The Herald, 1901-09-06, Page 1ITfa1 ----- "l first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in tliF itli (it 1848. Since then I hive taken it every siring 4a s blood -purifying and nerve - strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good oId stand- ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. sbottle. Ail &crests. '1 .9k your doctor what be thinks of Aye $sr.aparirls, iim'knorw{ all &boeittbi* grand old family ►htdiclett. i ouora his adt1Me sad. 'Ke wlrr b. taelitad. x.'0.. IM* Co., tow®n, Mac day ;eve the VOL. II., NO. 6. Tii:e Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. ZURICH, ONT. FRIDAY, SEP. 6 1901. CHURCHES. ST. BONIFACE, Catholic, Order of• sere ion for the summer. Sundays: High Mass at 10 a. in. ; Cate- chism and Instruction -at 12 o'clock; Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. at 7 p. m. Holy Days: High Mass at 10 o'clock;' Vespers and Benediction at 7.30 p. m, Week Days: Mass every morning at 7. 30 o'clock; First Fridays, Mass with Exposition at 8 o'clock; The Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to our Lord in the Blessed Saeramet every Satur- day evening from 7 to 8. Rev. Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German and English Sunday services: - German, at 10 o'eloek a. in. English, at 7 o'clock p. in., Sunday School at 2 p.m.. Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7, Senior Alliance, at 8, h air practice at D. Wednesday evening; German prayer meeting, at 7.30. Thursday evening; English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday evening; Teachers' meeting at 8. Rev. C. H. rinkbeiner, Pastor. gent* ct'. tutu. 5t. petri xiirct7e. Oottcsbienft norm. Rath u titir unb abcnbs i 1iilr- Sonntagf diule vorin. 9 1.UFlr. kehrernerialnmlung Donner{tag abeubs urn 8. t 5dlulfe, paftor. 55c. r V. BACHAND, St. Joseph. Lt , , Native Herbs slot' guaranteed to; private ate funds or loan companies. 11('1 ehurelt. days. .T, d)tumart.:�.lent, Zurich. 25e, 30e. 850. We. 50e. 90c, et ranworlar E - in tase et a and ;ion We Mr'al lent 1 in oth this ; to ing ing Our are not r HENI8PiLlio G. F. Yungblut is in Auburn on bilsinoss to -day. Miss Kato Chapman has returned from Clarksburg. J. Sheppard and spent Labor day at the lake shore. E Rennie and wife spent Labor day at St. Joseph. D. Stewart's house is rapidly nearing completion. remiss Croysdale spent a few days in London last week. Miss Bessie Case of Toronto is visiting at T. Murdock's. Miss Annie Delaney has returned to her home in Wihgham. Joe. Blaney of Clinton called on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Woods have return- ed to their home in London. P. Lamont of Zurich purchased a residence in town recently. Miss Minnie Doan visited Miss ;elinnie Schaffer over Sunday. G. C. Petty' had one of his ribs broken by a COW running against hint. T. Robinson of Tnckersmith pur- chased J. S, Case's dwelling fur $1,100. bliss Mattis E11i� has left for Chatsworth were she has secured a ZUk1G d / N D VIGI Mr. and Mrs J.D. Merner left for -Miss Tillto Fisher left for Toronto Buffalo on Monday. fair, on Tuesday. Mr. Sam Faust spent Tuesday in Mr. Nick Foster of Sarepta spent London, on business. Labor day in Detroit, D. D. Wilson of Seaforth was a Valentine Rats of Stephen, visit - visitor in town, on Saturday, ed