The Herald, 1902-03-28, Page 5ft:!' ".. .
......... .
tt, If there ,be some weaker one, give me strength eo Help him on."
$4.1find harts are more .than corrOnets.'J_Tuxxrsox.
The Only Free Consumptive Hospital In America.
r '
-The New Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the
auspices of the National Sanitarium Association, will
be ready -so soon as the money to equip and furnish
is secured -to receive 550 patients absolutely without
-Over x00 out of 500 patients admitted to the •Muskoka
Cottage Sanatorium - the property of . the National
Sanitarium Association - have returned home either
cured or greatly improved.
-The Free Consumptive hospital is situated in the same
deligletfitlltl healthful locality, bringing the same ad-
vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich.
1., it
.5/ -
rite gilt t f n: J. flaw, !'sir., emir t!.t' A•.',tt ratters ',het :t. trtts cal Estate
Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump-
tive Hospital will :alleviate and indeed entirely remove.
--Will you not sena a dollar --or SIM, $3.O0, Ofr.00, $10.O0 -
or more, for this most pressing of all charities?
-Tine victims of the White Piague are fount] all over Canada.
. r 0011 • NOW, .r -- w.. .r ,.
SXIt NV. R. MEREDITH. Int.* elder Justice,
"new -P oar. mat. &tri, AwitOrta., Toronto.
11"titE. t'itstirt)tflit !l:!t.'i'om.. TOrotate.
"]rias",l" CO. Limited, Treasurer,
To route.
That the .care n°,shee •ni .,iilaild-17'11
given as#' from tune a ttients' earn.
/011111)1,41 4' Cw$une "' liva101t" rev
ITC Ii9 511llt° 7;o the! ;nee mei the* t i" il-
ce'aed to ire /a
t >71ee.1> tinneeeteeted
my l n elleaatnt i.! ¢t�° ,>tl1Var.y �* tnn may II
eQLr tWtrn.aeeetstvte ff, a out" *e k. w !Dew an
nee'e pted wine tneer ee;l I4arletary se;e:iftee, 411 i 'el lttrNJ•.'f"ie' iti:21.1.1t1M. • r ler Sill Weckit. SO that .the *have
drat e, rat t•s tlae tlitestotat
pants), tt a im renal Blower.
7taaC9 the ulcers, cheat's t4ta.wIt
tshat STA reti,at,at sly tate*
etti QtthoatAl:atrl ettr. t C tostt ,
ilasd tre,era*¢ r rr� u -r ;e ntayulrity car this ttnnblatis serfs] were
d:t :e Cv Tetatttl3 young bulls and 14enEele, Some ian.
Hardships of Passengers Storm-
bound in the West.
St, Paul, Minn„ March 21.
Three hundred Great Northern
paesengere from points west of the
'eastern Montana], line, twenty tons
)f mail matter and car after car of
baggage; gall snow -bound in North
Dakota since last Fridley, reached
St.. Paul last night. The first
eotion of the through train pulled
n late last evening, breaking as
olockade that rusted 150 hour,.
eeissengers tplcl stories of frontier
privations. They were on the first
eeestbouri overland train snow-
bound and were caught at Stanley,
N. D., at station which consists of
a side track and cattle yard. Trona
Thursday night until Monday
morning the passengers were. hard-'
ly able to leave the train. A bliz-
zard raged, and no food was to be
had except the limited quantity .on
the dining ear. . The coal in the
clay coaches gave out Sunday.
Two brakemen took empty mail
pouches, and going forward over
drifts filled them with eoal from
the tencler'of the engine. They re -
returned with a supply of fuel after
a hard fight against the storm, in
which both were badly frost-bitten.
The snowploughs reached the train
on Monday, and it was sent west to
Williston, where local taceoniocla-
tions were available and food
Provincial Auction Sales in On-
tario. .P�D1 AFOR SALE -200 acres of
I . choice land, consisting of Lot
The 2nd annual auction sale held 3, Con. 11, Hey, Lot 19, South t
at Guelph, under the auspices of Boundary. Hay Good ban], barns,
the Dominion Live Stock-Assoeia- 44 x 82 and 40 x GO, and frame
tions was a decided success. The dwellings an each lot. Plenty of
ettend+I.nce was very Large. and gold spring s� ater, ()n one farm
hovers were present from as far thane is ori as•er fiuwiu ; -sell. On
West as Minnesota, and as far East gout. gravel road, and convenient i
as Nova Scotia. to school. post office and churches.
