The Herald, 1900-09-14, Page 7ho 7te) mo ro old tr ut 1)1 .1 re "tte 3 • v - the ;iio, til sae ' re- tho tha vas Int des y the PIM me - ens life ere. the M." hate Liam sni th met, ket EvAlly hea erne. 331:- eck- alb* td- Alite reOfe toter. um. E GLORIOUS HERITAGE OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KING hey Have a Grand Family Name and a Regal Family Mansion -High Dignity of a Christian. Washington report: In this ells - °arse Dr. Talmage, who during hie ourney homeward has seen much of oyal and imperial splendors In pass - ng through the capitals of Europe, haws that there Is no higher dignity or more Illustrious station than hose which the Christian has; as a child of God; text, Judges viil., 18, "Each one 'resembles the children of a king." Zebah and Zalmunna had 'been off to battle, and when they came back they were asked what kind of people they had seen. They answered that the people had a royal appearance. "Each one resembled the children. of a. king." That description of people s not extinct. There are still many Who have this appearance. Indeed, they are the sons and daughters of the Lord .A.Inelghty. Though now in exile, they shall yet come to their thrones. There are family names that stand for wealth or patriotism or intelligence. The name of Washington among us will always represent pat- riotism. The family of the Medici steed as the representative of letters. The family ef the Rothschilds is eiga nirleant of wealth, the loss of e40,000,000 In 1S4S putting them to no inconveni- ence. and within a few year they bad loaned Russia. $12.000,000, Naples $25,- 00,000. Austria $40,00(1,000 and England 200.0e11.000, and the stroke of their pen on the counting room desk shakes everything from the Irish sea. to the Danube. They open their hand and there is war, they shut It and there is peen.. The Romanoirs of Russia, Ile Ho:Jenne:terns of Germany, the ourbens of Franee, the Stuarts and uehihs or Great Boiteln, are houses who fames are intertwinea with the history of their respeettve nations yrnbeile of Imperial authority. But I prefteh Of a family more pa- ential. mere rIeli and more extensive the royal house of JeStts, of whom be alloie farnhy in heaven and en arth Is named. We are bleol rela- lops by the relationehlp af the ereps; ti el us are ehhart•n of the King. Fir% 1 speak of our famtly name. When we eee a deseemiant of some one greatly eetebratel in the last century, we leek at hint with peefotnia Merest. To have had ennqueroree kings or prinees in the ancestral fine gives imam* to the fay name. In Our :hie watt a King ani aCengtierer. star In the, eftet with beton f3gta loss? We all suffer loss. Is one be- reaved? We are all bereaved. Their streaming eyes together ilOw For human guilt and inortal woe. If you rejoice at another's misfortune you are not one of the sheep, but one of the goats, and the vulture of sin hath alighted on your soul and not the Dove of the Spirit. Next, I notice the family property. After a man of large estate dies, the relatives assemble to hear the will read. So much of his property is willed to his sons and eo much to his daughters and so much to benevolent societies. Our Lord Jesus hath died, and we are as- sembled to -day to hear the will read. He says, "My peace I give unto you." Through his apostles he says, "All things are yours." What, everything? Yes, everything! This world and the next. In distinguished families there are old pictures hanging on tile wall. They are called the "heirlooms" of the estate. They are very old and have come down from generation to genera- tion. So I look upon all the beauties of the natural world as the heirlooms of our royal family. The morning breaks from the east. The mists travel up, hill above hill, mountain above mountain, until sky lost. The forests are full of chirp and buzz and song. Tree's leaf and bird's wing flutter with gladness. Honey makers in the log and beak against the bark and squirrels chattering on the rail, and the call of the hawk out of a clear elty, make you 'feel glad. The sun, whielt kindles con- flagrations among the castles of cloud and sets minaret and dome aflame, stoops to