The Herald, 1901-11-01, Page 6115 Chgo Boy.Stabbed.. Wth Quer.Weapon. TERRIFIQ OUST EXPLOSIM ellow Fever !epidemic in ,Seuth America -Levi MortolOsleaughter Aspires to be a Prevail Dachess- (Nine! Matter Ceder Way 'Oct. 20. -With a largo /natl.* needle, sueb as is used by tatiorse, David Bornstein, aged 13 years . stabbed 17-yettroild Harry Himmelfiniar to death last night. The younger brothers of the boys heAl tad a ehildieli quarrel. When the older buys met on Om street near their homes they took up the quar- rel of tune littne fellows. ,Himmelfarte who is a COatlaukcr's heiper, pulled front a lialf-fadidied coat he was narrYttig home a big basting needle. Ho plunge1 a into young Berinetelles thigh, and ran. Bernstein, mad with pain, pursued lam, and drawing the - needle from ith leg. as he overtook aorereary he held, Ellmtaelfatil with one hand, while with the other he drove the long needle into his• QUt gv.ou iuleatian, au a tuu, heart, the boy'droopingdead where ihnoon. ho stood. 13ernetein then fled to his To leading Membews a ill.? Boa- 110nr.x, where he was ....Inertly after- gariau thiverement agree, 1 en:litre, .wards arrested by the police. trent tho brigantes aro willog to sur- • • render to the Buhl...rant tretnos, and! la this o use :ar w..ul 1 b,.u (ranger the barrel. The eat lived, and Mrs. PittsbergeOct. 20. --By the explo- to the captik ir th.vel:calla' be nt- maylue immediately !prepared tie -make Glen of gee in the dust ea. -teller of tacked by Taritislr troopr Ore MI- the trip. Teelay was her forty - So. 1 of th, rnegie fur- gau..e kveulil fightmid to the lust I third lertlulny, end she decided that .i. Ca nae.' a a the Varnegie 1:!tei1 (_o., at Ition Rtn tfteaptilW. Tee Turkish 1 this was the day for her Journey. peirdilae. Penn., eerie' t.tle morning. ' treips are en.krr teeters not to at- all .preparatIona had been inade foir well were Weil.," ariurekt. ThAr wee, tiro brig-m.1e, even if they are for several dave in advance. At 2.28 evarees are Jelin M.:Allister, Harry •,flrIopia.0 SS SI E PROBABLY SAFE. Macedonian Committee im- plicated in Plot '-KIDNAPPE13 BULGARIANS, Belief That They Would Surrender to Unigaria, But if Attacked by Turkish Troops Would Fight and Probably murder Their Captives. New reak, Oat. 29.-,Froln the: fact that the Origins:0 that kidnappoil Mese Burnell -eye permit fed cuminuni- eation with h.e., it is believed that Miss Stone is ;Wire and safe from harm. tor the prciSeat at least, my by a woman, when, Mrs. Anna Edson. cerrospondent. Taylor, In her barrel, navigated the C. M. theicinseti, the hiplumatio Upper Canadian Rapitle, and plunged agent or envoy of the United States ••••.•••••••••••••••*•*•••••••••••.••*.••••••••••,:rr.,r: OVER THE FALLS IN [I BARREL UT OF IT ALIVE. VIrs, Annie Edson Taylor's. 3ANIE Daring Feat. Bue Badly Braised and ethecked- elicnt a Severe Scalp Wound,--:Dee- tors Think She WILL Live-Ber Life Story -She Needed. Money.. Niagara Falls, Ont., Oct. 24. -Ono of the greatest as well as most dar- ing feats , ever attempted was ac- complished here to -day, and. that in over the Horseshoe Falls into the le 1 .1 • -.I s C nsul-tien- • e gorge- beneath,. a elistance of 165 etal at Constantinople, la an it.tet saltr: have itineihate proof of feet, and lives to tell the tale of the .compllel ty 1 the 'crime of some het remarkable trip. Mrs. Taylor has members of tile efacedoluanotlemunit- the dietInetion of being , the