The Herald, 1901-09-06, Page 6�
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111. � � I � ).
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I . I � I
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W 11q, racotpt of a cable- ,-.�--,-�-,-P"----,,--Ia.--,-I,e . " �V- vvvvto��- �
Od Altm. Wth, From tile r .. �
4911801oftOr at ,Tol%n,nne$_1 i� ' 00
iollowa." "I'topot to Inform
5 Triovi�er.Joh* Alexan BEATIFUL A Y
. . .
R, $04tJa A.frican.Constab- � I ; I I ..
d of SlAnowati—A... oritis
� I
PY41011ilia, at Petrivibux,C, A i 15th
F*xt of lit", Poter 1"rl�111'19 fa thor:,
FF Palmerston
I ,j�.�!,%o,., " I 1�,,�-:. U W 1)
I I . . I
. �
I ,the Skilful Movement by
P,&StQtrIoe, Ont. ' Also
' I , � i
C1,5,52o T-roo0br lCharles TupWBP Bus-
I I 11 I -_ �__ --- i�;��
ang p
by, aocj(j�zts,lly seriously wounded
at oloetmendale, Roth A,ugust; next
Now yotek, Aug. 80.-A.nn ounceiment
I .
or kin_ ftletbor. Mrs, Busby,, Mono-
bdfr be,eoa anado by Senator and Mrs.
te0o N. B.-, : I
Nelsp.% ,W. A,ldk1ch4 of Rhode Island,
, I �_ . _._w . .1 1� f
of the enzagement of their daughter,
no" F."010,1AS $HOT . -
Abby, to Jolim D. Roc�efelleir, Jun.,
, ,
- - - I t . I
I * 4
. ,
. — , .
a(WI the Standard Oil Kilim n "el +h.
. Had Been romPA Guilty by the Trea" riebest.young man In the ,v P roTId.
H SUCCESS ,� son Court iii Oapo,Colonyi I Miss Aldrich Is the Second daugh-
Cape Towit, Sept. 9.-Twxy move ter of SmMtor and Mrs, Aldrl,eh, and
rebel- w1o,no w - —It I
. I , �
. 4 "'
tW WOaSQU Court, have - f*en shot
I ,the Skilful Movement by
at Graaf Retuet., I I . I
it th* .Boer Leador Wits
' I , � i
reed Out of Cape ColouT-More
Not Captured by BooiFs.
I .
I oar Robots Shot -Canadian Dend
Ottawa; S%A. 2.-TItere � Iya.9 6
rumor too-dmy thht Major Bennett I of
� , Sept, 2.-Detalle are at
V v serving with the
I I .. I
ng-th t hand of the manner In which
B:d" In South,
Africa, WW: been captured by the
ritzing was driven across ,the
Doers. Bi3quirles at ihe Militia De -
.,"Age River by an admirably-
partment amd at the Governor-Gen-
jaujaed ploveinept ot Gen. Fr,aoh.
eral's effWo faileA Izowever, to elicit
bib resulted in the complete disor-
alty InfortlyntlDn by way of authen-
tication of the report. ', �
4-ulastion of the invaders' strength
, ,
- - - I t . I
I * 4
k tjoe Colonyh
-News F,rqm South AfrIca.
On t)&e night of the 9th inst. Krit-
Ottafwa, SWL t.-Th)D Governor -
,user Slept to the south of the
General bras received a letter from
line, sear
Lord Xttehen,ar. enclosing a des-
keb" HIS forces were tauch seat-
pa.toll from the chief staff officer of
, I
Drud and demoralized. Col. Crabbe
the South Afrioan Constabulary, an-
nouncing the resIgnation from,, that
,at. lying tile saWe night In clo4e,
rox4niLy to the enemy. Both pur-
force of Dr, Yau.x, of Ottawa. The
aers and pursued were greatly
despatch reads: have the honor
to request tk&t you will take tile
earied and exhausted. On the night
( Alie lith Kritzhiger hiindell and
necessary steps to Inform the mill-
few followers managed to cross the
ta;ry aut3wrItles that Captain F. L.
Yaux, Me(floal Department, lima been
no nuar Thebus, wh,le t he bulk of
Is forces crussed at Sahoenble, mov-
permitted to resign his appointment
is north boyund the Zuurberg,
in the South Afr"%*a Cunstabulary,
from, the 10th Lust., and has Since
Ai,��nwldje, Col. Gurringe had
been appointed medical offluer In the
turc",d to Storinfunteln, Nia Shanks,
Imperial Yeomanny. Capt. Vaux be-
,hilv XrIL.I..gei% I.norunt uf thl. neir
longs to the MeMea.1 Departmenti
twger, led .116. m,:u to Roo.foatein.
Vuru, cai the ufternoon of the 13th,
Canadiair militia."
1�ll o Uvrringe"s hands, and
1�rzqi%- �
�10' `0%4re pulli,�..Vnen,. It was
i 6.
S aeti.*a that Comm4utlant
, t
, 'I !
M,j �
,g,, mort�d.y wouu,;ed and
I e�woklted Tier will, M.-ty 2.1th, exx
I 9
lri.�:4.,Z.r's .tccrvtar,..� wot, tak(-n
;��Mzaprl v to her deat1j.
rl�911��': -
vatizpa-brou workers, arebitf"ets,
mA.Stef, brickillmons, ete., shoul(I b,
- V,up...r.- harr�(t.yiy, the Boom
II-_1-V%I northwezit, towards Trana-
City 'of Trenton Explosion
aatirant2, Nit, hawla&-, Captains
li�all. and B.ndqAan %rere, watuh-
Cost Eleven Lives,
As �hk'ir 21�131VLMIT,S, .in I during the
rdin6wbataction F:hould be taken to
3gul. movcil ia,arth froul, Stpynoburg,
af farm manures and commercial [er-
rl&Jo Cxx. Crabbe, uh ).,�e furce had
Clikl9fan &IOnlifts througbont the
,Opitatty, ad, under the will of '=as
y t4le tlm- rccovere,l frout It7
0f;4% mareliedzurthwards from the
.& few years 81ter the landing of
ro�Lvra qkur ci the Ztxixrb,.!r;;. Opt.
