The Herald, 1900-09-14, Page 2BOTHA DEFEATED; HIS FORCES FLED. Lydenburg Occupied by British Troops on Thursday. OUTFLANKED BY LAN HAMILTON. Report That Kruger and Steyn are Being Pursued by Hamilton—Oen. Theron Believed to HaVe Been Killed—Boers Persistent in Their Attacks on Ti ains—Australla Objects to Her iVien Staying hi Africa —Col. Ridley's Plucky Defence—Father O'Leary in London— Boer Prisoners at St. Helena. London, Sept. 0.—Telegrap1ilag to the War Office under date of Belfast, Sept. 7th, Lord Roberts says: , "-Gens. Dunde -'i and Brocklehurst occupied Lydento, eg yesterday. The forces of Gens. Buller and Hamiltott iwere then within five miles of the place, Their casualties were four wounded. • 0 Gen. Hart 1m teen engaging the .enemy at Krugersclorp for the last few da,ys, wit'i a view to driving -them from the railway. "The Boers left four dead on the field, one of whom is thought to 'be Om Theron. No one love yet recog- nized the node- as his, but the ixeekets Of the t!ceased vont:tined letters to 'Theron frena Oen. DP 'Wen rontainiug Official information ef BrIti-h mote- • ments. "Gen. Buller rerorts from foyelmo - burg that tit., Mee Owe his in di- ateleel, tome ef the troops haviing start- ed iter tilt north, atel tbe ethers toward Spiteneep. Most of 11a%. gaas, tOrtli nad nennainitten haitt leen sent, to Kregerspiest. " Major 'Whin, 4,14raltD3144P11 at Lf440Y- bran 1 wiith itenapaoy of tile Weerres. ter:It:tee+ awl the Wilt..itire Yeenettire, wietee etifieers liebeated most gallantly. The eaeht, fur their relief is dile to Gen. Drive Hamilton. wire airtrele-1 (nighty stales in heir mei et half A. dr-spate/A from thetforituni. of hipt. Ttli. says that the British Itit%e vale, tian41 Lyelenbat•g. Ti. /kers' were eteatatelett0' outman, teeenrea. They hotted tiarentitta the vtifeine in the alarestage Pagraltn, i4en. llaniton taitfiritatsei Vain on; the right., pausing them toe tam -mete the.r strotp: pooStEoles They :thaai. ito:Leal tIteir tertian*. ;reel foreci tee 4.*Kiter their retreat. s , Thea, prole:Anita fen short. an I tit.; Drla *Lust:a:kat no eatalniOttes, 33ers.ttiwass eater ro, litspiblitort the a.tr*.nii44 neoltlott the rtiersa hate olive thet. iiieolt the , at it.iys at Tiiarala IN rtVirt4-0 that tA-Preslatraits litra.ger niat Nti....tsna have ft.a.5 mot that .4.eit. Itillailttin 41....qtastAi ftois Lord itottetli-!'„ 4„1 INse,,a54, 4. -rate o literateenn pi-alien:nate to the !noel, UM- teti ineelentistret. aten. Muni. toe at.41s. re"IaK.aring the wrsy. !or ll - t59, t si tigatt*. Q.K.:ore Lt. iitak;,s4D ttasoLl test,i-ftt,•, Li .-i-,,er.Efirs.e.-11 TilLe 6.4 • 1111:11',,133r01:',1 tn. - Wra taL wet 4!.2t' tt,d,o 7i tt le urn to) 111.1? tpt2- .v...v,'111,.. 121' .....sArsons who *aptrir;.-•,11 VI:st- attLaek.i atiA a*rait:na,,s. taa :Ire rainr-ai TLaey al,pra,,isteat in rIlorts trains and seare..".y a day or e, .aeets:ents. ,K31e-i•i:,t-'y D -H -;;;:ss sic.at riILtsa52,1its the as -.171.; nerttl 2 L.A. dt t Thr, Et041-s 15 sT331.e:Jrant. .s.ar,•ti•es tr..4. trter-ii teenest fr anater Ti s date, that trizfiva4s K-: D.-•r.ers. t4:11.e.al ristran; at.t " • tc•-',tin - 07,•.)••:,* : tort set e - L. s:!..zjr.1 t,,t11%0 , Port tneter-te $14-2 4'1! 15. --tat It, Frontier !*•••• tat. 3"0 •••'! has ts, iyenar railr.•Koniat4,..,-,,:t, v, trne front - Australia Wants Tier 71fen. Snt. nit t felt e ! • 114* 1.to shera Inress at.2.1i.