only tee. Tao hrtgAtcts wit attacked Miss Stone's purty were oi gained hi 'lark- Minoan being who has successfully 'ea toz arra cloak. Bac two of eh, m gone over the falls of the Niagara therw back tin ir cloaks durieg the and lived. Soo ha1 a well -made bar - attack, thus recent:log uinfoetn of rel, padded with (mein:ens, and equip - the Macedonian Cenualetee. They' .hed with a Igo:aces of straps to an - 'were receenIze-1, tete 4.9 Bulgarians, eiat JIM: in making her trip inn safety, hloreover, they stooke peer Turkish, and sonic degree of comfort. She arnived here torne ten days ago with, her manager, Frank if. Rano hell, from Bay City, Mien., where she had beee engnged. in teaehing. The barrel came with them. They secured a cat, and seat it over iu EvY, Dant.°) Nlet'urtity and Johu Me- ,, nal o mALL lsim re. the W or& t. cals. The iejered wiii all rk-cer- !., -,New York. Oet. 29.-Diecuseing tire er. The property damage is aboet , .,!.. or mi6i 0t. on,_. witn a :Sofia cot, $34,000. 'Dry. furnace was wr.nke i rtepontlent. tire Busman eiplornate. 4e1, the duet catcher ruined, a b:g . ng..n.t. Bakinwtert uncle ti,tt to.ww. glee tank tleetroyell and part or the, ', lag stav•monl.: "1 nave seat a man beihrr lioese demolished. on my OW11 r equinsib.lrty. awl at ray Yellow i.evee e.pliteirile. . owe pease, to tey to open retnuirunw- N ew York, Oet. titre -According to cation 'with tiro urigan he tmerea 1 the 'Herald adticee from the Pack- ' feae it 14 tor late. tor a woman ur- eic toast of tsouth. ,&mertea, yellow ; Itteis stono's ago eon horny have etre. fever la epaletale in Buenaventura.. %INN, the hartedripe. Mum*, wr, cold. ex - r tee..urs.), met Meng, trviieri from place kesplikt to be n litnehrion. 8 No Orem Valuarile threw lure been parte, On. tineettount Bosande Per- I, to .t lit disetteeitire id! posehoe tooe igerki, who reemitly in irried Miea t, 1.,,,zr.,,.1.1 k W.k i i .P P Mall 119r of reeede Helen Hortou, deughter of Mr. Levi II a th,,, hop -r,04. ileum „„1,3:,,I 1 .1h 1 naary P. ftlorton, form wr 1, ice-Preselkett has IL ropted. vetomug. to di ts or the, United 'States, has pawil.14- ' fir.% te get tire eirptive beek bYlut.r. ol the Chateau of N'eleneny ter ti..- leg tlie ranson.. end then recover 714.r.03 trance. The tremer .0 tim tho arretunt teem the reeponsible &mein ol' Vele:way. if a member ,.. giogrameat„ of the family. le entitled to rresiiiire t the duk writhe. The ti.inleie eepreases. e.n the bth eal at Vomit poem de per. Till A1 t i os lgord %cal eltim :ill tights; and the li i' 111 notd gill termer 31bge 31ortost will time be -11 come Purim* of Vet wneay. 1 That tweet Jiattere. ;New York. Het. iitt =The lionnion Two Men Conv:ottd ef At - "hints, In it eiltrirlel arteries as ll table.1 to tire Neer York Time% sirys I 'igniptqd Murder. it •1z.us rearken to believe that 111.±1 basis or a now ttrrangetahnit. re- ' ate.314 tier Iktitinian Canal haft i WitiA, 43 P:aloliPlo bl' the 4, DYNAMITED AND CREMATED. tile dui United 'etetes Hotern.:, II At the Cornwell Vail Ass7n204 two -----"---------- . . 11 vere bed ra:741 WIrlik0 pat out of the Pm Bill i rin llismlssA - 1 , ' pear.; The* tenet PAIN ',ether Hall, i ter ttrids 01 seven and five EILII. UULLL . .., the head of a gang which line tet - t reritel the heightertheinel or WiliBiatite- , burg for vow. tilde. LCue tii tfie on; Was bit to A Good Deal of Feeling °yetii terut r _or btralleth Enoriteeet nal .. 