The Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 6- I � I . ; . I . .. 1, . � I . N, �,) I . � . I I.. I I I 1, I E . �, 10 I � " . - .. ". - �� . ­ I 1. ; I � I ,. . I . . ­ 11 . I , 1. 1�, :: " I. . .1 , . I . � I , . - I I . "..1. _ I I I I I I 1,1, I ... 1-1 I.:'',: ­ 1. . I - �... ­ 11 ; ­­ � _� I �, I I I I I I'� . 11 1. ,. , . . , I I I 1. I I � . ,.-, I : I i - � - - - I - I , � , . I : I . I f� I I . i I I, . I � �Ij� . I I I . I . I I I I � �f , Y! . . � . � I I 11 I I - _ I I I I ... __ . .1 .... 11 _1111 I'll, "I'll _.... � ,, i, ��i � I ... - ----­------------- 11 . -11,11, . . I . &VA, ea!w ,-.d&ATew4-pm@.��N"W--Mv.,�a�,op^- . I * ' �r . I FRAOTIAN'T 9 *�2�—q�� , . . I A S"I"HAIGHT CASH � I . I HOW OCEAN LINERS � AGAIN HIS TIME es QZ - LID =0a "Wo - I ARE PROVISI'ONED. I -_ I '' I Ffffftt UqUid donfifflas for the Two Letters I , be Which Prove the cap L I Porinanency or Cures by I " " " ""' ' "' " " ' " Doju's Kidn.y pitis. Not by any means the ieaut Imprea. would cowtItute thoe tutal Itillatil. . i eeth aw Mouth Sive evidence of Ule, gallige gize to taut$ or many an Amer"s couluju- — PW SIN SOZODONT LIQUID, 2,% ie mottern ' trausatiantic ulty that Gignifles Itself wItIl . a steamship has grown is to . be found came of "city." 13 tile i3ain Derroelterip Cured of Diabetes It"ZODOMOOTH Wiaim 'PSG In the bewildering amount of proyl- 'to read t,h a i people for a period or III 1808- liattl it, fur Over Five Years df& UQUID, &ad POWDEP. 754 25 "villi'll tj - 1114 0 "Oell 1, 1,01,LCIV P esTil 4&t Is its sions that have to be taken aboard six 04ye requires, lit m at alone tile .uv M SZ StOMa. or by Mail for the prica. ror a le trip across ttoe ocean, equivalent of 14 at -era, 10 calves, 0 Cure btlil liolds (moods. HD I says 61�� Scientific American. A 81wep, 20 Iamba anti 9 tulga. If the Qllabeap Aug. &--(�,P, iiial)-sam I)or. HALL & RUCKEI,WONTREA" t, 'r I I - L . mere tabulation of the various kinds flol.ks of ohU kpns, geese an I game rwikerds of Ulu k'ur-j,r�jjw (j.zy, was --­� Of food which go to repleolgh, the reiltilved to furnioll th-� three toss of (,ILrw of I.Ambe-tes by Lk)4LI N 1.,Jkju, y . r . . 611103 larder dnring. tlw few dayq POultry and game that are aii,n- fi,js ILI i,8.)s. I:LI41 vaje is well linowil FMRV88MVZR2nW,M_,-_l---,,-*Z,e A" which site spends in port fall to sumed were to jAn tha prGessi,lon 11,1.e. it jlu�1116,0..eg j,ub.jsLWj 41, tile * 11 convey any adequate Idea of tile vast abo&rd tile Voss, 1, Vhey ,W-truld Coll- papers UL the r"al aa,l a great deul , , I- SOME' Q amount of 9tores taken aboard. stitute a coati,lgent by th maelves 0j, atj,uut,jjoa wuj�'drawa tu VoLid's � . � l" The United Stuteb paper g1vea a not less than 1,P'.03 strong. L�,,dlley PIAS Oil jots Mucullillai. ,,Pictorial rPilresentation, of course, The iship's larder is also atock-d Oilll)CtOS, I)OWLVer, is known to I OPTICAL ILLUSIONS ;i� pul-My Imaginary, partioulaxly as re- with 1,70J poun to of fi.,ih, 403 laounIs be an Luourable uls2asd, aud many , gards the live stock; the bsef,�mut. of toinguiv, sweetbrPals, etc., 1,700 Of 1,11L� more sk PtLoal of Qu-.bi_-c WU- � 22Q_W_13a&MR1__1� ;Trad�mj ton� game etc., being received on tile dozen e,ggs and 14 barr1a of eys.. vens expr,�sao,A dutiur, as tu Lite per - 'Seeing IS' �L ship In & dreat�ed condition, no live ters an I plains. TIve 1 7DO dozen of mwievzy of tile L-akee. Tbi,�ae doubte believing" Is the old stock whatever being cart -led. The eggs, packed In cases, wou!d cover atuy now ba set at rest. Mr. Der- ' )age. But, Is It 11 A.fter all, what drawing was made up from a list of a consilerablm ar-,a wh4lo th- I,Onl ro�llere h.mself attestj that I I bricks of Ice-cream wo4ild r Itilre IG3 l,jIj,e,e y nes jl_� aL had no of anore deceptive than, huma,li vis- the aot-aal amount of provisions car- et It Aga I an ried on a recent eastward trip of tubs to firill th(Im. Of table btitter LXabetesl' return. -11 Is not the optical Illusion thpre woul,il b, taken on board I- ipartnat Itetiat in tilb stool, and the Hamburg -American liner Deutsch- 300 pouw!s, while the 2,200 (IIIAT-iR Iii M&Y L'bl,, 18)8. 1dr. small Dwro- ade of every professional magletail land, and the number of live stuck or m,lk woum cliers pub:.shed the followl.ig I,t_ which contributed to meet the sup- the . reqiAre 64 cans to firld ter in Lite Qu, b,c papers: "I have ialdf-s bow ma,ny pairs or eyes are it. and 00 quarts or cream Ligh-1; Hoe of Even gr"ting perfection. Miles for one voya-e wag eatlinated boon a victim to Lj:ib tes for over t from. tile actual i;;mber of cattle, cans. five years with terrible pftlus around w rar short ot photographic no- sheep, eto., that; would be required veggetnblra a -plenty. my li,,�FI,Ys- MY feet were always rao.v do th-,y tallf to make up the total weights In In the way of regetables. there are cold, and my thirst could not be rive oomparlsai of the eye with the dressed meats on the vessel. h z; barrpls of no- ItuPlit'll-1-1, 110 mtttsy what I drank. . inera, as Dr. George Lindsay John- A Marine Monster. tatoes. 