111111a'doln3da, Pa., Sept. 21-13jeren
vrrlap� al,ii continuts$ tho lourstitt,
kr,own dim'il, nlwt inlikiug and thtety-
Ild eadgh't UP 1320 CnMny On thO f0l-
two lujarNI It., thit re(.tord made by
wing arterwion in the 11co-irnkloi)t
tho eNplesion of the boilers of tile
lueat0mv, lZrit2lager himselt just
Steamimat Cl-ts- of Tranton, on the
i4taged to eceapc�. Vol. GorrInge,
Delaware 31.1yer yesterilay ulternoon.
"lover, still to lowed tile elmor,
All night lour, City firemen. policemen
Ithoo Col. Crabbe luaved to Tygers-
. ,
nnd umv!oyr,69 or jothe Wilmington
t1k. ax,l Captains N eltalls an -1
S' .m-11aboat70,nipany, wh*ch owned the
a, to vamn c\tt n e I the, r forces with,
ve_,sel, worketl In au,l around tile
wWu 11-ont, towar.1s Veaterhtadt. in
hurnel and blaekpiv�d hull. eearelltng
mr to prevent the eurnly brvik
for bodles or ,%ICtInig. Hundreds of
" bxck. It was lutClIded that thss
mM are dra=lmt tit* river bottnin
JAU-4 link', b,y tho gradualt-loshig
wItIl gr,,tppj Ing 'Irons to-dm.,r, and
of Ita rou-It erese'"ut forinatt011-
tl%L%:Y Will POOMAXTIN tn (10 00 Until
4 fklalj�"tal the forift of a
ertory perr�on 13 Averolln"pJ for.
r 1,�. Iftt on U,,4_� m �,� nqng of the ik"Ith
Or (110 (Pltviou IN0103 that ltaveb"u
riLi�Wqvor, aeecowpanio i by rsin-
, tt�u of Us V,Dret-, nnwherair�about �
rtmvertA ton have boom Mentitiord.
Among tho xnlr4ng are .1%jJ!3s r�.tbpj
ooattz, erkq�Q,V.i Lj.,?_,t)rL10ge 1.1,er at
I.gIOL-0,mg, rot rt"�ri7uto.j. 'and
. NIN't; 1101;m
. .niegi Witt. Th,� vniNa�- '%VVrO%l9-!iI*,rlr,,t.
Altzilth(P-r tit former Xtayor
wa:ty f-4 I 1A 4.4-110 the to��p of a I ,
Z0111 13-l"kst, (1 `o(Pro%oln.
I I � x! jiurtl , of tb
kiooje oft U. I I HL ,c
,kpa�bt.digg to, tiv�* Ntataume'at or the
� ,4' Kkay of tho eavin) WC110011
. I "I'trilow
� &*_g all app,agtj to W thar-
of thf:V +aA fts*49tant vngi.
hoi-r., ol'ift P. Vhkq;r* tile ftl,An Ittp) &
I", X 4tongraUcu W
prefantini-l-vt of ewatl& Ift". chmv
04W410 OUG
cayn U'llt bAP5rA loaviv 1,01310 to,-
, ssp�t!44��)n CPT Rraunlrrger W)w the 11
w�m-k 0.1 To,m,,�I.IY 112"ItIlt, h -r husl�ftnvl
_1�qlljpb WA.Clg %P&S� V,Le tor Cho 'Iftculd
n,41. *�Lj,pt-.4,?, r rmy n6wor *;t."- yinn
lu� j1ir+.%1 jvrt n i'lls UA 3t tu.-en,�t" %VMS
A111,11n, I 1� a ."g.
nvo t P. � ntlinont Ant
,us SLA,TUJO b ��& V,14,9 trjaoj�o- wilij
Olf iiii-- coantry, 11
OU'Pro *41D b, oil pnpbAnn on tht.
bl"It, Ir thor^ I,z ttivurn Will UTA tin
qlfa�lu�t,4?5 uAlow..
, .k art Sotox, tor the BrItiml I
#�_". 11, rcr nvb. TL �y ar6 rtinniam at,
The ab-_oo,1rv,,o§ u le,,,at iuform.xt.un I
lug W tLo 0�OTYC'Ltwz of tli(,�
LVI !!"�h Ift $4f,ara P.-t.,mAro, and If .-in
twei6it eacZ151 tLrvar I and iflany
,,13.31'11 of UKLe M%abRant% eat mp.
OML-2`64 *111 h*1 UU1 IJ."
f�_sxtu Elp wn-AbAPble arthe ta-0t
Of thO 8-" Yulklftel li"?_40ng takon to
wi�v It, ts ulza'Tis j*j�!MtJP.4" t4At Urit.
tttl hc,�Pttnl attp,,-!'A�4 to the Plana.
jpv w-j.V reuira P,tJst-,nn,_;,dert,jut_
llelp��t "Id"ll" rf camtrection. all are
I It kkatufttr C4.s klr6t e.%jfm,kecP,e
rlva &I 9 d 0!"g well tib-da2r, and
4.2V16,1mr wrd pal's'at he #01 at-
it it not n,)w bzh:,�Ved that an�
i1vt *Or(.-11.nter V40 calell'Tumcbso
thl�w wal 8i,N
I I& aMlo V.� gatE,;er tugetk-tr &
Anguttaq jUlvdt,itt, �jn C-_xp�,�rt Ina-
C*ttk fene th'.&U, baore.
