The Herald, 1902-04-04, Page 7THE SPRING FEELING:
Variable Spring Weather Dis-
astrous to Weak People.
, Even Usually Robust People Feel Run
Down and, Out or sorts at This '
Time- r.WIlniams, Pink Pills
Are the Very I3est Spring
The spring months are a trying
time to most people. At no other
ltiMe of the year do health and
strength seem so hard to gain and
to hold. You do not feel that you
are really sick, but you feel about as
bad as you could if you were seri:-
431181y ill. That feeling ought to be
got rid of -and It can be. What you
need is a tonic to enrich, the blood
and free it from the impurities vviach
Live lodged in your system during
the winter, and which are respensible
'far your preeent condition. Dr. Wil -
Sams' Pink Pills is the only reliable,
never falling tonic medicine. These
pills make new, rich blood, streng-
then the nerves and bring health and
vitality to every organ in the body.
t_Pliey are an ideal opring medicine
and the best thing in the world for
all diseases having their origin in
impoverished or impure blood. The
.case of Miss Belle Co:loon, 'Wbite
Bock Mills, N. S., Is strong corrob-
oration of these statements. She
says: "Three years ago this spring
I was yery much run down. The least
exertion exhauatea me. I seemed to
lose ambition and a feeling of lang-
our and sluggishness took its place.
My appetite failed me and my sleep
at nights was disturbed and rest-
less. In fact I was in a. pitiable con-
dition, After trying two or three
medicines without benefit, I began
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and they speedily worked a change
for the better and by the time 1 had for the dame of heavier build, there ot g
used a, half tiozim boxes I. felt strong- Le Plenty of choice, -it is to her the ;Mittens nutde of cobwebby lace tire - i'rr'Peetteg ^421'll'tt the ee'el" eounti'd him of suffieient viilue to
er than I had done for years. I hare corsettere gives much brain and fin- growing in favor, but only for thea• Ides *A the Leal burned tie fiereely direct surname to help hen,
since used the pills In the epriug and ger Work In order to pr d ostaurant (nine B 'in I ' s In-ea/Sit •• tea threeetel. 18. As it had been etalee-There
I find them an excellent tonic," port both comfortable and beconeng. truly one can scarcely tell tin legs -Persisted z1 persecuting tio. a difference, of optmon :se to whether
Mead betties fell front kis eyes. •
Because of O'er thorough tame eieeples with ine.rialeing vitoliesee. ae
steleeieleleae-e÷a.leleletelelee+÷÷aitaiteiee+iialelee+++0 ileetatealee++++.1.4..10
A Professional Oleos a Few Write On
Preserving 'NW Appearance.
4,4.4,4444.00.4044•+++++++++++++4•4144++++Ii +++.1.+++.1.4..lee+++.1..e•feta ititt
Should • you rat me to name tee veste, on a small scale. This may' be
keynote to the style Qr the early in the some faee cloth as the skirt,
spring fashions I Should unhesitat- Naples, the ground of the eame tone
ingly and cheerfully reply-"pictur- ae that of the °lath, only' darker,
esquenessr -not in the sense of the or else in blade With flowing en -
once -beloved esthetle style, of course, gageantea of old lace at sleeves and
throat, and bilge enamel buttons,
and no relation to that affected by nothing can be More chic for sunny
or in flowered taffetas or gros-de-
cart/ilia society ladies who see fit to
clothe themselves after the manner
of any picture, past or present which
they happen to admire or think in
some way resembles them. What I
would express is that grace and
symmetry of outline pre-vail,benerty.of
form and coloring, and (perhaps more
important) exquisite workmanship,
both In cut and stitehery. Every-
thing is
Soft and Dainty,
the late masculine style of the
"genre tallleur" has been put in a
corner, *e wear our frocks long and
feel more comfortable with something
to hold up, and we make them as
pretty inside as out. In the vast
sea of fashion everyone may choose
tor herself and be her own mistress,
there is something for all, the tall,
the short, the slight, the rounded, the
dark, the fair. No one is left out in
