The Herald, 1901-09-06, Page 5THE ZURICH HERALD 1030 Tibe. p4 erect red the evening aleal, Ali we ling , 9HEBAIL. ZURICH P. 0. over It lie told rile the Soul Of his 4. 1 1 ad 113 k and Ile 4rank the oes!s�salt breath, 4,1001, Is Opon daily- except h'i1nday,-, fr(Ail It God should draw life's veiling 0004 away, 'brother, %NIio bad beiell fi b fir Glory of day, glor of day, IVIlat eights the human b.cach. could show the dAyl . Ly L 8 a. in., -cnit-il 9 1). in,, The TnaiNare IViiat doubts, what creeping ahns, what drear4. had been hung for murdor, had passed And hope was strong, #J14 lite -was, young; distributed tus f 0110mrs long drowned; 1. ;� Into the body of it jaclwl, but the pr T. '131y love will come eve act of sun; What L hope like fallen stars, w9uld there li� ers O�r his 1vido)v and clindren had a - O'er the (lark sea furrow sports tile cold opnylois ?I per found baps prevailed erO. this and the soul "The sea is high, Sheball, Sheball; 115 What wrociage where the surface calmly sleepst 9t " Do v. OU N �en whitened by passing into tire l3runkors at play, breakers at, play, ST.Josmair, I I IV14at ShallowaL where we moat had loolipil 1% had be I . 11. deepsl body of a tiger, It was all hour after And lite is long when love is gone," L, H. B. 6 :ibf) Ek III Strange rocks of cruelty that lie concealed, dark when I I set out, having no L woup- Ile neler will come ere set of sun; L, II � B . 2 '5,5 toll: We 5ell 1. 0 rta the cold #pray. Clad fit pale woods of vice, inight rise reVesbid fins whatever. There word wolves and 01 r the dark sea furrow ape F ROM HENSALL, LIU, 1 13. :00 4311 NVhera rikonster habits in their slimy pride that. "Tby love lo'gone, Shebail, ShebRil, Through falsehood's clinging brine securely g1lde, hyenas and panthers find tigers in Dead and away, dead and awayi ,:3o pul. All the leading nialces God pity idl I Ali, may hh; own grace hide district, and it was notorious,. for Its And life is long when love is gone," BVJC8EPH, 10 '45) alll And save our secret souls groart such ebb tidel serpents, but I felt lio perSonal fear as But life was done ere set of sun; L. i, & B., 11 '00 wix nd vai satisfy you ill -Marths. Gilbert Dickinson. Irlben I struck the O'er the duk ask furrow sports the cold WIT- al I passed' along. L. F1, & B., 7 :'W LL111 qu, ity'L �qtyle ftll� path, I boldly entered the jungle, and -A. Foster in Longman' I a Magazine. LETTEDRS4 POP RV(414TRATION, 111114 Here's the I ist I believe I had gone a. distance of halt -tr previous to g1 HE MEANT WELL. mile when I caught sight of the it- be posted half an hot tering eyes of some animal before me. the time for closing the mails. Hartford DANGEROUS a I cited out to linOW If It was a tiger, ObIlarinii; Man Who Made an Ems- barrassjnW Uistake. D.S.FA.UST, Postriiaster,; and, being assured In some' manner 2,0th Century GROUND, that I cannot explain' that it was, I A young editor took an apaxtment on turned about and retraced my steps. South Twelfth street. The landlady The Latest Antelope so'. By tok. QUAD. When I reached the open ground, I said frankly to him: "I will tell you, looked over my shoulder and saw a sir, that my busband'is a worthless fel- EVEI-tYBODY ENJOYS Sentinel hEAR11\1 G IT. Copyright, 1901, by- C. B. Lewis. tiger trotting at illy heels. He camr. low. I have 1o, 'support him, and be closer until I could put my band on his sometimes comes homd very late, The Edison E-4 