75 barrPls of assorted vege- I tried rem dy aft -r r-in',Idy. but re- ua rmlnts out, cannot be carried tnbles, 20 crates of tentatoes and celve I no It III. I parchoased one box mae really o:ia.,;es when - Letigth, 684 feet ; beam, 67 feet, aa� tnble celory, 200 dozen tpttllcq, or DD Id's KIdupy PI.ja an.1 fim id Im. t to ew�ry detall. The r ... in The dimensions of the the re- displacement, 28,000 tons; her hlglt- while the requirements or dessert medlato rPII,IL I Imve now finialled ra to descrill �d as taking the place est. average speei for the whole trip alone wolild call for ,4% tons of five boxes, an I can q,)a,r I am p, rL:ctly the sensitive plate. In the ca.go as. cured." . the campra. the I�tenqlty of the W 28.30 knots, and ghe has ma.de the sorted fresh frults. Now, to clear away all possible age inert,ases with each momplit Journey from SLudy Hook to tile For making up Into the dally gap- donlit that Mr. Dorroatters was not t1ba exposure, whereas In. the eye Lizard In live days, seven hours and ply of bread, Illsonits, cakes. pies and ourel. to ab-nv b-,yond qu Won th,at �! reverse Is - tile case thirty-eight m:nutes. In considering I the tootliflo,ma odds a-nd ends of the rXIld"s Kdnny 111.1a did nsi,t morily na lb�eonjes fatigued. rellevo film ror th, tint-, bnt metual- rite. tile retl In Oth0l' tho question of feedlug tile pa.usen- pastry cook's art, there are taken gers on a v0sae of tills size, the I on board at glach trip 90 barr,,Is of ty evreil h*m or 111a,bet's, and cured allobjlet is gaz-?d at for any con- thought Is suggested that there are flour, Pach weighing 195 paundg. this rrabl.s lengtit of tillie, and I Kim to stay curol, we pubtish his the hungry months nithin the bull of Item alone adding a weight of 8% letter Or April 4, 19()I. � Otter Vie obj,.-,ot the sooner the I Ule ship, be4des those to be found I tons to the cooks' stores. To title ',I�­ar Sips.-Afy Pure of Dlnb�tes igile wit lb� noticed, nioreesp,ac- In tile dlidrij saloon of tile passen- also we mlist add 350 polinds of by I�Ojd,g fCLdn(,y y I( It b - placed aldil. by agile with PIIIH Una lip. a p,r- bark obj ot. Sera and the mess rooms of the crew; yeast and 003 pounds of oatmeal 'aad Inisnplat. I have not b,on troubloll . atouths that are so veracious that homin.y. wipa .-t sltxn or 111-ib-tes ginee m7 ,i WO; look at tile stars at n1glat, they reiluare feeding not merely tit Under the total of liquids the most .mrp thre- Y�,arit MIW' �y do not app -ar as points of fight. tile threp rOg-tilar ainat flours (if the important Item Is the 400 toils or DOWN Ktl]nPV P119 434PIN All 4111 - Of (14titU aPPrilclAble size, Aill to ship but every hour of tim day anj drinking water. Tills Is wilifill- m�;Ps or th, 014noyst. nial th- trou- rt-sigiltod p OPIO linmense. A.8 a night. from t1W time the moorings I mented bv 112.000 quarts of wine and Wil .n,"Isint- from wpatc ar-ti,qn of ,1. in addition to tile djlf,,j,,jN.j art, "st oft e�t ()uc,. port until tile ' ticinors, 15 OD3 quarts or Wwr In kegs, IyL�l TiPTIOT4. Tit y are aged tilrough. RXIttlikesS rattail tiv, po"nt, oa,z wa,v VfIsqel N warped alongsille at the b I,sldes �3,000 battles of beer. J,tqt, out the v�orl 1. 41rve seven or iniore short raye Othk1r. � bit not b,v ma,v mexas least Is the "ting ("it from tile eimtre. YOIl Tht,l Wend State -a$ Paper refers to supply of 40 toils of Joe. i prob My soo tIlD is.�,)ziu tiiiij- if t1le I= rurnaces in whj7h tile fuel I CIL %YA4 Wi IN G 1! P V it 14 1011 M 24 * , Ix . suppiv of Coal. 3 took at a strct,t Eight. These 1, a Itto to b,,Urrs Ili tho bailor room 'a are die to tIts lines which tri. Mf coaetivaf- I at ti�l rata, of 5721 tons �, Of caurap, It will h, untleratood Better to Affow the Audlenee to Sleep &1' thf* lilas kit 9-ar eye frow tba j P -r day. Now, allb"n"It tile vorag - � that. as In thr earin or the coal. it to Thmn. to Wrtilk 1,31104.11 tre to tha C;rOltnitv-renea. T1,ov from ,Npvv Ykv% to Hasuburgh j,asts bot to bo Ruppo4ed that alt of title Iligualk.v from Rovou to ten 16 IF411y tilx rtir r -mm OaV3. accordl-ta tD: suppl.v will b. conNonlod all tile VQ.Y- " I viwimIst It wolvId bra Pany onongh , 3111r. rzkdinlVig from MI., , t.01", cit"tto of th I W�.tthpr. 0I,, bun%.; V40. Thort, inust b,i a inargin. unit to iav;1vort Zltp Pay p,-oplo or the e, ka tro � ('rq cot thl" 04 P arI,4 Plxlatrw�tppl tos � a LlIrty Ill-ral wargin. of Itcm.t. to -it realtzod. of ie,mrsaj, that Wo, ernvi 41 ril kitarf,fill. 14.3 ti&­ka everY Vol; I,,,rbo,It��r.q ti. foll"I b - 4t 1141rhIlmr ta.ik w are fii,)rjn.rA c -f lopq I,-,i,P.tj.r b0ll M V?Irfi0PntlY 1.1-rge r-r,prva of Mad of proviptjoa� Moirptivt1r, , - ,,I,tl t,fj� e,V"V r ap P�Vl�tLa!!Jrnrj iiii. IdlY deW3utt- and t,i-1 tran�,)tr- � r, , a limr PXUtUt tO vr!li�01 thp Iar,lar trtu,l col- I v, tit I ot .r woo of Love rimt seirnwau than Va 1, r�,st of trl,u il,,�j, tit,,bjv i t��*`tf �N,A N14finv!T.r bcImi about nV. Iax are omIgl joij tvill vary ,1Qekwrtjj:tr, to 1 In.. e I, -41 %�40 timt illo'l b lr,,W�� MQ I 01", vo,a �0" I lit ink0a vfoIyCj,V e.jro Is tho tkoudwolw of tho vo,valge- It m,;A a 40� Navullor d;%y,.%,I0I a g 'a- * riv* to ttle3e w"'V6 of 4ght V 11 titlgor f4j lj,4�v -.I�,,a V"W'T are "pretty, I n trialp atplwts we'tVie - ,to in(Itr,,,tr,j,,d tj4Z,,js t�j lt%o lit,,17,1 13 � %,L�ep r,,p � 't tj"��:,I" vor'N 6a at qjj�jor tile 101141- , �hf, 1. r. where the s VaL't"I", A gic to tic'_� 1:l"11 t!i.,.