the cold. In the matter of eorsets
alone, no fashion need be servilely
She Who is Slender
chooses, maybe, the dainty, light rib-
bon -corset; she who is given to fav-
oring the Empire style (and for even-
ing wear this is ultra modish) wears
the perrectly-boned little "bust -bod-
ice" -the only laud permissible if the
Empire lines are to be right -and,
spring days. i
Deis are Stilt Low,
still. flat with feathers or boneless
quills coiling round the brira, per-
haps hanging over the low coiffure,
and held in place by a big pearl or
strass eabuchon. The hanging scarf
ends of lace still prevail, flowers on
the good hats are of rarer order
than formerly, caraelia,s, velvet
grapes, Christmas roses and uncom-
mon foliage being preferred to roses,
violets, etc., which have been
veorn the year in and year
out With the hats one sees
some charming new combs catching
up the back locks, shell, decorated
with fruit in natural tints, such as
cherries or grapes, with green leases
0 whim ef the moisent, when every
one Is cOrouation Mad. Sleeves Are
a tremendous feature at present,
and the tendency le to have them
as plain as plain can be at the
top, and very bouffant below the
0114oNv, Had we been shown a mod-
ern sleeve a year or two back we
should innocently have sewn it in
upside down, for that is really what
It looks like when cut out, A pretty
way is to make this tight eittling
top with two ro*o Of transparent
insertioni-vvith an equal width of
tiny tuck& between -the same lace
appearing round the widest part of
tile sleeve, and again at the wrIse,
A small tecjaare of it back and front
at the neck, le In keeping. Tiny
tucks appear below this yoke, with
the fastening concealed under' them
at one side. Odd collars are very
prevalent with blouses as with lit-
tle coats; and linen ones, as well as
lawn, are being arepared by the scare.
Many einbroider their own oa exqui-
site shades of Harris linen.. I saw
one on Parma violet, the ribbOnsand-
rose design being clone la Unties of
tip same, the whole edged with a
tiny hemstitched pleating. Another
on pale blue, the flowers in rose
color and the ribbon cream, wopld
sines/teal up a navy serge frock won-
or gold. They give a pretty tomes 1 -
of color to a dark hat, but require
to be carefully worn else they look
bizarre, at present they are merle
in good nouveau art style, so are
by no means cheap. With the Em-
pire frocks some few. of our bolder
elegantes have dared to wear the
Ferronieres, with jewelled ornaraente
restingon the classic brow, it is con-
spicuous, but
Deeldedly Too Theatrical
for private life! The same &Islas-
ious spirit clad their slender feet in
Lacey white stockings, to accord with
their Empire costumes, the slippers
simple, unadorned little affairs, 13aell
as Mule. Reeismier and her clan Vil,re
wont to wear with their crepe tuniet
I 1 I leato
ay Sciloolo
APRIL 6, 1902.
said. of Tarsus, ConvorisS.--Arts 5: 1.,20.
Commentary -1. Antl--"Uut."- It. V.
1 -The "but" marks tale contrast, be -
port among the ,Tews, was in core,
mut leation wall. the - brethren at
Jerusalem, • and MIN trusted liy
them," In a vision-aul. was pre-
pared Tor the visit by a viebere.and
by a VW -tali Ananias is told to. go.
to WM,
11. !Straight -Alain thorougb.fare
or Damascus; se-ealled from its
running In a direct line from, the.
eastern to the western gate. It
eyrie a mile long, a hundred feet
wide, and divided by . Corinthian
celumas into three avenues. -Lewin.
He prayeth. "Breathing out" • no
longer "thretoteninge and 'slaugh-
ter, ' but struggling desires .after
Me and light in tbe Persecuted
13. Have heard, etc. -This• hesi-
tancy on the part of Ananias to
visit Saul does not prove that he
was either fearful or Inclined to
disobedience. He was merely exer-
cising due care; he desired to be
sure about the matter. Tey saints
-The Christian converts were pro-
bably called "saints," that is "holy
persons," at a very (as-ly period
after the death of Christ, because
of the marvelous outpourings of the
Spirit upon the first converts. -Cam.
