The Herald, 1901-04-26, Page 6BRITAIN'S BUDGET; THE NEW TAXES° he Sotgth African War Has So Far Cost E48,000, 00. TAXES THAT WIR PAY C ST. A. Graduated Scale of Sugar Duties Imposed -West Indian Sugar Not • Exempt -Export Duty on Coal -The Income Tax Now Made 14 Pence in the Pound -Sixty Million Pounds to be Borrowed by Means of Consols -The Transvaal Not to be Taxed. !BRITAIN'S FLNANCIA.L POSITION. Isting basis it was estimated that • Past Year. the revenue woolci be £1S2.255,000, t„. „Estimated revenue... ... $837,600,000 " Metal revenue- ... 651,925,000 'Expestlitnre... 917,960,000 Xi* expenditure-325,000,000 266,035,000 Current 'Year. Esteinated expenditure.. $938,000,000 •Eetimated revenue ......716,275,900 •Estimated deficit........ 220,000,000 New Taxation. Income tax Increase. 19b000000 Sugnao. .....................23,500,000 Expert duty on coal... ... 10300,00 : $55,000,000 Ittoome Tax -An Increase of 2 pence is Imposed, making a total of is 2d. Sever. Molasses and Glucose-.& duty of 4s 26 per ewt. (about 1 cent a, pound) is imposed on refined su- ;gar, inciuding West India Sugar. :Rave sugar polarizing below 98 is to parer a duty gradually dtminiehing, ac - ;carding to eachdegree of polarize: then, to a, miulmura of two shillings eat atxtlarization of 76. A duty of 2a pet cwt. Is imposed on molasees. ladeite" or 19 .86 per cwt. Is impoeed '•on glurstee. , Coal -An export duty of is per ton 'Iet- 'imposed. Spleato and Tobaceo-No change'. , Beers Wine and Tea -No eliange. London cable report- Sir Miellan Ititi1e4ieaele Chaneellor of the el. chelqaer. delivered his anxiousle awaited budget eperell in the Bone of 13ammona this afterneon. Th obangeo In the tariff are itnportant and are deeigned to meet tito larg War eXperalitttre. 'Ma Chancellor relae at 4.18 nt andeet retell& or eheers. and Cain mewed /de stalement. fls Openite elentenee was not promising. "Burin; tbo laet flYeid th ve arS," said Chance e: lor, "whave been invariably able t .etaingratulato the /louse on et genera erea9e in The proeperite• of th country, btet the sear 1000, eepeelalle, tho last sle menthe. showed eyntp- toms or a change. tiur forelten trade during the pear ettnelderably ht- crettatel. but .n velar, rather than in volume." T3I9 letel been Minty de- rived :retro the high pr lee or certain artlelete netably coal. whit+ natter - ally must have injured Impertaat hi- thettriote relive/ally railwaye, Reeenue /exceeded Itetta iates. lie„vertiteletrt the revenue for %hs pat& year 1asawn too legate of tic- Creztee, Wei the Itteeltequer reee,Ifis tilletited stirtette or eiltittreOeti ever the etellmatea. Ile waS bontil tn 110e:ever, Oat the etece ee, e had been dto fier,cataiteent en dettable tte- tieltet rot for this hiS •estiitmeles Woldi beve Well barely rentieezt Melee) eettle, he re ld for and against ferestait. taertit. bat it W4a9 antitiitigateel Melte .atiee to fillatielal etatietrelateo Tee forage/relate ISteit-170.9 antoonte te %t±prepeely be- hinge..d to triie ri,..vencle of tilt last Vat*.. The 16r ani of the pose! etear iientat'-hat enc±Felel the pret tots :MN 11. WaItahl @a7 that the consEta- HUI power t.tlf the reepre wag mitt- tolteed, bet Otte won tdO *knee of the MOO:FY:on of tilat rower beyen1 what wal fairllr attraioritahle to illereneentperatation. Solite Deerease ot let:venue. tlick0-1Nach then :4pro- Ceidtd 10 reer/ various itazas 1.1 reVenne, tient oting that the revenue rttifit beer Wits ;,`..4.0%00.11) Dee.s than the eittiffiatR. "That deetrase." said the Ohancallor of the Exehequer„. *is pflohably uttrihntalp:e lo th7., fact that Very nanny teer drinkers ay.? in Soul& Sittent, atol also t,7.5 lb the sot:reline rower 0-i the peciaif1. oWaincitiULi• 10.6440 tilr.t7, v.1 coat, Enlarger:ea has siv,v.