The Herald, 1902-03-28, Page 7DIE MARKETS -ireene"Oneenireve-elneleireener-Seee Toronto nerIllel'S' Morelt ittle-Orein renelpte • were heavier on the fovea market, thee moreing, 1,900 buseele oft eying. The prices were semiely, . Wheat was eteady, :200 bushels of wailer gelleng at 70 to 80 1-2e per bushel, 500 busliels of gotem at 67 to 67 1-2e per busetel, tend 100 bush - 015 or iaerieg at 0 tO 60e per bueliel. Barley VMS St etlAiY, 8011 bughele sell - at 51 to 60e per Intestine. Oats were steady, 800 bushels sellieg at del to 47e per bushel. Hay was steady, 20 loads selling at $12 to $13 pee ton for timothy and $8 to $10 pee ton for plover. tetraw was steady, 7 loads welling. at $8 to $9 per ton. - Wheat, white, 70 to 80 1,2o; do., red, 76 to 77c; do., goose, 67 to 67%e; spring, 08 to Etee ; rye, 58e; bar- ley, 54 to 60 ; oats, 45 to 47o; peas, 85o; seed, per cwt., job, aleike, $10 to $17; do., red clover., $7.50 to $9.75; do., timothy, $7 to $8.25; hay, timothy, $11.: to $18; do., -clover,. $8 to 110; straw, $8 to $9; butter, lb. rolls, 18 to 22c ; do., crocks, 15 to 17e; egg, new fold, 13 to le,e. tv neat mark eti Following are the closing quota - Coes at importaaet centres to -lay: Gash. July. Now York ... .., 78 3-4 79f 14t calle-Ingo a ... 70 3.1 7215-8 :Toledo ... 78 75 1-8 Duluth,' No, 1 Nor... 70 1-1, 72 1-1 Duluth, No. 1 hard- 73 1-4, -- Toronto tildes, Wool, Tatlow, lete. aioroato, entree 24. -The local hide market le quiet at unchanged prices. No. 1 green. steers, 60 lbs. and up- ward, 8e; No. 1 cows, 7c; No. 2 • cows, 6c; cured 7 1-2 to 7 Cele for cows, and El 1a2 to 9e for steers. Catfskins-Unchanged at 10e for No. 1 green, and at 90 tor No. 2.. SheepeitIns-late tuarket is firm, dealers paying 85 to eat Wool-eLhe market for fleece ie quiet at 13o, and unwashed at No offerloge of new flee yet, pollee wool dull at 14 to 15e for super, and at lele for extras. ttallow-The market le firm. with dealers paying 0: per lie for render- tal, totti 2 3,1, to 3 1-eet fon rough. Small lisle cif rendered sell at 6 torogito1 moors .teroduee. Toronto, ettirce 24. -nutter -T1 Olarkrt LM untentageti awl Is surf-it netch from vite cinolitutel °Infringe or Costly Trial:filings. law gratto ond niedhun nett Of great importance 1111301cg the. b..11 poor Ohl 10 of er, n111041.-4 varied kind, or trinualage thie year t Prima are eteadt tine the tlf metal foe axe the faney brat Is anal their earl- t cL&' fatal' 14 %pre gook, We 'mote: ells Conti Ittatioes with taffeta, grew- e ferearthry, pante, 22 to 231. ; nelde, dine, Knottest hie de sole and !tweeds 1 io spoprois, to 2ov egore-, net. Silk fatale are 1,1 the 01.1111e Y.1011, 1 rohml M : Ing+ge Aro Mid theme are ettinetimes feather - .11t 4.11 17 1.:4, edged anil weil for the edge 11..141 ,0 an 1 leo ,10 u Ou eltaped band or op', theorated • " Eniz -Ili • two h r -,m :1 i e. S a Meta/ a t 10% Offer81184 , Wq, ph tolled ned tiff merle tots geisil. PolittereaTeure le a goon ht foe reoattree, coal tee retiree...it, ere The Raglan Coat. A. long and clumsy fitting thing that covers' every line Aeul terve oT beauty given to the Xemale form divine, 'That reaches Troia the neck to heels hist like a. mourning veil In one unbroken line nerd sweeps the sidewalk with its tail, We know, becau,se we see it move inside the awkward dress 'There must be something that's alive; just what we have to guess -- A plump and giadeful figure an alive with healthy soul Or one as beastly shapeless as a telegraphic pole, We see it move•along the street, a sort or wrinkling eone, A.11 lacking in artistic shape and natty, dressy tone, And tee devoid of beauty and ot easy -fitting grace It seems to niar the sweetness or cf. really pretty face, The ladlee from their graceral forms the thing would gladly throw, They wear It only just because Dante Position wille It so, And not a, one but wiehes for the coating of the day When It will in the ran:pile be for- ever cast away And they call onee again diepilly the gracani curveit and Once eer which the keen artistic eye or man forever eilnee. -Denver Poet. Combinations or (intermit t minas. are the smert things this son, and yon eee