The Herald, 1901-09-06, Page 3•
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tee 040:14.41-644*04 6.00 0 en teleateeeteleteetoanakeeletteee040O44•41.0.0*
Wo an an the rn
This Is the Chief Field of Usefulness For the Gent-
. ler Sex, Says
.11 0449•40.4 Oa... eee 00,40.1)4040.44.4004 444e.
Waehingtoti report: In this dis- eisanshipl -Why, my friends, the
„Ight of suffrage, as we men exercise
it, seems to be a feeble thing. You, a
Christian man, come up to the ballot
box, and you drop your vote. Right
after you comes a libertine or a sot,
the offscouring of the street, and he
drops his vote, and his vote counter-
acts yours. But if in the quiet of
home life a daughter by her Christian
demeanor, a wife by her industry, a
mother by her faithfulness, ea,sts a.
vote In the right direction, then noth-
in,g• can resist it, and the influence of
the vote will throb through the eter-
My diger anxiety, then, is not that
woman bare ether rights accorded
her, but that she. by the graee of
God, rise up to the aPPreelation of
the glorious Meats she already
pessesees. I shall only have
time to speak of one grand a.rel
afl eaeorbing right that every woman
has, and that is to make borne
teeny. That roatm !sn.8 Over
dia3nted with hr. .;;!Irn may come
home at noon or at nigia, aria then
:ever a ,,,,,anaretively
but elle eay mantes le
thouebt. Pan against to,s/. re, mono lr'.autrics St, satt,titler it. It
tritisha Is!a• ponr,e it tbe
word wriinst a nosnan'rt
Ton aim* out with your etereetypal n40E3 attrw-llt"e On earth. It !s
remark that mall le etnarlee to only hart.e..r in this worm,
women In unnunnt. one teen Tepee 11•)Inlinove art aeli on I do that t1,10
044 ray dcrir the nwarthy,vintypea eauene venal atidt1 tuelueee everld
thundelexoltee writtuge et' Harriet a leen: nape of angle andeanten.
tear]. malt vale hat) dollar
Martineau raid ElizabethnIn:
ental Geernrs Eliot, non eeitte eirneeneet to !veep it; the man wile
W ith your etereetyped remark about P not elreeglea to get It. lerleee
pommel t3.r.,1104.3ty toman in :10 tkr. dii-J,:J%x.3. (lento. alie.
Keel of nilectien, but I an: 1:01.11 riV.0-"IttattOn9. COUBtngr. 'Mace,
"Where wao titme snore rara,,IIy to l'auin'• rurert tlarPewintlag; eaten-
ravt, than art nano tnn nn,1 Men. era/mem:Ma. Tenants seeking
Robert 2strArlse:,•ar. the trot:pr.:math gr,titt land:ordu demandingmore.
ere! Jaen* aunanerneal, the Me.21.10- ."-!!IO Struerrieo ntout effitite.
(Mt, end Henry Martyrs, the nol,rstotg- .v.t3 e.rd treilent :33.09 :n; melt
el -Y? The heart or thoce men wan to ?"1- trYInfl filst, In. Sill;irn
1,080 wat bad tut) Pinto:0r. IN,fal.2.ttitegrr. Pante?. (talus -
it the tzerais-doliore3 therier•''''. 0 WOnE4P• M1111% tiled 5-eo
stili tet: tO tralr.,Igal tige: lilt3t,/ or Una. luive QL. .1:ma thlt 5roa MAY en
qu.?L,51 ;A it. L'Eta_ir i.e there. thr:
Tea titsd set up the tlitorge or the
eternal 3ctiev,alt. I glen t,) fl en the tmc'ea'n 1;e:t41"
throne inenlectual, &ay to rso- "e"v- ViDari itzVEV Puiv)e 02 a prin.
eourse Dr. Talmage extois home as
• nekl of usefulness, and especially
erugoorages wives and mothers. Text,
Genesis L., 27: "Male and female cre-
ated He them."
In other words, God, who can
make no Inistake, made man and
women for a specific work and to
move tn partieular epaeres-man to be
regnant in his realm, woman to be
dominant In hers. The boundary
line between Italy and Switzerland,
between England and Seotlana,
lest more thoroughly marked than
thie distinction between the empire
masculine and the empire feminine.
SO entirely dissimilar are the fields
to which Goa called them that you
cam no more compare ethem than you
van oxygen and hydrogen, water and
grass, trees and stare,. All thift talk
!talent the superiority of one ,scer. to
the ether Is an everlasting waste Of
ink and ereerh. A jeweler rimy Irsve
a seam so deleete that he can wAtzli
the ds1711 of diamonds, but wigro are
the reat,a no delicate that pen can
weigh them l aficorlasn,
against sentiment, tbsor•ht s• vrinJt.