-ta that we 1aepractieally t;.1 he tlimit in the pro4ritahle tetathva sr,drits. rei.;,eipts fro= the duties were iti,t06;065 heiow these of Vinons year, bat he hfad kiftter e•ralpee- tat:cis for nrut ,nr..04ttr.po.re0n.gzl- tton:thnwar cLta tbabs7-rtn,. baelness oe the ste:-.-k exelannue were responsiblete U&j- flat tri2..e11 itfro= the inzonne Vas L1Z0f..113 ahore the estimate, the rnar.ar.-hor 01 the ExChequer re - Marked that in twelve years the tincoMe en Which taxation Wat paid •had been tneteensel ny no less teen Itakocroaa, ittet that he helmil the. Melee wraild remember when Le ' teethed a ester poet of leis srive,:_-ch. The oelty Otirr peinte of the revenue Whin he iteeded to teen upon Were; the exceptiemal reeeipts owing to the . Mint. to tilver ce.Linage emi to tire !'•telegrapit receipts. whieir compared Very unfavorably with the expendi- ture. . Deficit. Last Year !The toted feetepte ationtit to vs 385.030, and the expenditures to AlS8.59211110, of 'which E65,0ate060 .etae foe the war in S-outh Africa. and ;£3.0.110 000- for China. 'Me defielt„! .1t84,201;t00, thowed that they paid el5,413;600 oat of tLe revenue fot !the cot of the. war. The total amenet providedhe by tStott, last iE yew' aggrega. ted t ller:MO.11S SUM 0 01 elt8.340,0t1). "'As to the nation:11, eSe.ht," said the 'Chancellor of the Ex- :Chap:tee, "it stand; in painful contrest with last sreart But the funded 'debt 7, had decreased by £1.423,030. On; •,April let the Ration:a debt stond at 11 tape on account el the war. %exit To Meet lest/mated Deficit. • 687,50%090,, an increase of £55,003.- 'ening to the present yea.r, the • Milliceeller •of the Exeliequer said , • Pa -Mee total 'estimated .expendid 31. Irina; £187„;600,009. 'On the ex- ' •• Where they' tide .Preele, leaving a deficit of about £55,000,- 000. "How is this deficit to be met?" asked Sir itliehael. "I will neyer be responsible for the fatal policy of paying the whole cost of the war out or the loans, without putting a re.asonable amount on the taxpayers of the day. The real dif- ficulty, however, is not so muchthe cost of the we.r in South! Africa as the operations in China, as they will increase our ordinary expenditure even it the war comes to an end within three or foar montbs (this statement caused cheering from the Irish members), or sooner than the bonorable members suppose. Our or- dinary expenditure would not per- mit of the remittance of the addi- tional taxation proposed for war purposes last year. It therefore be- eolues necessary to put our Pspencli- tura on broader bases. The New Tuxes. .5040.4.404.P.4.44 real injury to the (nal trade. +Even supposing that the export of' conais checked, I am rot sere that even that result will be ant evil. From this source 1 expecb S:2,100,000, an aggregate of 411,000,000 from new !taxation. "Jify final balance sheet will be: From taxation, a revenue of R.122,- 200,000; from non -taxation, C21,055,- 000; a. total of £14,3,255,000. I pro- pose to redure the expendlture, by again etispending the sinking fund, to £182,962,000. Teis shows a deficit of £89,707,000, to which must be added £1,250,000 for the fresittlebt I have to borrow. I must ask the Rouge to give me borrowing powers considerably in excese of this de- ficit of £41,000,000. In order to fin- ance the Exchequer 1 ask power to borrow £60,000,000 by means of eon - Wilt Not Tax the Transvaal. "As -to obtaining contributions from the. Transvaal, Ser David Barbour's reports are not encouraging at pres- ent. I think the House will see the war Imo brought that country to the verge of rain. (Oppoeition cheers greeted tide remark.) This can no longer be considered. The small war ha» cost £148,000,000, double the cost of the Crimean