The Herald, 1902-01-24, Page 7Imam
4tv e-i&n." do 4/ 9'41J d
zfv:Aley iv -el& /7
rfr774,-wa6 41,27-7a
-gimpy /My, o& 77 e,a/o
esaaenease. PreCia=pax.rmasmg.ouraccumm
of Gillian e
A Pretty Irish Romance.
The "ting" of the Lttle bronze clock
near her has marked the half-hour
several minutes nefore, but there Its
no sign of tho return of Captain
Lacy and Gillian.
She had receive.] a brief mess:Age
an hour befo:e that they were geeng
out. for a ;hurt Unto, and has; eeztree.
le* troubled hermit to think twice
about the matter. The lovere" so
frequen4ly take walks t her,
and late as it; the hour, and. ode as
seeme their absenee, still even Mrs.
Grundy strc•telies a point in. favor
or a betrothed Pair.
"It le quite, time for them to be
back now, however," Lady Damer
tbinks, knitting her browe. "What
can Bingham b., thinking of? What
a.4 contretemps it would be if her
father were to arrive just at this
moment 1"
Another five minutes pass away-,
however, anti then there comes a roll
of carriage wheels, and a loud knock
and ring. 'The hall door is thrown
open hurrie.tliy- by the butler, anti a
stranga voiee is heard 113 loid. mail-
oritative tones in the ball. Lally
hauler Fitt.; ab esintely etill; growing
cold with apprehension, growing hot
wi•tli niartil aord displetteare; her faee
paling and or its delit•ate r/eiga.
"Itie Iloanoo, leheve," ht
gasps. in tin,. strange ;male tisat
t9emas,14.4 $4r4 iiee. "Witerp ea
b • %V.:4M eau I d *or iany
whoi tor. baler 1 haewe olten the
drarritivzir,00su ot.r.or and alma:wee:
atri Mrs. Mune o Ity 1a.1„r !"
CIL% 111.7al. X X \1
For the of half a otrient ,Qet`,4
onsols, lintarr.r touts ii,-trified with
o1.22.1 thoril r It • .-11 w. 2241411:41,.'14,.
,,t471.1, 1.44i, r-i4t,t4P.,414140
1:1 hirtIa?.01,40-0A 1.v$4444.
BieWth. h elan
t‘zil v4.44$1k4a4411 t
lo• wtai0.41.44 44:20: :not the 14,21,1
fo .12rie,t1 dto4pinei
tati 1!4.. iiis 411444.4 aro
terito1, 1 ro
!".1424.11.,i Plata Y41;4' dwar
ant !14,_14 kittli V44.1411tI,Wla tf:4 ;Int. 2* it tu
'4 threat cat ...rade ant la.rav
'121low au . bat th,l,..24*
bort Doane at your crervive, ea/ 1 leo
litate 1 wive onelee he 1 tne 1oo4§o-or
moo :4 ritbit wor hadysizt.p. 1 lee,
leetoo 1 ant not I:trotter-I have tie"
Seasure*Cl ni;.,1V0-4.1241.11Aav'b- 40...r,
'• 44,4412:/g, NA,I2 t1:11111,r
1101413 an his manner. ant a evotaun
ttIlfInt%14 91;01111.
atin 19,32tuter. M. V*.itie."'
h r ihpieays, ht,r E4ut,,,940o4
tro._iwr Ue4e-ot c-ta440„
100D2'..411 --
C idU towarri V.:cola-1y ,2d
11024 ieft ann 3,,trath traptiohL"..
ta Baur •tv-gl'asi•et.
'My wife. I. -0y banter! My v•ini.:':"
ilkeaue smiting
again al"la3iseetet 2iepoteto.ritory tub
ori4 as ohoij ratt-
fir4i - It -we, tbiat
Wore. t1ate1,..1 a44u1y a1
ttuere 4N at.
44.a„y-altkii --t v Itan'f tr,1
iii t4'q in-
treetace yen 11"..a.--Iy Panzer.'
-41.""°'*'" Ntinn.'"• ti,an
the prois....iing one ne'•‘. the :'"aintest
trace ,rILuij
is Lally Lanier's sole. za"!'keuowletig-
ta'ent of the Haztrotactblu, of the
tz.ew 021 her part.
bows tenor- grzzeefalliy and quit-. as
/naughtily as Lardy itaterr. and re-
turns liasia of her ized."--luip's
glasses. wit :j4a '1144_-4;11e.D.„
Wat2a,ii Pr g,‘;'22yi
P2:PP0i..4*:.{.-01 are astsited.Lady
Darner, at itir. Penne's marriage
she saYc'. *The Vercpuvvny v7AR
on the tw2-ntiPth of last month, awl
MI5 We. I-Frt 00.2 the twenty-sixta tiri
was no Ins.iuwritins.; we
have rarriv.c..i neatly as- as ear
letter. ;Val W111 one e44111 turoatz
startling n-ws, rather lb tt a* in per-
son than in a letterr with an anda-
Citrus1 which paint.. her words,
and mat. s hat,- Itana.....r feel quite
tiaint4.v:14.1 ,14.eznialess wrath. for the
"N:v.rttiselless. Mrs. Deane." ho'n•
,$44*••.4 frigidiy-wita the :most
• iligrepraa.voir b•-ree cern-
&scions:on Of tone end Liana initeing
smite ear; CaaVeY-,Y0.12.44oultt1 not
lav f71. aaeoenl../t me at tine
very earizEst opportunity with this
nettai.d/ iin 43i.pecte4 news. Yoe ap-
pear to foraet, beta e••ea atid lir.
