The Herald, 1901-02-08, Page 11,tt
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The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
ZURICH, ONT, FRIDAY, FEB. 8 1901.• --.
•NO 28.
THE.. 9
year paid strictly in advance. When the
paper is not ordered to be discontinued
it will be sent until Bach ordcr is given
and arretirages paid. $1.50 to be charged
when not paid in advanee.
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line
tor first insertion and 3 cents per line for
each subsequent insertion. Small Advs.
such as"Lost" "Estray' or "Stolon" will
be charged 50 cents first insertion and 25
cents for each subsequent insertion.
Copy for change of advertisement must
be handed in not later than Tuesday night
of each week to insure change in follow-
ing issue.
Local notices in ordinary reading type
5 cents per line. Notices for Church. en-
tertainments or other benevolent institu-
tion at special rates.
Contracts for column, half -column and
quarter -column rates for specified periods
will be cheerfully given. Address all
communications to
sT. BONIFACE, Catholic.
Order of service for the- winter.
Sundays:—High mass at 10 a. Bt.
Catechism and instruction at 12 o'clock
The Holy Hour, or one hour's visit to
our Lord in the blessed sacrament from
3 to 4 p. m. Vespers and benediction
of the most blessed saerament at 4p.m.
Holy Days:—High mass at 10 a. ni. Ves
pers and benediction at 4 p.
Week Days:—Mass every morning at 8
o'elock. First Fridays, mass with ex-
position at 9 o'clock.
Rey. Father Valentine, Parish Priest
EVANGELICAL, German and English
Sunday services: -
German, at 10 o'clock a. in, English, at
7 o'clock p. in., Sunday school at 2. p.m.
Tuesday evening; Junior Alliance, at 7,
Senior Alliance, at 8, Choir practice at 0.
Wednesday evening; German prayer
meeting, at 7.30. Thursday errning;
English prayer meeting at 7.30. Friday
evening; Teachers' meeting at 8.
Rev. C. H. Finkbeiner, Pastor.
geutirip.m.lutt). St. Petri
(Sottesbienit norm. iafl1,1 1It)r
unb abenbs 111)r. Sounta.3fd:atte
itacipu. 2 1.I1)r. Eehrerueriammlun
Zlitttnocb abeubs halb 8.
sail, paitor.
The Commercial
L. FOSTER, — Prorietor
Every accommodation for the
travelling public. Always stop
in Zurich..
First-class sample rooms for
Commercial men.
11-4 J. D. COOKE,
(Late with Garrey/ &Proadfoot) Barrist
er, Solicitor, Notary. Public,
Hen:sell, Ontario.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notarier Public
etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street,
Goderieh, Ontario
Clerk 10th Div. Court, Huron
Commissioner for taking Affidavits,
Conveyancer etc. Valuator for the Itn-
won and Erie Loan and Savings Co.
Office— Zeller Block, Zurich Ont.
Licensed Auctioneer for Dur-
en County, respectfully solicits the pat-
ronage of those who intend having sales.
e Satisfaction enaranteed.
'haven daily except Sundays from.
8 a. until 9 p. The mails are
distributed as follows
MAIL FOR IIENSALL, 010Se 1.1t 6 :55 11.1/1,
" 55 pan.
" " ST.Jostrft, 11 :10
" L. &B., " 43 :55 a.m.
« L, " 2215(58.111.
ci C C4 " 730 pan.
ST•JOSICM, " 10 :45 a an c,
LE.& B„ " 11:00 a.m.
L. H. &I. B.. , " 7 :30 11,111.
'be posted half an hopr previous to
the time for closing the evils'',
D.SSAVST, Postmaster.
g, F. A. SELLER'',
Dentist, graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Snrgeons, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
Toronto University., Painless extraction
of teeth. ' Plate work a speciality.
At Dominion House Zurich, every
Monday. 1-20
0. Sueeessor to COLLINS STANBURY
Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Villa
and Farm Property at lowest rates ofIn-
terest. Documents in original German
read and advised upon,
Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter.