two or three k of lace blooded together most ar tieally in one band, as well as or three kinds of lace on one A. heavy lace. and a light thug, are very good foils for each. ot and one ode of using the rat le in sash ends which rall to hem of the skirt. whole comes into e., -tight cuff at the ivriet, which is of needlework. ri-11(, mar can be elaborated by a puff and teen by more needlework. This le not a had waist for the amateur to experiment upon, for le eertaiti wee's it is easy to make. A. series or the extrentelY popalar pin teCks any - Mime will conceal 1001'W:04.10 of dreasmaking eels. ----- IIrCwa W A. very good way to trim the brown linen walet Is with steeps or white, Let two or them run clOW11 the frout from the collar to the but. re band of white can bore der the cuefs. The tan waist will bte so thor- sea- Quigley in. fashion that it will be in.dP difficult to entirely remove it from "S- the domain of style, no matter how two it is treated, but it may be made me prettier by one treatment than by ono another. her, ter -- the The Belt Moe. None of tee new models shows the very long point, though all are long- er in the front than in the back. They are pulled clovvn a little, that still is 'all, and fastened low. This Is ac - ore compliebed by mewls of the dress ort skirt, which is caught down with the ate corset book or other contrivance, ar thus making the waist seem longer. to his tally wearing the very short t ed slurt waist. They know th.at tbe can do it, but that it will look rutin on the fat sister. woalti be poeltively cruel to hin at the extravagance to whice th summer ehirt-waist is being carrIee It is now classed with the summe luxuries and ranks with the frill .and fine fancies.' It is a mass of Inc and insertion, the finer and th more delicate the better. Often i Is so delleete a, thing that anothe underwalst is required no wear be neath It, and all these waists are part of the plan of the summer shirt waist. $leeves, while mightily fancy, at also mightily plain. You can be i style with a lull sleeve that Is slat ply brought. in to the cuff, gatheret white Gowns. Plain white taffeta gowns are popular and the black. ones are m so than ever, especially in the sh meat and skirt torai. For separ. coats, such as were worn last ye thereto is the thing, yet It has shar the honors 'with moire t season, Entire snits are made of moire. alike is good style if you fancy it, but this sort of slle always suggests an old lady's gown mime more than the plain taffeta. It shows up in the eldidren's department this eettson, so there is no definite rule . to ma- terials for tee old or young. One feature of the taffeta gowns being made now is the ruching of the same material used for trimming. Ploances are 0180 in order, arid the comblootion gives a quaint, old-taslo lotted effect. Tho Shia "Waist 1414'es When will woman ever be divorced from tide sbirtwaist ot hers? It is as though she had looked long for that which she sought, anti, having once found it, had determined to cling to It forevermore. In selecting the shirtwaist as her constant friend the woman of to - ay has shown her good taste; she hos forever freed herself from the charge of not knowing a good thing wheu she saw it. HYglenle, pretty, Inexpensive, be - rowing, stylish, useful, easy to obtain• ; ail these qualities and manee more ean be aettibuted to the sit s o great slenderness are wick ryea le.o80.19a8, . :LonOon wipers are comelentine On the ontiandisli headgear end &neaten jewelry which are • now being are feeted. by weinen there. One :writer eare teat "the monstroeltlee now eeela on the heitile of young girls and even • of middle-a•ged women, who ought to know. better, are geoce to any civilized country, Tee heaagefee of savagee 18 artistic: by compel:leen. leezethere, flower% Tura and lace, all Jumbled into one eleape- less neel bewildering mass, Nemeth -nee' almost the, size of a lausitel benket, are stuck , the head and tamed tip at the ehle so as to make the evearer appear a veritable- ecaree OrOW. Oceasionally the massive top- ping is. tilted forward, projecting far over the faee, hiding all but the chin. This