town on Wednesday. For a fine whipcord walking William Hoffman and family Overcoat, call at D. S. Faust. spent Sunday at Crediton. Mr, P. Lamont purchased a house New advertisements ; Charles and lot on Queen St., Hensall. Fritz, F A Edwards, D Faust. For a fine, nobby men's stiff or If you need a fine shirt, don't fedora hat, call on D, S. Faust. forget to see ours. D. S. Faust. Ferdinand Hess is building an addition to his dwelling' house. G. Holtzniann sold one of his horses to John Gerber, Thursday. Mr. Alfred Moritz of Berlin paid our town a short visit over Sunday. Mr and Mrs. George Sohcellig are visiting the Toronto Fair, this wk. The directors of the Hay Fire In- surance Co., had a meeting here, on Saturday. Mrs. E. Zeller and family left on Saturday for a mont'h's visit with parents at Merlin. Arr. and Mrs Richard Ash, of Sebringville visited at Mr. Tilos. Johnson's, this week. Miss Pearl Buchanan returned Tuesday evening, from a fete days' school• pleasant visit at Merlin. • Notary Public Fire and Life In- Prof D Bedford has resigned suranee Agent, Money to Loan, either by !from ons his duties as precentor of (.'ar „malls the weak, strong, in tun Lee Andrew Ellenbaum of Elkton isFaust. visiting with his uncle, D. S. Mr. 'William Ilse of Dashwood, called on some friends in town, on Sunday. Zurich young people are winding. up the season by a picnic to Grand E Bend, to -day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilber of Crediton, visited their son, Mr. C. Eilber, on Wednesday. Missy Iola Brill returnd Wednes- day, from a live weeks' visit with relatives and friends, East. Cull on D. S. Faust for Carpets. 27 in. Tapestry, 27 in. Brussels, 3e. in. All wuul. Extra. values. a You may need a pair of good shone for fall wear ; it' se, set my stunt;. before you Inty, ('. Fritz ;Hiss ('lura l3uehanun left Tun;. -(.J.D.COOKE, tl.ate with °atrrow & Proudfoot) Barris- ter, So1it'itor, Notary Pubile. Hensel!, Ontario. pROUDFOOT & HAYS Barristers, Silieitors, Notaarier. Public et'', etc. dor. Square and North Street, ciederiele Ontario R. C. HAYS W. PROU Mr. unci Mrs. Unt.. lrle'Donell . Nissl illalitndnrs of Brussels wvitl' have returnees hone after a mouthtake ehergt' of D. S. Faust's nii1-' visit in Forest. Our teachers :Misses Stt'phensuu and LaLTousel have returned home and rewuned ditties. Miss Ella McPherson tants return- ed after after a visit with frienda in St. Helens and Lue'kiu w. Mr. and Mrs. Toltn Dew of lowa and Mr. and Mr's. John Hunter spent Tuesday with lir. and airs. T. Murdock. Mrs. L. Harold and daughter Pimentos, have returned from l'a'in- , rBx�B�R, nipeg. were she bee been visiting her ;sister airs. Wren. � • Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron Commissioner for taking; Affidavits, Ceettveyaneer ete. Valuator for the Hu- ron and Erie Loan uud Saving:: Co. Ofilee--- Zeller llku'k. Zurich Ont. E.BOSSE ERRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, tespeetfelly solicits the pat- r.anage of those who intend havitu; sales Satisfaction ennir mteed. DR. F. A. S LLUItY, Dettist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto. also honor graduate of Depatttnetrt of Dentistry, Toronto i'niversity. Painless 'extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At DO H0ase. Zurich. every Monday. 