�t tj,f3 � I Irm vi' a aree"nslon of floavv gill'.t;o 4'. 0 ,4 llopinu !Altl into tiv� ripar V%rt. A at Vzo l'ye o!l ca!o�n " I 0 em Pta%144'"a,rr Mot. I will thc dinan,; ruoita t;,iby -s tj1`0 I` vi I it In "'Vels �Uotl W 4 -IL to al -v-lw It t r4i� I 'al .. vnrtuon 1i 0 TZ,)-, tot, I n=hcr of F4,1119 gan bo- IZLI)jf� 11V Ili L I&r.Iy,%%%j-I.?t gji,�4411111� gjjL.. �tt JIDI..i. � V" et �;Ip'.wrr�, b at i 4 ,44%,�R,�, w 11, Il .jr�ll � to , b I pt`;wt1e-dR.% k1t--1vrtF,4 rkir t%y,* or b;- t ovful W.trmel lit) thl ttw tmbj ot , r, efarv"4 �:o wl,,.� I,LVI.Mr�49 VIj ,,I ,,S,? %'w's'a t4c'n lklw hrm a 11`0111, V'04,4* d'%.�'o at 11 stre'tch. tljit 0!1�1- 1`7 9 .-,o )I vhoa. WII;1t 14:11sp ,n,4 hao tlwr. r 414ft"Ilil-lur a PA 14 1.417. anallm Up 04' sonljWon wal b� =1jhft,;�!J coriAll.r. .1 01'. 01-i pzlf)-1 via: Ile" --re-, of I - I ­'�,) V4�Io�%cico. Uri 0114,;f"T, gat P.�O,J, 11 67 `4-" ca!A I I ."10 #I & c Ira, c aa,j p, .1j,o abi.%. 89vri.ty vt�y * a ef th4to ellar- "Is" � 0-ary , z%. , . nN ,I,,, _1004 il. vvavp�lljj tO IT10 ,,,%!,, - an 0 n vr�-w oT �',rqf) like crvw .wtq r. ilft -r .1 i, uvear at lidnili'l4q. . r".0 v -p" la'allor aboul,T-1wakool vip 48,0*,�031­r 0"M-30.1'� I,! %*rta. � �tt P,;. I 4t 114, 1 p ,%J� ,.,4Rj-jt.j . 0 � Foi sor-Anzb -1 % 1, arp prq,�t.v vor'll eungaatP4 by VIP 115v I 11 P,iz IQ- ta,��,",,.. vrallk 'A I4.,I.,Ln&-1AV I aeg b .4t,.'I�wv�l 0,1 to, 1-�,. I! , o" pjgf 1, I , g'�j,%q1,i,­InV -THeva, craaD n, ist, w. �, Intt-rval'.3. .i,,I,l ,t,4 ij vat - the sailip.411-3 , ' I cinnlp pav- teen LmTl4r!_d tfol ­EeVcn%;,4,n st,ta's thav tl* toar&�,V,a asi ovev. 2?,04 "h" ,--D, ��vl 'At'lit)-1 .Ar trunt Of t1to ;.�ap *.r bn) I� ar 'La Isn'l cb, � C-V,rai- vo,,,= toree- piv. ; to Vi'i 1:i Le d'" vil - V.,3 - �1 Ul"it ,V,0, �, V"t, ;, 1"1 I 1W.'a 4V.­x,1rfl4,tt rv,41sr- I aisla it Wfn1'!,. isglal Cri 11"lo'k- J� ­­­-­�­­- ­_­ ­_-__­______'­­_ �­ __ - - � _,._1__- ­;_—, IV. IQ Ill. I I r� 4- �,4,; m Wit I ,ri,-t,;iI 'o I 311101% 4,,1P1q;.1U1 I Nf1j,';_,%4,t ifr.;7p, ­­ -, - _ . _ '.., r,f t -r tp:,- " �,-,,k2o Qbf haqu-1 uv taket , - . . * # , � toacd 9,� t q,lg tv,D.y tv,�Icj �, �, 'Z��,1,9 Ug Tr�AIN`111%0 F(XI HHAII MRS -Io FITZHERHERT. 9111okc.1,�1 �Qnla, 11,'�_�:��"wlt:. M. � 11 14'1,- 1 O!Nilt I V�­�,111;1 1V�41111 Wo 41TO ,lilt �, � ­_ ., � i -A b, 11,1'y)t i,,i m I cml 05111 pIxon I over % jo:-Tiel"'T *.�t:��10�L"_ Aa Garal", 34%mllulo 44 ttobvirt 1,11a. � Title 51-or--unaile 31�1evIL1,4_0 tjr (.VarAc , . I', ""t 4, ,, 1� ij Q h I I -,I P"J."I, �4 1 "Q1 Cl �, Zak, V91111, 1.0s, a Nvilghbor. i - ­ C n �4 ".-,, W C, IT -4-, 1 90,it-4. qtoll)"7.1,411 , , � I IV. kcreallt-d to � Intl. f,.4�,,;i. oqiq j� 4Vj"jqj lj�� Atqq,j�j Atilt fta.a I� I I : " d ,3 c , J ! I z ­Ut,l , &,WtWo E,.- [ii,,t�Vcrr-li�_Ew. btr. " JH,# ovcr Vao VA- CA,*1 hitl , I "O t��,�"q ,,� " Lit, , I, � - -'-_4 � 1i In Jevilm MC1%1,a-tZ%1-`a "ItWe%�t OT � 1, t ,C,�� B_,& ­IA,, VI,_-" � _I V"'s0l "L lik,q), ',I t,,-. L-i, . - , _j ." : J,6 0�, I.t, � . *v 1'!�,y i 4;�k!�-!-�,�M, 1,(.111 .. . 1 I v,�-.'.!tTk-,_: 6navoli,jr- , Ir 1) W I a.,uslVarizI bwi- III* VC,ur ticurg,Lw aud 14Ldmft M.", " ': ; &3,- U�:_# V.�15 L UZ � MkV.ra�0q,_1 a,ma.,U %*�O_� ­�,y cn,,,J-�,�,l , vew, t_, ��'P, i�f�;A�,%. IL149 vs.." X mu L'"u- I "t 1.�- C livv tUat uty coal Itrot""aer , 0�ac,4 0C."t" I, .. V� t') a �-,#�v �_-j tj.�il vT tvftuva. l3u, 1i J1uW',w22e4 roem;k.Dy b,v jiVyA.Ie& lfjl4r. �. I " 01 -1 ". "A � vi'l ,� Igo: Amedd 1!,r0aBj-;,re. tbb Lir'Itp.ail,11 U.j%,Kzi,! �.q Ill, %V�o) VI;wj,_V t,2 ') :� v t � )-l- �_,g "' "j 0 tl_��,M � 1-�,� C,Wlc vi .,�* �eLay WaIlu awAiL."Ler � i, "tkA14U'!C1 ,�'�1�43�0 11", "I am dotal's-7 Zi- wu watrillQua aj al.11,1g"�-o 4 . 0`.)1t,j f%0�10,, lli.galjr, , - ". A`-"�l ­ " I . , t� .1 , ;.t,� 4;,� t'*,)F AM, �LT CATd t�,�­ TJX cQ40 L&A 4 " r. P a 4 tv, ; 1,41,; 4,II'T, I �a, ; 1. 94laftlim Ew ,�', I- . I- '4. I ,.I LI _; �, WUDL11 41.,7,,I 91;,J_v�! 0, 144 a.,t ", al" ,4 2`%Vil.,.� � , 6, Vo, 0 V,1 -,,U p1l�., wmelj U l 1, ilq � I lire.l. b,, U'�'i; t�i�<!, 41 t�,) L�.q 2 � �­ : W -1',`1",V j 'e"k 64,0;,ge it' . Quia &� tyWlt NiTe-1 Naft4'An. vVW-M roaq,""I ViIP. Tunaaalk-41 t4�, .- , . Nac..vi - ; _­ eu,4�:!.,�- 4..-9, �, "o ,j V. � _� - �% i4441C4ALl IAW,� 11-Mle .0 e �5, "!:,t �, C-1;�a_z.,� ai��, _,�, !�g - I , - :� �!., ., ,'t3,'� �j IP*14 II1,10'Aldig tb�', [t taut tv 0 �L'l o 0_1;� ,� " " P. " , hh--an tou'.9 War"I A. ,_,-, I " , �1; _,�, L , ��U­, 2 AI�U-1 lu,Ikl: to Mv. tq,* In --n �W ,j at Vj , Vor-c1al- 11�D -i t�14� t i"'. 1.;Mw- _1� I . , 11a*4�xrs to wa FA:tfl,�:Crd g?"�21-mahv De- ` , glvaltwat R:4i.'4­3"ty. I irjI-10:,-,P01 a Eojy�!, v-�I,L, ,,.I�� k.j,i�u,��vts tusWINd, Lmar tepaictill ­gtp�or-��*W' tg.,;-at�jao ,I ,,.j! "I 6fol S��,,,,:,6 n fbo ptv�,;X1!`J'ra od w"inj , , 9' I '�'Z_'�"_� LL _L 0 Zlotv 4-,IJ..,C,:� nu': , V A-) - , - _J�Vq!�,��?. _�'jr. lj.�W'n Llia a WLIF .Nrc�. D'nwpe� Is L4,y,��olj, ,in , t �6 ,3V L , L", ,," ­ It , . I ) � . ll"a�j,,' ��oftv vvwx,b0y NO ", '11�v,vriv,rq irwva, Mg� 14,�,.-c.? !�'_�I� t'�zj t%n rot.&t>-_1t ac� 11:�� L�(.