Deane," and tile eye-ghtsses
flash on him eel, that he
winces, "that 1 have, ut his re --
g uest, taiien upan ma the poHltlon
arid the duties of the mistres.s
this hoas-, pending te ri: 4 p.:1?rilt.:04/148
fOr hi. daughters. marriage. I should.
at has -0 recalvel aotiee "-with
sraning toi ,ranee fer tienee ignorance
ae"that31- hi t bores:tarred t, resigu
tar rro.h1 u 4,4•L:1
drnr. Lagly Daninr Now, 'my
dear Lady 31u •r : Pray don't ,i,ay
arl3-thing oil' rib • Mori Pl-ay not:"
Iir. Doane motests, grove:me red ail
over his bald head. would dis-
tress no extremely a 3:oa 'were to say
that you-"
. But the new Mrs. Deane Interrupts
her brishand wita t14 autiticioue senile
In her bright epee lei audacious ring
in her elear. necente.
" Lady Dave.rOs tleVe rielit, Mr.
Beane/ She ti quite t 4.41t. nee ouget
to have *writtea, Eare enough, only
tee hurried things; so at the last"-
lealc� lAtative• Brom° Onitatne Tablets. ATI
draggitt4actetal tb� meree lett fie •oeueo.
ir4.- W. Graire!egsigEaturn le en emelt ape tee
with a gay glance flung at hint -
"that I guess you forgot all about
it !"
'Indeed, no, Aramintha Indeed,
1 no, 1 ditl not, my love!" Mr. Deane,
says, vehemently, g. -owing redder and
looking at his wife's gay self-ptesses-
sion with a /tort of despair. " I
would not be guilty of the least for-
getfulness or neglect of Lady Darner
on any /tea /um."
"Pray do not apologize," Lady
flamer eays. with stern brevity, grow-
ing haughtier as he grows humbler
and more embarrassed.
"No, pray, don't It isn't any
ase, not the least bit In the
world," laughs Aramintha, easily.
"You did forget, or you didn't do
an you ought to have done, Mr.
; Deane:, and I suppose you will lay
Iall the blame on me !"
She flashes another arch glance
at her newly -wedded lord, which
unlucky" Mr. Deane -between the
two fire:.; or fear of his bride's die -
pleasure and his latiel guest's .hs-
plt•asure-reeeittel with a elekey
" senile, arid Wipeei Ids brow,
"I'll explain it all to Lady Damor
by awl by, my tlear," ht tys,g pro-
pitlating Ids Amain:Alia with a. 4'-
s:walling glance and tryang in ;
Valli to j)ctute her t lyship
whit !ter ololerential lt.ow, "if ertnell
allow to rins for your maid. Ar- •
deurtat. it $4i ;11,44t $liatior
tilt% nor lin*o„ and ye nunit at.t.
kerp 1.n,or 1 nal r yastizoh. I pre- •
o;142:oer is 2.0;wer.i nt titto usual ;
loon% I.3%."3° 1.itir.r7" with nn-
ooth-r timi•i how, .
lireo• 42.4 nityrerd :try of F•oar
orealeatilele.O. Mr, Inatti••," Ierly
•• *•e* .11•••f' "' hnt II •
• ta.b nal or .ahlate..i. heaeatto her
headily 2:1-o "Ititiaer It 7-2;
2- W1flL• 1 1,J110
! bear.°'
Atell a 4•-01'441a 44*q^)..;,li1y 14,C.44.
r -4444v0.- t144' 44 Ca- 4,14re.,-144aill slw-
titie'op.• et.".1
"4 1'1' '4' tt
10 i3iti,. 244110 innahadi.
4.It 23,n,i tkr. tiro"
nt h',o,t, 1 oingi 24.4 I
2•0114 !not ',let aniy• 2*.f my doll -
r citrio4.;4,44a 1•,,:41.4 1440 inipalgiN•
Min11141..4411 11 1 (4.010 vol44't tEt(444W4i
tt ray tratvAittg,'*Ive41 eau r.!arl,r
k'1144,th41iau, smiling 4".m1trd Lady „
t.L.44pr 1.0 what, is certainly nth 43p -
an !fur Mal with a t,,:rt
pit•asant, won:La:lay venffild.ttet..lil
P r--znarta
lint Ludy Paine•P 11OEt i 44 „
411 name =arc, attilati'rately 1g14,4r.
i1 t1194 4' $-1l11 &I her unentseted
"tif yoai ttl'a-14 dlaltaa,a• alaskiy4,41 'fore
4-,41440 Mira -.„ Mr,. 114 4a4.44o,"° Ein5Ye,
at ...4 4i4.40 I1t1.220.11 ,
iress-a her own Hinnikand. "itiensef
to btli yiyar erder to
Lirit te4;"
42*.,„ tat" P,;,1r,t7-11',. 114-4 in
,44.4,r-oA.4tot 2- Mr_ 11.,.tav, elt•hai4r444'„
Aramoa4•no., Les-- Itiri...;.nat oven rar,'
vrJ1.141.1.44-r, 110444-"favo tLeaturt.s. 111 yon
4144.:1'lly allow ue, five minutes, Lady
P...ttara. A T'araTinttEa. Noir% you must ,
Was," hurry „vont. tlIlis
ta?1,022." 120 says% iinnioringly., "we
„cannot ,p Indy boxier and our:
friends 01
And as be ns's this vague rgarase
reerl, etiden 11 zsians across film of Buis -
daughter's. tr nisterace.
'11 nt it 41
at teens. and
wel!, and' nit nat. Lady Pam a. 7"
asriy•••. sruii;ng1ui g:raacing ita an
embarrass -rl fasbien.