11111i1.1111 6.110011.0121.14612.KII1
, • •
P.1,4111 gadyt,
D. Dirstein left for his home at
Sebowaing 031 81.1,t113Xltly.
Mis Clara Roederiof the Goshen,
visited frientls here this week.
Mrs. Witwer and Miss Rttby are
out again after a few days illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Kalbfleischi of
Philadelphia, were visiting at R.R.
johneton's on Sunday.
Mr .and Mrs. Wencoll,of Crediton,
accompaoled by Mrs. Ohas. Eilber
visited O. Eilber on Sunday.
Any one wishing to borrow $1200
or $1500 on goodemortgage security
will please call on E. Zeller,Zurich,
The Misses Stints and Kate, (laugh -
tors of the Rev. Mr. Acheson, of
Kippen, were visitors over Sunday
with Miss Ida Well.
The winter is not over yet hut
Procter is giving tui extra eliso't of
25 per cent. on winter goods. Call
and see his bargains.
Jacob Gingorich has returned
home after an absence of several
weeke, visiting friends and relatives
around Baden. Jake seems well
satisfied tate]: his trip.
It is reported that Johh Torrance
has disposed of his 150 acre farm,
East of: town, to Casper Wolper of
Stephen. The purchase price is
said to be about $0,000.
Sunset and Evening Star, Quite a number attended the sale
And. one clear call for use, tit john Sehtifer's, on the town
And may there la* no moaning bar line, on 'Wednesday and though the
When I put out to sone roads were badly 'blocked the vrowd
But moving tide asleep, was largo and rhe chlatels brought
Too full fur t:ound and foam, good pin ce8.
When that whiell Lire w fren out -
L1'—On Saturday, Doe. :19th, a
the deep gray goat robe, on the town line
Turns to its earliest home. • between litty and Htephen, near
Twilight and evening Bell,
And after that the dark ! , Babylon line CO1'31 <T. Finder will
please return to me and get reward.
And may there be no sad ferewell, Aeoxeo Fusf se, Sarepta P. 0.
When 1 at last emberk ;
For tho' from Time and Place,
Ellswood Itannie met with an accident
The flood may l'ettr me far, , in the hush at Beyeocks on Thursday
I hope to se my Pilot's fate, aline felling t revs. wl I i eh may prove fatal.
When I have crossed the bar. Particulars are notto hand,but it is report-
ed thatihis life hangs La the balance. We
Fred. Inekbeil is laid up this week. hope however that the aceident is not as
Division eottrt will 1 Is litqd here serious as the 6111)11 report to hand as WO
on Tuesday.
D. Gottschalk left on Monday for
Badaxe, Mieh.
go prese.
The litmtreal Polite Coiwnittee
have made the discovers- that six.
Henry Ortwein, wife and daughter are policemen nr No. 1.2 Police Station
all sick at present, bat' for years past 8hirked their
3.1iss Doan pnieliased n NS/a-eon-the night duty and. spent their time
piano from It. Well recently. playing cards in a shanty on
Win. Beaver, of the 1 nurs- • Cadieux street, belonging to the
ing a very sore tooth at pie:sent. Water -works Department.
It is reported that It new hitcher Mr. Jacob Haberer has purehased
shop will open out in the 211411' Mr. U. 13111/03.°5 farm on the Blind
Charlie Shoenes ker. flit/ new pro-
prietor of the Dominion house,
taking possession 021 T11111tqlay
line, l'ei' the sum of $4,500. The
farm temeiets of nal acres and has
ti geed briels dwelling and large
bank barn and is one of the best
fareas on the line, Mr. Haberer DOW
We aro in for another six weeks
of winter, Saturday was Candle-
mas day, and Bruin saw his
The correspondent of the Mail
and Eniipre learns officially that
Smith-Dorrien's .column has had
considerable fighting, in which
thirty-five Boers wore killed. •
L0ef—Between Zurich and the
Parr line on Zurich road, a robe,
imitation buffalo, (Saskatchewan.)
