The Herald, 1901-09-06, Page 74.444e. cit.11/ 4-4-taileieteeratletee+4.-++++4-4-4-1•4•44+11-114+4444ele The C ming opyrramoaassotrerib Gilli111* q' es A Pretty Irish Romance. of-1)+444.44+++,-1-14,1404 "ely dear 0011(1," she ejaculates, ttb. a Low tangle as of irrepressa Le anairament, though her face ex - resew,: eonsternation, "you eurely did not Invite young man to dine arith awn without even a chaperon! Ion surety are ;eating, dear I" 'Indeed I an not, Lady flamer," alike& anewere, bravely, though Atte caaor is nenualing to her tem- ples. "Mr. Archer had. most idnaly Laken tee erouble to order dinner here for Mese O'Neil and me, waen he dasooveresil taut we elteatid be de- la:tail 'sera for a feweltuu.rs until the 1:711-17,a.7elear, and he kire ly culled to etas if he amid do anytking nacre "tor Mit 0,10--," °Oa. 1 see, dear 1 011 I quite 'In- dere:eased saw," Lady Danner later- rept.% salaam sail, but quart in a dlf.inr. at tune., --"t quite tamerstand Vow. 040 must disrtgard les ean- a.,a,a,Li in an extrenee ovie aks tlila ;tail yen did quit.° Wight in eo gracefuey aelaiowlesig•- ing your sethigation Ma. archer, lay love! Quite right! Of uouree," Klee adds. laughing a.gain as levee preeeilay tine absurdity of the §:Lea, "it would have been a very different matter if Mr. Arelier tutal been 1.1-bri 1 enough to inataleo yea zeal speculation, anal a multitude of relished Ilan to amen wain pair' wondering tancies ausi Wagtail:1ga " But, of coarea I dli wish reepeeting her now assuclatione The him to done wait Inc 1" telilan per- friealis who have all ao Waal.? came Siete eautinimely, white sbe eta vete to welaseee• her Jeineiti.P,E ria..1.• away the tlaaieure that Mr Darner, ate) Catania bees ..lienee clubarraesee her. and the fee -le tirst all diesel with ear it id ease snaii la at •• -s pale r eliaaaa. •• 1 enemei I" Mlle Ws 4,11i -east rasp at, :wail 1 Pie aset have ai ti lemi if I tad not ilitinta little atiratier it 0, ben &We: - 01 }v. ;male yo" ;1.01 Molotor! 11,y saiaity ati ing auett oil Lady Painaa pearl- ' 'Mr leteaer, laireell. hall it t!" a'ael ab. Claa leeks grows; essaler. en I elm penny; ism -Lee ti rItiy te meat.) a- y nit, a- if n ine „ ittel teem:say ,e,,,g;;Gg,..h.,t; he "Pia ablety la) mike a, fatteng repig to • ipsiao restay air alisais re" Vkleli 6,4-.111 nat. I.11",) Elation?. ttto,a/it 1.0 011 a brighter light in his eyes, antivrers with his courteous, slight bow and well-bred defereuce: "We must hope that Miss Deane vrill cheese to beeome an Irlealawo- raAalin.d" Gillian, blushing girlishly, and shyly, trying to evade the compla meats she is readying. glances to- ward Anne O'Neil with a swift arch amile. Sae cannot avoid an Involuntary start as she gime:nee. and thus at- tracts a passing attention to tbe person whom nobody seems to notiee. But when they look there Is nothing unusual In Anne ONell's deferential attitude, the pose of her eleader tall figure, her slightly drooping head and downcast face. It has wine, and gone like a. flash. 'Dia flaming wrath of those dark eyes, the fierce scorn In the compressed lips and rigid features, which Gil- lian has seen one moment since; the flaming wrath, the latter scorn in Anne 0 Neill's face as she looks at Bingham Lacy, "• Blow she mast hato him," Gillian thanks, with a throb of liner gentle heart. "It even enrages her tat ewe lam friendly with me. I wish she -would not feel so, L. Maher eveuned to like Capt. Lacy very well." But later on In the evening Gil - 'Rau finds freah eauties still for puns- Preeent eleeea 134a0o. hfre lereleer wae tem obliael persoa." 'Vise ablieel pereou," 'repeats Gla kl'a"11.'sisLirrea!red,IYiley 41 ear." ber laayetape says, yawnang, M. Axtsher Was elae Pia aetIng ie Mr. Damees place ab it is Ws duty to do. Ile Is MaDamer's agent, and lantasteward, and ,all that Bort of thag, you know," "I Ineow," Gillian eays briefly, glance leg at Anne O'Neil sitting at Lae ta- ble and orocaetina in absorbed si- lence. "So you see, I hope, dearest," Lady Darner says, in tones of uottemptu- ous Lnc1ifferenoe yawnLng e.ga.n, "why I objeoted to your bringing that worthy but uninteresting per - eon In ea a topic of conversation ? Bes1dee, to tell you the truth," and there Is a steely spark of malice and meareina glinting through her laey. 