E and D head, and so we finally arrived at tile drunk. There Is no other objection to r' When leave of absence was granted cablu. illy house," The editor said this was Cocert Mc Burney toe after my first year'at the military "You have done well, very well," no matter and thought no more of it post of Allababad, I did n I ot go up to said Italpoor Gyah to me as he rose until a few nights later, when a great Phonodraph 'N-Ve have a few 2nd hand wheels and a Stearns tandem the hills with others seeking recrea- up from his seat at the do L or. "Sit you uproar Ili the street awoke him. He tion nor yet into the jungles seeking down and smoke and listen." i looked out of the window and SaWL a (Largest oil,Earth) gago. (con-ibiwition) All in good order. Call and see them. big gime. In a cautious way, so at Then he began talk -trig with the tiger. man lying on the doorstep shouting rib* We are open for all kinds Of Ell It was not In the saine tongue as he aid things. "The husband," thought ments. rrices correct. not to expose myself to ridicule, I had talked to me, but yet I could'under- the editor. "I'll. go down find let him made Inquiries and ascertained that stand most of what he said, while the in.Ps Rajpoor G.yah, well known In con- tiger answered by whines for yes and Re ran forth In his pyjamas, grabbed V, We 11, - i E 8 �`ZM9 Tfle i,",oi Sentinel, nection with the occult, lived but 56 growls for no. the husband by the neck and, jerking Manader. 2z, is a modol ill the art of bicycle miles away Ili a but by himself and "It is not my brother," said the man him Into the hallway, proceeded to drag was willing to take me as a pupil. to me. "The soul of my brother is still him up stairs, But the man made construction. Every Wheel of Without 4 word to anybody but my I was strong objections to this treatment. Us AlUvf FOR, HALE -200 acre.." of native servant I set out one mornin, In the body of the jackal. It howled oaths and abuse, kicked, struga F (4iolve lantl, eundsting of, Lot 1 this firm s make is made of the ft blacker than I thought for. The tiger highest grade of material and and rode to the but and received a of him to gled, even pulled out a, handful of the Ilil fjot 1,, '()Iltl dignified welcome. I must tell you may go now. It was kind a .1 11., 1 fully guaranteed. collie." young editor's hair, but this was In Boundary.1lay. Q'0OdbM)1k1Urns,i that Rajpoor Gyah was & most won- The tiger rose up and stalked olf, vain, for the youth Is strong and of a 44. x h2 and 40 % 00, aiwl iraIlle . derful magician, a great healer of the looking back at us once or twice, and determined mind, and he was bound (JAVk�llill k)11 Vaell 10t. P11 -11t.8' Of Thel901 Our prices slek -and ailing, and that on several oc- then ;;e went to bed. When morning that he would do his landlady IL good tr ).od g ( prillLr ,v.lt(xr. Oil oiw furin' casions he bad apparently died, been. came, I felt clear headed, but. weak I�n turn. .1 there is ail averilowin- well. On Are Wight buried for three days and then been He had got perhaps three parts of 1.110k)(1 grftVt�l road, ftlld�('OnVolli('llt resurrected and brought back to life. limb, though my appetite was fair. An A n t e I o p e hour after our weal 11ajpoor Gyah said the way up stairs with his burden. p(,�, gt olll(�e and ellurvile. He was not all old man, but one of to me: when two beads were poked In the dim 6 lilili,s to Ext -tor station. Will V purk-baser easy ternit,,Of 11, "You must help me to cleanse the: light oyer the balustrade, and the land- V ,,aB.t,,,,,tyinKtyie ana Finish. world of Its wickedness. Go forth and lady's voice said, "Why, Mr. Blank, Illt.11t. Wilitt likiwer, etlniI)I.