is the spectacle seen on the streets and 10 the ehurehee and thee, ters at the present time Some of tho gown' worn deeerve .alinost severe eritleism." Ettrringe are decidedly fashionable once: more in the Britiell capital, the .emartest people having taken to that form of adornment. Numerous oddi- ties are seen. One is a piece or pearl the size and exactly the shape 1 or the thumb nail, which le worn elaeped over the lobe of the ear, glen ing to that feature an appearance that is Ver,c. ingul a r at first sight. Y beautiful edecimens or the gem that 7. le loore fashiOnable than any other 1,10g0.1.tr paoicoropo :at the present time. pink and one black pearl, both most Red of one e) Harry thesitatingly)---alise Mabel, I L. -eh-have something moot import - r ant to ask you'. May I -that 8 Mabel (eneouragingly)--What Is it, O 11O 1.1%11.74.-eley re-efalml, would you bo willing to have our names printed r la tho papers wirell elyphert be- - tween, them ?-telasgow Evening a Time;. e SUNDAY' SCHOOL Teter shirloralet It would be well IF, with itti other itinttling vitt '00111 lel Maintained at Its -iiirrgain461,1 oet, wideli woe of $t or lees, lint 11 ins rye, ived bit or nt additions that um made It etestly. and it. Is teelay ito, se etteap a waist 11.5 it was You eon get a e Ty I I g 0 Ulm weite Wei le " 0 tesow the reef.% of elm:• finger theLth e 1,01,t10 114^1 tuene running from n.daban•I down to the bent. and itit a hand ot open llredlework teolleg Arnim 1 II blouse . te he ha le line. The needlework lonikii ere* tilea. and there IR an air of re halm et to the waist. Vero :telt the re14.0. epee !Leg it to be some moderate nn, mei are Mattel to lied it int- Ite lerot, hirge. The walet happen, 1.4,q 00 halt lawn. fill 1 the nurilte trek 0 Pend tattled ie ree 1,. onrs or leatie not eyeelget, tlit ala F46°0111:1 Intilltiattem Vtre. BNOV4, snueh waists take of nu le trl'arl 01o18g with the '.cry the j' -g &tee. They are to 'hi, 074 with Melte. satin ekirte tint mown fere :meet arel laWun ocea onte, ,atal DAN' plae tg. /2214101.r. ittg:11 1t 88. They rdrittk with tit, Ilk andellne, Wite thn tape fee rhitte 1.,,!trn.i.in the taffetae age with eat:n Thor ehlrtWaist of Very tine gende. 4lni be an India lawn or .7.1 err tenelin or a line linen or on the hear and tielleloesin edit gras- nen& rtrPCIPti MI the KiVEIPII erale fitbeien along with silk and eatin 8/ 5 10,1110 401. 010 b}(5116C .,. 10 cenitre w hit nitrate 41ecogn 4, I inn: [irate, glare; elm appearance of ',', "tv hand kinthrohleil. l 1 There., are Liner open brolds toto et wialein in thenneelees have a ele'y : 1 lao,y appletratice, 'the grenadine , 1 Inge 11 tine al ve her rte.( Into,,,4 mai, connelna dof 1 te 1th Itant or alone. . 1 that 411, IN. IA ift .41. 'pp 11,, t50.11.k. ogee.. i Innahls 'lielttg' tapecially preety 1f.3 T. Care tee the fir 0i k On re tirg- 4000 1 at , 141145 alvrtir eieldlene with haves , 02 440. ono neeeetteee oat or t.o...a. lf aro formo"t1 tbr broil, very harrow, of )3,4.11 20+, "if. 11+ See. (coulee, and Preach kniote, and Illen 0, Pottlere ...offerolgen aro peon awl you eve, on eorte of 11108 122 ilco 40t laato if,..... eneteoe. leo tew,to: g 11.1.0 C.4111.01 111.8(f 1.08•211,1s, aloi,11 hi bine% , leetwA hall el ice k eye aE VI ID 1,2 f...,2+.1ittrof tviltLe4 aLt1 to Cbr.alut•,.! • ut h limes . 14 MO *iti, ti -,,,i.,- .11.k. Ti 501 ,.4ie. il',f ;!Snine ithtea very teeth awl lalktd4! No .' 5 Imre ..10.. z.le.,, to!Aota:<1 all 10 tt* 111.. ;311 i I they Call be torraeged In efluee.t any . a riunek$ne a 2-i or nee_ ienche or..$ 1 forda, 0 10 geteitel o !e71, 0" i el Ven•etabie Silk Ilal el it he -.lance lel Is revel :n Ind (- 1 tlt„ tooth „4 15, 0,,,,„;,,,. „It ,,,41,0,:v., mg 1 N QM* poetized:1r Med whiele enters .,f ti, traek le 2, rul.:' \ 4, 1 Vispit 1 jp „. _ fiti,' 41 LEW teneetennetionn or theist$ fatte 0 tL ezeo.„,d ;atom._ enreeoho,, tee,,,' the, il 11118E1.,, 20!.4 h. Is 44,01d 8.0 be novo tiltir- ” W ego het po, i.i.,,, .tl, t,,,,, ,i ,1 ,t, 22 2' Laj,. piK,..,,,,, 11 iddilk igni ntere teloray for tells par- l ei" cm r,, U_ ,,Iii ,iiii...,00 tee z Net pt„.g.,,. 