'ship ti pale, long ey lashe3, "as I Lien., and reepectabla a young man a sweetheart, (Innen, my dear 1 Eh, w1191,lave not but ooneider that Mr. Archer- 'du::: yon Zhlnk eaGeorge for worthy ea he is" -rend the interpolation is smilingly insolent in its contemptue "Yes, indeed," Gillian says, laugh - eine 1.1)er:day Of opinion -"has pre- Ing and Ululating, so foolielay 1 Anne sensed on hie poeition ,in SOIlle degree. O'Neil does not blush. ' and as I know Mr. Darner But she bas hardly uttered her to be a very proud and exclusive reply, when she gots Callii0 to blush mart, sonatively proud, I twee say, In gruel iaaenest, from mingled ter - where the women of his family are ror ami amazement, einmerned-I really thought, 011 an. "You're a little darling!" Mr. my clear" -this very slowly, with a Deaner exclaims, very hoarsely and ort of retectaat smile and the mean- shakily, half smothering poor Gallen Ing glitter thraugh the eyelashes -"I with a bear -like hug, and two or really thought you hail much better three rough liaises, very eta:deal° in leave me to tell ray hustle:0 of Mr. flavor ; "you're a darling, honest, Archer'svIsIt alai Mr. Ar iner's kind- outspoken tittle girl, so you nese, and your sweet gratitude, you are. And he'll be a lucky fellow who dear little inneoent soul 1' has you for 0, 0weet11eart 1" And her laelyehlp laughs again, the And Calllan's hot, red -rose blushes prolonged, low, Marin laugh of in- at this ecetatic speech have hardly tense amusement, and Gielan mem- paled, when Anne O'Neil hurriedly eons painfully to the roots of her enters the roam, to Look for Lady hair. Damer's glove. °Ilea more she glances at Anne The glose le foiled just where her 0"Nel1, wondering how she can en- ladyship has mopped it, and Anne dune) to sit there pale an composed, is darting away again, without rals- ouunting her Lace etitches. And Ins lier eyes.: or addreseing Gillian, Lady aanneee eyes follow Gillian's, when MI...Darner speaks to Inca. and detect Iler eynapathetle. glance, "elhel, Anne, you're to sit inside. though Anne O'Neil does nert. Miter Lacy or myeelf will sit with "Nes er nand, love," her ladyship Doyle. Dillon will come with the lug - says presen•ly to (.Milan, as she r.ses gage. and adjustu her voluminous mautle tf "Thank yon, Mr. Da.mer," she arm - lace aue satin over her high, thin were, with a slialit emila, and while shoulders. "I can quite see," he Gielinn looks at iter eareeetly woe - says, with her celd little pitying daring If Mr. Da,mer knows -knows athat one must guard against that she is the haPPY. fortu- os•er truatfulness anil amiability In nate girl who is hanueianis tieuieee your caee, ney clear child." Archerai sweetheart, eine notices But laxnuelusw till cold little smile ant the pitying, alipreoating accents make the teare of mor start to GIlliatas eyes, and ate SUS rub -Ikea anl aeletunal, ana roare than all. angry wain hereelf for p -rimming either one or the other reviling without eu•it eanee. "Anne, sv 11 yea plate • came with mis win int I finial strees'reg?" Lady Danner cantinave. "I thank Mr. Da- mae w 11 or ler th current; • dire•tiy.a Iut. ti yvi:Ilitiuvot.4-b.h47;t.,14.! It tan mom Li comes le epieiely. with rather preaserinee• 1 to,nr. a la 'h riat nate- gethee au • to V,: • eaeutel ateenee" vete •h lia Is Vanier ia- aaysi earel r, .e t a° • lite n a --,4;11 h'"! I h I iteroae tea reeta In tit -nay d 1.001, as teet 1.1 CI 14 eattlitee its e, !Ow 1,0t • to I' ttrei iI*Isi 11) 1.1101 hag arriTihi parleateri mere arta; 434 iii0311. /IA. "1 Os,,,6101, tilEtnd,, ply te• eaye. tar -0 te pore:item Nina la Iii0t0t,4:0040 rein, vats:. lama rine rat AIFII 13 :el wialeatiene. seri ale: letee, taw. elt • haat never -urea 1 leieleoen. itaantalies, Wad vaialia. Cri.W9 '1 .At witi Ar •r Wee