The Herald, 1902-04-11, Page 5THE ZURICH HERALD
Horse Breeding for Profit,
Every business seems to have its
times of prosperity, and • its times
of adversity. For a number of
years, Canadian horses inet.with • a
ready sale at good prices, and then
0110 once crime a period during
which even the best were scarcely
saleable, and inferior stock could
hardly be given away. This state
of things was due largely to over
production, the indiscriminate
breeding of unsuitable animals,atnd
the substitution of electric for
horse -power on street •cars. The
result was that the majority of
farmers gave up the breeding of
horses, and many of those who
continued in the business„ became
careless in regard to the sort . of
'sires they used. The ihportation
.of high class stallions almost eoas-
ed, and the trade became generally
deinoralized. During the past two
or three years, business has been
gradually reviving. The scarcity
of good horses, clue to the cessation
in breeding, caused a rise in prices,
and the requirements of the army
in South Africa' increased the de-
mand. While., this increased de-
mand has affected all classes of
horses to a certain extent, there
are some classes that are much
more profitable than others for
breeders to raise. The first ques-
tion for the breeder to decide is
what sort of horse will bring him
in the best returns. Success in the
breeding of live stock must be
measured by the actual value of
the products, and the profits that
may be derived therefrom.
The draft horse is undoubtedly
the most profitable sort that the
farmer can breed. Good heavy
horses weighing from 1500 up-
wards, and of good quality, are
likely to meet with ready sale for
some time to cone. By breeding a
good mare to a heavy Clydesdale
or Shire stallion, a fanner is rea-
sonably sure of securing a colt,that
at five years old, will bring him
not less than $125. Besides this
there is less risk of a heavy colt
getting blemished. A blemished
colt of the lighter breeds, cannot
be sold except at a sacrifice, where-
as on a horse employed at slow
work, such as etimine. ing. a blemish
is not such it disttclvantage. Mortes..,
over if the blemish is pronount'ed.
this farther will still have a gnotl
useful unusual for his own farm
work, and in the ease of a mare. he
can profitably use her for breeding.
if the defect is not hereditary.
The active, upstanding;, Clydesdale
type, such as is fonntl in the High-
lands of St:otIend, ie,in my opinion►,
the most.suitable horse for the
general farmer to raise. Thee
horses aro traetatble, and easily
broken, and while awaiting sale
can be readily used :for any sort of
farm; work. thus paying for their
keep, which the fane'y horses rarely
Carriagje and saddle horses of the
best type will always sell for good
prime, both in the United States
ttnd treat Britain. We often hear
ret the high prices paid for •t tine
caar.ringe team or a hunter, but of
raurse the farmer does not get
l/rieee like these, They are only
got after weeks and perhaps Months
c:f training and #itt:ing in than bands
cf dealers. The farmer seldom has
the time and the necessary know-
ledge of training and 'Mixing up".
to produce the finished article.
Still the dealer, as a rule, poet the •
breeder a fair prit'+e. and gas loree as
hes dots it, it will pay to raise :melt
horsre:l. The lest carriage herse*s
acre sired by thoroughbred Meek -
taw, and by teach and
standaardebreal stallions, The thor-
oughbred produces the best style
at carriage horses, when the mares
j�ayw�yeJ{�sluleienit size and Codd
l4iliita borees have lately been
vbry 5'nineh iti deemed, unlit: there is
tome doubt as to the permopertey
of this ntn.rket. et laves Which
Nit ili lrro're profitable to the pro.
t ticers. Foi- ierly, there were only
two classes of horses purclhased. by
Great Britain for military purposes
viz: -those for cavalry and those
for attillezve
Now however. there is a third •
Class for mounted infaetry. This
is the lightest class of the three,
the animals ratigihg iti height from
ICI fiends to 1.3.1 hands. Cavalry
l oesee must lucaasufe from 15.1%
liasds'trr 15.3 hands. analarlillery
hotses front 15,1 to 16 hands.
Major Dent, who has purcbasedy
most of the Canadian horses for
Swath Aftitfa, gives the fallow ieg
ascription of the necesettlee itiallifi-'
cations :. ` `hestampof hor e re-,
gtlired fort arttillety putposes is a
blocky sott of horse, with as ranch
bleeding and hope as possible.