Finder will please return same, to
R. Larinier, Stage driver. Zurich.
• We are experiencing genuine
Canadiaui winter weather, snow is
piled up high all over and the pro-
babilities are that plenty of snow
and cold weather will be crowded
intothis short month.
Young man, if you are in the
home of your sweetheart at 12
o'clock on the night of Sunday
March 31, the census will put you
down us a steady boarder in the
house. This is no "April fool,"
ODR SICK LIST :—More than the
usual number of our citizens are
laid up with various complaints,
but mostly grip. Tho following
have come io our notice as being ill
at present ;—J. Preeter, Mrs. Jake
Merner, Mrs. Mc.Cormick and. two
children, Sam. Dietz, Martin Hess,
and Mrs. R. 8. Richardson.
Rev. Finkbeiner preached a very
able sermon on. Sunday evening last
in memory of our late Queen, Al-
though the Rev. gentlemen had an
attack of the grip his sermon was
delivered in a very masterly 3nan-
nor and. was listened to with the
closest attention. The choir ren-
dered several appropriate select -
10114,4 fur the occasion ; the SerViCt?
ending with singing "God save the
A director s meeting of the Hay
Fire Insurance Co. was held at the
Dominion house 011 Saturday last.
The meeting was held earlier than
usual as two of the officials are also
in the parliaments Of the country
H. Eilber being member of the
Local Legislature for South Huron.
J. Sherritt, member for North
Middlesex in the Dominion parlia-
ment and both have to attend the
sittings of the respective bodies
which opened. for business this
The death of the Rosa Hess,
widow of 'the late George Hess,
removes another old resident from
our inidet. Mrs. Hess- had beenvery
poorly for some months, and the
dread disease, consumption, carried
her off at the age el 52 years, 11
mouths and 16 days. Her 11(11111,
WaS 110t 1131eXpeeted, Oreltred
OWIlS 2{.A1 acres on this line. on Saturday afternoon 'Ind inst. in
hone* on Thureda e evening' last matt,..1. laree 1e. 1..ow tesnl illus.
no the pFesenee of her family.. Her
!remains- were interred 111 the
'Miss P'mtri(''' '4(4111'1101' reit-trued o other paper published,
ail1. 0 our 1 hith.11111 00/11ete3.7." WI110,1 e
er a month's visit with her i
sster trztted, van take the 1 •21( .> 0 f
Mrs. Baldwin, at Setiforth. hone* matter how small it greaation deceased was a life-I/mg
member. The family and relatives
E. llossenherry- e,n(luet is. The man who (Ines not make
the ,'ml (sf the 111/ This elsells, ov4 veleit is costs di trite:: the 11"111. afilieti"n., Two of
it that he misrlit- Waieli the ittlael temp before, halving her sons„Fretl.
eale for 3. If. Alelil; e. nt/ar 11c 11 /10 *pal ler Pa/. StsVVral ha VI' the Sill0eVe 851111Mtlly in the
0111(11•011, 1111147 1131(1 10r11 1181.1;
Well I': ir our ane tic moor's y. Yt'llr. (it „'s not get tllo trt„ „I ont or
'Ivyrock and llannie have a large, .1,111„il ..k. mid. s„c, if it does not ' W t William anti Martin, to mourn
• quantity pf got el the and brit -i, ft a' ' .„3„,.. ' the loss of a kind mother.
sale tlf their yards near .., ., .11,07071-1EIR
Siweitil tonns in IzoTi! trazoltitios,' IN"' `1"1"1" i "It 11"'t th'." w1",.