Tho sale afforded the best pose 0 miles to Exeter station. Will
sible proofs of the merits of the d give purchaser e',tsy terms of. pad•- c
new system of selling pure-bred I ilia fits and ptirci•, etlitippecl fear I
stock. when that system is proper- 11)lU aping, chopping, straw entting, a
y curried out, as it was ou this ,etc A.1 buildings in good states a>f
occasinn. The stock had been care ! repair. with good large driv in;; sheaf
fully inspected, breeders had put land ether outbuildings. On lot 3
their Stock in good condition, and there is 32 acres of good push, anal
not too many were offered.. Prae- ctn (ti'IL farm ane tacree of urallaie..
tic'ally all the animals sold were k'or terms apply- to PHILIP BART-:
Shorthorns. The a-verages made "MAN, Sart+ )ta P. 32 -Gin,'
viz :-$08.15 nn 73 bulls and ►;'108.x42 !
on 32 fenaa1eat must have been !
satisfactory to the sellers. ;,
The Ottawa, sale was hatrdly as
snecesssfni. Owing largely to the
,'ttct that hoary snOwstornis pre- '
vented a good many buyers from c
matching that city. In consequence
the number of animals offered was"
somewhat in excess or the demand." ,a i'Y rn�) TRACE MARKS
Zn order to provide atguinst such a p l
contingency it has been decided to CaIT'YRIG../. 15 c.
tfi>ao.^.>ia:.t.cta4,i.t.!? ru,lttca r ,tk6; :sn
hold at least three sales next year.!j 4uttailr xa+arltun ttctr ato,a.a¢ t¢no tt�totl3 tat,
- att'f�,.0 art at¢Iu Thal>atPa>-011+,Ylri' a t°+LflQEril:t^ :"i•
one at eineiph, one tit Ottawa, and'' trnsetrtctt r;nslara,am• etthattolk ntredtt:t3
�l ,ngarwau _ l tg atIrv-1 tuft WQa'u aac)t lsaatC, f
jSrl)}ala] one at Myrtle. Ontario rw'nu trttens tpiaKt YRta 4aot ae t ,. rticiii'
L-`eslnattt. At the first sale about t9O llualt+tm,aka, xatitouss +.wrtrr, Ira eF,
bulls and 20 females will be put up. $ iginuf M, vs- a +
and at each of the latter about Ah.ipkti s,leriliatara ad tr. eklr =,a°.r.. .111
115 bullas and 1t) T'amale's. All tint' Tie! un t,r' ,aa)t a)nie•acsem ngl �l tliatT
, t � M;acr; tt+tatautaalt,�.;L �+F,at+ywti npra�t¢ot't-ts
offered next year win ` ie nearly l � __ smith atm w., 9 sa.. rtrrattr.,tteu. l,. c.
of that breed. -_._ ._.-..•.•___
Sold by All Newsdealers
Furnishes iMonthlY to an lovers of Song
and Mos c n vagi volume of P1ew, C#toice
Copyright Compositions by the most pop-
ular authors, rf,,ge Page of Plano ftrausiC
half Vocal, half Instrumental -aa Complete
Pieces for Plano -Once a Month for 25
Cents. YearI Subscription, $2.0o. If you
performers d on the e Piano or Organa we will eeeud
you a copy of the Magazine Free.
J. Eighth ocustSts.. Publisher,
Is open daily except Sundays fitom
8 a, m,, until 9 p, in., The mails are
distributed as follows :
MAIL FOR HENSALL, close at 0 :G a.m
,, tt " 2:55
. o � pin
" ST.TOsnPFL, t' 11 0.0}11)1
" L,H, &B., " G:55 aim
L, H. &13., t t 2 :55 am
I+'ROIVI HENSALL, arr. 11 :00 aiil
/t It tt
" 7 :30 pin
,5'T, TOSEFTI, " 10 :45 ani
L, H. &B,, " 11.1:00 ana
tt " L. H. &L'., '_ • - 7:30 am
be pasted. Mall an hour previous to
the time for closing the mails.
D. S.FAUST, Postmaster.
demand has heretofore been prin. hi
r.Ipliilr� for Shnrtlarirtt alta; alt k
NN CO.313111344"'• New York
A summary of the results of the l r } �{
four sales that have now been -helQl ��m t it
in Ontario shows that 233 head of
Shorthorns have been sold for
* 8104.ati, and average tit t trifle
over $1+30 per head. The a.,iroit
NILE'.., i;te i .!aunt'']] :'Ctur'1nne;ty, d)i'.