war. There was Z67,- 000,000 of the, unfunded debt redeem- able, within tie next ten years. "r have tried to put before the House a true account of our finances for the present and immediate future. In our time no Chanuellor of the Ex- chequer has had so difficult a task, and none has had a more indulgent audience. I have not laid proposols before the House with the view of gaining transient popularity, but I have endeavored to establish a prin- ciple of contribution by the whole community- to the burdens of the State." Sir 'Michael Elickselleaeli contended at 0.4.1 p. m., amidst loud applause, hexing spoken two hours and 20 min- utes. Sir 'William Vernon Harcourt eom- plimented the Chancellor of the Ex - Wheel was expected to give £i.,75%. 000; 6d, a gallon on spirits, vrhioh was estimated to furnish e1,000,000. These, duties were to be levied until August, 1001, although the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer hoped that they Would not be levied for the whole time. Then he placed 4.d. per pound on tobatm, and an extra 6d. per pound on foreign cigars, whine to- gether were estimated to Produce £1,000,000, and finally he added 2d. per pound on tea, which was estim- ated to preence £1,700,000. In all, these taxes were expected to reach £12,252,000. FLIM NM MILLIONS Pennsylvania Suffers Severely by the Storm. OHIO REACHES DANGER LINE Pittsburg, Pa., April 21.-PIttsburg and Allegheny are slowly emerging from the murky flood. At 8 p.m. the rivers were receding nearly a foot an hour. 'Phe higheet petit reached at Davis Island dam was 25.8 feet at 8 a.m., which means 28 feet at the junction of the Allegheny and Mon- ongahela, Divers. The water remain- ed stationary until about 3 when it began to fall. Conservative estimates of the total damage in this district is between, $2,000,000 and $:3,000,000. Fifty thou:seed work- ers are suffering from enforced idle - ACM. • • Thf% Ions to the railroads entering Pittsburg from floret, land -slides, wrecked bridges, Iteav'y meow and the interference with traffic le roughly estimated at, e1,000,000. The damage to telegraph poles and lilies along all the roads was enor- "The country has reached a point when It is neceesary to widen the seoeee of taxation, but direct tax- payer.; must bear tht•ir share of the burden. 1 propose that two pence ehall be added to the income tar, % making one signing awl two penee in the mend. The extra two pence will realize S00,000. There will s• be tto addition to the beer, wine, tea, spirits tn. lobate.° &IOUs. I am not dleposed 1.o impese a. enstems duty tei nuenufaettired Imported goodo. ;es euggeattel lo• air Howard \Intent. The at erage tnieumplion of sugar is 50 pentele per head. Sugar is taxed In evt.ry other rose - :nullity in Europe, and is Weed in the United Settee. In tide country OM'S remained tet sugar long alter the institution or free trade. What I prOpeao IS not a preteettve duty but all adequate paldie neeeetilty has aritieli for r)one duty a whielt the laboring elaeees eleetild hear a her Vtlieet or nir Sneer 'Am., Iliv• effol.,.t t9i lay prteottert: t"la the prieo of townie le it oak fue eta t eel, mere or teeter le poser:Pei by Lite leettet,y oyetem. The areat belt: of the Inspelrts er mittn.r reditrl :Vali betel:AO-giving venni reee The letteety eyetein 13 that n. votientry giving a 1.6tinty enetinrageo itro,lietelLoil Wilt11.1" 'ti ita Vnrelerei, end iit 11[10.4 &tillir• little sueei Ite heet te opeteriat eetienitet; lien tr.,y Itte $,W114 1,:eloilde te,ti poetkillille illellite,,, Tee remelt le thet there la an tliortn.,,A0-e NntlilltIN Wiilit41 fitn41 tt) kid 01 tri_otlian market*. and Ole emtotr,!.. un ior ti.110 nartAent rite t eitnetelt too s, is t llo" *114' teareet, Tleeireriere, It la melte eoneelivalleo- neetee et entiree, the tentiotysetelag reentees ranee" reelletee the area el Voir Cigar ittroteeeteent or DoWer tikeh Own 41Ciltft,•:,1 01 6;3:Z11r tor the tettefilt of tieer eeen tsdpullation, h•blia 11.1 n'iutt-lt ao:-.iielts wirzad =ram the ntaiitkl,n of the lioutoty sysicicl the reaa resnilt of tee new tem. 1tumt,t0 tat 17.1.:3,-t the toffee 113P4-dit 1-4.41.. and te,e,,t6enu*pillon ke•otsso2- „ Wientilr litM irPi"rleINFA, t'V trMU.'I 111? Vial!, '! t tiLf-r0 CI C,:iir.11 he wee% an 1101/*.o.t.