The Herald, 1901-08-16, Page 4It THE ZURICH HERALD ,y Is PUBLISRED EVERT TIIIIESEAT EVENING% BY E', .ZELLER TERMS QF SUBSCRIPTION :—$1.00 per year paid strietly in advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and aanrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES,—Tran s i e r t advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion, Small Advs. such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen will be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. e;opy for change of advertisement must be handed in not later than Tuesday night of each week to insure change in follow- ing issue. Local notices in ordinary reading type 5 cents per line. Notices for Church en- , tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contraets for column, half -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to The exalcl, E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.O. TWO MATRIMONIAL ADS, A Summer Tale, Mrs. Briggs, red in the face, paused at the little news-stand un- der the elevated to buy a paper, The restless stream of city folk swept her along so she could not read it there. On she wont to her flat climbing the five flights let stairs pantingly. Ordinarily she would have cast curious glances into the offices on the first floor. and read the addresses of the let- ters stuck above the mail boxes. On the second floor she would have listened a moment, as she took breath, to the students of the Con- servatorie playing sanatinas ; and would hare shrugged her fat shoal- self a charming widow, preposses- dors at the smell of the professor's i sing in appearance, worth $100,. cabbage, cooking on the little gas 000?" demanded Vengeance and stove. Wrath -to -Come, in the form of On the other floor, she would Stubbins. have patted Mrs. Graham's black Mrs. Briggs nodded her crushed cat which was always perched on head and hunted for her vanilla - the banisters ; and had the door scented handkerchief. been open, would hare asked the "You lied to me," said. Stubbins frowsy modiste whose waist front. viciously, eyeing her es' if to see bristled with pins like a pin -tush- whether it were better to kill her ion, if the new fashion books had outright or strangle her 'slowly. come in yet. Mrs. Briggs did love Mrs. Briggs might have told him, to porn over the colored fashion that he also had stretched the plates. The fourth floor always truth in his personal; and that she held a charm for her, because had advertised for a middle-aged "Mine Zagari, Clairvoyant." was gentleman of means. But she was in big letters on a door with a red too dazed over the tumbling of her calico curtain drawn close over the future splendor to do anything glass. but wad her handkerchief into a To -day, however, Mrs. Briggs blotter for her tears. did not stop, but sought her own They sat on the bench in silence. fifth floor flat; and waits(' not to She had reached the sniffling stage remove her hat, but sat down at now, and Stubbins grew uneasy. A once to her paper. She opened to street piano began playing "Then, the"Personals," first column, first You'll Remember Me." Perhaps page of the first part. they had a softening effect ; for in "Sure enough," she gasped, then his soul Stubbins loved music, and grew purple in the face, and looked many was the mile he tramped af- writes. "Before I married I had,guilty. "'A charming widow, pre- ter bands playing tuneral marches. no notion that this vas so import- possessing in appearance, worth "See here," he said in a softer ant. I found, however. that I was 4100,000 in her own right, seeks tone. "Don't you take on so. forced to have everything specially l acquetintunce of middle-aged gentle- We've both been fools and serves made for my wife, and you don't ` man of mean.,; object matrimony. us right to get lett." ddre,s .fair One, thiss office. She nodded her head. Briggs had know how expensive it was. My "Mr. Bangs wrote a fine one for always been domineering ; and she advice to your readers is to marry , nae," she said. Then her eye rest- naturally