&IMIAL'i, emli2ored 14V thki ivearfe &
I * @ncftr�s PtNualtict 111."b tot
tL,j,Y j8kjPbUjJP�.,jL, r
, g iEowpmv, buIlder
ily kal5wn. Ttrolve lot their %oft"d.
Ot tho Cltr of Tralt toi, reqeftUr over-
FC11 Mto ddt hand,4 bzlL the hufft.
Eaulvl the b3atlik IV jawirs. 110, told t!j-
,at killeu edimot be� esVmatea in
11V ' .120 thero tvae B6 doubt In Ills
light a this Rattird, which 10k.
mbid that the r-jrp1m;iojj flit -1 bec-li dud
ft5d ,6velr fulir mirty. m1eg of
to the t1pansidli of tho wdtdr in
ntry,. 1W tiamber of hotibes Whith
thd bOffets. 9-2 9LAVO It W4 Idgi opinion
�ow*my shot anji Ic-Aft behin,q in
that the ba�Lt .ivd# b-ing run too taz§t
It retrealt b beHoved to ba at
allot thl-il, C%shttust�ol t1le. tvu.ter.
� W-We8t 1,51, 1
The bnat 'WOL4 Vfteon nilftlftb�g late
A 4mvatch froT.1 sfiddle&trc, Aug.
whea aho left fier IVIVAtt 'YeStt-Hay
I &%,-Vik. It is how "riain tilat
aftetrnbotl iftild it ig 8tat1--d that
rohifingef fatf-SAf, Witt %velTsPIS: i
. @r,t,
Ilint 11 , W 16!4 thaj, had (men ffj1d6
p7per Afid abotit 151) ffledi has
up. *h6ft th" cTj01#3,-:Pdft e0tCVjrt&t
. . " ffitb tho Oratice River t.!ol.
fAtC11--tt id hoW belto,Ved that Z'
0. kitIfthigeto tried to cr,m-oftie
lives! Were lo,stl�
b&t. waig enelled by aim artnot-
,,, 11-allb. Pit-tir Vocra Were Wounded
W. hor8eg 1�110f. gume, eadWes
. 'N
fitles #- itPe :ft -ked up.
A dit%V"tPdh frow Norvalld Pont,
I Abg 13� ,says-. kruittlagorla
I. '' dik" ttmbering I 0 in ab
oPowid the 10rayrr-gb Rivet at kkan'
"I". ,�
T .
he Most Violent Storm n the
. 1
,I Ato-k, DtErts, C90s6r purttt?d bs,
I ".tAftes eelutwl. A strong
ttol lart here 0 Intercept the
Chy's '.Iffistoryl
leurA ,ftt it
. U,**elwed the Dkirts 'roo Itate.,
J6 C*Obnafift�*o -fin'tIng atreudr tl'otaa
. C.CV,tafftlis are harassing, tile en-
� jtotth a th#- 1.1vet'.
WirMilleg-, &pt. 2.-Thd #vrat b"i
Aj�"Wir Idev-pl-t.-h from �jjddjeburg,
ard f-Ahl ,storm -evut, experienced in
at�ejj A,tg. 1'1�, StatL��-S" In tho defeat
Winbilleg etruc.k tk,a 'et-kht-.8 of the
r Kr4t�jrgerl,ff tomManda by Col,
cizY shortly After 4 olcloick this af-
4�rringor Vm tha 15th in,4., aboat 20
ternocu, A'Ad Orint-Inu--d with unpar-
vets *,.re kW,od, and l(rultziggerors
affiA_ld vlotmto for naarly an hour.
w=etaty, witA alD his litivata papers
11AU16t0neff were pilt-d neatly SIX
-iw 1-cruftzinger's col'
, ,,, vaptor*I.
Inches deeP In the btreets, anJ the
mntlo bae V;1t, Into, t%va aluall par.
oldest reaUent can recailet-,t no pre -
viou's downpoit. .-is heavy. Basa-
ACOttft- 'Weldl,b-irg dosgatch ,df
melltg 'in th2l ejtY 'W^Ore �',Oaftl and
og_ li& sa-v S.- 'ItNvo 9cwt conimando,-Is
much dam&ZO eanzQ_,d In whol-�sale
warehdas--s n-w-spaper ortic.1s.
,r-_,1q,*1 r4main"tt, er! all'ale 611 - the
lt� is es
stimat-Al th-It m.arly iG,033
I , f;�Pta J"O�rtn ad
"X-Tirodtis attertChIn
panes of gla:;.q wpr�_, broken during
)k 11amover, rupp, -W. nte& by armo,�.A,
thO, 40rm, ThN 7. 11. C% A. ly-jilding,
tcf,Lt�p�, WIt"41 rive Colunigq "it th, ir
In which the M�etlng ot the Can't-
.f.�,P_ in&tr,jg_,j toe, ,4p be.
aelk, bnt th .7t
WC,._1 tvro or t.hec,c�umns in the dark�
dian Ifedleal AssemciaZion was b Ing
-held, was ll'03Y dt--`11011-1d� and the
j�v ,j p.n,j go,� bm4_,j,, ttv ithrnosterberg,
'o,Oilvellti011 PfOeaedings'suspehled. A
. a
rher;` tlu-ir aZ6 'b�Av bl�ln_4 ljunt6d.
Lda tg . 011th
inis, cm.�, �tly7r Ew,fli Ill, 'S
far as c&vy ba learw,d to_ -hi -ht the
stortil WAS local, not 'eltradi'ag to
T the &�iiva , . Uilldillbut9l excIf1pt
0 of
t1to western wh;,At TI,?lds. virlen,
Portage la Pralt*!,,�, Morris, 'S (
flat, of sc,hp.k-vets, wlli,�h Is now ,fut-
bot gouth t1no any,othqv cornmando
and, other pointua, report showera, lydt
6@ yeet well. 8*01letperya iomatlrdl,
no hay. .
