The Herald, 1902-01-24, Page 57 THE 7URICH HERALD Po,wev of Stu luou of Italu. The Gernian Police. ,;pine shower jv(j had last night," A stranger In Germany soon makes PROVINCLU FINANORS, Sold by All Newsdealers said a tqlkatlye iunu. the acquaintance of the police, little As f3ho�wn by the Government' e," a nswered the thoughtful Inau, as be may desire It You have benn In Statement. PER ARE "How much rall) fell1l, Germany a week, more or less, when "The weather report says just an the policeman calls, At 'first you can- Toronto, Jun IS. -The Gov*rn� Inch." not believe that he Is really after you, ment's statement of the province's! "Do you kuow What that juvallf,71P and then Your mind runs back guiltily 11nanC63 maythus be summarized: YOU 11 le I ri.. i, Ii U asked the other n�j 110 tt)()It 11 pencil over your past. He takes out his little -Receipts for 1901, U-466,043.92;1 book -one of a small library of little receipts for 1900, 44,192.940.16S;4 froul his pocket ju)tl bt,glit, to "It Inealls eltlaring DEAF 17 Mists I (lit, o1r, IiI),111g the books which he carries in his blouse- increase, $273,103.74. Experidl- 11 P dust nud ruruI,,;1ll11g 11(qq1Q(I lut)lsture and Inquires your age, your nationality tures for 1901, $4,038.834.4,3; expen- Furnlahos mo ALL CASES OF mind liwic Mt y to all lovers Of sou for vegetation anil rol, 1l.q, I t4uppo4e.,, find how long you intend to stay. diture for 1900, t4,003.729.37; in- A Tiat volume of r4ew, choic.9 "But have you ev(ir J11j)lIght What It C*Pyright COmPositlons by themonpop- DEAFNESS OR H A R D HEARINC You learn subsequently that a record I crettse 1,35,105,12. The excess of'; ular zathom 64 Fazes of Piano us] ; half VOCA)" half Instrumental- *I Co I . Z., moans In poNver?" oontlaued thL, Of every person in the empire Is care- 1 receipts over expenditure for Pieces for Pla."o-O.. a Mouth or as ARE NOW CURABLE thou"litful Inall. "You said au inch Of fully kept, with frJI details as to his I the year 1901, accordin- TO this, earl sub6oriptjon,$2.00 fyou by our new invention. Only those bo:--,, je�1 are nicnralt*.e. 4' 7 rain. NOW, See these figures. New Occupation, material wealth and soctal I amounts to $427,209.43. Balance of' on York city contains SU8 squ` B� us X. name aud kddxe3a f are miles of standing. It you move Into the ?1=0 or Organ, WV WW aQ=d a new i Cush in the banks, December $1 i M a copy of tb,. X.Stite Frqs. surface, and one inch of Water over house. you must notify the police; if 1901, $1,468,492.99; balunce of cash I J, W. PEPPIER, publisher, HEAD NOISES CEASE IM POEDIATELY, lfghth a Locust Stz.. n11ade;0h1&. pa, F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: that would meaRure 715,435,000 cubic you move our, you must notify the p*- in the banks, December 31, 1900, $1.: LA: TN:nnr. �,, _- feet, which at 03 Pounds-whlch Is the lice; If you hire a servant girl, you 033,546.31; increase, W5,146. GmVerken.� -sting enti;t,vcured of deafnes%. t'_-a=*r_,tQy,L:T treatnue;:t� : 1% give �**u 3L fmll hL-tory of rn%- c2se. to be 'L -.ed at "our diik_1._etin;. weight of a cubic foot of water -makes must purchase a yellow blank and re- The principal increases in rev�n!