The Herald, 1901-02-08, Page 83u un Work guaranteed equal to W0 -C W e use no Chemicals to destroy your Clothing. Suits to Order. -",1',90T11, T H 3 ZURICH 14 .. x. k•Ye�l'-V•e a''W-eM».CTLn,;'..:.7 •••y 4-AKS'RUsea LaALE i bpecial to the HERALD; Ll to the Iiele vee, Mr. We; 1ia7fonr was in Strtlt 2+he s1e ghani; i�, ittizl good and ford on Saturday. lath, o" teaming is beim; clone, 1 Mrs. D, Dow is improving after a Mr, J. Beattie is spending a fLi days svith Mr. R. Nichol. guestMr. E, Ot'terbein was the of asenno Oesch banday lest, R Oesch is working intiio swamp fol 3.Sehwartzentruber• R,onjoys it very lurch on the Goshen line. Mr. Merino Oesch intends going to the West shortly. .Menne says coons are too scarce here and the tar too pear. PartyfromGoderieh Tp. recently• 3.L.Gerber sold a good colt to aL It pays to raise good stock, that s HOFFMAN, ThU Efailoii, JQlin' opinion. BRONSON L'lNE Were attaok of 1a grippe Archin Hodgeit intends taking a trip to London this week. R. J. Davis • spent Sunday at home. R. Clark intends taking a sleigh load of young folk to Avouton this week.. Wood cutting is the order of 'the day. Sleighing in this vicinity is very 1 poor. BLAKE _____. Special to the HERALD. We lire enjoying the blizzards • from the north. and west these few AD. J. H. Wismer Special to the I i R ALD • days back and they don't come very c Shovelling, show is the order of i acceptable in many cases. • the day On Friday of last week a few of Jacob Ort Jr. is laid up with lel the Young people gathered at Mr, grippe. We wish to soon see him I Thos. Sherritt sand spent the every around again. ing in games, music and other Wm. Oswald purchased'1. a nese Ste - eater this winter, SomethinI poen i p �fornNo th itMiddlsex g oiiig oil Girls. Watch your chance, ercent s , j�Uflt Off Fancy China LAM PS WKS one of the guests. TorGeiger tapig and a NIr John Beattie, GENERA dressed this OS raises good 'and Repairing of London, is L BLACKSMITH N steer on Monday last; The steer the guest of Mr. P. G. Nichols of HORSESHOER. 1 d somewhere near seven th• town. all kinds of machinery aL speciality • bringing through all richt that hundbre lbs. John b Mt. J. Johanston is getting to be } well bred eattlt• t quite a V S Last week John had J. 1l`;IIIC Zillilct a We have a choice assort- ment of fancy parlor Lamps and this is a Grand .Oppor- tunity ppor - tunity to get one at such a Small Cost. Mr. Ort is busy hailing logs o verysick Sorrel anti he succeeded the sawmill.in ringing it Willie Geiger, of the Goshen line, i called at his uncle's, .3'. Geiger, s what it is to have experience in horses. Saturday night. ors • Rob't Walker,of Victor Appel, of Zurich, visited line north, is very ill thee aro Bronsonnson Johnson's In �,' Ill 1 onS'atnrdav ct o woollen fill Ls uncle, iii• Opt, , ' a speedy recovery. The school has been poorly attend- ChaLa. Meyers in J hn Beattie ed the last few days owing to the tv ere out fox hunting one day last 1 note storms. week and succeeded in holing some i People around here are wahine foxes but failed in capturing any ; AndFurniture } for decent sleighing to haul wood You must see them, appreciate the Values. F. A, EDWARDS Bayfield Store. we wish the boys better luck next to home. time, • Hems 4'ollund is laid up with bliss Edna Holtz returned home i blood poison We wish gins a on Sunday last from a visit at her s reedy rc c o sister's, Mrs. Geo. visit ter, " Our new frill bhtn e now coin -;:1 recovery. plete in tweeds, blanikets, sllcaetiui; J;Lcob I%aLerchQr is laid up with la Dashwood. also a grippe. Henry Eclighoffor was visiting at full line tarn and stockings, eaa€, 1 _ Home on Sunday last• fall of underwear at rock bot- t willlleave for Dakota i the near Some of people gather - tom prices. 