"Your :ripe1"e" *iitv vdl. Mr.
Pet 44-•," 'Lady nut,- r resp-trzeis
"I'LrEa IAN her and
Laey at dimmer."
Awl then. 84 Mr. Deane has To:-
tetv.'-i his .%reau"aztite, nervensily
pro,sing. 49E1 Ike?' tN4 1eee444401y 41.1r
110441%. 1...po1y Parser Is Ht
and she latzes oil ghasses and
her hents +wit at her fill -2-Q, in
"Who weni-i have intaginel this?
trfAl2,14I IMVO dreamed of sat -44
a thing?' 'al44fr.,a5T4:4". tOnl stunned
for roneh wrath -tie
be -
g1444 to fully ecrupreheal the over-
whelnaires calaintty that ITIS
apron lanT Ca201 her plans
10 3 schemes.
"Marriet again to a young- •wifc!"
sha mutters, trezrabiba,e and
ereri, size is so utterly, helplessly
taken btprise. "A young 'Wit of -
five or Rili-nitcl-tvvolvtv, a einver,
bold,.andaclons creature, who has
inrr1PI Wm for Hs monoY and
rides hire itke har slase. A horrible.
nirnierbred.ilesig,•-reng.',.. ekutatlng;
Ailterle.ta girl! her bame:'
eine ‘gettini3; into' ner dinner dress': .
"Of course, evte-ything wili be al- .
teret Ledv Denier goas on.
with sigh of tiespeir. "1 dere nay
tini mere:emery eree.ttere has per-
suaded bira to make a w11 entirely ,
in her favor aireatly: There is lit-
tle chenee of Gillianot itnnired
thouents 1 Founds now : There iney
bnIHtle chenee of it wed ling at el; I
rew: What shall I do? What course '
mast I insiat on Bingham adopt -
inn; at once?"
Aret as she hears her nepeew's
131;:rr:r61;:ok-as an.: so anxious is she to
at this moment. se
conneteneo her haFt y FiRP-tpll‘d-out
plan of action that sir> hurri .s to the
drawing, roora door and calls and
bred/leas to him imp ratlyely.
"What is it, aunt ?" he eays, coldly
and impationtly, pa11sin4r. at , the
foot o tl'oN stnirs with GlIllan
on him. 1- rether •cliinging to
him, as It appears.
"I wish to speak to you at oboe,"
hor ladyship says, /sternly. "What 18
the matter ?"
"Nothing ;very Inuch," lie SaYs,
eoolly, in a brief, determined way.
"Waon.:71,1red. too far, and Gillian is
OVet tired anT
d rather apset. hat
•"I wish to speak to you," Lady Da-
rner rcpeats,; ignoring (''1 -
dont weakness and illness; with an
utter dopartere from Inc role of ma-
t ernal solieitude.
"Wait a .mosnent, please," 'Captain
Lacy says, in the same cold, ilnnlle
tient way, delaying until Gilliares
maid hurries clown to assist ihr mite
tress up.stairs to Inc room. The white
faaed, drooping figure seems scarce -
able to stand alone.
A.nd evrn then Lady Darner sees
her nephew linger, stooping cloten to
Gilliam and murintiring no:nothing In
earnest undertones, pressing her
band as she turn8
and gazing lifter her with unaccesunaY1
tenderness in his face and manner
"Of course 1" Lady Deaner sneers in
bitterness of heart. "I shall not won-
der In the least if I find fresh ob-
stacles in some Quixotic idea, or some
mladneed 1crup4ilons1Ie44H on the part
of this absur/.1, stelfiell, unpractical
boy ! Ho is 110t111,1147, hotter though
Ite 1.4 nine -anti -twenty ! I
bad /11,W8 for you," silo says, hurried-
ly, 444 Bingham comes into the draw-
ing -room. "Shut the door ! I must
speak to you for five minutes -I have
very bad noWs to tell you!"
"Httve you," he says, in a low, con-
strained tone, and Lady Damer won-
ders if it is a prevision of her bail
news: which: makes his face so dead-
ly pale, his brow HO gloomy, and his
oyes so fiercely bright. "Well, that's
nothing etrange, Aunt Jeannette. Go
on, plea,se."
"Gillian's) father has returned un-
expectedly -came here a few min-
utes ago," she says, almost stam-
mering in agitation. "And what do
you think, Bingham? It la dread-
ful for me to have to tell you 1" Lady
Trainer says, witlj tears of despairing
rage tieing to her eyes. "The wicked
man actually has gone and married
a girl a few years older than his
daughter -a low, de-igning Yankee
girl! Married her in a disgraceful,
hurrit•;1, hole-and-eorner fashion,
withent acquainting any ono:"
Lae). Denier apperently deinee the
posslielity of a few fzec-re or Amerlean
(di leen ; pu;sessing any ind42 tualty of
their town.
**Olt i" Lacy says, with a surprised
look. 72:211 a cold, se.ornful smile.