��' ZURICH P. 0. About fre veirs ago =v right eai b--gau to sing, and thi; !:ep or. getting wcr�e� 1 "Qct 45,079,372,800 pounds, or 22,539,6S#3 port the fact. the girl also makin . t tons. Can you realize it? report. When she leaves, g a were contributed bT taxes or =y hearing in ihi;;,ear entirilv. I underwent a tTeZzment &r catarr.h. for three monthq. wiholltanv �Uczeq�. you must corporations, about $'4,000; liquor Is open daily except Sundays frcgn her of physiciaus. arnong wher�. the ric�, entinent ear --f meth:it only 2ii dperstion could help me. and even that only tern ocranly, t-nat nead ar,�,ses %ron:d "Now, What couies down has gone send In a green blanL staring why ;he licenses, $20, 000 ; succession duties, IL- In ., until 9 P. m., The mails are up. and this water fell about 5,000 feet. Is dismissed, wbere she is going then cease. but the laearing iii rte aff,&,nea ear wci.*.d -Z_ �� 1'.rever. $140,000. and a lat-ge Burn from the distributed as follows: I then saw your adverti,.;ernent =,.denvaur in a \ew Yrrk -nrer. and ordereal N-vtir trear- Old Sol had quite a pull to get that I so on. i0rownLand3 Departmetit, includ- i M-LIL roR HENSALL, close at 6:66a.m m t '!-ad u -ed 'toulvalew and After after five weeks. ;�iyhclnnggin th;rtli.;.�Ze".,;�az air. very in.43. vo,.rz, dinous requirements of the govern- � reventli from the sale of lands, ate.! ST.JOSEPH, 11:10am X. NvVRNIAN, moisture up there, fo� a meehatilCil If you, fall In any of these multltu- 'ing Woods and forests, and other 1 0 -55 prn I heartily and be�- to engineer will tell You that that repre- i Bents the expenditure of nearly 2,50%. ment-and I have mentioned only a The increase of $33,000 in expendi- H. &B., 6 :55 am I L Gur treatment does liot inte)-fepe It-iti, yolo. 11sual oretipation. Rzaminatiou a at a nominal 000,000,000 foot pound$ Of ClIergy. Itoo few of tbem-there Is a fine to Pay, 1 ture was maLde up mostly in public L, H. & B., 2:55 am Revice frec."d YOU CAN OURE YOURSELF AT HOME covir. sad that we can't hitch machinery to each fine graduateil to the enormity buildings, charges on (,Town lands t i ' ' PROM HZINSALL, arr. 11 :00 am INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 1A SALLE AVE,, CHICAGO, ILL ft- to take It Of the offense. There are offenses and the maintenance of publie hot power without havin secondhand through coal." graded as low as 2 cents, institutions, 7.30 pm I ST.JOSF-PH, 41 1 11 WUen Timse Ha L. H. & 11:oo srA uss Heavily. Interprovincial Trade in Live Stock.! L. H. & He Wouldn't Interfere. Time Is never Wasted until It "hangs A :30 ELM! An old Scotchman went to stay for heavily on our hands," when you are Trade in liTe stock between Fast- � LETTIERSVOR RZOIsTRATIO.4, must I a short time, as lie said. with friends iselther working nor enjoying yourself. ern and Western Canada has been be P%ted half an how previous to He Berlmer of his, a young couple with no family. There may be times wbm It suits growing rapidly within the last the time for closing the mails. After living with them for some two one's mood to "loaf and Invite one's faw years. This increase of trade D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. OF or three Week the