1 naettetin I.Veat§ tIv.4j141tv-ro1 theetillst him. tt in England. „ tvidkrdet. Noon .t. Ilia Was reliant. de- ' spitei threats, by a farmer inutiveril , Menet" itrid titerahers el 1es fleshy. toeeet tree dtippinif thiten nee jaciltet. She was !IOW ore sed and selierieg Tram sheele. A boat %yes seoureel, and ,she weS 'placed in it and rowed the Maid of the Met landing, weere a, caeriage took her to her boarding, !Jittery to Lave, 'Dr. W. II Hodge, the leading phy- vician anti surgeonof the city; was sommonee and dressed Mrs. Taylors inhinees. Ire announced that Kilt; was in pretty oaa &nape, but thougla she Would Pull through. Mrs. Taylor was aelted to glee an oecuunt of her trip, but all she coal say was.: "1 was whirled around at lightning speed, and then I crashed into the rocks three times -u11, lay head, my "Ctronkan cannot give any.' clear seetenient, arid probably never will, The trip Wan a wild and dangerous ono from beginning to end, and the terrible drop of 102r feet is probably wiiM ocenaletned the shoek. The coa- ct:0Am threw her :evilest the barrel trft,.1 predaced the cut hi the head de - Spite the cashiane, ante straps, Mrs. Taylor states that she is 43 yeatIS of age, was bora at Auburn, N. Y. dile war, ediaetitod in. the Com- mon sonool 4, was m ierie.i at nineteen to :t (lector, who dloi a year rater, leaving her with a child. The child died later, lute since then Mrs. Tay- lor itas earned. her livelihood by teaceing. having taken a coursein the State Nc.rmal etnitool. at Albany, N. Y. • When asked why a woman of her telt.° t fen and tette i ern (7n is should seek such notoriety rho said she had. not made any meney and thought ir kite ol'uld acen.ml).1411: seine such act es this ehe c ale make a lot of money ana b forever ir,depenclent, S!1D, Irmrever, took the preceution. to leave the. .address of a sister, Mrs. Jane M. reehlall, of Edihytown, N. Y., to be uotified, Fos. :King's coronation. London, Oct. 25. -Australia and New Zealand are sending military contingent:: to the King's coronation next year. It is expected Canada will anon ee represented. Men who have veer! seridee in South Africa are get- ting prtferenee la these eontingents, :toe tile Imperial Government is anx- ious that Hon. Dr. Borden, the Cana - Olen .finieter of Militia., should have eleked men In the contingent from tho Dominion. AWFUL HOLOCAUST, •Nine -story Factory Turned Into a Furnace. VIM JUMP TO O -ATH. .Nuraber of Vietime Not Vet Kinowa, But Blevein Bodies lied :hinny Been lteecivered -Bundling Full of Inliammable Material. Philadelphia, Oct. fierce fire is -raging on Market street, between 12th and 13.1in streets, and it is ,1,etm. dheavyl loss of life in- 1,0The fire started at 10.30 a. an., in tho nine -story building owned by Hunt, Willtieson &Co,, furniture and upholstering manufaeturers. Although tho structure was Eire - proof, it was filled fruit' cellar to roof with highly inflammable ma- terial, and in a few minutes flames were burstiag from . every window, making' it impossible for tile fire- men to assist those in the burning Hundreds or men and women 'err outplayed by the firm, and a gree.t many were killed and injured. Cp to 11 o'clook 11 Wales have been re- moved to the morgue, and it is cer- tain that others were killed. IMAYMIllig beetle.. The names sprenol sa quickly that nearly toe...ebony who timed get VIAL WAS onimpennea Lo Jani. Irma Lnk: foe! escapes in 1.00 reete, Itnan frents .41 a narrow sereet. Mom th.: firemen teen:need the seane this street woe literati' :Patel up who' the bodies oi People wane h ta intoned. 