1 poso tea.uo tine ineve sill. The ineeitiege ' et p bone ler-ante are Very nesi red ac te-ell a tirenela tate S‘itiril M4121610.19. ,. ae directive; anal all gone of prett,o el Isletdoe, Il.4'''f'll t;L--.4f..a“11,' 44... rt, designs kftn3 carved wilt titt rtimtliD4 V- oaelia:vgip,.D a, l'.:: 1-1 Iv, in 1-3:0 :-.t, r narnow rilleeenn tistodget them to tenni It lb- tireteesil veil, ieelle : rdrie,”.:::06.0.t4W it....• t idop .0414;:es, neve pret4 bog,v Ltp.ot " is tettoluee Pti i.91 te., IP) 1-10 gppr lef. 1 . lee r .: Tr ,,,,, torooto Llee.• Steele Marnet. U.:131. tete' enotatraelree feature Mena n'It rtrritiitetteolnur ,.tt,,,imit, eii a z3, t,,,, lib, ifreill teirevoltegt is out itiv-I .iirq.? 0,22 eete.,..eatie,e -----------------. , r„, 4 mil flint et espeasiate to is when they lee tior tenes.0 00 ne :2 ze i ere neinted to lace tend elheillean that ; ni hetet ea.' cootie. ;peewee . . 4 70.9 to .1/2- i' 4 lam Ile I, • .. ' 13818t1.t.8-.4" v:4/8840., icor. ........... I Ira lo li.4.8841001dvey on 4.111(1100 do t418884413............ ...,. 3 21 to 3 &I, floc •,,o-0 . ..... i,.... .3 N.0 IA 3 :1-1 do hug!. writ .i- lo .fo ,,... Irtezietz, s1102.1-acep 3 to le 4 01 _ do hsedinhv 3 19 to 3 tt:•:.!kors, 1,003 Lto 1,814 0,4 3 te to 3 Sit do ugh!, 2 5,41 to 3 goo Miteln cols.*, o +eh --' -- an to to XI 04 4e,ro.ve •,!.:..-. • 3 ,."0 In 2 - -1 LtifiliO,Watti'llpg5.,.qratrovo- 4 21; to .4 :i0 do setaig. atiel eon no ii on eleaaebelee. gar cot . a fit (0 tf WY 11VA% .aerrtvt- - • sl... to 011'0 litTg.I;; fat. ereetve * to to to in suet a way that most of the rue- INS KR:Cant/NAL tdaSSON NO, X111 nese le at the bank of the sleeve to :114tR(11 30, 1902. make a little bag Or e tilero are sleeves that show more varieties, bat there are more for the fluffy summer girl than the summer shirt- waist girl. To 24frtaeve eltupleo. In inest eases the con3p1exion brusi Is neteled, with plenty of hot water and a blare] soap, or an entolii.nt paste to retax the porea and encour- age them to yield theer clogging contents. Avolii creams that eon. tali* r-p1,110111.1.t1 Or Willt8! W11AT.. efin bathe :Wt. e2201..111.111. 1/8e 1010 part of milk Or «me mei a hall of water. The f01110,%1141; erettin will remove the plin- phh " Lanoline. 2 1-2 puttees: 0- 2210214 021. 2 1-2 01.111i.e.1; eutpinur pre. eipin, t LI 1-2 000004; ON1114 Of eine. 1 1-1 2.112110140 2 \deka 0121 021005, 2 drams. Nee, shirt rilmuilline, re teener: 1.11.1. 11104 attraetIvi Rue liende of a lac 'linen, yeah 04.10,112leltillg 81018g each edge ea. with 41 eatstiteettnge Tines treuvoittg. eon be bought bY the :lard and It le jeet right for the ailorumeat of the plate eletowaiet. It affeee wort:. I10 , for it need traly lel ;tepee,' tie! s one Would 1421W brad, wherru. tidal mean work 41101 enteroidery nutter of tippler...1 urt. Tie polletoonttgen ein reale ore ,sed to trim %finite etei 120214' Iri10.31, is the 44lder12e19h4e-..11 winnte. leith Keefe onthon 2124,r. ;PO elate is 420 et ehe meet eatafal tr188008r,1,.". 11 IN nett op 2202.2 122.2 :00 into lehele„ .25111 this le opplivell to the siert- entlet ene as to 0401008 0 eallor it on Jr. Dy a. little testi it van lee !_.:4-,•141 .:0113' by tee teepi:r feetee etel in • 0&13' t11P e4111.Pr-2 154 !Rte. 100Ver 1,12.'?tn o 't' tine !err. I -elated band win inefeneel. ower 010 afeeateler and 1212 loose wean the ieefeet and Troett of tine want. 4 Mae effete: nuuetlva tneel do:fee vtoel"., of tine degeripti000. Revh.w.---,Aeo-: Z:6 -l2; 1.1. Stuumaree-Lesson 1. lople:The eouthlg kingdom. Pinces: Monnt Oli- vet and Jerusalem. I.uke, the author 0 the Aet.:8; .10600 22110111 to leave the 410:::;qpieli: they Nvere command- el to retizret 2*, Jertisa lieu nod wait for the promise of tee Fatieer; they are; Seem: if lai trill rearore ageln the kingdom to ierael2 Ili. r promihes the illify spirit to them 1e ; they are to lie wituffesire in all Foods; .tesio: ib+04•8•14 to beeves!: nu- t gel'. appear to the •11,,,.110/0,q; 011..v rclurn to .1•1,00:31i.01 0.2e1 e-10181100. t 10 earaest pra$0-r. 11. "10tvi .: The polite, faretal outrage lug. 142124"; In 2.,211 beets:. 