The Herald, 1901-08-23, Page 4THE ZURICH HERALD WE NE y IS PUBLISHED EVE= TEMISDAY EVINO. BY E. zEeee,a SUMS OP SUBSCRIPTION :-$1.00 per Yew paid strictly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued itswill be sent until sueh order is given and. arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. -Tran sient advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small Advs. sueh as‘`Lost" "Estravo or "Stolen will be charged 50 eents first insertion and 25 Gents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure ehange in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and. quarter-eolumn rates tor speeitied periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to The, 1--ierald. E. ZELT;ER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O, - • - FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1001. On the Northwest Exoursion. Editor of Tata Ileetaao As flay° again taken in the harvest excur- sion to this wonderful land of the setting sen -the land which used to belong- to the rod man and the buffalo, het which now ranks as one of the greatest. wheat -growing lorrisarlairmliosforiollorrnrrudroramsrmarrisorromoruesmarrairalawarorwromorram*.r.0 COUNTY NEWS.- Clinton's rate of taxation has been raised this year, being now 22 mills. The 33rd Huron - Regiment and band, of Soaforth, will take part in the military review in Torontodur- countries the world over knew -e ing the visit of the Duke and Duch - thought perhaps it might bo of in- ess of York. terest to some of Tem HERALD'S Huron's population has decreased many readers to give a short ac- coua of the trip and also a rough lrr 4,661 since the census of 1891. description of the country end The figures for 1891 were 58,173, whereas in 1901 from th.e returns crops ; but not beine journolist and being more used'to a fork: than just issued the population is 53,509. a pen, I am afraid. it all.]: be a bang- Five of the pupils in the school in ling affair. Well, to begin with, on Section No. 6, Tuokersmith, wrote Tuesday morning, the Oth, I with at the recent entrance .examina- several others, took the train at tions and. they all passed, while two Ailsa Craig and proceeded. to To- of the five took honors. One of ronto, picking up large numbers of . these, Miss Ella Robb, stood fourth • harvest hands at intermediate sta- among those who took honors, Only 9 per cent. of the soldiers actually engaged in war are killed on the field of battle. --- The b.arvesting of Manitoba's big tions. We arrived in Toronto at 1.30 p. m. The croael at the union ; Philip Butler, a 15 -year old boy of Seaforth, was sent to the station waiting for Winnipeg trains • Re - was estimated at 2,700, and I think i formatory for Boys at Penetangui- this was a very conservative esti- shene for a term of four years by Clubbing rates. 7 -We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Trn REaeole : Daily Globe . 4.00 , Mail & Empire 1,25 Weekly'Globe . , 1.50 „ Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75. Sherwin= Williams Judge Doyle on Wednesday of last mate. All the way from Toronto week. The lad pleaded guilty to to North Bay there were large two charge, one of breaking into a crowds waiting at the stations to 1, be picked up. and when the main ommercia1 shop with intent to steal and the rt line was reached we were heavily other of theft. loaded. Six divisions of the train,.Two gentlemen from Exeter wcre consisting of fifteees cars each, lett in Blyth last week looking at the Toronto between 12 o'clock noon flour mill ruins. They were favor. and12 o'clock midnight on Tuesday. • able impressed with Blyth and said The C. P. R. main line from North it thee- could bay the mill sight thoroughly renovated and refitted, Bay to Port William is a series from the OWner at a reasonable fig- eurves and grades, 'winding in analure they would erect a flour mill and will be found up-to-date in very favorable for the erection of a every respect. then, just by was of a change, ite Oreb, Sole Agent for Zurich. T H E Hotel HENSALL, ONT. This popular hotel has been out between rocks and water, and here. Prospects are again looking crops is progressing favorably un. will be water and rocks. I thank flour mill Blyth. -Standard. Every attention paid to the the country through there would! be an ideai pbwe 2 er a sportsmau, County. Crown Attorney Lewis' traveling public. as game must be abundant allion`?: rje..t,;1.4.1101!'sigrocibilici9e.nostilr si.,:oldiouNt.vIttsf.toliettnCieoSiet. mer these mountains and ravines': . R. 110D &INK There is seureely any plaee along; ilintfoyneeirils' were tried, of whom all tie linegoFingwilt lenAtinesontlIveree7resizatiienigete‘dvith'It der good weather conditions. Builders strike more often than any other workmeu. Next come colliers, and then cotton and wool spinners. - • • PROPRIETOR. t'an see for a potatoi , 1 ' • thcre General French has proved to he up it is a trifle better, as there are tent, house breaking. aggravated the most successful of 01 the Eng- eome small farms to be .seen, and assault, theft and false swetensee. T a s lish division connottwit,rs in stenth when the t ewn of Dryden is; reaehed One was sent to the ptxrdtentiary at STONEMAN tj C Neys Ontario there ere some very Kingston, the balance to the cen- or Africa, fhe not only has made ne tral sirison and eommou nue. teems tend some good builtlings. mistakes, but be has done effeetive I will add a leer words about Mani. the exeePtion of one whos(t'setZtit Graduate Optician, „,..„1,„. mimed from three years in the HENSALL. Itis campaign in the Euetern SbnIthi'rn• Or Morris. Del work from the very beginnine toba's erops and thent•loete I took aaf wits suspended. The sentemees penitentiary to three months in the tve Eetevan braneh, my tieket being It is calealated that about ;;Otee. Ft a Sint411 plaee railed Holudiehl. An expert's review of ti yards of ribbon will be ie-eatel with met ere simply itinnenee. and ranges from eix to thirty' bushels veal. -.ma for Eeteven, and stopptel off eohimon le (Tope rhp erops the way from Winnie- Huron 4.,,anty says inn wheat 'Etta on Seient itie Principles. SPECTACLES ANU EYEGLASSES LAC South .1fritetn war medals. although there has been as larkt% per fiere. the smaller vieids heina•In 1. FT Li. r.T4 p K 'JP This estimate is made sm the ne number of harvesters Weri‘ intr. tins noire S011fhel'll t40,11711.4111K, i t° where the pesky Heesian fly got in there will be letw too intiny harelie the meal and thresh it. its deadly work. Barley will be a Je elry, sumption that tilaint toteeoni 190.14 W111 SeClIre the nuelal„ there hein't Wit"e`. ranee from 83:0 tti *:10 a fair yield and 1114)14 of it is of ex. nine inelies• etleleen eeeteel iW menthe Engineers for threshers vellent (*ohm. Oats will be a goner - with each medal., " centennial from $3 $31fer tiny ous er.91. althoneh somewhat de - feeders fretil t12.:40 tO $4. The10.!: fieient Di 1141841. There hes been n An expedition t 's itn„, lowine wae elipped from 1111' Ki1 telidelley tO rust. us in the 411Se lane? Ibu lttlide. t I do Zhot VOUtia Other elireals, bat the injury from sia, is being; made by Ruseian etnen, te,,t, H., trathicont :es : this 1 lilts flit been serious. tits in order to lo:tni; to st. reter.,= - A „eery veletas to town sof the Potatoes will be very Seill'e, 011.1 on burg the linth whieh ha' re- telsentare of a farmer of short neetaint of the dry eeason what cently been dieteiver*el, It pima:Pp:au !statore wile got lost Ili his wheat there are will be small. Roots Lnsl of its kind. its helm. sem end eeee liehl on Mentlay. It ettems that he ri good. Vellshlerinif the tire 'W , ill 1 ' r, „ travelitag through the lieltl :Ttirniaie luive suffered eceisiderable being ent,liTeclYekres''srvt4° '11°' i",';'`4". theetreli seine Miring et:tlks tier ex, front the Ily. are remarths oz. uhaigN's1ea Fv04,1- a -a • htleitten. iiiseovering a lotig Matk lt stonattelt, lit. foottel thut a- ib' was neves- sary to lane it out. tilt attempting Of the question. lane given it as Deet r HehlogistDitto'eves'. tiled in desperation lac hstitanr 47401111VS britveen tilir ages 11 AT THE CHANGE OF tan. 3 SJitt . 43, careful sttlisZs to eturn whente lie cattle hi This trViTit; Period In wolualee, steeted tie eltianb a wheat stalk., the of forty and little -avers toed NI, their opinion that the retea lett. neaten; the te,v, the ettalla eteappea in k'11 by irritability, halaleelite le.leteh at peasant is deter; se tEatteh mita he fen t,eatt,11,. to the ge,ttyAlitttl, dizziness. irregulae tutth1ic.. tit - to boons NAVIN. trona1I ttn hreatitng. 