Young couple began soul," but they are rare nowadays. If hv-g been promotea,and in fact made; to get tired of their visitor, but did you don't believe IL consider how the possible, by the wrise and generous not like to tell him the state of their average citizen spends his vacation. treatment of the C. P. R. During; C.AAM FOR SALE -200 acres of feelings toward him, so they arranged Most people work harder and econo- the month of December and the' IL ' choice Und. consisting of Lot a little plan between them as to bow mIze their vacation time more grudg- first eight d*Ts in J auuary, forty- 3, Con. 11. Hay, and Lot 19, $outh they would got rid of him. ingly in getting the most out of It than 'sixcar�.s of grads and pure-bred Boundary.Hay 0 cod bunk barns." "Tomorrow," said the husband, they do in any other part of the year. cattle were afiipped from Eastern. 44 x ?1� and -10 x 60. and franle: "when I come home for dinner, I shall They bate to lose a minute of enjoy. Canada to Bri tish Columbia. These, dwellings On each let. Plenty of qw" quarrel about the soup and say It is ment � cars contasned 2,223 head, and cost gosd spring water. On one farm not good. In the midst of our quarrel Of course there are times -every day . in 'Elie East something o-rer $30.000. there is in overflowing well. On 1% we will appeal to our friend, and It he -when time seems absolutely Wasted. Besides tLese. a considerable num. gooll zravel road. and eonvenient: UT un i; mye recently been sent to the to B&O01. Post Office and churches. takes your part I will give him notice and these are the times when men's berl, N'"I"I ge and things go North West Ter�it4ories. and Orders 6 mi!es to Exeter station.. Will to leave the house, and If he takes my tempers are on ed. part you do Just the same." crosswise. Chief among this list of ::are now in hand for additional give purchaser easy- terms of Tkis is the =achine that talks-sing-5-7plays every Xext day at dinner the "Quarrel" wasted and monotonous Intervals Is shipments to be 2nade to the last ment P4LY-; ftuses Und--atring OrItctstras-N-egro, Xinbt_"els. Churclh Choks, etc, aroser about the soul). and In the heat Wind power, equipped for It repmducts tht violin, piano flute, Cornet. tro:nbone, tanjo, =sLudalb% the time spent In waiting for a car. Irk mentioned Territory. In order to puirre.a1c. choPPing. stxxw ctlt;ing., piccolo and "ery othcr instrument. I of the argument *Iunele�l was appealed traveling on It after you got It, In wait. Promote this trado.which his prov. etc, All buildings in good state of The B44iner Grant-o-phouc is louder-clez.-er. sirnpler and better thin as to, but ho coolly replied: Ing for meals, In fuming over dtlatilry ed very pro.111table in maiky district -t repair. with g004 lxr1re driving shed *t3tertilkirt machine at any Price. "Ye see. ula freens, for W the timo I appointments or by reaching there too in EnWiern Canada. fartuera should trid Other outbuildings. on I()% venticamtal, pat; otic, .,Cain" soug% Lupti!,li. French ar ect intend tie. be, bere-just a month or ri d $catch Smgs� sie tons fromorstiatta 4AYS cake ,Soon. Other instances are where t1te use tinst elass Shorthorn bulls. RV there is 12 acres of g&64. imsh and Comic Opera"... ------thin that aubiplav twa-1 1130 n1ado up Ulm nilud no tau bore buttonbolps you and insists With earef%ll sejeetitjn and w se treai- on etwh farm one acre ktfl omhard_ In fact cwzythinK th c et .c. :, "th die voudcrful L-destmet. Interfere NYP ye'r house affairs." eXCOSsive eloquelice In stringing a Ment fellialea sired by iueli bulls For terms aliplv Ic" be reptvduc*.