902-04-18, Page 1VOL. II., NO.38.
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
ST. BONIFACE, Catholic.
Order of servioe for the winter.
Sundays: High Mass at 10 a. m.; Cate-
chism and Instruction at 12 o'clock:
Vespers and Benediction o.f the Most
Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock;
Vespers and Benediction at 4.00 p. m,
Week Days: Mass every morning at 8.
o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with
Exposition at 9 o'clock; The Holy
Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord
in the Blessed Sacramet every Sun-
day afternoon from 3 to 4.
Baptism on Sundays at 2 o'clock.
Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
130c per ROD.
P. Bender has about 75 bushels
of potatoes for sale.
For choicest millinery you want
to go to D° Steinbach;.
Rev. C. S. Finkbeiner is attend-
ing conference this week. •
Mr. R. R. Johnston is handling
the Noxon repairs this season.
Mr. B.'Howaid of Stratford is in
Public School and High School this vicinity this week on business.
Examinations for 1902. Mr. Joseph Caempau of Detroit is
EVANGELICAL, German and English H. S. Entrance : 25th June, 8.41i visiting Mr. Louis Faster this week.
a. m., at Goderich. Exeter, Zurich, C. Hartleib & Co. received a
Bayfield, Hensall, Dungannon, Kin- car load of woven fencing this
toil, St. Helens and Credit= for week.
West Huron ; and at Clinton, Sea- It is understood that Mr. C. Fritz
forth, Wingham, Brussels, Wrox- intends building a dwelling this
eter, Pordwich and Blyth for East summer.
Huron. Mr. George Sutherland of Hen -
Part 1 Junior Leaving or Public sail was in town on Thursday
School Leaving, July 2nd, 8.30 aft
a. in., at Goderich, ixeter, Kintail' 1tIr. H. J. D. Cook barrister, of
Varna, Hensall and Dungannon for
Hensall was doing business here
West Huron ; and at Clinton, Sea -
;]eutjdie en. lull?. St. ?etre L{irdde. forth, Wingham, Brussels, Ford-
�� svieh, Wroxeter and Blythfor East Mr. Stun Faust has invested in a
eottesbtenjt norm. 1?tt[b U 21[?r Huron. fine top buggy purchased. from
ung abenbs 7 111jr. Satttjtagjrtiule Applications on proper form. to. Hess & Son.
norm. ko 114r. l: ehrernerjammluug gether with fee (t2), for Part 1 A new stock of Ties just arrived
Zl ittwor[1 abaths um balbs. Junior Leaving or Public School at our store. You want to see
e d).tire, paftor. Leaving must be sent in before 24th them. D. Steinbach.
May. These forms niay be ob- Mr. C. Hartleib has the exeava-
tained from the P. S. Inspector. tion for his dwelling done and is
V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. Junior Leaving. Part II, Seniorready for the masons.
• rotary Public, Fire and life In- Leaving, Matriculation, Pass and Miss Maud Torrance of I`+,aeliloiiC.-
surauee Agent, Money to Loau, either by Honor, Commercial Diploma 'anti. vilIe spent a few days in town the
private funds or loan companies.
Commercial 1a11eeiitlist Exumin- latter part of last week.
coons , July 4th, at Goderich, Exe- rlhce Ontario Government is re -
ter, Clinton and Seaforth.
HApplications for Entrance must ported to be about to e stall)Iish a
o J. Q. CQQ K � be sent to the Inspector on or be- fish hatchery at London, Ont.
(Lute with Garraav a& Proudfoot) I3arr•is- fore June 1st. The fee is 0, to be Mra. Sehilbe is putting a fountiat.
ter, Solicitor, Notary Public. paid ?+,tli of June. tion under her dwelling, recently
Neiman, Ontario. Applications for Public School 1pvrthasc0 frt►lel Mr, John Fuss.
Leaving. Junior Leaving, Senior Ml Mike Meeidinger is putting a
Leaving attltl Matriculation (High ft►ttnthrtion under his house and.