#_ja r�#,*? gk�� ieww:* 0 I � : W Z&O fla-g,cm"u,",�' aj,k" IIIAWINCI�-0 6V,1;�4'�=l Df,�,!2�,, 611 4%-,4,,%1 Lt")P48ZOM - , 4Tl�"W, 5t tV&" 1". ji�j� t�r - �j 2.: i " �­ I cl �, 3��So vLA__� was UW%�7981]1�9 rc- 10;0,gp:[,r',g ,�,�, Uw H":gq,-to� I. ��t t or),;" — , _�W�'q� � __If-� 1. I t T �4 rl;"�l'-,V, at�� U�.,U_r,zad U.LIII Uos Con � , u , 8 � 1� ___� � � avi�Lv siuce '*(-, Qrzotv v.:aq d. I- , Q,14 . II ,Mse UnIPMOInInt �,.�111­a.j, -�� �1' V� L.-',111 1AL6 S,04�_*o & qt=43U113' QYJ .-aa ri �� latispIa Ito t�arnfp"d. I I lreq�­1,21, d�;�!,pza_,,�:3 o" -,I, D1, I � . L'41.02 ['1Lr­' �C_0­3 ztL'.10 jp'.�a-,_,*_% wl�L�,E3 we ULCII,xn, aft:!� evtya, I ('z�%�4 U�!Q gli.,� k `�1V`t " tn " - - W I hiliegaug tv Ls�.;�q & X"11, P tttts CEILW;) ,y, - " "' 4, , �, " , , '12 k'A 1-,,,=1*e,',,,in4- ,f(A-1 II-IT...".�a . I ie�h-�M anA ll� ,­ ,�, I _ms -1 tk��V��o, 4�j ( ��_­ Q9 Q, f) , t�_ c' U,i, #_Aa�er Eiave D�aW waujtluc t1b c"i -'rIto Ve-ulkq r!)%v;I1 an vl:A k,V"Vrw4,,. ' ll'j Z_!,!_'1- a T"%r� 6�'�tj a'.' 0 ft? or zol"UT"O& 10 U -It it QV WU,'��.a _ , ". _" y V,j­�'_,4�' q9 , - "PDO . ­ -11 _ r . _ _U _ �'j W,�,4 A�� ILL'"o qetv g,- tj� �, 1 k8t 11,1XII ZJ rO`�C LP'1.9X:,7ft a"q �,4 tly. I _ . " 4" - , I u1mcts Vila; Q,tle u",.,.��:) a:- �: - I,, z, I,,- ��'.�jg- L_ _'W. tle tatLiM Mal, are �41 Qv'u� '�O V ,10.14,4aa V,q , "-�� �,wtritt% b,y_ tt,50 tiptij unol'-V rcm, 4m ,.-_ ­ ...- �) 2,,,� -,, ,0.�,�,:,,, A 16 L^ao. askt 9LUIT&O tr 4F, 4irr-nugn, � 4MILV'a &,�%VcT,,A .:�­ , t,,' - 1&.A�� vi�' , Ag av* ib� vto mon sew p"ww 11te, �,,,& _,&L' � 'a , -i�,V�qvof, %,,,,:o_1w4wQ9 NP lo -A q.t.4'-ft bLI!0 ottatc& q_.Ik*!"ILILO.��I. ZLo;az; V_­,� umy by U�e c�-&; PSIt6p,,%ti1jr,,*.9 �_Ire tvj'La %�vg`ij_" J: L"`�?,udtmt's 1001,4%tg'­� alrd UsAt'sAy 2ft Cltl,o� C.4914.a%t: fl�IAIL'IIn N to, 16�, ;Vtc - 1,'. "4 acl.e'4�,lu LIUA do-wa V) Me alcte_ ',T_� A,:tv:a,, WOW 1. -, �- OT the jo:lacf;�� tko- UM.r,C;jy IL!'Jgoj�04,:� V�f �i, " %v ralsraugav: Bar, PC411"'o,41 Z,� Mo �'nek e�,� un�l u,ii,�l ,tk�-.j Zr;-.Ong 6. Ul� a unw;ze ,wit-ared A&. Llmo,n was ­�T la dry-stntv? og.,vtv� ta asu fw,give- Z 04 ,'�-,' a L'ALNZO g 4 r',7) ilx��'&1�4 -,��.y 6W:0. . tw6sivi"L ar'd wliq iis as t.,- .12' to Me I' �d. Tloz, � , ,j f�fq4s. 0:at- d-ly lr�n 9A uq-� &L,e5c; ,,�;nvkn - ­ , hil"tMtea-a ckalmt�tc-T 4M aw ntiq)�Ute, 10 LQ� ml'. .K"k14 '09 '. a , [� -2 -�,.t 3 V, I.... et,ilatWo ean holiv to bn. wC410.5 "s, ,.I voatlaga b-lunt ou trul sl�Mef lmuvw- f-,T� �Fj�lt­.Y' 'It - D ae 1112- back of tW'A' dylkp I gtwnp . I [ja.'� " & Ina,", &a[A rq^ I'M tacy & - �,_ , r'1.0'," -.:Q 6��g V&ZI &a.lie �e,ml j,71j� to. W a d El�j d,d Q13 SL_,'_j�,Ij _,q '�j � Q more Mtn can b�? Cali, 61 M. 0-3, , � - 11 '_ I I ", , a Itit'l ..o, am,l tri n ,�;S�-an - LL,Zi V real I �,, 4 6�n% o7% ' at-vt Halvifflia;t :-Z,1?, L-tL , 0 ,�,, n t _,:,,Iy arotT,­_;,.r-aa-Za," was lgirca"Illy va-g6nn,go;q In Vc;�011. , , at 1110 'A$ijIW_1,_`1_1" lew 6,i 1, a I In meaIiq;0,,,,W im,r,-,-. ntta,,�,4,a Io . tcr-_� , _ ,�:A�).ro:.V_� �,'.,.'4%. 1"V,�r��Jbq4y ,W '*',PZV�" . ( . gloo-t RM? or tho dyk-4 rls,411.,; , -�,�,. W�04 .j '�,,v4 ��­!-Mj .9 tF,,O g'; j, li ;. ll). % , -, � ,b V a il�tal.jt blllcaa:�001 Mt� ; I,n3 ptay thim: 110n, lftlav 1 h"'giro4j. i'l dk,�.ot� I!, ��?T.v AG.-olf-a.:j 1A.Wj;1%. ILS I -ca. : . L �'­ , "'! 4 ,Uctilvo erLliv�e la U,, � , fy at blttv#:.,� rl',Clt - ,­-_%!�_�.. V.vVI a hls,Zg !�,.Vph for S"'T'aUng the P,.,vtatnee .iif,co n �" _, q9''r'.9, in Il t , , (T�-)�,� �:��­V ijt3e,�!ri-q�y wor,q uever itgue:�P- V-, ,'! r_,,:,d. '! ,%�,;;�ete*L,,� 1 y -,a srI;NT4T,V `9 -L -1 ' �, C_nMnr�*. U,4" _ ,)I,P.�, g& - re r.tuj 0-s. Z. _v .��j �67 V&P, .. . _!�. , I MLE�t 011 il!� i2 1"o t'c V j,ifi4 acrj th'i �,�, a Vallot lb -ay to* g'.6i dr, � ne , ovr�r -.� Wt_­'�! I'le "lurtk4l U11 1�1(114 unols,r_' r,i- If f, d7 Chi �ik-,o A-guin", �,&! 1�. � -34 . 1 �VO,201 steai mas 1,!:v.1,,,fl1y iwpvogab, IyLrag t1uri, . bq. jV4I4aM'4 on faf,vrigia �ipaq P t S1.6t j E!3l �,�."rL,1:'O", �� I ,_-*�? ,,.­,,_ �,-..`,`L� . - " ev. � . , I ,. �h #A�yj�Z",� fi:�2,7 E3,La�&.ZOU t g:a,jygarlgqqf�-� �nr sty F_­,_�,, V ;_�-g tit, �­.*P�n f-t1l"P U�- ­ L,.owci,ul. r,,aj.N EG- '� I . glliarrbtgc� 041 G, o - - �! .1ifIr Fhonot'ra to thr- 4yk.-- Waol ,I - Z, 2Z -� .9 C U.L_j i,! ,u,r,.3-,- :_�1­;E-tir Mat tLe vilie - '. gt-oo I V� to 11re. 1"6�*_ � r*�, We . A, � _47 ,N,'�'. �;i t"r., I -r- * , 1. (., imrCrt in 3179'.i, *r2d"T t7l -��_�?*.,J;- 1­pp'e-d it nvpr. Cans noarly kmhog 8 aIip :I;r�) tILP rr' c '_=� J. Z' ; � -_ VY,Z'S, St!!"- ... 4 ;��,1�1,1:'­V. ,Iwlvvr)!41c��,s , an. W � ,Zzi * 2�_­.� nsanted Tgarl:-7 ,CV451j�d ;� lvial v� " ,, , t 0 0 d III, ,og. 20­1,4�,- Trd�.a ,,'IIQ- P U'Al- L r!". -I rn�,4, C;I%"r�,', B_�;C�,:. r!__A <L.j E �_� tV.I_ � Co J�MP.J;JAO tita, sxw ", 'I. �' C�Lbflds, was ftnatA to t��at31Iff_Pr-.11%V,pv1 I � 1 I - 9L -2,1y Vv=4 .,ar Ttl,ti,n Ewt= M-1rould., mi _%#,.r,i.�.-.,a�R3 flAit�&­t%j mg po *;g j. .� , . N �?. . a _ v4 ve:rs-Z -,,.,r -,%iD 1-3 t-,, ­'no"1 In - . 11 rt -a, 1 . 'ed ,tv't .A v ull C,qtjr�o% G -Ir ,It X .6Z ['32 cs�:, S;s b -a LA � T�r�,:_,_, as - .�4� '�, I 11 'T - _�. CL� ,-, r---4 ell .j r. . Zli -5n, EZA "'. xi�,l -as, emnluz'% inm� ,1,o,,�411 I ,, - L2 Tmmyvara!,I�f� �UAIjry'. Z; 1_r;� P � Aric�: On ran tat Bit MaRl, ba ta-ken 6t.