V*Avor, is, 07YIN, a rcTaAger 160 hImScIr
__ — I
On6- thdugalid dollat sprinting
t '
]t)jp,0 &r � I- ET jZVS Ot RG. I
niateh� between W. W. 8with, winni-
Pogo mild 1. W. Waybury, C�,00kstoit,
I r%
%uluxw S1l0c1tljlVbPS Ift Afife-A Alka,
IV ,,, will bo ,rut ,off In 'Winjilpeg
V 'aht, 1).nk0_tojpjAJ:t %Vbb illew. �
next SaturdAr. ,Sfilitil *111 get A
I f-yatd babdicAp, the dizifiinet Wlig
szrmt, , lier M11.1 _ye_
'g._�T .�ja j
Ifo rmrds�
Mr. Rockefeller has been payIng
devoted court to her wherever they
liave met durtag the last few months.
He has spent much oir Ids time at Ndj
ragaasott,Plor with her i4nd a�t Pro-
vidence, where she resides.
. RoelcefellorTalmsto vallottig,
Miss Aldrich Is tond of Society and
It was regarded ," significant, only
last week when Mr. Rockerefter be-
gan the orgamization of a dancing
class which will meet at Delmotniews
lour times neNt season.
The news came in the nature of a,
. .
: ` .� �-, .,. - .. , �..,
AD [RICh -
I .
In, leather stoots Jim i900. Buying
whien leather ,was worth from 11to
200 he acquired 40,000 shares and
sold whein It'we4t tip to 80 and 40,
clearing more thmn a million dol-
lars. . " , . I
Young Mr. Rockefeller allows him-
self but lialf an hottr for ltincheon,�
takIng a light meal at a Broad street
eafe. He seldoin Pays more than 80
eent§ for It. He never drinks Intoxi-
cating liquors and ,11,is tmstes are
plain. � . .1 ,.�
. Aldkoh. Faintly Troe. . i
To t1te Aldrinh fam3y belongformor
Congressmall.A.1dricil,.of Il:Jaojs; Xudge �
AldricI4 of i,he Massachusetts Su.
pranae Court; ludge Aldr!61T, of�
Ueorgia, and Tlaomas BaiteY Aldrich, I
author and odltor of the ,A11matic
Monthly.- " ,
No date has been set for tile ifiar-,
riage, but it is the bellef that the
wedding. will not be long delayed,
It Is reported here that John D.
Rockefeller's wedding present to
. I
I I .
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� a 1. MIM, A2,4" 0. ALDRICH.
surprLs�p, luastunt'ho, as th� .Vvl�g ;an i -T&n D., Rnckcfeller, J�sa., and his
Is a leader and treasurer of th6 Fifth �f brIde. who Is now =6!; Abby Aldrich,
Avenue; Dap'.1it, Church t-'uniftyPehool. � will bo it ftawtsome, ninn,,L)n an xrlzat
Sohn Dxvidtsoix rm,.��keft Itt4,r, Jun.. 14: Is CA*41Y Lite mro.t de., Irable sitz In t
tho onl,v son of th-II Stanpl,nra, 0.1 lIng, r', all lypstel.003ter count,v.
w �
and 19 216 yeurs oll. Innu tlk,i ts ly as � Hr. 11.0?-Ilf ri Ih .- row 014V1111; pome tv.10 '1�
Itiq graduatien triou Vr�*wn Unhor. � � tI1,(PPUS,.jn�I aerp,q of lard adj Aning Ilia
tity thre:� Scara ago, %N,1!11 the d0P!'N* I cinp. 1W,, uto4 revent parc-husa was I
It Stft0jjL:jj1kj:'j1t.
��'rjbjj. jJjJPPPo A("V(p,g tile I"UtillIllt
of B. A., Im tntored th , 4
1 Oil Company's otfli�e% &Z 2G 11firc ..011 � 11 -Al road tracl.,;, whivit Sir. Ro4tizirtnt-,
way, and 0pre ho lian rumn,towd (11"pt ter hat; 6ranned NVAIA a #Aeul torilgc�. .;
rince. workInm as tard an nifty' wall , ljo haq hila out nuagitiliernt drhvs',1
about thno plat!.-�. I on tho It, W Prom l.v, a.11's thtw;e rea- I
j;,-!:&ju Woric, ot, tilo I.Pnwro;t Tlou,A. ; trio on tjt-� ervr.t or th#,, hill, wh��!Ch I
nLq rattler pnrpo �&l 'Llult t1,16 Yo. , "#. �
, ft Is Opt hlghm4t las'�,nt Ift the ej, aflt.v. 4,
=a!M Sht�Ujd rpM48 VVW)Ac�,',ft tvtry �!,-.'! Their IA in iivi,a%us t6it the enp-4 ",
V, �,21.�, IC4 0110 Ony t" be Ult, bao 44f n, mzm�.
,I paxtraent; of till StwAa--A OU A I bL! 'Ce
uegg, %vilitn jaf� 13�lklllfi %V-1;,1T*k 101" U'Al Elon, 11A'itH t ` .E,.It L"taV
_ _
provi'led V.1th a &"?x amd at-btr"d Llz'.Lte tWen cret*lrl lr.'A.-ato. that Mr.
vo curregrundftnee. Not, ht- littz, ft �� IZO-!ki Llhlr 111tcIds 10 build for Win-
, -
Private, offieL% aud 18 falgllfar ULIUA " self flonr hig 1W.,Fg-44t ll&�.S:,�, thim con.
kYftr,Y ftirtment of th-,,� Work. I 0+2��;On has liteft rQUOLPA that the
Ite has Istarned how to ," ,110CUIvO3 , fat,� on tatt, rmUk 11111 19 Inteirtlej,
TJA�a was pr6ved by We, cleVer lac,tl 5V a 1161110 f6t "is #On-
. "I - I 1-1 �,
__ __�
1%T ", a � I I o3ding bw-Inm,s, xc�t last hIght. It
* �
,11 I 1,; unde-rstonal that a gtheral Strike
. adea wag
41 1 1 1
W90 RAIN 'THE UNIJO!' 1 ,4 ef all 11to buildlug tr.