Itno !tar rtl!!",..,1101prral, 4 Your ailed° MAY L'? lalatikt4P4
tgliktrVI irvtig;' fla"I'nr) atavon!. 401 dotiacurltv a4•'?"'":44 V`11/1''''''r: 44 114*:l.I'''erlitt:114t*t1„„4„;;::;1.l..,. 4,3
by wht,rs a a tr'rg 0; itt ;:911t1 mg nits raD- • unr" 1,v'valn b
-„, ‘-• g, , , 6 en: eoe ii., !over CG4 eeee
name as tenderlY as abe ned bo speak
it you would be willing to throw 'our -
es the ground anti ales Nee awl (rovers her, oryhag, "alothene mo -
there" AA she Was the epten-She
was the queee.
Now, can you tell ine hove Many
thousand melee a woman like that
would have to travel down before she
got to the ballot box? Compared with
this work of training kings and queens
Ler God and eternity, how Insignificant
seems all this work a voting for alder-
men and common councilmen and sher-
iffs and oonstables and mayors and
presidents. To make one suet good
women as I have described bow many
thousand would you want of these good
People who go in the round of godless-
ness and fashion and dissipation die-
torting their body and going as far
toward disgraceful apparel as they
dare go so as not to be arrested of the
pollee, their .behavior a sorrow to the
good and a caricature of the Nieto-us
and an insult to that God who "Made
them women and not gorgons, and
tramping on, down through a frivolous
a.nd dissipated life, to temporal and
eternal destruction. Oh, woman, with
the lightning of your soul strike dead
at your feet all these allurements to
dissipation and to fashion. Your im-
mortal soul cannot be fed upon such
garbage. God calls you up to empire
and dominion. Will you have it? Oh,
give to Gott. your heart, give to God
your best energies, give to God all your
culture, give to God all your refine-
ment, give yourself to Elm for this
world and the next. Soon all these
bright eyes will be quenched and these
voices will be hurtled. For the last
time you will look upon this fair earth;
father's hand, mother's hand, sister'S
hand, -child's band, will be no more I
yours. It will be night, and there will
come up a cold wind from the Jordan,
and you must start. Will it be a lone
woman on a trackless moor? Ale no,
Jesus will come up in that hour and
STliR 8,1901.
Jecoe at Bethel. --Gen. 28, 13-21
Commentary. - 10. acob -"The
supplanter." Jacob took advantage
isla brother 43412, and by deck'V''
tion 8toie his bleesaig, The Lord had
Promised Rebakali. that the birth-
right should be given to Jacob
Y. ail), and i she and Jacob bad
waited with faithl for the fulfilment
of the promise, Jacob would have had
honeetly what he gained. by triekery.
But it seemed to Rebekah and Jemob
that God's promiees were about to
feel, and they must do somethIng to
prim; the right., taing to pass, even
» they did a wroug in accomplishing
it. But God did not need Jaeob ti sin
in order to .carry out Is plans; the
work would have been auns Infinitely
better II Jacob had grained his birth-
right In God's way and God's time.
nom Beer-alieba-This was forty-
five miles soutill,vest of Jerusalem,
where Lime lived. Haran -This was
about 300 miles from Beer-sheba
•Seine say the distance was much.
greater. Ile went without a Fervent
Or any accommodations, except a
tail (Gen. xxxie 10); on foot and
alone lie pursues his solitary journey.
'Nor can we doubt that he was in-
wardly pained with the eletinge of
his Willful eoneeleuee."-Bush.
11. A certain plaee -"Near Luz, V'
19. This was between fifty -fire au0
sixty miles northeast of 13eer-611(qm.
It mnst hero been tosvard the close
of the third day since lie lett home.
()MN of the stones (It. .V.) -'"nitis was
no hardelap for Jacob, ns the .Syriane
to the Pump thing every night."
'Sleeping on the ground In the open
ter, wbere tbere ie not even a bush
for gaiter le a eemmon thing." --11:111.
offer His hand, and He win say, "yell ' A pillow of ,'tone wets bat an ()ta-
w ward expraalon 4.4 Jaeoles feenage
stood by Me when you were we»; no
I will not desert you when you arc „
.:this time."
stein" One wave of His hand and the• '- drP'elinaleer1011 !ma frequent in
• ..