%-d lot-' It is vory �8,trongly Built and draw euttiliv., i,.q ju-4t tht� Whe.1 f )r Country find a ryot and bring him here, and we wbrit are you doing?" I)IIi1k1)iIlg. ehopping, s lid The editor pauted as lie took a. fresh et�-. All builtliligns ill gooll stal t- tir will buru the soles of his feet a a make him confess his misdeed,,." hold and at the same time duelt repair. with gOotl lurgw t1rivim., slied: I went without hesitation, The high. sharp uppercut: "I'm bringing your and Other outbuildings. On lot 3 again. t1li-1-4, iN 12 avres, of good IWdl. ullki road was only half a mile distant, and,, husband up, miVain. 110s drunk :ie I Call and Se r� as I struck ItI turned to the right. hot). �, I'm sorry to say." I jill t-rIt,h f.trill olith ni-re of ort -hard. 11 Ing soon to ineet with some farnior ou! From the other head on the landing , r. iii. tm-111, apply to P1111,11. 11 %%,r. AS it happened, thesewcirds then issued In a deep bass -, S4 :;o his way to market voice: "What do, you mean. you � :kmN. arepta, P. 0. + however, the mall mach was the first off fel- Ca I I anc' g %e our r to collie along, and on like box was a ter, by 'drunk ngalule I'm tilts WWII 50 YEARS' brother oftleer. tritere was roulothing husband. That mall doesn't belong EXPERIENCE ZURICH In illy appearance to oroato surprise, here." E. ZELLEK? Agent ld fit random -mbea Instantly realizing his mistake, tit* and as I answerL questioned I was take-va up and oil to or dumped his charge out luto the usl edit the next town. There I had a nervo , street again. Then lie returned and Chill und was oil tho slek list for a fort.! apologived lamely to the rightful huS- night. Meanwhile it party bad gone, blilid, for his Strange wordse TnAoc out to find ItaJtkoor Gyah and bring I L S ""ATENTS GURRAINVEED I Des IkIM to book, but lie bad vanished. li� copmlo C. out soldIng &Ltubovll wtil do- 2,95i) hial Fmpp' A earried lite inetnory of every sluglel 31wtv 011be Autoerstt.0 Am : XT 14 OTARIFAIELL & LAWSONs j It was on the Volultion, that we were olq!Aoir auvriam imr, mw iu r X Cour.,D. VVT It)r la.,jo 0, 'it 1) Its �obably ,I at w Is ngAV, Inehlent clearly In my bent] for mo t %vAlking. The mail, pr boulevard. of uni#tf41et2V1r"h e$a I L o and itiouths, but foutid that others. and 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON. 0. 0. distinguished look and hearing, anol ',,our Common, you know. has various i , 11 t particularly niedleal nion, disagreed 1. %*�, brAfk the common people revereneed h1to and'. eties kading from It lit di with tile. They deal-ured my adventures i, iTerent t I believed that 110 could do anything Ike with. cobra and tiger to he hypnotic 'di One of tImse run% dowp) rights. Wilt rettirn foe if PAtent is not SOCUrOdL. Sibttd for reCtion, willed. Tho British authorities bild dreams and that I ]jail vot left the front aliposite Joy street southward Watched him closely for it regr or two, il 1 neross lite Whole length Of the (!out- Mr E,4 . 