The Herald, 1902-01-24, Page 44 TY4P. ZURICT-T HERALD TEE fIRIIB,1 PC'BLI4I1M1) 217EBY TICLIZSDAT EVENING BY E. ZELLER TERMS OP SUBSCIEPTION:-$1.00 per year paid strictly in advanee. When the paper is not ordered to be discoutinued it will be scut until such order is given i , and arrearages paid. $1.50 to be eharged vrhen not paid ie advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. -Tran sient adirertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and vents per line for each subsequiant insertion. Small Ade:, such es"Lost" "Estrav-, or "Stolen wi.1 be charg,ed 9 rents first insertion and 25 eente tar eachsubsequent ineertion. Copy for change of adveitisement must be itanthd in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow - IDE issue. Loeal notices in ordinary veatling type 5 cents per line. Notices for Chureh en- tertainments or other benevolent inetita- tion et special rates. Contracts for eulmun, halt eiolamit quarter- e oInni n at*.-tefor speei tied periods will be eheerfully given. Address ail eounnunieatious to Tlie M"...eraica. E. ZELLER Eurrou, &malt, P.O. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 10(2. •••••1,1,`",,•.•••••••••,-..,• It appears by statistival returrs that more people live to be etauttan. arians in warm countries than in cold ones. The (4erintin Empire. with Z.)5,000,000 inhabitants, has 778 centenarians France, with 40.000.000, has 213 Englantl has only 141,1, and Seotland 4(' Sweden has W. Norway 1:11. Belgium ;1, Denmark 2. Spain 101 and Swiixer- land none. ervia. with a pl 01111.. %Um. of 2,2:10.000. has zir7, pe„pie over 100 years old. That unItnik.y enterprise. Cie 3 .11:1 Panama (...anal. int.o whielt so,o Hindi money has been sunk. lotoside whielt so many workmen lie lottriell, and whieh has been the valise. (.1 soo muell pi t noel 1.'4 raltlin'P, in t ri%11100. will probably never be c, azipleted. The 'United States 'a appointed to repairt Alt 1N1,1t4*. t,,,r t transaIstlimian t%inni 'e''L that thrilugh Niecuragito and t asta Rica as the Aabeititest. 41111 taltevesti Viiere41 ?..e. 440 141 What Wns re:We,alninsa ht!, ;;4 11,ar gain. But the U.k.:4ave,m,:+1 tittvies Washinabon Aleeualeil an faioir the Nioo,tio.o.4ua rdate. and the 1-.lenate Iltiely too tigrae with it. Mr. it „ of the Ilastattaaula f, -.V t w 114eaa ulati Dilidab nt111511litvilIe. hw. P,,t,1119!lislit little 1151,..1. tori4ler it;tiko, • •Vo-lioat the toareints o(9f 1,,tzt41".,t4t1 ren't' tay ciihotitttift 14 Itlikese lettet' ztYnatel'est;tal fifthat wi fltetraiss can e lItt tkt ibrtt Ittader Eieas'y LITAtv e2pres±‹it ttu Th" 4!Atetn v#.?t,z,r IluD,7,!. lit -,:v.,,,(47,1i aritpeago tetteti.,4 ttlaiQtt latlattSATI atA petsenfatni the 011.1441`4,4'1CO2 oatfttetty. t yav:rn the tinstitTittn. 4Ti...etA energte,4 tteNlnialiktfyg tit a zas4t,11. merg.117,i•Pl• rreittetiy Intetatien !i_f v!,T itym)ibit. but ki tttirattiV.'12f,t3t.* it4 ht11 sense ettir.ty„ the matenta-1.14i. t:te. their ideal ail :-ar.4,41 sym- metrical deneTIolon;ent. Inole-4.