paint the lily white and the buttercup yeliow and the forget-me-not blue. What can resist the sun? Light for the voyager over the deep: Light for the shepherd guarding the flocks afield: Light for the poor who have no lamps to burn: Light for the down - (mot coed the lowly: T.Ig.ht for swelling eyes and burning brain and wasted cap- tive: Light for the smooth brow ot and the nelgbboring woods for nut% and eVerything around the old home- stead is of interest to you. 1 tell you of tbe old homestead of eternity. "111 my fahter's house are many man- sions." When we talk of mansion5. we think of Chatsworth and Its pare nine miles , circumference and its conservatory that 'astonishes the world, its galleries •of art that contain the triumphs of Chantrey, Canova and Thorwaldsen, of the kings and queens ,who have walked its stately halls, or flying over the heather, have hunted the grouse. But alhothe dwelling places of dukes and princes and queens are as nothing to the family mansion that is already awaiting or arrival. The hand of the Lord Jesus lifted the p11 - tars and swung the doors and planted the parks. Angels walk there and the good of all ages. The poorest man in that house is a millionaire •and the lowest a king, 'and the tamest word he speaks is an anthem and the shortest life an eternity. It took a Taxton to build for Chats- worth a covering for the wonderful flower, Viotorla Regia, five feet in diameter. But our Lily of the Valley shall need no shelter from the blast and in the open gardens of God shall Put forth its full bloom, and alt heaven shall come to look at it, and its aroma shall be as though the cherubim had soling before the throne a thousand censers. I have not seen it yet. 1 aan in a foreign land. But my Father Is waiting for me to come home. I have brothers and sisters there. In the Bible I have letters from there, telling me what a fine place it Is, It matters not much to me whether I am rich or poor, or whether the world hates rne or loves me, or whether I go by land or by sea, If only I may lift my eyes at last on the family mansion. It is not a frau house, built in a month, soon to crumble, but an old mansion, which is as fli'm as the day it was built. Its walls are covered with the ivy of many ages, and the urns at the gateway are abloom with the century plants of eternity. The Queen of Sheba bath walked its halls, and Esther and Marie Antoin- ette and Lady Huntingdon and Cecil and Jeremy Taylor and Samuel Ruth- erford and John Milton and the widow Who gave two mites, and the poor men from the hospital -these two last perhaps outehIning all the kings and queens of eternity. A family mansion means reunion. Some of your families are very much scattered. The children married and went off to St. Louis or Chicago or Charleston. Ilut perhaps once a year you come together at the old place. How you evalte up the old piano that has been silent for years. Father and 'mother do not play On It. How you bring Mit the old relit% and rummage ehildhOod and for the dim vision of 'the garret and open -ohl scrapbooks the octogenarian! Light for queen's and shottt and laugh and cry and talk coronet rend for sewing girl's needleover old times, and, though you may /et here lie light* Whoe7) morning is be 45 years of age, aet as though eetia this?1 My morning. Your morning. Our were 10. Yet SOW% it Is gootiby et the loather gave as the pletut'e and hung ear window and goodby tho Meanie 11 on the stty in loops ot lire. It is the boat, wharf. etat how ein at at heirloom of our family. And so the the reunion In elle old family mansion 'night. It is the full mom. Tho mrs:s .or heaven? It is a good while since t t ev.4,4 the bre•12 iseme I; a 124... 22. • free:21141nm° 10 shOre gleam like shatter- you parted at the door IA the grave. r:,.atfi 1.14?; V" W.3". er" " n t. get male ha h c311 ttcvna 53, r panting upon tlx btaele, mingling. as it all the darlings of Vier household, not tattohee matte teene o.ttit ur,:trbet qiasi.ldina". 4: urt • SUNDAY SCHOOL • INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. "ell. SEPTEM.BEIR10, 1900. ,The Rich Fool, -Luke 12:11.25. ColhallentarY.