�, q.-. r _")', vl�, n-? 5- znE�'p .;.:j "3r CIt" 0�_Z 1�0. I I ,,�a t EF4_iL it vias Z cut , - � r2ay CIT 0 ,I, - &,�j� t,';6j­, 1'r­.��Z� li tj],;jt J��'Pa C'M h.%- d�j,&Ci �,,q ll?��?� JL�,V' U Wj:'n Cant�- 1 �.,) C-�Irnf qt. -t tt A _P N �, �:V, -7"� El a v.v,, 21 � - �'j,­, - J Ltke� � . , 4 "I � , " I __ I �-_") � 1 -Ing B�,VrSWUR . , L4 - � 1E, L.. ,is+ t�.':e gn=,��"n �2:. C. #j t Z'_-L.li ;Z!i � tm�,, lb.;��,,." - , q � ,b &P , � � nt 'r,7 ql�,I.­L_,.'_�,�-��,- . -.1 I ,� � z12", t0l,�! 1 %tel "t-Als Llmm=t Cures Dlsbent_ �jftj f ; , LA ..�-a,-3 tv.a F C4 t ".1-- al_,,T�n ALS Sba teat UeT nv�a,np W*,""Du oikt�)V�:_, III_ aq qv 40 - ��, -, , IM I - .��*, �nj��,Zan=15 'n D �2 tj - _,4 1,�) -1 n arliatV qum,:�. !Ks M�ao--qar_-I,�,a w7j." u 1 -4 I , u,�. � nk 9" LT'-� t�-!C:J S'-*­7��-_Z Z_`. :.� t "d C�a 610rd, Z,mj ��L&- as L'y L*",their_ — - Brj- . Lt�12W V:�Uzg o -_­Zut:nB�iz��* U'L'o-IT ow -M 9k,4oT68jy have CAZJI,�._�d J.er. Pro :I , _* A .%:r1d-rI`tq Insil"ot. 7�,,, Q S'. . - - ep,8 qDT U�,',Vj&_, Sr 4� Vpaq,,L�O.'. a ,�v" !9 ra 61 - S;R 67 t%�,S�.q I:fh*,t.a c �- C.L-Z.lt �­�u2�,, 2.-.a,a,-k3 W, C,�M' get em ut e�jp ,.; _ T�Jd V1,1-3 (F -F3 r, 'r .', - . ,t4t�j�.(� rlr_*J,r bn,; t�Z;j 11 2 -0%:3.1 ST "I Tj f. r- j:_ t � - J M U r I ,'J' � Q L I � S5 - I Z'P' V I., 2 _- C 0 1 E 13 L I t `4 a- _ trZ,g �X*T�j 0, W, rtf,spandant Seri 3.3 as a ri*=17'k- ; _Ira C!16,Z:�t can t� .. . I V,r:at I otpq 1:3 ln:, mt t�vu:l i5�,�,�, emy, if U- ,M_ �j e3IL05A2aZj. Mlbomargp 1F.I.Val "a -R Tar -"Q tk:, cmvs i ,,Ille histance of ailaptatknu 01 an- 41r1r IL�n!3 Vt. . ­ TAS� 't'l tC,-k 'Ti3nt`EJ 1: W hv%r '811 -art -'a emald VxAk,r. 4,,�r .* ;I CU43 !)M C'�,13 :-Aie,','­A� V�j,'�� 1-4. h- thvp­ , .Iljp�,;O�FA=t on a tral'-dow *p140'r. Says , WAs tha W,fp 0� G. . , . I - t A,tr: .% 116 Lrna U 05 mine fl�Alaaid t" at 2-jap, U3 Ly!)_V, ajuj an " ' .-i I%;, prl-��cq of', ""e, vv - - , cilh .- o;, .!R-�&- 0,.Is I 11.�t '�131' Tjmlellag , ".4 a t " .. Wale-, and ZZLIg el Engltma. "Ztr Tiai; camp 4% trap-dc,o- Sp0der ran t. Tj,,`2q lu,r ,p-rty of rilfc-mat2to I Q2I,at ,�,�i_q,sLa I r�M'Ew_�,, e 'era. I ,I "nr. L.ft,,D L', dre,7 a.t j jgp PUL ,L't_t- ' __ I Ilm frant O� 9..:" W9.1 121V lato. Its Lale. 9- t , 11 I 1-le-puQ.- 5 .1. m.ldlr-1 gntulll_:2. &!�-,�:; �.jmj 4, d I a ! RA uijonj Vae J,lcl, r. Ll -,r Vxpea�rerave. , l Aling the LT down n,s It di,ap- ­_ - " P 18,.,92 1, t fz,�,;� E,-,av4s eb,as pipe, Mr. , A 11511,� , I`— I � g P HPI siemma,*l .N -(V nvat Zond I I relp that fl), M -m stao-ped Vveplloml.um- FA-eT. ��, 130��-VA'an.' r�E� n1g,i). , ,rdley Witte 611tin- 00"Le bg 4 10 gaa �: 6 1, 111111'�,* V1,11 I I.- �r-Lngl to".!, W"�!_,�d M.- , ua � * the struIoet 0.3r. ail f" V41r21_.t&1_1'1P It, an I tf rml t V D j,V astion- Story .4 - -q �; I T. ie g,Lp � - ,!!; -.c,.,.6r,2t.,9.7 brougl-,t a Woe of (Joeal O'El'. �i , , , '& . I r. . out. ."r. .� Dnc,A,j ,-I�anvol ",it .*I`r4los 12-fjb- y % So en 8 Z I! r. '� M c- c', ba t r, n, -.'.,, b � � t a 7 Z, - 2 - �, ,g -, C - � a - - .1.1I iserved that'it was b�,a,izl lot tIll.tt, Ft was a NpPraet,. Tio"re ", Tae c.tjg,4r p - �. C'UnI.-In w,,S, 5'," " , .jj a,;I C.Ltg,e-,atr.f�r, ttD Z liDP � was ruothln- Not S.,.H-, tfl-aa I e.kver- . LjEul��%�l r. � - �,!, � ert'. V�d a - ., ers. 7 LI.Y t t-. 0 � �v "­ � , V,Fa iat to�t MiL. - .. , � . vt. ff"s lt-�It'.er I,-) n:. t,,7a��-'�,� 'tr.lig �,­Lj­ Wl�o-c­ obserrat:00 t4Lr 'QBV(.1 rkIIjT.jatC_a, afLIJ 2��­ the top of trw- cakt bs-vt mnd�,r- - , ,�, _1 r v � tit mail and Milt- thread Were tM. but vr-z e�,4, a;"L? L -L -� tn" n" �! -42 t;,-�­q Sir �,Str._75c"�y �-.Ot� d__y� r,nd th-i car, Vs,41y PQI,I: I ". .a , ; L_� L�; 11. _ I,. L, ; '. , -ptip,d, Tar- 4.1 t,,u0r, .w.n eW.ibteod r��s to r ancl *Millqed ennvex� ,19 , !.At f.-Gi;a �5��r , it 4,- et`_�or , 9 - .� ,71��-; GT,- uarei� wtf-h T � -L"."10 &Iiej hal p-oh.-ibIv bpab ";itg .',,I bs* ,a , � I t 'n her . Sall i;a-,IL�: �� 1M -ri—V an ! Is nf- �j N41- ,It L t;c, 43 -,1-m 1,,- -r --:r.; ap .1� 64ir rerav tk GIs tit 0 1�0 . f I! y 1 rL(��xtpd tin ' irs a It. .� I rl.%0,31. ;; � 4� 'L , " .0 97'at wli- �,Ty 1� mw� T,,Z.­.r_-1 1�;��t , brie -k. 7ts -.f it 17101. pi-r,oapsr. At nily r ste. it :;e,,tj , sI;-f�jpt out of t%,a tent with r6bbli"a." Mun 'TaT llkl� I ,� , , , ,. -, - 69 tri L t !tint . 'tt, 'ten, En 11" ,- aay*,,_-t��.V, �Vve 90t r0ad.v to aasiver a cIIIII 1 CalaiampaltInx con tbb-4. a coto- r1hutior �, ­�f _ ±� I ­ ,_-I 1 -alma h_-.t2j by the wna mud qapsti IlL g,r, aLmd.11 I* N�atnre fi�ys: "Asi is well knamn, -3 a sagute, Me, i0v y 1,-, a s o.b. C,ro­#:'.e - I u r. r _'� --ma"tvirt � Ill - I i'm to I �'ta'Vl. - � I V,C," "P, - Z "I wacat rvA�-i.,gg t,5� v-1 nb-aat ghp ID,e idatwg of trAp-1,"7 ,�pzders` bvr- n_1 , �r,� ,_, �, %? fe,r_, _ ,Bq . _4, _S i. , r1rcul to etmn F�. . ralsa,r, With 1,12' Y .,O��tb 11own 1 . e'l �,-h, " % ,-,� 1p�,�,� !A1 -.�.­.,� cer P�* zh* WeAttier," tntallinvied tio a ly M t'le vt �ttpnp.dll . n gqriarp. '� Mh r. "A TO;Vs -ItP 1I.Fill- l!_� *1"'t1"!2,i"s�rgj,,, -v- ij ,� T_e biy I:�,a_,�3 ,*Vv�g. lirat et,13 line Yenir .1%11, -ii In a e�r I h�gnn t.�,-�,:njz pe-liet's of ,Partb qt.lc�z tn�pth,,r %VIVI � _y , -, '­�- , re, '. 