15. Go -This brief, expressive word
of the Lord (1) demands implivit
oebdienco, 12) puts the doubts of a
weak faith to shame, (3) contains
a promise of the Lord's aid and
blesaing.-Starke. A chosen vessel -
One whom in view of his fitness as
a man, Jesus had chosen for a
great mission.
16. He must sufter-Compare Paul's
own words in chap. sr.. 23. See also
chap. xiv. 19; If. Cor. xl. 23-28.
17. Ananias went -"How beautifully
childlike is the obedience of Ananias
to the heavenly vision 1" Brother
tween the missionary zeal of Philip 8:ea-Knowing that the Lord had
and the persecuting zeal of Saul. One chosen Saul to 0 sitered office, An-
. alibis felt a great respeet for him
! is inflamed by hatred, the other 111
and an interest in bin salvation. Ap-
spirtal by love.-Ablattt. Satd-The
peared unto thee -This would en -
same as mentioned in the story of sourage Saul's faith; it was a con -
;Stephen. His name in Hetwew was firmatiOn of the reality of whoa he
said. Ille Roman name was Paul. IHniadoseseenntonmtelLe
irami•loutl0d Ittaisncil a s count
, Yet -Up to then moment hie ldind,
• - • eourage atial to know that JeSIIN had
unto me." 15. AO "veeeel"
'received of time infinite felneSs
Christ. riihrough the inetruxnent
ity of an humble idiseiple-ariania,
he received the fulness of the Tr
Ghost, Y. 17. The fillin,g of the
Spirit is an experierice to be gain
eubsequent to conversion and is t
crowning gaalificaition for the wo
or the ministry. Saul was chosen
God unto the work of the apostles
and was to bear the name of jesue
11121 berirt, in hie life, in his minjst
.Torouto frarmers' Market.
Mareli21.-Iteeelpts of • farm P
duet' were light, little else but b
ter, eggs and poultry being offe
Butter -Prices steady at 18 to
per lb.
Eggs -Prices ranged from. 1
ltle per dozen from farmers'
ketio. Case lots, 1:4 to 121.S.0
Poultry -Prices steady at GOe
$1.25 per pair for chiekerts; turk
sold at 12 to 15c lb. .
Potatoes -Prices easy at CO
7,0as per bag. Car lots offered
60e, with no mice,
atteds-Alsike No. 1, is worth $
to $10.50 per bueliel, and red elo
seed $5.25 to $5.75 per bushel, w
timothy seed is. selling at $7
$8.50 per 100 lbs.
lliese quotations are for se
that have been apecially eleane
eeedsmen for the spring trade.
Wheat, white, bushel, 70 to 70
sPring. bushel, 7than; red, bushel, 7
goose, bushel, 6(1 to 97e. Peas, bu
81/... Beans, bushel, $1 to $1.2$.
bushel. Barley, bushel, 35e. 0
!bushel. 45e to Kea Buelewli
bni4itl. S'. Hay, per ton. $11
$141; elover hay. per ton, $7 to
'straw, 11504,, per ton, 4.49; sh
P"r ton. $7 to 4",isS.
1.eactins; Wheat Markets,
The fallonit.g are the closing
tations at autortant wheat cis
to day:
if he soull not iirlatiata witisseit tit. There, Is no IsrestInni, Immo er. but •
prompt astion 00 the blood anti
nerves these pille iCpeedily euro
anaemia, rheum:Wenn, sciatica, par-
tial paralysis, at. Vitus' dance, eon/ -
rule and eruptione of the shin, ery-
septette,. kidney and liver troubles
and the fnectional ailments which
make the lives 01 101 many women
eource of eonetant inieery. Other eo-
called time+ pale are mere litiltallens
or thiS t4tt'1'hittr, renege". Opt the gen-
nine with the buil name "Dr. %%U-
nions' 1ik Pille for Pale" ton the wrapper around
eeery lete, by all nialleine deal -
ere or iteal p.ust Pak at 30e cants a
bus or sis bate, for atenitP, teelree-
eing 1Nitoktiviaw Cost
lereicla dee Ont.