TOtte8dn. luau,a /Iliad trellis•_ po",tiu.or Irvin' ine thpyo times about this. „at"s. Imunerative to the sellers. If our ItZiM111, JJ °r
f d to ct, v •'• yr t, stab n arlaii .earl. .'oat 'win ;Iv "_Ent'rG•6se' otter f➢
week. Ile n� 1dnilSv"salt tel, ,s,~t Cm, 1'S:ale"t 1) of tluiag:,,iat'tdt' heating which have : ]ler head, they will err#seiitlr role :; line � > ,
tdt' tattnt'e tau rr'iunr do s:Dnaidl- :eVY ,. venue nutlet IIIc ildtnrre of the t >ri= t'ttiil w geed aria]]. Our litnt ui.;U`ists of Caun'etet
f genas I; . geed rd stabs for Zai liaPv �}
may be carrell rrell t v the arir, and yet Ca`i have lieeii those In tvllich 1 11.1 i,arrestied"
-1 ` .y l (1" s +s - e of itt.totest to note tint'
illy a'a i.11y;it of iinft ¢ uil�, those ex.. ,� a. e s i()ifitriieriv w� rased. T`hia � Zt may is
ntr,s•et to their nantln t tics. at adistaainue preparation ition seems to have mrtgical the averages a mantle at the largo bull
ttt' cr-ca r►t• r.°s:aidlly aun•ar, lratr,;ers an sto` ti#i�
aro regarded+� ,a�a, the maxi -ter" limit. atr•lli,ng, brre•ning sensations, of Sa t dii,tet a gar€at tleall hiityhiee tii:cii thole no a ]learn d • C' d ff Powder.
This much Dr. Thresh infers $fte)aln ' "fiwunn other z'".t./.�'Iriaer raid Ft°tht n'V1181' iiioilitioY ayti. AS Iittblio cora---
the asses reet'u•na'� see of wined- u "`''cal rea^tiiattly ibIlres the 811-Mekta"si in. °tit' ;eaaic9at illepc+asett rte. c '''e r'e,i C a1:ur<aillCet=epi. or
lee./re ii;txE`eit,aa {fn'ttia.s ]less ►a ' s � •C $ 9tat'Pa*!� ctrl Yerliiaaiilrtf�t. may .,�' refunded.
/ CANADIAN NEWS. t ,,Siaottfaorti sale a t Fertdir ;yhotvst alt
a ttisyti5it:t ,•ei ttinvan o the prevailing A carload r)i • D0 lareaciitao° lions i
Nvft1feria:l.. iUraay: dot's, uro:ne t:nat'e> tet„ . n d 13s head. The Aberdeen Anens Those ,riefd>t• ra<�. aa:e part tali air
'... .4 la' I! tlr'. ani fhe, i were recentie shipped by tlit trite !I tide at the same plateo Shows 2:1' convenient feratt, with ueusr dire t-
ra"e Y , n
shine. an D, ° . w! •- tint' i t'ftri_!ty. to tine Yet+ tt'th�`Ciest t4' tin 11 head. o?114t ; 1U11S FI#t! E'acQ°si c,$4('. Tree; are �u4 ¢:1
:Intel 1)u 'l'6anmil doubts as, Stock. Association from Ut'e.ttt' yards. ars,, .act„
wliati-lta:ri Iltt . c sSnJ. ex te',t,dcytt :..0 far.thewinsold t bete' that at Aberdeen 92 porttu1=. zs.y I' Noel at every stere in tee! Q ,,,neJtn;C.
Tine inatdaatria� yr of the air edt'teriorentee Ter itomasii iee rtnii�e.n of Ah a the 4d • on 238 Ileattl. l _ �tt-K;,.
1 � Iona if ;S'oni^ �tr ,n•e',.c.t 1 , ¢ r r11i°tu;.r-
tdte'ir nnfeet'-e pe a l•s. onlaid daeeb- tare, 1 g etti- l 'Time Lire Stock. Asstrenatiatan. are I gist doom keep theme t� n•a e no'
ably in a short tineas Tali' ;linens ; i a trangiug to old a, sale of lt; InI' ud l keel. 'we will f'i -wt�i ad t12f.ig u ; .:"9noc'-
but but tl, e, :eau daft' • hteva)a' ] a%a` steamer Ada �4li�ce ars zvetl. halal i of Itorkstate barite, and one' f' UV 1Y- Everter. Fame'? SJ_'uc7 ,e. .