5..ra.: were (toad, otneree wet'? tieing. Lyiug fl tine fire escape at the !nth story la full view oi loI1,.t1L3 t3t eptertatore %ewe a body remitted .to a comer, and other obj.ets4,fl th fire eseitpe 'higher tie were bedekel, to be ladies. raLlp • BytowittiesSiS say the flames Spread w tun rimeekable rapail.to. 1.1.11111 thee nay WOO 0ftis to. the In that moell naphtha, varnish, exetle hior Lunt other loghly inlauntualhe material 'were useet ay the Jinn. Late eeetea Venni started down th lire itteape In inc rear rf, the buil Mg tie - fore Vito flashes were Nisible from the street were thimpelled to Pimp Where they had .traVelled two stories, Lw- C1LUI4. 44 the flames breaking ilia:net the 'whidow8. etokiping fur Life. The first firemen who arrived on the we're devoted there energies en- tirtly to Vie work of rtereete Nets -were tipread bI tite front and rear of the buildurg, and tome WII0 ;MINIMd were erteed le this N'as. Ono oomatt jutowti trom 000 uf tire meadow., of the market street. front, Out the melte blinded her and mire IlileSed the net, etriking the pateraent lard dying inetately. In the rear, et owing" girl who janipd from 0103 et the top etorres eaught on the fire escape tit the third etory, and the flaw* Inirstleg front Line whitione burned lier hotly to a erip in el - meet no time. Two melt, are white aed one eirfored, emerged front tile fourth ntory, etood oa the fire trek eape with the Bemire all around them- The white mb ria.need up and v driWft and tippeared to be bereft or his reason. Tire et -Mired man stood for re few r•eirorelle Mei then ifittlied to, hie death below. MRS. 21..V.11.1; lati.t.ON TAYLOR. D '4711 TtIE KING INTERFERE ttIv Ilaer hasbetni neteppell into a roveholt to Oliteli vi[11 it IN, wciI. distrurbel by a. ;nolo?. in no out. ! the barrel liad h -en attaelled. imitrdi. °rt., tro..onite adier,„, ' tieeee betwceli 11.30 mei hi rilanavell by Fred Irtne.st.ile and Won.; hew ehaetlig et the Liberal leautees wEntr, 1101, sold. rote Luther Ilan, Grave entether beet %kith totted latea by & hews age„ele, vt sewed tinter, taf.di iiP Meinille follotred in esol of ansistance. Ail his htozitt-ir, was stealing other 'were expOrt river Iron, kilew il Tine "lett artee tlee tried NIE..-illiu- P, LI 4 it.VellM;. tiul..4 nertertneteet Niro. vve, : * ' * s ,t,[10, Liberal wegithead)h deity that ne featil a rain, flallataii. Started for the head ior ham, web caned, le the (,;. tan-111dg off ereek batter. %virile' Reel Robins:le and- Fred Everre , lowa Girl to Wed a .Petroleum touelder the advisalliity: issultego, • stiaulfesto to the country eailing atrogg- to them the euttente. At Grass island :lira 8. �ii., - t r that they elite etteee fecia Wan Cotig eft her enter elotires.1 - nee seeereo er itatetathei:t fvzoftgli, Tavel lie ponies:A to, denoande tied eled in it kieket and short skirt I/ _ . r:od terrains, moetiy ghee. 1.ifte hire 1.•*N•tv • ,Alar•ht. At abeat iecleek the wells or the ittint-WIVEmon telleting rel. Vas .gave the frremea opportu- Iinter to Work icnit the other bunittille,o that were abia2ej and at k.i`e.oek . the fire wae believed to be under otitrol. 1 he Vietioho Stekleg manflitt tie to the mini. bet of persons killed. Huta, Wilk:aeon & Coo entployed oy.,,,.••••••••••11 . 