1 future. We wish the young couple ecu o John our youngoonSr.people e and alien- Wo carry a full line of furniture , .L happy and contented life in their an enjoyable evening. • at the loweet prices. I netw home. John Manson Sr. and Donald, his Simon Geiger, oe adeno aLn, visit - T= Q r M. j o ii n s 0 n son, returned home from Goderieh 6JL� ec1 at J. Geiger's on Weclnc sduy. where they visited friends and Several children of Aaronlinter- 1 Ltive� Etter - cher are laic- up with la grippe. Of my tR;usIUess, ani. give up Possession on Feb. 18th, any of my old Customers wishing BAYFI ELD Special to the HERALD. Albert Vanston has gone to Blyth to take a position in a bakery there. Miss Howard, of Blake is the guest of Mrs. John Pollock. Mr. J . W. Holman was at Gode- rieh last week, having been chosen as a county auditor. A large quantity of ice is now being harvested. Mrs•Cowle was at Detroit recent- ly to see a brother who -vas ill there. Messrs M. Ross, D. McLeod. and John Toms left last week for Stokes Bay, to fish. Mr. Jennings, Miss Jennings, Miss Blanche Jennings, of Park- hill are guests of their brother, Rev. E. C. Jennings. Rev. Robs. 'Gardner of Grand Rapids -was the guest of his Mother Mrs. Gardner. Mr. E. Routlege of Windsor is home to visit his mother who has. ar or of oz it A' yet" tea 11 nE le, o1z; THOROUGH BRED BERKSHIRE o, STEAM 1:,, laity, j1 as miles south of Zur- ich road.] Terme $1x00, payable • FO Hess, Boar for service, on Lt 16Con M rr !id 6 !n• `sold Works.1 at the time of service, -wit_ Carriage i privilege of returning, if netts- specting trip in the near suture, • 1 sary. t The boys may strike it rich. Wan BEATER, Charles Shoemaker was in town 27tf Zurich P. 0, one day last week. relatives. - • Mr. and Mrs. John Roth, of East. been very seriously ill but who i:~ Zorra, are visiting at J. Brenn -!much better. man's, On Friday evening A. E E D. Gardner,E. Jeno- l We understand that Citric. acid + , Erwin, David partnership i the have dis- Rub Fisher, Misses H. Praiser, g solved partnership in the S}tLbtown Iiutbic. Fisher, Miss Jennings, Miss RUBBERS mines. They- intend taking a pro- F Jennings had a drive tQ Clinton. last Messrs C ; J in HHardare, Stoves or Tin- ware, will please call before that date. • TLEI Main Street, Zurich, Ontario, N. B. All accounts and notes due me, by the above date must be settled YOU1L I --/VE TO HURR A If you want to get the benefit of our LOW PRICES on we have a large stoek of Huggies which will be sold cheap to snake room for our stock of Cutters. Call and see our Rubber {fire Rugr.,ies rile I hereby Cantron the pri ) and our New Cutters. • ii, JiSS,ii111i1Ci1, °tang:against negotiating the same. C; lt,Cti ,Seneca { SL CTIOD, SALE I F•Lrm etcicl, and implements. I CAUTION A promisory note made by the undersigned. payable to John Gasebo for $587.50 and dated Feb. 3rd, 1000, has been lost or stolen and as the same has been paid by Before BUYI HI LLSGREEN Special to the Elassa D. A SURPRISE PARTY. --On Tuesday evening of last -week the members and adherents of the Methodist church here assembled at the home of Mrs. Wni. Curry and presented her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Forrest, with a handsome couch and rocking chair, accompanied by e suitable address which was read by Rear. G. Long. In a few suitable words 1Vres.Forrest thanked thein for their gift. After the presentation, all repaired to the dinning hall, where e, good supper was provided by the ladies. After supper, music and social games were indulged in for the remainder of the evening at the end of which time all departed for their homes having enjoyed a social evening. 