recognized in man her 's ed on the next ane below : "A master. only wives of standard sizes,weigh- frog about lOst., and nic'atsnrin'�" widower past forty, wealthy and' Stubbins' voiee took on a. kinder amiable. desires the acquaintance tone. about 5 feet 6 inches in height, of a refined, intelligent widow, wil- "You're an uncommon good FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1901. The London Daily Express has been conducting a discussion upon the minimum income on evhich a man can marry in England. Tho most practical suggestion made is that the intending benedict in selecting a wife must be careful to choose one of a "stock size." "I am glad you have mentioned the matter of the 'stock -size' wife," one obviously regretful husband was in black, and the scarlet ear - nation. blitzed on his. coat. It was Mr. Stubbins, the tailor on her floor. He noted her blank dress and the carnation and growl- ed at her, his eyes looking fierce, through his grizzled brows "What are you here for?" he asked, She was so scared, she told the truth. "I came here to meet a wid—a gentleman," she faltered, t"X.Y.Z." Mr. Stubbins' face showed many emotions. "You did?" he thundered. "Well I am X. Y. Z." Mrs,Briggs sat down on the other side of the bench helpless. "Clod have mercy on me l" she ejaculated. "Dial you put in that personal, signed 'Fair One,' and calling your - with a. 32-ineh bust. Then they ling to make bine a bappy oome ;no are easily fitted. They should also taiilers need apply. Adore: a X. Y. woman at keeping your place clean and tidy --I've seen it through the 'b be Ktnipped with 'ready-made' feet ., thla 02110 ,. deer. Your cooking Nnieli4 uatcozu- '•1:tan zto trifler," mused Mrs, mon good, too. Many's the time —that is, with feet that can 'be fit- I l;sig s, its she pant away her jacket I've ached to come in and eat with ted at the 3s. ad. ready-made shirt' and hat and iircluared to `ook Iter you. I ain't got no means, and you Bhops. It is a fraud and a Aetna.' own little luncheon. "'A widow- ain't got no 10D,000;but Haat"s no when a fiancee calx': not tell her C er, mist forty, wealthy and anal- reason why pie and you shouldn't . able "—that sounds like the right take up with each other." future lard that sbt' is an 'odd siet+, lttat�. \uw for lir. Bangs to write Having advanced this startling It practically amounts to false pre- ' anti aha 1:rw,ip 'r answer. No 11-01111 i idea he grew eloquent over it. tenets." etraald be better fitted than nae to "I have the front fiat which has It possible that the steel :strike nallfe a hai►py hours. Briggs chunk- the best light,"he went on, and I zt'a lie was trust of the titre, bait to our both cleaning and pressing, we in the United States may have a autli.iit that: I lett Lina welt, atilt wouldn't fight about each other's serious effoet up'in the canners in made hint etnufortable." muss. Yost think irbaut it. It avail the Province of Ontario. The can- 11.13 she «i'IIt from table to stove, tw.ve enie l3at rent, guw, water, 1tach, nett to the uricu soap hex on they and grocery bills; and yfltt eau saves xl3.iag season is on, sand the next twcr, liras c'Mawt►e ivk s€'rvtstl as lar ice j 11I you zneke. I ain't stingy. I'm wa e~eks should be among the busiest u �.hazyt, ,rlte fauna suti i :air castles �flt ; a Brunk, but I don't drink. Me and of the year, but many of the eau- j! which She WOS queen, an the �vsd- "yon ::ryes jtt9t eolaltlaitln ireallltr tttid iitj hero have very little tin plate to , ower past forty and amiable. king. ! iieatitlly wide s arr wldiwcrtt ilei iaiI ke eats of, and the're is, aelep:n . t aat?ri? worry 10 meet rent, gas I going to want us. Yott think abotit a maty, rime to be buil. `elegrtons 'ural water bills. Neo more stand- ' taking cue and let these personals 5isz; ©rtraitid a oM Ititlla!i ;tad dntsitie go*" o. . are coming to Canadian deniers deytible lot cir errs �tiaiiting:fur pion- "I have thought about it over from Merchants n the tnitest ey for the lime Ames she hart wvnsh 'since anti movod it, " suis