The Herald, 1902-04-04, Page 44 THE ZUF40H HERA D �rn irreparable, ;and recognition of the EVERYBODY SHOttLD READ, OJ Tr� T41 M, 1�4, i' L 11D marvelo machine's real inerits as us . I Testimony Wh the a means of both business and plea- ich Shows Grepti The Paint Brush or V alize of Dr. Clarke's Wondierfal sure has survived in enough minds Little Red Pills, TheScrubblngBru sh, MIURY THU? MDAY EVENINCT . to saye it for another and wiser Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills our- 1 I . .1 1 40 -BY 9. ZELL101t trial. ed me of chronic rheuniatisn af ter Which SORIPTION--$1.00Per V"ERM OF SUB- When the I had been given up by the doctors. Tkll-, GREAT 141,0013 PURIVIRM AND 8111;lim 09 Yeaw paid strictly in a-1vatice. 'paper is not ordervil to. be discontinued I The population of Japan, accord. —Archibald Wilson, merobant, i Sault Ste, Marie, RVIC. ca The day of the dusty, carpot,,tho cllr,f,y floor and acrubbin Isrsvaning. it will be sent until such order is give" ing to the most recent census, iS: There is no remedy for rlieuma- i will cure Qze mo%t agvrp- valed form of Drsoepsia brush A rna cnii bo shazou la r. ininute-a ntect pal floor can bo oleanoa Nvid, a duster. and.arrearagespaid. $t.5otobeohargea 45,000,000. Ofthis number 10,000 tism,or for building tip the systeni, and Indixestion. It will Cor. 111*11at wheniiot pabi in advanue. speak English, 1,000 French and; equal to Dr. Olarke's wonderful rect I'till Peeling After iiating.­ Nervous ADVERTBiLNG RATEIS.—Tran s ie nt advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line HUG for perhaps 2,000 German—other for- Little Red Pills. I would iwt be eign languages cutting no figure at lirithout them for their wei.,o,,ht in ffeadache. sour, stontich andFlattilence. Whvstiffer w ien At Cure's guarhiiteed? ' 811ERWIN- WILLIAMS for fivst insertion and3 cents per 6inall Advs. gold.—J. J, Brandon,Fenelon Falls, i 200 DAYS' TR EATMENT $1,00. eae)a subsequent insertion. all. They tire nearly all to be out such as"LQst" "Estray" or -Stolen wi,1 be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25, found in Yokohama, Robe and I can truthfully say that D'r, JOHN TrAuG, - DaRbwood says: "I was una�ie to gei lief from INSIDE ROOR PAINT ceuts for each subsequent insertion. Nagasaki, and at the capito I, Tokio. Clarke's Little Red Pills have don'e 4p)� r Asththn an Steomach Trouble tnitil Copy for change of advertisement MUST be handed in not later than Tuesday night The English spoken is generally I me more good than any other medi- oine I have ever taken.—Mrs. Ori- v�sing Our Native Herbs." Is especially prepared for floorg. It dries quickly. It alves a hard, glossy finish. It represents the difference betwoon the light and the dark side of house-keepizig. of each week to insure alleilge in follow" poor in many cases only few com- son R. Estey, Waterville N. B. lose, JOHN DUMART, W Re. nion words being acquired to meet' �edy that is equal I here is no rew AGENT. Local notices in ordinary reading type the wtnts of foreigners. Of course, to Dr. Clarke's Littlo Red Pills for i 1:V ZURICH, ONT. 5 coRts per line, Notices for churell en- tortairimeuts or other benevolent iustitli- some, especially thoqe educated'nervorts troubles, rheumatism, or kindred diseases.