earaer• 31.. lama 'lever eeee vie:meat reher, teen lisareela 'yet II1L0 the 615n:ea as: i„va ta 1 a,,,a Rea% alaer econ Lally Dam ,r. Wheal ag t,r4 ante stnigially tinware' min rather tea aif Witcret niter en a 1,4 WWI Oiled (Ira st• MOM. wellearael leunia real: Man It 17" n so Meade' tat I epprehr a - nate' 1,11iitwee.,Jary "wtta 71' hanadm tem Ceeorge. limbs he Ilea, too, arid area:ant as a reoatelt fir, isn't he, now r ")es, indeed," Gillian enye, wath e. little fluttering of breath making her wards unsteady, and trying to calm liereell by thinking of &rine O'Neil and her calmness. ' thought him a very handsouae, powerfully- balit man." That's Just it, ray dorsal You've Jest expressed it, my clear 1" Mr. Danner reiterates; "'handsome and powerfully : builta-ay, that's just svliat tie lel A. fine fellow 1 A fine fellow 1" / Gillian looks up in alarm and sur-, prise at the sound of tears in the Water voice, at tlie sight of tears dInanina the excited blue eyes. "A. rine fellow 1 A fine 'fellow as yen'd flail from Carrickfergue to Cape Clear 1" he saye, inaudibly. "A ervisat :illanner, aloe, seesatel y late ern -Sala or :Lir. Dewar. And lin.lattn wr4aalere eneansanetey 41,0 %nil 0.11,J ,,01,4a.1=114:14.4gril; aliterly gentle:mite with 01211" 0115 nay blue • yeti IVO tuarl,Proal9 41,41 are:. r, It ' W4111 s4s'51 11, ntattnly :tail etasila-forttaan apaeell :abaft betel "ellartnal to latale• hoe 0.1,°411tintatale„- 'Gut I knew roar guy tsstrenty etetre eiteee• adde, after a itinuaa reanin..r rdeerang vat le al he geees at the gelatin faner.a ' 5:cea're try dee her. annoe porettO0r." iass 1 tit late a:aim- Mae of a. Manny saaillo in the benglit !elan st,,Ve•FA, 4411 ttEllirtgq.aati ae. eo al. of el 'Mi. gallintry• Catalat 0: air etul.s. hillahtly reeneri-the uneiro me beat enon I • aim aeie. rit a-eati lati4 tautlidar tin trivagit *tea. d ar Elea- Leda Jeannette laYsi reineneteatala, seuta gineoety. Lan „you mot say -1101unethatla Lae trite titter that th 201e lia 1 e :.P.IPIAt to Eate. Demo r ? aecey :Oen ariatee she is rather Iola? Barr neteeiner. iglu eeere- sate ransidersalue Ikorintlat gareeti•e tlette her mother Dean' 1,ttle 1,41 Belga -with a eisr4!;99. I#3,4 eon leee It. i toiV.Irst a *mai, frigate:sod eliad-e" Wet farm :Most taro:needs opaileone, aurae; Irian Wit ani courtesy, unease ehe aeler .atiegment.a 11 there ein a hidden teat:Inge la this Ips l5, Bingham Latly per - *Elves it ealatily take e it nee. "'There is nal. the: leaet heapea" Rio tlaYea 'that Wise Deafts three' Istegsnent. bine late paiatiel Santa nee inn each en- of alrea eiluer can a en te 1 r Si t.lare soys, gliy„,y, but laugliena at the lariemel 11 'is uo has tone. self. tend:sass elacut main the geotge- !ter Inteenalaii, • iarly i.saataisejig Bae ra.i. sae • ClIalerm 34 the twitter. :ay aaesrer for sillllan eeeree 1 up !too nnaioyg1.1.1e7v. Tho tlant1er on tee see tliJur - - * • it ea 1 lie seats tEn • ast tRaeln tin Boar rsiteer tootlalt141,117 ;sak4 tta tk,,0 er4.1 eate C1119011 ILlit.11411 ILL1S1 0'11,1-t..00020.1 tt It Dili 1 t*i t '1 a in -.a: a -re. ie 4'4 alst eIetirlay. •Iontly Wit i thin% It "..led, Mani lay halatna 0. e gear eat 0 ref 'ar Areinar tan Pell ta..„0,0,114,arita an! 'pry Iliad Of :dila cal :nee tem hoe: • ie-i-ounti rl eV lee 04.. r21,-.1eCI.11„V ler iiii,•61,v fill5 1 Leda tainer 5.9 beau 2. ttata. :„ ti p , eats „freewill...A ea cane '3" •1.-* .113 V Al 212.1 Iin thinlie, weadierangla, "that I alasere .rasiaptiesei irelaasi Wad a gioesea, harrs4 eee-aury mouateerte azici lanties liege and atone fences. Why', it iseeks east dee England, exeeeet Ler ehoee beautiful Purple wountaine eleiag ep there to the left, anal late rattier w-13 patQlles or furze in al:awaits sena fenny' atele crookeci ekapad tiaras:1w, vital:. heaps of stones awl elitireps of taeee Ino ehe malelle tak m. No, it doesn't look like Engle/el after aft, 11 iiati desolate, mid look t/eiraega, all its beauty, brieLat wed enaleing here., and dark and alosemy there-pooa, dear Ireland." Tears a emotion dim