. •
ladder, opening the way OE Cattant
lentioa between heaven and eart
and securing to us acceptance witl
God, the pretrcti'm of rrovidence,
the ministrations of Ills arnr,els and
the consolation of 11 s Spine ; thus
will every place become pleasant, and
every prospect Joyful,"
Ills VOWS to God, 1. They were from
the heart, They were not made when
Ire wars asleerp„ 2. They involved not
only what he had but what he ex-
pected to, have. Ile promised to give
the Lord' a tenth of his income. Let
not learn the lesson of dependence ow
the Lord; and tide moment make the
whole of Jacob' vow our vow,
Twenty.Fifth Anniversary of
His Elevation.
ow special committee on the cele-
bration of the twenty -Ptah anniver-
sary of the elevation te the poti•fi-
ea to of Leo X1JL have Lame' a eye:vial
appeal through tbe biadsops to the
Catholic world. O'Conleer,
of Toronto, has received a copy. In
part it reads:
-"An exeruordinary event approaches
to give joy to tile Chareh of Christ.
nut a few months and the universal
father of the faithful, the Severeign
Pontiff, Leo X,LIL, will begin, under
divine favor, the twenty-fireh'year of
a pontificate that'avid remain gior-
ione in all epee
" To increase the beauty of order,
whiteh will naturally be resplendent
in the manifeetatlons of so many mil -
»f hearts,- unitea through the
cliarify of Christ's neart only, the
work of Catholle maga:ensue, the
Primary Itemea neneety of Catlioac
Intert•ste. ezei tee Ceetent LIN? for
to tla, Itrtivenier have Vern
9,rnied la fraternal flh IPP 9111,1el. th
" "• ° "' `7,,^4,-ii..)Jev th:1 tart:en:fa vle:tr
storm will &hap. ane anether ware OE deaen of the. eia ineeieeeee
• hand and raidneaa ellen break' !Alder was. To elrow that , t„, e,..miar.n I
gate midnocan and another wave of His wee wateleeer o'er nal rad:It:tat Jz,77i tio7o;i4n.
1 '4nn and U*eharnirxiairs./ of C3/a r'l' It po7.el-1 •ast tigo
a come ,lown fan): the treasuee of r•csissf•W• s • ;IL*. Wart ef ta•ly
heueee of rarreen wkla robes lustrous, era carte, an; lateeeet Gat :eel netherl aleteer ply-.tod ts 111
09.1 irarttil nintl 1^.Pwren g:321t441, in Aver. ny 11la* i rereee newt• , „nnift ni.nte
y3 wm :Array 7.53r51,1ty for the ;,,vtu",„ tate ;tee bin] 8488 Ps' r.“ ornp .41 nn antnn,,,
rrierriege telpeee of ibe Lereb. And .; 'eve': ANA* le *07 tot ;ye teepee .
n, te
ot tite
tanhato-3l, ia•:4•1na:6-1qe0t',t .0 "
'!J." EZtnA';M-'ot"i. I "
• 4,17t11r-.,'asi4snlu1
e• l
'.4,-kltheLrd'sItoetinto n 11
Rad0and wth Wdorah"lutl'th. "
1°1t4Vt. tee all -Baal ea
grt! rq
a- vaLo'laltl'
.1"s4g' et
tte ee1t,ee.n i, at
%•3tv•.,it-. llwp,
lwth HanilUN*ge nrmgr aaove i 1rom J/1111t3thot.l.f
/vland %L:h marywi(lealr wer*10 11001Ttiw1zivixt „
Jstto aerstle there werelignnvon
nnbhnieOe lte rt i„r,,„ )
he seal's pnceiambi ?ocvtnrw 11 1„
One twilight. aftr 1 had been eve Th. 441 . i11 0S1
NVIth helrdrou for romp 8;42.2,,tIlnenthme pit nit1 1,
3Sra1 tayJoan the ta eenturzoret43113r'1"tk'01"1:1`04'1.111""
etandhat: arecrand ht AV.alte1 tr t 41101 o 41" "r
-enee to area:thie uyra: Cwd Eon esr,r vataal
cage that 1 twoar dnt:Int land%teealay of lnetot f tan• „"t IL „„
11 3' Prrielthoulls mtism,'413 *1- 4r ATtaltal 4h11110•
erwtgel Vic! eien t/0r a1"
• trepterliatiwugh morrthan rap:43114111* lent111 814;9311 ths.40i i.4•41
fct„e o. tanii.? 11E11,04r. )0 unt ii4.1 14 14 34
,,• .1..»., Tor
4m;6a t9n6nrin Fotar, and Witd Thhtom( IXtt1r h:t i,11B11
ihlninewho bultldur ganaweraro„lonat v
1,4-j too 0 x,it Trolls the t
trP. but frot/4 ton, thicr-/ ' "
Lin realm rtg r.3.4:r.rg tr h' -'1;t, trrr'r to_t hilt37:01, 3r, r.0 Arai V .11tell 1 tl" ▪ "r""a
$C t5z11,2 15.T !°, ";',") t.114^2..1',,.:,'; 1.• .' ' il,,,,,- A II 1,.r..31.,A1`,...'.', 4.1,', r'..'.,9'N":1. li'''..1T. ptahlt, utg- : ,..;t":., !,.Y." 9'in ..1'....''''''' ar'11.11,, 1;1-1':'Cl• “131'..:1;,, :Xi '" 1111 t V, Lio- i"J U.a.% 1''::‘.':.- il 1- 14".6'. ';'.