, strohglyl ndlqtyefttv�d, alul tuned only
1 11-�? tho rctds'al of VIC urteklftyerle
I, ,&Drom one lot the strong"St Por the
Open Declaration by Now �,r,
. t ;Z;V01v,jt:_-h0ati0h1*., to ondorme, the rdioove.
loans Building Ttade-,# S I � .. I ' ;
�,'.� tHRISTIA1 SCIE, CE WillslF
Now orlearri, La., .m. -C. ,1,10.40 %&!w ,�,
of t.hb -distuibtd conditlob e,� Lhb
labor slulatIon and tile numervvtxs�l Miss Brush Holdto'Have Been
attik-eg preelpitat - *nd
still WeAttf huffiber threate"ed, tit# , -of Sound Ml
architedta, builders and contracttors , V
took the prelifftillats, Steil yestw�&y 4
to protect themselveS ugalbst VI.- I
thek dis-turbailee 1131d tienlys in th"r WHEN SHE MAIDE HER WILL
bdElness*, TiAsuctloil Coh_,ISt6j Ill the I
eaniag of & mass peethig of imagur Xbw 'York, Aiag. ."OL -11t I#, tbere,-
bandet8i tdastet patuturs, tnastcr 16te, evittePht that, howevry oppio-,ed
ViaSuetett, inister pl.ulubalts, master theoo teaching -8 (Christlau, belefteei
�U i� 11 r, utay bo to the beliera or nations of
I I - _.
M "
UL 0 1. �
. 0
How the Hessian Fly Has
sult.' ,
Inforroation Gathered bi the Auth-
horltles of Cornell -Advice Re-
garding the Best.bleaus of Escap-
I Inx a Recurrence of the Pest -
Loss In Now York State.
Like most inseot pests the Hessian
fly, is a very sinall article, physically,
but its ability �o do damage is In an
astonishingly Increased ratio ' to Its
apparent bodily power. Mils section
of Ontario and the northern part of
Now York, SLato appear to have sul-
fered to an unusual extent this year
from the post. Spenaing of tue raxvn
a -gee cyX the fly in this section a
prominent grain dealer Said to -day
tliat as the result cd its industry,
Instead of a crop averaging from
twenty to twenty-five bushels to
the acre, as has been usual, the crop
this year will not arverage over ten
bushels to the acre, and In fact so
fierce has been the work of tile
busy little fly in some farms that the
farmer -has simply given up all hope
of getting amything off his fields, and
has ploughed his %rheat under the
ground. IL is believed tbat tire rar-
agwa of the fly in the State of New
York during the present season have
resulted In the Jestruction of more
than half of the normal crop of the
stat% or in money of approiiinately
$3,000,00G. The -Importance, of the
lilagau has been rceognizzed by all ilia
leading agrIcultural axithori'Ll,,a of
both Ci nada an I 03 Vu*ted States,
and one, of the uio.,% lnt�reating Jo-
liverance,.; on the sabjr it h; ountainel
in an emergency bullr-tin Lisued this
mouth br tiv� Agr'waltaral Experi-
ment SkOtloon (.f Cornell Ulllviurs:ty, at
Idinca, N. Y.
Included In tlif) bull -tin are V,.tters
from farmers In varions parts of the
Provinee, and State, giving tht-Ir ex-
I)c%,Icnco with the post. Mr. a2q. &
Fi,;llcr, of Frecrian, writes:
Dawton's Golden Chaff lime bean
very extensivel.jr Fown In Ontario,
an(I hau auffered, more frout tha fly
Ilian any otlir.-r varipty. Aroadian,
Genesee Uktut, etc., etc., have com,),
t1trough pretty ivell, but In many
easce ilic, Dawwn*s Golden Chaff was
nearly all deatroyed.
DIr. D. r4 .Wxrr, 6imom write.,;:
"Last your and this year tho fly jm4
bwhn an Utwton a G.olden
Chatr as In other varletle.s. The only
Nrlicat here that ewnpu,s the fly is
"Ied Uto nuA Clawtion. I cannl)t
underatAn-1 why tho fly Injures thp
Dnwcon hore and dt-.Pa not with
�ou. I sewed two wo!ks laze
W4 year, but my wheat Is
b -10Y Inre&il- I with the I),.*.
I find Q,at our Dnwt�a whoMt that
,�41t)t a, btron , grow:h 1.1,.4 fall had
U:p It'll9t, fly, Movit 14�lo aer�- of 41 (14,14 was unuentOly rieli.
1.14-ro thn wit,.at r ,
and bv ,jtu s4r?,wiq f,"rowth,
,. ,ro I lv�v-e w; ftno� whotit as I
rvc,r r.11t. A .l,i th , fl.y M-1 itto, Irtouble
It, Ut th" lmlwteq $4 thes 11(ld was
bti� rall,v cat*.a up,"
1.-z�,Ille V0111 -1414a 11%.
ENperiopoe with a tl;ree yvars�
Ov,-,,,� ol tho fl.v s�4u%p fortZ, .years
#2uue,-, to-t-ihor ulth Vols jvvaes 4�X-
To-ri-eept Ir.0 to th� f"A.nVing con-
ellt,��ons; tv,ys; the lulA'..'all.
1. That rra,�tLt rjb,-I�.* ut�:el not tip
alvaufloaej tout th#A 223hil. " r Vf Rereg
shwild ho� rtdne�141 ii%UB be rv,ME�aft of
surh rr-ductloi eversr Mere t,awwd trial
bo rals.1LA under &dp.-,;r;or ounditions.