1rt:0 25 Ir en rilettli :a. At tee hetet or the 2, Peen man : !lite s 2415'-O the 12 par...oetfr 4 the ilisf-ipe s neeie, 1 11.1 ; 2111 :PH t 0 22241424 0 nor rieen: 22 din 222Y110i . lalLy 22 2.0rE.141 tS'aq..1 211i 1 lakie :Pa Or rilriV' -.it Njyi, Vol h` 111 they Vt.Fre. tan; •1-.2. 4,6 eet the new religion. The ape:fete:go W02-0 arrested and , brought before to c1:002n2n;eii ; peter breaehed Tim otie they 'were out to the heart anti "took counsel to slay them .'' Gantallers 'speech eased their 1ins,. Topic: Choosiag the sevea eleaeons. Place ; Jerusalem The nnineer of the dieciplee was large aartentt.ille. toatPillsttillecigeeco°x"irlia,nriPootorp;ra°71Z oral meetiag was called and seveu binnestitneas.ustee chosen to attend to that IX. Toploo Stephen's death. Place: Jerusalem. Stephen still before the Stenhedriu; makes a long address In whictt he shows that their ebarges are false; they cried out against 41.101:;117tet him out of' the city and atoned him ; Saul consented to hie Xe Topic: Preaceing to the Samar- Ittene. Plaee : A city in.- Samaria, Saar pereeentecl the church greatly; the disciples were scattered abroad and went everywhere preaching the word. Philip preached in' Samaria; many were healed.; unclean spirits W000 east out and there was much jey ill tile Olty. 8imon the snreerer pretended to be converted. XI. Topie: Salvation through Chriato nelares: Gaza. Caesara, Azo - tile. Philip is directed to go south of Jeruealem unto Gaza; he draws xicar to a nom of Ethiopia who is reading the Seriptures • Philip asked him if he understood the passage lie vvas rending: the man dill not, whereurein Philip was invited into the chariot: the place he read was tIshtelitellul 115u:ell:I, Philip preatehed Jesus to X11. Tonic: "The godly week a the Christian. Place: Rome- Chris- ilane shouel walk in love, avoid all uneleannerre, ceveeness, foolish jest - Ing and idolatry : have no fellowship with tee unfrnitful works ot dark - nese; reprove sin ; walk In the light awake from spiritual lethargy ; be not drunk with wine: be filled with the Spirit; give thanks to Gal : snb. mit to one " another. PRACTICAL SCRVEY. The seprinne premise of propheey and the elimax of goepel rulfilment Is the bestowment or spiritual pow. or. Thee is the central teal:gilt of the lessone of the quarter. Abeut tide Iowa power promisee,. lesson 1. Power thought they may he groupea ne fol. Bossed, less rus 2, 3. Power exeretee(r fa) in bleseinge lest, 1; (b) In Pan - men , (aeon 8. 1 Ower opposfel. les- sons er, 7, 10. Power prevailing., les. son 11, Power prat.thael iceson 22. POWPT pronineei. Of 11218 JE4C'1 pro. riteeitel merle" eight liundrel ear* i4lo2.0. That 1110. pr•tphery 101!8.01 edit/lel wa e 21124 "feerfelienee. • ' tot etrist's jeertPar#1. `If I goi, tort 213s the el'onInteter 'Will rag 4.14pfiR BPataw 3•4 14. 11111 1 001*. 01 1 0121 011t1 10:81 hat,,p A, wal tit nee line:Jet LINZ- e4,12. areee of the. 21rw.11.3128;.; IQ Ulf opt 14,0 t fir 4 etel. iltio0 *t'i1l'.1 awn, g :ea le 1^•,. taircettee.i ;•; 21 4,•1101-0.2 o.4. 2214,11, 201 f. tte 20.2 $ . lei tee Tie foe& .nitil ;19' • " .P.021I, ^l'A *6 1224 ie" . • ,31ts. 10 Pee efeennter, veee tate $1eLie,.4 Neel:ea, %Va.. Iteadsteeetfs ott Ttade. Itueitiren al Montreal has been lair- lp aetlee this week. The orders feonn the travellers for spring and tanuner goeds ate trunerOaas (4211211 10.12 for liberal qtaantillas or geui.1S. At Q.uebet. trade etendatio:ns ore tinech eibeut tine eanne Os the preeedeig Week. 511.C.,1 eil51.147 dereeg the miltile of tho week had a desired effeet In the col:entry districts, it some ounetttre neeteharatise being at a atandetin on ateterent of the, prior tootle. There 12:15 Won ,f,!, fair 111210001. oi activity in Teenage wieeee sale trade eiren.s this week. Tee tutuber or country buyers In the city hae iniet Ireo 10rge as retail -1 ere are beay receiving spring stock i and getting; it in tempe for an earn, opening. At Ilonniltosi title week . there Ions been a fair movement in whelp:sale tzeole. The whet:Le:Ile. teases are le* teney shipping gimes .! to varaiefe• trade te tares of the enen- try, and theee eintinueits ineleate how large the beying Las been al- !.. readY. nortwithetareang the ten- I (knee- in