Itaelientarly out, eitaturni.
Teo* ii•ttf toalorel mon lend t,,r i•P,T0
grae ire eeneeee Ile teel ;Althea ea
caul tin • tead'.1 111 al th • fatealny tie
eves e `4,••.11114 ra441411,1v
.rt„, %oh* issed
in a was int town. mad seethe home
Ifor 4a %i • -,t. iss.-rfa esenfantT
Mee iineet end atl romps's- was Le tat 4
bete. oio 1 11.., d*Cic; 43141 1...••,..110111e.
the 31-' 'i
4,L0.3 ,:3;11-.E3 111,, hildli'".4
tis"gtdfAndy west .4 Vat, 417,iNv.i.,„
att.< 01;33 t!:ile lliretee.
Mei 11;0set1',e 1°,4'• giNF,20F.1 tin the caller
lostensna 4i... 211 gin«, fireetiol 3eits yesnug
".1117NN th, 1/.1. s 10. P133041 i. shid
west: Mae.
•""tie re.etae. .4011,
t It.1atr-i*rm s,er..1q•..49 s;" , .1.4.1
fi., he1
lae; roved themews is i aAtti t sd-ens towtoinoes
welowadthe haethere US 4. psy
le& on ath gee. II orths /Lilita1ss9
mwas supernatural. The mar
New Vitens ...4..-7014 72
Tul-7 a
rato the high etre et taeetzeal s:erainhat rfaitas No. 1 or ... 70 7
i Es, soinater is tin. $ite* t*. iiAllataBlrVV, morttflutl.ti.* .. :v.a Itar..... -
saeroeyxtoolliy:;11?ThAt. ArD010%1.10•*1-
rsk,01*I ,1. .,„ 331,1w 1111. WP KV. 1ha. 110 (13.i1'4 ilarif";iate. ,.'.,!'SAt)
1* l'frrtie ra leantein ele letptieraber3Wh33tvi vessefil 0,
mostorLS.alo' meat.
nu110 breath 44 las la.s.-Scottthry weainted &tortsnebut
!over44 Live ShockMarket.
'0 l
' . '
'' 4' . ..i
im-,,13•-4i7vit,..e4 iat'f 11 -Foelf!etain
tss 31w,ri111 1* 1 01anoutelsl 13.*LborisLoi.w. It t 1 30
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loOn Pteil3 **.t411•311W3 “, 11,Vt,i1 1,rArttct
ris itm, 11iccce I,1E3
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,lit;t C ,: lg.C.1- t.,T..1 1 ; "! F-9
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ass ..rrs1 313i4131.1 thstnass foistVIi!3 2.' ' 5ii'1,13,
d13434f40AIVD hiut ilE 11it i.i-
11? ll 00411/ 13z1181FW11 200 iePala u 1 11
,-e aA.1ef'!trfDutVo4 alnwIrtni. th c,01t
a tam 8452r zonapp. w
ith lsil!agf1i1SMMmisAlIe
trg11010o3 granan UNllatin6 Vto124,, tb13
J1' CqJ1'1'
10,snetettestmsstm m. tsbbte%ineigldVLah timhos31 3 .i»E25:nE:t
tt 0aaM3135,114°irns4it'A ao' 44133-eo12=3ic.a;31 constI1 1n44riTy:
1 ss...:«,...4 Le lassi so it tisr
100,94 ik ,i,..aftit,,,Anoy 0,0t. 013fea3s33'ats dor talcreihrA tee eats, water. a rsseessi. elf the many o
trharesissiP 0' . I:: other siscp"'s,
tba rept- shsis essesess ism, iseassyssot of Mine Oates trlesi rit eeeEk,ato,A an[4,4,,, rihgc4 3(111 3,31 Wiiilftil 10110 V` .stsiennne 4, ,1,^r ;,„ ,. : tV
a /4 tris Lilts tiol...., y.'(?'„,,z,.,,,,,..,l.
,. tr., _IN.,,,,... 1.7-' ..,.f"1.', ...V. ....,t,
AS the Acetate **penal tile gete atroa exp./sleds-an Lam:den corset. '" 11104irr'r 10,11S t"lotEx..-1; s„,o4131t.".".., r,':1311,114, vs ties. 4,3' v,%,, -- .. - t .• ..«.. s
tho front ewe'. 44,444.4tore
. , %the ,87,3,110 ee seeeetese. for 6tIstatti -,-. wat, nsi may tieenaee• SONO-, fai
i../. rs ellIness,
It ,0 '11; tl 'X'.?.A '-. \ :., .0, 11 Vid' 113:14'6,1N,Ut,Ar. t'.",:,,,Y.‘ ,1,.• LLC
etralght-trontod corsetS. tinder Me'', s1/ 0 .Q.941.. We b4Otit' 11,3ittil311.10-13, g "f., -. -:.:'....1%.,.....' 0 'it It i,,,ii t tl..«. T -e...-.: 3 sssasassi hats twitteh las. 'Grassi ILK srl 4
lariCeetit 1112 01135131013 that all 0(33+302 133330 110. 335$,50(33 l0131, !! perecee 3 e .3 f' it e . te, nee tete". ' re-
- "- • -. - -
CO des/ nated bore a strong ran -illy f 15012411234 stesss anai '-13l
at" ts /ssf se
. /
Tells flow tier Baby a tight efonth
Peoftted by Wise Tttatrsient,
likeness. sietick My head and
thotasslat "she Will be a sadder and a. a
wiser Woftan, bet field my oessa eonte-
sell. Later, I asked, "How did you1
like tine S.; t* Corsets?" "Weil ray
. .
Teethltg. time 19 the taltleal age In 1 thnlit, for a. few daces telt, quite
r.. elelkitt life. Any eDigat disoaler in
the etataaein tee teoveets at that Mee
ettieatly luetemsee the peeve:loess of
tbe little one arid may have serious
rind even fatal tearenn- It in InVen" them that yoa have known them all
glee to take too gteat care of your.. life; yetli Mil bend Dike Vower's health daring Pstisa• ane I an the Wind, ea piek hp it packeE.
flet bettet temedy tenn Dateless Own handketernier Tram tine fle,ror whit ,
thblets known for the =weer eater tectin For evening; Weer leer-
therite of chlielhomil. Attest ' (Halley rieconamenel tine "coreet-yretein." I
Ectiothets wino have proved the teottla tee eeneeeeeee ee33e04 free, te6e. Tem
mule but n.fter a tittle yea gat VISed
o them I" Novrr
With !arena: 'rotates
you reel the first time yoa •Weat
tor flee itiedieine is :it -J.?. &Z. .11,:•Nlastiv. see etteneee, ie., Privates fecele, *ape-
tooksteWt. Ont. Hee ;IMP 1201)7 3433 '•ittnks rasiseante civet it le
wee saefering Trete the 'eettlbAje41 eionneveletea To:tureens tommettity. !
teiale at* inelgeetion. censuleatien and eauirese., for everyeeee wear. arautner
and the raothees strertgth plea ineelfee-writhout the pettieoae
Was severely taxea let the cent -neje attateteraent-ie the "Pins gine Breit,"
tees <etre tee ehlid neeeee. A boa or easement.. ezegeetieeely %vitro no Ineing
beeete. welein ,eeves seen prette line 4
to the back.
itis. Sprite+ Skirts
arn in tbe melte of tine parne type
ris those we ivave been wearing. oniy -
more sot 'They are still slim above
and 'Sowing oat at 'Sae feet all round .