PDi .OUDFOOT & .HAYS 3ehnol Foran. I. Ii, III and 1V) otherwise improving his property.
must be sent to the Inspector before messy.. r. Ile::, .&,. Hon arse this
Barristers, solicitors, Notnriee• x'ublie May 2Ith, accoiilpanied b3,-• the N ,t+tek shipping three( bllggieS tt►
eatc, etc, Ivor. *pun) and North Street, net essary fee. NO atpplit .ttnnn tem Exeter and one to Halton t'e)etntvr'.
Ooderieb, Ontario be received by thee In'lleetor after ii 'The tool deeths from eltt►Ieras in
R. C. HAYS 'tlnt't ela't(3 r 1 Ianillat ttmnuilt to 1!12. ant. in
Those who intend to write at any other parts of - the Philippines to
examination centre in the Western
Inspectoral Division of Huron mut V
r , Mr. Henry Batter sole. Mrs.
E,ZELLER i .end their application. giving nttule>
Clerk ]t)tt► Uiv. Court Heron !all fall. tri .1. Elgin "i`aaa1. I. I'. °. "! I�e Ortaliek teSeinanl'peed dwellings
coutastiasiono for .toles itiEthv ittt, Mod rieh and those woo mtentl to ° rt�tee'ntld*, and moved on lett►n►.ltt�•
write iti. tilt' Lusttem, revision to D. l°'-`t-
uuvta eueer +rte. valuator for ebr, itu- a Only e110
Ton and. Erie Loan mat Savings Cu, i ROA I. P. S. Brussels. place in Zurich where
()Mee Zeller Meek, Zurich Gait. Books vontatining writing,. draw, .•O11 t'+lel l►ntr thy' 8. W. P. p'snant.
i itlg of 1izAdt-lye epi11g tart, not ti be gated that's at t'. CYn•€elt' hard-
.-... �)r�Cst'Wed ati+eln former sears at the ware.
iltratlte i'xflt1ailnatiw'�11. '' A new iron and steel t4nu1)at11C'„
EBOBS NBER1 Y, ,Candidates will be su pplied with with as capital of pita m llion a.trllaar.'4
* Licensed Anetionter for 2la►r- paleer and ane: by the twe.,itbnng ex.! is to t'8 iult'0rino4attetl in New Jersey
tyle County, rrespt)ctfuli a at�.iCltS the ls:tt- emitters t but they must bring thea thisweegt.
romp t►t demo w1 .o ham, Iiavitag sacra. own 1Ne11v, t•nnleLrr, tem ttermile. et.e. bt•akw€:> inn a,leart!?aetio,ll. s. w. 1'"
Satistaetio'ti eelraratuteeal, u Teachers ate earnestly urged to ° is the teyet house panel Trrotteetnesll
use their inllatie'1nre not to let catttai- peta can buy. field at t_.'.. Greh',-•
dates v.tlan are not 11a•topeeteground- hateeleeeee.
� ed on ten, 11`1411 g.4 cee!due ultra 'for es- :' Mrs. Ti`alee1u11ner moved tier ham
Maim, gthdssate the neva College , Jr C. T. 'ii.
cif Dewed Surgeotte Toronto. case honer
Sunday services: -
Gorman, at 10 o'clock a. m. English, at
7 o'clock p. m., Sunday school at 2 p.m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, h oir practice at 9.
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening;
English prayer• meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor.
W. pnou srOOT
DR. r. A. SE LE Y,
tlni Wei$ te, Hee track end of her
tot. end the change adds materially
for tli a beeik rot' leer aerrperts .
gradtoto of Department of Dentistry, PattsAlimitAlc6kol. Mr. 'Martin Itranas clad fainnnur
'Tomato tuive1ait,r. Paainleas eatreetion a r.'e.e15 o,veL l to Howard City Mil°ti on
of teeth Plato traelrk a speciality.u AUcotiol is as stntytte., b,e 7,.„itcllitigd i atesda -- '111€e,,i,l. wishes of oi.1-
At iottilttlStt Hbusc, Zurich,, t ve►r•y I enemy of Inman lr:ap1,1ne`:s ; t ; citizens go with them i11 air .elle new
Monday., 1-26i ; poison that has I.roaiured morelia►an?tp.
misery. disease. and death than all Slice Polish---Kboe's wear tenger
.. ,,...-.�.,_....�„ l other poisons punt together. It is be using Ideal Leather Polish. It
lett proeerdy censiden c al one of the saves 1niontey fer you. It is the
di G. STANBURY, Et. A. P rt•eatlirres rv; the Creator's handl. fort beet puli::ha in the markets. P.