;envoi; a gt: palati a3 witign 3t cvtnr- ' )ort at Toronto on Friday mottling head of rams of the ver'ions br'eeds'' oetner should i' ti-.:" a e n band.
ruble r t.::tz tea is • a fla;fn• c :t:l- last. f oaii Oakville. where she has at Vitceiph about the 28th. of Aug- Prrepered ave
r•lneicen E<iereen teem the. fatx•as. , aycen in Nvint+ei: quarters]. She was, Inst next. At all these sales. oinly er le.
' in car:argeof Captain Williams., dilrt� animals that have been. •caan'eftrdltiv e .c Eureka Velerinary
aat'1 edke✓jne Co
Iltrein ns shaken and written error- p overage, oatght to prove re.
aaa au E,aSe, tet, l! .g l»ar one ir ferneYnns tnOtlloel of ti sting disea brettl& rrs can. sell nil their surplus I tire,. �`�.�3oli_
ten c'wtn,itt nLrr,atait Cao the C +t t'i Q Cdnatt d p" -a' $VnV7+c$ t?X tai retina rkaalile r'53�� t3oltii �tI 1 ' t rift aa,i 1111 w .t ., Intl testify. e6 Q"W ash c' as Ccs e`a.vanunna iLrd-
W e4
by our new itrt, e.)ti•,.l ( .:.•
FA AA W a an ,
Cen4'ea,e„ : --• Dein?,on( t .; ,t;
`a full history of my ease. to 1.,•11..:
About five years ago rat ,
my hearing in this ear t otit c .
I underwent a tt entnu•n
ber of physicians, alum • Ot t': .
only an operation c ttll t no. .
then cease, but the 1 c t.n,t 0
I then saw vour allrrr:i !
anent. After I hod a -c t
to -day, after five weektt,.•
heartily and beg- to reinnit:
Our tr eat,fa na {
F;santination end t?
advice °
cfr.e. 1t; s
llrlTlRntr� , t , c „�.
0' FA u
14.25 NEW OPS'.t
Solicitors ofAmen,Irina
rights. VJW r.;‘,
Inver 1
lie Mention t. .a
A '•,c\
If you ov: u
Davao 1. c ,
dysPar, c
ttuet Lo ;tn.
happy -r tr
by r=at
and a a
ave c.,.. ..
y. a
forst r
trust, .'
Y,y v .r
V. a )
llaalsaatn Alit' safest ennui best i!lis.tei'
known.) °°see Te>staiutarntials.'" Voile
Draughts. eland :and Fever, nntl
d t miles teas.II pi n tiii. eireaaetrot saaley an the lVori,Il tit otl;inli. are ti-T'otiir; , t,.ati'ven t yr w°11111ds.
ea a , �!)nte n i, 41
Hoo Ointment. mita. Gan f_'t!ure,.
l d ff.t tld _ 1 d i a * o'r set to ecidatl the tyles es cash ,ire ,i'
moored iii the' 1'f!'aatt:'. _ the in.
rteti4y11 l; a'u,^t N;K tri /Waned t"e t)e'alr
F lfshed. ritisli sale's. The resent j V " , R t fl y A R' `
ADVICE rittee
llaaiter"agay of 2+2. pounds ?s« ,a1, r)ti
res tv', h
Eli eiie *tart eUious neet:,ratiive !tear -
ashes or Dr. c'hase's :Cerve Food.
Mr. 4. 3:. F's ,.•cert f ;s uc:t-kt:r>r.•tt
t,nniter and linos rieto o. he Leader ;tail
riteonr&er. .ae:alts Jtr o:ti.,n. tt riO•s
'It. is ter's. Set., a f t e*e 1 e_.a, -Zi-
elt.e of any 4 sc -;;iia=t but t.,.., srning
1 gt,t. Ee 1, .trey rt3.Y a° ('t'ta a Ln Out U°
'sorts ,tenera° y, that I Leconte ro:u--
tvhat ala: ane l a, e
CL x g to e, 's a
testi<rro__ial about the 2t. u is c.etivt•3
,',/, • Dr. Chases `tit' Pci, Pon:a: ahe::fietnan 'those., ea:'- t2et)tAi ti' l)2
it.enti ai with n):- n. I t>:x. ch axed a
i�t)x, ar.3 torne::ce3 using
°The result t. a.. Imply rn cavenous.
I was benefited ftrort'h, first, and soon
restored to zny u un good health. S
never felt better iinart It•' than I rya
,im.. T,) tell: th•" simnt train, 1
g tlid
Lot have ve_y f at faith in a:.y -menz-
eine until 1 use:: D ,have.; Nerve
?�"n^,3, but -row I have no hesitation in recommending tl,i:' great
ierdy to ethers. as :a valuable and ef-
re •siva. remedy."