-,21t 2 v:2 tiLO patter. flat .t, Ces14 - * • - 6r1414.: 516 .'4Itt 555 »b., trnss-y ran: :s Treeiy :i the alr,yra 1-•easan fore -104516 ; Prf;ilti Y tN.:::a.111::4(1.10;54 would nave Ineen11,5 Itri. 'Seal -4'4n Prenfer New Zen - anal, declares that tie New Zealander rseeive me discharge arzi.ii 144 eturn to the Lyrae. Premier of New. s nth Weir's. has tr.o,:a urgral make. : prote.it to: the InvocarMI la.tovern-a 01141* agal:ast the se:forts to retain : -lausttatiin troops in South Africa - Col. ItMlests 1/efenee. • miontein.. Sept. 9.—The very ant defence reside bY esirmel 11.1(1' little bs.nd ill all unprepared ! ion against greatbr •superickr 115 has hardly received fuli jus - fl the.pness. It ranks among, est exploits of the war, and; One of which Cape Colony is proud, the force consisting almost entirely of colonists, The following extract from the line of communication orders issued by Gen. Kelly -Kenny on Monday shows the estimation la which lie holds the:se soldiers. It begine: ''The lieutenant -general commanding. the line of cominuakeitions wishes the following Weide:it to be made known through his cornet:we: • who, it says, has suceeeded in land. Ing on, St Helena. Front his aecounts of the conditions under which the Boer prisoners are detained It ap. pears that they are exceedingly well treated, and even complain of get- ting too fat. Those of their number on parole have been able to find work, while their comrades under min valiance are treated most eourteouft- ly and are allowed a vast extent of ground on whieh to take exercise. All mate in declaring that since tboy were made prisoners the only period of calm and tranquility of mind which they have experienced has been that spent in St. Helena, with whose Inbabitants they live on the best of terms. -- Kruger May Surrender. London, Sept. 10, 6 a. in. — The Boers seem to have been ashamed of their hasty retreat from Lydenburg, for, according to the London Daily Mail correspondent at Meritzburg, they returned after the town was occupied by the British, and shelled the place from the neighboring height without effect. There is no reliable indication as to the whereabouts or intentions of Kruger, but at Lorenzo Marquez it is reported that he is still at Nel- spruit. He is said to be calling In arms, with the object ol surrender. Ing. The Portuguese are strongly rein- forcing Rosen° Garcia, just across the border. No reason for this ac- tion is given, but it is believed that it rush of Transvaal fugitives is an- tieipated, and encroachment on Por- tuguese territory is consequently feared. In Orange River Colony matters are not going altogether favorably for the British, who haveit is stat- _ ++++++++++ ++++ ++++ +4 +44+ ++44 ++++ +4++ ++++4+++++44++-++ + CANADIANS REPULSE BOERS. Lord Roberts Says It was a Very Credit- able Performance. Salt, 7.—Lord Ileht rte rerorts frem Belfast under date 4) 1kt. 51/1. «s 144hov...: ''1,att 1 1.kskkil(4)11 tra vtireed Dub '01 4 11), ye sterdity %%id). slight " Dialer etagagell th • eneitan."81.ft,,thie moritlain Ifditon endenv- i ;rime ti f turn lite right. " 1;4,ers„ with twtt gnus mullet( 14 QM Ii% /an* thiinterning a t taelcol ten tneeenin elseurti, d lithintry enarding th • raliway between Pan and Wontieref6eitein. Mahon pre. tv,10,1 to their its4letanee. itut the garrbon Wel beaten eff the enemy lelore he arrived. It was 11 iry ere performative. Tit w‘taio,i ,1 were Slitjer tintindere :awl Lieut. Moenie, elightly, tied ts nia ':' 11011 are ailesinge" 4 • 4.01)It Ititin-yo with abeint 2.1tt sa tuatt.tiy ea...of:lea troop« — tentette.town tteenateerse-wileie ea:entree:1 an a reetea.