�d on the Berlt r ramo7rhoae w-, , to PRIL11w HLRT_ We rtcoid dius, three line Itow Into a two column tale. Will I)rt)ve excellent dairy oows. xAx. SareptA P0, 321-6m A Starr Of Wendell 10hillips. It is a noticeable fAet tbvt seyen. It Wh funny stones errepeats a priver. It can ente.-tz-n buca.-t& *to%,* At the elose of the elvil war and be. to-riths of the sux�k used for dairy time in the torgett bAlIL Or cliurch, or it cin be stWtml to rst& t1le vmallt-strac=_ fore Ike was ivell knowr. Wentlell 11hil- so yltARS, TItt kscofds, sre not wAx. tbey are Hard , Flat, Indestrtictible Dlics, whielk� 1 1109* spiders Wove Tlkeas. purposes in Great Britain are XXIMS"ItNex Vill I"t loyrAm lips, tbe distlugulsbed abolition1% Every one -who owns a little strIp of Shorthorns and Sh�Drthorn grAdes.,, The ZerlinerGratao,.phone is =a3ein Canada. !*.iq,"garantet�_1 f,2rf1VtycX=. went to Charlestonand put up at a 110. garden knows what It Is toelftr away Prolbably the most sutr dairy .b, ,e ne Grant -0 -phone fi usta Amd, erdommi. L'y tbe lead-na olerj�me= *04, tel. Ito had bmakfust servell la his sphlor webs, a watter of stuall dilli- 'cow for -the average farmer is a others througbi)ut'Cxu.,J*. .vv- A.* 11- - Wd upon UY a S91MI1. culty and lightly perfQrmed. but a pop. Mr. Phillips seized the opp)rtu11ltY tO ular nuturallst who lately return- Shorthorn Ayrshire erossis. Steers whOse t1tuns are Astrung grad. o Ayr- An tOld him tO 90 t1w-Mv, vmuyl i; that LL$ lung brace M -reads that rila out like could tkut bp;tr to Ite waited on by a. forestays to t1je extre:vIty or tbesur_ T12e lkr, iner Gr1=-*-Ph511e rective"I the wt*w =e1at forTalking Machinesat tfie Totanto Exhitntion i�W. represeut to the negro In a patbotle 'from the great w(K)ds of Centrnl Amer- shlre eo%vs if by a Frominen't Horsemen swar The lkrliner Gra=- *-phone bas been waAetv unitated w0y Out he regarmled him as a norin brather lea came seross spiders' Webs Of sueb bull pr,3ve 1!�Xzlelle;t fevileri and TXA0CMk?W* Vith =iklexaing ustau its they are w=.%:esi, and a aud. more than tlhat,, that lie 111111self was an abolotion-st. Strength and Lugo d=enslons that Zstaelex very destmYie shipping eattle. As apy'ro4w 0 *6 Berltiler Gmto-o-plone is not ftr sate in ycur The jwgro. howevor, stmned lulareant- they were positive In his Seedless to say. the tenants of dairy anituals tL-em aro U�,�te. in the hkilds of the genural farmer. tta*'� %all 4"Wr"* A-101 411,11,144' 0AN Wit *"W t*Wu# write to ia for illustratt;A we.cgueo arl &Jiker lous, about his breakfast tbatk Ito was ,Patb. these webs wero of a raonstrous size. that Nvill,aseel the b'horthdrn-Ayr- "As rf**. W&W a to I*e IFAMXV: Z67-071 AqneAuit St.. Mowtotal. about his p"ition in ilie sovial seale or the conditleta or bis soul. and