-1. if there is gr, ynn 1 2 grzinfT97.itt ohe bears ati,-.Aft the ei....ieutift children et..f.fto,yinz the (4..tilirtary might. take a :esti? out 0._5`,F 20.tatlt- s:Nn's -twelvo years-antl With 11114 -mortgage upon the province the best possible talent is needed in the eonduct of local affairs. A writer in a roputable journal ,some time ago, made the following statement rtaLrArtling the cl.re of that undosiralde ttiaeas-, smallpox :--I an wil1itr2; to stake my reputation as a public luau it the worst case of suntlipox cannat la. effectually cured in three clays, simply by (Team of tartar. This -1,.; the sure rind. never failing cure, one ounce of cream of tartar diss- . olved in ono pint ef boiling water ; to be drunk at short intervals. It eau be taken at any time ;And iSa preventative as as a eur.ttivc. It is known to have cured 1.;)0,000 cases without a failure. I myself have restored hundreds by this means. It never loaves it, mark, never causes blindness. Etna pre- : vents tediotis lingering." A preacher once said : -Editors ;lure not telt the truth. It you aia 'yun could not live. Your news- ' paper wonld be a failure." The • editor rt•plied. • .,,You art? right and the minister who will at all times tell the truth about the members, alive dt•ad will not occupy the • pulpit more than one Sunday, antl 1:o will find it nect-ssary t 3leave town in a htury. Tlu. press and pulpit go hand in hand with white- wash brush and kintl words. magnifying little virtue.; into big ones. The pulpit and the press are • saintunt king partnership.- And • tht‘ minister went away- looking very thiaightful. while the editor turned to his worktelling about the unsurmonnt.tble beauty of the britle. whilt' as a matter tat fact she was its ugly as a mud fence. Tht. 'wag) •;urn - nal published In the prohibition interest -a. declares that "there is a clandestine la a - aytantent i1» fut t abolish tie, Intern:id anal Quarterir T'i' charged that incinhers of the Inter. national Lesson Caniunitteewho objeet to the requirement 3 if telnIfo1a3.,1, losl- .31 per nnartrr. zirc ,,i.eizinz VI vpt instruot • ions bind Clem in that rea :lard. 'The that tilt4st, 1.11S in up 41 the series awl turn the minds el the Sunday *whoa Al Abildren away fl`.1111 1110 mi. aular t.k bc. sobrmitt, t....eront.t.i, !wawa:, on. Thfls. featitr.• flag lalailiati..9,411a 1 Stantiar 4..,L11.1i•711..1 I hrliv.zia zizt• Lim/n:1.204P late 1'ra/we. Wollatol at l'att-,',,ozit,t in Nto•o. ,;lool tho're to, C. 1 e ;o it at .1[Ne 4-13.7%_.! •.114‘4,11t* on, %.1.1110^h Nt-11Z n11.41 -.11 Vis.2° 0 4n Altana,t atena tit ia,t wvele% ww4 slaf-,14-11 'toy ,nio elf Its Ihrer e tileeet tlg.i's here. 110t%e tvoka. %%Livia. tot t Toler .."ir<tvo,-ate.luutt.fiC't'1 a ; I eta 1131. ..1,31110 tt'a!P Bu,„ti, t t :f.r.t r0 w ,tu,d' a qt '.71ti the Alit -va- t, Att..' 'OD". .111; ut4 trie, 't* th try Vett t'e 'II.. r 307,09 rnaz,.tr, • t.°3'1,°.13! t3 -0 1.! Le 0 tree, ztai,..(4.1. 144,4. ter the ,s,ftte..it PIC Tt 451D thtt"0 e4'_;: ,Ityr tttr:20,1 Luz .VotIli ttt3t0IP,ItTA34 t!' nn3"tne < tte 1';:k<,•tot <et any if,z7:.",fme,s Intata n•or The rPas.t iven "c;:o.- the “losPrveolo. why w:oo priloiteel the 1,111 Ttlit,14.1,,,,71,- feu fltifo‘rhelO,rp, Ina; hnt the DU F COLLAPS.t. 1•'%-f,tr roar -40 Ty 'Mt-no-P.1re, ttt l) - in 1-1.'.oeins. Lora u dress cot Swans4:.-a. n municipal tusinagen-...ontt-,. as 'Le always oollesii Tris lone3;:y goad tlings. Ani.,n nts messed up,am w.t-Ls the fact that pe,:isile are liaZ'aZeir local affairs to strain at the gnat -and to .waw the caina-Z. Tnus they -would he naovei at an eea'-fai.!an by an extravagant exp---nahture as luncheein. but wtil-paaa.ta; over without tortsideratiaAn outlays an. Volving mElions. As a resti:it the municipal debt of Britain has Thieen quietly trebled /luring th Fast quarter of tut7,•.. For the great and indeed alarming inerease the eure is the partif•ipation by business men in ramnieipal affairs. No mart, .says, Lord Rosebery. Ahould think himself too good for the Municipal Council, and no lord man should be ToasSed over. Lord Rosebery Certainly sets an ex- cellent example. Ile. is in the. Council of Epsom to -day. There is * good deal for Canada and es- pecially- for Ontario in his mlyice. 