0 b Mt -4 '10 r1`a't'1'P ; I _�'ear 7AZ9 fG0.,L7SZ�,j ,0:', .jj,� - . � r. � t h f -_ � *.1 vfa-- ottler. scimiql �v .r - L ICI the vv�atll-r W11,11 a straurzer.L Flat or na,lopir allfi-i4i'vp nrvtprld. T. - a!ralll ! I.,, ., I? % c t � I 9, a 9 1 - - -,S-An pA a., I k, v n it rst l� irn- 3 UPC- 11, -Mllp:i nal"17'§ car'f atd. Ulskx_ll n,nTiv. hPilavonr C-4 'Tvt sjnilpr I,v fple.,4- __,_.______ __ tl,�--� - I, �t britu-) ul illy bare feet. me t.v it'. ali , I at H"4 m1l:mll ljon '311OWF4 n,q Fttl:, "I C-1:411nati'm . Nn 1rwnoi1Tntc�7B,,q,q. I LcN tzm ovpr in tnft sh,jilp., ; "An I you taHM ?"I I on tier part tnueltlrl -, the sailInfilifty 1 '17'..'. 0 In SPIACor �Onk,d down it , .1e. :Iq I will r1it fit WIP, , tliie "I flid. 11� ,V..,.q r, lawyor. T �,nes I ,dq 10 rIT.. KIII.1 11'a-D")k yo,aa 5_�I;avo an 1,970 J;j 'S (�;)t.. trry '%'ut�k a W4z4Qa.' saahe, th�rr,dra.y n6l,04 filliv V bo tili-sti-lat it wns g, ju,X 1. nj�Spet spi,etirtzi V* AlIfIl Chn parp,tse i L, ge I � mpriii�l: . t-4 sHOW. ,lil lial 11 Ill %vr�ftpn -tilt a � 0 -or wlv:c h th- sispenee w." naed.'l- &-,�!-Ko. in'j�_y I d.)i-It. .. - li-T-d olvinlein ftwA' *dmr- ­ . 0 1, ,11. r-11, n, y r, -n, W)Wd b, -Ver zet _-N2 me SID for Er,kednoy 111,19 -tin. 11'?-114y"r lft�k Ut 10_7� "I ,-I, P'�11N� V ,; ,;'�z D t , tjBp h,ja t. al - r -"I, -_-G:,,. floor"Im th,L-2 Is e. -I, f4tr,-1,;%n. i! YO I elver etf" It.", 11 - - W, � * 9 ! t t,:� . _- nn on iri� I :L1, pipe ywg% gtD to a ::r.nt, er, I .-Ina Tv, !nw.vvir " 'MillaiNs 7,50ingt-it Cure,; Wdo. gt6. -.n t w- -Hr %7­".�e r_-tt pI �' � '(I. or c izzr<4,i rafkt. ii�:,,, ron rra:r _0 V_r'j, Ll I (j.ar, ,a tlnnt"�, ialttp-r !h7n th 'ri'L k1 N - . . t; 'I t. age L q . ., -@, "D pal, a a. -Aa. , Z"jr,".. 91-7,p!,j�e 5 L'cmt7lfly, bF, a eYvt-,ir. Y �u w.n#lt to'st.-Irt in Bji,ssel aro tlip pe"emakert-upon ast srw�rt sA. nb -st t.r',P vrf--�'h-r an -T &.-d III) tv, , mme otber planet. . i ­ ' I � I.— j Meha6l, ID&vItt. tlie Ir"i'zi 1�jl.-tt�0.1_ r0p. C­V?rrie. Fh,nnl-71Iqrn sinq gtit , . Tha 1111yer of 'New Vork to to:.- I o".- wito raii_�;*lf Zd-.4 fs­at Ill tlr,r, th-it any apt off ,.% Ut f,f,..,f1Vl . � I 1­1- i��1114.,�:v 111ir in m-��,It "'AM' t'4a-' aXn, ai -.T0 lq a 141- -9 ho wt-th �r Of-- tin I �jfm'�l� M Nffvf111')`?' Wil'.' 8 -rve Pill I . ,ir. ,�, :1 - tvrl 71"-&rq 0.�,.V. i1,4 wal T1.1vi'. CIP � OL prol�eGt agai�ist .th"l Do,c-r war, air. dnnin-IbPe� aml ,q,v Pri, wait aw! stv'a�i or -c nwer oT rrrnaml (:arlalg: tha whIil�i r1%;_,Al na N -w YOM 0ri '-,ft,IiirI.1,EV on. T- :110 tfult*,z2 01 flinvic I� to It, andISOZODON1 for the "T - it tkZt perlouL Mo St. pufa fro"a somthavagpto�. now la's glint up.i* � � ..... - I I -_ . I- ....­­*�_ ,... �, __ W � � , I . I I a$V11-IT4N'S DAVOIJIUR '' . I LPAI'lling Western Ideas Ail.- VaOilou- ahle.Hoar(tilIg "'Olkool Ng,441. i1al 6. jJ% ag I�kdioa of a rashiona,ble It d, 17 .13 4 1:Rwhow In the envlrono of I ftri'$ have been very witch puzzieU by tile lNet3ence, in a private, Pavij- ion at 0139 end or Lite gTowiLle, Of 11 beautflUl girl, whom thuy saw =at ,rare Intervals, , says .the 00 Heraid, She WaS gULLrded bY a Lull, black man and two ,(.it wo- men, Who, whLa thuy parcelvedany OnO approaching Llie 111tvillull, eagerly Ilid their charge frota view. The lady principal of the esLabliub. tisent used to spend two hoursever.y Morning to tile taystarl6us reLreat, While lit the afterit000 various tu is- t0r.i succeeded one another, -A lux- ttrious carriage oijazi every day to fewh the .Young reuluso for ,a drive Ill tile Bois. Thank,) to an Indiscretion, snys Idod,or" Weletyi the mystery has been unvellud. it secm,j that tile girl ILI one of tile numarous daugh- t(1rH a Abdill Hatu:d, who has taken Igato ilia bead to M Ike Oils Of tll('14, at least, acquabiLed with w(wtorij ideas. His courage did not go so far, however, as C� lot tile tild:dberroe amonggirle of her own ag(, and movt likoly she will go back to Constantinople n totalrall- are and an unhappy creature. She leartis very �.umk.y, th" say, atid everYbody could hear tier fromthe . gardmi, liar fingers flying along tile ke7board of liar piano, whhe tier deep contralto voice tried to sing Forench songs. Abdul Humid has a regular bevy of dangliters, legitimate, seml- legitlain.te and otherwise. Among tile first ones, the two eldest, Zek.' We and Fatnait, are life well beloved Zvkkle is tionda, plump anti gault� Engli"li looking; I-akma Is titil, thin and mickly looking. They have ' ma.rried tile two Rons of Ghazi 09 - mail Pasha, the! hero of Plevila. tlivrd One, N411% Is a rather dis­� gref-able girl c)r is., Atelip, the I rourth one, who Is 1% promisps to be, a portent beauty. Then comeRn IP91011 or otherd who are uIlLnown. Itut, , stra,11ge to fla,,V, tile cruel Sut- tan, W1140 Is som.-timpa t1poken oras a MONt IINLrtioNs tyrant, never for- got Ills little Itaille. .a Itlyi'lly crim- turt% whom tie had by file f4rst Avire and willo wan buruPki alive through playing with matchelf., ., ­ Minard's Linimmit Cares Diphtlie- r" The King aud timl. Reporters. Xt Is really too bwl Mat 111r, Na- JMLY Of 11.141;hLilif daittil(l fl�j 4Plrj-jjtIk1,j at LIM 4ttentioll jl,&Ij 141M bj� tpp,w preAw. and by tilt! raet tjj�l,t all jjj,j tugM Wat'i al`0 Watelled. A nutol 4 lakt expertertue land rv.