'Ilas he really ? I fawned he was a
'very shrewd, long-headuit 12 How. ITP
11 only as big a feol as every other
nute-that la one et enroll :''
"Whet ore yen in Bang alstut ? Is
that all eeet hate V, say ?" La.,ly
eier,tre:..elaime. grinding It. (414
cor f.oro
"11'llat else 110411111 1 eny',2" LacY
retorts, curtly. lils fair fo,reitend
dartno•r met sterner than Isoly „Ivan -
Reno has 2oto r seen L. "If 31Itnew
Mr, 11oadlo Itottor 1 44.!ItelI41 le. sorry
for I ihtre say, At I ma
5terojoroutt. Whitt oloo.s 11 :natter 1m
.3aptt glom; it 4.1-.1 ter 1 1re, you
mad, or ore 2,‘44.441 114t.11`4..,4417, :And
11444.17.(141, '54% 40
11,41"..crIZI hor 184*1
-114100.t 4:01,14 It tqatt*.r 4.4 4441
4-4444 Z4% 3.44' lartispoets-to rite- Mit
there Niaq yconar Nyl'e netil all
144,.4 ,,1140 future children between
-44 41014: f.•rt.Titaio' VI1t,r, It
444G 4,' t!arlo,roit *tiny tar% a thing
14* ti42.^:"
"I !AVIV no itontot It will 10:214e
stifferetnee ha tfir-_-• anaavet f
frona 41i4,111 ft4r tnEte In."?
father." Limy says. 8d14 44,1)9 inov'iunr, 21144.413. "It W.V t49t
414 tuhtopy reel:let 1144'
414.4' fail, graia•inauthee,
"A paltry nty -five tho.n.rritP:.!`;'.
*In:4 enough 41. irrn:pi; you a small:
"keen 4l -044l4 --41 Ulan 0,1 ..z,i4otv in,to
11,1 r 441410‘.4r.
"Aro 3094 a.,44,144a4.Ilo -
ea• -pt that 4411113,.441 e--1
ale your tlu "44,4.02,4 ith .0 :To -et -4
Ez e 1414401.
"What trrozill yon have re- 'tor F..
nsitz"„ quietly. 'Refuse !Tu.
11%vuitu the honer of ow z31l111 une g".11"
6•011.4-11t1-114444. 4114011-14f. le fra
the 33*4-1v11ege'2,0"
213 4.4Er41.11 444o:fair4iy 134 33114'- 113..,11a •
44473314, ns 41444 11:- settlements.
have Every rEason 424 4u..:1-ez..,°'
I24213-413;314 says, slantity. Out 371)441r-
- 131' 13344 14.4e -4448.44....s
aall. ant ou,-4-r.-noutan„+. Euen 31
'.1. 0- .
1241 44•rhie444414..24 4331.41414 411
her 14'-1-144 444444334141'.,
941 413.-T6, 13441.0?_it.4. an Qa3Z;111rever,3s..-a
444 fetture inizerltance yea must :at
least znak. er.rta.tzu that yeur
orate ria year maniac:, vv...ttz the
44411 • 33-1144' 44W71 41'al ' 31'2W11444 ,11
not less than you lino... 11.1-,1
retheyil to 11114414 11103 -
You nanHt luo than tinri
po.ut." Lady Data
warmly. 'Tlao man Is 44 14.634; snna..,.
an 1 with. a 13•
will try to twat you ektria nay bnr-
gain with 30712. 14 1441114 4:42; 444:4:wwle
his to tia nit of new, you,
4114474144' 1443W 41441441344 - 1444441143 13i 412'
an alliance- watia zusi"
"lie woal 1 1441tra141 in kno,tv
Lacy says. with a cold. peenitur
smLe. '1 wnt lIa hie 41 lg"-
3072 attr.r14111 V.24,4) evening., Aunt
.Icaue.ette; at pressat isbore-
ly thno tor tan to make myseif
witehltag ;Ina seductive for our 3:2121.,-
kee bride."
"314 you think it worth while," her
ia13s420 says. disinhafaiiy. "Iron
have a courser taste than I imagine.
however2 if yozz are not thoroughly
disgusted before half au 1: -ear. Tine
woman. is Itortroly under -bred."
"As bad as that ?" asks, siarng-
gp-s• bbs sp'Poorers'1dd, m
ald goes well. a. 'vulgar step -mo-
ther will not matter to Giltian,"
LatiS Darner says, coldly-- "And •of
coarse you would take that this
person -the new 3,Its. Wane -kept
ber distance and never presumed on
the connoetion."
"Ay -true, I forgot" Bingham
Lacy says, sardonically. "If every-
thing went we'113 sine would be 7ny
mother-in-law. Nat:Lira:1y I staculd
desire that size 11114 her distanco.
Web, 1 must disappoar. It is past
"Bingham." Lady Barric.r 84*3'8, su11-
derdy. s11b n lutultive suspicion.
" ! stop ,ft ,tuent : that
American woman mein be clown 'o1.
half an hoar. She is fixing her bang.
she saye, ff yoa Italy What that
means. 1,712a 4 it you want to tell
zno to -night ?"
"Think of you, 'my Iov-ly aril 00-
C0mp1114hl,41 rehative'-as Con -4:4 Fee -
nix used to '4'1 -COn ri-.1 to a Val-
StOPS Itt Cough
mad Wachs tter the Cold,
Lp.r&t1v. P.rnmeeiletrane lanieteetre belt
tb ..no44122J. teb..1u V "1.1 Pail* 245
o 1th
Good for Bad Teeth
riot Bad for Good Teeth.
ses0,oaLiqui41243# T.nrce Tk14i sold Pow,1<4r 7511 r4
Aron., 4)1 by mail 14...,• • • )4,44. ),4. '.14
'TALL 81.- IVIontreal.
gm; curicrety like an ordinary wo-
man 1" Lney rays, scornfully jesting.
"I will tell you when to -night comes,
Aunt Jen nnot t
nut as he 4404s4 hurriedly up -stairs,
a i4loodor, dark -robed figure in a
clinging, velvet gown comes acrese
the lamp -lit lobby, end with oat
stretched, kande hurries np to WM.