'Our municipal debt roe from ,'20. 000,000 000,000 in 188t; to $54„060,000in netteAuit. . Alan. 1 er-ael st-anaies • -t tle «t ,t"." vitit any a:,311.11.,elBt cuit. • e...1:011.. o1 ti rci,inffi, is a iz T T The 7, -yea e n 4 A1,-€.. and firl'tfmteLeit streets. mind live ee.lieents. czn• i s.:,<•! -;t.- tLJ a t.4•,11 Tie)ss. ;le j 0. ex .af 1:c:a le,ss an Cho 3a-ii11din4f.ti, Good Goods rices tght Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Musical Instruments and Fittings, also Spec- tacles and Eye- glasses. TRY ME. Fine Repairing a Spe.ciality. F. W. HESS THt JEWELER NM. RVERYEODY SHOITLD REL.D, Ilra'o'a Shows the Groat Value of Dr, Olark3's Wonderful Little Rea Pills. 1)i'. llairke's. Little Red Pills ear- ed inti of chronic rhimmatisn after • I had beeii given up by the doctors. Clubbing rates. Faki-We have made arrangements 1 to offer the following low clubbing , rates with Tits HERALD : Daily 0-1olIc . ' 4.00 „ Mail 8.5 Empire 4.25 weekly Globe . . 1.110 , Mail & Empire 1,75 ller'liner 4Ionrnal ((4erman) 2.50 Family Hortaa & Star 1.Th Sherwin= Williams 1"" 18..ile Agent Uleo 9 for Zurich T H E Sault Ste. Marie. ; nhant, Commercial Hotel Wilson, Ine• There is n remedy for rhounta- tism,or for building up the system,' equal t,) Dr. Clarke s wonderful Little Red Pills. I would not he without them for their weight in • gold. -J. Brandon ,Penelon Palls, Ont. I can truthfully say that Dr. Clarke's Lit1le Red Pills hay::: done me more good than any other meth - eine I have ever taken., -Mrs. Ori- son R. E%tey. Waterville N. B. .rilere is no remedy that is equal ' to Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills for nervous trarables, rheumatism, or kindred diseases. -W. LI Robert-. an, Managine; Ealitir Daily Times, Peterb -trough. Ont. De. i'larLoo's Little Red Pills 'ur- uie tit rheuniatiann after 1(1 years 441 constanti....uffering.-T. D. .Armour. 13 ioltkeeper Toronto inne, tit in. Dr. Clarke's Little Rea Pills are a eertain cure for rheumatism, asthma. paralysis. tiatarrh. enema. 3'3 3Thl.T.11S. 1.3t1V13::. intlige3101011. 34t00:141*il and liver trituldrei, female complaints. eVell, When the dir:easea have !Peen standing for 111811? yeam. Prata,!, Zs• cents per box For sale.: b:.•• ell la teal drugTists aunt dealers , 1Mtl'Ilt inedielw. Tia Canada 1 t t anpany. Peterborough, tInt, wit/ t '''tit $10 f. testy ease that neer not helm D:.. Fare (*are t (NU': -; rh. anal Dr. 4..%elte''s Sari. (lure for wait. Tariee. Will sl;;Itzttal for any v.t,e th"Y will mt APPItrant 111f:4..11 f4fr tt nieiNterr Suloritatenoient-o•What is contr. A11ihea11t--.04Zohi4iwisiti Saitcrantenaleht--t hie hundred. Allats ptai year ** Ali/Al:ram ----Wily fanr yiAit int. that tuvatA,--ia? Efery body t-Ite tit lar saltprintenaletat -"I hnow. bat einra eloarti -as treat' repati•-• F.;C:4,17 t131114, ;41By *NIB, taittni,•, the wtres twiAed,""- t -;;000;e$ Ne Attlia • Y. nEIMAL STMETITS' WOL tare,AIGrelitt of V:en Gma Robbery. 1 .1001la MUrrit'r 11ir 140! 1,132 1231 lk4e4-tit'ic4. 114-paIrtionent re- tl'n'at4`11 lv2lsbv tt.4 X' v t,vitirll-ty Ix)ts'zata tIr te0:ent f PR e,ntiure• tit fee ridatrevitti whib three 3•41•I31ee, were st,)7elu fro.nt 0 vault. 