tfa10143rr•n10143mli''.1ra,"..*,1.'...,e'':r',1,4,..,..e', .1,,.'v,%,,,.,5eLl:.,t,i-[-r1''': !',....„D,4.,' . 'eZkt.'Ae,l 1:1'. :•, .... 1 ,-. A.4-.:... :, -.6.1 ,,,' g', 3'.0f'- e1,."-r.)'-t'M,r.7. rZ, ....n..•l. '--'.,ec'
lrt-A l -o , ' • .e;„.0.8
;'..'.N,t'4i.'j".,11.'•.,1C.;4'.t1a.2#.11.1,-.1• .. 3 .5.'4.a
,i4r'er'':' e1' "•'e',4.,,d:, ,,1,1,,1eo',:,' t,,,. i41to-1-
r''1• ' ."v-
.:„r»6",,,e,g,,•, n
1 -
1y11.1 ,i;nn,n 2T9/'1I t g n0- 1 11 :l'AA
to 1,073.1„ryit ,I , ,,L4▪ C1.1t! rjcv83',-4131 F1l 1
LCltt;.;B , a%3 4 , I i
"4'-:"'' ..J' , tr47 t -t)-i,r. '3D53,i,cltt,.ito,l, '33 "41 LInrn enIIr.oInthe*V1".71; '.48
t1V, ]ri -„ -geef1 rtl
' . :l-:
%t"t4, 2A ,,
re . t
llry _ L. :r ' • rr. t r,n_11 /•"' r.r!!,,to tt •11°,,J
van mitt, 11,9 • , t - *1 "„:1„ 14 1 St: 1 1 , E
salty etera r rn,,, ..1 eee ee 3,e
etatteetee. 21,beene atlei 3'1* -r- ' t'"` • '' r ' cr,g-r jut-,
raz,Itt tys7 • R -1. - 01-1 .e 2 r, t EJ
ow 'Mgt) a brown tr....'..,rr/rr utt" Erli"? 'Where at.',A 1'11 tLr11080 42' °T.L.
o taretr 2.441e4i bVint:e. Etaxt, AT?: 6,1 Ann,. 'It in to tar, ta-r-yr r
Inaba* te try to
on! 461 ter1:-"-71- nvr"" at:v1' c.rEltrAn;
.,,:r.r.r tr. aIiS
4811 MA ttle!" 10741%0r caland . v)41
34„tr61t 8:J2Oh,
:You 2e*k44j41 to anlf the
oats* who:e que.„..4tt VAT611ii g".:1 -ter trirmorlet. bortirs of tif.,,,titute. ct-1-1
mtlx.„1.1en a ale, the. leghte oral shales of the lic•art, found mansions of omter au5. IlrrY
tnnenn, alto ale neeeteee 8113 hattluehings nrA ream:tens, all 52- arid gold. but no ten. did 1480
ttaktt st,kraterecce nor til,,:c.,14,„„1 44') 11"114 paternal a/id conjugal O' 034-914 L.n,yrittleret, argil
tdey Cate leueler her. enriten a woman 'i,-le6V-1°11s', 8111 You hati 0727 toas1 sat under the shaelra or 9.gwat
..„ovn 111,„„ae,..3t f,our lettero to arell out that height j tteo, ant I sail "'What ant I nnd
and ana 1- 4'-44b end brealtil agul 44 thenre comee rbt itt?st
magnitude and eterulty at E€')14
'4 nrament. there ratite Trent untontr the
reitt7Z1101""tted"e''e's"!;17317.4.7e'..„,03 .1, yeti 12' 04211, csan Atitcunliag eyes ant f lc,aves. skipping tie the flectrety p11 14'8
iftiat Woman to underatani thar 1 ti''''ffib;Sug "")18-? 411014aglnnal hint and across the ApaTittling waters, a very
tfttrt torah, niart overflew 01.11,. ,v..-1-.1to it out in thera four living eapi- leright null sparkling- gr,ln03, nal when
hltrier that polittelatis May Set tip ra-'19* I ,--•sur their step I !mete it, and when I
I r -
L What ri,r1e- .„.
ale wee eannen ean eteea bee ble% g ▪ urraien want tihrtt their voices I thought I knew
ee.kan 31180 „&fri,vm but +aka que51-302-1, gramler thnn 'Era queen kt sucb g them, hut their apparel was so disTer-
realm'? Why. try19 eag,,,s or heaven ant fr.= anything- 2 had ettr teen 1114
of capeAsity.