"You It/Iv/eel told Lady Dallier-
11:01,11ing ?" Gilnan whiepere, fever-
ishly, with two little, hot, white
hands clasped tightly on his arm.
"011, Captain Later 1 you haven't
tole her, have you ? I dare not go
down to dinner and meet her if yen
have. I am afraid, of her ; I always
tireat bright tears well up into the
dark, gazelle -like eyes, and she
draws back with quivering lips.
'Yon promisee' yon would -pity ine
-anti 13-, kind to me," she falters,
anth ritting flush, and a sad, re-
Proachful look lit her sweet wet
eyes. s
-Sof I did: Si I will. I promise you
most faithfully, Gillian, dear," he
ea;vs, even tenderly. "Don't
be afraid ; I have said nothing to
Lady 1)4110e4' o14--$vbat happened this
evening except that we had walked
to) far nati yo14 were over tired.
Axti you do look tlred-and ill -and
unhappy -you peor little soul 1" he
adde. compassi; Inately. "I wish you.
could stay quio•tly upstairsbut un-
fortunately you can't this evening.
Doyesaitiow. /119tI.L9at coatlath-
"Papa come Irene t" Gillian ex-
claims, growleg white an/1 red by the neXt ntaltent. 17“41 aro .1.118.i
ton, with his arm around her shoul-
ders la a brotherly sort of caress.
"Site le your father's wife now, and
nothing' earl alter it, and silo MaY
not be an unpleasant person, even
if she be vulgar."
"I hope she Is a good wenlan, and
will be a good wife to my father,"
CAW= says, firmly, even with those
piteous, trembling lips. "Of e.ourse, 1
8hall be respectful to her and trY
to make her like ma"
"No one could help biking YOU, dear,"
Lacy says, gently--`'whe could not
help liking you. if she were a gor-
aeon 1"
"Hush," Gillian says, apprehen-
sively, looking back at the door im-
mediately belling tnem. "This Is
papa's deeseing room."
And she has hardly /spoken when
the, door opens and a dazzling vision
Simultaneously Cap,tain Lacy and
Gillian perceive the dazzling vision -
a tall and graeious .rm -"a tiaUght or
of the geds," clad. in goddese-like
robes; of eilvery thintmerilig 41116, tile
hue of moonlight, f3antly green and
tustrolls, With imarl embrolderies
clinging around ber splendid white
bust and arms, and a. baud of pale -
green; velvet, stuaded with diamonds,
scintillating around her splendid
win te neck.
There 18 a• foam of wbite Owes and
pearl embrolleries on the trailing
robes; there ere yards of lustrous
rustling eilvery green and white
lanes lying on the erimflon stair -
carpeting ; tar dazzling vision
might be "Venus Aplirodite
rising from the waves," with a lit-
tle stretch of the imaginallan, only
that Venus Aphrodite has a gigan-
tic cluster of red geraniums and
green leaves (dinging to her left
shoulder, and is buttoning a ten -
button pale-g,reen ax she ad-
Vallees with a pleanant sm:le and a
certainly self-possessed bearing,. A
quiek look of womanly interest
netkes her bright, self-satisfied face
eerions in a moment, as she loeka
at the young pair etaneling. to-
gether in the centre, of the lobny.
"I know vim you am" elte $ays
o Gillian. with a sunden eordial-
'ter. W1111`11.. 1144We'Velto S41(4 repro:a/es
t1:44:14.. " 1 4144 er Ina.ste 1 ..eiobetly told ilea ne,,e 1301 44;144a nu ught.
lap*. ValPri. 18 130 2" she adds, with a grain. *444 1.111114.4. hat
"Ir44-h0 is dr(eseing for diniter, eater:el/or k r 14%114 saght./y. "W on
I 1601 rio'.." Captain Lacy
el,•44a,To411/40 4d say ---s, Wworitsht..
goli stable ?" and her brilliant 76)ILAto $4U1'444'14)' 41114111$ a ahalt /tee '41 erten la
IIt 144 4' 111.4an I 1411)414 48*
1.004" feel; !'hu'-4f430513)444,tow 11
IntoIII- tette, 441413 stem,an/1 vont-
14'.eoeos"l'apha: married atgnin (lia"Aunt.13414..13414.111114.'-14 a
31ri :t314, fool
wtth munzIngq"4113143114, "tilet l.r
.21.10 1'1fe. ell ! tele.% La! l%i111 1141 4,1031,' end ti 1400 r 14ortre • /4' er ^n14041 o'""41414,‘014r,r2e1rPap:1 Who °Innr"hortrily nun r,ourr,d 441
•14 ," 4,47rrV44'"4 1 h" get T11
I r fe:. fluhes ii.ej'allaY r"1a 1 • 4-
a, faint attempt at gayety, noticing 1 •Wt• P 214441 (,144j1443',1seareePure"anhe1.111-
frindo. nnt 1 toe, utterly (14"
*41431)141411... to*,
InerrYour fatle,r has married again,
21, nr. and, broltg'it keno a step -Moth-
er 44 44
rio A: 11.,,$,r 4 14 ea • wart) 1.-; 41 4'. 4'444' \'4t- 1, riz b
404, • •14 t...r41 • W. Oirl It
44.14.14 13.41142*''4414'1rft.; ? ' ° • "
1441.!.0. ,41.4444,41 1/.44414
"I"n11 14 4 13 '" ,'•
1-1":i4ririr,1aa.iing Ir trlefor- 4414131101714,31-4 1-13144144441 •'3
"411" 1314'44,'.'.-..-
e„„irnrr 41310 r
414: !o 411"404441,42.13 147*4441',i41.. B2
1 -*7
rau r
. 9''•o
l'o.:to father lairriI quote 2tant 2212`a144
4:71. '.4,'.4'),4U344.10
Loh..44333, 81414)141*' orl. I tia.