-14 One of the corn- paay-Probubly a. stranger in thi crowd, who had been listening to the address Jesus had been delivering to Jjs deseiples. Sp ;al to my brother- Thie was •evideuely a family dispute about the prop,•rty that was to be di1v4id.edifati-Apparently in reproof.- , flom. Corn, A judge or a divider -In matters of this nature Christ would not assume either a legislative power to alter the settled rule of leheritances, or a Judie's] power to determiae con- etirtIo1 ovlevr:riarvealslk. Take heed-"Covetoueness is a WC have need constantly to watch against." Of covetousnees-All Lnordiatite desires. Such a disposition of mind is uever satisfied, for as soon as one objet Is penal, ths heart goes out after another. eltues life eon- sisteth not, etc, -"Our happiness and comfort do not depend upon our hav- ing a great deal of this world." The ilfe of th• (loth not depend upon Lt, and th• eon! Is tlie mem 10.. A parable -To teeth. 1. How short and traneltory lite is. 2. (That riches are of no avail lor prolonging It. 3, That the duty of all, both rich and Poor, is to be rir.b. towards Clod. Brought forth plentifully -He did not acquire his wealth (la:honestly, but it was given hien by his Creator. -What good he might have aeromplished had lie meal it. pioper iatutner inetead of hoarding it. up. 17. He thought witiOn himeeife-The worldle- rich are otter. miserable, 'They have, "I. Deetantent. 2. Anxieties; and cares. 3. Pale:, holes. 4. The terror or losing three ptee e7lees." "Mere multi- plication of 1.1; wealth, ana the eel- fisfi enjoyment of It, take- up all his thoughte." Whet shall 1 do -That Ids In.metieel prosperiev offers him op- portunity tote, eomething for his poor bre:Amen, does Lot 4A(.11 enter hie mind, eelfielinese e rte.; the key -note. -- Lange. Btearee7 I 11:04! 1?(.4 retim-The ble, arm also fret!! Pea. 3-12, we learn. that Ude world is not a world of retribution, and that temporal prosperity may attend the wicked, but that it is no sign or divine appro- bation. God is elispire70 with, 'the wieked, yet he causetli the sea to Miele and the rain to fall on the :just and the unjust. - Gooa •generalship, a wise and careful- financiering, econ.' orey and. fragalith exereised, wiJl brjeg rich returns to the wicked, as well as to the righteous. One thing, however, is eery certain, that those who are rece LI,Te exposed to many temptations and. are in great dan7 ger. His character. " Thou feolc" God calla Wm. sueb. Ia the midst of plenty his covetous, avonaeious disposition huligere for more. He had been, and was ant making temporal and Chian - Mal matters his greetest aim aud eud. For this he has great coacern, spends his tame chiefly, gives all his labor, and utterly neglects his infinitely greater interest -the ealvation of his soul. All who do so are extreinely foolish. -again, h!s foolishness is seen in his trying to satisfy his soul with temporal things. Tins Cannot. be. His end. "Thou fool, this night," etc. Thinking only pf time and teenporal good ; presurnp'tuously chieulating on years to come : boasting of to -mor- row t will tear down hie barns and build greater. Having many years in whIcli to live he will lay up for ease and pleasure ; he will eat, drink and be merry. Wit'le thus thiaking; care- less, heedless and forgetful of Clod Who hail permitted him prosperity, he is startled by a voice saying, "This nigert tby soul shall be required of thee." Temporarily blest, but eter- nally lost ! From plenty and riches he goes into eternity a spirituril p taper. ivsiviAive/641.4",1 MARKET REPORTS The Week, 3$ -OF-- ' Lei Wahlwahle‘eihtaleheella°1014; Leading Wheat Markets. Following are the closing prices a{ti important wheat centres; to -day; Carel). Oats. Chicago .„ $0 737-8 New York - 0 79 14 Milwaukee; ... 0 75 1-2 -- St. Louis .„ 0 71 3-4 0 72 1-4 Toledo ... 0 75 3-4 077 . Detroit, red 0 76 1-2 077 1-4 Detroit, white ..„ 0 75 -- Duluth, No 1 laorth. 075 3-1 -- Duluth, No, 1 hard,. 077 3-4 -- Minneapolis, No. 1 merthern ... 