Iwo.* mere ar„ ci„tnevii ot. most eannnt fly ..r.J.te,':Js itE•lat detratalosa. V bowed, a stranger to strangerS, tut
neetrable nature whe luau:1'er up and Iltrating ar..1 witb latherely a4-to17 lbgl?
atvgatth14 collttirr, 03at3ts;0.8hbrtAies 014, nanks. are not 9"f 14 enongta to run to 84*1511 ''11,e'lee8te111
1c4* f'eah211 '
th,/, own 12122 outpost that termlm. 'Meg c:'"'110:" ,he 14'3U12'44.&984'
• t3Ekring atz-or Met, 'g"' nnizI ti/at the sun never 0,20 upon Ca= rpng.. zaw teat ttsTe34.44 44*011440 ritat very yeti nat t1 -,s7 them- an! emzfre, but I have to t.l; prr-41 Etat ".tv bail 'come. 381 thO Go,.1 44814.141101422 449 4*411* u013 '3 hig4'o,r :31,1t:aft
Wires are lit neither to vote tor fit 1,0 vealtui of 'vonnan"s inguettoe
kto tosse. tnzs,210n t5 etetititY never marks any tonna.
8"12 2! thatight lOa4
losSvtirone "
Egiathtvo 11 '.49 2319149. el frm tr. reir14n')9 1949 --%Ti:us
whaeny one of usc5put, by „e ntan:thbm; An,1Ftat,
treetwa. ned re--e-r,' down ureeeus
i14chgcinaoianrrndrosIsnbtc.Ao• t,arrertraai,trot,n4
s7 ri-
an 4'D&)314 tiad, tuJrrar,afItrr
idgit ba coutidfr03 ;Am altar.
19Betial-rlitue 1E1;' The
nailer Eza. bat
anted 14034? /erten Both -7
1481*. Jo4e1!vowed 4*. )ow -'4 vow I:4
9. minion 1V LAZtn
tu 14 44444140 0 realu nuts.
Witen ram t0
8,13 tltott*.7404 itgi 144.4,
not convert41 triieha uns teeta-
nt'et/d eettug. His stronlg aro 0314 to 2/!roosA.
ercti as implyng a doubt. If1,1
t eltate 3lcIbut turt
rseega84'd tngreat pr_nises 34ed
a malbrn; realy sil that
atmuch as fret prrm]ses':s.
tetand ke- p 1441440, 1214441184144'rel/re hewoud
iveIalur27 tr
• 149118 14241912914-,4. serrd
tlie in et Gl's
21*440. Tho$4111144444010 had
toe -rut. sic211,
TorInc9.-1 '-av-n nit fr
nd ti- 8421'.'v832 ii
8014 ciffienit. Webon 914-
11 or tAni 1g rr,.Lve 0082
No oeWonwant tEve e whIs a quen in homnEbsLn-tratan,"titne..7,-asgralt
irhelawshatsuelawomenwoulSVE. 11t7rureddh tranres sr.anneehao brigtnaLiitself r,a-te,s a -a thts
g arm; were elapDing .
gr 3.. - tne %%fry to, f141-1: r-7, can enter
14T4705'9 the Emile and the intinito •
ven only theolgri
PealiCTICAL neenVEY.
The elle-en:at aseete eeinetatai
In, this eotnitry at th:s tztne one England, or Maria Thersza of* Austria, t this, kesen ve re p.esilliairs t-410'
of eerereeseration, hut one of terrAratur • but when you want to get your grant- Sortie Q22 8411 rOW11%. u'ke. Into?, in tee worn o: .
tation; that the granieur au:5 l'4,'"'"er of est Idea of a ouerni you think of the' Ths, following TA the population!! of .1•Urae.V. n V7a."? 1004 88.7
sIl- ream have tieve yet plaift Wolnan 4.‚.4sat omegrae ytrae ,r,anno al the leading tetiv14-5 (1412- T'urYIIL 0"4°":4) W419 "1313e*1114
;**:at kis rev rliers were so 14811-
14 that tr. was clingerl to trnv,,i
in this s 011 b t
enact, or to bare oast upon sor2ety the will only ha the 914140Z3128 of heaven- totve-s og ff.,. • a It 81,T. were 87 %Torr.'