- als-sesesamo satrlio•aeli i4tilrhaietretsi amen nelrel, was eat. P,It at mirre.inah..st wifit tit1'16- sweats with the. i gaiett, "Intliene unit inn itttle foreat. Ireital•h- Otion tante two theses eteoltaeg atel Tilts fl1'4 n1 1 hr. e raApiriz.. OA %LT ft-Itit, lc %ova taelielost.Triseetainity tit *Ceinsii-ted r-airr ;nal,•,r vs-lira:qv it irry wta. Linea ant waten re L. '-`011.4K ren1tizitt=a,:t.,4*00. Irrims t eallaNt. tee, tea id"f 11,./ ar...K.1,,,,44.•at...1 moo. Vale v.4 ta-.1,4k0.11,11:J4 1..I.VKIV 4 felt Tterg .41 twig. 1.,ItAt..0r.i11,1) • ii.01;s13 itteie lets tiEet-e • sat. in 1ie.-115..E.2. ,t.) b 1, adz: ti in 1,iya. 44 t1,- first arzsrs iv- *tit rI its.g at tit.* tat.,tro2,40.31.4 was a wr, as's. Of A.frs.......ta r 3 1. • 3.1A4.3.3e''s Tra- fa:g4er square.. le Lineal:mat aln Lanoltati. taietevina„ seot. i'aatnete le.en,et 41 t`,.01Ca,i!,;,• ,a„oE.11:, lLss Er.,U 41,0. i/t71,,.11 D11: n 1' Vote. e itnin :nen- ba A ea tet- te:en- eat:took az! eliesane'etein- ine) --tenth . t•:.n;I:1:, levet. ;nett tenneentne vettia gi tu s!eatt eNteesnie .;11,Lsii r:2 JJ art • t'n••=, fro47..t., iiitithaasitIes in- , _ — #4,1 iti n fseentota lehtal telegram. 4 ‘,14•III4tP4 ti ti ItaAt StniNgt110. It4lUda na, inearateberg mut LailY. iT;i4ogo f)t•NA,'et'e bons Waled. Ideation, 'S rape Tow eg 4 4011`,..141.:00eNt., 44; 1ta retie - atom At 1 tva that 'ten, no, WU, 11.4 t - td -05110,41 fieviele tint lie 'iv fintut reel. Pito ase.tas hi s.' 1ss :Atte ithe wet r„ 4104,1 11101,4 War. PlAw .4 4/ 111,444T ieffilpliell V....Virus ion ss,..s,t. 1st sit ;;.-.;•••ii• that Chi. no; vs lrts ii,• th-F ttssq •... ' 1.I.sre. 23021/ tettraiii rofftits 18P31 10-Pt1 'IME:119I144.4 fl)P torah treh noel fen arts ‘• s girinaher 14 11riih « Ur11., taenade t4 the itaeost ,-• 4.. a hitialidted tiff 1: Lg41:5$1111* Ottatm, &cyd, tril2llnt4.10112tr22e...,222.12 iltst ii.J +14 anti n'etitou ?lien SRUR'4:Alir.i 541"V: CC t shi -5V11!' 1 010 -S j • tr,r, s 1,21,, 1,*1;1.2si i i iUo. AWFUL HURRICANE AT fiALVESTO. One Thousand People Lose Their Lives in That City. 4,000 HOUSES SWEPT AWAY. Southern Texas Visited by a Hurricane and Tidal Wave—Big Steamers Stranded—Substantial Buildings Blown Down—City Entirely Sub- merged—Houston Also Suffers Severely—Smithville Wrecked -- Testimony of an Eye-Witness—Some of the.Dead. "AuFtin, Texas, Sept. 9,--Informa- ii0,13 hex just reached me that about 000 lives have be' lost at Calves - tell, with eaornmuit elestruetioa of pro- •perty. No information from other points. (Signed) "John In netners, Governor." — DISASTER AT GALla5E..TON. An Eye -Witness Tells of the Terrible Scenes in That City. Houston, Texas, Sept, 9, 10 it, The West In:11a storm which reached the iota coast yesterday morning w rl tiwfti ha o IU T4N.:6S, porn are tsarina:nee but it is kIlOWli that an appalling disaster has liefal- len the city of Galen:tom where IL is revert -I a /lawmen 1 or more lives heave 11 il!,-).,t;k1 (MU and tk tremen- dons pn.pern% elamage bas Ite:11 in - mare 1 ttleegre rep:ens fro» Sabin s l'aes an 1 Vert Artior alko bur:rate a heave ete, rn'e„ bat tirse reverts caloon ks reierrue 1 at tlia4 how. rr-et, new.: Lti ren..11 this eke) fron. etr.elem e•a0 Graiveiteene wee: Pia gat. JaIll'S 1'. Tim— Le Hoot -nom and who is the seiperintlendent of the Na- tien.4 cettapreass tentaltany. arrie0.1 In fie. e‘ne oeinght from ltal- teetete. 