1 etegnits. in several', fed appetite. •totedvelinge .14 evil. •• Malttaitt.tv. Until eeeeet to like pleves. ItMovell Wtis falitite 12LIIPiltatition IL? tine heart and eeteeti. St ration l)r Chase"s Nerve Feed is two stetii6a, tshotitta nts 111.wol, otiff a v124 5,11 in 1044 ,tle., This is all a Watillaill'S tasl'allitst. month Of the aio tiranele atel far 11'zetN't" vilst1s tl-LeUe511 how t - tha- her eafel 7 true, that tt.v tins km.fotiro tt "'"'1"Vuontallir tiutet-r4vvilmk:atta-- trolg," ae, >arniEst.4 B E Watches and Clocks Speeial at tentit in paid to all kinds of Repairing. C. Stoneman, IIENSALL, ONT. • HTOTT Photographer, UEJSALL er Should bo in eyery Ifoni . If lemrarraimeirre Your Friend or Noighbor is not a Subseriber, lot us lcm»v and we will send him a sample copy. ortnielornreueriMvsfliroaariaMlir.ramerwrzorrornmanra-MararrmaNsoat,,,,amicarrr.r. IZAarralairrr. 3 ew scribers e w send THE HERALD to the end of 1901 for 30c. 1111.611.11,11.1,,,Vreftrrr):504./.1,10,Merrr•reirrrirythrIrrerar rrorr.r.if reti616.10. !Sr rrorr,, wroar.arrr, orrg.....rrnara.r....nrworrnr, intwav tattiogiNv teller utt,„p tveri,el. env -Sebes the bleed.. pato,' of Pros!'ll'ivitY 41( 2t tits theeelhing steels coal try to IIt strellgtbe" the liones. regiabtes< FINEST W(1HHT1 WNE11) people never dreamed olf,. ve,totilers1tritiva of how the the fanetions of the feminine or. 'er r Ali up, As(IN E ati4 foal toiles and invigoratee the erops ate turning out. The as -lion of the loeal govern- Eo.JESNisON. AMERICAN NZ -WS. I 1 1 The o t eieel strike is still on talent of Nova Scotia. offeriug b031115 to the tesaipany establishing as steel ship building industry ha e ` PRICES. Al ARK Errs WILL BE AT liolnatield. August, loel. that province is f‘n sf fi Revisal every Thug sdey alter reeet. ZURICH sith.ere s nothing, so, nte.....dinl to the and rainy 0-.7a„oula Nom, pfe. out. The Wheat - try ox the.. rnited States. Barley During i-4air Time' near pereens were killed and Pea" 6011 large 1111mbers melt- 11°31ff twelve irdurea. two saf them prole VT!, - .letra 2-10 spent in this way is wisely es- ably ------- 2fatallision se-hrell weliate a a („}„aaiamity, as mama_ strike eireets the entite steel indue- Oats - - - - ea ee factoring oorteerns which employ " - 13 14 -- pereletl, as it eventually finds+ ere wain -red at 47th Street and Stewart gg'4 eve 10 tug. 'between a Iliroueli paesenger packs way o whe back. tsee came. Avenue. Chieeeso. Saturday ever.- Chickens 1'6 4n/ 6 - Art -.- to le irennow. train and au eleetrie ear. Potatseee - 7- 5 .,D 1.0 a large reel oak. tree from the wild- Dr' 1FL j' 1»f1!estseet len of Arkansas to Forest rapiel-tire nu hearing kis name, Wheat Park, St. Leeds, for the Lrentara has invented meter plioigh which oats TROTT HENSALL. Mo.. who ineenited. the, famous LIENSALL MARKETS 62 to .64 tbe 27, 26 47 5'0 t;t4 Estate trcbange. ptnahaee acwsition. The tree ie he claims will break the sueface of Barley - ta 160 feet . bighead 12 feet in diameter tees ofground an one day It Ps only reepatres one man to operate it. Flour tern "neat 2.4sa 2.10 at the base. A double tramway The Gentian steamer Alene, now Hogs (live) Per ewt - 6-30 6.80 will be built from file tree to the running in the Atlas braneh of tho do (dressed' - - NO 0.60. river., where it will be floated and Hanibtaret-Ametiean Line, ran down towed to St. Louis. It is estimated and sank the pilot boat James Gor- that this will occupy six months. laf after- 21- 1-- -- neadaCne, BitiOustlestt kilon Bennett No. 7 Saturt norm near Newand t roweled The tree will be dug up by the rots three pilots and the cook of the and Liver Complaint instead of being cut, and none of Bennett. its branches viii be trimmed. so that it will appear on exhibition Dates of Fail Fairs. just as it now stands in the w-)otls. Hay Brarseh Agricultural Society, -- _ --s; Zurieh-Sept. le -le. Industrial Fair, Toronto-Aug.Montreal, Toronty and Quebec retain their old places at the head 26.48Ve4tt;:n. Fair,London-Sept, 5-14. of the city- list in the census. Que.- Hamilton -Sept. 10-12. bee, however, is bard pressed by Exeter -Sept. 16-17. Ottawa, which goes up from fifth Blyth and Morris, Blyth-Oet. 8-9, , to fourth place, with the handsome oeGtreltl.N'orth-Western, Goderich- gain of 15,748„ Hamilton is fifth, S. Huron., Seaforth-Sept. 24-25., and the comes, Winnipeg, which E. Huron, Brussels -Oct. 3-4 has increased from 25,63 to evef .,,Turnberry, Wingbam-Sept. 26 - and has passed Halifax, St. John Ashfield, Dungannon -Oct. 10-1I. and London, although the last has Howick, Gorrie-Oct. 12. made a very substantial gain. An- ' Fullarton-Logan, Mitchell -Sept. other young giant of the west is N. Waterloo, Berlin -Sept. 20-21., Vancouver, Which has nearly doub- , 3e.1;6.1tliddlesex, AiIsa Craig, Sept. led its population, and. has paesed!19--' Northern,Walkerton-Sept.18-19. Vktoria. The most remarkable E. Zorra, Tavistock -Sept. 16-17. gain is that of Sydney, which has' Wilmot, New Hamburg -Sept. increased froin 2,247 to 9,908.