wiertful, dark eyes looking on the neglected beauta-the forlorn lertainess of the Ilastarred country. For she Is a Ifigitinon-W, little girl, this taxu.rioneljareared, p teed heir- ess, with as lovana seal sympathetic a beart as eaer throbbed in a fair young Itreaer.t ; aes:1 the landecape semi fo.r the firt time us the beauty of a avramerei 1'1100141M, 41,8 sates gases oat of the open wintiusv of her rooms at mount to ,tiory 1: fair reough to 1 a stern- er soul than le re with rotn14341 end- nes9 ana pleasure. Early in the sti eilvery light of tames arid the twaterings of the birde in tine dew- sv.,t treee, Gi Ilan has StiiiiiPnly awoke from eon mad 'and odrplexing dreams of her J matey the day be- fore, and tee pea pm *ahem tare met at the end of it, after toweling alaant restleesly for an hour, until the ennaght streams througli banes antl curtains alai lets the mem with hrlalitnesa the youag lady riees anl comas •nees leer tallet, without wattling fur or summering 14.15 ono. Shin has no mail el her own -the 11,11:raNIAn (Isszi• 1 ll'ho has. itanerto buttoned 01 Lena beote an I gloves, abl bru-hecl her kali, toeviag seeelned to atccuipany tier young nialreas to no -out-of-they:ray priee le the mildle of that CINT.141 eauntry where th.y shoot you ae eoon as look at dae.tuet. 2a. Then apiseopal Dent a. yeti a' I. Ireland notiorallag to Miss having duly eiseteed taa nomieneo at ahem% the Janne elinaiter, return tits value (To be Coettlaueel.) ttiin Cauwa °aloe and tine laieed acisoat Ls eielealat. This involvea WarreeeleetaaahareaaaakePWeraisearteaViallat (tupelo:item of the thaagsee. witb tho a New Size SOZ SOZODONTTO Large LiQUID an Mi gi Stores, er HALL MaCKEL, „.......___, ......,,,,,,,, 1 Fieecing the Chosen; How Bishops are Bled neory Ner, Luer ha the "SVas241-." thz las inatallatiori tele rimy Daiwa: of Loa Ion had Lao e. p Heace enlarged La the field of fees. it le a Wean Mama to be selected for a eat on tine Epee. oupal Benute alai ham& bavito-vved, Lt; 000105 tile. most aataral thing in the world to take the auta titere ass end isn't. But tacit Jo may tho !negate tang of it. Aft eV' r.yume li.L1QWS„ whilst tee gift of a Labolerna r"at'S VALli 1-tt3 Praise Minister, i..he tuntrineo Is elect- oa key Mita Leach Liabiaps. Virtually, by command of the Suvereign, ttt� Crown afilem lesuats it swage Wears, Tlite inmate enu.n.ey, which aaii to come out u,f the Lialeups pocket. The wia•reent iats £10; Lite eartaleatee lettere pUlcmt, feeti ; the 114PIELLED TO SEEK BEATH dineratoe that then ineat of the cs thee/ten lo interaueak by 10s. to make It even money. Next felows a prosseas kuowit. art reatantam of tempt railtims. In pure something' very unusual m Anne- al eultace tide eitay tan COW alehop aPP`aeratleal she has hoen asibislishaigaileleMealtehae-alaehiai1easeag• le annina 010 far the warrant. ail las. weepiaa bitterly. * il * • e a IS your doings r. !ter lady- shlp laze siati. pallet with setae all brit Lae Ptah etian ton tiaea ehei-k- lame: • Tin: is all „ytrer titang*. Ana,' eara•,, teem „., awe, aaaaaoaa Tao 4 1.1az..io it,,:tu-ax r.c.2.,,, t 4 tlis palmy. if 'Pah • ie svito ha s e tan tab ;a moantala 6 1- for tit' 55 0" 1.1*1`41 e. "." U 105 • pll'el tiV6.) patent, and the Inevitable tea pica: or viewiel the eurrosiel- sag easentry Trine. tlae ennualt of a. 1 rea' tha '12°0 •111 t• a 114.47•114: IP ' 615 par - lefty obaavatere er autelaig :wed no tual,a Halite -nal by epiellna the word remeel -r at tee eta:axon. that aver- ' wIt" “ 1...4" "li'll a ,.."*.'" Ill 1** emaling ' ' a - A 1' . '"V a u u' 01 riNt,441)4taw.:,' '.1, atloi .;.t.1*1 Ct7i' traose or•ro tre 4'. 4023 a, 1 al, 10 eeo carte biilow leas tar S. on previa :re oats. Bat th • me ango-nnadal eraitair • ' b on Well ir 0 1 Vrtin'' vvie, rt. 7.; 1.. 1„t„ zt7, la,••ta7,70,4 ,t 4.,•1 1;gla ar tea are to tic 11,1'.' ieenah aeaaaae,„ Ito, „opt. r.,:r ri conga Da10-• -11 1 1-11"leaa aea e'a re aide 4.1°- aa,aeld ar P'z„po „re;,r, gly lv p c•Or 41L d .1:at, 1,41„,•• „aa, tee. ree., r -or e 1, pa ona real ,„e,..1 ..1 le are a el a at I 11in9P7 4,14t, /to 1.1 ,••,3EA ar,• g:, t tor lettere rootlet' 'rata it d.1 t -v t°7,,c'• Pt /* • t4,4t . aa• o• ,„ ....a ter, , .to :Ant r e• •00 " Gt.,' 4 v..