.11. Tomt tho sol, w13 U�i sc well fit-
ted and a* fertlue a strotig
wm by growth %03 b�� sc-=ed In
the fail l"llmigh the r."Win"g far the
sv,iA be &L,PPy�,d 10 to 15 dhy8 buiyond
tho usual ijule. ftt*�j prep.tration of
the 6011 Will a196 1IT45V, the wheat to
recover from tui,v xvint,or Injary.
.3. That the Hessian MY InjArel tile
wheat mote oil dri1sli and poof land
Chill on tutilst bat weil larallied, ileft
4. Th.1tt thick seddhig and Vigorous
growtjt tend to ward off the fly.
5, That the reAuthig 1"Awer of 1,ar-
ipties v.,AeIY greatly. Those with
largo" eoftrgis, strilll'leo�, ,ttraw 'are levo
liallif. to Illjar.y than uteak-atrawed
and Plow-geotviflg Ittfletlee.
0. Tilat there wera , least sit
v&tIethia Crown in the State this
I . V.
seasail that Were hot apprcielablto al-
teoted by the r;y, though lftii�ldit-
Otis otbef, ftarlotica In tile same
ivelghborhoOds Were mulAt injtired. Of
ilfeseon!Ly b.twSon"s Grn'Aen C"If has
Uven tested at th3 vtatimi, and this
*11eat tot g�Ineral ,azilture. Tile
I -
vrjcumusolls� IWWVVA. Ce an EVA
vanited Iron ,workers aill arclAtiEcts
otilew, tllz%y,atd foutLiled CLI, the riiZ.?i
, . -
0i'llUr lk,�-ISQAML varleM_13 Pal -0 .V.rva�
em,vrat. .rlvd lZus-
to meet at the Mr-r-katibW, Dealere
giotig conviatia'As of those pfofr�&"jg
them Thh;, &.jftS,S,Y, the'Coutteannut
slaa mid VVIalto Chalf .Vioafterrau-
And tuinbcrmen�x Evehange on Fri-
day afternoon. it is i0peffly annouveaA
&air that tit, so pek9cn5 are mentany
T_ Zmt farmers In 'this St.%to vin-
ithat the putposeP of the -meeting is
,tumound. ".17ite trailit or talsity 'of V,
tellgionsi tiollof Is bc.�,un-1 the Ecops,of
not be lntiucc4 ' to eut And bury
tQ dee�','Xjh�'� War against the UDklilg
a judicial Inquiry. Thu -s, the mart
Giublyles Arl.31 a viasw- to destro.ving
And begin the �v&%� at onee
!iot Waking flor tile U-0 -hs evil fur�
haa oftoi Won askaft to pass upron
the Juseeto clace praetizzi ol
9fleffirg' to grass 0,0d elyVer is Al.
titer to strengthen themselves and
the taksity ��L 111513titua.1sm, ,Aad to
hold t1lat 0, fo'lower 'of thist faith,
mogt universal and bitning. thettub-
ble, to do des-
preelpitato A, strike, When get
whtch' "La Cbr'E'tl M' S-�'ollccf 'a con-
It possible sa, would
teady for it� The call the lazet-
tkaty to the,oLnVI_,t.(Xn0,of mcat men,
troy the young Meadow plantg.
Ing- declares -. I
waa of two s.ity laknoring urider ttft
? 1.
X�o= IS tc" presshj4v A1,30 in fflitisum-
, ,
-, Ifte, time hag rome wben, faceil
Ineanib delasslun, but it has linif'otuily
ner to jastily destrz-1yi,;g the voluu-
with such tinteasonable, demands as
tetvaed a.) to 4
Relare or hold,"
tE r he
�e W 'at that comes from the
4re, &I,- present waae 1).�r the differfmt
unions of the city. it becom,s ne��!i�%-
These declarati _ns, contained In an
-elabirate by ftrr6gatL& DIU-
lvarvest r,hatterings. .1fach may be
donei however, by sowing; itarly in
sary t1lat Some, C(In ()u
w, hA3 batwe= thloS'o eMj21>7'-
goraid, givc, P. ?.vin Mary of Ids views
-kitgast, one or more string oil the
Side) Ot SideS Of the fk,hl. 'hle P!a)ZtS
Ing tho frien to catty out the obligm.
, _
"iff T,U6 f,o-,V,r 61 the Co�lkt to, judi
dially ,deterin*nx� that a, bi, liever in
on these strIps eme on Early and
tions for whiell they have contraetoA
Chkistiall �,:e,Zc U, mentaLy ungaund.
form Ideat cf%ndi�lons for the lay -
and the men employed by thr-m. V A
they preserce of these facis ani wit�l
I E[�� rekjst�a "!) Fo hjuld, In admitting
ing 020 tIm e�s of the fLq. Latet'.
after the rernalader �i tit- field has
a vlow of bavbIg theexl.iting "ll,fi�r-!
t._a prcjy.!t,j t*,,, will of I
, jj�v IT qea (:.
I Dkilsil'about .illtvyenraolil. uh, d:*d
bami sowe�l tha strips ar! il'oughed
conces Adjuste , we deem it
'Of congumpt"On �Ful.v 70r, 1000,
dar-ply (uslng a sldlu or At-
neeessrtt�- that a 3oint meetmg- of
flud,g tjja�t from the eviclonce ,Iqiss,
I .d and
tachnient to the P1,ugh) fTttf,
the master balldprs� rda,4ter IminteraP,
D-fteli was of f;,our.d mind w1inn sho
solmed. Tl.lw preventjvi� mcasure 14
master plAsterets, rAltsttr plunlb,�r4v
I e�woklted Tier will, M.-ty 2.1th, exx
gbovzt the onl�y ona which Worth
Inaotef sbest-Iton workers and '94111
;��Mzaprl v to her deat1j.