1-26 j G. STANBUR I y B. Ar aeeesser to wattles a 611A :can Rif BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Motley to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of In- terest. Documents itt original German read :and advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Mee over O'Neil', ?Bank. Exeter. i cab a e '0 O tHt €i €u o €: e i;' z OO MEBCIIL HOTEL b o 0 ZURICH 0 0 s: v i a'r'mor. 0 y Strictly up -to -data in modern ire- `r.,° to! provements. 1)iningrooms is sup- it 3 plied with only the very best. ` ¶ r # Bar contains eboiee liquors and 0 cig'ar's. I r r r e e tit eR Exeellerit Somple RoonYs a'- L torr Commercial Men. tO 3e _ C0 ee l'�'lOP. - ..i.e1.OtJIS FOSTER., O .,.++s ..me;�....a4 .v. " be oininicrn" Equipped -with all modem conveniences. First-class seetammodation to commer- cial travellers. Bar and din- ing room always supplied with the best obtainable. L Shoen acher, Prop. ZURICH The following vitreous slot' visit• ill'.; the Pan Anteriean this week ; Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Stational'. W. Stonenlcaxl,(9. Brown, Rev. atnd Mrs. Long, .Tohn Maearthur and ti'illie. Mr. and Mre..ltie' Case. klt'x. Tay- lor. Mrs. (Y. F. Arnold. A ti:.;1RVEI ork% 31EMINE, Having a direct and c'otnliined t action On the liver and kidneys. Dr. 'i Chase•'s Kidney -Laver Pills will positively (•tate many t'omptiteante'd i, aaihnents wlnieeh cannot be t'e'aa'lneed by any other inediu'itle. and hence its extreserdinaary success and Iselin ularit , Biliousness laver t°oaai li ltlaittt. Bright's tdiseaase. deranged kidneys and stolinaavb troubles are ii promptly and thoroughly eia't'ra'eotaae by this great family medicine. One? !! pill a dose, 25 cents a box. livery department. they ('(ming heti eon. Miss Laura Kibler lett for her home at Brampton on Monday,atfter spending a few weeks with friends here. Miss Maggie Well and Mr. Arth- ur Well. visited Toronto, Niagara Falls and the Pan :1lneriean, the past week. Mr. C.Iiartteii> purehaseed a buil- ., �, liar„ lot from Dr. ('atnpllrlI, for setae, attd Charlie will iuild a tine residence, at 10ntee, Mr. I''n''t'd Ben'ttiet. who arrived tram Non Arthur hest week is en gaged d ars tinsmith, at V. Hartteili to Vohs hardware store. 13atteher 5►'ltaafvr's horse ran away the ether evetnitr:;, from the slaughter h,ota'rt', retitsidel'aiely ttaeata- Hei ! the sene:eitt and harness. ale=• sr . k'. w. 'less. L. Ara. N. 1.13. llatelautnan, J. Sehurttlet', W. G. lie es. W. O'Brien and George llese were at Port 1`n'aita'1•'.5 On iaiaetadaae•. I Mr. liana.. Felighaott[er of 1?illliae', and Ate Harry I ruat't of 1 aastawtlae.l. are le C'ithin,.'.,° utter 'the shoe ste4te'.. in the aalieence ani' the diretlirie•tore at the Pan .4ttna�i'ie° tit. ;bliss Nettie Weil left last 'Wed- nestlay, tar at.tt'lld the n.illinel'r • openings at Laindon and ¶'ornitter. ,, end after visiting Niagalaa P allis and the Pats _American. returned to 1; her position at Rodney. STI. JCZ Bi LIGHTNING. lid. Becher'. Barn and Contents De. strdy'ed. Loss 1,800.00. o Fire destroyed a large barn be- ' 10wine' to John Deeher, on the Babylon line, south-east of Zurich, on Friday niornin:r'. The lire was, a eatnsed by lightning' striping tht� ham during the severe them& storm which passed over this ser tion tltalt morning. Aconsiderablei quantity of