* rt. 10 1351131, trr -.t, 9` •3, T10" fee 40 al " Ten .v t 1.Z4,';!; Al, gr. 1',•. 441'0 11"W c:0 eau 61:4•0 A ie.: neiaae: ae, I a- ewe r. • - aateel tVtV Elz-t14.47'.-- (714' 511* 5•41t•k)or r • I e 1%, t 1.7 ,7.54.! -to, ,er .• ko; ,-1111 1,, 1.1', 44'.'.,1.I „pea. rz- .1 t;p)„,., , • • " 7 -,4•-• 442. 0,0 , 0iitt , (5: •:;', la a : sere '? '019 g"1,311. 4, it, e dj; ‘!" &23.0. " " 41', t a., . v;••• 3 417' ' . 0.9:23 nt , 131 r2,2$ Oil,. 21, t *1`414, 4.1t " Liana e ea, eee, 114 itaN,•1, ttW att4 to,4 23 IMO ' 1,11'4 rat 'We n.s1.11 ra-:.ao;r4 :a a seeele a a taete," n „%,, A 70:7, 0` 1, ‘IIT'jq, rtil."1'3V,!-Vnt 434 tan1 d 11/3"-1 1°8'1° 11 'at* ' : t'' IP "2 '2 00 : fele :eget Q9V# 4 sa ,4" 0" tar," 0':'11 aet, .7 t.7,,.'rt es "to • E.'S --..-eatiala ate Pa tide sea elecein 1:: f."14. 4 '4, 1?'• 1'0701 ‘•vi r19'1) tar,. %Tr113. iniatil :ea le • 4„ It, . 7).„„4,, , 164 lq 41.1, 4 r,!. tt; C,OrAst 43 tt,1 F LI,: , „aa, „e" aa,„ ...ate:, erne caseir bee 6 58 ,4,4 1 C..o,Aino -,AZ "A''' [4.^' .23 1 44 . eaj ae. se „ea CV,,a el pa, .n ' 1•••": t4T, 041111.171 r'-'6111 °"1.. '114"11g1 23 41 •41 =I b.15,4v tr.L4.„--14 e- a Sea f aetantsisila Anitee'e a.0 aie.aita„at /el n :gal „ ae, . i17-71. '31 17 •ra• tn (14.• ,.v,t„„,r) „ea a, ei•i: eeetteee 5110"(4 t 11 seell 441.V.1170 31 •23 123 1 : .- . .., .1,.,. 2 '1 rnt.;.;,•,, .:.1: .. te 23)0 1. 3 41.tia t,91m1185ia104-4 14. wr_,a .4.51, t1/.1`rtyr 1% L'c'1V'ee';,::t:::1,•-lit e1sli 231 Is 14 14.. 1aa3-Ig ":11.4j1 17;:r14a71!a ile'eltla iigrt1q)eeie1,•anas:21 :,I,1 1 ;,1::t'5i liO3o!vtto14itp3izt1!ic,:t..04„tstiti;:vi1;!s1.:111tiv,1,o1.i,I,,i a13.,to117,Pi t ;r:0:e,!Ieo en' -liU','.4':,6',';,3'i„".; t.l1:r'50 tl1a%'eieii -.;::::•. %tetrt,aL. ln,.a.fltj‘.h'i...„14t10U1I1T1rL,:L„a,a4,.1.t..i:t:I:11211ir::?1 C!:: r, L.. t'2,,if4.'' .'.3v•0*'.,0ay,:'i1,'1'.'-5i-:'::.::,,_!1:-,•,--,3;:;-:..'-'1-"! r-::'•'):::,:,riti..'':t',,11;..1:%eseatt10;i:1:2laisrtav:lls91trc:2511.1i.1:t?4;:jsiat0:ra,_,.c2,,3.4,r::7 lz:illnZ,:2,e1„s,tiulillta.: ,i.6:uilno,,:t1:1,tnn,::;r,01I4;g,tal11i;1:9:.,:,:,,j:1u,;,17,,.3:3Te,::,t": f1t11t. 0 9*30!Sti!11r111F::1•91iitt17amiw;F..tlh 1!;03,' ",,c0_2 41i0(ref,301 190,5„0„1.4315tt,,162:31510c1%:0Itiwi4,4,t.ater.:"tc1-,.'t_1,a-,71, 5/712A11'151Y4 tleava°4'ileineriy leneaer 1414 «'s 2 '01 yea not aa eIe teasanu dei reeapaaea:a:::4:a:?:_,ar r:q t%411.111„"1114c45'.o1WO 14 000. tI' 4.1'. 1 ttl't:. il2itna innly tratk 1 , u ,40,a , t : ,0! „,,).,,,, ai.aIulAitgitttoava,I41,t,o4t_nilt t,,, e enet Verl&Pr)2n5 rI„2 1 e elr„1;t. .1,„;; s; e3r1i41 bee cjlotiuIIze oaaealia• r.ine sto.3 eilr Ileaanter. Illi a CO 4E:C 21 i e Ter fir.F1 _t. «.4. `,' t!..) q 7-'4 - ' • t.l. Z`...t. .•, ,..!t. .. 0' _ -. . 4. .1 1. P-ItC0 C . -1. ,,, , I.L..:1131 :7,,,, ..,-.,,t = cline ite.". tfee Carsten . sausal* 3''''''a ratuat.-1'-'t Ir111L0 i•-•':iiril.• ' e'14'.'„-; ientee 3.91P.Ii,0°(1I1107-7,7.,' 4fulla ,t,...s.ers4 a9 LL'Qai.ts., a er PIE"? PC' ,* ' "''',..,-- '-.-4t. 0:-..'L II7 '',, '239'',',' i", II.,_ --t';"'":!•_.' 40 31)5.12120231)5.121202,Ii7- 1, h1,--1.-..,, L, tr,,,!,-;,. t,a a:: e..niee feel telt)) en, iell:V„ EsVPOI_If.1),Y ,, tp,.U, 7.C.,cStg,..o..-7.,....,7,711 Q.1)3 10ae ,0 , as s lie tli`1,741. 1 at. 3 J letAni'V ' II , fli e' I useii Le Gil _at °a "e:::: 5 Cr,' ,, :::: .a.,,, v., a a: ID 7223,.2 ee Lena:a:sea, 1, ,, a,, 4,,. ,.,„„, a, JI' , „4 ,,.,..„,!ff a 4,10,,,,z -,:i„,,, 1.ti>..1 4•4,4d1, 11,-Ig23 4,1's83' 1!.. '4 littoral:4ertt511Z1tnilt *"N -t4. I°,t.,91u1119% t"•' ' 2311 12",r 1 -I -e' . i '•• a 5-1,..;` ",,I.::•'* I40 1 ..4.-:.1 `..:1.1',3 5349 I' EL:,t. :: 1: ., til.a1.1, % C1/411 *".".-,-Q ;A 2 LI Waal- bay at' Letes bees is time that Sinai:an eau <,,r2i 7 No LI tr . WILISt VVR.(19 pe p..;1,1:17 genaleeria'.