The cavalry horse is of a lighter,
typo, with good shoulders, loin and
neck. The mounted infantry cobs
,are, miniature horses. The best
stannp X have come across is the
French Canadian. the only fault in
then case being often a ;shortness
of rein, (neck). The type of horses •
for Whatever branch of the :service
required, should be that of the
English. Hamster, with short legs:
short r turnon bone, good shoulders,
back, rib ata loins, and •tire more
beeeding•combined with strength
the b'etteY'. Thatt I think are mast
needed to produce this typo, are
good thoroughbred sires, not over
Id hands, compact, horses with
plenty of bone and action,"
It is highly' desirable that none
but the best class of registered
.stallions be used. There are far
too many inferior horses in the 't
co"ttetr`y now, and if our farmozs !
btced'to grade, or cheap purebred
'sf}llio4s, itG improvement will be,
possible, The big, sound, active
Clydesdale will probably give the
best results on heavy' mares, and
the Thoroughbred on good strong
mares of lighter sort. Mares with
considerable warm blood are most
desirable for breeding to a Hackney'
or Coack tatallion.
Finally it is of the greatest im-
portance that the foal shall be well
fed, as the best of breeding will
avail little, if the young animal is
allowed to suffer• for lack of proper
feecl anci'care, Good breeding and
good feeding must go hand-in-hand
if a success is to be made of the
business of horse -breeding.
F. W. Hodson,
Live Stock Commissioner.
A Discovery of an Almost Certain
Cure for Rheumatism and Kind-
red Diseases.
Amongst the greatest discoveries
of the age for the relief of human
suffering, perhaps none take so
high a place as Dr. Clarke's Little
Red Pills. The formula from
which these pills are made was the
result of many years study and
experiment. It is with the greatest
confidence, therefore, that the pro-
prietors place these pills on the
market, and so satisfied are they
that they will prove a blessing tie
suffering humanity,that they make
the following offer : To any one
who is a subject of rheumatism (no
matter how long standing) or any
blood disease, as enumerated below
and will give Dr. Clarke's wonder-
ful Little Red Pills a fair and im-
partial trial and do not find a per-
feet cure,we will refund the money
paid for the pills. If no substan-
tital improvement is observed, we
will, in addition, pay $10 in cash
on satisfactory evidence being sup-
plied us to this effect.
We e have yet to know of a single
case where these wonderful pills
have not been almost entirely sue-
e"essful in affecting a cure. CANA-
DA c`HE3:II.1OAL CO.Peterborough,
Statement for Nine Months 'Shows
Inert."tree in Revenue of ;�:3,432,e01.
Ottawa, Ont., April ll. -The
l financial , • of the i
statement true Lunula-
ion, issued yesterday, for the nine
Prince 'Henry's Grandsire.
Many an. interesting anecdote' is
told of the old Emperor William
the grandfather of Emperor- Wil-
liam and Prince Henry, • -
In his later years the aged mon;
arch tpok great pleasure in visiting
the schools and catechising the
children, At one time, while in
the city of Ems; he visited an or-
phan sohool that was under govern-
ment patronage.
After listening for an hour or
more to the recitations of several
of the classes, the emperor called
to the front a bright golden -haired
little girl, seven or eight years of
age, ancl, lifting her into his' lap
said to her : '
"Now, then, .my little fraulein,
let me see if you can answer rile
three hard questions." And tak-
ing an orange out of his. pocket he
held it up. "To what kingdom
does this belong?" he asked, •
The Iittle girl hesitated a moment
and then said timidly : "'To the
vegetable kingdom."
"Right, my little farulein," said
the emperor. • "And now, to what
kingdom does this belong?" The
emperor drew a gold piece out of
his pocket and placed it beside the
More confident • this time, the
little girl replied, "To the mineral
"Better and . better," said the
emperor." "Now, look at me and
tell ne to what kingdom do I be-
The little girl was confused.
Dare she say "the animal kingdom?'
All the teachers and pupils looked
at her with breathless expectancy.
But in a moment she glanced up
• brightly into the face of the kind
old emperor and said: "To the
kingdom of heaven."
This unexpected answer drew
tears from the eyes of the emperor.
"Yes, yes, my child," said he ;
trust that I do belong to the king-
dom of heaven, and the day is not
far distant when I shall go there,
lay' little fraulein.
Then, kissing the little girl. he
prtesentecl her with the gold piece
and the orange, and brought his
visit t.) a close.