Mrs. States for any quantity of ed. .hallways trtrtttUntie, with f1 de- ! Di*. looking hiappy, acid folding tin plane at any price. but none Cala it vesuriaig taste for paper Mark novels': I her damp hnntikcrchIei hitt s dat se tarztiieal to her the hour had Iittte square., Leiura A. Snaith ti I sent, SS there is not slile`6e'tlt come. tivinth sine ug horcitte htiti thy i. the Indiana Weekly. for tits Racal trade. The price lnr►wa' Cc=titer of tinetlge; and this or- boon high fors some time past. and elated= Mete about to strike tap the •I!' • - " - 1IIi'ttll'� °°1t`i erdedtlag rrrh- iraui5y Caaaina rs are s alta t�+ 1ti rave held when had, to wait tint evening he, ''Cracked Hand% ON, only- to be ltatigbt at the past , fitbsrri Mr. Balif.1,4, the s ts'o'e'ery clerk. ZURICH P. O. Is open daily except Sundays from 8 a. m., until.9 p, zn„ The mails are distributed as follows : MAIL FOR HENSALL, close at G :55 a.m 6 t;<< t 2:55 pm " " S'I'.,l'osnPH, " 11 :1041.M tt to L. H. &B., {t 6:50 MD '4 L, H.&B., " :55 am Faoat HRNSALL, arr, 11 :00 am '' a t 7 :30 pin '�. ST.JOSEPH, " 10 ;45 a m " " L. H. &B., 't 11:00 are. " " L. II. &B., " 7 :30 am Lames FOR REGISTRATION„ must be posted half an hour previous to the time for closing the mails. D.S.FAUST, Postmaster. doommommaattrentoommaam CA= FOR SALE -200 acres of choice la,,nd, consisting of Lot 3, Con. 11, Hay, and Lot 19, South Boundary, Hay. Good bank barns, 44 x 82 and 40 x 60, and frame dwellings on each lot. Plenty of gosd spring water. On one farzn there is an overflowing well. On good gravel road, and convenient to school, post office and churches, 6 miles to Exeter station. Will give purchaser easy terms of pay- ment. Wind power, equipped for pumping, chopping, straw cutting, etc. All buildings in good state of repair, with good large driving shed and other outbuildings. On lot 3 there is 12 acres of good bush, and on each farm one acre of orchard. For terms apply to PHILIP HART - MAN, Sarepta P. O. 32-6m Clubbing rates. reirWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HERALD: Daily Globe . . 4.00 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . . 1.50 „ Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 minute. Sone, 49f coir. e,t have, eotaMM write a nither letter for tier. I Two; smilaitsatuilt s!t %to w Dr. ik itla riU halal in their stsyrply. and arra" ta>i 'When she ditroliPtnt this one in the tilstatateiit carte 1tratttat sate, nue pared to handle then :w s nn s CiO i b , s :s feta�1�,H��n�a3it shes h itt tr�iGy t� flan tasi;ia Star iir.tnitinia b'tet out her best geeett. and. wait in the ustnal itay. hut the canner who is short niay fined Iiaiinself in- ac'Ofi3cetxiettce , Glass jars Car., off sour se, be snbtituted to some ex- tent,bnt for shipment to the North - A -test,. British Columbia or the Yu- kon. glass is out of the question.o id the �t f adde will be last. '4f 'there is a ch ee t.Cy' 1 Arlin btasiness, boom it. Dant iiut on a tong face and look as though you had a sour stomach. IF,M tip your e,oaitt>zvg,iien es- She ran t print ."dw. fir- await* utebotae�cs; Main St.,, a6ttav�a, Oftt., r�iitelt: _ Imittrerf WJLI L S7waNyyriins, °fixe: crabbed old tailor filial ,lata um for t,btsaedi of tin irertt7 who was on the swine floor with the akin oris jny ttataas efasckt�ij ai 4 lief', as she harried bark to her teteaklni: fro' as to rnzakc 'them +us;etesiaE. room in the twilight. She aittl Mir. Atter tt7Int oil sorts of release! tit Vale I Weame' tllcoa>ti"ated :std Stubbins lived It in the game ait#ios thouetat fifty su'i'lei•1 is @mull Dever' Leta. rhm€n of soapy uteani from: wash tat sena i aiseaf tut. Manz '* dial:, liollers::tach faun IkeY ironing Beare it tiiaesnt asps 1i;t a $Moral aline i as lie'rfe'ettr where clothes were being pressed " ettir'edl and Erred he been at all sociable, stay'! t 1''‚°2rofatmanorl 's 'E ax w. outd have proven a good friend I artttss tlt;a 5zeil... tFoubied r+atflS to faint. But Stubbins Was a crab- eetenna oft y ears. and for ie eeelts bed old drank, and repulsed: all her d t `Bei with a fsr oft nt tarty5lctatt but a snit oe or ern a winfrtpe , to no 1r. t 'eras tau: lF advances. �, duces by tra fellow sufferer to tiPy' me'. --It Irate were only` a woman, she Chate's 4rltrlinent, and am hal-"p9' to ltay as, smile and, look. for better t zordglxt. ,.or at least an amiable ilia the first sin ineatjon .Valve ijj:ttattiE Rhe things. Hide your lithe hammer man. Fd tell him about my secret." rsa e{ihat# nle etarm pk trap . cured, *f ,curd try to, speak ween off others. no Contrary to al! rules of real life, ,dtatease.