14.4.a74 1. atoi--"
My fain' 1' 1.4,4 rara,II al net
can !" /Olken .ot.
with a vior ati 2 tno4:r101i1.A 131.14
C- 7,11Va 4, t 2".
vbinotzPi ..a,.oto.t000Lok !LAI itho
110494 31o.14e a viry 4*13114' 441131431
lz •'l1111-9:14 *412 attiror..31r 41 1332
to 4 i, ","aia ?it el' p•-ia• tip P.
4.4111 44 t tut 1. rpz, bato,:,.„.130.1
4443-4143241. 41 1,21.43 4311*443 14* 41 11'1i 44)
Anti tia-a a w 1114141147 r."A 2140 414144392.4.'• tt•'-''
down 1e -'r viz" ho D"Powia ey." ▪ atii on her.
I. "Poor maintaA :•ne- say".„, in a. 41414)1441s, av„i
tr.rtaptip.4 44944111, Int .q%‘,, -F 82, ihotre, that 31:411 1.41 1135o 14A4.• 63134 that 34
thnt e- net, crate Cue liver. t. 1 14411 b:" 1..3* 8-113
1121114.214„ 4414114%, I 31113 41> 1419 and .ine.,I,tincuiy...irui "....pncst!y„,
Whielt get away and die; DM those
killed and oaten by the 5,000
ani their (ayes /Luang, the two weeks
they are In the woode. Taking all title
into cousideration, there (maid not
have been leee than 8,000 or 113000
deer killed during the /mason of Mi.
Wrought in the Case of a
Charlotteto \Ain Lady.
Her Do1:tur Suitt She Was in Con-
sumptian and field Out, No Hope or
Recovery he is Vital,
btrontt ead Active,
e'rom the Islateter, Charlottetown, P.E.L.
S•tatistios publiehed from - time to
time seow tee Lumber 01 deaths 00 -
curl ti.rtitigiluut Lids coam:ry from
coasumptioe to be as great as the
aumber ealloed by all olher preven,t-
bile uiseases coinolotet. It It; Iso won-
der, therefore, t..)44t tile 10 0,3100.1.
frateraity lure at las1 awakt,net.1 to
the fact tiatt the mot ineanis
must be taken te neevena .ts further
spread, and to 141441313 tie, plane.; that
while the ,11e4341u14e is readily cummuran
totted from one, person/ to amalier it
is not eeee.ssarily inherited, though
the tendeney te it ina.y be. It 1:3
thereiore of the utnas*3 importance
that people with 144 InAL luags should
take the great/est care ol teems/eves
to prevent eons:umpteen 0.
110111 11:444411 them. I'ure, .ou1 of-t.00r
air, 10114 of soaseine, wholesome food
wad a good tuna; malleine to keep
the blood rioll, red and iture, will ea
able anyttue to resist the Inroads
of the Oistease. As a bluod fornang
103110 there is na medicine the equal
of 13r. Williams. Plak P112. T1148.74 pal$4,
where freely and fairly used,
will strengthen the wea.kest c.onsti.
tutioa, and have cured many oases
of consumption when taken in its
early stagea Proef.of this is givon 10
the 071.140 tgf 111r$. Abram lienrY, of
Charlottetown, P. B. I. To a re
porter of tia. Irholai..r. who eallod
upon her, Mrs. Henry Katt': "A few
3)411444 ago 1 found myself growing
weak and pale ana emaelatel. I nook
411.4 Ur ton thay advion of
frieetie. bat nee. of Urn) aced
TW' 111** .44).441414. 8n11 tW9 Yearn
age_tee; a. t 134,441444(9much,
r'o' 4411141 1 WIll 041-11413-41 to t11110
nty led 11311t ertit 10 :t :04.1410.5', 377a0
;..CC oty wpre affueted,
4414 1 4414,, into couennip
tiol, will he 1.7,1,1 lei mother, who
4e:t4 810'' 17 3.4 a11..21 1.1.870 itIAM
114a1 aly ,.44 wt. 4. 44'y 418 2 4.'ry 4, *11441
fair I grew taloa:ally weaker and
woreko tr. I 4"..,1131 to..t 4 :T, fer five
! tuieutee nay Inceret paineti rue; /
••• • 41,qt'. r'4•V,34't':„V Amos1 all do
ria'o for foe41,. Lind wiient I odd eat /
11o84442,1 tt liaffhetit to retain foo 1 on
toiy :18.43.4312-11. 31 41111 aWa;' wtirait
• fano 1 ret.ein,n, 1.4 Icto teron,t,',2. and
I de :ea taattz woe- of une' eX-
31*3 et..2 ,-;:e* ro.:* net 1.4o44,T. bit
, 41134.,441 442.4,1 zry 14r.
Pal .141.1 1 altvatival
to. 4144 4.64. 1 lozan lay 41o1314.41 ena
pall a &ay. 1.444r niy 4.1' '40:4)414 4, 441 V017
wP4.111. 14131; 41 tvs,.. 44131.4 to
('14e414.43 lid.) too 713414' 14;n1.-44 3 444. anti
nrilW•4' •%.!., pay -14" 44411tv.>.ti anerPate.