recent years among, the re- '.' taillere to depend etore let sorting. l ordere titan fox me rely. Tine velaes of ! doroceetio enetees ar.e.: firm. "The foe- : and eine bende there le enn ennelletiv STV halls for eltreniely good fitting. ptetty rot silk tensile goWas, While2212 8.49t ho heat atet it Mast lie these varlets. Whither, designe dun cole hi drings, the foi•tr•t• batiug tepeelally14 1*54 all the way over the belt * " V.4.9 for a grCat deal or - • antettlily tient:heel material Mid it se of' all %valets the fun blouse is the relest to Make set well. Ite beck fOr batiste atte Swiss ecistinewa there nre lovely squares or Net lore, nail 0.-,9 maxi alike batiste 60,14:211.%.41 ern- 141 brolneted th =HI 0:genial enter?. These eqettrts tan be an:ranged ih 1.12 RI Many Ways that theY dee Pak- tleuktely leor dreese- Mousseline, veiling add erepo ehine &erns theta are , eel tovely lace beetle decorated With ; or throe t101.vt.rs of seeming, or tie:: teiseg era an the sefe.a whie *Creme the leant J'0 must tio 211, no.linees witch, hon. er tun It mely ha tenet he so out ett it will not !tits. Langtry% leeelst. jeteey lilly, Mrs. Langtry .ho 11 be a jersey lily at long as she (Se is &at -this spritiOe... in a wilier -- eh Waist ere laws so sheer that It of eldtton. NarrOw telVtt tibboo ig .G1n1 0. tilliSh tot the edge. A RELIABM OJP nofsktsr latli:1•1 TO 11Mx. )WS the onderweast. This Is in pitre • gree wielleme a toucher yerOW t4,1* blue in it, :0, oleo" green that legate' offecta La Wit rt Le a long, ttailling one In triarreacti witin on ()pea lace de - No With flowers in lace eonning, here 1 1 there npo-a tho Wails told to enow that tine wiete ah waist realty aopeat.e in thee 1, g's eet, linat len:ooze neautits wear:ner,it reat elivetoety In pattern eannot oleitial for the rieweerenner evaist. s really mach Meg voried than it s last yeat. it is. almest eutircie lo in white, anil the wniefs 1.112821 ff:,..vt made in white are in the very dehoete tones thet m:ght as I be winte, as fat ore their wear - qualities ore concerned, for thee' StIht us soon and are just as per - 1)215. ter wasitinge when they have en on a still paler tone, then they prattle:die- aa h meet, 1.10 away in a drawer tbat is depot- . ed wItite waists. le !Muleteer ie.:elute bet tit blenck gteen goeg with this waist. Iler Pine roe the 106 be very omen in the tad the e ler girl leen sebett leer lertha eicree •autt have three 12111P. MO 111,11' the trent of' her stoek. oae for the . Nick of ;ter abate', and *%941° WI' 1111" ; hank of her hair. lit win heel up - the iittid ehoet heirs and look very efee, besides eaterneg to 41 lance. :The neater the 12122 -18 ...el tine eteor, the Meee tashionnalele it win be. [!leesItively the neatest el en tin:eine..., ,e2 the little rowel pint el' evak ' intlehen to owe the real. with its , 1 stcv.voinoegi.ft ptehreliabpose, kit VPIIIC, 411.Ws :105 There are ehirt waist charm pins.. wish hones and here:es:wee. tallies • . os • I ,tie and aeora 1p:t.Peik. , 7rs. the placing of these -men the i'l treat and the back or t he neek. ii zerzees.uractieviey,yaotani eee veinat a settreeg The pointed sleek %riti, he wezu . with the shiletwanet. eel et :e 12 Inerade Stock and rims- not leonfler well, it is tound one plein, eon it :- -12t to,t point lo. the front enel tee rfz)Int is' loeg and sinerp. %hale ge,ae length to the thront anti eter 7..iiptr, e%11111.-7 necked WOM:T 3 14 .7: ,si:,;','] i ",7y t.0, be advisee. It may 32., t1M;.•-,1 , .1-th a lace legare pat on neder tee i oein in a. great ter:veil deeign. :,-,J2,- ..rzell Mee 100Zil vegli tee., inepietel " f.ted it dart be rieran of': Icy •eevitable reecivatioo. .. -- - Sig ' We are anthorized tef state by Mee him .,t Geri Kunz, Second o.nd illea.dy etteete, 1 Ileareepart, lows, Mat any matt who ne W.11 1 IS nervoas anti dehlted or who Is leg 02241 eurfering from any of tite rations ,...11.,.., , troubles resulting froin overwork, ee excesses or abase, such ag nervous . be debility, entausted vitality, lost et i - vigor, unnatural drains .and lessee, yea bele of devehep,ment, cfc., can write ,. to him in etriet egaillence nail re-, are