geeing. and stay waa. lost, together with a number o dartti implements. There were' 1,20 bushels of 'oats, the yield o SIN acres of wheat, les tons of slay and 75 bushels of old ants stewed int the building, all of which were eonsmne(1. Mr. Denier sueeeede( in saving nil the live stock, with the exeeeption of some chickens. The loss is estimated at f. 1,23(10. The barn and eontents were insured in the Hay Mutual and Mr. Deeher' will receive $1,20(1. from that ('0111 parry. The building will be rebuilt as soon els possible. Mr. Decllur desires to 'thank his; neighbor, and friends for their, prompt and valuable services, in assisting him to save some of the contents of the barn. Had it not been for their heroic efforts. the driving shed and its contents would undoubtedly have been consumed and the loss would have been eeon- sidernbiy more. Ten minutes after the starting of the fire, fully 100 men had arrived on the scene and went to work with a will, saving what they conld and preventing. the fire from spreading to the adjoining build- ings, day. for Lt Mem where she will continue her studies at the Colleg- iate I11stitutn. 3h•. 11. Zeller visited his sister and other relatives itt Waterloo County, over Sunday, He arrived home. Tuesday t.tir'nin's, iir..1. J. 'hummer hes tlispoted of his reeidt'nee to Mr. A. Mittel - holt,: for ;e11re8.raat. Mr.Mittelhe}1tz trete lat►sseeeie.n about tile let t)1 Oet'tbaer. The following left Tate edgy morn. in dor the Paan Amlet'it an : Mr.und Mrs, .1. Pre'eter, Mr. and Mrs. t'. Frit;, Mr. and Mr•. P. 13eender utio1 Mr. M.1'ie'l1inge'r. A Manitoba edittol' (nye that he lt,eo two enitwe'rilaeet.ti who 011.Vat;v: Collie in when they are drunk and :+ii!s another year in advattee. One tog thean bus already paid tip to 1:+Ai. Either 10111' :.taaasa'rihSt'ns ik n't drink.. oer they a different brand cif li(luooi' iti ttuaroon a•atittaty .—S eu- forth San. Do pill WW1! lnslsaels nano' lalt'tute es of the Duke and 1)tttelnes,- etS Corn- wall: 'nth*. '1'tt: 1€1r:is_a;,i, and Menu - Orval Family Herald and Veeekl. Star ir,;enn now until .9etnn. 1 and von will receive the leaa°tt nee iter, a)tnl .''e4 .Von ►i i-tt(". Mr..Uauiutt Laporte lot Deo mlal'e. :ateconnipatniod yI�np- his sen ,Von.a'pilu. and daughter .awns,. left enol' 4'itet- hatInt on Monday morning. "tii'. Mary evill attend the ►'oinve'nt end Joseph wall enter the High se'lta of at that place. Married. MX,:t vlt LE,—MCNICon. On Sept. 4th, at .0 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, I-ensall,by Rev. Mr. Flet.iher, Miss Margaret Taylor Melvilie of Hensall, to Jules Earnest MYeNieol of Farqu- har. 14I.ri:,s'1.i--SiTIARRILl1'E, At 'St.Joseph, on the 3rd lnat,, Nelson Masse, to Miss eharrette, both of wt.Joseph• CPS, sarinient at D. S. Faust. HAY COUNCIL. ultei1unlet on Monday. the Ind,:: {members present, he following accout,te were ez,ied and t leu cgaaes issued for the r. tiz : 14r+ Ainlliit, re lit& s1011 registrar, ,e'gieteeing 1 Lt15i, tllari'iu lees and deaths, (n1►; l'ultherlxtnel hates Co.. i.uiln-" • 410.:1 ; %Vial. Dig main. reepairitng: ' ert, i.1.3te; Nino. Bell. lumber., ; ''haus. Hoibeian. reptir; iins°' - "'aert, 1:1t11 Conn..:, e ; W. Sehaili a irintg ls'idtre. L. R., 4 ae : Wina ant ick. repairing ends -ell, Con. 4, 71.; :Noah S.arares, cep airing cul- - E end- i ▪ gr t' Tian sidle-na ne3i'1 ,.t t: sed. Garnett. part payment on i'➢a a[ r, . 