'tied Ratite:ace' wet!' veal oil startle whole eut cent tire. The negro niade reeistariet whon liceutel to tllo stnk.n axid mad' DO oak: ry w - a " tile rto,nio$ r (melte( him. Ha never uttered a word der Log tile entire process and ,it wan only. when he was partly eonsumec that epectatow noticed any move in Nat' on 111,1 pa,rt. . die. Ball war giving Morris some thine, to Oat Wilen tee crime wo: committed. 5.110 tad turned her bacl to him to got food from the' eaphoari when zeded her with a pine club He then draggal her 200 yardt teem tee, store and robbed it. He hied left Mrs. Ball as dead, but sb recovered sufficiently to tell tin etory of the outrage. She Is still it a precarious condition. disease -the Boer war tile dtsinissai ', tIliedt , -, shr.4 sl.n.t4szel. I1t9 the bitrol. Hie e ',.., .,-*'• HEAL ROMANCE '1 - • A 1 uUCH ur , Ift he el.eVed to liaere started on the of tece. teller and otifier mattered, Ihteit ad lir,latey filePiree. who ), tep put teni atel a1,r was.lnuntro i 'The effort.; mede by- teveraI a th. •;-, *ea& 65,, g""94 "Att" tel-Allat- er4k"It9firnbrirtiVildj',. livefreVe;r1 i'l Nk''''.17' -1-13:k• (4'-`1" ..or li'lat:Virt- 1 06,t':5 °I,t1P11,1 viirless°Vlitivrrethealif NIVOirkiki,I1S1 !tiler': toodoo doti:y oetvcpApoto to eeeate enter ;toe aft upstaits Wiltoow toe i petite te -.1- • ...... a reeloig in tie/retell Butlers favor are; two Inellmta ligllt a fusel attached i. Ill l°w- lelt the -1 -*In -3 nt 3..--'1 il-- - - - t riath the '''Vele-1411111 te 1•111 ""tr°1"ati ' not known wiletiller allY et these es. peety eatetet, as those pallet*, ch., Li it againiet Um Image. The explesniots . c. atnacian e tore- lar „„„„ Is..„.b.- • beati"Xl() tilItCA t13 °aim 41.11 A5:5' were lying in the email street ill foto the action or the tear Office that tolletvell htoko tiro tvindow#, 7. ---Alt-It' gtige-e,' '6"Y" °9 --b -"‘-41 : etdcan bride, hag jest arrived nate the reari varlet:0v estninated at peterielly due. to tlieir nieeite to Make tu a stiek- or dynaurilto nkli Ogee tahnd ttlre lowed over to -wards QA,Foo rink-L.1A, who hog vonne etita,11.ettui,dthwg.iterd:te.rueizer. „De!, team; eeateey say anything bad - J -,look the Weise and sttititteni a child t 4.!(;'Inoa VA inrr;!- ,1 Voyreo down the deer. Bee . at ter Vas e ton to ing seal o eoey !thee he* taken ete the eodgego aod the iceal ccitstables uttennatee. r - , brick rind twisted Jive, Tho pet ee eteeteeded, !however len to arrest theta a.t their homes. 0„re resteNtig tire brim.. 0. titt the petroleum trade hi Vinland_ eay tha"wlicv ate haewa to hate 'rg ine etrtain amount of4per- An* asked to he allowel rent en tilet„1 at_td-ile,,,,Itt! died enteral reare no and the hasi- , beeti killed. The white men etooden trielt entintielasett Which rinds vent ha - liistc.at, lett thtew a, lateei tut toitt kit.gg kg bolt' cattied on by the Young' ' the file estape until he Wftft keret, rimele denionsttatiens wheretet ovet the hendi ot the Constable stand., Vte- "1"Js e wares mother.. w on the Deutschlithd. ig.attvianaire' front ele, to thitty, and they Were etettet aboat the general. for tvliora -wee wile in it. The men escaped. r,nfl ib eosr a o la- ‘lt, PoWnt tit _t coveted. with higedteda or tong or come, and then tell to Vie death ill Gett, Bailer's name is Mentioned. tj ing nearest hint and iimped from the f; altiee eas:-'41'1°8" "xl 15°t°6 t‘e rite Menthe age. While studying " tine 11 street'there It nting ot syropatiot, it winded"... This