't Off MY vw�qngeo, sw5niiq. ppar-CC a Inveritavot Guidii, or, Nowto Git a Patifit. , cabitt at all, but wbon It eame to the, , a ready topounce (town upon bhusbould, ion, to Boylston istreet. We Called It UY'Mention this Paper and, secur_% special rates.'14 fluestloft of how I was found an �tho COL 36111tJoIdW&J. NOW Y'Grk lie utter werds of sedition# but thus' % than guess. tile long path and were fond of It. I ;I#'- 81�1VaLibiralan. highway no one tould more gi ra far bo had not lueddled NVIUI Volitift Llowever, I had trodden oil daugerclus' I A4t very wt'llk IndLTil, It' It 1 0 In Any manner. Ile %vas generally re-,�' -rablif robust babit. as 'WO %WHO 01$ - lid, and I resolutely turned from 0 English as a fakir #lid grou WAil ferredto by th tile whole aubjeet and put It behind too posite the bead of Abis path fan I ha t a, obarlatan, but I lind d far bighot beyond resurrection. ineraing. I think I tried to qwat. vatimate of him. twice without making myself dist!&Lt- u .Rajwe Gyales but stow] amoug tho ly audible. VARAXOCELE- TRICTITAY1 hills oil tile edge fit it Jungle dud was I)Orloga, warm gobertintarlat cIttivass,, At last I got out the fluestion. "Will Nne'ttler tr%,on�j n�, av% n " r�cn," Vatadl-,te, As 4t iowtfetits Wick not in uneomforldble plaeo. no bid you take the long 14-111 with tpo'l �,q r tl� I;Al t_1 j I LI 21L.W9, we d17 q P, r t, _-,rk. tot V 4J aqilvsa� &4A. Be . . . . . . 'y 0110 Of the Candid t 9 "Certainly," raid 'live 'tilts In ICOhtuek with him niany book§ mid pairelmm foundliltustIf In the Mountain districts relating to tile mysteriva of lite slid 1,0a�s "I 'A jail J&&d1L& with much pleasure," "T010HU." I a Iong way from town. very tired and, t.0,�s ul.", nez�n,W, h uu"o #Lg6 lh�z"J. death and likewlso many rAles slid said, "befort, you utisivvr. Ir too take souvealts front Vaelous tomplos and bongry. Ile stopiwil at a little elbin t,M t �1.2 b14 e �j t,,x &zIbt.,sr o. t!_�uir Neqkv Nluthad Tral 611"t the long path %vith lite now. I shall in- :-tjl nn V`W Ultctd V LAt* Ith On the moullitkin 81do and. Introducing forgotten efflee. I felt lit home W, wrloret it that we an, to IVAft V-6 Mew!' tnA - te the tuan* *lid yot In ii sen9t, I feaftd It V*ft0ddt0 f@P 11110 gdv@ru- The kehoolmistre-%q iae% wnri 2 Steloince nittl a q;t=0 or U0 PAY* bl" Now dhd the" h@ 1601&11 at me or-thlp- ask -ed f" scklnelb�bg to 'eat it, sudden tBovemel8t. as it an alfrow V6 him d tauth bdUtr Ilk a war timt. took all Illy will power 1! 'rho woman 91 bad strud. her. I than he bad eipectod and wOuiNd away, aud I malim'd that lie had but "Illed to sp6hk and I should I* com1*11ed t6 UP tb6 t*Pft#,t 'With a P10 Or the 0ifto 16f the grawke 1410cris used rig neys & 131ad' der most lzu� 13 mati was hard loy-stue one von wal 61k,r. ro to that little or bothitig was delldoux flavor. The vaudldat@ quBekly Milt see elose by 114, ghn�*,Ufa V er"t Italifft kwowu of bypnotism, but thffb Wem elmr&l his plate and Ultra said, with lilt lubst'dugagiing allillm iiw yueu`N�&a_ ',;5Q bn fr4-t. at deowtv E4�*Nd.t ft people who ftfild mogfittlt# by, filb. "Madam, tilts It It moit ddlelous r1i% 11 autwertd softly. 11 VVIR walk the lani; 4140 blfig tllb foltlitad'r 4&6thlug w6rtbyor, path with youP tkot6 Itappfitted for tit# firit throo dayd, but I dedam that I do Hot know -what Th6 Old geittlentian who 8519 olkPasl e ;_4 Wl-jt MIttUyed it tInc T -ha, after our humble bmWAfA# 11:0 firalk tills %, Certainly bbilihig like it 61 sttdle�sq 06,Wdets &'--3 nict xis *Alk-ing arm lit arim about the Xglue-s' �Vvfaftkort "WrIttan '06;d -40 -fat, wa down wher@ I tat"Ls froto kktW#A Ettrtf§ it; 11.