1Ir, Manuel Reichert hats been laid up with la grippe the past week but we wish hini speedy recovery. Miss Lizzie Stelck,of Philadelphia is visiting friends here. Mrs, and Miss Parsons, of Gocte-; rich township, are visiting with Rob't Parsons this week, Miss Best, of Varna, spent a few days in this vicinity recently. Geo Kennard and Wm. Love are cutting wood in Geo. Reichert's bush.. Henry Reichert ami. James Jarrett are busily drawing material for their barns, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stelek spent Saturday in Zurich. M}', and Mrs. Jas. Wanless, of Vasnia,visited friends here recently. Mr. Rob't Parsons is at present in Goderieh township drawing logs. Miss M, Smith, of near Zurich, is visiting with Miss C. A. Troyer. Mr. Thomas Consitt is on the sick list at present, but we hope to hear of his early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forrest spent a few days visiting friends at Grand Benet i have instructed Mr Bossenberry to I sell by public auction at niy farm, 1lot 14 Con• 15 Hay, on Friday Feb. i 8th, all my stock, consisting of 40 �,., ssra P••- ({ head of cattle, 35 sheep, several 1lior ses and all farm implements. Anything in the line ��No reserve, ,aW�-p P.LAasoaT. of Watches. Clocks, ;Jewel- 1'�.{ ARM FOR Splendid farm ie Flay township for ? i sale. For sale lot 13 and I4 L. R. E. & !W. . containing 210 acres of choice land, eta- , 170 acres under cultivation,40 aeresbush, about 20 aeres in fall wheat the greater Lowest portion seeded to grass. A good orchard, fruit of all hinds, a never failing well, springs convenient for watering cattle, A large good frame house with plenty of hard anis soft water, a large bank barn with stone foundation with lots of stable room. Two implement sheds,work shop, well situated for church, school, p office, half mile south of St. Joseph, good gravel roads. This farm will he sold cheap and an easy terms. For farther particulars apps ' to •SV.t• HRVFtocts, kat, Joseph P, O, 23--dt FARM FOP, SALE. The -vest half of Lot No. 6, Con, 0, Ilay, containing 50 acres. The land is all cleared except 2 acres of bush.. There is a good frame dwel- ling and barn on the premises and a never -failing well of water. nti11 sell on easy terms. W e had one of the cele ; Lours HAM', bratecl Newcombe Pianos crept P. O. SALE. TT and Musical goods, y GALL 012 P1'1CeS Always Fine R,epai rind, A Specialty Zurich F. W. ,es9, sg OratOtIO W a► Music is the Order Of the Day! After a pleasant time skating at the rink, all were entertained at the home of D. Gardner. The remains of the late Mr. Stin- son of Clinton were interred it Bay- field cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. The Teauieeting under the aus- pices of St. Adrews Church last week was very well attended.. Tables were set in the Hall and after all had been served., the pro- gram was commenced, interesting addresses were made by Rev's Yellen and Jennings of Bayfield, Davidson of Varna, Mr. McDonald of Goderieh, The Clinton Quar- tette gave several selections, songs by R. Downs and J. Humphries, recitation Miss Cunningham, Anthems by the church choir. Mr. G. W. Holman was chairman, Wm. Sturgeon has gone on a. trip to the old. Country. He will visit Ireland and have lots to tell on his return. in stock, but only for an hour, when it f ound a lover of music, who had it set in her house at one, Miss Doan think the Newcombe has no ecival office, &c. Apply to in touch and. tone. These 1. Zlyx.l.leiu, Zurich. Pianos were awarded the FARM VOR SALE. .medal at ,1, mill. do �wvell. to C and yetY a first- B grade Piano at a crate priest. ,R�,I. iroR SALE. Isx x Lot 14 L. R. E. Stanley 60% acres, is offered for sale by the un- dersigned. The fanning lend along this line is good and splendid gravel roads. Convenient to school, post FELT OVERSHOES and all Winter Goods. We want to make room for our large . SPRING STOOK whech will arrive shortly. A -yell-known member of the .Detroit bar attempted to male a practical application,the other day, of a. certain popular theory. The Detroit Free Press quotes him :-- "I suppose it was wrong," with a grin, "butt couldn't afford to let the opportunity. pass. My wife has become a convert to the mind -once fact, and for the