•;1444 1 t ning,147410
441 "`tl,. en, i1.:3; 4 wid,'Ll mune with
tho of the pills hICe,";rt
*411 ts. t44,1 141414143114191
rapld eo1 two crierths
. after I Irt'EfrAti 411.41" *,,re 1 wtes rabic
19 it.a.ire• my bed 439141 4343444 41I40'4.t tba
Waldi 41.470t.1 113144 1' I 44.4314 0310 10
" 4e.J114 abar.t 449 tin 3181,47 air erA
• ruallie 2d3o4'41 thdts, to any 11r13'rttir139. 4110
wae of tease 444)1163-11-144(31 rat Mc cite.",
, tor trto 1314 3 414414.11.4,311 ape. caw! lue
za..-tied un- what. I ittri 1.6•014 tallUngt
, thnt taade stet14 an intprore.
taent. I rep:lied twal bee*
; tal!aucur br. 'W119:4ms" Link Pah& afttI
1314'sai1j 'ail continuo .thers4
' the,. won't tu ..,•••0:z anyway.' Wiell„
31 92443419499191 tatatug: antii 11 had
:3-1 3114147141441444 44441 41141119 tr.221'
!!rit..•:t never PEA better Cann I
tIo 4.,103-44o4 44044 11447 141434' 111111331441
days3141 II» "e"ske 4 tree <bed
tir"11. ,
'v.. -
7 10 J14:,.. 441.1 30344
ean see 41 44' venat they dill
for rae.1 uitry eayton. ttaat lay
tvelig141 has inere,-n.ed: to VI port -ads'.
' I era 4.01 ansin-s for ptiloIazit..v. but
when 31 tilink wiunt the pins diat
" for me.. r 02-2grq to sacrifice
14113' own ferana-s for tiae lannefat of
4011231? other peuAr safterer."
Pr. 15.1:27.,..n8.". Pink Pz..s izave. pro.
'laced 41137. viusuenaluie cures the
' above, to t•, the.!'." nre u13,1 1411"
1111- orilin..-in• 1349,1L91114es. W iclj craly
149071 the symptoms. Ti1414e p1218!
go direct te 11.-- reot of the tronhie..
41441k17441 14; w r11-13 t3l3143, 4401 4 tit,y,
its:14e:u141 strength with every tles.e.
tnis 'way they o1444 cons:rinvtion
I2344114 onnzny s-te eeaelea seal] oleseeteeet
• 'r 1411111141447444 t. Titus'
• tsiachreni" ata.5 ult the'
that 'makes tilt%
491 s•ur 11413,3 tratum 11414411441114,
pnis are sei.I ozny ia
67:a4'111 tiue - rat.
Pink 1.11in for Paln. Pcople."
ff 14:71 (MI ti.era at year
dealers they 4441 be sent r.tostrsald
' at 594 cents a .1314,542 02' sir boxes) for
41r:2.:10. by netireestair, tho Wiiiiatast
IL:dicitoo Co., Erect:vile, Ont.
Vo1/141.44444 44 and 441114042,3431. Po yist-
kroirl t 41* -0; 7 4:0 tray
t.41-14: Ly 134334144441 1434,.5 is; At 41'13187314 411.1.- s.ii.•4018 er
.N1,4 at 44111i !:41,4,,,E140, • ,!-"Te "141* 1114 484 11 "41)
Do."4.4-0.4 '1110-4-51.1, 1144414'-31('411,'44331 143
o149:41'xr-.irg-'394449413,1144_M. ne4t90•a:;.t...s4!.%4‘'234- 4)11 let13',.1./,e1ap
soe / IE',rt 441'„ 39-44' 414147. sh
k"I :Ir
tIX1413 1tt,
Tr1 tr6- 494 to
I;P4estoa . er veva-
3344 14 1113 '.2
2 1241 :*eas44144
Trsing 'lime for ittothers Wheel
tilteat tate arol Watehresoness
Tinere is scarceiy any period in
ittlay's early requirng grouter
r;:uteizfuiness oat the part of the
44:319444'4' th_.41
14411441-94911 Lintopt.-
8314)431 j;14 toss ony
t t
144 141 1414 inozioft 14 voc,rri eat ,Geking,
▪ gter14, 111141 11trre r,tzi
Angsts fripnently 111434 142444441131344
'1313z 1111,34 154..11 4-362,114441e14 bato.y.•:: ife
.;.sell Among 2313V'1414 44144 444444-1133441, 114-.
34 *2141212.4•31a22fif. 1341339 pra /121)441411.
- 14441 untie imte arail tr. onz.:13*14*4
ta-o:ables443 kreping szcznaci.
a 3 1444414e2.8 En a Itlat.a.2•422 2.111a
"nextbni by tine use 141 P4'.'41";.'ii O41-4:3
41 meatlzulr,"- readily tziikm by
44*1 chit iren, 144411 4114113, dissolved in
triater, may be given 44-1:312 perrect
ir:glety to even a riew-iiern infant. in
14444e413 Lome 4112444.e T..4140.144 11414:1!
311404311443133 3114 Lrfelt 14411146142114133 and
the ni'elizo‘r Inas real 0.2434413.1.1 with it.,
3244431 rloes not hesitate, to tea: Incr
211:44. C. 3. BElaney,
atrtekvilie. says: "I hove buen
ing my fifteen-montits' old baby
Baby's Own Tall -ts, whonevEr neces-
sary, tot 44012110 11144,244148 past. ;rho
-was teething and was eret-s and rest- '
less. flor gains were 14m14,1 and lin-
(3.4me14 After using the Tablets she
rne'vr fltiet, the influarglation e41 213'
a-nn)s WaS redueeti 33111.1 1301' tee•it • 1431
Lot Seetri to bother 14r any macre. An
an: rovean .-rit In boys confiition was
4.3444ee431$e ainnust at once, and 41
t hank thrre is zz-1 better me•-licite frr
tee411ing. ital....v.'s Own T1413-
iots can be procured frran Eirazaists
trili scat post pall at 1131cents
" box. by addrossietr, the nr'•
.gts' cr. 0.. I`r• ek.vP.E. Cart"
A GrAIZANT"II.--"f hereby eertiry-
th"t, T have mn it, 34 carefui elanneal
Anehrsis of Baby's Own Taleete
whieh 1 personenv retrellased In a
dung store in Ainn.tre .1. r1tir1ys14
has proved that 4:a. Tablets contain
no ',1-1 le nr Tiftrent :
t13 -t th'y 03112 b., elven with perFret
0-I1e43' -to the youngest infant 3, thnt
nre a safe end efficient rorsileole
for the troubles they are indicate:1 to
1 relieve and cure."
