The Herald, 1902-01-24, Page 2THE WEEKLY PA PER'S SPHERE
in Many ffistrictsW
TJI;o weekly home 'paper, the Only j thIng equally deliberately. He is
11OWS, sheot probabiy VaUlWlel ijitlle:�
not quick to try experiments and
town or vil'age far ruwo�ca from a'
Ile must have a reasm) for dutag So.
large oity, L,.g tile must clokselyread
But this holds good also ILI the case,
and thoroughly MSPLU"t0d pUbi ' 'UL-
Of a, ;M -w claimant for Ills favor. Oil
tion to be, fuun-d anywjwru. It en'terie.,
tile other hand, the elty mna Is al.
greater Nvoightt, Jim larger infill-
ways on the lookout for an Improve-
eme-0 with tile coamer� ative old fugleo
in -vat upoill what lie is lisilig to-LIKIY,
WILD have been brought up to aj�,ait
and to -morrow wII1 alrvady fitid him
its weeklY cuw:n,, ever olnee tlL,y
relinquishing tile latter. These are
Cali rumember. Its.comin- is Intieed
O'lle of the weekly event,;, 'aild it goes
oxtrem(- eases, of course.
For tile permanent adoption of a
thLrOugh the hands of tile housp-
new article wldeh has intrinsic morit
h0ld in their regular, ordor of pre-
what c0ll"Nel would it be wl-qQr to
radenee. The reatil.a.- of Its colunalls
pursue? A campaign In the country
never becomes portupctory. Tile
would lavolve much time-anA tIm -,"
head of the, llou,�eholjj gets it first, of
they say, -1.1 Malley." In tile CiLy,
course. anU retiring into the cll'.m-
oil tile Other haud, rvturns and re-
11eY COrnor of a -winter evcn7nT_ or
sults would probably br� very rapid.
r"01110 cOi.,Y nook on tho porch of I.
bat notwithstanding the merit of
Milliner twiEglit, lie commeneeR at
the article would tlipy be, permanent
thif-I top, of the first column, his fore-
enough to build a future upon ?
finger perliaps marklaigr each para-
It you once inpde a founda-
graPIN and readlag through it, takes
tion. resting upon tile favor of tile
up the next aud the next, until he
mIddl, classes ill thp country, Von
Jla.s digested all the news and the edl-
can safely rear an ed1ioe Of "sky-
tortal opnioas. But lie is not yet
scraping" proportions. Would you
through, for the advertiosements In
have tliat same sentip or security if
thieIr turn alaz) command his atton-
l'our palroungf, were of tile city popu-
tion. A geaeration ago the country
l'),tion ?
weekly was regarded with act ual
And another fact which tips tile
scales still in(wo for tho rormpr Is
veneration througliont the land,
ani its I-arluenee, was
this I III t1la. elty people live much
everywhere out.
side of cities. Now-
1110'r L- for themselves-thpir hiter-
colirse with friends and neirilbors is
ItdaYs Its rphere has become much
verr Constrained and rpamricted. In
cireum-cribed, but there are Otill
many -c-tions wli(,r(, its Inflnencols
the country peoplo are thrown vIIry
Impreme. In these the w�-lgbt ofan
much m.,)r(- upon thpir own rpsources.
nPIgbbAwrlInPsK Is unconstralnNI and
adrertl,zvm�,nt in its columns is still
natural. Peo-ple- go very much more
greatpr tlia 11 re-,pritad to acity
out or flipir way fair Pacill otbor.
eliontel!, till��-Yop tlip pappr thrit
11r-ncF,. If tlwy know of a gnod IhTng
-it tbn momeat t<) be their
whicli kvlll sorvi, it npighbi�r. tllvy
Tho grr-at P!WIntial elffereneci bp.