V • ieeeeyseer to coet I $ 5a siteli12CR1 1 iti the beginning, wizen God created ° Bender.
� the heeat ern anti the +taunter he did ; Mr. e;1111 Dietz fiiiitibtased tee.
ifAIURISTEB, SOLICITOR, NOTARI, , not create aatearllerl.
John (101 s. r'w tear stcl a farm off theCouvewirueei, Motley to Doan erre 'h'nlcagee I Blit al. "It11li ierlogisrs al alto- Bronson. line for 11;20ii0. Mr. Diet:
mad 1•a kt leepert3r at Ioeieet rates of In- Petri a1#dirlii ;the fablost iinar fur will i <� •.
In -
urea. Docuaeeeiits in original German; _. wild build eeaelling on the pro-
teiid and stdf !Bed upon. cr'i*ln:tt it is an irritant. three it will heats this spritlg.
Tniisteir the skin and inflame the Ig t tylat v inet'Il iia it1 1ieFea ori ailuy
z.UR1eti COURTA,`tTEN»'Ret , stomach. that it is naarrertic, and as Tarin o r+"liatirinli, it iri9l pais yoa1 tYv
j such 11��rairaabyze'' the laereres. It bare it rep afire try "i. E. C'te].k. tat
° ee Soret' O'Neil's Dank. E Betel•. causes llieatrt disease `ayv eliaauginng The, els: aafl8 Flour gills. A tsar
.,_....,_. ____.,_.J.._..-_....__. ' the heart tissues into fate. Alcohol I line c1i' repairs aalitb sundries aa1C1:.'i1�-•
_... i !,red uCO. .apeplexy by weakeninni ., on hand,
406ots,a0**4 ++0*4 . 0 * *; the b;lea'd-ve ';e•1; . it sve�a rsetls tineern > • er
I muscles. for Sa rleol 3S 'experiments I''1'1 "'ituu Qr E C Ct111t 11Il the AiC a1t1
• iff >s 0 * Ttit * 0 'tv * tit' ;r e' claret' as tt.i p eraalnec fnert-
0, prove that as Mu eager rift more,
Gt endure more fatigue. and cite- img.',Eit1. B;e head under theauspice,
O EROl i HOTEL *, eoihiplisn more 'tori.: without than,' of the aeuai Women's Christian
• • 6 • Ztiilto t e 0 0 e with aleeohoe it dissipates thea T"itti(raafne•e pion. All ;irt> i1n-
tl vital heart, and travelers inti. e 1.1te=ti try aatlt:nd•
er ev-- o Arctic regione are obliged to be
Strictly up-to-date ;n modern im- 0 e teetotaler,. It causes a Iaararlc.iy `
e procetuents. Diiningeremite is sup- 0:i of the brain. A man dead drank
plied With only the verybest.Yu C --
is i person whose brain is teiptior- •:
Bar' 'contains elt�o, ice liquors and k3l paraly 'Led. It will destroy every
Ito'cigars. d d b Ii rs r organ of the body ; It hardens the
Eecellettt Sample iiooms g . liver:°. it lir o'duees nervous disease.
OA for Contmeretel Men. c`# lit generates all kinds of derange-
13 lents in the human bey. for it is
'0 found to produce stere than two
Lb J15 FOSTER,, p iOl`.., ' thirds of the diseases found in the'
, large city isospitals.
.i% **** St460*$ 40**" '**'°°v 1, Alcohol generates paupers and '
1 tramps; is one of the most active ;
;of all causes of ;crime and insanity.
''"'"'''.:It shortens life fifty per Bent ac-;
;cording to ifatisties of life insur- r
ante' companies. It serves no use F
?fill purpose in the hiunnn system,
and is everywhere an enemy of life!.
land happiness, costing the people:
{ More than their bread.