-- into this czmtatry• et ii;attly-fell sugars • '; tarlabie to go elsen-aAve. that the • price rui4ht he. Ivrongiat. qnp... 31attttraetwIrert to be Peetected. 1 „ : "Ateerte, I tilo. net lee/lees the elety WEI inutaire Manuetetntots teing .. rs'ngar to anything like the extent feate:Ii. Of course, prJoision %via he. u Maxie for in,..-ptsing a drray on mann- faettred arth•Ues fro= foreign troun- tries c,•...taing into neenereeitien with the Leine articlog, it lane eaginavorA ...of reconehe the conillieting inter, ovi.s. Notil;Arie; nowt; he done to vire,- ,.... .,../.01 the faratz.shi r‘liner to the drg- tv3vdirela,,r,r,6 of tine ilrit:sh tt•.,..,r.41sum,,,r. tut, on the other. ha.ni. tr1t- p2ey Must he given to tre 1Zrati.sin reit:v.7, ;as eampated with his eoutimentai rival. The r4ins, r of beet sngar Ernst itot he favorqA as ag-ainst the reffoner of cariesre...:..ar, 0,,a• li.z...-:-..? vert. 1 prfr.Fe a. C'ab,- o'n r01ine:1i R.7...9izsat. ,,tr es:z.ent,g's and twcy.a2,-..... a hea- r', itEte•-81tvc-P.4tt. A hag tp,1-10,1*- tt4.,.r przlnea c:av:aittil he tozat ciaiiiin.-0 end eight a. margin 01 sir. penee, b's ie.ft to cover the (tr•Jstozas, I.anaiiing, why a tar. 01 four siniiiin:gs anoll two penee silifraid hu-rease tine retail! prilt* ra.,..te Clan a hail pennv per pounl„ The Scale or the Sugar T.r.i... " no grallnated scale .of taxation wili he as foliows: Refined etgar, which is poia.rized at• 08 and, up, .wards, and which represents tWo- thirds of the total imports, would pay thefell tax. Tag will diminish to a. minimum of two siniliings per hundredweight on rag' .sagar polar- ized at 76. This scale is oniy tenta- tive,, and 1 am perfectly wiliing to listen to criticism and the :benefit of experience and bter knowledge. itiolias.ses-, in. v.riliflo are included the grocery syrups consumed largcely by the poor, wail pay two sidllings per hundredweight, and glucose, of which a great deal has been heard lately, and which; is used in the man-. ufactere of ..twas arid aerated waters, will have to bear a tax of- one shilling : and ,eight.pence. I anticipate a yield: of t5,1:60.030 frorathis tax. The, West Indies' will not be exempt. Export Duty on 'Coal. ':try next propos•al lel a novel .one, unknown in this country for 45, years. It, Le an export duty of a eitillingi a ton on :coal. In .airning to secure a revenue front eeal I am, not sacri- ficing trade. The imposition of a. shil!ing, which is infinitely less.thee the fluctuations in price, will et:so no SR irt14E HICKS -BEACH • Iteee f thir rIt'lle eta, t". tticr: 4A.Othitp 1:4 •iiWn tinat time eeterletete heels -11N et 1,.1,.?..alatly er Melees htenieUzu tete teereette. $.91 iltin tear. ila telilitee," ter note.- eel contra tilt Vigo tratta ttii tyr„tr./ 1 the, taut, oat it teen tette teetteral terete ^ teelir theme Troine are tante eetteitee, ant all urC.1141.7,.. arlf: is ' tept bettegzzall It hc•Ir•gt ap teete.t.v.,•'Inainta,. 11Iva tlioneee Note teeettbaat a 04:11!.Vtlt...1 [44.L'Vo-F2rdl. t t vett_ 111 po =le 11 1.c.