- ' elan i -ay,„„ te e. -...:',a'i a2:; 1:,,t.,,,.,, 1 7.,,,,,,,;12 ;.:,....L 23.,7 ,4,4' 9 4. ..12,1 0:2 ,t::., 44.,...414„ 1 1,21,1, „.,... ?z:la'-.1.1s,,rne.i•e*:,:.,.sLt,1?.1..11,5,,.:,-ee.0:gzattaane,enta;astotnvelolitc ntttEegtnd;tta/ii Ileazaeaal an: wag ,.3345311'33 1 tetelEnt tE1i;;z 1ee:: r?i1I1,P0-.t,8-1 Ef"1"et:e eal,,r;toilveuI e" „T.!z2,4tdi15tL,ie23 14,t1t51.04u;,2!t; ie / slesito any. Laacy ariaatte ' a%Oeeeposeleet-neer!?,-*,ty p, lilseolapana e,i aet:aes t . e. „ tv'...91, 423n157a.MCtA •' ' '1:,;La:011loLtaisseaa.e:a rti2,'"•'.", ".A .;.0 i. ,...4 i2,h7t,;,.,Dot ': ..e- 1 arta ra4,aaa,ora„‘rehicrah„vlati,oQ,5.sur14. 414.1 I 1yoa 4.t23'0 tP ;1-tC)_ L _ V(: 4; 1f,,6,,_cAf-icr,14 tr..;z 1,, ,. t,1E,4,.,ei..•t t`a.*1l etI1L-o1fPtrll 1"ltl"f°3v001 to 43 51i tia 1aof Bllion "8 Tpotv=rea1,VA &I 1,in.1 17a;0Ia tal 'u , ‚. .,-'. 0 1-5.1.44) ._ 3.,1 01;31;,,,k.a.,., .., „nor nppeobaesa01 tr" sehee can 53123493134 a peaateI Arr1 0Nat the ret ,,r tee table --'1 dae9813' that Mies O $oo seitli her advice, Gililen, ovt. I knor that Aena La ptieet genes heatstrontoonie reatters: Miss0est re1,e9 her black ysee Wte a ;Isiah In tenlglance. "I lead 1404.53121551 wit:ntVer to it Witg :42rLsthe dineer. Loly iqleft tiagyoatirtla, ;ane:t area rpctfull; 11.6511l 01ate, betveen astvaii1rEd•it at hp? taloard resten- it'taa1't0tt; iii ttt 1050e:eat at Lady a.uies tatIt pro- Liblttoo 01 1107 •eptenetEorn from lier- 1•71t..to171re 3''In" ! i ttva Vg:g1tv;:1Li!tU..- 13 s4. sliebieiavei ae1 tIweeaI elt2 II beEigr3 5 •E 14r0,413 IZ0 more 1" '312323 4.s' 423 2331 44 0e5.1*419 t'1514 to ot; lanteidinner 141115 • a vete:a,1. 31 tEtt Fvl' 1 41 ut aegpe ATo 1.0 51t(9'2351,145'- 531.. eil"' 5 0 ITNP12 anti m4 4.5 Laoly laatener wee i ::.:,,a atr2 eserset iner. ay wile ef veatene1 011. 41 '1 t'Y),?^) Oa° °I Ve'''-'-''''4431 -49 trz.a,:iz'it aetenels, tg cut tf.1.4. z1., 4230314.33 str,,eliv3I. 1 in u41've101,:" 11-1117,n -7 ahaa dise1Pline Ifenr yeoe. at -eve; ace 2 slaieolitwaneds grew ,:,„,,,4.,111.‘t1.••• Ati, 1.Lv.1 ,,,zrjet,,.1.a par wean:13 epic 8,,peealeet. se -2 ea tea weaaa 'ail' Z/Cznit; 14.5'-)Irt a li 111'-nt.173 Is: (4,33tine dist:tat. etersitIveltan nee. tat; nee laraet 04 grate': ta neeineh a .,:coe. i'(.453')0 • , ,FQI .. ." os, 84351 F.00C.LIS tip in. alt. Daru. es taw an 3 ail tae long. ravrave, Is :nee e.Egii-e4 Eae plane. tie eireEd cut eariaa - t„,37.4..,,,,an),,t.,„ta.c.:.„29-,..,,,, 1,0,z2351r.i0 0.41 reh vielte %IV tt2 glean en a eirt.e stina.-.: 7_;.,:.• r-_,..11'Ll.-',) a reesaresi .-eli, 2,1e will • a. ataehia r,..t7rit,t..r x,i.t''"Iga'g'"a',-;:-t:j-s:"-1r14v, s,ta'''...'a . 51•1- -1,t.1.0 eletei04r '41t II Atnag'G faCe 14(14,S 1', 3327 23 23 aastieer 09 aetreila5,kLe.a2 "1:e""e..'''eatva:'t. ave-a•a e e'75 5564314351144. b12 tray? aue1 leit e23492'E.153 dare aye9 1.:'','39 tey Lea alene23 ).'.023 144 €t ‘cyf',"'''tvaig-"1tr ./ta-" 44L23)0'''314-44 4.11 *4. 113 DU 04 Ialy laraere ae Lana-tti,i Veap 'e' 4 hes etantBale laceep1' 9',141 baia,toa, ax,oe aal n 41110 l(esy4,4 CtMI .;5raz.Fadr 4.J"?ta2 °I 4. 14 theglneaierstereee0,,r nsiteayalB ete/a fea ori eal3ataaoe3Moae4515E"a P2s43241al 14234Qcl as ae. L: ne. an3 1 piave eesetaale 13-r a Tr1'::1V415 r,41"va'v5r,,ab40''14''s1' tie, 13-tarel aieoe '1")"1'lri: lease ..1C-7-7 vr. o7,1 ase o b:.n., et.' Lady Dareteir-ae ratcar.eand,' leo- . ,7`1J"'' -7'y', :t,n.1 iv,vvE,Itvto ".4B eaar eaeltes paiLI:."7. 234 sineea theatex,la lae 4:::n.,1,-34 it:Uri, t5'-ZItt2. , 4:542'13'e:127. an 1 yeti have a:.• rielat to : -5 raiee TM" iliorlt:e." f..17)2141 tiM1021, 1. 30 V'i!""i''''?';'''?C' 411) :eve hot . pee, 1:4 c--:.: i-...!,1.-14-," '''!"-, ee ...lee_ paa-ataa epear le at b ("...D.'IS:E., :.,,-:..e3' re gial fie 000 taille- tlinearga line tatrtr:etit ta h' clot:a-ad, "So 4.817314. me. toneely Dare ean'a streaked 13307.: ray 35 85 ell3e 'Yea 'I Breve itie regat to taeinela j .'41 (.--,.. , 1,3 ,:til234 123379.4.. in ran line teataa rat a ee (;e.Qt.