•• t as ttoubk-ten to matter how really small you ray know yo'u'rself to be. When a stranger drops in jolly hint ; tell Time: that this is the greatest town on earth and it is. Don't discour- age him by speaking ill of your neighbors, but lead k:rxi to believe that he has at last struck a place where white people live. Don't knock. Help yoarself along by be- coming popular and push your friends with you. It is dead easy. Be a good fellow and soon you'll haves procession of followers. No mar: aver helped himself by knock- ing other people down either in character or business. No roan ever got rich by trying to nnike others believe he was the only man in town,or the only one that knows where the expected never does bap- There is iia farm to no tnautt €ivaal. Tell:. Mrs. Briggs found to het joy. , wet of for. 'Maws oatgrnatt. It lit a setter awaiting her, where she in- arta Saaa^l,. h = , y l-ernatkab � quick to relieve nzir sl or the vale young man be- •.rel,' Cris Tiicls anal eretyr terra rat It= � clhiiiu� slain tiiseas�. �,0 eta s tiai�t, alI It - hind the wrought iron scroll work , .dealer: or Edmarraoiia Eater dIr ea,., ' 'oi'. of the newspaper office. It was,auto. from X. Y. Z., and it brought joy , to het soul Ile had been instantly; ,., . attracted by her personal in the same eolvrnv" with bis own, and was sure she was his affinity. Would she meet. hien by one of the i entrances of Central Park Satur- day afternoon at three o'clock? He would he there in trlaack with a. nation in his coat. Would she' wear black and .a scarlet carnation?"' Arial wouttt elle e pr ed with ri rade epu as statement as to her income and resources? lie would do the same ; and they could save precious time by getting business out of the way Ota, wind a furry good Mrs Briggs was in ! She spent the del liar she had saved for new gloves, anything.. You can't climb the for a bottle of Mile Tolie's nom - ladder of success by treading on plexion wash, and used her last , other's corns. Keep off the corn drop' of vanilla, extract on her hand - land don't knock. You're not the lierc,hiHer heart beat fast and her only one: there are others, and breath came nervously,as she turn -e they have brains and know some- , cct into the entrance of the park thing as well as you. Ther&s no and made for the seat where she end of fun in minding your own was sere X' Y, fir, would be. There business. It makes op you. le like was u man they:, appearentlyShe sorbed ilii n newspaper. She vas Nobody ever gets stuck =a knook. r quite in front of hint ere he put +er. Don't be •one, t down the paper and looked: up. He the Western 'W Estate Exchange. 78/ ifunbas Street Loubotir 41' Out. Far:, City, S itl ab c, Snb ur brn , and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Illachanged. Money Loaned on First fazed Second ,' Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Fe,ruas, Houses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected capon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested for Private Indi- viduals on Eirst Mortgage on Renal Estate. The I-terald Should be in eyery Home. If . Your Friend or Neighbor is not a Subscriber, lot us know and we will send him a sample copy. To New Subscribers we will send THE HERALD to the end of 1901 for 40c. /10c. 111111111111111nomemsmasgapaia.liaimainfrramommuonssmnarrt,rWroir -,J1,...........ram....-1.111701MVAIOVIOPIM. 