—W. H Robert- a, THEALONZO 03LISS CO. tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and abroad, c&n speak fluently but i they do not probably number 000 son, Munaging Editor Daily Times, 0 V Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. quarter -coluinn rates for speelfied periods Poterboroug-,,,- Ont. aT R Tal 000 le e -ing 13,000 from 45,000 will be cheerfully given. Address all i , Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills; cur-, �44.987,000-Nvhodo not understand1edine of rheuniatiarn after 16years' t�emnuuications to or speak anything but Japanese. of constant suffering—J. B. T H E.. .r3n.9 =9mald-, r These statements are given out by Arinour, bookkeeper Toronto junc- tion. 11 rTWT.T.V'P V­�()n r/. P 0 C L F D11rhain manalrer Jai)an i I Vn-mynp rin.1 I f PA I Dr. Clarke s Little -Red Pills are Daily Advertiser, YokohnmA, tolla certain cure for rheumatism, I FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1902. fcorrect the assert -ion of a cor-;asthinn, paralysis, catarrh, eczema, HENSALL, ONT. Irexpondent that English is uni-,coughs, backache, indigestion, istomach and liver troubles, female. This popular hotel has been' versally spoken in Japan. I complaints, even when the diseases The annual report of the Ontario thoroughly renovated and refitted, Waral College at Guelph ha have been standing for many years, Agricu 161 Our new ally in the East, Japan,! Price 50 cents per box. For sale ill be found up-to-date in 'been issued, and shown that 2181 t by all local druggists and dealers and w has recently given proof that itt in patent medicine. THe Canada every respect. students were registered for the i intends to be it necessary, an 1 1 Chemical Company. Peterborough, general course last year. 80 in the efficient friend. It has just re, � Every attention paid to the dairy course and 22 in the special 'Ont., will forfeit $1.0 for any case eeiveafrom. the English builders a i that thesek pills do not help. traveling public. idta' course. For the three short new war vessel, the Mikasa, which i Dr. Clarke's Sure Cure for Catar- courses, stock judging, pou.1try! is the largest battleship afloat. All 1 rh, and Dr. Clarke's Sure Cure I I I Eczema, saine, price. $10.00 will i W. R. IFIODGINSI raising mud domestic science. 344 1 the trials to -which she has been be paid for tiny case they will not additional students were register-'�iubjected have been successful, Itnd cure. PROPRIETOR. ad. The average of age wa.9 twenty Japan is more than satisfied with! YG&rs, and the gamut ran frOn' 16 her English -built battleship. If GENERAL NEWS. to 35 yexrs. In the general coursO'England is not maintaining the' MAN 221121 students come from the pro-' is liv. I Fifteen tbousand persons vie�ved J. C. STONE 14 lotil insome other lines she vince of Ontario (43 eountiei being , in- up to her reputation in the �, the remains of Cecil Rhodes at X5 Groote Sebunr on $aturday. For Ga duate Optician, represented), 27 from the otheronatter of shipbuilding. It nlust',�even hours, an uninterrupted, proyinces of the Dominion, 7 from *, be a special satisfaction to the Eng- � ' HENSALL. ,, stream of those who wished to England. 3 from Janixica., 4 fr()111,� lish people to know that this view the body moved by the Cdsket. the Vnited States. 14 from the' I ,. powerful contribution to a growing � William Brophy, one of the two r Argentine Republiv. ono each fron't foreign navy -mill, if necessary, be linen who h0d, up the Dominion ISPECTAGLES AND EYIEGLASSM for enforeet Asia Minor. Svotlantl. Mauritius availablc ng British saloon ta Dawson Vity last Decein- Fitted on Scientific Principles. and 8'weden. I ber. -was, found guilty in the terri. poliey in the far East. I torial court, and Aenteneed to !in. Tho latest iti6thod %of painlessi ;prisonuientforlife. JudgeDngas, A VULL STOCK OF IT STRIM THE HFART � who passed the sentence. stated ]n dentistry in Paris is by the up, 1 Not only is tho vit-iiiii of, doin.