Was the last seen or e6lIslInted nl°t° dantelnt°°g and ''°" aft in Paris, Farviarein met as a *was ee re RYA* Pork le new vulekr emteidereel hive Winer they reached Ierthetee " teteetlee title "le 1VbitiPeel ItaPidm *potato:1 to too general of sword eased that tie beet jumped Ohm eel et lhon'ar as n reillteenal tElbate• la; upper Witdoir *scantily chid, and the, weet a Englanis joined his 'brother aniorlig the tail Bailors taint?. II; 'Si-C.:MUM, the feel- ; eleoboo le octal -red NoVeitibet tag tans 120- kreqa,nt meetings j lust_ chid ittepeatot mattey, 'aot. ar:1 there 19 ti"..11.7 of the Pree' liorite and fereed epee tire dear they batt("1geing delve lorie etretch or toesing Waters tretS Watched bee thoasantils of people Who. bad come dovire from &Melo and other tteightioting towns. Plunged ch.te the Provitelal rotee, evetit dotrri, and I 'It Was feet 4,1.'1 p.ni. 'When the bat= hate heat heri to elerionneee the Gov- : eitorittat's attion. learning that the inert had iett the re/ n4lIngtd'Ote the horseshoe Pails; ' ent Eaelt. Stores. i eontotty took oat ehteaditioil papers, haVitig takent heath:, twenty trilinitee 1 tepresentative of the Aesotiat-, Nothing further itas done at that to Make tine ttlit dowto Matiy lietei ed Ftesee leaktis that Geteral Bal- time. bat Luther returned teCanada, n-ete Made That the wolbaitial wastlea.d ler, first of all„ after clehvetirigthe. thinking the Storm heti hiceeli ov'ety / before, she teaehea the teas- e:The seer'eelt eat the Irarrehecda givert byi and taspLotor Monetay na,d ..thai at:. j barrel reappeared inside of a Minate . . . . _ . the Vaireeita Westra"eleter EiZle Vole r reeted. ._._ ... ils the holnag Noel...ors he owe and et reliew student Miss leristina Stew - ors'. daughter of 3t.sder. Siewere, pretester ot „A, 'dollop in Vitra. Mies Kristina had helm teught by her latent": to steak both Iterich aed many eighth thee ileeh ehteeett, Nthe Ittiesiate The two fell le lore and taabee icesis halt a trailtio*, becatieengeageciarter &short ttlend- -------------- „ ,,, ,..„., „ ship! 'AISEt Matters tante beam ireed iNEla THE . A E Patio two ttiontitg 410 to literate 1 ,i . ' S .estape on the front of the bujitling, nod ,all einployees rushed tratd1r the .rear. It LI Ilitiot? gala that Settitteell palO seta are knotein to have perished atid Ifor! her Wedding. which will take . _ • i piede Oet. Otitit. later the toe- hlear the ,yoting. people witl go to the bridegtoones hotte at lleishig- fora. Finland • Caterner, at their Iteaduar1.et In At tite trial non leered, than foutteen teatime:eel to circle aroriful cold eadnalle- eanit leentret. the shore, Westralaster„ to tionec of theft regi. Ment, weo had h.k patt ht the * at in Soatis eatiena, which le- ernited lila retirement, received tt toreoletti lettet. front in Edward, disapproving of Ms atteranaes, an:. un.h- eleatey latinatiree fiat Moira- _ _ gerieta Satieractioo or the toenail- tteo,tro "Thett the ,knarmAeleerreT-417v :11t.5%., Hail Weis seat to. kireestnet Petit- itt,Tioatlelte oellott000l )11111.