- 1243. Toronto Globe, 1 Subscribe for TriN Trattbiesonac aaa Obstinate Ailments Willeis Tied Promptly to she sediL*ellkins ittsid 'Thorough Action Of Dr. Chases kEldiey-L1* in ;nearly every family there is more �r less suffering from liver disorders, entoueneee ar,d headaches, and no home Should be without a cure for such de- rangements. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are wonderfully prompt awl tete°. tive for all such disorders as weli as , for dyspepsia and constipation. They • are the greatest family medicine ever discovered, as is testified to by thou- sands of people. Mrs. Faulkner, 8 Gildersleeve place. Toronto, saysi-"After doctoring with- out success for biliousness, liver com- plaint and sick headache for over three .1 years 1 am glad tO testify to my appre- clation of Dr .e Chase's Xidney-Liver Pills, At first they 'seemed a little fIttro°r1Og' 111311111 rtttr, searching and ug pyr any inconvenience by after result:Pa am feeling better In every Way, and my headaches have entirely disapoear- ed. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver 'Pills are certainly the best 1 have ever used, and 1 freely recomMend them." One 1fl a dose, 25 cents a box, a all dealers, or Edroanson, Wet 4 COe 78Yi Timbals ..'•..Ireet tonbon, is;nt. Farm, City, Village. Suburbru, and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Exchanged. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other b'ecurities. Farms, Houses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested for Private viduals on First Mortgage on Estate. Indi- Real TELEPHONE 696. E. ZELLER oron es ZURICH, -:- ONTARI 0 rrr o o d Pres eriptio For a nd 1.1.'4/Vil rifttl'Alf-Strin t,Lt :44 1"" 1 2"1• ;••, /Cr. 1,...takago .rati Li •••„ IL/ c•tVls, Elty .! • Er.1 1:- i1€11 4Jij1 2112oe,21•2j " 11.1'114 This is the machine that talks-siugs-plays eciery icstrintent-reproducea tanta's tand--stringerhstras-Negro Claintsli Choirs etc. It reprotinces violita„ flutes cornet', trombone, banjo, thscandonibe ISiceab and. every other iteeteetneet. Tele Steiner Grani-o-pel:one l-ee; sitneler Itt11 t..Ettet than at, - Utter talking naachine at any prie. it sings eery kind of song. sacred, ce=inj, tenth/lei:la% patriotic, "Ccon” songz, Frenctit and Sootela Songs, te."iect-. ions fro= Grand and Canuic Operas. plays calke alis, naaires. Imo -steps, scarckea, in fact everytking that can be played on any instrument or nnulter of instrument* .can be reproduced on trine iler4ner Grant-olhone with the wonderful it destruct: ilde record discs., It tens funny stories or reyeats a prayer. It can entertain hate:ire& at on& thine the largest hall ot ellurelt, or ft can be subited to snit the smallestrootu. The Records are ust wax, they are Bard, Flat, ladesttactible Discs. *hie* Will last 10 years. The Berliner Grarn-a.plione is made in Canada, it is „ouatattteed for five yeatti- The Grant -o -phone ia.-sed and endorsed 1.3r the leading clergymen cid& Others throughout Canada. The Berliner Gram -o -phone received the only medal for Talking Machines at the Toronto Exhibition 3900. The Berliner Grani-o-phorte has been widely imitated and therecordscounterfeked,thereforebewareot machines with misleading names as they are worthless. If the Berliner Granl-o-phone is not for sale in your town, write to us for illustrated catalogues and other information, free. PA.CToltY : 261-371 Aqueduct St., Montreal. EmaNcEt, Br,ou'r, General Manager for Canada. Price i $145 00 including a 15inch born, 3 records zed concert sound box. E BERLINER, 2315 St, Catherine Street, * • MONTREAL1 WMIEWS DICTIONARY NEW EDITIONISSUED NEW PLATEs. THitotTGJETJOSITT Nowi&i 25,000 NEW WORDS, Phrases, Et:. Rich Bsudines .4 2364 Pages a 5000 Illustrations Prepared under the supervision of4V. T. Norris, Ph.D., LL.D., tinited States Commissioner ofEducation,assisted byetarge corpSofooropotent specialists. BETTEPe. TITAN E.VER FOR.-GEN-Felkiele USE, Aae Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Sconiih Clustaty, etc. Firit itt quality, tecoul cla:z in 1-Sze.w 411004, 12P -72644414m4 Seeingfic14 8- A.