-, w that lie reg"tted the eir- A n ri Jewelry, plication of elvetriefty to prothwe Rheinnutisin a eonstant sufferer. 011"IstRUVOS V011M Of Pe nit insensibility, inore pro%-ielynliea1g. but be lives in continual dread thlit addin- flogaing to the punishalent. the dist-ase will reach the heart, Seventeen ritee horsos and Watches and ing. the dentists have uniployed which weans sudden anti un- proinising, volts were burned to elev*trx, ourront,6 of great titiath. Rhouniatisin ean death on gaturday iu a fire Nvhieh P Clocks� furnished by the apparatuQ tef Pro� only be eured when the uric aeid is destroy-ekI the training st.%blo of fessor Ar.:uuval The most rd- removed froin the blood bv the� Frank* 11. ('0113v. it well-known niark.01a feature about this new': he'�Iltb-v action of the kidiievs. Dr. Ariver and trduev. in Ilighlaud Special attentiou paid to inethoa is that. although the cur-,, Chase's Kidney -Liver PH& niate � Park, Datroit. Aniong the horrAs all kiuds of Repairing. the kidneys healthy tmd vigorou%,�w*re the Royal. rout which passes through %126 and so gi�itdually and thoroughlv,,21,1210�. a five-year-old trotting stal., month i#f the liationt is very cur* Rheumutisin by removing Wo, lion% valuetl at $5.080; Harry P_ J. C. St-oneman,;� It 412 3.'. 4� *411P0 4t0rank I powerful. it pri;ibwes nosonsation. V-10- 11V. 1) VA$ . 44 she patielit expurienvvs neahm. box trotter, iwaA, HENSALL. ONT. Queen. sh4�1.1k. tralmlalifqu 11-r, ally un- 1!S12i"t, pleas*nt fe�-hng whatevi-r. Aftim, X2,y Assessment, Tho"toul UISS if, about V0400. tht pas4mgp Ulf tlif. k-urr"alt tbero The rovenne- tvf the ,,n,..t,Geo. TROTT', rpiumms nu hitrIffitl nor The. following are the ststittles doin for the quarter ending March' Nervo, US We a, k Meno 4 this 'Township as rer6iyed froll 4 11 1 31, show's an tnt�reas*% of wer MIL y fueling. NeVertht- Assbswor Lipplistrdt for �,%MMIA -W! t!1%!! M."o 11-4 A w?!Murt eyen an nnew� the y* r due entiretv to the addifloftal two, P1101LOgrapher, 11 0 � UTION, AND 9.1,000 - lass. the ,3s �, 160AISUS. HY4171IM10 OUV CE the �V 11Q(Y!.— penee plov:41 on the incoine tan, I # -w,4 Jent mplete, Hestdes the advantagp r Lak, c�qDkg, �k -V&M Q0 eo, Nuutbor of qatyerq. I CfV2. sZo. of The WilLson River bridge at HIBMSALL. R�,S&tO 0MINerated the nW�v,.S31 liam No. uf Rate age 2notle li#riuns. 211 to goo. '45 ; total D1141hin, Mmm­ hds b"It daln I anather. whtch is that th-use Whlr� b,.r le2- and a lnnulher of JDflos car-; *41.'11�e> NOTHINO U r T T R B t 2= �t sub li�=-5va 6a. nnnt to it nevd n#v sl�deiftl inconto. PersontiLl prolierty., rW away. a ft�w dwrs ago. uctfbs TrP.N,*ED Thaare is no nr-,,�,aRsikv $31.2�09. Statute laUv day' 0-itating ilie C"almeelltnig of the trai%, a, I A toul Inunber of smvive tinthl rel"airs art. u1nde. 41, per,,von-4. for fa,.oin-, previzOn%17 tomi foW 9- ellitdren from � to 21. 1203 child, A convention of Cie 01rT AT REA'SO-XARIS von froin ' to 14. S49 . 'No. eattle. istS Of 410� ThP VOUfity of Lincoltq,, Xtttlaeg tau %N'l ; No., shepp. 1.12' at ts,'t� cath��iftes on tiat ntle.Es. Itk"W"I Z No. loig-A. wa% heTal ti - A Watertown voi-respohqlent to 3m!,�q. 'No. horses, Il, 97: No. acias unbiv. &tl� eandidates for the V) Vue Woy."Ve Says that a o"ek-fight on wouilland, 4 A I q, -. TA�g�ilature kad been *J)Pr6fte1*A11 Fa mil Utd%� rff=a you. CMUAIZANTOED. NO OCR,14 IkO VXV. I y gpllclaard, = seros-� fall wheat. and Mr. 'McKinnon. the Liberia] t Wr1tt0j1,C6JJ§6fttV a litt'ge S,��Ute, t'-pdol- Tolave there on glit of 3X?5 . .tean; 'bollers, 923. The unin. nowbace. wa,.