Bartender Smashed Her, and She
Wes Arrested.
t months, ending; l:iureh ;31. shows ; --
the revenuer' to be $=t1,:351.s1N, am Nebraska City. Neb.. April :r.-
inerease of +,= 33 e91 over bets furs. (Jerrie Nation was arra' .ted
„'leas. The t►rdinetry expenditure' here to -day amt taken t'r jail but
,1vas *30,014.0m, en inmel melee, of as rcleast i. on her pra7:nise tat
$'2,2SIT,'52:r. On capitol nt'e'annt
leave by tht' next train. She butt
- there true eee emote e+,s3 ,4Z. an been malting; the manuals of the
increase over one million dollars as! saloons, and at one threatened to
compared with las year. demolish a huge pitetanrt' and .mush
i1 The statement for the month. of ',demolish
bar. The Inietenulr^r rvarned
, March was ,v ory satisfactory. ' her.but she liersitit-d and he street
There was an inert'use of over ]calf . her taut in the lave null gnat her
a ruillic,n dollars in the rev tenni'. ;; mut of the cahoot. She seen re
ami a decrease of over t ltntettett in I turned with a party of adherent.,
the ordinary expenditure°; on
eapitnl the exlrt'nttiiturt' was e►nly esetlr1te 1 ht'1' t,,.tier.
rk,i`a".,�,.rre, as against ?+1.1 ' ilii l fin, renew lea'aviing'.hte a"etett'Fl at ill, ,
fat'a'l. 1�a 1, or a aleere'al'e Id* nearly mIie' that thew lArtpnnelt'r . ltoinhl ` 3.
r VK/alQl , , preeeeta'ted.
but a nelit't'tnutt arrested her mei
TRACK. I Stephen Connell.
David I3rertnt+eentn Roan halon by n I "I h e "onanril Kof tier tp. ref $tegih '1I.
Matti Tratin a.t Tnavu:tital k, (reit, carrnvdental In they ton lean, f'ntr31:,
t uses a/an Maveea1,,t'. r8l :'tin nut'
T'aw'fsterk, Alegi i.®A vent;` nen. lr• ne At1 members preeentt.
nets of the lrrevious meeting c -eve
fortunate aaecadent went red, in East
Zorrcaa finis morning. . when n tinge a T read arid 111/111"v"1"
R. mail traien, nag a enet. ran down.1 Wcisl/=•5'e "ler That p1�re n{, a
end instantly ' killed a young, farmeer! villuttge' ref lyaa_'�lnte;lrs.vtll r,:€'eir a' v.,.,
named David l3rerateenaaft. The ! as as t 1 Ulu fern• sinus veaar 1.�a,ii!.2. 11
unfortunate mann ‘vas vitiving as 11)0 Village c of Crediton. they ' mein tl
te`taann of Nerve and it is thoanY4ht '1ed).a 4ll, ,at dl. tit taelelntnon tkeyr'etue- 4J_•• -
that he raid. net see nnor' hear then respe>!etivt villa!: s 1L*e ir�rnal X1.11 tree
tram. Bede horses were killi 1 Anil doe: tat leVi441 Medi e olllecacct eau tt
the wagon dennolielnetl. The train twt 0 `` ails`) s: Carr"
d stopped after the aceitteUt and took
Anderson -Webb flaattt the s.c�u
the remains to Bright. where they t'f ,s` 3t4-mtu be set grades for the to
were identified. It has not beet tltaawar on. fronttime to fitaae�.3s tet e
learned whether or hot the de- Boarcl inray see pit. Carrico.
ceased was married.
of the Tp. i3' and of health, t,a) t <4
Wnaert9 - Anitller'so na`.That 1L -
COUSIN CP E.1101)ES, ttteitiott of making a grant to tat e-
Cninn.'t'Etneter�r':at xeter.
"$ ower until next me*etin . C'aarri+ �1
l e leas Bcel1 Luft Empire
ley, tine ,ncler`soil-=-Wrteirtii---That by -late
South African Empires Builder. Na. o;< i:reyr. being a by-law
New York, April a. -George
authorizing the Reeve and freak)•-
• Bhodes, a I.aketvood C4f' d.1j janitor' ei� to eborrow
ba 'a� 1 i'r'ons
has received a dospateh front $i3 chartered bank orrlEivaatty gvea
that until such time as than taxers of 1:,
,at9.60. The trod loan, wets almost then third time, be batted end si zn
overcome by the hews, brat lett tit '1-e(1 the Reeve and clot'k. Cr,t-
Once for Philadelphia, and said he tied.
expected to sail immediately to a r1 �--�'lLdg1 ()SY-'1'I1 Lt �l`ua'yS
F_,urope to !claim his fortune.; Wlaitallnerr, paid the sum of tike
Among his fellows at Lakewood i nests per wceel f'et' the maaiet: tn-
Ekode's relationship to the --Ern anee of arts. Jane Snide, piyale>e
pire Builder"of South Africa was l cluatterly,coniputed ft.)m April 1st.
unknown, until The despatch at -
1 wattled.
rived Then he told his story, ae- ;
'cording to Which he is e, fiirst cousin Webb -Yearley -Mitt the assets.
to Cecil Rhodes, ",Ce'ci1,'" Ice said, `„ tree's rail for a ac as delivered ���
"y: -as going to Eton when.I came to'the the assessor, be accepted and that
America. l: went to C,'anaclat. and ; je.tri ssess rr be paid his salary
later to Buffalo. From the latter The following orders were grant- .
city I moved to Philadelphia., but a ed :-M. Alderson, cleaning
few years ago I failed in the gra- out
eery business. and was compelled
ditch, nes road, r2 ;cllaitla
to earn a living by doing janitor' Nestle, putting in three boxes. $35: y °c`hester Prouty, gratuity, ';
work. Rhodes and m cself never = A,dvocatte Pub t'o., ato•onnr;. $1I..Th
gat ault)n very well together, elsdna. Uiwt'bee,etal shovelling snow.
our families haYd always disaagreed Hy •Wilson reYvellin snrt)w'r,
over religions natters. I wrote .1i. , ...ill q ,00 an noveislt gl>tstti►ag
hint in 1591,. and told )Ilan that i•) i
was not doing: ver in box an 1lanlher, L. % •., ,;,.1•d.7 . 13.
would lure to go to South Africa- i : unluigr+Y gal i
spit at Pliilatdellrhia, saying
to meet the current oI endit �n b
Cecil Rhodes left Marra legacy' of wait be collected. blast-iz. been lr`rs,1
y well,and . C - ,h shovelling and pltm-
ang snowy, Hp, ii'rlhon, �g/u
Ile sent me e, mitt note sayingthat r ting in 'box, 1.:,5i.2,..5; `rank knell.
there were enough Rh 1
South Africa, and refused c toe help: rep. culvert, 75 cts. ; Aron Ireland,
Inc." y filling in culvert, con. 18', $1.30:
dno. Lawson, putfing in lox, $1.75 :
Jos. Guinan, assessor's salary- t' t) :
A. L. Bertrand., account, 73 ccs.:
and every fame of cher a Jos. Haist. cedar posts. 1;r.
bleeding and protruding pne;'.1
the m'annfactnre s have guaranteed it. seotes- Council adjourned to meet again
algaats in tilt nils press o ask yonrneigh- at the poll of the' Reeve.
'borer �l+zwt Choy tltink'btit, Yost can use iirar,cl
e o r mon cit it r t � 1=1'gvR'Y EiL2Er'2
all e4 ens Or 'Mtxwso1<, inns 'Cb ,ToronCb, For a fine nobby suit go t0 D. S.
1 To, )r ore to gots n,ia Ila..
C)tase's 'oiatttient: is a. cerfain
es and" abs ,. .
elute c
are -Lor
g tail o tel , . curd* stag r, lyes. st, , Tp. 'Cleric.
Dr* Chastas ointmerit r Paauet's, cheapest and best.
H oar a. ii's
Laundry .
We use no ohemieals.
to destroy or injure
your Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
k..- Sas
Good Goods
Prices Right
Watches, Clocks,
Jewellery, Musical
Instruments and
Fittings, also Spec-
tacles and Eye-
Fine Repairing a Speciality.
Sold by All Ne wsdealers
tfel.V' PEPPER
t �t 'd i to ni ` :- tlteYta' e a New= Choice
Copyright Compositions bythe auustpap-
Ra a64ai.':. 64 Poeta of Piano Muste,
a^,6 half IF:;',.:z,itta. - at Complete
Pieces far Plana -Mee n Month Lar a5
Cents :'early ,•'tlrnerirttnn. Sa.eo. If sun
not 1 Pi lite name and address fit Frvx
Eighth J. ocustSt .. Philad to +fa. Pa.
l� .,1;•°ta
daily a"xret'pt +`+'iniduysfre►na
e • cr .. Until tr ga. at►., 'Tran »guile: are
dee„ ::Paaate 41,a. ti llows :
:1i i D+46t ilis\',�Ia,. t'1v9m•att ::e i t.n►
., .. 1: $4 leen
• '• $i.�ea�ti•)l, •• 11 tau rt;
.. L. I1 cti 1I-. "• e.. ,1e.7 tteai '{
•• la, 11. i H., •• t'e:7tail.
non 111.A -.1l L. arr. 11 A''I' a.e5
•, .I. gats)
•. v. gy 11. ,s 3.. " •II I
* tt 11 . Un
•, '' 1W. 1 . err fl _ .' . „ a l a4l�t
s C n)J I+1F:a,e>•Fi6 16`6 /0, tenet
hie p onto 1 halt nate heeiar previous to
the tine" !fee e'leezu the aaea3lll!o.
1),S.�' At T. 'lt9st111Qnster.
Tree�ieetll 1 evlt i:!�t', �ir`vn't�'ll t,j e'bf! I
i,� 7t nuttifn1i.'rr 'l, f sae. 1:e Hoy,. r vi;1l- jI
raatnrl)nrt ad a"d`_'� ) ..')', a:' •. ui
lib -30131r' e�itCe�lli1li) � wtt:u Ttinl(u"gal`°nV Mann
11andl U11i'nDuan'.._V-GLd1'.V o')i thei
arils-ni �� �,..,i,,al tGd.'d :•. (i"fire
%'r;nnaennt to) lbaal y' ;.°tu'�+ Ploti))t.
viand 1i`raaw; �3ag1�..:anani wi11 lei'
riltll a/t) vests' t!':a"•C rl"��n'na):l.
"'or fu th;rrtr:i cue rub r. a'1gb14iiy to 1
O ektt• etl:s-etta ^e
e non+r ti'r e51 t:
!t 4 f e
daPrtiltee/ts &C.
koith *Hi f ae +s;ve.E
gr a4c ,
TITt416 a.
C:3 Jrei,:t rte
t•.s ^s:r e,yar+.stla'c _ T sr,‘
,t.'10itil.2:13 r.a sat^is
U...e tettrOat� r'. New York
sang.., .. gar.. r":ays'�:trtc t. fs.
''tlrte•.W'kc+r ., tiae_,Y :
PiTEPra ' b+lag dfisplayed firs the
tut. of sMote'ess powders sad
Picketed ballets lnlargecalibreriri_s.
1- - b 4S ctaibrc burnt weighing 5dr0
Braine. gives shock to large game that the
small bores can trot always be depended oa
or. Marcia Model ins Repeaters have
Special Stnoheless Steel" barrels. Fer
gcm za-date information see oar catsabg.
sired fo'r 3 stamps.
in aPainting is part of it just as much as soap-
ing scrubbing. There are spots that water
cannot remove, and discolorations that scouring
will not take away. Use the paint brush int suc�$eS.
i 1\ 10//Millais >
itIt\ IIU flM! /�lll�j
In small cans, is made to meet the thousand and.,
one demands fora little paint about the house. It
is ready to use. Dries quickly with a good gloss,
Can be washed. '
C. Greb Zurich Sells It.
" t.ler'e be some weaker one, give me strength to help him on."
"Kind hearts are more than coronets."-Tscr:rso),.
The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America.
-The .vim Tia,' ("errdr+PtTr/t/t[r'r' Ifa,.pita7, 7ntilt under the
( (..pit'r.S tut' t%t#' erib,krti •isSofitadio71, will
be. reNt%tl---,4e1 /ir,},+ uta 1/' 'for#/ifr 1, ftr c jnilp ant f 1t473iS%L
iS Set dlr'etl --109 rt t'r i/`r' .`rte patir,d,>i akti ttft ld without
Ot'er :100 out rit 544 jant;*kis tyr the Muskoka
Cotttivj' .sr tneeirr'ilitrrd tgu<' oral rcr'1t9 Ibte` the i n d
>a' ! f ,. tit o ( l
Sanitarium t::,'r v'iedtiorr - hare plumed vita Isom either
eur'a:'rl or 1p reil iirud /r'are'r rX.
---Th° Free ronsunviogre i fauna the same
deli hd dclpe lap ta2dlraael! lor'aatlitr t� '' r ' t ,
.� .� .t ,l, r era,Adr� � alt � same tad
vantages to the prlrsr'o"r pial, nb; es to the rich.
.. el
- e*
{i eve ' \' ,,w•,,.y. flan '1
.7, e% free. rr•<:tN :*..?:,: a. „, I;i