°44 t°..1kIntic,ttiret.ti:)attt°oneT:tiliscaeaSersirieel ah.the and point blank t...c.rinaut13,1 litle tes- tmtrre A.s.az.et was that Atutui. igtiatiota., It Was storwy irtter- vie*, entileg in Gen. Ballet's fiat , Cb6, ler" .F,VPer "I his' wile had redesal rehig-a. it is said that „.,111" "Irler°°°eo 'Owl lived *Vert - the General -evert then did not be- -t-tn becaraeignruteniyorignOttriotelycluitytttreay- lteve. tnat the War OttiCe, *oak! ing veaviro: to retire viet. After th„ it'on a part a the house in tenn- i:MO:OW* ire,Irielt. went straight j coeter, Where Ids wife- arid tour ChB- tea1(5 eeaeo 4.17,/ vrete riving, and .rnad'e 0.4t: wets heteoh e.eate. Atterapt 1lUtll the faillAe and tie*, hotrod. lire tem_ its inmates. He Was tent gang 'tier -fire "Stara. -iti mesas swore a ea Fhtii it -tms emight tit an eddy end of the outrage Hatt Was seventeen 1 toliott, to,imtds othe mile§ a:Way front the ttlek or dyea- ". ttr taut la6p-zoilit lo0k on nate. the CtoWn, hoWever, proved Itiostii thg et the Atatta ,et. the that Tesee VvitemeteS *eke utterly ,..sztist ; kid kettdry tatlige14.ottamitt Win and Ilittery Williants-wete *ratite for lte thei, seited tite barrel at 4.40' pnt.„ pulled it Oitt a the nita,tere and ripped off the x-,ov-et to the merle hole. They saw Att.&Taller Move end speak, -and Wated their- kande to- the crowd above. thet dranli the .signal that the woman was alive, big shout evett the from the MOW& Oft the beeks. It WAS leeposeible to get tfrs. Tay, ; ler oat her hIbausted hitaition• Part � the top Of „the:barrel Waite *Wed off and the wonian lifted ottt., then It *ran 4Mo:toted that site:hitti stitittitheci iftriqit &Aft iftihuit and ARiVi CAUGHT IN BELT. teeter Man ateets With .Vetst Accident Nest tteorgetteivie. Georgetowt, Get, t0.. -"A1* *Cadent octutred ahoet five Mika froethere yettetday, art *0 -edit or Which Boliett Strackhaniniet, a3reting tan et ;treat* lies at deatles door. ThreslictS WeW ie otkitig at taftl- eOlfii AlaPliergOirel, lot .13; on. Foquesing, stilton one Of the belts on the separator flew: oft Sweet.- , halite:tee Went to edjust it Without Mopping the matiiirte, aid in thy do- ling had his right erne delight in the beltand Ntras ihroWn Oil the tylinder. The Iejueles Sustaltied,ate teerible. It is Imedly possiblethat he tail reeoret. Awful Punishment. isited on a Louisiana Havishett HIS VICTIM MAY MOVED. Nett thleane, ta.0 bet. :20.- hill Mottit4 te. negro, Who Contalitted otIm- nesatitt on xt.ilit• &hit Bali at nalltown, Lit. yesterday, Mitre titt to dettb to -day Mat the Seekte of hi v etird6 by- It triOb of P.tiO Met Merida' Wat "Captured aeon attet the outrage. He cotressed bier crime at once and tided to iinplioate a num- ber of other tiegroes in it, bet they vele, fortutately, able to ptove their initotetice. He -wan taken to BalltoWel, tied to it pine warding With dhote, tsto ham's and feet 'chitin. ed to his b�. Pine knots actipine straw- were piled thont the body MRS. INITINEFI COMETEEL Suspected Poisoner Held for Trial. FOR A STANDARD CAR. Important Decision ot S. and Can- adian Railways-Cadish Identified His Wile's Body -A Weights and Measures Problem Sol veto Dayton, 0., Oct. 29. -After hear- ing all tho evidence, Pollee Judge Snedllter decided to hold efrs. Mary l'Oltwer, charged with the murder of her sister, Mrs. .Arena, C. Pugh., to the common pleas court without bail. Foe n St ondard. Car. AL Louis, 1 ., Oct. 29.