�wlwv 41 ui-I be 411110 t4l ahatk- the nuizianve, anot at tht. stall. tint,- 41 a Pot t�r lkIIIIIINt'll I I I I clutIM131tor" 1, 1w uoulks il`45v �41)t6WIM tjol 044111.)J* a,( "'mat! or III. " p4wovo 0;vt I Asial'.14t,ml. lIO"Pra wh" li-b-It hl�l �iosllvilii- I Nom, lick wl�,Il;,I Want C46 i,rlcl. V,v,ilvita move thala Gill thr, I.Ilvd 4ir.o4wht 1p-Il,'� I. uw�ltrt#3 ellfou-01 by jot* Urrilmll"L* ; I , �, arliforiv. tilp, lk�&.e.-, Lot Mt�) oplarp 1 fvotn thotil to niv 1,4 DA-ip a pr#,.�!- tairpot. n;94 It W144 inuot b, 0 Ina ftontill the [­�,g,70* , luelatzon of 01411 lo'lul s Will t"?, Ii,ni.,Dugll 9411 tlovow a wlla lo ilvv.-�,, v�-:ow?"It,f*Z4 gift" an ar;-So (0: torrio" L -t lottt) toot "llay ftirnilo"rIg %la , go 111'r- %VOTI to:111 cid- -4 f -I vneiws nwl�,;, �, .41 r,&4 lA,WvLj %V�. tvat M!,'o tn 114 Vtat th"? tv�_A plab- h-pla,33 anst, at t1oh tnm, Vul" Ntvv q0#4111n,", r4Pjh"-WVAt�n I1#lir-r%.4:,i;,vP VMVI ficil'u4 (tall 04 C.-Ow'14446jr,"I�aj 41141'illla�nu utj a" M9411 04T ,�,*IjVetp t4l WM",-Ilh ris, ii�r lE;4,,,Vr�,,#-.t no 9 I ,�) IN L10'ar. , gwq4, trf.,lt aa 41 vo -V lot� -IpIto� ��% �1 tll(le' tjI%LI2q &t,1dr,,Zb,Ijf,J hj*%,4ll4�jJj-,r p3..�,) �jj . . 03N e'i­9l!qtM will) tro'sti, el %,1114CIA V,­oz:g�� nctil Pr qw I1d­vfP­nq to r son" k.�n �w t�,&vqj* or 1140 ra ead'aw1ro allv,I��- rAP p'') lrnnunh 4-joutta arvl) a'ufajllfo�vai U49"ow-at nh-, In in a#'dlv 04 Wq3V-lVN1a tvj,�nl� It 0.4 C1,00 rhN tl'�,It [IV' P2 4Q61,;, P0114� v�ulltq�q eirrA tL,�`.W.Ilramil h'ar �, W a 't ,;it � r, Z',o t � M,11;404 otloffv ll,,*rnarnp�'11 1A."U'alt tN! ! -n J� W fsall=*>��Hftftm,jpa %VC0;ZJ_V- , I --r- .­_____,___. -­­ 1� 111. t'Wtillotik. ATI�nqcl 1116 1051, I 0, C. 13MAJIM4 & Co, I i1tPut !Silra - MlIN�*.jkT,..v",-" 1,;%."n1r.*4T 1 a3 My VC-101lie4-Y go!' NEMMAL't4l.h. I U ersholves at O.Lca. i AC IS. MOLONJILD. ii � A tround. Waist-fillue t,obet. Ma:r bz� 9-0,ar-i I bi wcatluw.r a Mr. 911 4 figa Do at 0 oft 8 W-1 ar ar'u_v ioUl r I V!ftlble Material. tut th in-Btprja� I-jqd lklai., bas &L131111'. LWGINre fin,�--b*s deep, oidest al"41 1100. Estnblushedl 1T66 'a &fin Atltvh t2i ,i lia �vj,m a�,t I q5t it 0. I 0 1 . 4 4L - ,,, 101 e 9 a Sml t � t* f-OL.S.,10" Imo7j.gi OPIOWN'S DROPS th ;b 181Z X an T lisf, Lfalng Inn , en " 4 t �je I T L, Z t � � �. n. a U - I t a k U'. 3 a, - fd � 1 - K. t v 4 n ql ? k ft ti*� 2 r a h .U� v-ln I SB14MU'4 ELD12 - ,8. er C� tIv, U e A T.q�;�'rn-,, onz,� Ca� PEP-, XcAn;-v DL* , - I It ,li PC- tala ler a lat_lp bow C,r V�p L-a;�,�,, Ct­'­.�"_��011. t,T-a�,!�,�;,�',�",,:�,c�-,.�:Z""L�.c-,-m =-M-rlilo re�,,rd vvtll-h tbr? g�t 0, usi :E=P:e 11­� "�--a�tc,32.9-;_ t2ip,ay Tcr ral�u , ,I .ajz� . A'27, 471 q t -,r, �T Pa:!;v1,M *-u vtv3A L -41C. �-*e. A Ula -'k g1r., I - MIA ., 21-1,5,32-1 way � eiv�,�_1_1_11. *Zlam�;;;a-�".C;1,�O. &I-ly %- vir"ITA w,to a g,*Wn at a," ViK�;",3 Szz. 64,t .'?­�2 S9,40 volor. A*1 N oe-.tal-lly O'le U? tF Wn'. 9"'OWN. pn�.-,Y,a'sr. utust ,lifi4*1 a^eir*;"btj--,*I tior gat temcd- 'k, ,1*,':4 Q*& ittal ga*av�-Misitron and U�ijil. & Uvc --gon.t. wwavl tv C-vctv umt,. - ___ .k61% , 1 IN vrneflowlf. WANT 115.0 "I an t011 tbat .VmeVe bsen mar- A94mu+,R kz every ao% rjai,d vill I,g - ft carmlato rli,d b -fdro. Njr. Banter.'* Sala M,Igs S, 19 IM111-6 M rn-n-vno r wlMmc. goo'll mattaw n2agating to 1po-r ptoposer. Coiall. ,Ut�o%�riTi:.i:o.,tr.6,Co.,'fora,it*, "Y". er-yeX.I., - .. %VANTFD_9.,j%-..-Ljcj f1:�,.Pjr,,rrGLt .rtji7j�� "Yonr girfit W:fp Ej.td at j&aS,t,ft por- A "v""a .�,.o'rk..g" LL.If f�h,jrj- _tm pra. tion Of your livartr, P'11& VX01o,5,ve ti,.M�G:rsr, rc-giolar et:-�gtomtrs; ��t�',--Yor.ea;tiu�vi��,ntt.o�osecuir;t�';V','tutaqai�ck. "Yevs-in-vip.q." Cd .0'.e. C., drawer Z11. 1.0r,"Or" Out. "That's wicat I thirj,zght. well, I - --..-,.--.-. .- E . T.3,--2DQ3a't 00721;, -*2 to marry a tgaij_ I I GPON-718 WANT?7)"WE wa'.14H. T'AID,r , hearted n, stn."1-0-trf-,'7t Free Press. 'k a% -ant 4 to C, -U Our riL%v Tmok. The Porfftt � 'ai'mn-an; telut!"uNy 11himrale.l. a Zw,ak thgj; "o N a- �Irugn-t eve,y Lau-*. a,vev-,�ge filrallwt Minard'g Ltnumeat Cures Oarget to I $�.O$Saday. ctmtt give"n" "'Imultm te'rile Cowal. andltt.-,04,retn�Tgsp, Apply Worla P.NL*Itit __ 0M.Gadilh on -t. I .."..'', . 11V 1130 '14.4d �%- Waves. � OV. r1VPT1'1Z1V 111,111P WN.I. PAVXX Tile o1gly duckling 118 M i, F 1,17PROVI-1111 11111*`�S­ ha,.kr.*rqv-.a%.cjjr. ost In tile 1) ter, ri.�Rv "It 0,2U'u-, call b4 wc,iln co'hifinlon, liawlift. a qbqol te comf4ii-t in ony ;�n�ji [!P 1,114096 Who an Intu th.� ;,rater most j M�IMIV-fi wi, TO filf"TiOr Irll-e4 W"'PA Y%V',1Y* .. -it j�,,Uliatilwee"". �-vvw for flI0,v7.,tNV, va;'j. bol UjI, Ila v*- tia - le-ist sani. phlei. I apallit, relneseh"ali%eq ulajjte4� '11be Tile "ir-iria r' th - a 9tilim- th�� Iraq I VIVdilan't Plasne I o.. Loyitlort, Ont. , It proti,els from Vatber Nt.-ptune's I chilly Plillir-Ic-11'. 14 .11MIT FARM FOR I-ALE-O.VE OF THZ Tile iiPlt-r tit � irl. th9 more nn.x- Winfma. to cni;e.- fr mi Z.1-mvIlngo on twd rilly- w finest i0a Vie Nifignij-'s peltinquft. ub I.Dnq S114-14 tio b., t��"I!.,ht how to Mint. ,� wayo. 1M.vxt%iu,,;vIj..Z of whi-h i" in fruit, 'MuVe tb M are- Many gool fjtzh In i Iqlo,ft Ped T..".q. 