filially "I meAsured onu, of tbc3e, fabrleg," ;b# pa.,V& 4.1t bad IL d,.rLmete . �ore r 01 IL shire cress, r %V W *#ftrwr "t"U. V rt"twu U X44L XtLk cc **W,,W4 V 1k 4"*1 Is tho xv,#=X& Start. Genew. -vatag-Ar tor Mr. Phifflips became dis.guurag,_4 attl tjDan six teAet ithout in . t, n the W qual g It 4111111C A 9. BERLINFk 2315 A Cathedne Strat. U1 1 1 1 : "' 016046 MONUBAL An tOld him tO 90 t1w-Mv, vmuyl i; that LL$ lung brace M -reads that rila out like could tkut bp;tr to Ite waited on by a. forestays to t1je extre:vIty or tbesur_ . . . A k&*44**C lwmk4 aft*K *11t� "Auft of 40,*qft,*aL �Zwklw,3h glove. ronuMng UraneLes. I then took a now- lit itr S�r o 1 not-ov-11 m one t:,)f yomr issues #,You must lseds* Me. tuassa." salol ter of wAll lemons ar t .d Aung Mm thstt tt,%Va% sutojv4.� t,.d that th.6 %vd. the negro. "1 19 up stay here agalust the tctter %-. 9th all my = �ght. tw. ITIN *14 Nr an fork a 41* 0L TENTS GUARANT �ED E man who tprtad the Imuse Isit Isponsible for de allvet- i� TLo web stopped every ot;6. It ILs to I 144hwoA, 'Ware," Frominen't Horsemen swar n, , wander tbat wbm OL li�rd Leeiomes tn* Allow nm% sw tti� eontrtAatet VMS. *9 tan&A In ttLa ftx3Le9,fte btDge spS&r I Am OTARRELL & 'LAWSON, chkAty0s Choice. Dem"tiffaltY *CqU1nnt#g1 with 40mammy"I MEd Ismall gIrl-I'mim- It rkMe to mako a brt-akfast'Or Lom" ti;; indy bmys*lf. and &ke ft1Tw5%#A- sly 1425 NISW YORK "S., WASHMWION, D. C1 ray. dcan I do wtstw I t*Bght give ab=e 't A N*W L**jtl1*U AfAllaillt, =e wftla the lnforn;ttllwl�n A ShOl noney fer 1�aer ellol.&VVS The trawlter WLo Lapilteas to be tint* 1kg*,% thut D", I wcatcl n"A �,atu J 89 may. afarNng.,, h,6r 1, sl;iv I vr�,'UILA ga to helt. At 1 9611oitoftolAttiott 'eanatid Viftilto Psitentt, 'VO3 vi�c-=Lsr Lautl at Perug7,a way 12a7l. ­Ulut, Mummy, I havewt Qny M0111. s6me awtisement 11n Ira# Es�.Ury ;t one ktaird Vmd� wtth ff"t-an 1'eir Z*5. 1 U ft. VIShts. Will "tut"1*6 it PAU'At is ndt setuetd. Send ter tbis Tikdv w1b".,op thvontorls 00010,1,00, How to Otta potem. a1v"e-11, dalflong. 1 rou IMe to 90 w0th- tefttt at ttle ate'dVC-S Mete I"s a Catslda namo , m Mrs T'n0orql hvei' at 1"';- SO-MOntiOn thia Pa0ar and seturz utMal tateis.-,ia out sugar t woft give Von the meney of �CLZS: Bestelb. tt ts ejjna�t* ttat that. erabte Englisb 1, M -ad, auql Men you WD11 lbave some:, J�Jut. to *.Le I- Itert !An Insur Es gatge sne D's 4rlLrattilleA for sinmilk""T The BwaDl child eons.denA solemnly propol-gan of tL�ese, are by a mygte.*t0us Jufta it is Strkr�re thia 1%hougla She f0t ML =Owent, fthd then Said, "Must &UtLgor. -RArt." of wraose name he �J elabut t1l'at thom dissases Am t'�* e'l You ;rfl: dul hkewiNt ato, 4. 13213,1iCin; It be sugar, inumnny?, probably Ignorimt. But When be find's c4o=eqilene�es of gilt ftbdshe elai;�q "Why, ho, dftr2D0":. I dolyt nlitid, also th, at the kever Sint. 1 Say it that Part has wrItten "Ivanhe&' and Tt:al. Ozi? 2Wne eattsvie t1r.s*= z,the mfostajig best. bllatw, MNE & MROANo MUCT2. lVhat WOUld yOU Me tO 110 U "he LUSt 1)2y9 Of I'lompeirl tL�e it strange that she ever got mne u, r ii-ey to Im Twh , -set Tesunionials,"' Con JW withouty, the Mystery Is dlseevermd. The latal those d4;sew�er,. vDjr�tlgKis. Chill atd J?ev,*r.. anac "Ilow would gaaP d*. muffltuY�!