204s.Y4(!1; D. Bell. duulaultea, IN' PhilIlpl Brener, culvert. S. 13., • Wm. Jennisonn, repairing cut- e L. R., :v.t;tb ; 1i.. Bullard, ditch, 0. R., 1.110 1; (leo. 13i'ew n. pole for grader, 1.25; ,Val. Jenni- son, repairing culvert, Con. 14. ...I ; A. Mittelholt . pleat, eluetity, ..e.'. Council will meet again on Mon- day, the 7th day of October, at one o'clock p. all. FRED. St:, 'Clerk. --4-- e t3R'YSi►AL,g' Special to the: Iii. nt:an . Smoot. ddEtbaolar Below is the standing, of the pupils of Sep. S. S. No. 1, Hay land Swanley, based on regularity good deportment and prolieiency for the month of Au- gust: IV Sr., Louis Geoffroi, Eli (1elinaas, Louis Brisson. IV Jr., Elnelia Laporte, Nellie Denonrnae, Paul Cantin. iii, Evelina Cantin, , (Sara J. Denonnne. Alfred Du- charme. II Sr. John Cantin, Stan - sonans Brisson, Joseph Corriveaau. 1 11 Jr. Ida «elinas, Edith Denonnle. I # Alphonse Ducharme. Pt. II Sr., Peter Masse, Eddie Brisson, Edith Denonaplle. Pi. II Jr., Blanched Laporte, May Millar, Tilly Millar. Pt. 1 Sr.,. Josephine Cantin, Alex Aubin, Bertha Ducharnle. Pt. 1 i{ Jr., Alice Denolnnie, Virginias Denoinme, Raoul Ducharme. Aver- f age attendance for the month 77. Jerome J Bedard, Teacher... 118 Has naw opened for the Fall Trade. is invited R WAISTS Ev'el French Flannels, Red, with Dot, at Blue, G 6 Stripe, 6 i Black, e i Dot, ti ii Pink, „ CC G 64 We have several lines of Homespuns, of the very let for Suitings. Be sura to ask to see our New Dressgoods, Wool Satin Merges, and Cashmeres: We also have a few 1 lima and Prints left, at Rock Bottom Prices Lathes' Readynlade Skirts, in Black and 6501I other Colors, front U Dark Striped Flannelette Gro, Light .Striped Flannel A tine lot of Shirtings at a Low Pride. See thein. No Trouble to Show Goods. D ,. S a F JAS, ZURICH ON Produce taken in ext. lunge for (xoc THEY MUST GO AT ONCE . x . I\-314'lle't('1' ¢lily Ottitils ill trill' Sttit'k shOW ieill to 'sti k,' ivt' fi'ut the Pt'ie't., anti Out the NN, 4- don't want in our Store, "has heel t.Vt'l'$.” We have a lot of Women's Tutt('. :i"lleit's, mostly small sizes. regular l)l'iees Cle tr Out Sale at Shoo o �rG.. 14141.41,4 0-H ,i rH OH If SH Butter and Eggs take in ex We have use opened up a shipme Fall slit.➢ n;, the idlest and best vain (aver shown in 'T' t eds, 'pa'ges, Black 'Worsteds, and we might say here that intending to invest itt a 111e'P,, 1lObby not fail to see our stock and get our pr buying. -Ye have had a large iner suiting trade] the past season, , which g that we lla%-e tilas right goods at right early and make your s(leetion before hrokpn. Style and workmanshi teed. We also have a few pieces of Erni left Challie r and Oingha at 8c a yard, worth 12 1-2 and 1.5c. Prints that were good value at 10 while they last at 7c a yard. All kinds of farm produce taken . Y (, at highest market prices. ae PREETER, AN ESS MANUFA A AND DEALER IN r Furniture Organs a My warerooms are headquarters in Znrich fo Robes. Trunks and Valises, Fly Nets and Dusters All kinds of Household Furniture—Bedroom a beards;, the best Extension Table on the market, ers, Spring Beds and Mattresses. PIANOS AND OR 1e high-grade Newcombe Piano ; the Bell and I'iauos. NN'',e sail all goods at the lowest poss