13r. Chase's Nerve Tr ood. the eret,t
nervi• restorative onl blood builder
' kinC hosts of cures in all. harts of
this broad Dominion. 'Gradually and
thoroughly it burinup the system
and overcomes weakness and disease.
150 cents a boa;, eiI dealers. or leamate, •
wens 33`aatee• & Company, r1oi•onto.
.as she cyla'ned no eatr o is not bis:-; inSpeetei , rind that ate of
titled to the Haarlrotinaster""s Haat. I glaelity tend breseling a ntl in '„read .
awarded arinualiv tothe first condition. will be offered. Cataal- DON ;'' '.
vessel making port with as tarsi. ogles will be prepared for distri- -
r. Ja7hn I.ortglzriii, ex -Si. r.I'.., kitten several weeks previous to
dattawa, who represented l4ipiss-' the dates at which the sale; will be '
ing to the close of the present held -
Legislature. has been appointed At the recent annual meeting of
Registrar of Deeds and baster of : the Veterinary Association of
Titles for that district. The offine „ Manitoba, Dr. 7.' U. Rutherford.
has been vacant for some time, and the no*I_F' aepiyointrd chief Vewrin-
has been recently fillled by A.. are Inspector of Canada. was un -
Browning as acting R.egist 'ar ;r ani1nously elected an Honorary
The Ontario Power Company. has:Associate- The following; reso-
eomnienc :d work at 2N -fag -lira, tang, S) Kation was also carried without t
in accordance with the new agree- ; dissenting voice: -
meat entered into with the 'Quest "Resolved, thet this Association ;.
'Victoria Pari. commissioeers. A`rejoicer:iithe 'elevation' of one ef:
large e nuinlyer of hien are engaged !'it, inembers to tiie most hePertent
in the work, and as a giraatt4teo ,of post' in the Dolnirti-onn 'o open to the
good faith e,50,000 has been pieces.. '4'eteti laity profession,that of
by the company to the credit of the 'Chief Veterinary- Inspector to the:
commissioners. The plans •of the Dept. of Agriculture, and wishes
canal by which power' is to be to place on record its appreciation
developed call for a cutting very of Dr. Rutherfords' work, as the I
close to the famous Taable Rock fotineter of this Association, and
House, and it is not improbable one of its most active members,
Hiatt this old Iandnlai' mey" have end heteby'tenders him its heart
iest congratulations and wishes;
him the greatest possible success a ;
in his new sphere."
to be removed.
Melly a main who is .coneidored aY.
good story tenet fails utterly- when
he gets home to his wife.
P. W. Hodson.
• Live Stock Commissioner .
ITOE GRI x it:,(itrsi)
T t,A. t abor
'team care tae uwAt ng t-
vatt.,1 form of 1)C ni i,ci
and inti,te •on, It *ill eon
reef "T'Tt t ural: Peeling
Atter Eating." Nervous
afearlar,t Slur Stomach.
and Flatu^eneo, r'C'ht ,:aver
when a cure is guaranteed,
2f10 HAYS" TAtATMEN1' $1;O11.
Jon4 Hixrv, Dashwood.
Kays: "r teas unable to get
any relief from AFthn+a
[and Stomach "trouble until
acing Our :Native Herbs."
2efirCH, ONT.
DE ALoli'ZO 0. Nuss Ca,
Sole Preprie'tere,
ser 00 v ,....-_
Y t,
ter rtrolt
tt Y*,rt.
,t,,y llrr.t - .
`nn -IL.: 1.
Yon ts;; -
0 0,1lvt'se eerte•Z .'
r r' ?era AD
t r
F u P..i lrCll tE
! ' t w. r net:raat,le,
r i "•*areli :o, Icor,
1, : 5t i note give you
worse, until I lost
t t c, 1 'e consulted a num.,
Itis a t r, who told fife that
that the head noises would.
• •t ordered your treat-
1,1- !wises erased. and
• -t-tureei• 1 thank you
P7'Itintore, Md,
rfrit ur'e••acpatiOn..
t to nominal
d c,sr.
"',o. Y D D.
:E E07irks,Copy,
s Kd for
5770 e`sras or
c .140rues,
rut. neb.
¢ btu
^ atrx
., • --Basi'.
K r lt4�
t'• t
a •t( 1. so
Z aat1 sex.
r 14tent.
i °f knew
font tally
• an
.. ]adroit
f:rc v;exk,
.. t,k^:ra.
• ^u'!
.,.- 4
,414. l'•)V