coll�tjdering in addition to tile late
vatizpa-brou workers, arebitf"ets,
mA.Stef, brickillmons, ete., shoul(I b,
I 'Illils dreision ii -ono that will be
90WIng or hiLrdy varieties loft well
fitt6d, hatutalls, fertile toil ,)t soil
bold' as LOonn ms Po."ible to lletpr�
I bailed * rrj,_-foi�- bY the Members
ot the Firut Church' of Christ, S,Jcp�n
ma,de-fortile by tile llb.,?ral application
rdin6wbataction F:hould be taken to
tist, of t1liEr, Olt..V, an,q, In, fact; by all
af farm manures and commercial [er-
r M.eay ihe existing evil."
the call has been signed by all the
Clikl9fan &IOnlifts througbont the
,Opitatty, ad, under the will of '=as
lAft. t4tory of tlessl�n Rly.
preefdent5 of the several brailellf�s or
Brush, th,g obut'll, as het fmiduaty
.& few years 81ter the landing of
the� building tradps, r1lie patnters,
lmateo' Inbefits fulty M000, .
Ifessian troops on Staten aud Lolig,
catpefiteth and other trados have
Aet btother, Jamea D, !Itnsffy lft_�
ago, in a,1poapat re,md before a meeting
�afel.v steftek 0 and 190-V trAT 'Of' thi-111
6eh#@d At thel Idea, .tliat the bull, of
of t'h6 Cii)ftijda-b Medical Ateoclitti-on
. .
j1dve afttifod conallotabfe iielva,noes.
jr,or tottjrh&,j�o'a1d1 be � Von, tc('Chk!§�
,'In, t�*bft%l be find antitloatosid the
BulldIng Tilades t1bunell, torn-
tifth ftlebc,6, Wadi� the tofltdOt 0*etl
thOary ,ft-opotinded bo�' Dr., goich. Vf,
toted of the �unloll§ '6=1ordd 1. n the
'hot-, *Iftu 1
Islandb In 17-14, Whost fittilb - In
those locralitlos "e-116 ravagoc) by -a
est NY111011 soun rezQ1404
VA.) powljt�x flarne of tAle aQ;,,0i4A �
r1ly""', for it w4w suppom-Al Lo� 4mve .
be�.',Ill brouf,dit to tlw� 000ntry -,in
I Amw by P Iteme tropps. 11,110 111r)(I.Qt
spread wflt�l ,ra dly in mil sArep-
tiomi, awd 111tsl i3oubtieps Invaded
laost Of Ne"t York's Wileat-64TOWIo-
Ing swtloaa by 18`56 It had reaalt-
ed CfAillmnla, In N85 and nuw oq�-
ourN In nearly all (A the princoipul
whoo-ait regions in the Vujteu-$Latefi�
even In tile spring-whea.t pegjaiAa
of our Portilwo8t, The probable ork-
ginal home of the In6ect, is In jVekA..
P,rn. Abla, the supposed original latoij-
Jt4t a the wheat plant; It iufe,,4,(,w
wheat. In most of the -EaroWax
countries and It was reported im
Now Zealand lu 1888,, 1 L , ,
More or less dainage has beow
. I
done by tile .insect it% Now, York
wheat fields every year for utore
. �
than a century, but the ,Ll6w.wl
4$Hesslan 11 ears," or years z
excessive zullzei llav,e been ti ,
of MR, 1817, 1844, 3,845, .18LO. =11
1877; it is,estimuted that the loeitl
from the pest in westera New York
in 18-16 was not kms thall WO.Gull
bushels. Another period of ua*�aa; I A .
de4tructiveness began In N.ew Ywrk
in ISUP9 and it has just . 0,41-
m1nated with the crop of 1.901. mad
the result is that thousands ur
acres of wheat have been uttei-W
ruined and the tot1ii loss IS muohL
greater than New York mhus,t-
growers ever before experleuopd
from thii Hessian fly. it is estim4t-
ed that nearly 6,500,0U0 buslidis G(
wheat were produced in New Yap , k
Ill 1900, valued at over $3,0U0,0tk),
and doubtk�.e the 1901 crop wosAld
have been as large had not tbo
Hessian fly interfered. I
The kl-.�&Aan fly 1s a very fragde,
dark -colored gria.10 or midge with two
wings; It Is about an eighth of An
inch long and res�-mblas quite aluse.
ly a small ino'squito. Thetro
are two generations or broo*
or the Insect in New Yurk,
each brood pas6ilig tlirotiQh
four distinct stagos, namaly, (1) tgk,
(2) ma
(. ggot,, (8) pupa or -flaxseL.t44,
and 1.) adu t, winged ins,�ict or tho
fly. one bra(KI -%Vo�-I" on the winter
wlimt In tli.� fall and th-3 next brood
attacks tho Fam�x plants In tile
spri-ig. The 11 asian fly is clkstilletivc-
ly a wheat p,,st, but it will al,u witr)k
ia barlew and ry-. Somn vi-rr"purid-
ent.3 rtport timt th-V found what
they s'nI)oSefl jVag tjj�� parle pjInj ill
quack grass and In timothy flolds this
Season, but it Is quit` probable
that it wa's a clogely alli I(] ills et.
There Is apparentiv no authentte
recora of tiw 11i%sHirtn Py Nvorking
In any other p),tutq in Vim enuntr-y
than the tbree first inf,litioned.
Tho nic-t Important fealtire In tko
llfe4llstnry of tlr� pest from the
etandpaint of controlling It. W tba
tinit, of rmrr-t,iw.-I n" f h- r -I I1r(1*' (if
flips. Thle arlses from the fact thx�t
tile emer niozin.9 of preventing Iwo
from ,tIlC! pC*lL 10 In. 60WIoj4 1UL0
orv,mgli In thr, fall to avold Infeatm-
� tiou. For tho nvcr.VP smasqn or nor-
inaf C�,nlltlone.(I-Itm at will Il rowing
Is 00FInp.,tratIvely Sato linve Iweu ill-
. terrulned Ivr tile pritelp-11 whittIr
, wheat dl,Arlats. For rxamplie. 140
I (latva ztfter which s�)%vLig inay W
pard- y untlert timsbin Ohio vary over
a prriod of at: Imwt a xv�nflv, or frvrA
approxItuatply ,15olltenibIr Ifth lit tk(w
nortir to tetvb._�j lul.11 Ill the houtim.