� pre-ent. but neithc-r t%t% Ill,, Afareh !2. and thtt awrof infilts b6tweth 74) 4.641 sf) vaLteudorspil bv the eonvewfioi� Groups�' db C ofl i� I te S S t " C t 9 rn 9 W � f a t cy V E c e; k t 15 y et ot 19 dLte. *:th�.Inzh the event was held with -VeArs. 46 ; bt5t sveen 80 and 90, 13 -. A llas."fl to support the ntiuost balkiness noy attempt ;)Ver '90, 4. a candidato who would pledge lum- For ted Yf aft I tried sc,�f,�A of tcy!rs SWJ&Le, self to a total proliibit_�ry law an�IA 57p, was in.4de to sto)p ft ivr make tha r give tn� i'e wf1twinted with th* Td V6*6 td Y67I thkb Dt. nothiftg Its,;. A con. % ct t ut At . 3. t 904k ChA564 01hUftebt it hitkftaufl , I let 11 Un fai, X. V� a fair sisting of temperance inen froin 'at e,Tart,4, T,,�e --sports" whov &t- Mid Atwolute tuft for *Adh Vatious baTz 'of the eannt�v. was i ;211. Whettt Voillrideace I ludis�dIC-4 2-",d lit ts and ev6rT Will of IttWore, e1n*.0`!0 wn Ht: P for the -ek T P. TT tendezi f-aine fr, dfalo. Hilinfl- appointe(l I purpose of s 'et- detop. ibg a �candidate to contec't the ri(l_ ton. PeferbDro' anti f4rnelph. Tile: timonixig in the daut pteag *hd HENSALL. fit fenow met.,* bDt81fh&tthtYthibk45fM YOU d6rh 11*0 ltftA I�tig. The ConlLnVittee will ftPort the eorrespoh- got 76ut, monpS- bisek ir ihot -cafeaL 0�0 t� bol. at another roliven Iton to be held thret "Iwo- tki%�t it"d etf6 vafic&eii, &ftissIdIft" Ncrftw, babilay dent �4'lys. f-wne thr6ugh "laniflit0h of, EbUM-56%.gAt9s & Co.,Tbtonto, dftd.811dAer Weeks later. �Iea aNd Vwo-_-eti. in a ,peelaZ train. Tine wain is Dr. Chotad"s 0"Intm, ant' Thei, lgtoellc�w-ies the Governor- b#114tf-6 WtTitOtlt' WR*I'Mtt� k#1VAlft. Nts � _� _'_ -:�L- -'= "Wrn Zvet"it'JiLt eorr"Jeuml& �afd to Lavo cf the usnalp the Wa` thtditiftete-IMMM Gener&l Atd Vonttess of Mitito te,31- Liberal corw6ftfion. will leave Ottawa for New Jork on WoAnesflar. April Q. Her r'-wel. Da" nge. 91ft-0r, p!w,e n the ver�r heart 4 tho, -41- A ou UX ft 6 a eticy sails on Saturday 4hy- the altsi, Kennedy M"ttio. t t21t reforin c ve Ho h I(l t I :690. a=J Vle �n�ownt lr,1037itY Of the H*nsall on SL4urday lastl Mr. V. Minnehaha tor Angland. ;ivhbret She r,;�Sie*nnti� wekr, "r ifly indignant that Y. MeLewl, Of Seaiorth, Was tfal§ Will 'fie '-ilt"SC-Ut SC-Veral HlLonths' ,I as - . . ... ....... .... ........ ... .. ..... Watel't(Mvni i4ii,�T�flkl liave lheitn manimotischoiceof theidelegatts. .......... . to agtin contest South Huron in, ba0as 51tut stn. eful nn, affeir. the comingelection. The eonv6n- for the tion was a very enthusiastic ond elhildratt Ara . ... ............ -ellf annt-went t'he lavv in Went- and nearly 250 delegates Were, A R E Pale, Weak and Nervous.. I 7t vvorth (,Mnnty- "Twililf-I Spurred�assembl#d, fromall parts of the riding. Several resolutions were up V.- talce zwtii in regard 'to so -d Iii Xf*d P0,M, Villagd�l ..m ;r� _tliftixto , i U pasged by the convention, among b6lbiliftttif suld Z Pou al v b g fi-4s, and bo� a vi6' aticm off t e: thein eing one expressin , Syni_ &nd lgotlr�br* Manies N I ood tLnd:Ga±den, Property, sold 13ou-bi P law. pathy with Hon. G. W. Ross in his and Exchanged. racent. bereavement by tkb death 'oney Loaned. Children. A The �*ie2rv,.re hebit. whteh fell 0,�T of his wife. and also one en4loriging' The 9evere Anci t -Ver -Increasing str2in g.M, on Fitst and Second' 6f competitive examinations coming at M, tgages, Real Vstate, Notes and:, ALL CASES OF UA,"4� year. -.-s -Ar4 again. An the lyolicV of. the Liberal goyern-, ., tl=e when every boy P --,l -_-irl 9 - It -Ad T ment k6gardihg -New OXIOLtiO.,fa undergoing trying 'DEAFNESS 0- H An,erkan wrffer o1).serv(*s that the f L Short t ddresset w6re, made by Mr. ebanat's does raue'h towards ntaking R HAR Le. 