* t Orty.,tt: L1:141ttP,P,',, 52e3 iteetiteeelfotte t 4: 1elet•MeDttv.11 Ter",t* 1ht- -t-elp4, 11:u at 1tu au zt ititttg- pnper ratstee„'" iU Di1 tiUtLia."4,T:1 atereigtite%ipel,TIvnre.s. 1aj91L ge, wee Withont inavoic finati:•liall ruin, tiDe lit trine of the d.f.y e at proteetton;. yl1- itt pwt,02,1t-at.;-.5 not ttv fae.o on •..?"' f 742 tlat. "tt'*$.,itmt,t woes ot tree tilS.:f 01 421 h t5.; wao, an n riea,laer..ft. in • •L -ri: • -4. tha:t tu-rdsz, *risete-mr-tet Ir. 0 ever erl.tde. : `1"Eke satemefra.4 tiirts fet 1**,18- - u01.'; ant U1Ileg2min,l,-.. ate a seene Or j - nt,./eet itt14. 5A.-Vine:13 and, in atrztt.. 1, ,, tho fitst alcottt c'911' staircs, " **,,W011 -54-,t-,. ki.ILi? CvnitAtell %Ina - 04,,,,teLio 11:142,-2,.-.4.•4.. to fueveitute. at,,i1 115*.E*111,1111:gt, Bei AIIIIi.grleilir lb tratittatc4 , u net ate.,,nt agoaso.o. ika ntist.:Bleg trii0.1! , ,...-5s to res11'llt,-.11,ces tend stores andl n :',..'..; "Ar..`,.... ova thit cost of cle•aullaig tap - u..11111 tette.-Astiet to about $2etittleia At litariteg..einetouge, eit rele. ..-' ft0_421 ) . letteleerg, lite Dees is e.stleaateed nt i ,7...:1,73tT.,:: teete met 0 -et fint*-6*-u rauv-lf-r19-1 t 14 .1 'Tine V.-t'stlugtttte Ek".N1'7.1. 4,..' .1,4L3n5y. i, It " rir..`YAKIii40 .PAI.1. tg..e." 4lite-lk.... 'T.ii,J4'y were tri tille fr.4 :0,1.4 m.,at-, ,;;;;;-,4 .; . • .- al .'..:QVs ttgl'i." •.-ariz.• "Ji-...•.:•• ,,,,?•S iS- te,z0R•li ' . s':19,C-4.ift -• q. f IT :la/vote the 17aug*-4- Mar. 11: CeetineetL tedien April ter. -Tee ;4:.:* Nat -4,1- ci,z;i1.1*.....•1 1,,,-1.i..i.v.14....a., 1,-,41 ,, 1.•-,n,.4,-,.fi... ar..!3 whi ri,..rb the dlnit.,:z..''r : 11 ".z.:...s....." iiii;tee. r „ez teete .11).. -We .. 71.1t1:1 Er.' has ben moo, oil lieett theceegeo .1',• C....r.'tre-., t',.. D7,, -T ''' tf,.. ' 0 ,1 ' • . r.•..••• , • 4 than. tat :JUT: p-r1o,1518‘.-.: -1,',,1%-,..-r....3-17. .16.S2:i. ct.-Et.,,n ti.,:.,., C.11-$.10 itilter , •...-'•,_:,-.•-:".,•'-el-bis f.'111L-,--st. st•,,--- +of :..t'll. V... I 1 .•, i..., r. ":,, , 1.ot ond ceelei. etelesos at tnes te.,,,ty. J t -, 1 . . ei of the, ilehobitents tee tele valet: q • *pent ttr, ez.r.•••;3jt La tntall:,t••2:!•.4,A7•03 of the ei ft'old ever knewra at Cll.,. vat'er ' , as ti-py unlit tot know until to-rary,.. ..„ eieeer teat ten water lots ifeegon felLl-o , 'erg et. Pittsberee. l'retil tele tews,,, t ' re -etched. the rieettratet here to -eight 1: it was feared that the reeotel of 1S84 it neght be broken, but now it is gen- a re ; erelle believed that the river win not 11 exceed the fiend or' 1•"eb2nary, 1'857,11 •ate of March, 1838, when it reached sixty-one feet at Cinciareati. l , f' AFFAIRS .BAD AT 1.17IIEELING. II a ;o• Flee linndred Flooded and Ho. -uses FaCtories Ail Stopped. i .A i. Wheeling, W. Va., April 21. -At eq. st , le ra. the river was 41 feet 4 inehesrt, aril rising 2 lathes an hoar. The top: Ii . mate was expected in an hoar or ' t' . two with les -s titan 43 feet Tie :stage shuts liTh.eeling entirely out of outelete.. 'communication by rail, einel only tize big Cenemnati liners are able to run now, and irate residents, e a.Litng the river banks are firingl o frequently at the boats because the' t swell from theta is washing foundee, nt tierea aveay front their houses In et' lviettoing, Bellaire, Bridgeport, Ben.' wood and Martin's Ferry about 500, h houses leave been entered by the tea. T a turing establishment in the Wheeling g tv I ter, most of the families moving to lo npner floors*. Nearly every mantefe.c.' v district is shut down and cannot re -I ed mew. Until Tuesday, , fa 1 OHE BOERS CAPTURED Also Horses, Cattle, Wagons and Am,munition. SURRENDER OF BURGHERS, Gen. French Sick and Will Take Short Rest-DeWet Das B;ew Followers - hardships Exper- ienced at Johannesburg -Kruger Got Good News. London, April 21. --In u. despateli to the War Office, dated yesterday, Gen. Kitchener reports that the captures since April 16th, by Bitted, Beatson, Mummer, Kiteltener and Benson have been 81. prisoners, 300,000 rounds of email arms ammunition, 200 borees and numerous wagons and cattle. Twenty Boers surrendered, De Went Yew Pot lowers. London, April 21.