the;r weteogne we Toegau to lough Jan
chltdre* that sueb tvomen C.70111e3, raise. prinelpaiitior, 21211713 4
tut tail show You that 1a -a -Men ymi want to get your grand- sing and leap and shout, riIornet
rIghts that women can own she atret1,2Y est Idea of a .utteen, you do not think : floater: Hornet"
hue ht her possessien; that ter r.eselon cathe3ine 014 Russia, or of Anne of 14
elated; that Elle sits to-eay or a...nrort:- father at the table., or walked with bz,e:
orp tz0,g8 that al: the tneenea him arm in arng down life's parriwaY,
pned on top of saes other wou.
:SometingeS 10 ne t7:,antcsgivtug brin-
Que., sometimes to the grave, but al-
platftry../ en wltich she stands. 'Away
dowe benene it are 1233.1k4 11°'7* ar':a grwaleYfss,t°cgoertrIlttErigS.34)ytoltu2rr'getgyitodur.srto .P9'''atrt
the aVeraUly an:: the join:ng yam, Trearat7,3a
IegivEsoianctiav: ys lzaO voti spoete, Ils'ening to your evening praY-
ers, toiling for you with r‘ardle, v., at
ways will vote. great-grand-
sth.,:apspplinn:inygotxr.O•hpee:reuegnda,,elan %Ire:all:tams-A.17;1:as
frotatle:estari thoLufht athseryi glcll rre 4,hyc, tlite:or
then at lost, on that day vvhen she lay
presidential chair. NO. His mother,
In the back mom dying, and you saw
batnettbaeblettrisn:thPelesinfulcata'teuagollTiLnoIlaimorsLnc: her take these thbe hanils with winch
S1 toned for you so long and put
president. It was a ChrIstiar mother's
them together in a dying prayer that
hated dropping the ballot when Lore
Baton wrote, and Newton phnose- earnmenied you to Goa, whim' she had
phised, ex& Alfred the Great governed, taught you to trust -0b, she was the
end aonathars Edwards thundered of queen,. The ebariots ef God tame
J1.081=011. to come. How many men down to fetch her, and as she went in
there have been fn legh nelitleat sta.- all heaven rose up. You cannot think
ten wite would have been lusulnaent Of her now without a rush ef tender -
t° etana the test to winch theit moral nese that stirs the deep foundations
arnmiade WAS Mit had net beet for * Of your soul, and you feel as much a
tru yoke tbat eneettraged Male to, • child again as virhen. yoil cried on her
n•neee fee her a foo.e.o,„. 1414182 1280
dO reght a wlee's israyer that lap, and if you could 'Meng het back
wounded louder than the clamor of par- again to speak just once more your
„Toilet ......
4,220 SIB
L'-irawretseann ... 3.8 0 2,496
0,6:9 752
4,.4.2) z,,t,r1
Margot; . 1,:'.5•1..6 21,1111
Coo t le no24 ... "r -;r0 ir. 00
iirenh,v . ..... 7,77:2 27.4M;r;
Rt. Ilvaoinfise ... 9.210 539
Wiehinond . .. r 0 .7 l .
7,017 frr,l)
o .A.,,-
..„ no tIirl
I'arahanit ...... .. el.114 Lt,.:
'Nral.i.ontgi.ovc... 8,31R i.7.7:172'
3,8110 1,551
The Perth 'Methodist Conferenen Is
still investigating tho Oases of Revs.
MeiAmtuond and Sanderson, who got
into trouble In .''.•rteitse, N. T.
Mr. Eciwirt Mead, a London man,
has received Word Preen Dublin to the
effect that Mrs. Mead has been left
the Sulu of $25,000. Mr. and Mrs.
Ifed have taken steps to secure the
.,e,„ or. go...ergto r. r.
41-1 /nust p4 7141-
8111 e AnnEorm, and 'tar ed by tiA,
el the case aispl oh, 11:pr.:61
1 111'-iete mother's eau:neat-3 11c Ett41
rtial :rat tl,le 746(1,.,;,,L2'6'., .
i'sealleren are e 14 "1 reeseereetalY
,‘Ilis retkei .n. itecet 8 aelae:i
fr.Dr.a v. -kg y t ,144 in'P•s•14
vrao alk 41..116... ::.111 r
"hlri-s,st :Lel •
e::11/ 1.:Lt 1 leen, n h •vt she▪ it rata take a
vriTe (4' flaw. 4.41 ('PanaLi. " •
ItteLter:. Iv the. W07. Neale e]ver- !