11, WI -ti oit th first to meta le re' w1th t likk,49 • rf tit • etrei0 ' now entirely submerged and eut off from communication. The boats are gone; the railroads cannot be oper- ated ; and the water is so high peo- ple cannot walk out by way of the bridge across the bay, even should that bridge be standing'. Provisions will be badly needed, as a great majority of the people lost all they had. The waterwoiks pow- er house was wreeked, and a water famine is threatened, as the aster/et were all ruined by the overflow of salt nwater. This :Sir. TIM1111 11H in - garde as the most serious problem to be Owed now. The eity is in dark- ness, the eleetrie plant having been ruined. There is no way of esti- mating the property damage at, pre- sent. ofar as he meld see or hear, Mr. Timmins says the east end portion of the elty, which is the residence distriet, has been praetically iviped out of existenee, Ilit he west end whieh Awes the tiuif itvouttlwr portion of the island, welt haver( W85 done. The beaelt has been SWipt elean, the Itittlelionses are klk'NraW' 4'4, and many or the reeitieurce are total wreelee Train Wrecked.' The Santa re tram, vvhieli toft here at 744/ Sataarday ntght„ wee Wiwi:fel at a point two (11111/4'S 111.41.11 has b fiellen tient LI4 PiP:Pallitte.1-' • I! t kl,Nt-te; te .11 ikeetive• sof his VII - 5. nitelo hove. eenut,In., 'lir the t.b th*leorrronite or entograny.: from intil,vettet eon a t..'1''. 115.1 cant^ aeroei 'to; r'itsr.••&obit. waient VatCprIlt 40 '. 4 5 rt 04' 11 etedon °irks ionirr'31tive Mr.' • 11..\VAN (ICK, wymst *-% er leant Petejile e -t veil* eitt pie lev e.„tir.eic* *4 Ott ee,e. e‘, vex, ti 1.1e1.t , •zis-tat resaitosnen. teen ° earet titat at Ileset %Align pe t+4.43 SIC 41+41.",'',i.1. 111.41. , Si50.1 9A.Ft'4 Ot40 hat 'DB 4414 t. 5hns etas..e,Ki v!..L;rio 1. u PAY- 74:Jainit.L4 a..1, --.;;;K. is a L the neattee1ri 11LI fean the AAA 111.4.ateri, Wats user ILt 1s4t l th lisr.r.vrean Qi tlowItsr .25 411 itin5Dg',4 rat eir„ e 145 -Iff.,e2•69 11:211V.12.24 123'.4! 552 tt.r 'I. tj waves. •61561 tii' *4 1t tILe inarsart 1 1 -Q711-4. attall 5 6- $0101 55,h111?.... a vz, ritt Kat tlet--uais L.:: it 11 1.•,1 nit.Aut. trticts -.bah Q-K•t.- 11Vriklfg t1+11 w,r.itt s :Zs kr -146 1a,"i.; hi.t.ATLL w•LliEL Litz)! art.i trtiat.L.r s•Lr aw,azi wait II 112' ,- 't121 -.22t t4:21',2" wios sa- ILI arLA r i...r.s.t..4-a5it at .:2335:i. sav-pti, .4;u 1r....u,.]!1 1 Itike if \him .Mrs. Prather. of Insegartrit. Texas. was lealeti and stator:el %% ere ninareri, 'rite tram was i' 111115115 1%.104.11 t ton.emattaired the. tette:inn It b. reported t lett th.' train Wilt. literalize lifted front vile. tenet. Mre Prather was thrown as -roe. 515 ear and hallway Milt:ilia a wielett When the. ear %WI" reneli,e1 at u:e• Anioni that her head had h. en lagetnr water anal that ele • wtie aroweceil 4 uta = Kansas & Texas Itailwa,y. A number of persons are reported killed. The, railroad and telegraph companies have g'Lugs awl wreaking ireful; out at-- tempting to work their way south. but 'the fierceness of the storm makes it impossible for them to galn, any ItendwaY, having to seek shelter In or- der to save their lives. The atom at Temple was setere, and fears are entertained that the city le badly wre:lced, The railroad officials say it is imposahle to move trains south of Courtney, North -bound triiins from Houston last night were! from 15 to 18 hours' late. m A private message from San Atte! tonic) states that a serious, disasterc occurred at Corpus Christi, Rockport, and other coast towns, the nature of' which cannot be determined. All 'the railroads southward front Dallas at noon issued a bulletin in- structing their agents to disc:entitled. the sale of tickets or accepting,w freight for the South until furthe orders. --- ENORMOUS LOSS OP larE. Two Hundred Corpses Counted From! a Relief Train. Dallas, Texas, Sept. 0.—The follow- ing telegramhas been received from, Houston by the News: 'Relef train just returned. They could not get closer than six miles or. Airginla Point, where the prairie waft. covered with lumber, debris, pianos, trunks, and dead bodies. Two hund- red corpses were minuted from the train. A large steamer is stranded two miles tbts side of Virginia Point, as though thrown up by a tidal wave. Nothing can be aeon of Gal- veston. Two men were picked up who floated ac'ros's to the mainland, who say they estimate the IOSS nf litre up• to the time they left nt.2.000," The above message is addressed to Superintendent Felton, Dallas, arid molten from Mr. Vainrhan, manager of the Western Won office at Eonstots .. WILL !MI IN PEKIN ritain, Germany and Japan Will Stay in Capital, RUSSIA, FRANDE AND U. S. 1,14 *rat' 1E 'S from the 141140„t013. IM 11 antin—Ialtereet- olsenient. eat Pekin. 11150*)Viet GttPil '=.!t041. WV:a mbakt illirtt,pearn pit OOP Mal"' afltiorr4 th .re. It a:lieu's thrift, '*''i((ontre ralibiti.11) peamelonan, Ntortha.:ratt ree.os. gt:114 •'19144: 4°11:7;1,181.'1' '0! :4,150101".1111Vikkx":11.11', 144'^1:111111t. ;PITS 1ss gP1V, tirlit4raD+1311. 1PO1P'. 11 th Pf.tent 1. dostrkt.4341 tak ivatttk, donee %net .ialisagii.° 64151III...mil "Nally 10 -'05 tt .reAtp. a new rt141t4L4i1 lama t ion WrIV. 1*. -41,4 on tug. edheeeltari. Raneee Teenie. revs' 'egad tone tenting' betting iana ra)heint ealltatanet wipeal eent toy iv. sterna. 'rho 'inuro ri e,. tesIrea tee t bola. likkblnk::4 TVW tr.t.to hrwigatit 5141 caul v1,145151 40.4 5,, 1,4. infuir What 1.0,;111. V5•104 trLPfil 1*55 telenr,e, fee I to a 154,! h455„.4pppoll,er.14.5145 tkl, totters- or leer peteett, heti 44 r01011, Wk. t rE.P.,414A0 ft(/' tile 1,*514a5e15• 1191 vs5E$144 5ee5,4:44. f • tga. ticrinal Minister, tris iii-tooteA, had Is orinfineal imIer • ao, aa..5.4-e4 4590v44.1 . 5, 5n5 544* *11 5reeks1irT-4 va4,4S 44,9 e1„,•,;1<!J1 *eh. iIK.....-155*1tto3 vs: ti.ra ft,rty Itt Puhtt teeeeege .0, 4)561. so, e oe ee4 neneen. no ea -a. n teen 0neele616*9e144. %lee *4 Blume:: irs••• 11. oar- teen ,a -tv"rgi.-11,, first Day the Itee,..ai. eaks,i op.z, 1t.51111113 1616.114 15 51a34- P 4VA filiV0110:4 111,' 1444111. ,I11i eOtte-re ter the reiact lenteft1itteita. .-• la :4 V.i‘lot;:ti :40'4.4444,D - ha it att.5146 Orna*.. 516445414 ta•L•zK 5451 1 1 56. 10. - VA:4 it 50 .S447141T—Ikti!''';1)11:01:.,!:.110-1,5-treLfilta- e.,„tette . - 5151 t* 11 V.; z.oz 11 gy 64 11*4*41 tro, th, r 13'0 95#D 1144. Lsorr.tifi2,- tor tel. eiotteamineea 1615114 5*t1514 %1; ;. .4 IN WV; 115* tea 00 ;iliatto,..4 to„ 01..ee,e1 teuelt, eite ttat 1 16*1 /!;,wwit.E.,,, It N., 11111! elnel hu eteentall ,:i.)..r4D takes. tl'-T]n?.iir,V,i,z; 1/L41. 46;,..5ailu'5511,, ittcat,din 16„4:57,sh gove,„ 11 • „I!'-'1:1' ' anti tili-it the t.s. 16115s -41i165 and reenellit %styli net *645,165) .1• !, wain; ittaw tto T45. "ruck!*54 16'1"21 4 5'.11''''.J4115. aro !' "Intt.t.v. *Etta tereat tene-t,ne'ne ileteee :trona :•K atai.4;:at".ss:, or. Okvs., 04 1)4 1„e st: i615* 1t ne.rntea- oto, 5.:14 En:melee, 'Villain W. ti,e telfereetes tirilhsee Nan tULP ti:111i'dd• 4115 Stett:tis 4 4 4:,•,•''4'7 intinlay. In tele mort tel the 1.6* 566! 56456 09 Ou tt*V•4 Mrce, eeteet II:s "Sfanesty was tortAitet with identigieD. rsltl ;c.'1U,',-..!:14s;i'l'i2.4-..s 1:)g‘ 511:6E.r.;2-14.,;161 • :411 Oh:041' 01555, A ttogn$(:11:11 t.t it Mut in the les5 verer.on eiltirent Damage al lifen. t ‘, ton. tiiis phrase doss not ap- 14 11-4.1,4%.,..a Vrasi t, . • oneeg, 101 EQ4.71,.:r1L4,,,...4.4%. -eon Doe,. TUtf.. 11.1:,..Tk 14:5*5*5*' Peng314 451 4I15 g nitteet, tk;,76.:*,"-Itt- Iltaretta 55 11 (V•'11tiont south of Pekl'n. .,;:ctSgadro, ,n„,e: ▪ 5j516 0`111",44. met with 110 t'fASO.ItEitti. *6 16 LA Mg 'IN'trce men or the SeAthi wais wreek tie WI sive. Canted istaitee Catvalry deleated feta maniks Doxers lait the inatferial hunting park., sz165iere1 5 P tile ePit:'1%it S161.te-410.16 Itt tidirlY of 'Mom and etiptatrhag 0.17 w44 54 (S. a ,SL, rtila 11.1],4 The Boxers were ro.v. 116 1'L of 7 Le • f4-1631.13'.:-.41 wirth s:NPAr4 an.4 swords. • n went Intenle v.-cern...I Zit-eerie- aen- enniten ty ws,i. *tem- ileitain Will Net Leave. ten IF Vc—In ti p 5o041581* IA ttto-LNsterie entencili eeisterill** Right nom Cirera'a,gs t'K'Eutl tk4 .U2-” ize.-i'tetrary of State onielag,..aino• nes. *AB at wasy «b434tnt16116 osszazitIal tinnineos sa unmet:eatteeet11 11a1'gestIalco5a,..1 with the CAI- th--- tl1,515115 iieveriaMBetqt to 116e. b11*e,,51!±,Z.lit tnes.Iits n55 1 einoettareatoc. !; to ra sett:s1net.ry- terralatrttion. the Iii -Art of the '! Relish Coven:anent <holm th. mat - t11:14 • !;:qt- 55' '5 43161 '11*(52a1115*' 555165* "114 16 -td_ ea lit:ez. of1 ,Or 1e514'r...a5 x:4- trola tho tossitIon • sa:Nre-a Te,••••••'6,r,4, • wfirtni %ton. ottenred Vas hearers Cleat It` 41(6 5064-61. 21* uone taa naz...th7,07,g nevi seate pr0p116*1 5141 -'.0151' 2*51ff5 atat for:erase. ; the Qtevertiment would not be a patty retaerow tecap.s eve 11'e.6104ra14:r3. Anorher train 1,Citi ieft 54' ("401,7- t°1:0*. pper,,(912 itor yttittaett- t........s..r.zi. making ei 5* t'4 tosheY. The! white Ineo-1,,e, :.;,eo,-„tary 01Kate for.: neeelei groin, as nig whn!.4 are pros -i feel the targ,-,st vonamereitil interests Heine Affairs, said that Great Britain., trate g hi Ciihen. She stoall not adhere to any A tratin came In on tee ColizerdIa .trastrozi,c.nt, l'otiwnY 511%1'' evt-nLIC.-t 1t1681 ixpr....sacnt that stiP had tri'• mtratry threngia wine!, tees- pass.el. she tps7stion of rttIrement, Sir Ma Centitetor Fergalsron that thew tr4:44.:Pee,i 161555 165' wouhl catty „ 54.1, 594555444, CAVCIVi C -1-4(i -orchards the Govc-rnnunli. u-nnifi not be satisile ileve 516 11 and great *16 ''O4 with any arrangeinrsat Which ee,Lc. A- 11,- Postrzt .tIerit, •havoive; (5 -15 pun'isinnent for s's nartel that at Oyster the 51' 49 lir,!:11 dame. and the nstabltenne vnew ar16.1 Ivan) erlf,s, (aid of seihirity In the future. frotril a negro woman fast.'.ned man, • formel her risairlas there were others; To Resole the Emperor. -(x.af, ' t„0 in- --.. • i un et tolhe. rofl,nadrintgi fatufitreil; sue=ajdriii.;141 raeii -- switch datea S pt 8th, says rel,s;:tnnall,onti,t-Zer.t1110e.—sTutiTitedSfilridarnghtliani•e,t;i):- (6:o11:.»:e1;„. tle,'"Ife..:.U''the train' arrived at thJ Angleton, 41.11 the c•inirelleS tinge and SiingeFan, Manchn Vieeroy 1:111 down. Many fettaitiet ars known to • Inonber of lious';`5; had Inon blown with a large force to reeeee the. E .11,1:erloor.sterteil northward on 5t train stopped only n few in:antes, midin ImpTslisiealetoarfeex.infilleaut 14a,:indsisstzhva have. ofteurred Angle:tern bat the not be learned. At Angleton the !OM- aiming to prove Vett the Dowager E the lennber of killee and names could dinotor dna-hind to return to Houston, laPiotrPtaq.14c.ekoNcs:no,e,,,,slIttelltr:t7nIle.i°1°,reueeetigirreF'aanntd°twa ss*, tite ex en of ,ite damage beyond Angleton is not known. On the return of 'demolished Louses, No More British Troops. trip, the crew save the debr;s of dozens London, Snot. 10.—A despatch to t Tekgraph front Hong Ken Sralthville Demolished. dated Snee. Sth, seys that Gen. Gas he, the British comniarider, has test A eyelone hag demolished' a part of graphed to the .Governmeitt to send helown of Sinithville, on the Wismar!, more troops to China, S .1J. Inirt5;,' ft,. . r, - • 55, 156. I5 5v..„ ,„„ • -- 119 M',:•••1 tr.'t , , SIX CANADIANS Kill fIrttawn, ro*.: cat4e.: reeete.e, to -day: "Ifklifontaa-in. 7.--r......;5arrtslinat to rays .T.571a sae-tien- t:4,r, et. !kn.:” e. rIztt.11.,:a.ez:tr, 13 rs and then of larva '74.tent fe-• Ter'e 1' (5556, tree, srito-I Arnyz,:" It.-5.1.7.trataesa rara,anCetrel In thy- tr.-1:-.,tra.r.i ssr.ny iaissIsrg. sIoot.,..11 i'tlx13-;t1t;:5,; tft-n-lat'oei'n= e1aearto Strono.. ,aSintooni elet.eti nectta tereking slat, --T1tii to 117:4. f.Y14.--ar:•K Is hs copal Lan Is In Lon.I.E.v.z. Doita Lrast Lansdovvis,:s tn,th, y_o_w4a anl 4.;1 ri.Tpla.,etzy swir.ria • 11.710 flg.brittr.4 _toe e:sew...tre has 51.5545016 11161, irather :Aids Doers Talk. olr Trekking. Coot Town, S-nt. Itealveras Naintivav-s his lite -sross,al dr- Matzelf ;erg. tea snineis east Lytlerarlirg„ and hito itetIsin with the, The orsennatIon of Lydenlairg, tasylk. plarse Ttsitirs:Fay, Ls regarded marh.'aig one of tit-* last stel,...tes. The Boers now t,rilk of trcntking into Ger- man t,trritorey. _Lord lit'tiltr.n IA marching rat Lieli- traniaurg from, llakki-ng- - It ES said pap;zars seized at Pre.torh show that the Netherlands Railway Coninany In many W414 .5 actively as - *54414:41 th, Doers. It coriverted its work - rations Into arsc.nals and proti,,hal Transvaal forets with horseshoes. 16 -3:- Batt, ••=trKil fir-gt. C. 45. Stnigh 5* 5,', rd., -3‘oth Vorn..I. IA% 11. it., 71 61 pt.,. srtiwit, v. it., firs-. 1 Pte. $5. Hayward, it. C. R., :v.:: • Pte. as Armstrong, D. C. R., " Pte., C. E. Itoris,m, C. IL, • Pte. F. tfrant, it.. 25e5 Pte. D. Ilar,1•11,y. R. c. IL, 1 1. . it, Qt. IL, :h..' 15. . A- 1.114rii'an, r. in „en! J. th Daelieni, R. C. ft., 'ten Pito, IF, Ps:ire:eft, t". Ptr. tr-got. -11---gt. C. Ara Pte. len Innis. t'. to, toilet Itsge.: Pte. 01. Men nail, it. 57. 16 Pt•:... P. ilassezt, 196161*., C. M. E., : Pte. :Of. P. Matters, : It. (*:. It., Pte. T. G.. Batt.: Pte. E. ertat.e, B. 5". it., Sth Regt.: Pte. N. L. Mteley. in In 14, ; gto Pts. W. ;:leeenfort, time Batt., Ce R., 513; 'Pte. It. 4*h-i4.q14, ; 12:1: 116. Therape-oe It. C. In, -13rel Regto Pte. E. P. iteee, mat., it; Mt idl; Pt.. J. li,eaten, I, 3144., 3rd Regt.; Pte. 0. Derrell, 16 -sr Batt., R. C. A., tizli C. A. Ths undeteneat,neitel have 557-14 •valided to Phit.i.laist from dates en posite. thsafr TinT1IfY4: C,115t. - f.:Vtivirt rt, te A., July 7t16 : Iniete, 15, C. Ito July Lion!. P., Lanboloo Ft. C, Fen .tug. nOth: _Mite :11. /form., ritirse, sesond eorts_ingent, Aug- 30th. By arrangement brtivrseu the Parties -thez,IpetionpLeptior.k4 pro teening Lomeli eleetions ' W". "p g teatre, t bourne, Delon -due, Russell, Iiiildonan, 0eautifut Plains% Itosc‘nfel,1 and Birtle •frave been withdrawn. • tv.„0.4 1*115-14 rh....v.a. 155...,3 22. 22: - rat eLQ-IteEss_ Atia4a...r., the !P6A 4.12V : CE2nV-8... 255': 4'2s.5 112,t 1741/ DItah :Stan- ley V. pa-rsrseriiI rato.riage.r, 516* Ell,•;;14r3r-tio,ro4t.s.41,4-:.- steanisio:n Itaare; and turairrizer Me- • 5"iiitit,Pia's Cot t.saii g In :*.eretiary • 15.5,2116-y. 1Z11::vrr .5164.55516 %,va:tteti's 4•i -4-4t SZ:1 V.4 ttie 7 • I • ' 111, C15515* ;leper stone Ise: -.are the erast% -ante- •• 55 WW.; 55461 51511 f"todisin sytuni and toili iho to4qi-:tats ttse.re ,..troanA, end IT this proves taw- the • Ott life witt as in- t:tatter:us were 41 w161, zoirl th,F were san'srefeatnai ttie 1161411.56144 *511:4 t1,:*5 5534855 15,416 t:lk*'51 tr.U, 211?. Thralatns , was thezse.- feet *16:*: in rettinAsi I trip, Tarennnt lteatar-34, an: was slx feet in rasp, niarktt, ssitt•Qre. Atong th, wator 5r. --sat Ariz -nage 6411* ,... great. Via... or.v•D ;ht. -4,N 7o-wt1 lieni an the a ';41;-121.1.:,,,, n!..!11 heels allor;:ag the urli.itsve. were eTthset. 05 10:.•A Lr -."..1' 06650 s 06.1T liIFI-1")IST;;11. 1S1:,118 n177: Lrl 121)e tr:1 •foe'fectsi, 01:L61 141-.,3 4:14 44 wiinrvet 1.0a0.T.11 sh • nor. There it a snieti steam - ter asnore three totes naerna of Pea- 7.noret, tat, tittra...tiee enall net. :etineeninla titer iseine. Set. woe anyreng British Eng-. Autetthee I vesete foes :eon driven adirtee eve PK -4115, fast.ostii-r agr.s..iarisl at Texas ,tt it/. scyatti priint Houston -.6*vnil 5113 *1111416411(!W14'1615!* 461 169 04 • *ost4i*t'ui. 'l'sn 6:55165615514 5161045 eirks tteivestote 15-16114 and fast -,....4.ronnal as Dativar Pohit. Thamins and stli, int -an with Wei th.a. ire/looser reser:v..1 51417 FOLiarg t em sho naddie tay who Ind teen :vary. !IOM'S T71 OUP TilfW1 ▪ forPigiaPrS, titel to1714.3 pli21 41q eformathen from them. A wrinik of a ‘f-ssel winch tOrike,1 Ilkf! /5 1•111,- StVialit tut:: ^M/3 0.1•SM'Irtil 1)1.401`e tb.eretrty th? hay the carcasses of nearly :.:09 /101"SP4 ;MI IltIth'S 'were seen, has no human body 'VMS • City Entirety Submerged. The scenes during the storm, Mr. Sliming could not he O.,seribeil. W‘Sklell and children were erowded kite 11t, Tremont Hotel, where be was seek- ing 'le.lter, and all night these an:or- tuisates were he:northing- their losses. °lire 7kgluad117rdlet allandd fr°onoum7of71t11:: hotel. grouped about, the stairways and in 'hat, was occurring in other parts f the ,cit,y he could. only conjecture. The city of Galveston, he says, is „ wing' At St. Iletena. A reeent issue of th, London Daily Graph's! hes the following from its Paris torraspondent: The Journal to -day publishes a 1011g fetter /rein ono of its representatives, 5 storY tkatio oral desenation Itie otser the pow*A`a. likierritng