--i, t5iie 11.e.ea leeeeetepe sinieekod Baer lay tree -fliviet: tleoege 2 feat, 1511 a tonitnenlaa +area t-.3 -i/oila ' 4.49 31 ale mean aez it al a 34,923.8 33 a'aat 44 53235.4-4.0 41223341. Vaera ea:: a.e ereluer t P:6 N,I4,1V.f1T.)IT,110)1ae gtia g- e "By insticte" ho auswers•50." to Metal, and 04-1aa 141alla lg"tis ne 1e-ar's_a.a;-,. arts,s•Jt'imanliair:t..r. anace1-1,pr,o...e1mg- otaeaa,,resaae0nesvtoarslf-eilas.tv 11atEes%hsa7:s ..i.brz,nenai„ne.,2s.. :and ag:lleGeUtee"egulgrL4°V PG'a eAann'at eeaeaao fatseaa.ra '1t'ielesee:1=e ro' nLalallleeeea,7.O4 317t• o , 434? . .] I - rlV., Ca•amv.eifi V?vgi) lgaot•1 ean'te''g.=' ,S4gOVPl e la art growinIitte 111BEIM ler :aries ris ne, for ties drattb1a, " Captan rkngicaa tiaao04(.t1,,11,,‘al.) ' e - 13.*IMnd-on"11-1 at ase. qateteinlqueur Ns1111561811 tENIafit 24 123 4233)gentieenatly eeeepteounused ra9sa CatEBono alate. tlul!`41d)()455111e" aaoea„05;0,23%aa:,dy.„:,2"itL,);10..143yei tr7-4 ,-1-7..er.,E kr...;1":..r..t ° taa Lead Ceveae taaaanba.a. lorm.dav.e co -s1.111), than a s `'Ls' aneali take ecitue, Gillian., dear? No? "1 deal 0 3 - 1 -- " ---aa ' eittare.1' eff et et each ware: ea " •atesees. :ens . a'ae t• 5) It are3 tie, reetelt 2e 1zettont 1eaa• 40 tare -teaeaa-a?ealas 'Leta se lit Gainer; '2"43733? 4111451 9'411723 15, , . re eye, st.. taaaaa i . - - eaa eien ereera. ,:"2,2',;,20 7,,a0 1,5/ rii-,,,.. tr.:--• c.„•ket•-; alenier.:11:113.- pear Ai tail' an lame ago., e,` No? It reaity is ae laaprovirment to simply. eat maresalti'S'. evaeing taat ...I eana, nt. 05nfli".i:t%t,1:;,F ' 41 7' eaetete lea cam at tee Ceiararet "Bat seale:ma oaa ba lels',caelta Ea 13vt07a.1 assare315.Daraai aoa.3eot saareateeresCOSi.,47IiCe.%.1e1:2 . ;4 Cartel " aT 'aelAarvee-ajl1LIS an°bly GPeealtasitte ete.vo?t msaei.: n ,,", re,, -e -,-:e: ' eaV.!lt,,,cee. eyeaZ:t.a.l7e.'4e'('.e.,'Vat:gaily','!tee tealiceeteeeerieil eanIde hope 504 slaveearan eaper.hard aa waapeaa ee Ler 21 41411 401Crre :eanen-cat taasei, a4a...e.tae,nea-4e7ee.leea, .7 - Maro 0313158, treliy. n"soseegts lIG• uilmaawn l gbeCae,ed lne0ar- C 111i1,1) e swlya i4t'e1 .ver -y "u inn-'tiede:7, e•id saN ee ia. ""eKaaall and gen- le leidea,ffip ., -Witti n e l ;fee:cle7 ItrstiteaalaZtro4°1d/, adeats.11:dinneranswateertainseeeaea;aeeainoLi,v-1T,'-14122 434.5 edC':V:-,23 4. 23 e2are,:sa with each very evident etooatat, got70047 tee " 110 Is -o een- 't'a 1,4.' 11 en.esepa.411.ea lNee se'ltea#ve1I0tao a , " I etae7 i,antwithexeitennentlittle alaeeneaesaett a4Oa1*N.-•. eThia i "os r te av" ear cad yaee re 41,c244eat arl citeekyashapto31 rwasaraaaga;masa0.1431,754TentgamAflea I•ereafz:e a e : s - :-, .1."4:.. -'. • a "t".ea. ., .r.a•a.* eae 4EA ,' lite last diat Can tabnana Ilise fraikywegiesEine some young felretrsisa"aenowas a lae-eo1M , 1'.oi S.13 2' 4t, 2. L ":lii1V.,. 200r ligiVII. O'Neill esanu `.9 'forward and ntL1540 imentay ponoleas over two: more my dear ? YOU %VI/WI 08•0 i/ tiitOr i: alen e 'gritl,,, arataa are:. ta-a. it i. E . , m• ' Itrp..?Tly watitiI11.; at, tho Coot. , puzal.tg, questioas fellow te.aa Geo-ae .aree-er In a d.ays n al tinina I inuat rag:1r 5 .'(.:r-117 1,';',1,:- , .. . • ,....., 7, ,,. ,.. ; .... , iT:.,, c„, -,,a.,1,,,•,,,,,. F,,,,,,,..: z.. p4:fo, ros, , . " • '1,;',:t•,, e,..:1:07 %W., r07,4:‘,1,:"A*ili ..1)051 form an opt:sloe of ana Ot "0".--...-- •„- • . r 31.t.Yr %hat sort of a dirinner vraat. No•tv weell.1 your V. 4'• ' LL.' ma. fLko,,,ret.t4,3a, wge la ,i...,,100,1'. iaii .0 " 7. /v.,. 4 .. ..• : a • ..a,,.,,,,,,G. -. -....a • P.15. t-, 137 ,. ie. -r. 1..., p.iet,etitst(-. !!'"0..if.,...,,.;, , I Iiht,ill to tee ciliate, :sat the peatatee. n '-'-'-v - -- - " •• - a- ' " --- wa re isa, el-ev.es weer tar area. ead in a hurry, nay .eieerea epa, thiener weired Lady Dainee call "very troo la*/ "I don't know 415114) 31'.' iaieilan saYe. „ b' I -: -me • 4 , -.nti•7 iS '' Ot to EgZi.; ,' 0 D'or i1.726t.tiritO ' ' er ' fai •ea9 W`eiti," /Mei!. ii ati argee, grave.* ''a•ou can't ro-in a Faeoradly, how much would liacly Da -1 laughing a :lathe, awl was/tang afresin I' :lad alien it Es that antle 011aaa ,: ..., .. ' " a a : • gaineea it re: r of ,r -"rod a:augers WAN .. 1, ;010.