in flower fashien. The colors, soft. ,
Salle:oils pastels for the most part,
are eery enticing, especially in the 1
new face dotes, so soft, eo
so !leaf,. Among the favorite Ineee
to cheese from. I give tine palm 10 •
clearopagne, old ivory. ea.ble, algae -
marine, and lizet, and loveliest .the
new capacine, a soft rosy red. whecin
has not yet wanderee ear from its
birth plave. Paris, ane bmag made
oral" ekeinsive ma.teriale, will raot
teal to contain no otertee or other .. last yet be general'. These elotlis
!lamina erug. They proence net,- lend themselves ta the, building of •
regale:Le tee the smartest and dressiest of (1302-
311'13i* '*4'l) tame because tbey
tutnes for 5 o'clocks and visiting, and t
ftontach and barrels and comfort the
be embellished by an inlinite
eterve.e. They promptly cure euch
variety 'of garniture in the way. of
troubles as cella eour stomach, con-
atipation, d1ftrrhdea, worms. indlges-
Morn .a,nd simple fever. They break
eolds, prevent croup and allay the
Baby'e Own 'initeete, 'however, mane
einch imprevernent that Iles. Me- ;
liester le mew entiraiastie their
aealsa. "It eivee great pleasere
to teetily to the velar- of renbe's Own .
tablete." sae WriEeS. -My baby nif
etatet metres was meell troubled ,
Witte eonetereitite.0 are1 Indigestion.
•tertl was very restiess night. 1
Oro:stared a, et -et oil elenyee ovrh Tab- ,
e.eta a.nd the resaits were so sates- •
"fa.etary teat I have eat aged any •
ather maitetne eince. ley baba gird
/1 now rte. -AL -7r nne Tanattny. and get- •
tine; tier toetb seems raa0:3 easler. "
r.rr.1 she rests a great deal better.
trbeee 'Tablets are a great help to
MC?, ante' ween tereleirer."
Babe's awn Taelets are gnaran-
teritatien aecornpanying the atting
; -- c- - - zig-zag laces we have had a long
of teeth. Dissolved in water, they time), or what is very popular, ara-
tarn be given with abeolute safety besques and Greek designs worked in
ftio the youngest Infant Sold by_ soft cashmere and caineo tints, out-
loareegiste or sent postpaid at 2o lined with gold or silver threads.
chenille errEbroeleries, incrustations
of Flemish, Irish. or Venetian gul-
pures, the new little zig-zag fancy
ribbons', (on the principle or the
Pants a tax, by addressing the Dr.
sae., 'troekvIlle,
4iat, Free &omit sent on appliels-
Ws. Verities thia paper.
The corsage to go with these may
be the blouse -bolero, the three quar-
ter wet, or, for a. dressy costume,
give the preferenee to a Louis
Those :smog reafilsrs ,siito are, weene, DT,' •--:•••' t •
11 course, gonsg to IP iveal and of Has =s hod asressts .1313
come over for the 053'3'.:1:i1L11411. yet in Ibis eami s3:134 1'3', tette' 331'e i`• `v-
eneer not have time« tee' lassis td, 'tress sant teal NVErM 31' 3,'.7'33 11103
313 34
• :•13 353
• 5:432,11
, 1,
e :3 c«
EJEJ,E' 31113 33:
/ ceotii
issss. 314s9ne33
32. ',IA '' 35L330J
ti Peat." • Elt
T,2y tl.;t:efi. 4$1 MC.
,..4,,n,:!"n;:g Ira
, '3-830 1112-5
, stirs 11..,:sy Int
3, '1311 133 33333
s. c 3, s '.‚r* '1
• tss.•15 13
." 13i3.. "Sisin secsostattst
t311l1 114' 131333433' 1E21•3.1:13 3,, tali, sees,
vise contrary to t..ite menus of „133 135 l',...«.-suottatteass Eniastaitt.,r
13 ,el Nazareth., 1,33 313 thissess
ea.1.•3':3r2,-. the saints t4,4 339 12.1114. 111`•.•:"•14' •13.11
33 I33135400 1
sss..1 siskisra tc fronis tine
ars.sive leCs ticc-roi 1.--4' 1=4 tIVS.' 831l3049 -
tine tharentei. ^ssafss torte o33tu i lats eiteet
It th«, Visas. of 1.!