last month I have heard nothing but the power of mind over matter. I said little. hoping that she would tire of it and. dropintmee11t, it. But I forwas the longer die - appointment, apin harped on it the worse she became. ''This morning she discovered that a -eater pipe was leaking,and she went at it with that uni- versal woman's tool, a hairpin, with the result that she only made the hole larger and caused a small jet of water to be shot into the xoom. Clappiiu a finger over the 140 acre farm, lot 21 and 5% 22, Conn • 14, Hay, 234 miles west of ui; ieh, containing 1.49 acres, all Paris in 19oo cleared, gootl..landand well fenced. .here are 4 wells on the farm, 2 of which are overflowing ; orchard, Buyers 3% acres of apples, pears - <y • ' � P ]titehen call Clll 1tl tt Lched 20x22 • good cellar, in 3 c,ass highparts; wood. -11.0d. and '� lack Sou' c JO .32 , Piaizi. tL • y '" , wash -hoose, -very mod 20x22, with cistern, and fireplace ; Stone basement barn, 52x100, with stabling for 12, horses anti. tis Meati og cattle , e • Pis; -pen, Driving .heti, r .. Well ' Zi1t' c1r 25-tf Zurich P. 0. indigestion , Iin7iic�ina1nt house, ()perished 12:1100 and other t,titldings. For terms, grisly tb t;1ip owner, HENRY If. icing"a, Dyspepslaana hole to stop the flow of water, slue' called loudly for Mme, anti when.1 Sni /VLP- rt, ley=A but �[ E are selling p h appeared on the scene I took 1 Winter isnot over yet, P. Bender SHOEMAN Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. UBSCRIBE FOR THE R crab —mow warns -- Now is the time to secure Great Bargains in Woolen Goods. situation in at a glance. "'What's the matter, my dear?' I asked. " 'There's a hole in the pipe' she gasped ; 'get a plug -while I hold the water back.' ,There's no leak there if you will only think so,' I said, soothing- ly, Tut your mind on it and remove yeti* finger,' Y i' 'John Henry,' she bean, but at that moment her finger slipped and a jet of water hit her in the eye, and the valuta ,ble remarks that she was about to make were lost for all time, "'John,' she snapped, 'can't you see that the wallpaper will be ruin- eel if I let go?' "Well, my dear,' Isaid,ignorin.g the question, 'it is time I -vas going downstairs 1 besides, I am. :frail that if I rennairi hero I may inter- fere with the cairn, reposeful v ork- ing of your mind. Convince your- self, my clear, that there is no leak and remove your finger.' "With that I left her, I took the precaution, however, to send tip a plumber ; but from what I heard when I left, I am afraid that her mind was far from being in a, ra, poizefutl p>loocl." 1,1r, TieniY Moore, Pickering, Writ„ states :---"i 'used three boxes et Dr, Chaser % Kidney -Liver Pills for Con- stipation and Stomach Troubles, And never found anything to compare with them. 1 had sufferedm these corn- plaints for many years aken ma,try kinds of medicine, but it remain- ed for Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills to cure me; amnow well and strong. Mr. Patties. states,McLau ivas.trori au harnois. led with ItidneY Disease and Dyspepiiia for 20 Years and have been so bad that I could not sleep at Bights on account pain in the back, but uld wale walk the floor Aii night Taind suffered 1' agony. Dr, Chase's1(1 i,,1y Liver rine an of rile, and the old a new m troubles#� stein to be driven out of MY all 011 one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, dealers, or Edmanson, Rates & Co. 'Toronto.. Chase's balance of our Stock at very Low Paces. HEAVY GAPS We have some good warm onus, and. if you one, there's no need of going bare -headed, you can buy one at such a low LADIES GAUNTLETS A few left, Ladies' and Gents', regular to sell at $1, while they last. price want when price $1.25 REMNANTS etc, all to Prints, Dressgoods, 'Tweeds, Astrichans e beaold at and below Cost, - Call, See and be ConvinCed. sh Produce taken as Ca teirtbach Zurich