11 i.:1191.0120 TEL PHONE 696. Z L ER -1* ONTARIO. Prominent Horseman a OUR • TAMES , DoctorsfinI .ii ►.Oood Prescription. r Fbr�. WAaa1'a�n :—A ca,t of bad health that R'RTF'A•N'Switt mot benefit. They banish pain and }ire oc tare. this Rivet relic:. Note tate wuni 111•1"A.14 6 ou tde package and accept ea aulstitutr ia'1°a'A'N'S to 1ar s cent. may be hail an any d u there. I'en samples and ono thousand ttttiaa.r,iais w.11 be mailed to any ncidrtta ler five teats, 1,,, winced to the Irian, Cliental meal Ca.. No, to Sc*pol Streat, New Yet*. and testify they are as r'econttnend- it e d. Yon will do likewise after a Tiriat. fJltiiir line consists of Caustic Balaaartt (the safest and best blister know ai,) "see' Testimonialas," Colic t)r a> lits, Chi11 and Fever, and and Tonic lltaures, Lotion for wounds, Heave Remedy. Condition Powder, Hoof Ohxttnent, and Gall Calia.l Every remedy' thiarenteed, or one refunded. T BAA 1¥ ADVICE FREE Those medicines are put up in Convenient form, 'with full direct- ions on each one. rl'hey are to be had at every store in the Country, and if your storekeeper or drug- gist dont keep them. write us and and. we will forward then: prompt- ly, Every _ Fanner and Stock , owner should have them on band. Prepated by The Eureka'Veterinary Medicine Co LONDON' O ON e�re i i NTEREST tat anal: df.iplared lit the vire 'et sittokeleas >Fit*dere gird. jacketed bulled is lame maitre rifles. A. 45 cats bre ballet H sai him' groins give' a shock to ter .. S X00 ekr' ee ta<rrrtt that tatei small bores can not *holt hedeptbuded on far. Marlin Modal 18115 Eel:waters hire "Special Shakeisss Steel" bonito, For ,,p'ta-date latestel dml Iris oil 0iti'1o1. 'Stalled tor3•10.101. , THE MARLlti' Malar Aiiius Co.' Sole • Agent a ►, for Zurich. - This Is the machine flail tats—ship:--play's every its tt 4,..cnt—rept—OA es email laces the thee9 trait piano, flute, Church Cheat, ei , etc. , p . , banjo, mendeliaiy, %boo and every other iasttumerit. The tietiifter Gram-o=photte is howler dearer, situpler ,ansatette-than any ithi r tallele :chine at any price. It stags every hid of song, sacred, ambits, *tantalite, „ taros , "'Coon" Ings, English, r'reuth and Scotch Songs, select,. lent fratn Ora t14 sand. Cetalk Operas, plays cake walks, vnaltses, tiiaent-stefis, n teb i 3tt tact eh'ttytbisgg that can be played en any instrument or number instrument* esti he reproduced oft the tali/zee tGrataa-e�-ptsotne rk°ith the s�roildettut indeatrnetw ible teeoM dijtes it tells fanny Attlee of tepaats a ptayer» It tan entertain Irns&a& attaie that in alar• largest hall or church, or it can be, subduedto suit the siiiatlestracan �, The ike tarda are not war, they are Herd, Plat, ilideattucttble litchi, tm'lticia drill last 10 years. The Berliner!G''ratzeta Hone is teadein Canada, it is guaranteed forfl°ve•yeairea« The Gtaat-o-phone is used and endorsed by the leading clergymen, arid. ethers throughout Canada. flat Betlitaer +Glint=o•phoeie received he only medal P ktkt'ralksng ltifiachises at the Toronto Exhibition 190. the e "Berliner Gratis-rr-phone lis been widely irritated Ind the recotdsto'trnterfeited,thereforebbeware of nlaclriines With misleading naives as they are worthless. If the Berhner Grant -o -phone is not for sale itt your town, 'trite to us for illustrated catalogues and other Information, free. rac`Tonv : 267-3 I Aqueduct SS• t., Montreal. B3aANUZt, br.our, General .Manager for Canada. 10 including n 16 inch: fort, 3. records ins concert sound box. E. BERLINER. 2315 St. Catherine Street, a 4 MONTREAL 116.6r6 " NEW EDITION JUST ISSUED N "atY 1'LA"t'E3 Thi&ouGHCOV'r Now Added 25,000 NEW WORDS, Phrases, rte. Rich Bindings ..of $364 Pages. ft 5060 illustrations Prepared uaderthe supervision of W. T. Hams, Ph.D., LL.D., United. States CornrnitsiooerofEducation, assisted 'by alargecorps of competent specialists. IIE"TT,Ela. THAN EWER. FOi1-GENEIt.AL USE Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary vrit'ir Scottish Gloaary, etc. "nit elms in quality, second class in size.' ` °''' fi' .9przrrxen pager, ray., of baa, Gooks arm( oft aMietrYrd Q $EaR1AM[ CO., t'rcMiSfiets, 5prrttElleich. isss.i' GET' 1sT