aole.301 -wearied wi',I* the lane J')144
neer. H • ete 134147 444e.711 InalP hie bed „
Tort 12114'. groa.n4 andwith a stone .
for a piliow. a.:y 4own to We
should 84 .-eueouraged t knew that
if our let is especially Itare, or if we
are Mane, or in Innuilineing oireuma
awes, Ivo ean, look for and expect
the woreerr ell rear !fest a t toile •of
God' l preeenee. And as we jouenty 044
Vavard 'the lerel,, in obedience to
Gotle; aomMa,:eds, we may .expeet,
enef beak. 72at to 4190 "Christ. the true
Wheat --
and u'llite
old and. 69
hundred bush
at 69 to 69 1 -
Barley -Seven
4e higher, at 52
Oats -A thousan,
at 41 1-2c for old7 a
for neW.
Bye -One load sOl,
Hay and Straw -Twee
new hay sold at $9 to
and five loads of straw
$10.50 a ton.
Cheese Markets.
Woostock, Ont., Aug, 28. -
hundred and fifty-four boxes
cheese were offered at the
market to -day; 310 boxes son a
9 1-4,0; market dull.
Picton, Ont., Aug. 28. -At
Cheese Board to -day fifteen factor
ios boarded 1,105 cheese, all 0
°red. Highest bid 91-163. All eel
Stirkng, Aug. 28. -At the Stir}
Cheese Board to -day _815 bc
white were boarde.l. Sales-Watidn
325 at 0 1-163; Ottawa Cold Stag
age Co.'290 at 9 ; Brent
DO at 9e.
Pairsell, Aug. 28. -At the IttisseP
Cheese Board to -night 375 ebee
were boarded; 8 3 -le for white ea,
913 for colored bid, No sales.
Toronto Lave Stock Ylartcetts.
export cattle, choice, per cwt. 4 73 to $24 31
do medium 4 ‘.,124 to 4
'1410 to 4
Butcherre.ottle Inozed 4 190 to 314
klutchcrW cattle. choice, 100 to
titochortfcattle, fair.... .
410 enttalIVM. •
de • eve] ...
do bull•4 414 el to
no1*1ti.expor1.1.-7.v3r, per cwt.. 3 7.3 to 4
eli:Pkr?,7'•'''• nee cwt..- 912') to
Fvetter..-.tior ep 4 15 to 4.
ruk:..lan.: 351 to
440*44-4141, 12 to, 3
*14*411414444-. 14* 4,4.A13 lei-. 340.0 141*4 111
0r'ro3e73,..14d21114114015.... .. • to; to 3.
- ;61-* VI to 43
osaL. 44 to
2.1.1 to 15
4-44 a.-.;;•' 11433 to 14
til) ND 3
..... Et.i
10 4
1471,939. 4441'1113(1 24) to Ay tt:
rvr czt 7 al to P
*123424'.uutui :el to
eaeeleele. e'er evec eat to
Mae tee per 675 to
teepee, per c 00 tO
Leading Wheat Markets*
Cloeing queeettiene at. important
eentr(n toefey: •
teal]. 1J
Carla:to „. 61) teat '71 6-
arele . 77 le
'tee 0•• a a 7 i I- 74 'n S
Delta No. 1 :teeth-
• set *.„. 1.:fir 60 7neet•
eso. 14 teal 71.1.ala ---•
Teneato eaten Market.
A large IVA! e • at tile beita
• *agree: a. al.41 11''‘'.31434.-) Were UV.
"jSiti 1r4.0"11411,., 01 re healer
v•r nate t, LY11,4 ;3740 grapes
14 1441a• :".3.,! ; 3 re,Anstg.rtg. hczettb
t4. 2.±4. IA ; 1/124.
per 9-ri„ tro Lavrtct
°.--- " 7 2 ; t14r2j04•1
• z, „.rt-
• ,
-!.%0 -
" to
3 to a
341') 40 '21
•I laateeeel 14 14 elne.aer 'a •
tee:eta:A *it the ettee
4. tor er
tit r
Vri PAI.;tr§1.:qi CAST1i.
ne, -
ilPar tt%atc-, 7.19
-; g• SKr %leak.
. cat tt
•ri• 4 6
r goct,
• 11 124 IL 21.1114AU:g•
Coiolarr 17884114 '07,4403 Ad' Iftr tigirgent.
• itt 4fiq at ie.-.