ceive, FREE OF CHARGE, fell 11 • . tomes and mills are barly oa onlers and it doee mot look as if they will ! have any- surplus stock of any ac- count lee job the next few numthe. ,'rade at Winnipeg hoe beett scri- pt:Ay interfered with the past week -ley. the heavy snowstorms. Trade at Pacific Coast. eitlea has been rather qniet, but tele gerieral underlying con- ditions a.mr.ar to be healthy and the proepeets for business the coming feea.sort are not at ail unpromising. Oracle -at Loneloa has been moder- etteiy activo the past week. At '01- taleS, this week there has been a igood demand 'experienced from eonn- iftry retallere for the spring. Stock Of winter goods have been pretty *ell eleaned oat and there appears t be very little heavy stuff left i o carry over to next seafi�n. strections how to be thoroughly cured. Mr. Kunz himself Was, for a Long tiMe, euffeter trate atkitOr tkoreblese arta ate:. trying In vain nanny adver- eiten reraedies, became almost en- tirely discourag•ed and hopelees. , Fc - ally ho confided in an old clergymen. whose Wm.i and henest advie • i e n nb ed him te speedily obtain a perfect goal per.maneut cure. lenowing• to hie own sorrow. that go many poor eufferers are being imposed *van be- uusernme- Ions quacks Air Mitt n0fl82(2 it his duty, as an honest Man, to give hie felfeer men the benefit of his ex- perienee and assist to a. cute. Having nothing to sell, ite teeks for no money, the proud satisfaction of having done a great eervice to one in need, to rightly Considers an araple tevrard ter his trouble. If pen trtite to Mr. Koh; and follow hit advice, you tan rely upott being cured 'and upon abso- ute secrecy its well. Address as above, et:elating al steam. No attention Will be .givert o those evtiting oat oe idle tittles- ty, therefore state that you teeny 2 eed a cure. Moo, ate selling ebirtwalet boxes for the keeping of the reter waleas. Those are lined with silk and very . highly scented. The waists are laid In them while 'damp tOt Absorb the fragtanote The toyer shuts tightly, If 1 auelt a box eannot be purchased a. very good substitute can be mnde out or a pasteboard box, Fined with eilk or with cheeeeeloth. which is quite mg good and gives forth the sachet ' better. c f,•; A New eeleeve The -mouse eleeve that goes with 21115 w.frist . interesting If It is not 22. leg-o'-muttho it is suseiciously like 0120'. I p 1 tcckcd an e tueks tattle clown to the elbow, while below that% is a gteat baggy erfeet that ranites the blouselike sleeve-. The 1 tougnee; the monititieln. hiniri the % litey ilt ; gio '21* 2' 022, NI t 1.4 222241 42;' *.2 . 141 -et 11442 4211 2. nomad and 0122511*'toito12h20 &col120221 pr4*lt/.104 .8* he. 5v211t22,29' 15 208. 112. .ija.i`:, '144/' 4:00 't z"1"1 1P112 0fl r (0541811822'W4 „fee telea ri 222 1 le et iteatre , eel 5I+0 1.112'...2 a 241 1125224 Jr ...02:4 14-,ps2 10 pri noel 20 10, 104 tt. nerle :en in «.r.,/, le• 1211' 21202,0 12 11' it.gails thnt,clo rap f.t.g rog g ot-re 0l0er.h25.4A 0.ft 007 ele fitlaa,Mt ; 11204.0 0/2 oe. lot 14h"21 .0 . 1.12 4 -meet n lel a fete- e -le. $ e 4 4tOr VOC, sli."J 4.4E.A22 0212004 !Ili_ T., 4,1 e 2',,20'*2' 14' et- 'ea, ate eel., tee e hoieg ' s,o. oe i) rY.t,',; it? .p,3- 1" At ecte , ,•;,; ut,,,1 ate Wt'C' ;'<,- re 024, 11 1 24 :Ait 5,_ -1.-;, t, ' il"Cnt-tri 4''',, V..), .' :,P :..,•:1- .1 dee, ,..., 2' ' ' :;:'.ii ° ',L., !?1110 Ir"t;,...'t • . 'a '4',:i1,, • .,,,,,j2. Jo ..",1F1,..,,i,.. u'.`,,,,,..,,i;,,i,- i.'4;0 :1 4..151.' ‘,..‘i,-."-:, :'.:2'3 tl'if':'•;12.'. ' 'n'111" 2 .',1 •-, t'''.0- ,. -a 4,. ,,,,,,,t•,(!t:,,,,,C..: (..;.,,,,,.. p, p. Q 6-..:;!.)7r. i..v.,,,,,p• t!..,,,r‘ 51.,2... ::....p..4... '.:-,-.L.1..:•:::,1-.L.12 tfr' .2-22;;...,........:,:i...o.- ..s....... I! al. ‘,1 22 I . - • tm - e'er Lei.; at tin , ore- an 111. ifee- eIlee eito. "- Do M BC ter ante eltent. oedeet noel "are 1110 2,•>12”ii„ :.,+,7•.? a entity, tntrei,:211:::feke y ta Cvt,J Cili•OPT gi.;1 112414.1 0225e. 50211 tot 50,2 wt.0 o 122 t&• nate (*2212 422 0011,ell ate eto223 raereng , Gat V, `tern: : .letete. 