� bltder lbas takeft the Autbor's t214 ter Ishe Qcngv to a seet kflown as T#V; tic UWU*Ures. Lotuon for worrids. X_ 4, r- tvjp:�* TLC,? S*ikr Methbd'T*46**� 0Aen*FI eiclaiwed the s=lt waiden In:' his fname. and Sir Walter Scott *nd rh* saints q;e the tvthbig Light. �ghe- catme throngla ht�ve last ata GkIl Cute. sit Edt�­akd Afre credk� 51"11- ed wittl but efie, r*rsonalltv between mbr p2itkehiag th* gospel to Waild *aa, 111 9;V6r* or *&--M 0 34 Got Ithl moilk*k. MUM. Shiftf-rs With two tnei viz. Viihe.V i oat MMbY t6ft'luded. a4� Lal =444� Eli= Wfiefi 9, log Mward V11. #si; dil Uft. ttd Mover. leavftig htr husband itt dergradnate at oxford, be 8Lgreat t4**t1kised 963stir. hetue and 'was � statbag ihat the -Wonl,5 freafts4fletce, Money" in Gr#At urifaltft V t T E R t N A R Y M 10k ADIVICIZ MIZE 8 LAirE BLOV10F, butitsman, fthd few �men c It him .ocld be not lite -*nh hfin be did 2101W almot2rt§ to th-cusnpds of pounds ldot be,, *** the S*tft6 &t1'. aemss, cotontry. On one metaslon his N TLe 9tat - -9 tsa, t_14�d Thaib Ineffleift" ALto Pnt --;) it #sy kkt* & ti-bef-ft dtMA thtftth t1:6 *,7a **1 ro-val lligimsesq tabd some iotber tML,�rg Annd&:07, SUM UDt5eed WaS' I %Vouttl not hAvt wititten this Stftftb �6D- I" iWO d�r#zt� Ifta1tet 14arlwild ba'dialtid rm XX rL. gd1loped linto a farmyard by way fif 3 on wben Vag 011t- but I thitlk it is viell to pat sams of i�yftj ftj tachone. TLey tft- t.0 , to 00 1 shott euL TLe fatnler. it stnrdY reaw tP,e Vllll�'�c Accoutt W C-0=94` tThe *Okket mit4id on thtit' *n&NA. -L'r-Q!e of a note, realved by the eta&- I hq�r Inan, id5sea the gates and tald the 4r g tjilat yotlt readetS WML ti�l hial, M &tety ttot4� iz thlb Contitry Ita dt. BLO D IS ON' TLe WtIter wltb tftubteA yottt stattkoepot or C: h mmeiil they must ray:kl apfece for ctNon. Mill thilik tbiLt I am IL Daiwieiae. fo- I 4"98 t. st dant koep t1,,aa=. wt3a ut *=a trespass, imrolstea LZIM. an hotlest =An, ta a= par.t-feularl-VaTtrad to ribligions im"A *6 *M Zm***LrC1 them pranrlpt_ One of lie gentlernen smNued Indal- eonsidet the money fte fforefty or tte and at well as mtd-WAI raalls. Ulift it to 6,4 Iv. X*owy lrarrntt ttid Suck gentlytit the rustic And said, -no% =7 batBon and to be so just as to app%v 11t,6116 are SL f6w questions C432 -,-h h*L-Vb the,= On hamd. 9 good =a% tws is ne pnneebr woks." It 10 tL�# lose cf the stnte Dri sach a cbming vacainuxtla-ft which I WSM abashed mannea- that fte tativft tnay *zotswIftr give V The gotd Man was In now5se ,bu Or, tin -e,_ Obj§, vqss to # Pt6pkt*d by V6 ST TIA. .nsW,o1.. and retorted, ­rrince or no prince. rfi by 11tS btVing been detained stad tbus Dpto vaceivatfet eatir*ly kerep out 91-01" c-1, E ThetUreka Veterinary' nli C & - � hive my money." And he got tO ease t1te t'Onsclenc-e Of Ati h0teSt 'smillpat.of, does it even lighten N116dieina Co man."' tht disevase? If so, how? While, X. X. LONDON A LoAt Chance. -we fulir believe i7a vacaination ONT. 'We that will not when he MW In during sinallpot. vaceination be- ! "Lady." said Meandering Mko, "bato likely to repent bis Indecisionfor many ' �IbresnAllpoxisto us like admin- ad ic.; r I you any cotteeor mince ple or - -21 7L-,. 