WIn.T.Teyri.(.1 i-: {tt Win' t IsinIr his eating- salt ere in danger of shorten -
splendid farm ler sale. See ad on ' ilea their lives by con tra el big
page t. Mr. Ihs'reek intends seurvy. This will give something -
devoting all Itis attention to the of a set -Lack to the sclielne for
manufacture of briels and tile, pickling man to make him keep, as
- nn(lertah(‘ t() prull mg their lives hr " luting people, look in those oyes,
listen to that dear voive, and notice
the feeling of even a toueli that is
bestowed upon you by that gentle
hand. Make much of it while. yet
you have that most precious of all
J. prveier is giv ing 2:, IHIc mut. though he 1, (31 at ne-,c or a Bay guoa gifts, a loving mother. Read
disc't cm '3 121. go0118 1111;1 11.4 llig of Fundy herring. It is bethto th1,11
e'e thahomable love of those
regular pri(es are usually heses. let miture take its course, as the eyeS ; the kind ane
xity of thatn
than otherzetb is extra clisc't ilic,n.: 1311 1, Nail'. Wilk' II the (3114)121'car- and look,however slight your pain,
good goods. at an extralea'anary lees l'h:a him 11,1, 13 from home on. In after life you may have friends,
Thanksgiving Day. fond, dearkind. friends ; but never
price, Better call and soo.
33 wkward:. tun laudeaonal.„ „lo. will you have again the 1111
.A (Inctl" %"3111111 arryst"1 furl time ill your f13 ht 121 111 me a kid silk(' love and gentleness lavished
but a mother
shoplifting' gave a neW 0X011Se. :., 4' . ' -. ' ' ' , .
-est tor tooneht with the' 111)0)1 Yon which none
She said it was "tm involwitary ,.1' d - : ' ' s' '
This is a . ins/Ries and warts 1 had long ago, )1. . .
( 1 .%,towc4 Often (10 I sigh in my
muscular movement." and the dear little. stone bruises struggles with the hard, uncaring .
variation ('f the "kleptomtmia, world, for the deep, sweet securitv
that /ave.- ( ei me toe Tale me /min
it -was just p1 111 stealing all the t() my ma farm mime, to ‘ -those‘ Firer 1 ftnt when of an evening restin...s.
and as 41 novelty it is all right. But • s' i ,, - .-.., '
old Juralit'S agam let me roam. Les on her bosom, 1 listened *to scan;
same. me (*at mush and milk from the old quiet tale, suitable to my age, read
DI E 1) ' WOOdell. 1/0W1, let me go to the "old . in her tender, untiring voice.
ITESS--At Zill t*I 012 1111 2nd inet 1 11 1 0 1 10 t 1n1 feel1 ea1 - s
sNver ran Iforget her sweet glances
Rosa. Hess, Wid.OW of the htte and pigs galore, let me curry the . cast upon me when 1 (11)1)0 0.1(1
George Hess, at the age of 52 . muleS 41;4 in (1aye of yore. Bring ash'el); never- her kiss of peace at
bat /k my kite -with its Slog-fsnmel night. Years halve peside assed
Teats, 0 months and 16 days.
BEAUTY OF FORM SANT)PIGURE tail, f(a. the kite 1 fly now illWays :41100 we laid her bmy father
houls ine in ;hill. Bata to the river in the cold churchasardoyet still her
Health and beauty always go once mese lot me roam) till the , voice WhiSpeTS fr0111 the grave and.
linked together, A 31.113)11 (1. t11'141. : 121011111 arrived--ana when i eet her eye watches over me as 1 visit
and 34, 0131 fa co tells 11 ,)11( home, take me out toile w:n1(1817e11
and and there let me dance to the tune inemory,--Lord Mttetailay.
spots long since hallowed by her
atciy Of neri; 011511(2>5, worry
the many accompanyingills antis father playe(l on the seat of my
irregularities. Dr.'s Nerve pants. 1VIARKETS
Food fine the shrivelled arteries Berlin Ont.,Feb -JONI (.11 i I 1
with neve,. rich blood, strengthens ' ' ' -z-- - 1 ':")-()-ni •
and rolchulles the vitality of the
nerves, and gives a. well-rounded
form, and clear healthy complexion
to all who use it, 50 cents a box, all
Do you want to make a few Dollars? If so, come
and take advantage of the Sale 110W on at our Store.