--A despateh to 11011-bi agency here from Ilterriemitle ander date of yesterday, loeates Gen. De Wet near Kroonstad, and says he bas few Veto -mute and is unable t reeruit a. saffleient force to make an offensive movement. There Woe? been numerous surrenders of starving Boers. 0 Emiseary no Kruger. ...kruste.relam, April :lie -An emissar front Oen. Botha to President Ken ger, who kft the eommandoes in Fel ruary, armed yesterday at Ililver- stun. whero Pre::ident itruger le tieing. Tito emissary bri eight tenet eiraging messages to, the effeei that the /MVP proviSbAllt4 and 41 in nbIllItintli•P. lint are N.Ty I14,144Ply pro- lideowU h root.:. 04:001. slien:'S. A trete ea pt meet; re e.e.nt iv nen r 1"reste erne 3. ielt I ed ari ,'nom nue tpuentity toe entr tridgee. Transvaal $pree:try of State Reit ttrites that lb wer u il In 4 te meott Oily a pother tv.-hh teal- year*. lila ivlss England neetriee of the it t'uneelo Sauce* Mother. egipo Town. ral L Isr Stit ea-Alone.t• r Salmi' has been votniet- ed of beMira ringibmder UV' rel.- elq in the Selatvnv"- hie ',Mee was much chagrined to rind that if he wished for intoxleauts he would hove to decide between •sherry,and liqueurs. The hotelkeepers Can only dponurtvea.yinwtnotofoocli, they buy co the permits allowed' to them, fen resi- Meat Is *erg ex - Pensive, and many cattle are s01. tering from Jung sickness, Illiere also an epidemic of horse sickness. In fact, advices from all British sources at. the Rand are uniformly dagtfeuiingth that NhaemiDaetOrsaugeesine who are stationed at the race course' and all around Turfontein, halm far and away the best of things. They ex** is said, not permitted to went for anything, and are even aliev,red ten.anis the thi urts v.z.nwidth: d croquet to atv,yh The kindness with which the BatIsle appear to ba treating the Dutch seems in some eases altogether unnecessary. For instance, a contractor haii two applicants for work, both Dutc1 . and penniless. Against Ids Inellnallooe he gave them a job, as they seemed to be sorely In need of it. Next morning they came, but not to work; they were now getting previsione iteeeand• idtiladtitoonivonitu tr^requireitt: Another caons that ws who, being in want of a servant, thought that, as there were hundreds of young Dutch girls at Oho race coureeshe woued have no difficulty in getting one of those; but ono and all refused serviee „with a Britisher, althougle they have no hesitation in meet pting relief from tlae eanre quarter. Amongthe many trials of the ores sent residents of Johannesburg in the pass and permit business. Tu. begin with, a residential pass from the dis- trict commissioner is necessary. Then there is a night peemit then a per- mit to ride a bleyele. These are enly for eohnnnesburg proper. Shoulle any one tieeire to go further or to be out Otter, a elocial permit is neceSparY- Then a permit IN rt'quirci t<>shiletfor- name+, to have a tiant•e, and so on, ad influltenn. No wonder there Wats a riptiquirt 41n 1taintat or 111,44, permite and ean bur wMeitee - by the ense at the Rand rifle Ettore. - . A Ore-Itoer View. (rand Rapitle. Mb'),., April 211- Me- Mouta gal II hitt, 1184 jost rut um!ioil roan Muct•p,,. al I writes to the Meal Traie,•aul 1.4;:igno. r;:i..• lag Ulna; the Woe advisers Ear I:tirop,. are strongly 4,Neklio;'141 to aai. t,sq ili ini.iit ineolsinee'le t a tarrnvIco‘r .1 inaepentleittte. "6,1101 "n',110E11 they eteensel • en:T▪ ender letetaet- teae le the eery eeseeee of I 1. 