�& t:§%tye *�24:t. will d Very jJJ1tt *re.fn" poor oyah put his hrilda oil myeffiodl _90 middle of the long path and sal 45 ifili6fa t Ln�g S'Va L"! q2ts­r LAI de tind l6okA Into my at's ft- d #Aid- -you hato the Undnest 'to tell. me what ebatingligly, 1,nood inorainw-o my deats:j' iti§,t5vtt * sn&zk to Ifift't, tgtt_d 06!hl it lgr At to�ft til tw agodos toe C!D .4n 9U. se ,wz�Le ati.5 timla .. . t5 % ,a� z I \� &�r "Atother, go forth atid flad md mt,"el 189�p Rettste-'s Es"d ftbra atid briagr It heiro, thAt t MW 1� Xh@ wothan. looki'd at him for a toll SiNoWitt seftl" fttn"S. rce 'it windk�', hdfl Astonishment ilt last giving life W616mitift zft 00 15*1010e, V..W ;N uj6l #04 Wbdt Wfit hft§ D'A99#d fift lta'o tim yr1tbJ##. Viry SIC11604 Trtaiment 6*5 WS. I 'had ift natufal h6mr 6f lidrmij% VV@Y to 01)Nfild goorn. "IT-ortillig the tables", in the 90499 Of Tur- MAttuti Pint Aama to. 04 42 A did You i6obffi§ ff6ffiV tbC� I eotild gipDttrath a dead oTio, btit I ttf fifildly f6titid Veit@ to ask. 11Y. -ti fig It R&W k0r&%, CON% Vidt dit my Ifilftiolt 'Without thd Slight- fdu*td 0 forg'Ovethor an do ;ik:CUSLef,�, 111!g ML elassue In the ...... 14 khow "IRr 30 Pity. days Of Ald"stus IrnlydratGr a regular tkble sAted the then of Itome to V0111, tat i*lt1dtftfitd' T'fid MAWAr Will' hiLd 46torbowt-ted inhw. Had he Vila m& to Ittleft b* offio& bon't k o we with Otte khothet ro". Q6 P99&6S* *ftlk tfitatigh fit* 1 glifttd bite d4fibl" WS10 tod of the eastlie-st _tpeviwl en,% Of A clllur� M* of flornman sweat 's id. I i4at oat aud tv d&*d dbmii4 wid It *at & ttlAii Iff the tandidittied Iffo, I tditi desetiption of table made for be U-- fli,* filld he litigettd Abother bout,, so the - Is ,01#d ft ftbf! ftfiff1bg host 1)Aft of WWII Jal'ald ji ttof$, gods Ian l"61f 6d arodt'. I IvAlk�ed mftlght up at all eVelItS, &tid ibad#,Dro� with Insiln!.1 Or ta 13Y AbLred It '111) s "Ahatlob§ b6fdi% hd toft t to thii bbillbl6thing fthd jp bleinwild. as Pliny called it-Thev were 'lilt prreeg. wl!im and hitte red that hit optib-beht would fl R lift thy, batld& It Wdibed ol� told at ibost e-tttava- tfte, cAftying it the tot# bf thAt tablill .... ... ..... but did tot gtolk adleg of sumpta- Out the Inen scensed (he I ,t,611,ed iiiborit ifty titht &M I AffiVed &V Ary extravagdnee. the latter '1061, it imu titc-Imit wl,6 blit t6t it Motted. by t*Ierenoe to tl�e inoney nce "(I sat do -on dtid ftckg t6 It In A The t# -o most flimoug duellsta Vho, t4tiandeft-d by thelt, lovis on Mese ta- 14P, loW-volee- 'The serve -at Vevr t1tiletikird Ue killk! 11,11bif blOY1 IffibitA td b-- The run, d bles And so 11urfied the tables on MenV' tmfthtd lWfovt tt �Otit fto4- dud by - toty life by throwitig them; m09pbO00IIY 10 and festify tht%v 111V ;Is iaid by the inAb §10 ltd then bL Inttl1tto, Who w4steputed to W t�he theirteeth, e(l. Yon -will 6V hkwlvi-,�e 4tffor ..t -It wag & *efoe'at bdot% jild It 19 -it fiftest ieveek 19 11ftnee, ftnd hi more' T TrIaL Our line effll-�;;MS Of vallstie PRIN, I 1"KING You Want *etpeht boW. We, *111 let It to AWay?w 'reeellt t1me, U,, Geofgea de IAbrc7yo1`eL; �4 ter 0timploo Ptigga, from 0V*h'o`m"�jJ& Balsanl (th" fln(I N'. t 1)Ii-'4 Aftekthreeof foltit, mintifies the t6bft Who tobstitut0d b1faself the _v Is defft- L known,) -,re TeRtfinonial-4.­ Colle weamt nidm active Abd toent etiming, of' AM6, Sebeffn ei, edittest of the Cris t4t_ wag elthet A god Or a goddeg.