0 73 3-4 -- afinneapolls, No. 1 hard...............07534 - Toronto Farmers, Market. Wheat -Two Intnered bushees of red fall wheat sold unchanged at 69e, and 200 bushels of goose steady at 63 to 00e. Oat -Three huirlred busbels of neWl ()ate Fold 1-2c higher at 20 to 31e. Barley -One load zold steady at 43 to 44 I -2e. Rye -One bundred buelicle sold 1-2e lower at 53e. Hay ani Straw -Ten loads of hay, sold eteady at $10.50 to $1.-3 a ton, nnh two kettle of traw at $10 to *10.50 a ton. Toronto Seed Market. The fan trade lute not yet fully he - Take heed and beware of COY ptAitri- gm,. Lotal deal a.:4 quote offers for nest:0-11i. D'Forest Griffin. timothy, alsike and led clever. Meike. is) ;vetted at $(1.50 to 07 per leah -1 awl te7.70 for fancy lots. hal Clover -The new m•op bee not yet. lore: harve•ted. Dealers here quote $5.5e to S0 per ittame. TInaahy-The market 14 developing A Good One, Too, But of at. „. ee per 101 Hee. itehilmr cmened at i5. 1)) a ad ele. :1 i"."%37 oath closed Doubtful Veracity, • at. A GOLD HICK STORY, _ 1",!roalt.) lereit elarket. pooreet beggar al the etenitre. who SWINDLED A BANK PRESIDENT. uli .,...,.1 . Aimee. wee.. I:eery. Toma- h - .. .'pt le fret: ti •;.20, ,..... a at 0 tad Mg knew wiser,- to obtain the next to... 1(4 tt. 'eel-. teretete ...re 10 to 1504 meal, conel n7e hat:* been More VilIN•• Deriver reeart.-W"1112110 Kamr, t%.0,- ar.e, Lei hap 1;4. .' vir.,bu's :4,1 1,44 400. km% Ti* ig.•°403' 10 trait; - e wise man kataheatir tail Nehrasha bank pre-.- ' e; t. 2.4.a 2,, : , I, ..... epea e per barrel4 will delarre nt more ilital what 11,• mut ant. wid, tith light he wa.. lene rog ne , et et. e Lea . th 'E.: 4,, #1..1 3 to 3.t. per get juetie, nee s..berly, distribute. elieerrully. an:1 li nee. eigittettetile.-- e W.Otiti gx,',si brIelt a r 813.1.241'1,, wet , to;' -'ho .-. P teett"-'h •• - t i '''' • I . -. .- 1, 13"°14 11.47.4i'' "f III.' gilliti14, oN114 to- in ail probability nave et ehanee te.- Pla'1".:'!'!"" ,1,:"."" " ''''' :4.3 th` 35e" P''''''1" day is 1.24; tharit oa "ghee'," willeb hae eel. Neel,. .. , . ' ahe. • "- Yeteot pee- la s ig, to O'lt,.; g 6 prst.,,,13 hers tar- wee woe- teritweee: p -1- h -a a i ot !ale,: Le wittn. eahnie-21 atm. Tim g- ta Ii ithe ir, r ,- 4.Prr:0*. a te. 1:-. lam 1.hieet . p tame. wraell Kerr paid $1.1e1100 was tv. rtit • 731 ..• °i ..- 1^-e2 li hi :,C4`.1. 1:1 to 202a. e , • 1 tele re to i tei ta la.,.. F•t" Nifie; taken pee.' a1..:1 Id so many, 18. Th will 1 At -Mail Prolhaos• 1. Ihew hottetful: [le rote 4 my fruits, my eliorteighttell He eel ;ow of malty T:trre. ga'•1 ar"elt 1.44 W4'4 were 'rho ha t" • 0'1 '•elq41 • 44' hflril4A per!: and my reml. 11cm •-• • eettre a, a oeria nte• 3 Hew silaell arreetee at M titre:1. t'au:n: a, :1 ' 47'1. 1" IP' • Ir. V let Lei tz ,atitvra. There .14 prati-leh net -10 for othom ' doe he ;ow ago), :44 tee:. were a lame , seehe al r t rate; Cana- . toi turn nue,12.a.r traht. un I tur* - • ' - • • it re tit.* nee. %vie. t•te.„.„oe,. e the, ilt•-e! lein• h. ewarnl.e21 Kerr. Kerr Vete:earth Toronto 1,11%r :%tot•It MarIcete of Ine• F.re.t Natelett Bank of fleet. • Lehel ,• e rater, ea ee 10 ' ' - • .• t o 3) • 1 • IVIINkIstr. i. !IOW IthrtWortir,.% : 11.4... lite t of aro Is a low 2•114." lualeh nt ear. e eat tig, debat- ing ah•I nu rrt intiatettet: air. 11211121 greno re-"rh e UP* the dfte t-41. 4 0 he tea 12.I Te aa.„ eel 40 t p trormi tE) r II 44 ailZ,a ::',:144 . 801 v. , .3 0 ltr 113 l- till" '" " r , ,- ,4 ." i •.'" eartlee ateeie 11 nee platunter„ to ' 11- 'lig 14 1448 g"W 1"; 44'.' 444" 4'41 ; 7„t41 ,,.. ' - ''' ^ ' r 11.4Ntra t,4o 34 "ar etp, 10. 1 v. 1 eny 1.43 tny rood..." Tier ' gar. to; teeeerestra lie et. tit . :4 (Iti , , r. an It Intortal ' " VO', 44,• wit .re he set t an fo gel 0121 e., ' ` " ' 1 tOtoli. 'L* til>0 t.3`1., '10 0 EP' 44 .41144A4P r- i, ..' , '''i ' . ''11412::',,, rr::,,:.3:1 tlg,‘41ir11:40.71,40 I 3 4$ 333,a3", a , t, 3, "4 lf,, oto) 3 la 4 , '' 4 3 a .,9 y. 9 t . ),' 22 '33 al .3, 4 3,3: 10 3.'; 'et 3' ' ' ,4 :ii : ' • M 41 tf 1 0 t31 m Hors, anti the (wean. under lter There 'will be fal'aee and :date and Fite a P-'!,,,, Nopi oelpemeitte4t awl. 1 eeiriTte1 1411" 412 t" 132"I l't ' 2,.• a •_ a ,: • glantee eomet; up with great taleS , Martha and Charlie and liatrele and weehe tee..„, th.&5ts win in trt way 1 t ['At tit " 141':.