IIt is the devil's masterpiece in ,
k mischief and delusion.; and so far
las its application to the human,
j stomach is concerned, it is evil and"
• only evil,and that continually.
I Moderate drinking and dosing are'
I both alike, tricks of the old serpent
r tolead niers and women to a
I tlrunkard's grave.
Etleei M. Williams,
Press Superintendent.;
"the V0131Ii io n"
Equipped with all modern
conveniences. First-class.
accommodation to commer-
cial travellers. Bar and din-
ing room always suppied
with the best obtainable.
G L. 'Shoemacherr, Prop,
ZtiRLCH .e.
1- Sick
" 1 fest used Ayer's 8 arsaparitle
in the fall of 1848. Since then 1
have taken it every spring as a
blood -purifying and nerve -
strengthening Medicine."
S. 1'. Jones, Wichita, Katt.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
neves are w ak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand-
ard family medicine,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. zt.00 abattr. 1.0 itraggtsts.
Ask year dater what he thioles of A yer's
Sarsaparilla.• rid /Mows all abentth,s grand
old tardily me >ltche. Fonda: Lis advice sad
we 'will be aatietted.
.1. SCC. AIrkii t o Leweit, 3raa5
Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Zettel moved
into their dwelling recently pur-
chased from Mr. Kraus.
A -number of our citizens are
tearing down their fences and re-
placing them with evergreen hed-
Ener:.—At the Bauble line, Stanley,
on the 17th inst, the wife of Mr.
Alexander Etue, of a daughter.
O'BRII:N.—At Zurich, on the 16th
inst, the wife of Mr. William
O'Brien, of a son.
KII'FER_Oi S(H,—At the residence
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Jacob Oeseh Sr. on the 15th
inst., by the Rev. J. Bender, of
Tavistock, Mr. John Kipfer, to
Rachel Oesch, both of Hag
Z ui snetg a garden into growth
regture:4 good tools. We have a
seceding time stock of tools that
ought to delight any gardener,
everything you need and all good. ZURICH
C. Orel).
Wall -paper and Window Shades
All Wool Carpet, 36 inches wide for 75cts a yard
Tapestry Carpet, 27 in wide. .S5, .65, .60, .37 1-2
Linoleum, 6 feet wide for $1.00 per yard
A fine stripe Carpet for 28cts and 25cts q yard
Dark and light green Window shades .40 .50 and .60
Will McLeod don't want you to P1't,tlllr t'
but but merely to see Gerhard
1 Heint.eeet1n piano being buying
elsewhere. Counter's Jewelery
storc.—Seafortlt Sun. Evidently 0, f R! TZ
Billy don't want very much.
. .1 willow1er in as neighboring town •
the vtlner tray was remarried just
't.w'e weeks after his first wife's,
death. and when the boys tante to
ehnrivari hint he went out and told
the•u Mev ought to be ashamed of •
I themselves for iltaakin'..', retell an up- ; around the house where a
p fultsel aI
had been so recently.
t). (4. C.. IL A. 4`arroll of the K.
4 O. T. M.. visited the tent here at
the lata meeting and assisted in the
initiation of at nteav member and
ab.' Olive •ttnne interesting points
on the 0bt►aansie114 nlor eiaun it as hued
is !eel; on. It is years ago since it
mot -Hob" Intel; in old Huron
pleesatlt reminisL'tiees of Hatt 1
tt z1,yhip anti its �nn trr►lletliti� ) h
;, t,t..t, talked over. De will again
v44it the tent Mere in 811 official +,
ee r1►aeetty firet meeting' in
Yale (Mich)) Iitl~ tltene .
CR. A�.j W. �dCHASE'S
tlW�TAE ariiill . w.r dY
n- ;4..at3a"' ce r.r. aZ .al' 1 0 hr
taken in exchange fur Goods.
licit your Trade
l4'a ►r Spring Foot -wear, tnid we eau assure yon
that you 1ti•i11 not find a /liven' lot of Spring
1 r»
400ds in any City or Town. Come in and see
7.7: Me;:.F "CT7`.. ..D.V.>w;:i ZBIC. .s•7e
-t' a1St► 11av' quit, a number of Wolllt_'11'S Finite
l`,ttw and High Shoes, sizes :3 and -1. wllitth will
b . 4,11-1 from nets to $1.00. These Shoes
were st,l(1 from $2.00 tee $3.00.