% ad- Drdu �1 Itntl Wver, and co If �',N (4 A 1A 1, 1.1 1'x,, 1 '.;4 X R BIL78LN-ESS ORE *Wayj ind lZelt'so, �*eak- Afid lethliftle dd Peuple. Both these ellamplons: of itordlilgi to time And country. As s,'man To je. Mjxt,11r(-. I otion forwounds, tbtLt 1 fellupon h. eoudbl And was Pbelt- i the sivotd fought -tcoties of du619 In he was & great hunter and warrior, at- .,. Condition Pevviler. T ANN -NEATLY PfflXTED XOT9 lisleo, it was-aftern6on I which ge*&# tvottnd:k were given aud,. wdys; rdpro�gented with a drawn sword 'all , TIBAI)Sk LETTER 11EA1)-S.1, EO. HEALD,9, BILL thtly floof Oinhnen't and (w ( urf. . -&W01,6 -aNd fouud 11alVoor -G- yah bc4rd- I tgkm�? bft boll) Wet* huma" Idid, eblv. In Me hand A -a4 U bow In the etht-2,_ Is 'I , ®rnak-mllved. or Itit ot& m6 and touching my, fae Lu *Itb Alf011s and htVot took life, As theft Skill the Seabdinaviffn countries Friggft. wag ren-viedy IIEA11�4, '.8,TAT&!, ENT$. AND ENVELOPES ........... hig soft fingets, When 1 sat ll�k 116 would hatetilabled them to do. called the "Venus Of the North," and refantled. iiiii1d., In his duet with- Lieutenant de Melt- tile SIx& day of the week was conse- I'V E T E R1 N A R Y Y'" I lv&iho, bhd WAIk *Ith Wb,, -fthd 1 *111 '0116 1& tabfuyere Vig run tb0agin icrgtecl to her tvorsbily, ADVICE PRgE# sbmV 3,ot a t1gee.4 priffi, Tolliglit y6t -tb# 1110t lung Anid almost Itbffledtxtoly� a a lito 1ttteftatd tolefted his oft*t1ents left p ill 0 E11L NTINU V,111 g6 Ifiw the jwvgle and find t cakkli�d- Wbight. Those. nledieint­ are put 11 A 3k, 1%_*1 JL 1k *n(f btIng _h1m 'to injt�.L and You tbalf lung. Both had to becAtfled ofr the "'Wilat do you mettn by Saying tht 0onveniont fovlti� Nvith f. di all r(,(.t- beat us colhVet,96 togethet.'" 1161d, but tbO ultimately ittoveted. In dettlidanVo, words tarried welglit witli i0fts, Ott eathone. They are to N1, AV,6 watked tot ftd bf 'thfM thilej- tIlfS: ftfiftodtf6hr ItL 'May bb noted thdit ftew211' ima at everv, st,ort� in ale vonillry. V=01\d: *lid as w6walkdd 110.)Voof i0yab Volui.' 66 tfaleule Ift WhI61t, teiUat tilgIlOn "It mean, youkwoks190, that he 9wor# and if your qtt)rekeelyer or ch u - #d but M198110611 tfoes find told inb 'papers Iftd6196 It WithtegAftl to, rteftth ht Illet And then bit we with a btleWl� List &nji 1,-()(-p theill, writo w4 a nd ,7 thit the spirits of b.old.,,mon had pftgsod i and Italian dueling 19 genekkily cluttv t- x6bange. iGd -we will forward them prompt- MOW 1111111116, AIF ff into them and mridt them what tb4by beside the point, Pvery duelist takes ly. Every F LANGEROUS RO N 13Y - QUAIX copri t, 1901 , y C. B. th b Lewl. IV&OF. By and by we caltid to a patti his life In big band and can practically it doeswt take a jood resolution 10119 Ownet shouldhave them on hillid. towd by artimallk 11§ they Passed from kilt his tld*dftdL* *bdA be dhoose@-, but to, find itsway, to the bargain coultteri­ P�epared by ,the jungle, tothe steo�qyn and back., Mid It the Stroke Ur not Made ateotalbg to Chicago Novs. �.J t116 U*4 of Iblide he It t6ttAlft to be, E armer and Stock itie m0said: The Fureka Veterinary' L HA L t $,oil jklay Thbiuwily I)IIA' the reigiL Of J?dtet thdGfelt -,Look We'll fibObt $011, tba fig Medicine Go I tbd df**Mt� of blood lit bbofili!04 Jt#, leather money Witt Ill eftoulkti6a In Ud th6 path Ift, the TAglit.0 Tifea wg -retutned bR�qei 014 he k�* owu'904 -t9i't,010to LONDON ONT.i AND GOOD 128ULM WILL 1.UAUY F0TT,0,ff,