'Will 1.esn.ld In oue par 01 or tiRP .vna Uavr�- arf, niiirt� an sbore. divIf74.Jin14);t11q9.fI5t4`F 21,aprai tc Allit, "11r. Thorp Is nlw%t vs; .,j r,,,Ir wheM the ! chiL�er�. TI't" "' a QeQfI,'-1: IM'Pliq Adilregig * Jr-AfhMn QOQIjewer. P. 11, bux ", Winollo,. &well& go brola'.-Rin-Irt .Qvt Ontarlo. 1- I 'Mn. Avin-410tv'R *GnIhIm 'Sprilp Ptiluld al. 4 r42 -M 0 11 %Tty� 1$0 USIA ?07 4-1Cj'd1�-&jj t(q f j illg. If ,,00iheS .1 h a n d f, �, 4 A ille, hili. 5:411.11� th't v4 --s. oure, wlml '06110 Al TiVoith 2a "ll i'�11('I'tr't '911KZ� f1TCi:4trhftS6 TWeaty. - twe Cen&S a bmtla. �.� 1�-,,� IF SU E N 0 ,33 I 90 I . �'.� ===__�-' I I I � � - _.� - .. c , , . ,,. . I L.,� , ". � , Th 0, gig Prim U .� I !to fight consumption, with Scott's , I I:Qiiaulsion of cod-liver oil, Is long . in advance. If it threatens, you can resist; and yon may overcome IL . I Don't be afraid; . be brave. But. Lackle it; don't waste time. ace.rTSCMD r R VW9IC SAMPLIC A"P VHV IV. & now N N C -m- 70"OVITS. . 90C. N ." - ,!.!_,..' I __ -----,% -.,— EDITOR AND A (IOLDEN HAIR. —_ flow a Writer Souglit to To-ap Illel by Placing it is, a 31annseript. . "One biautlrul ap Ing morillng an editor round a golden hair I§Iag be- GWeen th - P:t9,m or a manuscr:pt," . writeg Edward Bok coitci�rjjj ig 'The Case Against tile Editor." In the La les Home Jourmal for July. "The moment he rvaolied tile page It graceruiiy fluttered' out. "Flusheid witb excit mput, the editor caught it. It was not Ills hair, tie arguad, th r -,fore It was will his PlOrlarty. Th,n, again, lt� thought the owner probably fait It an I migisit neel It, so III - put It back. U-4 was a metholleal nian and he r,placed It e.x&QtIY as he bait found It. it- was not inany (lays older when tb� re- oving by tke v1,ry hair he hitt'. so ,1Pxt-,­,j,vIy ems -lit an,] consel-ilitiou.-ly rPpltced, that li,, npv,�r hat r -al, nor even orom-d. thA manuser,ipt of tht- writer. el"Could anyth"wr have bevin a Parer cas- wraln---t ill e1vir T lifo,rt efortatniv not. it waa conclusive und final, 6n't pou see?" Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury Ail wereury will esurely drstroy the o" ct hntellcLoade-stuilile;nl�*d4.r.%iigt� tios-waialia.;ysilem When elittrinvitill 0u.IV the nlue­u�ourfa.fts. Stich art ir e4 iihou d vvvor tic toirti except on vr. �cv ritfoaq fr4in roj:ltuble jDbysielarp, It.- the danutgotoeyv�jhda ten ,o'd tothegallid you caurali.41gh derl,.ef oil] thetil, Ha2l'iVa4arrh (_Nm. InantafAmur'd bV F J. chetter IV 0%. sa"dow by Ilrllejsz-t�i. rrlef.�734 tier baMo, - Thin Arab,% asol tilt, 4 A-Iejjlj,i*kr,. %yo Pta I a party of Amb,,4 along wtth U�,4* "is k tli,% g,4� -al all ovur a ar alt 41MVI'lialsog, offa.e. El, I r,itthlu" W.&# U 44 3Ilo, ,t'rAqat�� Nito". t'01 t�'j -ua L at y lu.td "Voft 4 `g4; %10 I It' Lit-! t%O aj (!'-9I4tAtU d all 1,1:4� livi,vlpaaa and lita.."ItV1144'r. og t1to uo-,ID, ver tiv, W,t,� LID. t#lrAr�jt)Ij, " U-11% til losygo-if tip. 4'jrCtrv'CVjTV. tha li) tazimt v4,,(-_-,. ,rii, , sK - . tv,�l EL wvl. 40,4,0 1 01'16,01g". V� r� (No!ot I � t,p tUs im 14 .'y %tVf,U � it Vo,r litigV to I i�V,�,,j Ora tIjQ , t I If# Lfs,a at a :,.W V4 ("041 ,I 42,0 CU It 0KP I OR �,"A V)A­ tj th'V ON Y 114,, t.W lit tl��.at r,j it *_#I ll�,i I L� r ,�, Th, NvIIP41 Ml,,04 �iu I v 'al I, jtlp,'%� Avw- t��At al woll 41'4 10 4J.14. W � - ja� h b h at? I tivit his fjot� -0 2 191�cl tj D L4 warly ww� tW&6uj.*, ti:% im,!tt M;* vi'tro, C�11 ItAl. 0 1`1171 Vol a V,a��; at 't Is, rva- ovtatly fnIcltrd nu 0 va 310,1 ,fd q M v."41o"40w -.4"'I'si, Ila V,,wairl)t wl" w4r�; tv"Wil"'t! t1fa Otit 12 rit tvaQ Ijil-t IN 91 toMint'. Arnbe. Gltroltv,�!T',,a IV �;4,dttw,, to qtivutl.15r. , !" A,:? ri-.a'ali 4'. ,�,l 6.1 1 1 � n b g" a G a iiiparttl& ��o - 0-I 11'p, t'� I lizo, q- At - �, , 9 Lin -C I f t3at lil , v`�O,w oa- ou ,Ibv,ML�n of _441%&Q. " ,-,I .1b4tp -as cit. ___ 'to I torp oa 4 iialot Its 0#10 My 7,-ke� 9 -)s-j'�., I: l',`ry � ') %,,�',O,.,"'_� &IU,'r-7,06 A " �1' , jr. ', � , 'I, , , 4 ,! 1! Lo�_ ,, - � , , 01 0 6m,"'I �.-�� rmf& I�L V ­.� ,, i.CO,)�C- ,!�.- -I'll J00 to f_:j# CiAi WE flow A90000so #I,-V-gq Itati. AS; &-a r, rdlll�. P-Ioe- YtgArra &o gat r"A tht q CKA i,,!K� oP � rg �i�qn,­all:,p W�V) two lltT * r,_,�_ kl�u �Ii ��t v 0:1 � t� � urtal,�)tq "Arl-11 t;%r-r- i;-,� p ofr�� ��, 1� ,� a , I U� L, 1: e tv.�-rj rn,,>:1 C! no i� 1nm..111:jg- '�­� t(Up & A�V�o('�t ftut;j. not vot! � 0"I'll 10 1--mvp c-tono, _.- -41 , � t tb to IVU* UkIT11.0 IlLlt, rfpr�qq'& t��O,�. E�,.Jjfe TtIb � , or ZO�-4i3m to t vu�; k"I �OAI.t 0�rl tariccho on ,vv- Umt4 Wp oDn I th�Llt �Vo clavoy 0iiia �vtt,q whvOt. OVID P0:ifI all"d ,V44?dtr ��nvpq,-tivawP�LWMP do �'O'ntir­,all. to tk* jL,,,.,1, r 11., . , E3 _10 ,,;mall 16­,�Uuy. _ Se _..�.'_._" . I " , , , 2 , , , . � , !� , , , . I � '' . ,, I" -- I flot 0 , is � III � , . , . �, : Bi i I d 0 C,��--�!C-.,atlh"41.�."-.Etj:�C'--4.t,�*r.:Iateg-".tediA � P21.,�.�4t,-,-,I:1:10a�.,611�3yac�z,�,i:dz.,til�- Tbc- 'Hotel Ittlinkiliatzham, Tho slatchtorots'.40 awlt* rhe 1,11119stft* Arg-arl;#vt?�it3;"-�:'A-,.Ingz,� r.10??11VT*14fsVft0 -1 Miel-*6,,g�_a,n. 1Z!_,j1,n---tVysPZ.t tty. .4o"nly V. 0. lit'r-4rANs� 9c,07 Eue,ffiigtaft 6 UrAla. N. T � &