•11 11 4'. ev e.11) el.. Pee.* i eoke up the otervaa ereittetra that were. foam mid lire. The poor gum pale and Melt arid gaeping for breath. le Inelle at titg 112101tt. FrAn 111(ilve biereed tied for throwing Neel) a elleal as when you saw tht7m lest, but their !la Matted fot'01- to gmatiler al *11-3LaIlia• light through the broken window pane; eyes 'night w4th tete luster of beeeee 1501 by MIMI:Ng them 71ewn. but by i iLto hie cabin, and to tho citric it seems and Illeit• eheele rotreate with the gait Meng Vaunt UP. t;'11- Ialitril SAW 15.6124 8" a light from the fetter shore 401101 of eekreael. smensee, itt ltetse. Wheal lie attUtes lie b„,tmds 41420 great tivvp Of henten peen what temitolog of boodol, „what era. This wee. tegeetly tie) arcs 1 tlf the an. 1 - . tient atleilate-, Wiott 0. wreteeme I, Vito lernee 4. Inge (het w ;re tote -2, e •• - • e ---a. • t 2 e -.. p rthdl for al* 111111nortall opirit " Mel '. frhin t e' 1"Pe, 'L. 7- - 4' la• re oe 0."-I1,,, e!..• ....!'•°;.•"' 'a'' eot. thtuett Wb' kirhoe eat fi-,01 hetes .. **7--c"*.ertei lice freed. TLI,' IL' 'N ea .le; ,..4,44. ' ' 1 . '',4`..---t`41 OW. Eat, titeet.. area Le -• 14.4: 11"11 41 L'4'nl r -r S:3-'441 h 'rr ` oteerre----The ambition til tee7.e wet ,te .. tu...,14.4,,,i, .41,31..!0 , ,a.ri4,41,,,,:r;i0z3,1 4.1.311:‘,2„.4.,,,t_, n 1, L,4•6 ,,,e-eee. nal tawny eet Net 'even !net tee. sae) repel' 11;a034.• ... will ttot littrq Or 4431. u'45 t,h1"31,-,4 til MIA WM% If 412e ttun seem Ilhe n alnie hate 2ngq: What e4niting eogether of t . • t atig %heel ar in /reel eagee. but 1 timer fan atta teemed from bea.ten Ino 21)- lia 'ea 110 What teeth ef Joel Yen l'.htres: sPiel" ilmf net ' "- ''' ' ' *" 0 14.114 " tft.' 2' '' ' l' ' "' . 4 ''. i the' ettOke er the beefs. ef . r !aP te hle e reil v . ee It 1 1,.; I.tut .thae] ealde-l-1 er e.1Ue.1 2.4'1.tt1.) , 1 . t-r'LP4't hlte aaale Itnt brings 4'454411 14 12142'441844I9'44 taeIr"ta'"I've In 4312444312441.22" There Ittatebe: 441epeak midtettr eeli1 r. -H t' ,,t -t t..1 4 • 15' •.cl l' F4 ,0..:",..f4T.x1thegOtE, 18 24;lophand In1:2etamlinto. 24 iet,at"110q Mir. gas that Get1 shall ellee tiee5 binutr(430021 wit Te_:,. 16 • m. :,, 1 4143' #'..e".- T1a, t'431)08 ltleter of Ge!. ettieline up hersstsvet‘''3? aeye" if th-re n'or' h f24 fi910Y efeerf»01. I. 11 e . tt ,, LI 041,-%6..,*il t e e dint !tltheat iI'sua) t30 10,01 "etItherbowcould Iltipethmnze Iiuutleappearprattee ;)0. , rte , atkclIeneed the ereWge)lemother ever mee They „Imouct testsut&,rwcrie oar'n Iel, f,aa-1alyr ee arreedeignhteetttt,. hr h d e eetf aatsrye te .n......1„t,-:. . 'tv.'2.1't e- '.e,r' • - aegent,Itgetheefu- "guardithe :et etadie all niht R ” gfQ" la°%-Pt:se444521421t1°Igh14evaeh'1*"1e1125 of 41114ee1. Clrge ee L431. 0-:1t10 IU54 nelat-ittonu-Lt h181ent athe1"41.9t"Wag1"ldg,,,t',&000*I',03034'&03#0334'&03#03-5:_k"'rl''14'11'1"-'wed SAY: "lVhaoheI-A;.'Ito titte Tot preettratryel 'fit"ablq'ttr that230,4±'.toat 134)8@ framedMontt itotiA pitture m ‚34003 tio,vdender the ,,*44,,43,o'.'. ae ehte ea. _-. hee*41313133414 bt53033' 0* .e7 w / e it'1 343 - 4 -. . 23 3 "j, • E32eD`t.ta.1arz,a , r13 1 91- .. ;a • wmust tatie Wreg WI ontoad Thee twet vitt!) blis- fig 9,, ie tcrattt.u. go1.3 -:3 '3131034318 . . 313 r 1 Atealer inalay4.44134',., -'-, 1 vv „ , Neer sWeeinceSt. Dittal) serntatt§ anti ben-litg Outfit. -*Above 51 It ee • c tt too, tramale rut, tliu,e? num bli,,14.4 4„au rentLre. ,, „let , tee ee Levee e. tee.. ) -1. The C'entfollee es1 M.:natty. The night? It Es the lielnloant our. fl2• tutastt,:, nett. wurd .04„2.51 aim uuvt, thytt...,,e) l9 Wf15O1!.v,...7.60tOtIeaelte:'greDrVeeeeetn.fT.:e.e,'nketae. 'e!'Ltrteepeetutlrealel, -t (4211 OwargsehethaertouILInEdtraimk-ut'r.,e*lsue l 211434, eet1te•Ianoslitetsuer,mninls at yunttttas tw-4C,7-t!.,911teeseirek"e4et1ttt1li 4ei.ne Mlu-'s tt„rf, : re 0teeeSetent teetele f theretve tite of tet.,,,,0*a eat; Ertzt hanneCiord sxa3. .d,)'ts TheMeVw.n. rDe sun1=0M4eeof the , Makaeette na onthOt a 1632e W 1 eeoute tva t,1 Te eaethinae ttstatmg) rtoll01• 1 brate eateertiherd veva112adow1114ebeel,ten. t„„7, DisnetThlethwr IL famiy profetlY geaq:eYon feeaS it you wottae-I„eey014emphAtretry een don the o*2 11 royal lonSeot JeSso gtest eat ate sayt.weesea Jay08a 4 21lag feee leave the beeenof fe14(1.0843245' the,arstet ioveee01110. '" ,at ; hVit :z1 21 tag u]roj4 t sm. bea5834' leofthe gatdetthe Imre ognhouiutapL54theeletam . - ;. U• . .t" ENUa"U„ • " -•••.• '• ' as! 39:3b ' 1.1 ; fliit 4 at - ,ct li.A4L tqC,..;',1:;tct..;.! gets gh,Y idea. of lilt' eXteht'. tett ILIlle 4 tered fetor tele desert way. MY .. tecedieation of tite truth.: 1. 434314435 tee te - ' ' " . -*).'" **' =4e-",-;'''''''' n-'-'1 03- ' ' - ereee... es r,. ? 4,14440.1"., :,..r ' " . '' ' . ' ' t.... , 11 iji; L ... • WEUnkrItg 6 f his eYe. The un)veree the litst walk be around tide eatth. All 5 eyee fall for their tveepierg, f faint lit..4 hearers sud stso to zla., .1110i2,,s ia.', "utt-',..•-* .:, t'l-• 6 u:. :. " ha, 41.,,,.e al'herl. yrmg. aratt lt,J the c'har!ot. wheels.. Able these ,valleya, the ilarvesta that Wave : frout tts..teta-ug tor feet,. that. mu 05,,t si,t, ots ha,tivid,tati „es,. At/ who an,,,gu...,r•., t 5 0 re eetbreae or '5. 0, ate.alp1 h then) and he rattle that pastute comete the ettete er,,s thatwilhilfir92,314)35 211 ;si npf,s-IV..Ir•.,A'vW.r1tiPt. o41 ,Zs.i1t-1r).'11Z.443/:",.1...'0„"11;f•t, 'ti...:. z-''-...!• ..', ....I: . ..- ,4::: :g33..ee h4,h.- 54-. ,- 03 81015" .44 , ,,r,peee,1,A by a • ”4 , el.C341r, e. ': 2, 0 030. a Ivf4313 ut1- :.:,7 ,-:• --44..3i•4a!:.1..3...7.. ,4 ..:4 ' ,e'., ,'.' -..',.0., ..-, 1r'4r Z.41r,.al!.1 V: e4;-44. ‘vil". . ' 4-3 :43,.1.. 1 •g,..,1,F,•7412131413.a.1.14t 00.', 54.1' '.'. )1-, n3atd IT 00.4:. 4 . Vi g . 014.031, C- .• • t., 00.,.,6.:-4 .v,1.1.:1. - - - t.,.t: : 11 Ieveeevtsitteptan. rest 2,e drown e. weeell of geed trumene thern-all tDBfse arla the I tvrt 412 1,71;;;:_d on, oh day or rent- titute 05 tke 4)0324 44 of clod elate' tt, 44-.4 •43 3 • •43144" itay with his gloty. What other fameey 171‘600ZI11 things bidden beteeath them bee _Ana them, **t4 Jesus, be nee an- eneeter of later be. e1t2'priee.1 In tee. Avbicii to itnIttry. Arms eo.egg eve. oe ogee ate ge ti and the erowtt of glaeler thee eaSil at !I gry With Me if attet I have etissed same way." leor itimeell-eFor ILI 4,. avf PC:t!ft VISttlr'..11211 e,,e.e.e.enaget I the It or. the Aliiine huarieetne-an I Thy blessed feet I tutrt wound le only. A (424(1 9434* man plans 573-4,4s 351 01 - I *4 '3 vcra '!? E:4±, 311 oht.; Reneefeetle ewateo out the telt. of these lakes, t40e356 istande, these fend- gather up *he long lost it-east/re11 of please and gratify Ineetecel. eeirtle eo es. essse tfet„.,- e 133 3 3154 e: Great farrtniee weaa theat at netts, are outs. the eeeeed Wee; y heart, oh, eee eset ameery with thought of the *eel hp otralet Ledo 1,1 te. v : mans or) the dress, or on the doer go among the street lamPs of heaven me. one hook Tbee were heaven. 35,4 the eeeeb, ort the hel'aiet when ahd see stretehing oft on every Cde Mtt all thes_e reunions ate heaven en- th,.y go out le battle. ot oh gags erred . witelerness of worWs- ur us tiles,- viteltrm iteavert,, heaverg overtopping tr.signe. The eseealelio sign ht some- Shine. For us thee' sang at a Savior's heaven, heaven commingling with threee a lien or a deegen 15 2.M nativitle For us t'heY win wheel Into heaven:" eeee ee arm,, leer!, lecate over tete I lite arta with their gaming torehes wag at, Mount. eeeeeeee sane %vent eart. iteteaftee shell be a etose, a, add to the slohnelor trU11111411 "."1 t into the dinDng-INIont whi,11 ou..* tke liaY ter uliatth aa other 4-1.7s gest president ereteetaited the prom- itere men of th.is anal othet lands. It Iamb etar.ding agale.st it rand a dave flying civet. Gthertheet et all es - 1 112 eveey battle 7 must lave ft kesaing e'er fiag-the dove, the teese, the :teethe ene what It tale tutatie, in the third walk ge around the eternal city. As we cense tear IL. k to the rush of Its eetatlots and e weddinet Teel of Its great towere, tytap rne In tl.jat.gc otte.st,art The bell of heaven has strue-le twelve. tivg. that tee ehlaay err term% It Is high neon. loek off nem), the .07han titar-ht „mei. It.fyy breast. that chaplets weetch never fade, the eyes never elese, the loved tenet that tever' part. the precession that neN.-er halts, c trees that never wither, the wate t never can be captured, the son that never •sets. until we tan no longer gaze, and we hide our eyes and ex- elatm, "Eye bath not seen nor ear heard, teither have entered into the the temples that .tke wetiel treey zee thet 7 locked to the - that neve? weeP, ieeve of fee Seeirlt and eleang to the 'Croes and deeetteletl emen the Lamb of God. te-hlele taketen away- the tin a the teorid, 'Ashamed cf Jezus, that dead friena, On whom hopes of life &pane; rtot Woaen bushbe tree my sbanne- Thatd no more revere Hts name. heart of man the things whten God bath prepared for them that love leirre." Next, I speak of the family sorrows. is these tIde 14 ° 3' Is e to retreat and hold fast lest be t' 6 v h If trouble comes to one member of the swept off and drowned in the erne - family, ail feel it. It ts the 'custom, after the body is lowered Into the grave,1 tions at gladnss and thanksgiving thet and triumner. for all the relatives to tome to -verge of the grave and look down intol What think you of the familY prop - IL First those nearest the departed erty? it is considered an honor to come then those next of kin, until they marry into a family where there is great wealth. Tim Lord, the bride- groom of earth ana heaven, offers you his heart and hie hand, saying in the words of the Canticles, "Rise up, The sadness of oue is the sadness of my love, my fair one, and come away. have all looked into the grave. Se, When, trouble and grief go down through the heart -of one member of the fe,mily, they go down through them all.: ill A company of. persons join hands, And onee having put ou thy hand the around an electric battery; the. two Persons at the end of the line touch the, 'battery and all the -circle feels the, 4111Ock. Thus, by reason of the filial,' Inaternal and paternal relationS of life; itfe .stand so close together that when: trouble sets ite battery an feel the thrill of distress. In the great Cinestlarr signet ring of his Iove, yeti will be endowed with all the wealth of earth and all the honors or hea.ven. Almost -every family loelts back to 14 hornestead-e.orne country place where you grew up. You sat on the doorsill. 'You heard the footsteps of the rain on the garret reof. You 'aini.Ier the sorrows of one ought to be 'swung on the gate. "Zott ransacked the sorrow of all. Is one persemeted2 the barn. you waded into the broek. MI at' Perseented. Dees one suffer You thrashed the orchard for apples with weaitit. le tooat relP Levaro-s "Y`..e Peer 1115 4' "--,:11 t':" ftiottql-114.1,N3 1110t /IVY treantnre ' heaven. We eau 1133 rtell o4. 2 ter ta•13 - 440'd 134s turning what Ave 7:1*„1,* Dt. over to• trtu,j. 54'o4 431 ‘.1 ueftro:". ft!... lie tiot atrgloan for 4340244'.‘• .10 , 1111- V -4-1h, not ralilleeer tier 1.12443e11' e t zat.1.110„. - this Ditte tty ValtIS44 tatine 3)5ec311`4v 34011*51. ciate 15 rput r: u54441 &Nbut only tenetiette. "11.st5,= "3 14:1: t-trY t vt.."aS 143 1.e:17 181e1":"..:riilngtasP"-11,-. 15;`" mre."" We 14230331 111003,1.03 34 leee- 81-e bnn.0pie 438 t" -e 1 '5ness atu2 yet erese.e, (evil teter 11.1! 7,2,4-2,.. 82431434411137.1 (91' whieh I speah: Spreei t401134g.5. int,* t1.-- . for a tr4-'?11- I 23- The life is 11`,i'Frra, titutle are to the at 441. ere= Tks, Goti wit() Evav ta r.• Tree by tire trive' gather the iivel"'t* tleinge-tete ete.:3 tele 1...e5v. we, ". wetee eet V.; Manner* o94 fruits for the table. T.a.he 4 e302'0.4. ,.ghe ehe set;,71,,..reeet,,,i este 41., tee, the eionterS fro'at the heavenilr ralmant. 'rite i;o:D 104' for yen te yeeds end preze thern into the treZlea * the taverat, tee Eine= and ale ntos', 4 -1-4,',•nie steente feeiew 1.411.4 hr tht lalfee imt's res4) 4.44,,, *.*,'r,.'$' *0.,00091'43',34' Tov get,etee. s-•`;1 ;e .ttatcardefoaehe. e-te-e earirsI! in the bread of whe-it lt a man 4 1115 dseiptss, 11p farmer ‚35943) 1'4)32''. , peelr we : enate -ee-, 8 e e'al e A . i\;a _Wagt".Vvr f , 7e.-....:-,,t. ..;.;., .l S" .' . ,4 41W•te - -. vi -iei- -. -te re e .e'y :El i,3::ne,1st•i i. • 0 4i,- ."., , t'";,,ii;t4, srt-447 e4, _at',_ „,e,0:e33-1313. -29.' 1 :; .. ' ':-,' gateS L2:.1V,4 k %: - .2 ur-, ivv., i t,tt..,;-„1,3 ?:::.-,rcr-:- 4.-. .. 'T1.:' .9'7:r5Ve1.54 71S : 1..fr..0 .: t:.C.*::::tl. teat te sanever hungerlalehekns '. :. e L .,33: '''";... l i.l kl wili fatttuniy foe i In.., y,,,u7,- „lo:041-1,„.io,-.1., sn, t..,., .7„,., „ ,„,..t , . ,I,..a,i,.... ,...„.z..,,„ ,., .,..1,.., 4,,4.;,,,4,, and enfwIne them antenvr,r the 1,:,-.`:.,-.:•s. ,'''‘,, Father knoweth that ye itave uwed 1-,i..,:t;,.r. e... -et- tee 11,-:,ouil. the shoeeeer0 gags of carthDy• conquest -1..,, 02,11211triz:. 't*Old:rme,,,t.,);.1 iittIe faith." "Feta* t,,t.i. yaw. tr:0,r tite t•n.T.•43..,,4 klt.-D. •••,1 4'4 . 7...s. The letts.:,,,S4 t Cia a ,Va zzt.', Wirt. *111.211) !l":,"':1,4-14•444 " , ' - ' •• - • ' 1% ' • ' . : E • .07....,..,,,, nIV t .: i'.0 3 Li, ii,: ',I. t 4? fIi,,,aita,..4. ar:44, I 4 L'.41,,:';.Z es ret.-4,.tr:C4:7:1L.::. Le. travid come 'with MS harp ar.lela- . briel -with his brunvet ecuti liirr.::Int ,, Iltonghtz. eov.',.itotts11: Is a gr4%-t4 . ni"...i,,,:i, settle,17ere nee retkreetet to. '. -nee. 0e:J.4,e ee....,, „,..., t:..z.:.. '4, 41 wI11 he tirabrel.fat ha prodigasaform of Ordlisint,ss and IverY,TV..by he 11 4'. tiV'-44IC.,.0 ,.vrl,..kt, ' feae e,- te 1 Te ee 'be tetee in , te. at heine. and the raptfves or-- •,,,•• , ,- • - mighty of heaven and the redi-salEd of anal the Fatther .hath invitea :i..e. il' storkvilfs'is.atiaii.;•srlr.:1 tinuarte-ozmiriletobttiznit;;Tog: ., t4igncwat if41!444ts, th.:... innts» the taant Avos in. Tit,waY : rtoe‘nerttnnt.nat4,a4irl.__ . ...- - .•Ae: :* rI I7T..1e,tl.•,7e.i1.:se•."474-'te:i::ye1....'tP earth to coma and dine! 1111 11110* trsIsar1°Illtes "*fg'T:a*f -._.. 1 to b., rih toward* ol. tut.01-i,ro:A;el Vst-t7llil:aC°11t11II:: - 11 41' netrt le 1 :qNF:1)avin:MP:' PRArrwkLstliVr.Y. R:':')*81::)::::01::::tth'r;yrnnnow 11fo.saty tit'. 1.0;eetion"Take:r::re tEel:am]ee:e:ee::t.,•- .. ,''•.;-:.:i.,.*,:.;t•tre.,e1e.,e.r,N. "..r-..4:0,-s.,t.f t:eeoittnof 1731 X lliItal beware 4)4 t,wetonsness?,ru1!:rr,,:-:f:tI.,,T,6,ti.•. 4) '1±4 :t-aiEat:t)1t-'l.. 43 0441 eeedprooller or Qubec!, is It in an awful sire sinee tire CpeTwnerenrele, d 1(ls 1Pcovetous 10 ea11:,13 nttug 1t1tbvst331 43 om N4„,,:i.",0::,:poteN4(241 t"'" tii*e(irariTo71;rN,"1;1t;sf;1*11**'077-fetcyte:r:The Deprtment of Agriculh11*,,t:iicv1;;114it;ss4itic!(11:ftert1„111z111.,1 I,1,{o:n:,r:::st derided to 3S. -.t10 a direetttrOf eei 1111111 Ot 011%it 414:Iting410111of (10!Nr4.1A-'W1Nali:in 1.t1',1ee)-teeesettL7eist:E34 44 Carmlian breedersOf live sto..k. Iowev,r, there is rot t Word in t;e otnr n(lientien ,.r 1111a4ar.Itind is 0341 it a.netth:411,t:T116r:i.-t e1 A. St. Louis ear and foundry c0te- 87'.t , ., ,ai1Itegriptnres eoe1.0) prcolv.e t11344 14 .trheis 34311'))si34311')) i i.tnet th:e peerr7te"nt'e' .f t 1.2,103 army-treae- wo7et7'b--e'e aer etei*e ;i..7ffei:e:e..7e:.d..e-..' ,1:1te1.:1nt" +ei;-;et:-tV-3"111e7e pany has hemanarded at contrt man was vile, Profane, oe a eleeeIort:7eree:inge ttsrfl..lerm1 .ettrts1-:,7:.,,-,j,..s05354 4 14) 57 for constructing '68 4)118433)14)01' (•""ar:d7 SOnSittit,t111 wee lost ‚3111504314)11 be- ri,bau31 e1.1 31 11 :15" (,n31 a11144..:31,1.4g,1,i es for the Government 'of New 7IIt eovetous worldigIn3e5;41 Yeeeratary and 4044 (11Wlkt11ihay rt.eitferei,benee?'4 landIlsecirenretaneeOr,wod tollip1oy1 n 1. 1154 reentry havhrived to 13131.9". 43 "21 4301. MrRPIngrateTreasurer of the he was teeHa prmit, vetatCape Towntlea weet ranee anipee04tan,.-Z-iioel;r;:S7'.re:Central VermontRailway, fell overi PertYR..0 111003441" `ts 4) "34 Pros1of reee:vng 942 11 41 3111 peprier teek,1r:a1,rtttcrt board from the stetner lohemint432'±1t3 atnded himHie ground enbeekatemI171 ,pfld *halt'5410 ries arec.xp,::1r4'fti':jest above the Lachine RapidHebrought frth pentfullyTitplot1 War togai•'52"L"4)4vfIc!all.v°lerrIP-47I2 451'144 reSeued by tItteInilanaftek surs and 1'0 9,,20-2.4 honeY ('0141o3 i bettero tlo genol leeW101 'iC,ISIN1Vleeri ,.:Th:.;t,1di being In the evatet twenty- Minutes. brieg to him 1.1'.. 'tad. From title pare- almost certain '1- 17.) 31491311 43314 October. trulia, .. tree- vete, ,Xty 114 • .4•' 4 1 ;an. 00443 31013134 4443,7 tile 4,- is &VA.' l:rte ',"te.tett ey 4'*'l431.t133434 014 ;tea ilate tele