31r. Mm•ruy xxxi Vaal ly he mu p;;•44.4- the blame1 22 the Ter s2f4 ;and hays the qaifft, •,11 fevnr 30v43e01 I mod that a,,,ne these had 1mo-- chased a saw hie 44-49.1;01,efat iron. A •ifvt whieh e1 t k Ak-ol-a,o-w-raw-woo,1*-„,7 wow* iron bar from 0 wiravw 4 the Tbxs '3*V13113. ot wide enr,agb. G_ eo. T 22 1 g' to,the retooval 0 th bwly *1 Mrs. Itagiies. weighed 2Al,•'- ip-t3n-01s. The theory is. fiferefere. t103t the heyi were vf],taitteif in 04n..e 33133) Liti her remains t :then ont throngh the doer. l'ar.Mtarrtiy tneolie n..itirrests. halt be e,rtifigle<nt that the 1,4.1.:: :qrs. li0t.:41.,es will ?.qe rettarn..1.1 shortly. As t2 fe..eq9,1ber hozlies. he is n00t enr.Sient fa:01. slyparttettiar. 00ne t3i1.at e pauper and the other Lf 4LII insurie HENSALL., ONT. This popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated and. refitted, and will be found up-to-date in every respect. Every attention paid to the traveling public. W.HOD C IN S • PROPRIETOR. J.0. STONEMAN Graduate Optician HENSALL. e SPECTACLES Atill EYEGLASSES, Fitted on S,•iontifie Prmeiples. sruex or Jewel ry, Watch,s and Clock_ Special intention paid to all hinds of Repairing,. C. Stoneman 1112NSU.L, MI% Geo TROTT Photographer, HENSALL. ; • ,)4-.04.0404).**4)41........11.******•10•1111•411 TLiE KING; E QUEEN and 1 Ti E DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. 4 .1i:emarkable Offer. k (he best offer ever made in this community. By a very excellent made with the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are i to .ifl'or ZURICH HERALD and tiu4 great Family Paper, the v %aid and Weekly Star for one year for the small sum of $1.75 and in • to te wielt subscriber three beautiful premium pictures of which the follow- ; •-• br.ei description. KANO. EDWARD VIL-True to life, a beautiful poFtralt, size 18 it .t.,, on beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framing. Tills portrait taiten since his accession tp the throne, and is the very latest and best .enieeblii. It cannot be had except through the FAMILY LIER.A.Ln Awn Sr.u1; each picture bears the King's autograph. This picture has the eti merit of being the first taken after the King's accession, and has theeefore .;,etwiettl yalue that no other picture can possess. U QEEN ALEXANDRA. -An exquisitely beautiful picture of the remark. qe.Latitul and good Queen Alexandra, also taken since the King's secession fee thronPi e. It the same size as that of the King, the two forming a heed - mu lair of pictures that alone would sell for many times the subscription price pf paper and pictures. No portrait of the King and Consort taken at the second or succeeding sit. Lily.% can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to history. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. -The Renowned Gainsborough Pic. 4 lure. Sold at auction sale in London twenty-five years ago for 410,5P. ...10...33 by clever thieves, hidden for over twenty-four years and delivered to its owner on payment of $25,000 reward and since sold to Mr. .T.Pierpont Morgan for This, in brief, is the history of one of the premium pictures, which, by a 4 clever stroke of enterprise, the publishers of the Family Herald have secured for heir subscribers. The picture is 22x23 in ten colours, and is reproduced line for colour for colour with the original. Copies of the reproduction are now sold in New York City, Montreal and Toronto for 512 each, and this is the pleturs 4 Fatally Herald subscribers are going to get absolutely free together with th pictures of the K 4 ing and Queen. Is that not big value? Call at TS'S HERALD Office and see samples 4 of these beautiful pictures. 