'No.. YO:gue Of VIP MfTe�(% ggr&tv t6r) fast s McLean, Mr. Fred Hess, Mr. Valen- -ental and physicstl wrecks of Ikehool -rakins HOUSOS tlMd :gtltinfts Prop- 11 U thIldren. Run down In be;altb. with ARE W 0 , It and S'prasid ton f4r. it 1)errame st tine Ratz. t-jc-M. P., Mr, G aorge. the blood thin and watery ancl the ilet- etty Rented and Rbnts Collected. kv out new invention. 'Ortiv those born deaf am fashion ond a fad, ond in- McBwe)k, 11. P.. Revs. W�I'ddell,: vous syetent exhausted, children have Re;asonabl& lretw-c, upon Lon- and other-,. The meeting noebartee fa escape tlierrikn:ir ills that "A 9- 1 � �, .8 SE M E nw.wtral;1e, ineople rode for whom iixv;osted tot Pflvatd lftffi- EAD, N0181 CE, I MR I I was cl.)Sda with, the usual cheers beset a feeble body. There is no treat- Money 2nore than A ver:r littlkl, 14 such � and the singing of the National: -Arent known to acience that -0 hatural- vidualson ritst uottgage 03i Reml 1k, A. WkkMAN, '60 #ALt §AY,4t I ly and thoroughly rostores strength ancl Me— ITIMI� -0. TCOr. tio*rcise -was injndipiouq. and al-!! Anthem. I - vitality to tlii nervous systern as Dr. RiAtte. wi*'. .16W.-prL Yew *I full hi--Wtv of Ifty edst. to be'nea at ymn- discretion. most *s many -more to whom a Ifedo A0 Ichatt-s Werve Pood. it makes ptr- About fvt S Years ago my itearin�� in ihis eir entin?m 1,e*ts bappy by bringing back the colot considtrable,anionnt (if it would to the faces And the tvtrength and i unaerwent a treat-nent ror cgtar,11. for three rtlolltl-m wilhout nul-f 1%CCeQ9 2We G�vat Englftlk )Uavdy. have been beneficial, exh4-justed' 11. 1 eliwtlelty to ithe bodies of their palto berof nnvsicians. .1-nong otlztrs� t1he mon, entinent e,ir sptc.-.t:-­t th.�-.4 10:d -le 1hat 02 gold end recommended by zll I I *. druggists In 0snads. Only relf- F puny children. y, TELEPHONE 69601 ou'v aii 6neration Could help rne. ailet even tbet on1v th- head Uoise-s Avo,_.�*d themselves by journeys longer, i tbla YAedlcloe discovered. $it V.rs- 8. Dempso Albury, ont.. I theil cegsi, bat tile slearing i%i ih�: arEecte.* emr woulil fo­e��.. ' 11 1then sawyour -drerti:seri,nt accjdent.-,*A,v in �-� -ve;; VO -1c Vanen, -nd ordered yourtreat- h&rdor and nicre frequent than kagu gera.-ardeed to cure all wrftes:---�­My little granddaughter, tiyI4 i ...... ...... ment. Afterritai used it oniviiew tie un:se.; censee. and forms of Sexua Weaknogs, all effects of abuse years old, was pe!!*e, and weak abe iiad I to -day. after ilve weel-. rov, in liai�been era;relyrie�-,owd. �.thankyott stiffied. Injury and dig -1 orexcesia, Mental Worr reason in _y, Excemlye ase of To- no appetite and seertied to helffll!r and beg Z0 romaiti Very truiv Vo lrs�. gust were the natural consequence*; of price, one I�mkao v, Wix, , 4 Tq1 - ZELL ca M Izeco, oplum or stimidanti. mailed on recelpti Ty growing weaker. Dr. Mas EE 1:. A"NVERMANZ. -SoS. llro.-,dwny, Dftltinycrt�4 .11e. els erve 4ftwxcuft Pamphlets freetohn addrea� rood provad Itivaluable in b,%r ct �re; . ........ Vur treatlylent'doe-1 golot infelft P& With, 110tfi' VS1141 (WrI12)(W074 and the bieyelle suffered most un-' vrodd campsQ, w dsor, ftt.! storinz hottltb and color and n�Z&In AGEN a. . T116 NIL VX211%iy1fttiOft an VfJ i her strong and well." advite free. IN 'GAN! CUPE YOUPSELF A111,111, HOME 0624. Justly in the popultir esteeni But' Wood's Phosy)hodine is, sold in! Fifty Ventg a box, at all dealers ot i .1 the harm done, apparently ' St. I JDdwanson, Batts & Co., Woronto. NTMNATIDNAL RPALUIN[Ox 660 LA 8ALLt AAs OHMAUL was not J Zurich bv Dr.tuehanan, Drugge