--• itS nian Lamed Tina aliort t -I' I le 1 1 t au -thine' and o weettina,-thoee :gasping, tuff -stifle : •::,. ir*Icelle.2 littie elan' ..: te. fiou' neee. I; Tire: poiar tie,Eng meet eaave every! Tale op.ni0:1 on any orio .n a. 'hurry, mer eat tytt,,,:a sho:eanfessed to "has-- a that See 'Could refrain From the :silly 1,1:a.-1 tarsi Into that Litter Lit et „ •• daer. Walt watt! you ite.ve been tea." ate appaopeee a mouth or two la Ittialua Glaiste* "Yon near dt..*1 a legenna4" hoe before yee Isaiae us" ladyship says, wlth her stied laugh. "I have formad tine highest opia- "I am leo paeased I" ion possible of Irish k ndaeare mind! "And Mr. Danner- thought the fan- tourteity airsady." retorter i Tier was good:, .persists GI.Lan, 10 her 3111:41111e5.15nhiSry and Cal,tain t•aci Inam•••ttt, wren -re. pawl - -. -en eeateee under les Ineuetaelia with I waseed to tell Inins that It Was Mr. an attentive look ill his eyes. "1 era Arelier who ordinals' it, Lady Dealer aorry. eta Dant ae 23 music *wait abet you, I thought, proveuteil sae: ennialn ar two to Itave that opinion i-yas, lave, 01,4., her lady_ sionfirmal 1" ship a:nascent. arching t "011! ely goodnessi Wye hear • delicate, black. 11:Y f!..11ke briol(s)vs: her a, a II d half closing 'that ?" I/ani•r exelanne, wain ; 01 each a slid Ifni ontarrein lier ey ea, as le th • lanater of In i - eel laughter that eve.; Captain ferenee. "I thought iron had salti Lacy bat: to joia in it. "The:Wee b t (mite :animals an /nor • than, eieningle S Ineennase for yea: Detect- b fore in neentsw: ere fag nen In a 'Inar In leas tiesn two- 1, Archer's serviees; more then :enough twine! mer sa-ar, we mast„.•1 aesure yoin lain. love. Nothine; 'make ten I islreranain of aona' 1 Is smell bal style ae efeasive gretia • .111U0•11 trovii.* tare.: 3ay,74r..v ell)) tttria ahnzi nttn.lv everytblag, vs-taeh makes lier loak so ,:telee-lh tee Tanana:ea t..,.tizr 04 , . realise avert erabarrasee.i. i; cad: eingtnieln, taat :rave lett teet 'Web'.. bet now what do ,you tvitaer , traCE-S Wit 'It sine enters tele sataile persist:. Mr. Danner. so reareastly and ii reaea• a Is w rainialteaTter. an 1 t43" t exelteelly. ant he takes lier cool little ) li:',..• el the very eeglire a/ 61 11 ;In 1.11.t9'41n liana: In Lis hat, strong lingers. teat ::. -4;5 tial.. the.. 1.51- yattea laewese-slie alallan grows a 1:4.1111a• wawa; at 23111233. " area wawa pates is al: seeteebetie ate -Whet le arair eardai Opinion et alai ,, 43.4) 43.1417.51. . new,: we an 104a4444v 1-'...0tPIL *if nz.11)1s glen a ' Tiiiv sort -wiato raokr, • .r.,.., lifitV," 1:1$' dear." aie urges. 1 eep • a a. "1 taienaht lam a vnty ttgreen.Wr ''' 2( 18 a' 1211ta" f'r a , '1 Who 1sa.5 but tc,41 CU tee roeee :gentlemanly canna' Gillen Mays re.- . s g . • • • ,,, eietantly. and trying ta avoid* Mr. 1' ae. :iron an the ea a al Len. :Da-mees briaht, exee...atitrit gaze. 6 The girl wino will never ?anew a .. s), he Is laas0 he is 4,, he 0111,,,,s, I eitaratetal svieh titet wentilita ea, weIl :educated, well-brel, sty. and 0.411-, •, , .. r b137 'for lier the dialerat. preielea lier-The la alien tient ea esigerey as befeae. "Gentlentarily, i b1aY for born, too, °alien! An -1 'harelsota.,_ i azi.laa ''a• attether woraea'a titbit yon• 'think lam ba.relsorne, an:y i 11 e' CHaPTElt VII. dear ? Tnerees not a a mn in the 1 tl lei. la W a el. 1.641'..1* '01C it° ' . * ''''. "1371*at 4, '0121'itrag elan-. it laa ria lut-i,,r74r ilea, ete..a.; 4151 551 .v.e.e.• ra,easea. I ceeaeent lannselt 'settle votriev- co ceinge, or tie ace:easel ent 14.1 turieng tine aninatee.. 491n 514135 1,331244 31233-495 Eleireee er rtii- lone in ale laar. leo teat:Leer hoer Sada 43'• mita lealasee. Teti 4e423411 re a M's tea acre as 50:4.:w..4 Ea.:ea a atearalesee 1314. cein''t miae. 1.591) Nett eeelevo 0. ie innee ta Leila a see...area or 175111.23 911.' 'Mina 23 sents see 6-.4 ant, et tene. areattait, 114 3131 91441,:1' 7,00. 5031,L125 431-11 complexima may 41'1'0- 619 ao far a e-e.a.ria. na stain enada 41 tareiase wetter sraet it jeleotais e1e6'412---teee9'e a•see. sorearo 0. Ineaeleat Worataa•.79415151s1.L feceseina