4 You want Tug Zonicer HERALD for the local news, and you want that great paper, the .Family Herald, for its 21 pages of general news an 1 4 reading. Its agricultural pages alone are worth many times the subeerio..0 price. 13ring or send your subscription to THE HERALD OFFICE. tee cv * • 11***** • ******4)66 The Original Herb Compound 1-1111G 6ST U !FIER Kidney and Liver Regulator. T WE HERBS Days Treatment for L ::'. 1. .1.*11.1.1•111,101•11.110 IL THE GREATEST KNOWN PAIN REMEDY= PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO. OSE JELLY IrriliNti 1UT THE A VALl'AULE REMEDY FOR ALL SKIN MS- FIINEST Wl1ill TrTILNIil.) EASES., BURNS, SCALDS. ETC. 011.7T AT RinsiONABLE Groups One A-0. g'ont3lany and the wus ;Nem:Tied by the etfes • k4. I art, 4" eniuney The 16s. ▪ at -74 v,2 t:te alcove eampany w•los es3'i32,23•v,1 at atid ▪ t Cap • •• ,0.e.fie4 to know w:alt ('..11 ti. e fllapse of the flxxSztrolity night that Taraa-tiaaal:y deserted and the fa' were t31 the vicinity say tha- neg.: to fall in- to a Le.111 apparent cause. AftArr the :rafolings vilapsed the iniltnotnab:e nt.tterial eaught fire. Ti..ere was 31•3 loss of -Wherein lie•sfia; diflerenee pilot•graph3.,- and e..eartship?" he a -414-e11. s•eirtly. • ti.<<n't she re;;Iitil„ ••In It3tit:.1rapity.* e<xplained nogattve Is developed in the , dark 200372. while in erntrtshili tiat is where the aflirmative is (level.l Werie lifrIsherl. int made no-, answer. ▪ -Let as.- he surge -esti -ad. "proceed to ale relop an affirniat ive. - There being no objections. it was 50 ordered. -Chicago Post. e dne Exposure to co:i and damp phere and sudden changes in the ,.reat'ct- er c:ose the pores of the skin and thls UncWs th 'waste matter 1.•.•Ii.41 shou'A escape through the skin baek. on the kidneye. The effect upan these ove•- burdeneri organs is what is known as 14110r Sg0.1reS. "coli on the Ittineys." which usually usvevrps into regular litdney 1.1.se4so oy Blight's disease. The earliest symptoms of ailing kid- neys are backaehe, painful and scald- ing sensations when passing water anoi the appearance of any of these indica- tions resort shoul*1 be made ta Dr. Chase's Kidney-T..11:er Pliis, which will in a surprisingly short time set the kidneys and bowels in order and le - HENSALL. Che Western Veal Estate Exchanoe. 781. Thutbas Sired Eonbou, 0- Cut. Farm, City, Village, Suburbrn. and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Exchanged. - a *Honey Loaned on First and Second Mortgages. Real Eitate. Notes and Farms. Rouses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. deposits in tne urine. Immediately on C lione-g Invested f or Private indi- viduals on First Mortgage on Real Estate. 'sure the return of health. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills can he absolutely relied 'upon as a cure fez every form of kidney and liver derange. anent, One pill a dose ; 25 cents a, box. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver PM% TELEPHONE 696. E. ZELLER _ t1 DUMARTfor 'Huron County ,. AgentzuRioN MILTS DOC ors find A Good Preseripnon For inah d WANTED MSC otbad health that 2.'7'PAIPS4iiii not benefit. They banish pain and prolong life. Me itivta , relief. Note the word lt.'1•P•A•N•S on the paelrage mut accept no substitute, li.*I'PA•ICT'S, as for cents mil be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one tiltointstait testimonials will be mailed to any address for firs rats; forwarded to tile Ripens Chemical ie... N., Street, New York. 0.1....*001000.00untmenmetedoet, ruFeicH, -:- ONTARIO. Get Your Printing., from The Herald '