2 114.754_ tt'a, netnennee- o,teee 11-1-50: iltrneel ra Wg43,• 7t- eeei Ste210 wire preeten :no tie ;t2 14 ,74 clone alp dd 415,888 12 th 47 21.4.0r glees:eel 820a22ee tiney preaeltal erne tine rt.'0:2e2't:o2.5er:2 ; iki aptee 21:e were, ferreet:ei teed /rat in priston mangy thet 12' 01811 elhe worn beleve..3.; tine 2401.1 21123' Intlerulers assennelliel t 7 le t eel -tytt.8.e -„8-; -See flee, 4e...434 0 lerers. coreke. 424 222102 masI 12:4 022111)84 221'e48e1800 24425l80' 110328 c:efeenerel tho cafee enol Occef1e.1 le lesenteiree. ; eee;4.4s4 .:v 44 ,, -, enfoetll031 f n7Itvenl:s.Fl•se:srtrpSSiel:010S l,.1ese e :;Lyea:ti0f.l0Pt) tie 0.123 1,4 11811 2,14';; 4:1021 vob1,1 not pronese %V:that they 200811i85032 yreoe!114In tee Minis> ot18011212. 111: TOW triels othe earie- 0%1l4i41i7aet:aftt17Li:.11we 01c3;:1n4reutitt1t,ysr;:d 02241 bad taines cot- ijhi ;EgtIll; GtvLeekleicatatiattn 10024:2- ] -Ver,eo:04rO,r.' r9S."r1,1 , hs lend anl 1210211e heteee�t - es.eeonetllt :eelieteetr h:eerCpostlese hart ereelt.hle 122212.8205-24,h122212.8205-24ts 20.18245555241 or theseeleonn cfJosue 2.21 tE1 tetLuCvecln2of4irtz,.:toreat 112e00; An:In:se otl sodth--ir ;thy sted toeetelea teeras:Se 10214;pt beckpett flhepree; the Lard 9 f.1202 2:L104'c2,4, h th er do 1.r15 eeer 4112022:1 82:k22 TopicThe uprosshig tnePetee: Jere - sore -to. uert graee nneeecos l ttie fren t'reeve'ead arechs tertnete 1*e12 .1r.:e',,, 2212:51 4 1 121 + onntreof ee-en n P eceeol vtt,P‘- y, o. 5::::':0,_.0 vca, c '*0 poteee Poo4-01111-68 W iehe 01 8 U11It op1•-ytoo gieezot PCe gtf4 wite yr,s2rrk.?tni ee tineteeraleg gnte6- 11 (11241. ttf• ▪ ar42 409, t18 ' 24830:et0 2001* into iv, 1-20. Teat rist nod VISPII !oral tieee0 11211 i12'*2 ternenea:o1knee o 1208 20:z.1 0ils 1112:121". 77 13grcat porli 21 511 4-204-20111. %285-8-fthey Len tried Fir littera! to 202220122, net] eaten.- 'I': (1ar 4 ,e 1:1' ,*4 2108 can nover lee 402ereete--4. toro11 reetho else. ao, 3 tee et-eaine ter no) 10 '2201000' n. end 8',4o:0-.:'3 151112 heWer Oreelee,- 'Tree greot 4)e-12 eer ▪ "2:02 0132018 10 1412 ego?: ee el en en. ea.,a-ord . Tole' 2 .e tees Lr, .• • 1 AL.•4,, 0,3020,n ,410 :e n le a:. L ons. tea Cnr, re.z ul•za f Oes leolven eieht to ell eleat eneera Z.:US11, i‘a"o f3-1 122 eneeelero, ;Tar ei e sae!. tee tree. a en vein, ineellern eer- Two Letters from re,11. Walker Exp!aining the Eeverity of !-.11:74 Case to2nd the FemzEtnoncy of Nis Cure by Using Or,. Chase's Ointment,, game: heagre eeenn to aloes that 12; ze to, 0 , h 0 (112221) t.V.14.. Dr. t ,..1, s ( 121P11 ,12£ 20/.0 ° ‘1, TO.1411 or piles, but ra,!ts• ;.:2,.* to prov‘, 'the truth of thie ei hat. iikOSCI iirs: lettere:Ana; :netters free has suffered much an iefee eel. ' In November, 1001, en.„ ;Am rweial Walker, n tireinan on the Canadtt Atlentie Itrilavaa, living at IV ttiawaska, Ont., writes: eI am a gregit eafferer from bleeding, piies. Sometimes. the protretfina pies 1 area . down. causing 'emelt misery and ravereineese and at other times I am subject to bleeding piles, and they bleed ' have nov everlasting" gratituele." to. such 42,22extent as to 111021.022 me quite weak. If Dr. Chilats Ointment will cure this awful ailment you win On elorch 1, 1902, We reveived the tollowing fetter from Ma Walker, whlen speeoe OI 00"o Chase's Ointment as a cure for piles of lhe most distressing form. 11.1 Wril.eS:: " According to me promite„ r - now take pleaeure in writing to you. If yon remember, you sene nee a box of Dr. Chase's Ointmeet for - hasbleeding plies some three months .11,40. 1 used it faithfully, arid can say teat it proved a godsend, for It entireiy eured me of bfeedieg plies. "1 'Woad have written poorer, but In -anted -to be Ode to tell you that if was a permanent tare. Thle aggravated kind as D-. Chase'e Oreent. Ito soothing, healing powers:ire ruarv4 Rom: Rom:. tan use for the benefit of other suffering' ppoplc.. sl'here are several people here eviiiorli eneivettbse:caunra:rteel:r_t - very eerere casee or protruding pilee he" agile; tins great ohetneent " SD r as we nnow there is no other preparation extant Which IPSO euccesseel in curing, titres of the most - : ough. end permanent. S'ety cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmartson, Bates ,t CO., Toronto. eve who