IoVht-At, towa ultvr tjt,� dates tuou-
ttom,n), or wts r Alutemt.nlng date;4 tar
, 1::tt rventaq; latitadre. r.lil g(rn ISUA.0
la nornm I vt%s, oita a ?#. r I Iml 11 s I vA
�fly 11.10 IMmil1r.,irod. anA ll,� fz.e trom
oUnett. Ilviievr. a-9 tumprature it
aillet-IT ll.r njU!"I'le. the 4111%.(ItLoll at
hAltude ILP not tho wuly ene to Ct,ll-
Cts-oppratlo.1 A,!:4Allvkl the IN -t.
It ws xtwv lwji-rt_�.,Ilt V,:� fttt UP lf,Oh�
Upring fi�rIavrs t 0 QqV4�1p# Zutv ill laul
c,ou-18,1, �or sulle iqf-ikA �,-1 MAd tv NAY
vowu wheat sna.%- furAsh Uk_�5. 0-u-910
lit tile V,
priag t4) ..'rogrzi g, r1paq 11,;ury
In sia arby 1141"4 Tw? tn.sud� 4. � truo-
tIwvll,,.*�-d 114 the P��!A C'vNag th jo.'at
lwos !,A E4zooll,bi,c A�r4za6 Im "lle �11,�ft
Q �Utkatfiniv to Pr";,Vi,,zat. uwv lada
I'Arte rIA'a In gralvian any ezt�#, VOW
no Late as sour kv.fl U'vittlit.aus Wilt
ptrmit, Cow Ibtittog4k-htly lit a Twf4i
prit-ItarLA verd b -,,t], wA o4 ir�twll IPA
get �Uur nQ ighbove" to do th., game.,
anl .yed %"), cze'anvealt tkv U +,%I.,t*
fly nvar"�y Pvc-tv, titue. A IntANA
willeh to oftim ;eeonilnended, but uk-
fortuluttirly glttle pr_e�14_*],'" to 1E
hirriw dc-evoy otrilm 0 twheat =
144eptembor first or lat�p )a AligutL
Nfakvor tho fa1r, brood of f6rd efft(r
10 -
Ing frohl the fulowat"hor 11"amw'(416"
will bo df rc -Yyed to lay t1wir C990 *A
these strills. aud thf-Ir progeby Wilt
boo dcaftoyed by piougs-115"_- dud( r 46
dceiy planta; do not let the dee,W
6trip stall,_1 u1jre, th-
an foar we6U
ok bitt a fm# wt ek# after g*mAng tfib
main crop, Thtra W no way of g6til-
thm, at tho r.j�king I)r "ol or ih�7 lwio I;
c-1,6.,pot to,deatr4,y the z r p b.' �z
W, ,or ieftang T4 fM1d._,m Amd the "at
of' fr4eetleLleg ofab-y kind would U6
iffi, f0ttleaMe in u, wheat 3-ld evpb
It one toull thto PASon ot oth *1vI40
kill ttuy istag-o of the ratedt* whiekU
ivery d0butful.
I .. .
1. C ' '* '0_ � , Y
,H �
. lR
KO ! S! TOLE R' T "Of 0
- Statement ,- !
startling ,. Dy
Montreal Professor.
M,ontrgaj, ,W,. 2.-Dt. 1. C4 Adw*0,
pr,)ie.SS,r of P.�t_loiq �y at D1."e. 4 1, Una
haetertiloAlit for 1-6 Doft..nija 4
Wrmda, wli,,) It -o J"nst tetx.raed froft
i-olljoil, where h-- ;&ttviided tlw,- eddl-
&!<,It,? of tile trb,rou'osis cong,loo,sa ;W
one of th-, rel r_6entatives of Cd aadkr
im 0,_e a r; tht r �-tartllu, Statellldnt fod,
(jkQV WittCh tarOIV6 a3dL lelltlkAY fieW.
light uptat, zb.� thu-ory propoundix) b�r
1-tilf. Kocil, of r.,triln, with regard 16
tile non zrawim�s I n of �Vl.crctl.odg
jr-im oi.tzln! tc., human bclnga.
Dr. ldaw-� A-1VA th-tt ty'-'* YCIEN
Adallite lr.IP,-r Was tntttivd- "On the
F;j_mjfl6;xnae of bo%1io tftbet�nlod#.*
an'! Its evidication and provtnAon ii�
(;,jn;r,dA, and waa readat a ,wo-et1mg
�of tile C,alladlau Medical Aeam Intl 1%.
held In,V)rot i on A'0z'4=t L'e h 18, 4,
A,&?P.Y Of UIA PftPer W-110 Offi-A'41W
ttaWmItt0!l t -Y .the (olisul ok.nrral t
Germany at Otta�tva and ti), the Bee -
lin Paro;et 0-7 which Vrof. Kee'll ig ,
YS � _
tue. heal.d. A comr.triao'A Of Pibd�
Kc:ewe fayhons paper -ftb that .4
Dr. AdftmgO sho-Wa A tirik'aw. similarA
ity in thd atgamtents. and 0P thdbrr.'
I ja aifftyided as If the fitinona Gekinaw,
I&A#ajit mPpkopi-1.-%t&.1 tl�e thpoky pob4
Vlbrsl3e Advanced b.v the Clanadlft
&*tof,., , .. .. I )
. .
. .
- I ... _ ... ; .... 1__--_-_ 11-- I—- I - I