The man wine 1 ",•lar''„
SCG€ -tut Holum"' rWo c n' had as t1 linee>.
The teen who, e_,,hnus .c=,l44V true.
R+tl1i5 ;of the W e eetsis" IIs@eRer had ti
hank. The twat Cho!, e'ev_1iJ•,esed
"Baby Mine," never had a mine.
The man w he eelepesf4 -My Ill u i
on they See" nak Cee^; e1\ 18'd as v�aur,„
The 11)011 Cvho e B,ui,, . artl -Tramp.
Tramp" fe'VC1' ova" )0JIl a tomato eaaui.
The slam who eeae„1 pese°d -eptly One
Gild" ii -1 married iota has a bre'at'h
of promise .,nit on itis lentoly. /The =
:nail 'who c'atln:j,n.e:ei -Geo G o}
Eyes" ()mint t', be, shat.
Til Ite;t,kseller i11 1:'1eselaand aativer-
He dfO apotter'. A bit,. inntiectdaar
Irishmen en wr-aalkeed into the shargr aaliel
g1aneed aarouwl finally his eye.'
rested on a ik. sign over a table.,
ifh. books: °>M It n:a \a -.eek all.
finis week ffr *I." The Irishman
eyed it thoughtfully. then edged
towards the front tiau11i The "lee'r'.
walker asked p4e.a-'.autle- if there
was sonnet ring lit' e, -anted : aatki t11. e
applicant mentis t.ed with as rn ae• -
svaii•1i glance t• era d. the sign :
:.()ler coram' in i' e' it the J d'r elder
not care for it. Dickens':iln w4priias
all the week f'r four dollars if hee,
wants to. 0111 not."—Printer's
A Fifeshlre fern eer rr. E e his herd '
laddie., Jaime fa half wile. ae tl C• .100.
to admit hint to as satcreel ra:t•ital
n r -n
a, neighboring -a
f> xlri 1 1 C
JGr.n tr ':' re 11 � 1
•, t . � ii. to
local talent. and told the Intl to he
sure and enjoy himself. The faar-
iter was greatly surprised tor find
his Servant in the kitchen nasi' be -
fere the conclusion of the p rtor-
maince. and upon askingg. Zaire why
belied returned from the reeeital.
Jamie replied :—"Weel. in:aster. 0e
roan yonder began to sin_."I'm
the Ping of Glory'', then another
said he was the Rht, 3; 't?`1iiry, rand.
when 1 scar three ithees stsinadin'
up an' sayiit' they were the Kings
o' Glory, 1 bent there was to be a
feeht, So I Quin awa', an' lttift them
toe finivh it anl,yn'
Dundee Advertiser, i
R060k11' o"ttoa peer; Ottipattd,
Is success -mite used ntonth1 ' by o've'r
10,0001adiet-. Safe, effectual. Ladles oak
your druggist for Gook's 'Cotten 'Poet Oath-
dasri�: take no ssta r, tS ani- Mixtures, pills and
imitations -pare dangerous. 3e'tlea, No.1,4i per
boa; lie. 2,10 degrees stronger, $S Pe? boa Ro.
1 br 2, mailed on receipt of price and two a -cent
atnnt s. The Cools company Windsor Ont.
10W-lion.1 and 2 gold and recommended k alt
,respbnstirle ntaggasts err Canarda.
No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich ,
• at Dr. Buchanan's ,drug More.
Butter and
fgs taken in exchange.
"We have just opened up a trite!ti a-, trf tress Goods
that weweixvit dht at a Dig Reduction in Pace regular
4si' et- fr4.42 l 40 tcp -VP! yard; While e ;
Intl% at
�: r♦Y
30e Per rd
Greb Block
Zurich Ont.
Light and Heavy Harness; Trunks,
Bags and Purses, for ladies and gents
Parlor Suites, Fancy Dining Chair„Side-Boards.
Fancy Rattan Rockers, Baby Carriages, Ex-
x-ycess Wagons and'Sewing
High Grade Organs and Pianos.