(Signe IT
MILTON f;. An. A. Se.,
Previnel-1 Analyst for Quebec.
Montreal. Pro. 12, 'I4901.
t E
ham Lae:antI -_ with a1,1:uft 11 932 -
!, :4 - e, -e.
,. 17,4413II 1431-144411113244114- r643 2 c,,s4,134
,1 7fiatIT1:- '744K1 4411 134444'
to say 13914112134441 ter
1144 4
ra• leiregreet TL•• 438 14
e111t44e 344:l1 of m.. t441174 t
Ve"31 41433434134 va - 7944444-443" a
.44714, 13.4311444, "rq 013141:31 not "I--
In tbe 1 Ontario.
r *IL tiraat Trua.h 1,;14t.w11y zrysott.
t 43e3) 4404.144-
11-notrin t13,,t W4)113
, tato t.,:as4422244434t 4j4143 toe 114 -13
E.144 11,444. "Ird..N.,:d.Ati 43u3 4-24.4,4144'.
3,,14-82114144 V4•112.d.44 rtgarat
4334 4194449440441, 444-3, 143)14331443-4
433444,1)4 3441*14113-, 4144 41,44444, at as os-,
tanzated 4349 ovrerZ.,t2.4061.374,143-210 4,34?'44
14114 8 2442242..224 31*44.4124.13.:3 144,91 4)443-
14444 estarnate tan t.,err to be •
1...re4' to each
I tauter. Tins • szake a
of 7.1.ti1it 44.Le,4 i!..4.2d1 it !as some-
' 'what marvoi.ous the stock of !
deer keeps pace watt the ounzbtr .
Ini.ed, hat .41 seems that each year "
tney- arc botemazg taore numerous
i" and tinure is an aperease instead of
. a (34411L1434414014. This Is accounted for !
by tne short:less or the open season
iwitieta runs from November itst to
at, -.1 by the strict, prosecurtou
by the Ontario tievernment of any-
oiree traoqgressing the haws. TheNVRff-
ton slaughter which, no chazist. wend
have prevaiiod bad hunters been 4113-
104.14021 to i;:atattcitl, iro a
p. ea...;ar.t t c
134:44,14 138.011 ev. e .
tcat, 121141 O.2.20 of the baen, heritages
of the pahlte saved. This ye,ar the::
C'untrdan 'Express Cornpratz,' alanc
14-634-1-4-4 11,14721 tierr, which Is an '
..r;:itso over the season el' Iron, o:
874. deer, the total weight of these
si.:*renente amonating 10 Ina irtrins.
•11' of these sifpraents were nrarle
from po'nt's lovateol on the 6414411
; Trunk. Fialvruy, the largest arrai-er
; 44- 4•:170.62-414 being taken oat of ti*e
Itar:77;.-,t041'0rt r mien, he
itladeeka Lakes die-tr'et nal p-.ints
no thi-..71. Lorth,rn arvinion north or
mnf.svre. Of course+. this is net
o oriteenn tho ;ember that are
as thIR eIroa not inetarle theee
bv sett'ere. Inliaas end nette.
• breede and by those blotters who ./le
- not have to revpress their deer
thelr homen; nor the wounded Ones
An Aeptatbezicai "Att."
Tito 44411.1.,b4748411l4 advert Lee;nent
bean olakoveroa/ 141 an isato of
true Lonoon. Time& in :St.!. 1i3.waowe
ant sang,e genalemea-Wantoti, bya.
i'ady, a situat.on 410 savor:nun:al tho
araszhni,..3. an_ prestio o talate. She
13 Agreeabe. Becorang,, Carta... De
idriub.a Eregr,iish. F.1ea4o44s. enc. -croak
tionost„ 31111:441-1114 01114 Jr;,
Lbeiy, lidem.y. Natty, Oilmtent, Plat-
eseplaca, 3144.49, Itegni 14. ''tfe.,sifle,
71401e-41441.. Viv...te'ons, Woman-
etc. A.2. -ss X. Y. 2., irrenone
I.L. tatty- V, ware lilead.-Tizo,Sehools,
retta!ml orti m 2 0 • 031s4
1Il,w 711:134..7 Of tJ,..c. women von meet
Weal' 71413,:v,.44),i4; 00 147414,147 11.'eal$44 ? There
0x.1nt.....•4 the inameese eha-
•-•4 11e:22h1re744 distinctly
lo.e. mint.; to 'la It bbo tmericalce."
! rea7e311l4o. 1ia.4. 141 -• 9141 m,al'if f -
ere -1 s. tri.ingithr brim and reand
'1-'241 crown, .11 31 trineg-dar croware
' seft ineeped brims are betla
Toe 441;9447144131 lino of tho trt-
annrIo 414 observel, and the rest cots
f'33ra; to tine ralliner's desire to set'
off her :customer's ;good looks.