7 mN A long day afterward. A lady who bad "Haven't Yon been here twice be.,isttring-<-,rphina for pAin when spent a. weary hour In "boating down" fore.'s thete Js no pain there. or madminisAt- the 4-,detwan At a Turkish shop In Par- '�'Lltdy. I haVe. I'm too 966d it Jerd'al tflt.g qaihine for a cold when there ts the day to is are =0% beycal L=X.; aid. Tivy twiiiatew to dire or No kay. returned next prepared 4of tookin' to let such performances as really noeold to be cured. W* purchase. "I believe you sa=Ofranes, yours go w1irout an encore. boLturadly have a shrinking fei*Nng C112391a GvAitA sIrAlstlI. -.40 crup. 'to PAV. C'unsultattiort sta*e- Write f -r Qu&etlon 131n=k for Hosoo ishe began, taking out her purse. from germs of different di_,e4sts. co'n-irld4imt1fts. "Ngnety, madame!" answered the 4thenwhyinsort into the systtni I#rk3r TH]E� onavx-. BLOOD 148 SHELBY. vrnerr, ?1':XrMnR KENNEDY KERGAN, smiling Turk. 1§1**y jb6cikjOt '46�. 'annt!'COMIriky. Whtn theqe que's- AISID mfox SV.ST9.W "gut you came down to twenty!" 10T1xbr sent the Minister teO reRSDIIS tionSart answered, and tnswtred tIZATOP, "I that was yestOdtty, nilidtinle! tot tot going td church, but he left argum entatively you will hear from *i%l cort V -c Iment .kh, V,verything goeS Up again In the night!" J out the main cue."I me again. vated, -'Wbat Is th;kUr" The onlo.)ker. rktt "That Vull Vettive CArkt6kh. `Irt stays away botaiisa his 'wit A r tin .* Nervous 111111111 1131111 1 11 c,-Ify butband's so INIIP doesnt make him go."" d Plat tllencc�� hy5 ffer Iffiod. His buttons are forever coming 1� III&COW4 cotton Ploot COULP011aa DAWTAEATKINT off. Sirs. Goode (severely)-Perharls they Is s-decessfully used motWy -py over A New btA*ft16n. ftM JOAX VIA Va. DUILWOod, ­1,ftgatabletotet N F -W EDITION JUST ISSUED '&�tv ril-N, I r.Cl stre not sewed ion property. ltels'� 'Ostend -Paw, what In an und6rwrit. vour druggist f6rZoWs W"NowrAtt- Uke no other, as all mwures, pl1l* and C10118 aangerowi, says. relief froul A-5112trut at� 8*o=xc'h Trouble 25,000 NEW WORDS, Pl-.rasiz,E%. Urs. Gaddle-­That'g Sust It. er? I are No. 1, Mt t lybr, x4x 2 10 degret4 strozg6rsb P ,e Vather-A 1, lesks Cb. La unti ourvative nerbs.- 151ndingtis jLwfully eareless about his OeVring.- woman, guess; fit is,, j� IT 0 _erl)6x. , MA C�i alftel ofpMeeikniltwolt-ftat t-luip4tky 11 1 1 Kicb * 2364 Pages 4 5000 Illustrations $'he Is the one who alwars adds a post- Its= Th O"k winds;6 ;P16. limdtooldstid. d tj all DVMAAT i�re#afti urdtrthe 3;upervision ofW. T. H3 -..i;, Ph.D.. t.L.D.. UrtitedSt*tes r script. y AGIENT. BF.TT FIV, THAN F -VER )FOX USE ptoniptIr Ue-gy trdu ,goes In fiftetl;l Minutes. Vaii not me oh6 r&Y' of hope it x man Is sbattod til tight and bls' No. I arad No. ' 2) are &)Id in Zurich: 11inbs are as flex-IbIq as, they should be, at Dr. Buchanan*s dru& store,. A, 11 Ent in you give before I lem-re you foreverl he Is 0% to sq=teh his own back Or TIE AL613 0. 1 List Cf. 504 prasKiecom c:au Qua'_tv, �ecorij c:ia size." Sho,-I,�r-that clock Is haR an IhOUt reach any part of bit anatomy. can Subscribe f )r -.rour home pilpti, vou do :10-Atchisou Globe. and get the ho-te news.