. will 4in %ir.0 much to la�ivp him nt!-
op't it.
twi'PTI t',* witron or thp country
The country pNipIhni nrp on 11w
VvPPkl.v '1-1 thn InImlifant of tl),;
wb.11h, In a vi,ry prosp�,rous e oal,11-
city. aq ffir .1-4 t!!cir rpspoetive -it-,
tfDn. It p. -In lr!ip an nrtla-b% t1rat alt-
t1tudF,R lownrl rc%r-,paprr4 1,; con.,
po-Ils to, thpai, plI.I. I I
1-4 .111.1p,10A tn
corned. 14 t1unt tho former W Intealw_
tltotir npo' fin -1 tlipy nri- Ili flie
1.7 QO1I.-91rv-!t.1vP n -r-1 tht, lattir IR
I..qrxp rnnj"Irity In .1 posiqlrm to lip
Itiqt tbt- rovnr-�Lp Lot the m1d,!Ie
Ial�li� ti# lIny it. Ili thli rklsp,,et thoy
n ,q* -it!4-lefory from
nra mueb bMter off. m-111
every IW�lt -bf v1-7 for VIP nd-�
tivin lla,lr i4ty nrgAot.ypoR. Tlat-
1 'It - r&�"rvs,,nt"tFv(
, 41rowi-siv Vfo' i't n :n*1tr61po-,!Ioj
Tit , C'411"t"It PIR0? 0 lnrV'.I0l-;1t11 I Ildq
lr--�v tho WARP MIi-i- Npnros,ly
him fn ail,�iV I ncw *t-1rT vfrv. very
vlil., ta Ini?wrro ill mtlpll nvire whan
Flowly. nnit to, rhL"*'*a -11 oll't
tho�r IIt:erSI t4w.-Printors, Ink.
A Od"0_� Tildt WaLi IIIVAIIItQd by it
Pew.11nt Girl.
It- Is.41wia""
�z vw
of the lb Mt
TaI ' " - F. -
P 1' 5:' . it. `"�' I
flit) ""T Tgr4N an e%g.
dpno�- U-, s Q,r.,g�n -4. 11, It', LIo' M
0%7n 1p j, -.9, from ItIo,
gicur -T, ` I T h, V !,_� t o-no
stvp!t* li-h h , 4l I 44A t K'JGA " tr
no m In III+ �1, alk 0 "ol arig-,Il, mlo
'Tw:PT Ntntola, wlv!, 'I 1p'r, Moolo,
a 1 Ai t,14. 4w110Jq Of
the t4m-la I 1,� 40-p tall'a
1 N." t la'.. �44,1 U-4. b lit"ll'T t,o4 tho it-I-e4n
*++++,it� .........
Georgia Ims a strIagent law for-
biddilig Its citizensto carry pistols
on pain off forfeiting the weapons
and paying a fine of $50, or being
Imprisoned for thirty days. Short-
ly aSter the passage of this enact -
meat Judge Lester was holding
court, in a little town, when sud-
denly he suspended the trial ol a
case by order"'T the sheriff to look
the doors of till courthouse.
"Gentlemen," vald,Lho judge, when
the doors 'wore clohmd. "I have
just seen a pistol otu a mom in this
room, and I cannot reconcile It with
My SellSe Off duty to let BUttli. & Vfola_
tioin Of the law pass unnoticed. I
ought, perhaps, to go b(Aore the
grand jury and indict him, but; it that
man vvilt walk up to this stand and
lay his pistol andl a fine of 51 down
here, I will let him off this time."
The judge pausiod amd a lawyer
sitting ju.�;c before him got up, silp-
ped hii fiand into Ills hip pocket, drow
out a. neat ivory-IMIlWed six shoot -
or, and laid it wi0i $J. duwai upon
tile stand.
Tlth� is all right," said the judge,
"but you are liot the, man I uaw
witil the pistol.11
Upon this amotber lawyer arose
and laid tl�-,vrn a Colt's rovolver and
a dollar bill before tile judge, who
repeated his former oolmervitdon. The
IlrUcess weat om until iiiiieteen pistols
oT all kinds and sizes and shapes lay
Upon the Stalld, together with 419
by their side. The judge laughed as
he complimented tile nineteen do-
linquent-k; upon being men of business,
but added that tho man lie had seen
with the ph;tol had not yet came
up, and, glancing at the far side of
the e-Tiurt, lie continued:
'I'll give him one, minute to ac-
cept iny proposition, aad if he falls,
I'll hand him overt to the sheriff."
laiamodiatell- two mOn from the
back of tilt% eviart arose, and began,
tv inove tow-ard the judge'a staud.
Oree they stvpped to look at each
o-ther, anil tht-il, cow:ng tilowly for-
ward, la:41 Ltnvn thAr piRtols and
the.r diollar... As they turned. their
backs, 1he jadg�! Said:
"This wan with tile Mack
ers is tk�- toiw that I toriglualty saw.'s
-New Lngland gazille.
V di:lhes or pots and
raw, Lt�vers i)ry $0ap (.1 po%-der), NOR
ry Iliovo t L., grea -� e n I t It tit L, greitea t ea! -:e.
a ullul izi in the swil), of
101 f1l"t, hiot. XV8 entingh to
141.0. - WI, blool hod.
Ills Own Free NIIII.
%RIP's 1ANINMAT. It if� THE rcl�-
.040%, Lea In. for bar:1.,
It 1�- trrhoy a W,)nd-0uo me"14-Mm
A Irs, Maxwell Tells How Much
Pain andStiffering way be
A Vory lixterestitig Statement by an
Elora bady-Sho 11as Foutid. it, Pan-
acea for al 1 14 einale Weakness and
NV ants Every W uxuan iLi GAnada to
1010W it.
NIOTa, Ont., Jan. 18, -(Special). -
Alre. Maxwell, of this place, has writ -
ton for publication ta, very strang
letter in whIch she claims that DoitWs
Xilbley Pills lf�lve cured her of Fe-
male Weakweest after sho had tried
almoat everything else.
.Plila Wood laily, according to her
stitemont, suffered for a loing tirne
ivitli kidney trouble, L-nL]uriug the�,,;t pain with a dIzzinLss and
110,td.10110s that made her very III. She
wits p-issin,-; through Nvb.%t is always
a critical perlud Ili every waman'u
life and her troubles were coinsid-
ekrubly Increased by thI8. Indeed her
life w4isi foer a tImoe In. great, danger.
�Qie says she used Dodd's Kidney
Pills with the mi_mt remarkable Te-
sulb�, bolng alillost instantiv re-
lieved and In a vory f3hotrt tlm�e, coan-
pletely cured and ratgwred to good
6he is very grateful, and In tier
letter,she says: "I ca.unot find words
to express my gratitude to God for
my marvellous cure. Dodd's Kiduey
PilLs,Lreth,ogreateet medicine in the
woirld, especially for thoso of my age.
"I could scarcely move hand or foot
I was so dizzy, naid violent pains
wxtuld FIloot through nkv whole sys-
tem, but now thanki; to -Dodd'a Kid-
ney Pills I feet well and smart I "
ThLs care and Its cure bas created
quite a sensation and Mrs. Alaxwell's
full and frank 4;taLeIIat,'?IIt Of the Mat-
ter, ling been the subipet of a great
drA tit comm(Itit.
1),�ddlg Xhiney PlIla scom. too be am
Uffall:1ile cure for Macases of Wo-
mont Ivi well Ila for RhIuniatism, Dia-
betti.,. BrIg-lit's Msease and all Md-
r4ei dh5ortiors.
Still Ili SUMA, Quo.
T-,iey have asked the visIting Eng-
Msv -Vuinall wha ;I sho Lava "lit ur \o%,
"I think It will I)t% ctharWng-
wl-on It Is fin!Awd", Said thi!
Mmrtl's Lhilmont Curps Mstlimper.
It 'Vill t'llr1160. Ilv"n pvtvlo to 11$4-
041%�-v that tolk, It loll. --tion of ClIhIn. 1.4
nroitvr thun t1II.t 4'r ItuvNia, (Irvat
1'rit -ILI. 00VIUMI.V. Fraltets. Japan antl
tho I'llitud V!tatln; awl
tit t VhOUL IVIL. It 1�'JOIIIW III rap ild..
c r�u, hatost 160100.-
gq I,- larMov, pill .1 lulu-va'a llotential
'j�Ab. mlent i�. %aahtv. undur-
* 1101fro-IN n0f. l'i 4A:. pl�z;rclrt. alo.
tvt wilbINa I It t1to olDiAlvat ra-
allof U.* thAve iffai I 1,1114�4wltary
t1u4- Vignom, tare uu-
ma*,he4L-D'r.�vn %,,% 21- t9f Iltok N.'*,%v
CriAria0%, 11' , ir Tr.orU Avripo."
*_14 44 tolo -F,"40 Twr% 01'rier",
WV to rrut fri-m" t4o all%
I'M li�,eo,npt -1 foe tiento r"
by Opt-rgo, It. Vaufo+Q, G".1.
eraq Now YfV214
Cbmtrall. Graud Ct,rt'ura� Now
calum 4 tIa A, "k % In In 14043
It rf,wta-49 vv�,j �p
fit, 4 tnm ,asl tntttiah irn�tore on 1� IV I-ILLUG V1 V 1;U r. I ADI Ca
gettIng Zm I toa.dn't svwpat.�e"&Qlly for a Moment
n, ti 1 MUM 044
IS!", 4
go, L6 ;,, rou nc 1 0 cl,,QvZ�,��Vatq- DIP
1110 L
Asv,o un-vj�
111roduct% of, tho fiardtku That Are
nird*!; TA It V -o ]DIplaRboria.
ta. 4a Uv ootar� I h i t a!4 a k4f�
kuo ��
It Doar 0,11"At AD
RAP -14 vZV OWL �,MV *5VI
Ilion Medicine.
th co ra o: �'J 1%4 " 1�� T�fae,
jjjoLa T IN 5_�tfallf a la1
ao L11.0
orae olqw rVant laugr. who sc4 alwayA
Ogg 11-S
ia.rd thvtl�
W21 2GIt-'4! Wtlldl 011%'Ur Will
numare itif witalt w g�Ango on abutt
t- 4"I'l t`�f% I I
MR. %�VUPL, Topqhuagiray. "T " due-
Wagi aM Mg -rt to gwthpr wzr-
w.!h jtto
tho e, -I n _m:
t Ew M W ft.
s 6�Lt 4,34 '1 DO
p�e�voqqa "i.
VS2 k:vl all in-
ILP N�V�: r'- I
vir," t ult", b El 1'. 6- kol a 4t M,
Lt"lluee hmnq a OJTALTAhi.�g
fp " *,*
In a Chl�.IIAAO
It, � 11
' Ld IN 1-2 �� t�'�T Lia -4 lund M30 p
Ut,121 Etc latrILIS MM -1 ia on
urid.0, asid 61tu had to do )vithout tile
nfti f !1 mv7o."J f
r� 6 ell It. W&_, r,_m�-2e'a It tl,� thou T-Ourt"
rem. C"Lly.
HL4 lattentrnm Ivas drawn to an &0
UP c,�J zl�y A t 9. -'A
kil o
r� t2ii's 29 vtdutit tloo! eolatf, temll
Vo-k-rzi. Us no ae"owdmL�A Inervo
Lntraim��wt�. vilite V�_St ne"t tt'�
Iron '15 CZ1 htl"* t. Inat
Lrm-_-71 'mc-,
Last mwtt I dircame,11 qT a D!1itJ �v
Qftd, nki0re
Du prz-�jr�rljg,o n
X= got the taft&
V.-�,�,A to sn-no
aL ',ill. For une thing, money ran
tM4"D%S "19.0 Z6�a a totle mar t"."e
t=.'11 MaLd the C&4P1iVftftt
"h&I da Muow
ones are not well made -and
Lallid, it bulase of ill,!� "fitness Uf
Lailigs" NvIlich may have Caused him
jrzzmap'�e WON Die rdkevcr
man. Tmu WI -tat �Vo'a
U -se of tFurfir Odor.
%-Im w
In -Ar
nal� tci�cns DarAy ttze t"180d and
L4� f4r_ I ntil %V�Plag rhy eye -
Eug 011ie was qaec�t. 11
to t.113ne up
licurietta Alarla, wife, of Charles I.,
po try lba Ls 4", 1:�?, I ft�
`9110 vea kw)w what Z"fm aro UsDag.,
F-Zv-t-,= -1,0,;
1%1;3e N�"v as �A girl UZZC's On klvtr�� '. I usAng a lv�-Iv tu,6_1105-
tf 4 "-f 4%1�y or -Ray it �,-
kilte was pretty, slica Nvas a French
p.rincesis Laid a'6igoted Rowan Catho-
KIOUEA Le t-wabewed t'�y
re C'VcF"r. *-13 ali'd
q4r�'Ll " f
- - - A s (-*T ced IrUnne wDno-
Inn �q� vyllo, imavp usp any 1 g
-1 a gi-orr4or pr &pj_ Dar HIM I nevi�t th n but, a
� - -I-
tL&� fnUl, Hevr but for t1urat
terials are used in the patching
AP4 r, um,,,A 4;,;, ru.lng
Q -I L%21 iS *1,91; J;euaLy lynrPosr?,
'eafirg `Ttnt
llcw Igo Pelt.
of I 0-In't It rather
A eett"'a:7L, f- 1-1 i5aSC 0- of the sz�-
F�tv tt�,� Ib�rsty "w's Standing �n
ss is a �1. alli-around" llltl� pftllluvv��. br I tooL."ok a
'�Vattft" "ga,
laud at ail. Mile Uki)rge 1. waa be- I
brace-utp Chp FZ,,stT=. rvow MID ir-very tilme I wDprsl my
h -a"' W -h ��Laa ropirt'.es tr'] tt�rr,%r it atvay after-
stat,; Ty�IL
CN�ZLIP dP %IeDj��Lp 4CWaM,,,*a or n
an I aruid!UPS f- gual] fo th�? raest Bug- v,-.qrd:, tr:t it Iq ��Upt as ge"'.14 to lqvrmot
Uvj j �,Jo � �,, * 1.
.1, _� a .4 !AD. a F wo RU
Q! uILL llv�t r Vl:`L�"." MkI 'd- ?R$_ WD'ItI A. I V_�n"D't f?#Y
Its TE".. F flv�*j'�vtn,�I' KMA`.01 ID" 11 -n -
N 9-e track, -A ie;�,
Pv .
Par. it k�4 :iWiv
Varo3mi- of BrunuswhIk is th!_- last,
�4z�vto was
E, -3r,.
_j(r I have rovinfl!
an 't wo-1. r4-wurk:aWk-, lastalive of the
unerowne4i Eng -11.4i queens. Though It,
was rike
v9rqug- t.�,�aLt ha
C im.4 for sai-
tkat thero Is notlft.- qrute go godl
tEut in paddLT'q MIZA tLtie
pv1rf1t,,_AIy npvv 'hatk note for
Wrapper Of eye ry bottle.
paiJis an�t IwnaltwLi against
nothillg Would hifinev hilu to let tier
i arn even a rwi]l.
euk-aning gwalEser.. It elpans theng bit-
y ang b -t-
��:Tnttrs; w�, rc- Evwftr�,_- wath
ratq gtr-Jrc,�el =-,n wiLl exrt2a.ln, i
lro-pitv. tand npv;,r seiIatP-hr,,3 'iho Sur -
thit-y �-,Qntaia- farp-of the glvts. ll"ik-e a Moto of
wid $1. all druz3luits.
to allar, tlllr3t� 1rhe
othtr�r rrafav Md so, nial In tutn
som-a can rh�..
1111nar'll's r"lrcg Gargat In
U: .en a
gai'l. W911 D�as p"JC:,se"3 'M�� rV,1"�.Dlon Con to tJIS
vA -,
i,trawt,-i vqbni t4wlilip-.I Th* bra% e
Is - n4c. It mnz, bltb q new ldet to
f-M:Ee-at-onq ;n vnp
t Mi -11 FOlt MAL Olt 1W.41-
T:eT7,,CA Lrzo- fire j,uugs
-V M347 twt��Utrn Who wivar s aetaelee.
to an ofx"�eat Cizat is Vi3q,
Iters-ly Her P-411cy.
113 V."C:i lu
Anl dranA 5� :Tism
rev 551
L-Inigneirit careg 0-Aasi ete.
114.'4 Vat"vh 11are.
eo ti,or t"!,)
�S 'I tit tL t�p T,
.6,1 .21)5at on
f�f nown to reno.2-
-, wariigraphs. con-
A Cots uttIrte-it.
makt rv."Irt
0 T'11;
Z_,�e vrfl�gn,%
tattl an tti;l u-zat as he3nrml �n easap 4,
*m6ro are & humhet ot crouterfe,21
17011n*04., rntp to fiT=�41. par
CO.. 1 021,4. Va.
tt,l Wf-rt- by' a, WrStr,
oomlu,�019 0", chn Id'i two doltat blil�l
A cor til"
VvIV41'.40, 11"W110. 0,
4��Rbba_-P, M 11071an,]. Is re-gar.k-d 1,
in 011t�CnDatfioa h* -re. Iand the pulffle !sr
mod, iiagen. thr cmoto�. b8% on sklary aild
paradyzed grafterst hang-
as sTvaathIn7q ot a ivood parifter,
vmvned to Took out for thm. The
Th4re Iq iso ,wielp ilvir,4� a
I'n., aroand
o Uat the aufliority is vague. in Ger_
bill ftunter.s,11ted ila a novv 1"ine of
toueu. S%x�. trc,-ull- Trr,-n
1-2 dr-anken g;ee slimated alond.
rirl!w its effteaey Is purely sauc�r_ j�
11 1
ChAi one that has a fls:,bIzg gdtne on
to Vv�rs� TrrA!; 4
� X all 1, ffi-Ml h en two rA
ve, Homecr fdMIgn Toalred=d vs-
t4ollf.*93. 1"'o4wirl t9na palefie, IMPI Thp Fi4tent
the face. rt looks Ilks a wood a -at.
P, curpa the wo�rsl a,, tc�,cq. It
J_ last b LairwUs drea= was a
Pars:f1- W11D assigt gool digest -on,
aM MO 1110k !'.s VerV poor. Tibe wordsr
lilllay;.; 1
ppy dreat
n�i.-_At of a�a -2 -night ba"t
IMP cheese ard nats, but a QuantIty
"D.,xmilAr n of Chnn- �a on the face,
aIr roas:4�ig--.ts.
thIngs flowed in
in exetse of or,JIVLary capacity ;1af;
look as timuea the Ink had run.
.1Un1PIn_- at
V;.�,,qtre th,e wet a
livantMal ereanr
to be cohtmined. Th(,reln ties tilp
w1hen "lley -carr!,�d n2a h6me vyn *
Pampkns are tti Ingrerillint
so. MOAT for It E, T, R '256
hadvt yr,"a be..,n jg-
ta a
fng will-ra YT)71 rm=i� -1ti last �igbs 71 .
4 Patent nlodtein� thl, Ig t-aarant,,o,,-gJ
I. M, - . I
--nion he L-ttd read"niv,_ the
', to eure ;% variety oT af,=,nta fl-
4MS I 'Xit _�, W0=an. -yu�t 0$!- .
Lft(l somp Uctla raa,�Strate loaked at the Prisoner
is Ileir to, bnt tho worl i Is �norvjs.
gettIng Zm I toa.dn't svwpat.�e"&Qlly for a Moment
ilig Ill InInAb tnnts who, fla not Tue-
1,,eVeL tlaey hear.
rollne�a a few b - 'r;a-aim. I tfw).,. ask6-1:
off My elotlwn In thp weatlier 2"
ri',�Fe, a -91y,
am -d wort. mv sllk I.a;t to, bi,4.1. udly 11YE-sl" yqar honer," vras the
re -
YOU M,4i off to thi� conclus:o-i til;at igpon".
known that seven of the women who
X had been drInking'.11 I -Discharged," said thA- court.
are known in history no queens were
not so in factI They never received
sign for a medicine did you?
Reason Worth I'vilking About.
, "0
�Z 10,�
Well, it's a good sign for
A little girl from a crowded tr_,np.
ment 1; ou.
se was 41 lig�:tetdy telltil" a
rrlftad 1:1 I -e Cnl� go Settle
t . ment
Scott's Emulsion. The body
Second wife Of JGLIward 1. He IuLd
abot t beT llc!w Ifec.ter.
has to be repaired like other
Walev and Ili tryiiig Lu ountlaur Soot;-
Ju4t a p -,f -et lady, that's
On -e ounce olSunIn t Soap is worth, more tnan R F-CiM U Cr"
things and Scott's Emulsion is
What ON- sald the child.
4 E
Two ounces of impure soap. XxPrINSE
urid.0, asid 61tu had to do )vithout tile
Huh ! Pow dt) you know shes
P,rr, at ]aily ?11 her
-plundurpi uX the pagoant.
rri -nd "You'vi! knowit her only two
Ask tor the Cletagon, Bar. 11' yoar groftt' oa=e. supply, VTite to
uomp,k LIXFM, 1!0-�otLto� setaitg his name aad tLddretg,
Alino Boleyn should be crowiled with
s lta'�y tin-lu"ril t8lI1Tt"*;t11 vorab tile
of 'Ott,
a t�rial s=ple of Simught sj)ap vill be S=t �Ty6u :tree 'of Colt..
from worry, from over -work,
tadignamt an!-wc-%r_ IdT know s!le.s a
rjerf�ot lady N,cIalige sbe makes me
feel polite all the time.
ISSUE IYO. 4, 190;1.
rA i LOU
P 9D 1riff 9 9,
England has had many royal women
ri',�Fe, a -91y,
qaeens in their own rights ana queexis
by virtue of marriage Nvi th the reign-
Ing sovereign, but it Is not generally
known that seven of the women who
Never thought of such a
are known in history no queens were
not so in factI They never received
sign for a medicine did you?
officially the insignia or a monarch,
We crown. The first was UargarLt
Well, it's a good sign for
of France, the yuung, plain, amiablu
Scott's Emulsion. The body
Second wife Of JGLIward 1. He IuLd
bipluic so much atuney iu Conquering
has to be repaired like other
Walev and Ili tryiiig Lu ountlaur Soot;-
land diat hu ovuld aut; afford the ox-
things and Scott's Emulsion is
I)V.1160 of U 0QX0,JLLiQI1 for his girl
urid.0, asid 61tu had to do )vithout tile
the medicine that does it.
-plundurpi uX the pagoant.
Ring IiLllry %'.ill. tuuk care that
These bodies wear out
Alino Boleyn should be crowiled with
ext.roma magulficenou. liu. &sired to f
,illOW Lh(.1 WUrld hU%v much JIU loved I
from worry, from over -work,
aer Lind how very mucii. he defied the
BiJJ1UJ> Uf ItOUICI The four wiveo Nvito
from disease. They get thin
�,uccueded hur were never cruivue(I
Some the
aL ',ill. For une thing, money ran
and weak. of new
,�liort, and fur auutli��r Lnere WLLY
'U've lurkd, evell Ili Ili, masterful
ones are not well made -and
Lallid, it bulase of ill,!� "fitness Uf
Lailigs" NvIlich may have Caused him
all of the old ones are racked
LO wirilik IrL.Iia I)UijliCly CrU%Vtli.Ug bU
many ladies Ili hucii, Nery rapid iuc-
from long usage.
ueLmlon. At any �ratv, the, beloved
JanL- Seymutir, Uie (Actq)I:jeiA AIILIe Q1
Scott's Emulsion fixes all
Cleves, Lae girlish CaLbvrino Iloward
and the NV'UrF CaLlItIZOW Parr Nvere
kinds. It does the work both
never conaiecrated in public as queelt
eutisorts of England.
. I
inside and out. It makes soft
licurietta Alarla, wife, of Charles I.,
roawLd to be crownuu. She wakiyouag,
bones hard, thin blood red,
kilte was pretty, slica Nvas a French
p.rincesis Laid a'6igoted Rowan Catho-
weak lungs strong, hollow
ae and Nlw (leelILLOLI to take part in
u. state function
places full. Only the best ma -
which would coni-
Pei Iter to partulze of the sacramenii
terials are used in the patching
accordhig tu Cit-urch of k:ngland
and the patches don't show
i6ophia, Lorothea, of Zell, cannot be
reckoned the *ioNrji, beuautie
through the new orl ow of health.