the 1ls:Ju43.3, 3 t*,.• v sssis„ :is 7 tete, • Jtg 33*T•2,33-n133133.' 5! 13133--" el
most sittsscre lllUtito} 3 3 r.s, ic
Beite, est Eariscosirt„ Alt 11. tinne I
hear et :,3131.1 am.
portatIohs cmariatisss the
ever ettergotte; linnry and it
wiii he 11 !smell 333,393333. to 03311333, tvlio
perhaps', fot, the first Viz«, 13(313141/13-
:10Y a trae geven by
tea 'Live Parisian artisee. 1:1; heir
fatainatieg met rtichae. 13..4 8117
tnothleg of tide !eat 1E10 iinensalfatilus rsa L.3 , to
33133133 21133 4-e, tiat
ttoi Site- aussast assist.: " ass
13v41, t b.), cruel .ctse so se
eam e
Ba t . i•t1 D`.1 loiSas of Christ. 'T:ae esprsssi..40 0 134'3 14 131 3353-3(13
41 343313 59,, ca., 2 2 V ,12 ZIL 11;13 13 3'339ti-ninc.4 and t
5113 1' 13 13.." " tt -01:115.4 Mc'" -1" -a-iss 5,1; 0" 3113g :gene
attaren tno I: C. F-• *.'14:;`•••.' ,r,.,v1.1,drIlit,-,zz opt •171,':-; n 11:1% `!. te ette. 34
-Panziptre, . Sara Ca* trOL43'aer*A. 119 C1n1q.,t L a rco 1, ossissss„ sr assists::
8. Saw no than- ss- csg."-
IL V. The elass,Sitts
t raissrst 3:313] 9e333s:4 sa t 07:7
1143u"L" "13'3334 3;'.151•FA.
eantozurci-,se and scisssesn-ss,:s....,,- *Hite
as Frearch os they' cats t
T:aare wag ak mis'e 33Plektag•
hp all sorts of little stosssitss and
oisistats. eirarti. to take 3:-
121' 423,3313 1
9. Ilisithss- tins sass,
153 sengtes3t l'ss
and31 ars told things ars, oe sold 41/3 th(ra '.4
310 32`eaSIVIVAVY S .90 V,: • • ;1? native --"
Noss verrogins:
'nen, rattoCher "s,vor has • ellieltietal
already keen= iscasoirtesS i, t shape 3,3
393 31 salon topastsd sreast Ss, and tr., «"....s"
Worths -not at Earhszshava.S. hat in la.
netv Batlingto-n strset. lifts numars 11339 02031
oces English .:4nce 12. 'O ta,719
urging this step, as. it v,Sil 52.Ve sires
them sreany ee4 41004",.
:Itvo at the olississg salon. del
modes, a week csr two 1 therel
33132 33
A itosisisiress, SEacreq
of' tempting frosks. ces-S as "..g. 33
'Worth is an Sageeeeee". ainneele
mete o.7139 reatsi , aetriotic
0300038 OVer Sl12z30ta13 ea.beeee-
tifte creazions tie o',.r.7,'rs- The nre;n
prod tar ecreseleeze need aive 115 35
013 tne seore of ear 3%11'14314 W121033
tur33 prove unequal to tett'emus of i
have...Salty ask.c,.:1 .fee saie
tri11llt1pLS. 1.0 thOSe; who:,1311i have
Bo such qualms, .Nr. Worth will Le
a real boon, arid he le lboand to ',vin,
the success he deserves.
Returning for a second to beta;
there are some useful ones being
shown for boating and sports in
very fine Engtish straw. 3ast as
au.ppIe and Flexible
as the Panama, the crown tan be:
133 a pretty sort of dimpledabapa,
and tbe brim: made to go up and •!
down, Inside and out every Way,.
awfully nice for travelling or yacht-
ing. Then, for tile Indispensable'
'miler, there is a smart coronation
band, with His Majesty's nem:eta-am,
rssolas a personal apusal ta 133919
o' 3,"] psrsessintsr. s -s -SS nut. Sail.