Below are a few Articles itemized, of the Many
97X yds winter dressgoods in
Red, Green, Blue and
Brown effects, very heavy
goods of good quality, re-
gular price 25e, sale 1 9c
(34 yds heavy' Melton dress -
goods Green, Brown and
Rod. shades, 40 inch wide,
good value at 30c, bargain
price 22c
SW yds tweed dressgoods nice
dark pattern and just the
thing for a school dress re-
gular 15c yd, sale price 10e'
105X yds 'winter dressgoods in
four good shades and pat-
terns regular 20e, sale 14e
3 pleeesIderdown cloaking in
Red White and White and
Green eheek. This is the
best quality and never sold -
-ander 50e, sale price 40o
Mens all wool underwear, extra
line quality, unshrinkable
all sizes, regular price $2.00
a suit for $1.75
Mens all wool underwear, ettra
heavy quality well made,
equal to most 50e lines
each,bargain price $0c a suit
Ladies jackets at prices Ifrom
2.75 up, every coat at a
reduced price.
Do not fail to examine those Prices, whether you
buy or not. We will always be pleased to see you in the
Store. No trouble to show Goods.
Produce taken. Highest prices paid.
Leave you' measure
Balance' of win=
ter Stock Cheap
We thank you
for your support
during the past
Y E A R.
for a iirst-class winter or a
Fall Boot
We also handle the celebrated stub proof, gutta percha
Granby Rubbers. Butter and Eggs taken in trade.
on Tuesday senteneed 1Villium Alla homed every Thursday afternoon, Per Cent Discount
to sown yearS in Langston. 1301111131- waters - - - - - - 61 to 63
three-year-old. son of Mrs. Elan, Barley '75. '.t. fl n W
tiinter Goods
ary for kidnapping Claiido Kirthan Oats
taln:-.1 sending the child over to Elgin' Peas 58 60
Ill., in charge of Julius .Neufischer. Flour - 2.00 2.10 for the next
The 'Montreal Star remarks :—"It
is a significant fact, as illustrating
the present condition of the Britieh
tenpire, that 4 -he first important
appointment made by the Dominion
Government under King Edward
was that of Mr. William Lount,
ex -M. P. for Torobto Centre, to
succeed judge Rose as judge of the
High Court of Ontario. Mr. Loutit
is a nephew of the Samuel Locant
who WAS OXeellt0C1. f or participaflon
in. the rebellion against the Queen's
authority in Canada, in the first
year . of her late Majesty's reign,
Netifiecher gets «ix months in the ' Butter -- - —
Central prison and another accomp. Viggs 17 17.
15 15
lice. Kinivrger, will spend three Chickens 11: - - - 434 5
3)102111e4 in I'lerlin goal. In passing Backs 6 6
the sentences, the Judge spoke of tseese 5 tools li,
sentence nie le w allows, NeWiseher - - -' '- 20 2,5
hrs aetions as too wanton to be Potatoes
ovingooked, He gave the heaviest
and Itinberger he desetibes es, HENSALL MARKETS,
and. fools. Hence their light sen- Wheat - - - - 02 to 64
tences. It is said that this ease was OLIN -------- 25 26
the first one of the kind in Canada. Barle,y- - - - - 37 40
The judge said one reason for his Peas — - - - - - 5860
making Ahl's sentence so heavy Flour .. ‘ - — - 2.00 2.10
W118 to warn others that this kind. Hogs (live) per cwt . 5.60 5.60
Of work 'cannot go on in Canada. do (dressed) ,, ,.- ,, 7,00 7.00
• %7t'have (10(1(1)7(1to clear out the
balance of our Stock of Win-
ter Qoods to make room for our
Large Spring Stock, 'which will
be along shortly, and. in order
to clear out our Stook, we will
give 25 p. e. diset for the next
30 days, on Men's Overcoats,
Ladies' Mantles, Underwear,
Heavy Dressgoods, Caps, Woo
Shawl, Wool Blankets, Ready
made D.B. Snits, Mitts, Hoods,
in feet, everything in the line
of 'Winter Goods.
We also have, a few Ladies'
Fur Coats, Capes, Caperines and
Ruffs, and a few (oat Robes
in grey and black, 'which we
will clear at a big TP.(111.0E011.
Now is your chance to secure
a Bargain whileethis sale last
ighest Prices
paid for 13utter, Eggs, Die,
Apples etc.