LAii� waas avver callod Queen of L'ng- I
No has towait his turn.
laud at ail. Mile Uki)rge 1. waa be- I
Ing cruiruvAl aad ano.jited, aattl-,'
the Lattv A111(hin
You can do it yourself -you
or W" pla-
Ing In her long, nioakitonous captiv-
and the bottle.
Varo3mi- of BrunuswhIk is th!_- last,
This picture represents
an 't wo-1. r4-wurk:aWk-, lastalive of the
unerowne4i Eng -11.4i queens. Though It,
the TrAde Ddark of Scott's
Georgo IV. had Nwil fort: -.-d from p� sp-
Emulsion ard is on the
ular iii-tignation to vivo- up tlwtilli
of lior,
Wrapper Of eye ry bottle.
paiJis an�t IwnaltwLi against
nothillg Would hifinev hilu to let tier
smal for rice $=,pip,
Omrp bis voronatitit. Nho waq riot
to 1)�� Ill West
lyrillitti-41 llrei4quL -
1 lwn,;tor mItio.v tu tt,l. i.4PiiP:,iI from
a;I the ow r4imitil u)
wid $1. all druz3luits.
Itor hoilsot to 0v witIiia thri-s-we,-Ut;
of a vlohat feNt% Itrosuo" till I ly
niontim of tviliftil o-\c;tvuwnl,. The
I I T T 1.41 N F. S R CIIANCK%.
i,trawt,-i vqbni t4wlilip-.I Th* bra% e
Itt.irt wari brokon at IwIt.
t Mi -11 FOlt MAL Olt 1W.41-
1 -101.1"S` THIS Ill
jkjb� �Ltj.,' f'.4o trI.4 Ilj�jt
114.'4 Vat"vh 11are.
111. .1. (111 B1.101Y & t q I.. Te.edo. 0.
YOU lk"kIli M3 10MU' Vit'j0011i N24-. 1�414.
We. tile Law Impun F. J. l'i
vNertt4o. I'f,MM ;,�,rluoi,�. fravi.
Vhrne% forthr Lut and II011'Ve bilik it
rucilti of t%`fc,V,. me�. by
Avid Guancoady alile to I an"y C 'r
tVagot lurAd- up Mor Ural. ri
17011n*04., rntp to fiT=�41. par
CO.. 1 021,4. Va.
Iftrugght!). To.
Wile, 0.
XSN*i�A% &I wanvin,
A cor til"
VvIV41'.40, 11"W110. 0,
%VhIltere Ue NMI ],oat awl fil U %voy to traka
mod, iiagen. thr cmoto�. b8% on sklary aild
minutistiou I. bqtdo6me austo let rajptsir4a fite;
onr*�ldoliuo L*Zp, cur salcotm,c) rqilr.rdtilly;
"i ft A ;-'bZd t
urgu,, and get twrlu ate
Via. tti,
"RrIT F'J*R11 rt)jt Op TUS
chest itt the N44owa pemascloi, M
� X all 1, ffi-Ml h en two rA
ve, Homecr fdMIgn Toalred=d vs-
t4ollf.*93. 1"'o4wirl t9na palefie, IMPI Thp Fi4tent
wayla, IX &Mvq = of wb;*b is an troitt,
Will tlf rAM io ago par�.*A or
tatul lovwf �enec�t fttblau
inW Wimf 15 to �11 Atwo w tzit, rur.
TWis iq a dv,"Iol Wumifta A,T&ew
_It cdr0ntct. It M ��l C
T U R Ki E. Y_ "S
We 'W111 #*�V, S.0a 0 ctrkti Ott
pound lot ptuvk(A 1,13rk-F6. Iftrtt
orsmall) tots. We bily 0M kifidt
of Poultry. U'a Pay freight Aild
send chtek or tnono�v ordek stis
aoatk ag we receive the PouitrV.
SAAMVVII:� U IAWts a- co.,
Comnillssloa Slerchants,
London, ont.
I Wt
I M=�_, 6=
. Q ON
� ON
Mg Of NO "OOP5,
rA i LOU
are vastly superior to the ordinary
Wood nware artleleff for domestic are.
r*r sale by all first olasm deal "IL