1,i.ieta,tierie. Rent" ri freer General regalia anti tee tenter - t 'late (leder:Ile itegioni tar, - of Itebtetare a:ts vette atretailell and • /relive tiS tlitit tint e-AtlereierstHI effr v1,11 War IA 01 la• ef Vent; contin- fmatEoi. Even, llartni+isilexarrwttlfiw. don 44 the Tiravi• i'stimittet1 Illat it IA in Jzn.t The loirgit,,rs ON* enrefallX the'je teleturetalltetn„ 1whiele they ntell hal 4•i a nereoe ettpple. :tad t2tezo te 1re oet,ete or peed. 1.44'410 11 11.141) in 1: ago. ktohl are ie. the. tient! calmoot tit" pa.4.10 •$.1era t it a Auxr- nit :Moon to t' inrl' iI. Aramtfik 1E44 noitithio toone el tee, tletetele think Net I‘leelt. New; YorG-.. Azwol tI1e4ia4 dersai,.:„teh t fine' \vv.' l'-enie Truteant front :dr. • "s• nerd, thragA leetellot. • ete me toys, 'Ito ole:end ,;,,e'e..tat".,1,*tIa reaar41. otr ah ;;;'-‘';;Nit '1;1 Aird-a110;ent;;;;; tln p1'liV44.40 twliGe tor f.4.44c, er-.44too_ Ih;;;;434,4, •c4; 4.410 0;44 4 UP i•i" Deed stet been eeteoe sellittenee, • 144 dteoe'eee a tN, a...4, S., foull4 WEVZ LAMA Wit% LIDA 1:‘11344-14,3-4 • 4 4!!•tioni 1,"%:•.; 4•11CAtfa•', if it1a'ia.,Vnl, hte.trY:4 tiO With ea tie eet r 44 711 G'fi Wan ft(I.4.1Y rattl0 1 1t 1t44;t414.414 that- feg lana? lliia te*t :wet Ore., -,!,8* - O. theme 41 the. rt;a,;1 in tee Woe tte liege th0lt tett,it:ata---- It•!',F2):211,` git'41-i4 11 11 ttritl1- Vdtrost 1riitts...4 Empire" ;tee eon:lett:et-lee pl.:1HrOU'ViL0'11'4'44 a,6nah. uho, • -raliatititava V.11•0i, Ile.eloete leitatter lm-tottAt' '11 1.1,et e/xm. MIL* - Von, aTeeta1s,.,11 tit:tate:1u- elin.:1111t,n. torp.;444tir frilisu*IN treat Ito'. uotiltme rilt"-aur, 41* etzwo.,tal 1.4 1lpe" U.a/;r leant.e a ; walla e.8,,,,goieuta, ale.ant, ri porta toloolt 1184474.1 ut.e,a1ze" and tam I Po,' leetee, eteelt e,11..aziet '5 s EF N. 1.1 11E, sEEER „ .!, Blow to Princess Cilitnay Makes Her Wince. Gen% HU* ato0 '61>V111 ttcct. 1.7„.1eXcm., 1113,„11; t2-4 tee - t tee Vint tee tete at tLz.j1:1. ate,:a_tdi FL, r.:4 LM9 tok t.-.7./o2s L n't14:IM•- ill' Las VLQ-1P0 11,-ttatLE::,1 Zee, $•-11ea5g *.oat:u etteeetla at LI., 'at. _ow tr.vt k**-ite.eat, te, '!.,0744 -- of 1111o,,r9 t;-11. Dere: VE.,:altauzi3iv • 1 are le, liZEC0,ilL B..-7T:zr • Ti attrnetlt.r., 40-1' is *42-Att-.1 • 111-x• torres,p,a.1.-11-ts. y hnt Irrtl'er tv'o);;.U'l r veteettele tr.i.y- c itt 1:11. t aet th:lt 4,2' tit • leer --re. rot 1: • trat.; r. tt.e.14.• teo, T -ainhng Ck-4.112i14.F., t.01111 7.4 111, 'M-ntr t• - .1netiontin-e-s• tin.ttee lte LC - :on nettle, ter av tee 1.sle a 18 • en; t.'".2, Fz.....‘.5.0-.1:0 trlr.antrnt onl -am& tail re- port velacliete. ehonee oete 1Z:tomb-et 1.2o 1-1ght sela military atteelee with. tn3 Arzer- can arrev ft5''X'0.113:9"3 war, anet • Va'.6'gi.•• mtrolee'2.--8 tit -v. End le-atre, ;tette:master , Lel„ _to or tee. orreeees-, oh Arthur Let,. 33. P., who war-. Brit- • , • Johannesburg liardships. Lorenzo liarcines; Arera Zte- .inneebere-, ete presetre nelliorearres re the only looeie wito could Dive it.fi veer I:ire:tree or cemeert, ar.id it vo j; ar front Leiner tee ratio:et. tho,t it eserlbod havireg in the prast.;, ex:amples of tine prices or provi-ii oree, it may be mentietted ttiat peta-1 oes are r..5 a bac:, atr-3 forage 85:4- a.,;' renired pourals. Everythin.g eise is cm V, he same Faille. Of social life In Johannesburg ....ere Is TIODP. The teeatres are axed, meet witlht the exeeption of an oceasional coreert at V . W 5,r rs,' which givea only a faint idea t what the Wanderera' used to be, here is nothing, to break the dull , onotony. The 'Wanderers' football pure is a huge hospital, and there o evidencea on ail hancls of tire °Drees of war. Tee few hotels that re open have apologetic sort el ok. and ti e .01C3 of liquors is ery small. An old Jobennesburger, ho had fought hl e way back, ask - for a whisle7 and soda. at hie vorite place of refreshment, and 1160 13 IIRED N HIER TOO , D'44 ept-ii oeffeet Ituteteee Eateee •4E:412) sz. Deere on tile teey lreeee ftlieteret. iteadere. wee Le, tleee tette ate. TEtt; ; •••;. 