• sfsrsscsntassit /Most Me?" V, 21.
thso osive,:ke to Vino fact that, "se
ssentIncs the ssints oe esarn's
prississatinne.: the Lord as-iesss
seessaTety star eggie t.sok 111
33 Vt*.n.q
'leek assainast .••• '
Wet ..r•T tss 08.1"1
14. "1 psris: Ts
,13,71 'Sari 3,13, lirscrat.
ls-so astritssi svhsn iss cs--ass
3/psis's. t'he 3'. 1314'0
'3s -1313:2t13;
C1r.St.131313 al "and ssnilsr
vess,s3. -
e'es,s-ss, tsar:le:as « vesssi sr :sass/
unts' t1:4- Pni3'el13ragi*.314 an
weal? [area r 311131301 lor sortleg parse
zStrst2;1,', is 3 sk, alter tfite first. al 133
Ts. Tira«ils, a33 otzLawa Dtal
vras sesclss.
ellareh Patiluereit.
tee '
ee Ilan ea. 0, a. uateetinat o
020.3011103 Ta'-', for Setae tereek
2.111, tea: letziearee tale was
ist tins, 3:1 tosil 1S3ate
iast, 3431333, 1333333 In Can
• See reststssist 2.79 test year.
330 Satere Tering can eitta
521 srl"
s, 331 7.1.8 own s.:•aell,
r iri .he
Ave 113cc3sEnry Co3d Heat'ith--0,3th Result
MCE'Va Foad.
SP3D, leryr,
e 7 1. iii -i .usei le ca3:11:33'ree "eel,- at el.r.a. ta Cie brain. 12134111 out of thls Is
,... :cv"::::11.:::(v'r....'; 4..':„L'I. li,. 4.z.0 z wat t 11
az,::. a. .7,•:-. ,. 1.y ,„,0,.-s1 -.Iri ‘,:...1,4:,. or eathe 0('r'.0-'3 ire : first •
P 1Z,:.1.41.• ri.,1,•',', .....4 :i "i1,1 4:4, • •..i.B.t s• 1.. . a . ... • . , - • 411, • at. t ,I - 1 .Z. al, a cii. N Ow ,,,,a1S.
1 e
tFf1;,r..14::i:)?1,1.:31ii:1l:,.itstikiattiproototroubTe.e-3113101..i,4we,1.::2temee You earn 3330333 thatit bailee up tew tleales and addsflesh iliyou weig:,)ur E41Il:(sl16ul1"1.31Icl1J1(arpettel13'1111111 ng '11031113' '•z"3'.0 sIaisaaensedtrcleNerve
1°':"y1nilnrI:;;stnIO211311:1;tl'anlIrttT'1te31wiliikWTla,e1,eeaeetteke1iliiO3e3tepro:etiell.C!1Ia.4? faletetndin,gTlier:.c,,,cii53133 (lsisiugtott;LAPnufTeontoatateetOnk. DrChaaes Nerve Fiol a nledil'
reeseenee e wee very raueh run down in breath. lind dizzy epens, wee, quete 5'3C13 3031
:eaveelz.. eyea:inaternottibriledsti titt:
greatntrie.acitiarr: Nit:drive:Ili:co:1 iTasigifiecierguielniolt1;`,,Tgr:;:',41:nainsevrefl'Isii aiNis.neltei,,ti"pen,ti'll:tort.(‘;:elidili:tsr. te,/trzetzqt'l.Bleu:.tiit:nwhipvraifilizezeterlinit7nav health geneeene .
31:: frieeerelv"seiller:e:73:tret. ft.:I:blood. Tte 00 34' permanent. betenese it reetoree and
boxes for aeo0, rit. all aealers. or lelmanson, • aei
revitaTl'iizo:rieonItath1;:w"aeted and'
denleted tells, ;i0. ate. a Nev. +6.
• 1