-A. stand- ard boo ear for the railroads of the U. S., Canada and Ifeeleo has 'been adopted at the eend-annual meet- ing of the Amorleaa Railway As- soeiat Ion. The duuensions call for a car feet long, 5 feet high, and 6 inches wide, and el feet high, Inside mea- eurement, makieg a cross section of GS square feet, the ear having a, capacity of 2,448 cubic feet. Side opettimpi to be 0 feet wide. • Perrino Wite.s liody. New York, Oet. 29. -The hotiy or the woman, tonal dead ycaterday af- ternoon In the Hotel Melvin, in com- pany with 110111 tichillinger, who lind shot her tail ninistlf, woe identified, to -la e by Jewett Catlish as that or hi wIre. oudilhh rertried togive nne- infernintlen coecerning himeelf or tiler iVignIlli• :Indeed the Ilftlogrant Problem. Nett- York otA. despatch to the Lon bolt:Tunes and ilia New. York Timm front Paris, says that, accord- ing to M. sillittratal. Minister of Com- merce, the Tided International Con- gress on Wileirts unit Measures has antved the, dedeate problem of the prechie deterinbutti, in or the kilo- gramand has brokelt,ed the Impert- ant. enzerretal question of the num- cratlen olearn*. SAILOR DROWNED AT SARNIA `tied to &amp on to Vel as it Was Leavitt:: Wlinet. Sarnia, Ont., Oet. ;Z. -About i. o't lock this morning nit unknown tailor met death by drowning at the 1.1. I. R. wharf. The steed:* harm Mennen %vim pulling out front the wherf, whoa the man Was oh- herttti running for the boat, and milling that he 'Melte] to get aboard. lie eprang from the trelonrf, brit the 'mat tree tout tat Oat. and he Ills= toepeared in the water, winch in kleep rind twilit itt thitt point. Wilier Le Was Male 1 out shortly after life :Attest ehtittet, and he dt.•1 witthita a few minute& mironer Prtmer tali to enquiry and %keeled flat no 1110ft•q1- Iva@ 0ftfte00stary. Policeman llobt., 1i1lhIitltdeatt- the nem eaelier is the evening ander the influencerof licuor„ and sent hini to it hotel. All elainination or the bodyehow- ed the 'name "John 1.-oung" tattooed oij liel atm bet no 000 appeard to ktioin, 'the roitowlog deserip- thin hoe/ heed given out: Apparent yeitrAi wore a brown coat etel dark -colored treueers; wee deau.shiteeve remelt for a triode. trielre. dark -colored; dark halt, slightly edged with grey. BATTLE OF SANTIAGO4 itiltairal settles, Tens the stets,. tietalog 1it Impeeterit Points. Wnslihigton, bet. the '.F.chley teat or inquiry adjourned lito day Admiral 4:5e1*by had not coin. - Dieted his testimony tinier. The older event of the day wane the Admit:11's relation of the event* ot rul.y t when the Autetican Beet seat Gerveea's sneaselteera to the tot - bent: or the seaet to the heaeli. He told' his story of this histotical °e- mitter:ice in plain wattle arid in un- affected style, but the imitative wits .straightfornrard and to the point, in- dicating chase familiarity with ail phases or that event. Ile said that the Brooklyn bad for 15- tinie sdstabeed the fire of all rout of the Spanish ships, and also the rite ihr the Spanish land batteries. Etplaining the itistotireal tett or Ids OW6 flagship, the Brooklyn, lie said that elle had not approached to within lees than GOO yards a the Teeple and that he nevet had onsid- eked that veseel in the least danger. He ttlee stated, in testonse to at hetet-tete-tient Bona Mie Raynet, that he tad 'hetet daring the battle en- gaged it any collegay With ',lett. Etedgeon, end that he had not esed ftit-pteSplOn atttibuted to hint he Hodgson. This ration to the alleged oolloody 111 *melt the Admital Is charged moth haviree, said: 'Damn the Texasol" Admiral Beirfey else gave tlie tie- fettg or the reconnaissande of MAY. 41sty Whet the Spanish ship Crit - belied Colon was liendatded. m thla ecitineetiott Ite denied the stateneetta eitttibtted to hilti by theentittalet Potts or the battleship Itiestachee- etts.