1%; elk " "g t).•2 t.1,707 :Wet toe- tottel Ceeettoi to so epee Wiley nala 'Lew ge-o ...eel ttezeil• etettzl.- k.L1 ty„.21.....- 1..,arb• tt....!t:f 4.11 • telt. !:,..,,...steeetet, tea eve. tr.! ;lee. ot 'Lee eeoee a. tette tete ennit- 1.,..e-t-vtleavest• eLoiry tit 5:4 &A.:fleet cr • koS 1443siJ18t-tt t1 °INA. f11"1 -111L -r. tr,:110-11 3ICA, ett toree. teeetattell - Tee tete w'lle. Hee:, et 5.,.7 lute at 11.:v : 4-'41/..nvt et e11:-.6, Lti,a 1.l.ami vtak iftr Vent T.' -o -a.'1411 !eat a tete tLtit $:a.**(1. telt.q ulte• • ilong••;• '.at:: 111iAt rn tart pre's'," Ir_ep ptiteess eite;;;.,Ii.rar d, 6 h. - •,••• - tO •,t.' air Tha hal* tsent.t.alls 11,2J L.!y•,..t.r 111..0 t,y-c11•4.. 11.3 for tan *--..-..g...-vgLaet-'.3t .11elne.*-111.,..-r at ..tratat3••• _ .... 11. are trjre.-.14 v5 ant- ees, r,o111s,"" 're-2.:;arikaliy-L, 37.1st. wEII r, tazo.1 Tor. 11.1:10 17:;u: ▪ erchestra. who can.. Fag; or *..--.-..onsly It. a it -let. .rit&riaLg e:S.,,,Pe10-0.2 prOtre sat,* attraction. Teo terineeeat note% 'appear ceeder eeteet r.sight. WAS CANDY FOISON'ED? Is 1/retorted Illetrented": After the, *.p.--.:•Zo tit?' eor et" tee Eeeeetete ere. 40:1:. !) Lel', in e_toeneeel2 pro.!er.t 52308 a:Sete:tee by tee oteeeereeer. c•eio- onlisseon .1,SZO, =ale Pete:Lee tete- trivet. tie severely eatte •Ikee Zosr.,•pn Charnberiain ntr,ol the Ittoilying to eteteleileene., _.'" vaiaable assts tns l'teers.Avan11 tntt that, lit w•?.s Fay what the coneetioareen leer the war In the peeeent state of that col.,..ntry would bp. At 1.40 tr. Mr. Balfour sail 411 weal necessary to pass: resolutions, w.aereupon the house dzvnted on tee sngat duty, WiLl.7i 'VMS' toloote.5 by a. vote of 183 to 125. Tee vend deer wets adopted by a vote or 171 to 127. On ti: reselotlion to•entitorire war l'oanst 'being pot beetee the 1.1hztga John 114?thritirnif moved to teport, pro, gres.s Micenel Illeks-Bencle a. sentie.:l, and the ifouse. then actoarned. ..1, year ego, thP Chaneelier ,r.1 the. Etchrarcrr estimated the tote/ ,expee- diteree for the year test elz,sed at :4:150,(181.0`110, ani Increase of trarir forty melions over the estonate et the then etrosing year. On the then p, . ien bit ated that the revenue 'would amount to 1;115.268,060, er a deficit of ; £34.703,071°. He eneroneed tile sinking fund. in tine form of ttraninabie an- nulties, amounting. tr, r4,61o.cort • vt, fie! roa01. AP estimated defielt down to Let0.153,030. Then- added 50 per rent. to the inceree tex, In- creasing it from in s. •Al -aa es ma. to -6 _60.003 withiri the corning yeer. Then he placed Is. duty on all 'contreet netee, £1e011100; Is. duty on every barrel cif beer, Montreal Girl Ate some, Wetera She " e %e Ip and Med. 'Montreal. April 2I.-Arteeeteree roan. iard, the 18 -year -91.11 ea:I...A:W.1.er a: Freteco1se Cenillatsl. of camel Itorae '03 Paley morning l'alt (.1,13 Lout- etter seitoel starteJ- eee to2 her motle,er that she was anffering severe pains. and statedi that see had eaten a pleee or eareig wiziein fibie he.41 &mud os the street. Abent roan feilc beenine uneeriocioae„ and died at 6 in tha evening, Coroner Nr.elfolion was cabled, and after eaeulring into the eirenni- otanees theuxitt it was Lot nr-CeS- sary to call a jury. A quantity of pctsernel cenolv ham been placed on etere!n s'eee's lathe vicinity of the city to icie doge. Pe-ey Griffin. one ef the c.iliklren itt the lov.e. at 405 Ossiregton avenue, Toronto, vridfds is under q•alrarrtino, tr.s.s removed to tiro smallpox hospital yesterday a,fterrionn. Tiere raitkee sir, came in the post hottte• ,