37r. Ilerb rt
14144101 ,444,,44 38141 4443' 6.21
41:4' ‘44.14-0'171.qf
CIL ta.:3 "Nciaq.'S
.4,1.1e44stA8vg, 1,6,
4,k54. i,Lnrrr, .;g„ 4044,.4
to Ifts 4':011, 44",
• hAV,f
449444'4 14.4 /rag:, 110.*
Onz.,;; zL4. .414045414 as' 11.-
1- ty tlf! rzar at tag
401 1'5'7411'13 127J, 2,27 1101*4d-,0wl1
nave-, 14
I ran, 23*;,,us.0 ttltl
gr.c.r .14 'La StittCP-tigif.
„ 244. 18.,24116•44.; 142449'9t11.13' tOSS
• 44412:1.1 -t27 str•untIty
03.7,1 1"6'.;,'') Iv
111;414* the nter,
L 144#, 4.41121 1414-4,974•4 tvoro lion:g -
881 7! '14-4471 orr;ing fyrerra
rar 11,1i 112119 r-arig 4.511*12420 14'
1;1 ,yrt hat
t"itt'.4"17't'i.).:..7'4`3!41021 3411)
4 tr.*, t[colS!
' riorrlatt'.-Ni for nakat:
W89 *51413' 14 9i1,l'i24. T71140 11448 8411014
•2111 11*4*444 444'41-i 4.18144 48414 4-14447814 84.232193
, t-* crtergit 11,r 1r14711. Trere, rAt
14 witztr-s s42122 471(11311 sr,
viire. trot cortat • to etc'
2...rrre,tga Irega*„.
14,1114442 11! 1114.114 84 "04"0.4
f..61.1417424• but
1414 42431 1e214' !it tr-ts
3 14.44*714271 11424.9.:'82442487 14- 41429?
72,021,2" "sitO .11,...a2r.-5, vas
.1 here.
23 _4 .1,4
avairv,- 1848924 In 14'.r114t,r,„ Oat b 1,Z1141
14,,g13481 4,,044440$24447:.4.
_4i1'4 1447144* 'L'14 44* 0-4114.0411 4.41190.4224.
'. 4.08 144.1414
V.4, alt. 1.- I, zrreri
its 11'L1. urr
08 tro
14141,0 144'43714432147 344lt4'440J 11401,'
1*441411444-4 44'".
Itagrt i'.',. -':14' whar:a 14247.'
bGthS NeAN En p.11 ,
211:49 144o2t'71.)7) tq, 112:,M7 4
2.7 f...2e2 teeee
rrord c..o/Tro
aay 440131741841:41.41 17:1181k 1141I•
P1.4g2tii, W1.36.2 it;,•.'n,11 lit, *Lit) 7.112441%.1,1,11.4
444, .1..g.,t'S
i•2`.6' a
arr, ,-112V1.% ea... 14044
n r;„ -err r orr,,7e to-
r. r. • 12
n •
"1.713) '
Tee marrirrr
one arr.; 7
rr,00f of •
7 •
p .
II07:tOr •
• '0 44
smA-Tu_c-s tf.)
ttErt, t.p za
Amtng *4, ny p70'w,rats
toileti are pr w onc
front the Byron 71',"
KIR a4-14ang,:.,1"L, ?‘•(' 1,0
At its branches in A nr *-n 14 "Caren.
eel well as in lefeelen. etr. Herbert
G1atiErt0/10 .tra en • c‘r ibitar1,,r8
of the, encl.- ty, the obj et of weever
let not, as 04 many preen, seam to
tbiek, to promote the fanny of nee
ronebtit to carry on the TO tee policy
for tee -lying araene Ina Greek natati
the artsand letters of its ancient
aea 311e211 l'a-tonamlor• as 0 PrOsoelete
11. 3
en :et
1*402 rovarr,,,, 1,2e'0u,442-T2e Fe
ns. tra.4.1 P.,
0.711 VL:a•. 2o.2o"
.44 „.„ (2171*.e3 ee• rat
r.cre 4144
,5414 44*.:,ee 11.4-:, 11$, bi
t iev.A] 14
-• t ig tr
44144, - 71171414, 171,1
1V4k: '44,7110
7 ..
61- '714427104-,1444t.72,ee 4421 rrgn. t It:
7- 1114-1n •:h i
--,;1 • w...s
0,22211 00 14 103',re two deve
b ir• •:.t : *at t
ti la -.a eliee neetri
14347e44r.t 41 tileir time cheeks t*
.4t.sinaii1.-37,,tehd.ete lnertli*:
'.,i"71.04.atewert trial to extent
nert enzeca.e. dray)] the tro:irieteeefeJ113n€43,a
4 wanah: get paid. efille (ill no
t4Igit them. nue, ee• seized Mr. Steve nrei t3•renteaed to cut bite heal
velT117 trzacpp<itlirnaenct epeoerr ace°
rest and brngiat to. Fort Frarde
trate re.illands: