The Herald, 1900-08-17, Page 13z �. - _—_ -,-- - ,-, .__ - r . I I .. I I � � . ----,-�___--N^---,--,,%,%---,%,—,,-�� --- "n I I �? . A I A herikap "in the Dark I e arents?" In. [Alfred Anstruther, more I Interested than before. I I "No," 8110 answered, her faceturn. Ing scarlet its site spoke, "andthat's why I'm SO lonely" her thoughts Came bubbling up 'in words. I R My father had large estates here once, but tile COttw9e I%, all we haveleft now -and -and -I dan't say lie was a particularly wise or prudent man, but lie was unfortunate; they might have forgiven him his follies, I think, but they would riot Torgive him his misfortunes. They -these Misfortunes* They - these people ,rell-she jerked her li,ead towards ILL . tile manor, "treated him, in their Polite, cruel way, like a parlah and till outmet-he died -partly of shame, I know." But t1my are good Christ, ianS, very," &lie added, with a quick satirlon.1 curl of her lip; ,;they give Me long lectures about the world, the flesh and the devil, land are so gluxions that my feet should keepin the right way that the rector'speo- Pie have installed Me [IS or. ganist and nursery gover nes.., for the munificent sunt of firty Ponads a yetir. But what i,Iglit likiye you to be asking we thaso questions T' shia added angrily, "inalking me tell A`Ou th4lga I hate to talk aLout; Lut it doesn't matter, I'm at hom., now, and I V011% huplpot,I,� I ,�hall eversee you alp A ,�nt CROLDil-IIL-gr1lb. Good-bye." ,\� yet/ he answered, as lie heN her small hand. fast. A change lind � crept into his voice, as wAl as into bli eyes, aye. and intp IiIi heart also, as lie beard tile briel! revelatio.t. of her life, and looked upon. tit- liot, troubled face. " y0a (10113 th'ilk I've bvell ru!e lit talking to you, .tail inlijuting my eompaii,y on you like this ?11 I " Uo��d gracious, no!" "ip atiswcorei!, snatching her hand away, "it I.; qult,�I as initell. mv fault a; yours. I only 110110 1101,01i Ilas Seen ilk;, that's ,ill, oil your charti.eter won!t ba ivorth mut-li to -morrow." "No matter about mine," li.,� art- swered *. "but If I 11v ar .I ulart 1,reathe � tIL I. sparag-Ing vyord of youra;, III wring h's Itack.11 ; " 0-outi-IlIght", NIke sal I agaill. with. ont 1­�X!114 his words I "and go ilway, pl,"Is"'; If ,volt stand lolt-Iling alola here. Wit AI.Ldwe vvill set till! dog at you. i,li,,'H horrIldy afral. I of till ��vs.^' Slt�, walk -M raiihily 111) tho littlo glaw, pathwa-v to tltf' Cottag?%, will th.-civ, it lo.)k o4r liz,r .%honWer tit him -is I A -It-.- witi-re I aud slitilt the tVir. Ilti vve,,tt It's way WILIi tli-, utu�-­vitrrinit of It*.,: rature sLIrr;,q.-, an -1 thinking how tti,turgoly tlL I got) I thbig-4 of tills ivor I te,nn to bo 41!stit out,ol, awl linr elure.1,,- 1:110-I Al's of tllo fafll -r nro xlelte.l Illioll thA- children. Very thoughtful Auld grave It I was. w: III stro It. "-1!1wl..' aloag kind apostrophlzol ItImselt thus - .*D14-1, .111st-rutlim., Aiou grtllt'. la7y, ItAkitig woundwl ! witat 1111,111f S -Z ha%v I yon to I.* IIN ing OIL th� ro,(* .kll,4 A11.1111- , pagne of JIf%,, mr1illp a piting thlar, like I .tLk.q,A�prltq 11ard for Iv4,%Im%gar onty, tka'I 14-111t)&", Pair Illit'. I stIllit"n't vvoid�,,r it jah-A t�otvpurts h -r 111111t-Ap- lightful 014.1 lady, lit) %loulit; .- InII%t ;�':Iik;- It �r nt-tinalt.tnaro." III. coul'ill't ll�.Ip tilinkill-. lio%v ll..I%ll%- tit,, %%-�orld pro.,, -Il ul�oa one Pair A off frngilv Rntiluha%� .-hanl-l�,r.., while hil; bv( , on,l 1--wic III.!" %eare-Av .4. fqath.-04 ,.ve!ght v: ewte! 11 Poor Kti., Nathloon," litI inurin-tro 1, I.!tt1Igr, ILI-; lip -3 (1w,,Il ,L-arem- uog�y ul,oIi linr nanw, an.1 h. -r fa -w- %rath. I,,, vat -1-1 lichl.ii art I mhftk'0wA4 t"attor-011 lv4ore IAN 'P-ei. Ilk- had $rvt withU tvos ' .11tv --ia�-,I-; o., th. U-noi.r IgAoAs. %vit-n It- %�&i ag-Vo4',k!4 Ity an � At ­eri, .%6j%i1%1l, A a-twt, vo.' imadc kit, or �­:O.s 1,etweelt a ginitlenlan awl a tio;lor. ­JU�g your partton, All," li� mill, tonrlinor lubi lint stl3nittly, "but murd you w,,?1D nitI h -)vv, fai I aiti from orme M:mor?" . , 1041're vlo.4"! to it, h'-ro It I.-," re. vl,Nil Ur Aivstruth,.r. Tlr� mail etared. at th., gates, gave It :U,kv wh;�Ale, FAAN-Ing: " Fhw i'lac�!-;nightv flne! What In 'k iqnac li. opI.A have." Tit's was eat I part- Iy t(� lrr%16� If, -.Ili ha walke.1 it few ett ,ps by AwQtI-utII5,r's sid-I. 1-11erh III—; voi ,.o -,Il I U.?If ni-�, th � nam-� of tile IPA rty A Ucloags to, sir 71' he added. ­ I 1,ekeve it L4 omuivlr,�.I by it great ;�%,,.,%­ 'pat tIo-s" aq yon vall ill .m. , re- pj.e i Ain,truth -r, miruy,' vot 11king to J,.t'.4. fl!�4 tIA0:TglIJ.'4 4f.L'4trIIl',d llv-, .1 ,t�%I_,r,��r'.; tnlii. 11 I (*ar,say Ili -r:, aro 1--fty lloqu-,,.; Insi-If!. till vix­;: if voll . -Nkat th! lo lg�� ill A portk�r will tell 'V(,Il ­ � . where to Md th! Iqwvlal 'Imrcy' v.011 . . . I want-Urttr !,;, It ymi want allyfxil�y," .�q 11 ILp lO.,9L­.I kit tit A malt ask -ant v. � Th Ink, vorl, 141t I won't go "Illy L.,dVth-.r to_,,! -lit,- h.! apsiviret- I m qq - 01 I sniPer, .11111 I alw�lys r��Von- t.o- ne lily grouni bt-for3 I go Into It . � lt,t* -,.*, Ile touch -A )it,; hat all.' .0 V.;i Iko I 0:1. ­Thv , - at fellow's up to 00 90041," thought .%,tistruther, -watening lilin to lie went in tire opprosite dir4I�'A Aon to lcatllle�,n Ifacken%io's vot- tiige. Itild lie g,mie that road Ans- truther would have foalowed him. --- I CITAPTE'll IV. 11 mr. Anstruthor had mid3 -all his mind to Io,n.ve Orove Manor tho fol.'owing morning, but "Its great events from trivial causes sprill,,," ,now lit) rMolved to staY On a little while .it least ; he meant .,tc, Make himself ngreeable to �11I­S, IV(jo"Iftstoll, toa. Ile know tha t t 0 ,lisgust or annoy the mistress of tbe 110IL4a, is riot exactly the 'way to will, or keep, 'a Welcome. On .entering thO library after 1)loakfast tit., next day, lie found 31r. and 'Mrs. Woollaston busily r0li- o'eting .It list fop all evening party which thoy intenolad to give Ill his ;011011- There was a wonderftil (-iIaILgc. in tile lady's manner since 1pr f . irst rweption -of him. Tile fact �.�, Mr. Wooliaston had contrived to 1inpreas hier ivith an oxtravagan I t , � ,,I,,,a. of his friend Anstruther's post- t*lqlx and importan2e Ili the world - e,lo� had ali6ady set the telegraph (,' tongm�z; ta work, and the news L" 11.s flying lilre wi)d-fire, or fast��,r, tbat lin carl's son, the heir to fifty dr_,eklonis, was visiting itt Mrs. I'Vool- Illston's, quite, inc,ag., hovirever, as 1�,-v did not vvish to %a recognized. -, -- ,,,P.Illg that his friends were busi- ly pllgagid at thd writing table, , A,,struthcr eat down near tho win. tlo)w, reading the paper,; but fie , , c0IIid_,.n9t_!tcIP hearing -scraps _q . � 1. I .. eXclalmed Mr. Voollaston, knitting bW brows as be checked tile list. di'll sup�pose I caamot invite'the call- e8thooks ,uld sj)was without their Owners," she &nsworeA With some as. PeritY ; "If. tV..,ligo'llad bsen as I once blindly belleveIl, vve Should luive no Ileetl to borrow either.'; "Mv Alear," replied Mr. Woollaston, mildly, "I don't think you?ve tiny spe- cial gr1ev,ta,_,e; we were both AnWled " "You needn't glve your biography before Its Ume,ll Interrupted his wife, with a waxntrig look to remirld Iiiiii they were niot alone. Mr. Anstrather was apparently ab36rbad in hi -S nrws- paper. Mr. Woollitaton Coughed down I= .4 , ,Y lltt�e ve-xation, thar was risin- and Contlinie-I hig exa,n:Enation, remarking as be did so - ".Peally, my dear, I do.n't quite till- dem,tarr,d this; hare are the r.alnes of so many objeatlOamble peoplo. I -lore's Naggle�;.;! Ilerhaps I Shouldn't rnin(I him, if he'd leave his wocidem leg be- lihad." "rie eouldtl't come with Only one leg, 11,1111 that cork," repliod 'Mrs. Woollas- tun. "Noli that I caro much for the Naggleses, but Mrs. Naggles, with her rl�,h broea4e;,, beautiful laces and d'a- Morid-A, helpi to drcss the drawing - room. I've made it choice sclection: there's not it single nain-et put down without, 'I Anotive. TherWo Major " ,.,mltrexal rather a heatlrui, I adinit, but then lie gave five gulneak; to illy ' fun.] fo-- the distrCesvil *Dlack-patiffing Xfakei­' Assoelat'on.' Tb�!T&s th�.� Jag- gersels, vulgar p)opl,N, I (Ion't den%- it eat with Ql�lr killyco and pivk ilit-l" teath wit'll thoir fork%, bnE thay are rl�,h ! I can borrow their in- �d anA a couple of men to FaVC' Waiters; bmIA,N3, Carofln� J'aggers slugs beautifully, Th -Ai there's ' Mlez Mouritaln, it Venomous olil maid. we know, but I couldn't leave her oil'., or she'd backbite us to death. Mrs. Wells, again, I niust borruw her clephant and those beautiful re:n- deers.", t "My dear. .Mr.,,. Wooliaston," ex- clalined An.4truther, tbrowhi.-, ('own his paper and lourighig towards the table, ,,,ire -you going to have It U -P10 --deal exhibition ?" . "They are only calicps," she an- HwOred, Condescending to exil!gh-ten 1.11111, "11:ghly ornament'ed and decor- litod with chrIntiall S'N'llibols, that Illight have an offect oil thly1hinK Illizids.111 I "Oz- unthinking flIg"tions,' rejoin- ed Anstruther. . "Theo, ,ire not mpant to be cut," sh-P e_��lalnpd; "they have bven on duty itt every evenlng� party she lia.q find for tho 'lasit . six months; but I suppase they must be ent lint) eaten sollie day.11 "I would lidVisil the gourrAltind tv or0er 1,,'..q coffIll at e.glit O'clock llre- I 69MY tha next inurn:ng." siald An- struther. "But by-tlre-bykI, Mry Wo011ast,rin. I*ve beard you rlient'.on ;i 9(vd many of your tiolghbors, !a not there it faull,ly of tile Alanle of Mne- kentle sioniewhere on the Manor?" "No." she ansirered, reffectlug a moment, she added, *11 forgot, yes , there 1.4 an unrecognize-LI ,vourig per - sun of that name. 0 ..WIIIkt (it) Yon nieftli b,v an unrecog- almd permit T1 "Why, It person whom wo. cannot , counteilance," replICd Mro. Woollas- ton. "I told .you we were oblige,ol to k4 very select.11 ..So I see I " observed Mr. Anstru- , ther. drLy. reffeelting ul"n tile con- Wr$AtAull Ile 1141d jn�t . heart]. and 00 "h!g*lk tulle" likely to be held by Aque-11 it g.-lect'vill. I'M!" lliirk�nt-e is -.it 2east It o.adv burn and edueated.11 sidd Mr. Woo I .- las"Vil. "ActlOns make tile 1-0,y; and, weighed In tho As!wlal tirmie.'Xiss Mile- 1,ell%le would he foull,l deK&dly wa;lt. I ,V Ing. Anstru*her could not help smq:n,- . ', as lie thought over that dayls tay- ingsand dolligs. lie wits torcc� tolati- lialt tbat,wcigh2d in the ig,�, I it sG:?rao_ Qped Scale which etiquate holds for the- conduct of young ladlej, fic-or Xatfilven would be fount] deflelent in the prw,"i,il qualAtIty of proprIeVe1q. Intleed. if any other geritleal.111 flirt Itichard Anstruther had bivii the � Leril of t1w 41:1.v, lit! IN-ould, no doubt, have Wou Immensely dasgustiett lit � Uiv-;i Ma ekellllt,?'A Man vior -, hvit, .is be T had N -en till actor .-**.I th'! little Ink proxilptu seenes that hall taken Place, I ..e was inclined to titke a knere-fui I lew of the Colville. or lt�m fellow �,;ll- ner. an,i eee�,ied that ohe had dune UnJ ,-.it(] precl!��!I.r the right thing, It till even wl.eacd lk. was to ba d"lle Over agaill. 6,1eing lie did not answer Ler. Mrs. Wouilastan cont'lluedi I "It io a strange tllln�. Mr. An- struther; 1,at when a g:rA '.S le -P, eircumspoct. In her 111.1111ler, .1;1 i ",`re ta,;""""",_,l` I" her con,!uet tLan o-_beT_P­_11P-.oI tbe men are sure to t�,��r'..'�t�rl.,r,.",,)-".rrt-l",�..Is no', surpr:sed at that, and said Sol "Of course," she added, "I cannot expect. you, a young man Of the wurld, to be Very loud in Airou.- con- deninat".0n, s!nce you gain "he I>eneflt of lier improprieties." He protested that he never de- rived any benefit from anybody's im- � proprietles; then, seeing the con- versation was drifting away from I tbe object that most interested film, he broa_-ht It back by, an adrolt, ob- scrva_ ' , tion. Her enormities %yere duly set before him. "Since 31r. Woollastian is so in- terested in thl's young person, Ile will tell you It I exaggerate ber bebay.or, which is of the wildes' . I and most Insulting description. I can't think ]low the reetory people endure bor-but they do." "Itc,must, they grin.1 mort, <)tit of her than tile,%- would out of any other poor devil ,,it th,- prlvc�ll growInd -Mr. WooDw,ftoll, rather I 11,N] to tako 111) the C-iv.19 - - � Vialf, but not quite bold cillough. IV! ti- , out hetding hi.,1 Literrnpilv�il, the lady contlaucd: "'Slin Is thnir wir- i-,i,ery governm, , bat 1-3 thoronghly un- pnite,3 to the poqition. Iiho i4 nrgaiil�t itt tile, church, t(y), awl only th"'l Other I.iiinilay, whea I went up to �4pi,aU to her lt,twon theservIle.q, I e3scoveried her ly�,rcliod upon the masic-stool, eat - Ing broad and buttor, and reading a v InoviJI ! Anil sh�3 wnsWt a bit avlIalned at beong folirull out 1 Whi-xi. I reproved her, iind nould have put the Bible In hell han-1 lvviitoad, 49ho told Imi to mind - __ - f� f I I � ,A�,. , I y, �..t -. � / , I-, . ., I � � . 1� I . .. � . 11 I � I — 1. blag �)Ja bands together, He could very , . I I I I llirietintly to Miss Foreeter that he -----,= -­ ... -_1 ­ . - -_. . -�­... . _. ­ . " . . .... 0-4+4 *++.++++4,+++, +1644 ,*++4­0­rv+ well Imagim3 MISS ,Aackeazia III. 4 Pus- I ivas too Much Occupied to attend to .+'+++4 �, # plon. "I'lease go or. yo 11 4meribE) the glkme ; $Ile simpered and adinitted '�' + Ithinge so )-ividly, you Inspire me with horror of tills unrecog- the fact, . . I AS t,IW' 10 + Cal"N'tall Punishment , + 0 a wboleaome nized time rolled on. the outcasts ,an(] aftells + + a I petticoat," or that Spec,a] society came + Bis bypooritical flattery plea',O;,l I cOntiAllic'Li Mrs. Woollaston, vvbo sauuV31-ing on h groundl NVII,11&ring In dt Should it be Abo:ished ? The Quetition E)IS'Cussed If I bl".dly: "There IS not 'Very MI'Ach to and oitt among tile Playerg, Often disturbing the gki,ule, + . . + for the Negative by Gen. Newton Mi Curtis Irom + I . ; tell, except that she behaves in a wa,Y that no sane, W011-cOnd-Alct8d 'lady and,alring their grieyaric-es in thee.yes Of t Ivir the U. S. Experience. + would do, kind outr&ge,3 all tbo rules onem1w. The rector and tile d0ftOr, as bi duty bound, paused to I L++++++4-+ � I t of de;xmt Fo2lety-walks three miles to slifike 11111lds an'l ex6lange a few .. the top of tile D-yke Hill to look at the sunset or moonlight, or some such 'Vords With the' incilgricint uninvited., PL`e,9(%tI1,, A,bolishruont Of the death penalty twelve hundred" � talesmen. examined ridiculous thing, and hits been Seen -is Anstruther gazed list - le0SI.y ro�uxkd lipoll bro'llfig corn' for capital crimag Is a subject which its to their fittless as jurorn. The walking home through the village at PalliOn% Nvonderin,rl1i'rq tile game woul,l has been and Is being widely and Ser- time spent by these talesinen Is eleven olcici3k at nfght!" eVor en(l, Ile e,tAAg � 116 a glimpse of M18,3 iouffl[Y distcussed. Would the abolition of worth from *3 to $100 it day, !kud For n seponil Ar.qtruther felt insane- ,)LIckonzia s�lltod under it tree out. . capital punishment for homicides and a fair estimate of th,pir personal loss , 1,v jealoug. Ile f(mcied some Other sid-D the 0101 Osure, evidently havinga other crimes for whic,li the death pem- would amount to lit least $12,000. bearded creature sa,umtering by olivi-led duty, taking care' of t1Vo alty Is noyr inflicted rpsult Ili more The cost.of the trial wkil, in all pro - her side through the lonely children on her employers' account, perfect protection to soclt,_,�X,.) �I;Ould bability, amount to at least $1_25, - laneq, looking down upon her With and watching *the croquot-ground it d6t-ar the (Aegeriprate and vicious 000, which must he borne by the the same eyes as lie liad done, aud oil hi,q, own It was Mr. An8tru. froin the perpetration of their llcla­. tax ayers; and all this expense for p site- horrid little flirt! - bewilder. thOr's turn io play, and lie Struck (>its crimes against the moral and spIr- the trial OL one mail, who, if 'conw Lng aiLd bevvitching that other as t1w ball with It VengeaMle, and sent LtIlai lavvs.,� vieted, will doubtless suffer ibe .9be had bewitchel him. But h*,s mo- . it fl , YIlI9 Oyer the on2losure, alino,3t The Individual who commits itu of- death paudsty, whereas U the pen- mentary pang Foon passed away a'3 at tile feet of Katlileall. Mackenzie! ferice parils,hable by tho death Penalty �lty had been life imprisunruelit the 'been Mrs. lVoollgistorl IA(jdq)d, ,'I don't mean 110 ,1n,'1thewatl6%,d Ills carelessness, is lot d,terred by the fear of the puu- jury would probably have com- to Say site is accompan!ed by anYim- Rtrod�.t across tile groundi vault(�d over it:Phnient to be infilt-ooed. He is certaia pleted more quickly and the trial . I Proper inale compaeLon. So far shle tita leace, and In another moment that In tile large majority of easegi Lhi� ended sooner. coadw,ts herself decently ; though It Is highly imprudent for a girl to 90 was ,'it hor side, looking down upon her filee, Perpetrators ol utruitious crimcm liru rarely convicted. If by chance lie iu% ThL death penalty has been re- eoguLzed by the moat learned and flltt�ng*about the country by her- wIlhili dimpled with smile' ', lit SPItD Of her endeavor to watch ioumfi gulify aj,A scaitoi&eQ, li�& Uan OL111 Scientific, men of all ages to be self in that fashio-.i. But It is no I'm Iii.4 approach gravely. He ki,.-ked lool< forward hopefully to a Partial or brutal and inefficient in Its to talk to Illss Mackenzie. It she thp b,,J, out o f his way, and sat perhaps a full Pardon, and is tgure, at purposes. The late John R. Follows, wt� to tako it fancy to tep-1-oots and . (,,O1vI. Ily Vas 'MackelizLys stle. A few lea,;lt, of a long delay in th-il vxevuti��-n. Us OT thLq city, was utterly opposed to a wide-awake, I be:ieve she'd wear wovill, spoken with ;I radiant face, of sentence. Its Infliction, as he found It did pot lein., ' LOH lljw glad he was to see her, The criminal knows, axid has seen IT, uvt its a deterrent to tile criminal 'and 1. Shm,king eepr,.tv:t,v I" sig,hed hyp- "Thkwse p(oplo here have I,e,?ix tor, demon,;trated lilau.v timoz1a, that tile made IlIsT. conviction extremely 0, �,rltical Anstruther. 111C411119- 111-1 'wl,h tli.ir monstrous major porVon of the 0vilizeJ world i4 t, (11fli ult. The records of the civil "I say," exclaimed Mrs. Woollas- ijbillis 'and affectations it I., (Jultc' Lt-GrOngly Oppmed to the infliet.on. uf , ivar show that while the death'pen- ton, waxing more severely virtuous z ', L 0 u I rcirE,.sh*ILW to 6.,tt 11 glIIA1I K-; � f s v I a the Aleath penalty. Ila hits seen. hun- alty had a disastrous effect upon than ever, "she ought to be whipped, fave its Won!u dredmi.� of talesmen calWd for duty in thf- troops, (lie number of deserters and nut into it reformatory, But .N-O,LrN. you say you're Lt littl,� i)lelts(�J to see me, tw?, the jary box thkA,t upon ex:11111111,11ti011 did not lessen, nor did it deter Indi- she flas rlo p,-Ll*nt3 to look after " I UI1I .';Ot pia-tivu larly sorry,"' k he al: to their fi',,nLW have eraphat.cally 6 11 c S tendencies from vidtlal wit vi,lou lier,andlive-� witha crippleJ Ohl aunt, ' ftIl,wcr.,,o;l, 1*ar I i.I1,.)Ul,l got ill) .and 90 statel that LIV,�y woru,.-piweed to eap- Ital Comm Itting holnow crimes. who adores her, and thinks there is riol'o,ly If. the world like her itlece aW;tY- It- Is your turn tw) Play ,19-1111, I 111411k: they're looldlig Punishment. 1". I.,; 'I fitvt well known to juries and lawyers that — In. many Instances th-� di;iath peu- . ,I,Zfttt.v.,- for YOU -Uld :�t.-ko.11ug.11 ' orintinal.9 chargol with lionilddal of- alty acts as .lit incentiva to commit "And no wonder-, the girl worko d0llft Eeo th"I'll." ll.� answere.1, Fenaeo are with d.ffieulr,,y cowL-ii.-ol. crinie. Th� auarehi,t In Europeia, it hard enough to keep her," rejoined Woo'Jaston. "I don't mean to deny lool king' vervl.rsAv fit aitoth-,c diree- -1: "IrIl'i No stronger proof is neceg�isary to show theninAwt abiolute iniposs"bility 'i""hi: co!jjlcte�l of hoinlei-le, genrrally,.pre- 'IS a expeution., as it that MiRs Ilack<?,azle ii an out -and- CO llwr--�3 olhoublIeG haek into 111:it (, dA119 'Ile neltieurka. to -day, Ive of the convict,lo:i of murtlererzt� , 11 I public places 1 ill 111�1. on. ,I poikstal far at;ove his out tort of you.,19 party- rather It . combustible being - but site Is ft 11 t,,t onough (4 it. I; 1, )V,'Iiqll� fur you, the penalty is deittli, than th � revords (If honi-4-Ide; and the coavxtionpi and. vo,wtituentH, wh> look upon him as a &iio ami it martyr, and Is not, infre- very ge,od, Intultitrions girl fox, Lill , act I W0111-�It't Ntay iu ill!, 111, - allotill-'r hour. ieliv','4�*Inv -.,'k)u � ex(v.,ution of sent,�nvei fit the .Neur quently lh- virect cause o! many re - that. It she was OAI dild Ugly, I or not, i'll'it as pk�,�Il::..­ 1801. In that year there, -were (1411 - ertifts.',olning'the rankni. I�olievo yon ladleo wonld b Aye sonle vortilms8lon ou. her; but .is she Is I I 11 -'Ptr.' P -%i I-i'lnrI! M'-t��',Xfavkpn.- * * ' Ja UIItt0.'I In tile Unit -041 .141,Lt'4; 5.90�6 marAfem. or this numb:oi A-3 murder- - To II'mie we owe most to tkilit per- o I, whe-i, fo.- Inort, than two ePlitar- young and -and lone,ly" (lie daretiot z 41, kil-ti - v% 14r�ut ("stre';4, 1. d0i"T . 81 (,.I K to Ill,-. Iz%s(-: llfn'els ers vrere convl,.,t.,J and vx(cilti�d .1(,-. t e-:, I-112- (tH 10, 111flit-t th' df-ath I)ell- .41L.1' pretty), "you tire ,ill eoadugidnst 1) , � that 11 tle�.1111. ' I Ut- Fori-st-r bl.v, vording- to, law and 105 wore lyni-lied. I A V On .I single eltlz�'ll, It, waS 'Ill, llm,; an.1 yet she hits done n6thIng , t vtnui.-ip� Furthermore, the erlm:nal doea not then that sh,- Witaltifst her g-matest wrong.,- . , -No, not yet", -:01),11DI -Mrs. INVA- NV41y." 'I'll, lwvilar sp%j�,t -r appro.whe I ff-ar deat4i at the t*uie (1 the evin- 111',talplit j?f till, dp(,�. The deterreut . l.ower and pi�r&�v,te,l th-tt, Ny em. Air laNvis the priticipl, -, of Nviii -It have Leen, ' 10:110.'I, With mLk!I'L'L_ af0lethOUght . - %%"ill th!­,-.­r oa Ii.'r Ixtiv.- an I light- . lillig lit kq, i,fFeet (if the death. ponalty w(PlIld so invorl,orate I lulA) ilrv4o of succ.Aed- "lint wlimi she hits -Lill opliortntilty t". 4'.l. thoagh. Ow simik-, 's,'Milk, not hitlkipme It-.,; aeLLIn ill t1w sliplit- 'It Ing nations that to-q!ay they sway 1411'. wUl." or T r'o,� t �41` 11idl It PlU,Vf%II Pst. IS (MI.I.- WIth, the al-opr(Va".11 kit l". ,:,, ,,,It Influ.-tivo ninniv tli�i,v; more "OLvc, her tbie benefit or thp t7oubto 'Mr. n"'(`;!i- " " irfro it f-, s,,r1vr, 'Mr, Ain4truther. -If,atll that nian .-�ff-arfn* aud fr?ght- pilpil, Any nv,tl:�-al, � I411OPi.- thin lr-r tr!w;AIjhaitL eagles tin.] llo;* lshe won't,", sal.1 Airi- s -r, la�llig IiIi hand k'llti'LV oil ,,truth( vmlw tnek, ,ill I hk-trwl Ill- your vorl"'. prktct�tlont,r knowk; well th.1t ll(� hits .1111.1.11_� WS eyt-r lookol down Allmon ,is uliifIs. CIe- (!I'O, stat,416111,111 allil I!IWV*111, SpU1,4W K; frkntil's tlioalder. 110 ,%v IAN glad to 1111t vill't. is t1a, III,Itt-r',"*,h- avle-l� cl'.ento pvrsons wl,Av aro da:Q.- killilm th4! sentinwia pimailing 'in Itunie's oeo there was tonio fair, honest fee -l- (,It lnw�ng- 114n. 10.,11 " ",IT, '.', oil lit pilin "', JlI(IlAAti.,pIVps lky overfnxt:ng. t�vvrtlr'.nk- lo,;t Iii-riol, ,irli,n lit- tmi!: Ing untfor the ellani and proteneo that "],:%�,-tntutthg ul:ony," lu- arisiv,r- -TI ing or d.NsIpatIo,!1 (if sonAv kind. AI'l.vii "Far le froin ittl thN pnot'i-lim',ut, of �-nvxwtel h:x to-lal t-hiraetor, Fillov el. ti WJ04 UP lli� Ili" '. I l,'lortLIL�'111 - he IrIvea it vvarnaig. do thvy beod it .' ,oet,tll. its iubd�tiIrm, Its ho-tranai�ntg. Ili-, would not Ivt the world Lear tuo fe,ttih-,.s, a:�, I writhing, a,4 C-ough vVIA.11 .N,lt, nt tkll� It 10 (Inly when they .ire Remove th­m not only from netual heavI:y oil the al -e -it. -lit t1iiii-aw., ill uvereorni, i-Ilarl) I) -%*'11'- [NI -0 tO PIC0 With dt-atil that tII4!.N* C)Pera,tion oil our bodloh:- --ut banish TI& reiu't o7 this converaitlon, so "ll't "g-Itt"4111-1 'tilfl-' ll� 9,64P"I, real-.rA! ivItitt it IN, .tll(l it Ili thon that tlifnu from otir fr-yoi, our eurs and - kir front, drlvaig, UNs Uackt4ale 1II%tW:I!.0 ;'� I I'vath Fetw.vu (-iii-li wor (*. . tilp,\ beetiale rearful, .tn%l c-%) '.t is with - thonglIt.s. Ftbr 140t, olkly tile vX-ImIT'Lon, tint of I& t)lotigllt,8, rooted her d -app- "I `k", It to li�­k it haek lat4I thI vik- lI(,iIniV,(Ik-o. lut t1w apprt-hotts'o.i. thi- exim4pirve. ,-r into them. From tile little It(! had vlo.-tay. .ot,f-fth-h-li.' .-prallw4 niN It inity bee interf,sting tti Im"w tht- very ittent'o-i of thv!.!o tht.g,l. Is men and ho�ird, 1w ulvloretoo,l per. U111,16' 1!a AM[ bllll� FV%I 114.1v dR-lkwat4z; t1lat 'In Ellgialid, 10:4,11 thert vvns disgrat-eftil to .I fr-esunig, tt-o it Vto- foetlV hoir matters Stood with lier, '�vn_s tit.*': 91o"t it' -:' I pun,sI;nb:4, by den0t. th�S P31-tIVII'Mr ,nan c.itizea.,- siilil iwor and pr(ud, Her rich, "I'l,pr. how R,11-1:" (.%(+6III%I tit.. vrime wits Ain the Inervase limit tl-V Ili 17514 ilik, RnAlor*K,4 E.U.'ItIKIth of falltast*�c liatum (-")lI:d riot ask,lult. S".1111111111'.1 A tld.v * "ta t'%. iol stall t'. p­reent4igt! 4ir c,onv,:e,.'on-3 oil the do. Russin forloatek'�- th, 111flit-tbill oi Tito ' .att& with tho.�o allunt her. 1-11(I wonlil W -If ,vot 'e- ti -L IIA-?- 11, A ala III vreli`*W. I puti6liment 4_4 dt�atlk Aiming Ivi-m.4n. not Ix, pittroub,oA Air vendeivellilpkito, *I A% P.,. fa -o- It it I L-11_suk lil� head. -I or. it IN a kmt�wn ftiet tLnt at publ:e and Catlic-rhol, It. vaut;,-: this � 1pr-- I. and took rath(�r a de',lglit in derVing * .1 f7r, I ,1. I -.1 Ill 4#1 11.4- gromi I," Nliz- addl it'. . ,; I'a V .1 1:ang!ngo. will.4-h werp An:. t, -I - Ar, t hiLItIon for ull offencovi exes-pt that - ,Ill'] ShOck419 80,40t.V. .1-ok-lety (at '. *111 few. -I iiint an*I---1' I " lint . I ille (.%4I..IItlt#U %vam aI- o, tiv,tNon w to hwiorluoratol !!I b,ir %Iast tho wmlety of Orove ,Uatior) .Tray 4,-tv't ­ mm I Mu4tralhev, "I A I -it 1). a large orowtl of \,.It v... ��, ir�,1-1,1,1;1, v . l,oie ,if 1,,-,V,.�. WaS tit% %a *. I. %4,rr , tory . Aiut It -s Alcor Ili lier face. anj A.110 ha�-- 4itt-UvrIt-1 %v(s.:Idn't� WIN,- it ttue- lI,4-Jp.,ckt%%i4. Altil4o.iWit ,they hadv4-ry . of th,A lav,�-iawQ %vivro: r pfl-t.4­11 lie - shut the door of her Itoort Inth(,41-S, to' 1 I 1%as d.%'IIg'- If I keep M-ro praft:eal dt,ni imetratl oil -it the Dun- ;�, e,lutq. ()f %111�, aJtq.II,I,o.,. - -.* II(It. . � A"Sar*N01. Instoad of jobt'ng tho eriitlutA tLaK4 ((or 1-411 .41; Itoar, li.-rhapi I shall 48111111int Of tlw, villim-, it did not deter Tit(- rs;ior.bi b1h,ow thit, tli-r.- ;­,ls far Party that aftert.iioa, lit, wOU:t1AlI1I(-Il' fk­' Wlt'-�'r. tlP;lr \IL -;i; Vo ...... 4%.er, It .AO', . thelit from 1m%vt'o`,t:­ tl.(-Ir ni-fnrlipus .: A., Iatq� I olualitts, I 4;nTI'"_., Ili 1,4, of 1c,;, rathZw lj-ivo moono-I about the 1) at (I lvoillfidori 11w. it k:1111:11.,", lat'14 all 1,1111- '� .. Iling aill Ing tho L47lie.­tat4irs. Wllml I Illoor lljor,� vavgailmiry pr44-.'(­tt­,ors. and wou*(I no dolilot have lxwn Toluill away. ,�;r* N'tthl-Mg nlqulrer,� , V, 1 ]A. P1111:011mont or dt-ntb wits al.vyl,- i k g-r!IIAR1.41 l,%1kV Who" -s. !, It: vt 1 li-i are haunthig ths, organ 11,oft, on the w bro.tk Off oar pik.,wealit, vollilla-dull- ittlic1l for theft. :!I 183-11. �n Eng;and, I 7 1 0't onfort. . I aft'g-a it, IiiI�-4%'-, I'll'. Tier 'j�e:,t,'or vllall'.-4� Of meeting 111�,N. 2\1;I4-k.,n�l.-: �.tdp, but it, �s only broke -t to be rc- Z tJ14- rpeordt., sboir that tit's rr.ine de- th *,1. %vil" v -(&Jt,# 't.,Z' a I -o%is t',Ut that COU'd not 110. neAv, i widt-r .,.-Ipp. lr .t-..-I)1_-es." Ill. 0 -eal-wd and th-P 1W-rA,r.I1*iM,P 14 M'n- : i6 -!N, 't-4-1 !-.110v twic-4 1.11 .� 4,-­:.;It1a1 About four oVoeh 'it tit!- after- coll;.p.0.1 t-11441. ;I!v. al, 11.0119il W !ill I ,.`,.t.,q1ItAi was largely oll '.I.+' MeN,ftse. <,Ippk,�qkt, Of litir.. f4.,..An,p .., , I ,,,, . not . a bo was vionve.voi bv 11"'K 11,1,z- utiot - NUT111110-S.-d Ini'll. and mi -if , Z. -It 211.!- i I I -i 11.1*111f.. M!�-M;Wlh I'llfAl' IN:41141 pmlterly w%pr.i�,s th, SatWb rora%A. I tos-,s to thit comletio I leroquet t.sollfid., 1�'Q;'AJitjq-ls I,aAI 1, -If .%#-t,,t valm. iny re- I .And jr,t�%-jins*AL calp�,ta: lginishino,lit is ,(. I jv�ll. Mr. Woo,104tou, bvaut1ftII%'- gf-A ftlo, �11 .,. gliAl, ke'.1) tk. %. I Peoll"I'lit"%;Q I b ., tply .16 .1:�qljr,Itl. .k compar- n..%V $1 "O.11, ___ _., -, ___ - —, - _ , . a ptir of pat(.-nt-:%?athor lw,i-, villell M. kelllai! lo,?Re cy I ­, .Nli.-,j A ne .1 tMb bi! A il�%�n %V:*l show that in tl,§- *Stnt. 14 CHIN *14's 1I ALL. ngo.:UX-Al lihn .*At evor.%- .,t-o. ;,'r,i e4-(Iu-- wit` oil -j-0 e- I wolkder. I Rm� York. In 1802, tll"'�re w4,ro- tfIrt: - __ int, dl�- Iffin wit IL, Rico a lame, uw t., fid ­I,oll't 1�,.-.-ioAc­�1 at it* flloh'�ng," h- * titree horw,,,;Ilwk,; and ;lk thp Istatt, I f 13, 0011 1% Stroti-gay 1-'t;r;l1J'.0 U11d,41j"lot M I xnyoll 14.111ad. carr,l-lor, hi- A%jZ6-'.S Z,o- A. I've fpal,% atel d a S�11 I in hts I -it'. ua., I I M:�+� tit it: 189VO. thore wt-ri, .ItAr'.­ 111 . AIU fth%ta all LF4114 .itti1% , .U. quo -A. 0;1 arriving pot th;- cL—n-1. little of m.y .,,..;tlll to U-N.1M. .'I.t-4U'X - . - twit h(RIK0'-j4-A. In _Nf-w 11,�rk 111.orp . , "�-,L- mu'A? uvitk-1 41, xa�l th" .1 t. th,-y Rlitirl te%er,Ul other rwio 41� .%'?� q4 onze rnugut a gianp-�. ot .-U! 1. I � n -ii -re t.ve conv!ellflvsk an.1 px��ciztlt,;!,�i . tiv�- firm had alroady taken M , . .." f,.H. coullinAt 1L.1%e go.v- i-aek to thmw I*%#. i tit vwntenep, while I'll IrLeldpan th,r-- - g r.L ,[�4 lkskla, W.11. ag ;t 'ia:No,l;-i1t0_0 to A , ealell falolly lwin�*, ItIAX'(PI-4 0, :1-rtt-mt .I .. t J.� bc,Ln C.'Jil.111.1­J�, _"aj, it -ILW41i I 'aJJ(' � , 11vert. of�ventrell Vc-nV'Xt".%1;s an- l.t�tL, _kra _ �1,,11 "IUMU d -at witil tit � , Of ethluettL26, to ret-plVe llwr V4,Xa 0_1­11-tly f'.11 .1 Im lr�,d aval filt; en 41 � inurderor.- spirten,,-ed to Lfe :mpri- . ��A ,,**. i, f1t..y feel jlis%. 4 -id .%­tr�viag frionits. Mr. Altstruther vra, tiv�!�,­:I- thc.4,!� P,'"P11- to IW"like OM. t"O"ellt-loik- !, i-ftninent. T.', -*,,l revord shows that ' . 1; t.�j,-k1jo.,; JZ�E>Trl tVij4lot,V_t1.%-,_) f4iet Z, go t'ao iord­a: v! -,, --11- #-of to undere Inge N,,onian." ji;r:o- and pv41p!e are. :11 %he waj.Ar.*� - f'o �t �, �t , ., ,1 ..It I w'A v th,�� cw-o-rag( erai Intro.biAlmi. Two I t&04 ,�' -M- *%111,1 t -et -,voa eomnld W IN! Willi'v- 14plt v;V41 to tl;�kv "Uf�,* ,ti"ll 'or ill"i, dvatlt. A . , I " -.1" I -: � mlkt. 'of tim wa.t Is fort.y I�a .t. ; 1 V, certain age, hl�-Vno I to lo �11 �� � " ' 7diAl VV:-nt II:Iu Ll, U. 0!1 111,11, ;. 11 I A, � 4t wg . - - - A J,Lt- I -on;^ If �itry 1-3.1,n 1*1w bee" t�lng t.Q,�� wIttening ,von. an,I Mum I -or- wltal'ty. . Tlio� rf-v-Slons of tho vriminal laws . I ­­ vx-Wrooe vi t1w %vaP a, 11prIvell- " tit(. L,Iter4o._ N 1nAk1­4I,,L The , lifin round tho ground t1p �.4L,� IL.�4%' m4to.r." a i, I 1:1 th'. -'t.111I of 'Mif-hipm A Show th-It ,� - - , u�.qr. . vk,l � I- forvMmA from t1w hAe.-ior .1 - , the gitme.4 %rore 1.1i't out. IV 'L�, 1,- ­11'ave lNwl: Wliat kill lnttri�.iit;-6g 11 1!1 1,411-o. when tit,, infil(Alon of rall. 4 I., v , . ol-.� thw, 0\terlor, .ill i at hatervals parCculn0v care what 11", -II. -I W nwuk�eftl,nt Avoa mu't, !..I**(- found I'. itlil Isnalshment was abollslipd, lier ­.' 'brt.i, tin fifty metre-; oforty4il.e to l'I'm, so h.� revolvel to ab..;11,,�Iy" 1, ill- he all,iwerv�l. "I olight, to Mali, an. ex- Ji'le coavlct�-; enII,.4tltitt­ol 2.71 lwi* 1, ty.'Fo yar,14) t-liere .Art- *-oia,1111eas- 14-Z to tile winds and wi4ve. "If,ftv; ,4 ., ceptitun, iw�rhapr,., iq favor Of Al I- . vv,,t, of lifIr prison pol-niation. 1:1 tk�_ 4 , _ Ui�tZVZI t4j� tIV4L 2 *!It.V rpt.t in (a kind lit :,AA.4s tit,-Itl t�,-Al rainnte. t,. v4-1 , . loorelt.�-r; she- 1.4 It rimarkabl.v . fal * 18F4. as shown by tllt' OfW'ial Tt- 1' ,,j�,­t,.!" l'u"t V, l.,tre!IgVJW.I the invo:ved hinr,olf I,, ;I ,� i Jf nt wom ILI), vvIti. 114) l-1.p_..-flIIvII,: fit -At im)rt.-z. lite vonflets had diTr4%1IT04I to ,t, At .tj . � An%, As the wall li.;.� t!rnnthled Virt.1tio:1, mik'aig innst 11%:-y,--,-1t;-.d :� . aWnt her, Ifth, ari�-tq­lat:e C:11'4ii- , .vi or (-tile pvr vent. of her p4son , -I%%,- - III ,,omo� parts .Ili Vva eall ;ead- , . % l,,)�,ee!"s t" both at ollt�v, P� '7,01-', lywie4, an'.1 a Ruill.111 1�0040­1 it �Qr, I 11, -, -. t liolitilatioil. Ili all other 14t ,,, tf�s� I, ,. , , gai'lel *sf Ito Interior I,tru-,- . viggnigem�,-lit4 f(,r vroqpwt ll:." .,4,�; . Vbv,�k.4ioln­ aa.i I'VIUM3 ;,J'�v:;. -whcV.- lito linpriz;(minneit hn!4 I'ven %V� I t,d?.#., TIlit juirt.,; 4ir the, �-,,g "�l.,.,L%,j:II1g t4i an alarming exvn­ If- M411" thd-r, '" 1w W!rt-d wi'­-It��. -,v It% N%a-tv- � .4nl�stituipil for the A14-ath pitmlt.� ," t- grotv- -ire 1�ui't o; stoir, and '-!,-k .. re.-hic-s'ly in­lim,�;A V) 1�­ .�:_­ ,+"� . - - 'P: ill" A iI1u,,1tnIk;II;� ith:'I". t_ i- I i�'Z ') vi­rf-%�,olntding drerease lit crime IS - I 1-i - Vto lz ,, - . P . , attor bi,11*19 so l-,rg-P it '��twzlps. for tiv- wom­nt, and vvronl I zi-I S0011 ' ,'il.170 W,i]i Call ', ,�l I o�xl 111 I,' - jirl't, if 11 ii Ie -,Akown. t,t) joy,­sf-at the app­nranole o-' ­ .Zo�t , have fill-Wd witil his g A'a 1, 0��, � . h:r, - k,UbJfv-'. tor von;ersividoa, ti -,b ­1;l Cats ; Juriogg, top bring in .1 conviction o4' tbe wtil. 1,4 t n � 1-114-1 V tin 4A,i! 4 or altybo.hr pis( -It; grit it lins �i�,: T, ,11; ti n it wiiU- Ni.A. .I loi�.wa!ii P:a .r. as I NVIIP'-(- death Lt till, pulliAlment for rk-(�t In ,,,epth. atidl t-werpi with turn. vot, that tl'cv. n., ktAq-w t�­re 1 -Is '�)( the o­gztn_1ofk,. Ar l .,.(, i gulag, th­v, 1, atroAons crlm��s, inust too absolwe:y � prt�,,�ot-1 P,irt'n al'xeI vvith lvrkvk.; 0 no vlmtlz!�I FeAng th" ..'h. fag,e to IJr.V!il,-0 tJJL4 ovtllul,�:,. " i A v.,wt-.0n. Lord Micron says : " Ver- , gi,wMe. The varth 1-4 so Vrni;y ,vom, I -P Ino:it eared to ",c, ani it.- U01"t "No"' z4he allsvivr�.il 'I've ha". a taintr le. SO vt-silwliol t(l tile liliv, . pros�,4-1 Viat '-.t ivius Inil-w-g-dWe dur Uire till tbc- end tit tile Ill! y %V'fli,'ll't I , 11111 hni.-I day , I ro, 4! Vi i-� I_a­�yl all � I . � a�; without it a litiv Cannot be, just." � h= tiu, lat;A , w. I ar fit tho Voneers t A It, r�,.. � � It gillulls.� of it: x) �f,,t-,. it) t, ri, I 'J." -_ ! ivg gravo.; Ili it. The Is* Utll�ie��n Oat anit � llr:v ltllrll�-lf In th, bust Wz* It..' I. Are Avon '! WAL �o,�i I'vi,ta tIzz- I; N't .knother reason wliv eevitnl pun- -4 Mmor tilmn the (Allor.q. alia h - , Alould, t,,,o.lgll lj�- fouml 'it SlOW early rit-ing Is- l.-6:Z­:o1.D1L:� i -41t I' 61immit should be- alr'o'h-,hed I.-: tile �11 three ie`ntrarees. of wh'eh the eentr work. , to weary -Ing,, aft��r a k:�- 1 - *­� .1%� I't'�?i, ' � -I - ,�"Vii; : ­'-� -iorinnis enst. In tit,- 110*lilleux -Aal. r T F one LQ �MA%rel to the Empz�ror ana th 1 ImPerial family. �%J��aawllile, tit, voinpiny b,-1-11 �id '. ' ill! ni),t linye ,I gi ­, r.*-'-'." � w. a'Nin I ­ ilvqtalv�e, tiv're %Vpre . A Ive t1dek v-. f. As t - IZ An, arr' I she r.-jo:n d, *11 (Atfl ; �.ot, A %,Pl: I 1,��L , I *,t­-utIi2,r dI-,I not partit-flarlY enr0 tI-�inkIng-1,h;nkI-;%x zi-i *oxbreilk-" , ,I — __ __ - who arl�vtody was, and IMM9,ed InAly along, tile ladies 1111rldlag on each sid-� of him, v-1-110119 ­ThInking"; hiA rip,�at--I till, Av- I ' an,] lo'AcI Intm I - - : '- t % 4).JiL.1" fmt, -. ""I" give inorc, for yon� Vm i�064 ILIVI I , , f, ­! . 1. .. IN ift 'N N n C u IOURED Py"YS1 "IAN, th.-ir F4�veral - e:- wa 4 w, r*t- boYk thai, ;.od.,; an.1 glances wINA, any pliatei % ! friondg, anA holding hirl fil'it in ten. On.e� ean't talk iaaw�-; lwriI; whf-a � th�ir dA'AI.%t-? tole4hes, .1111 1110wing al'ml I to ,-cc yva ligain'.'" __ � . I.(' lnelinaVgon to h �, I&.-;. "',t-', 4. You sc',L, j�:�j, 111dy ilk blue " "Verhap,; n,;;er " sh - itusiverf-A; ..; t d,oe4 U,0,t. matt-�r I Inut­.." " - 'Itrusted and Advaired by uds 0 wbhsp:�red oiu�, in'll?.A.V1161 41 E4011t, "yo, w--iti much,,, h'a t�n!,-.I. 1 -b -it it I . Idg-h-(Wored matron In p.ji, blue nlatterIi4 jast it llttl;:�. Nvl.fn,? coln." Grateful Cured Ones is Dr. A. NN'. Chase,. satin, who had two dalight(T-; and tell liv� wh-m?" � It Invek-looking young Inall in tow. "I nevo�r lulike appointan,lits Ulth ,1,TP,at is ,�%JT_7. Quick, tb�� wife of L4,trang,crv,wi she anstrer,,3, 1wr (olor Vic, eplebrated lawyfsr UJIt'l', 41f iliz Old Dailey. Most efhbrate-1 in -In- - - deelp.-'IlIng a.,) slv� spolze. 1*01-, "I lie &!LIj, NVItIl com-wal I(q,k , I v Ill- filAur,nia 'r,f�clm, Mook.' r,r,�t, 1,�. - ` , i 11�,ftrinp of Dr. rhasaYs Nerve t.`,06d -� (�-Iil­11911 they .-I Ain,' I,wr b1i; eye; - '*that is tit - f;rs,t r-cw­- . ritnvlii�4, an't lat�r Uv 11,4 xro:lt finnn!% . . I , - , , bi. vvyl.wler* till .-k I Dr. ' It � I .11I a-41 I nd ill arful w - wnnd I rAmnit; it Ilaa ,ac. v�ill'Pl; 11-41 III. otheV3, 1 Obtained bo." do sity Mrq. Quiek is tha N,st I-LWYCt of tly-. two. I'll introd-tim, Toa. They vc,n' ,lonal phra"'C'. I'vo 11-ar'! ,.%-011 IlWer. '. . I)Ilt ac,,,,-�r4j;ng t.o tliv--, 1.11'r vt llnfl'r�, , ise, livol, k a 1.0-.:quelor of dls.�a -'e. A g­,I,1.f1II: ,-:1U --11 him 11 .Ill a . -11111 1XVIII 114'(1119 it WR directed. I be- � . % good sort of p,:,(1pll to know- ar,� . . ­ r evex.vboly link. ,t It - stranr_lArs *till VAI -v - --- I "" r I -, . t4i , w') � i alevilni It- bewifits and U) A, 11 of tit - !liol. trall U) miprovo inimidiately, and an, � iiow­ resv)red to full 11fNilth and VIO�or.­ You couldn't do b"tter t1'.an cultivate J � ' " get well ne(Inaintni. Nt,vr, I U-1 - 0 I . w:r Ived fro.�i ill I U -14e Of his groat Pre- i " Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is alt- 'e,x'- th"Ill nequaintan(�c.11 I It I medit,ated o3mmitting .1 f( lony, leAve oft ll.-�4,n�-2: ;I etrallg�-r z 11:-'�X "a" I . �". do that, If yon won't hell) me . I . I � , I V:1 r 110!-.Il.�. . f e0loat, reni(-3�-, and I call re,com d I..' to, rr-rhap4 I might.,!' lie ansivered-, l"but "Yon 'Se"113 to have h.tqpp.1 .,olirself f,_-C7eI1ia ion the tleird, i 1 all who are wo.Ak, lilorv-=11"��r -I. down lit h:-alth.11 ru, -it P-Aseat I aill too linlipy In Yonr so- ,, pr�otty wt,11, vo far," gb;� said, di�innrv- I I%Trg. -To 4 -ph Cr.' -11", Ethel; 1111roll 0A., . i cl-,ty to wish for .qny Other." � 1� - Ont., w0too : " I -1 4 trii'll't'd Vv'itM I Kidney Backache, Tho laoly tapped hint with her parwirol, Killd fr, was "wickc(l, and ­re�, tint I've pot to the en -1 (if holpaig in.�self. Tlir,r-:� k;eell" tO -tit' T10 ,j.111-1 j_,.I *11, lleft,.l ;111,1 fave for ahout .. ri., . 11!11:- YA,111%4. My Ir,wl W,I-; ft nl".""4 (If i , .1 I Mr. David Mel­h4h, 27,0 f.�.,I,qt,ftrSt,re .]a erstee,- didn't mean all lie vald, did he'.," I .1 -halv o of onr int'(WILIng in. aa ortllollo% s,,iI,,:, li-.Itl ,,11,11gh I tri�,-,I thr, dw-tor,l , , Ottzswa, Out., states - "I vp-a's tro,ul�. w. diw,ase -th kidney t1he -tender inquiry being put with Vp lialveta of blushing sixteon. iz.,lili-on, su we must improvisa M fRSII' . 11 � t;lll., g,,ttilll'� Nv0.,_,,. I 3 w.i4 il ill 10' . 11 I fiIIIIII,%. lkgzA1I t� icI D.,. (`fia-�(I'8 0111t - i and backaelle. ' four or fil-ei Yeare. and have il:,ted . I Ili lx,gan to suffer now for ]its po. ifln Of Our own," C.Hlrsh' ller�� (loln­�4 Mrs. Ili-rs_-IIpl,,I ,p,,nt, ,111d t4) illy snrlimlit, obta.ined firid q1tio, Threp. I, ally remedle withuilt obtaillin -1 I IllautInt, Loner to, S,>me time agi I litf, platitudas of tha last hour. 11) was tired of his coinpaition-t, iind p 1.1-11'-d All"'s *11nekrilzio. _\r I,% . oro be roontinued.) rj,)��!' fr-viix ill, ;lplilt.. .i. I I 1,oxf.s 11.1 I(, E�11­j,jj, 111v ,vid I ivonl 1 not � I 9`1111 using Dr. Cha,se's Milne looked moolily round for some IT._A.11(lg�� lz;:.,0,,) for ill:, bem,fit I ,have , Ili,. 11ilig, and foand thfqft t,o L, , A*M1vine lever used, T - I 111,Mw Of e.­.cljp,�. IN"hen Ono gentlo- man I-; buttonbol',,ol by iinother, lie Tlv� fim oinimv oil ."(*count Or ,tile en1j,dv. dlAr,iV<,X frmil thla grelit r . ,,,l t I-; of almost t1aily (iA:Iz4e,,; 0111t.11, A A awn z A -y th it klan-ey backaell clut soinetinies break away; but when conflagration rut, 11,111 all( I �)ttftvva . - , ,lvi�ro u,,qe in tb� 11!�111,i, A111i I w()nl(I 11, m1r, feel lIetter Ill gVery - rofl%mbing, i!Ieep, ii(, !I,! varvvigg,al by a lad3r, what, tail 1411."tfiPring Ilave ,ill Ix,en p.AS,*3 ()It ev-cryI-.1-,(Jy to keep isollie Oil. hand." aa,,.I mad tion. lie do bnt gria and lx,ml? the infliction*? , , bv, the rovallAttee, alld 3.200 n re dalmo Mrs-. weak land Nervous. good.". llult,atorg Of Dr. c1log Mr�axiwlilil . e NIP galuel w,t,re arrang- ed, found hinisclf, Inal- admitte(I adnAtted. Th,,, . 3.1,U00 or 12,000 resent Probably Mrs. .T. M. EradleY, 100 ,Tant, street, I ,110 riot dare to veprodue . , ,11111 ..�Ilstruth,pr lot III Lmnd, kno"'king the balIK viciong- souls. ,here is Fo s,hort tIlt that IL Ottawa, writm : "For 80vernl veftv,i t - eur 11,1ve IW -11. gradwIlly anInfir AL"WIL, ill � , I and aigniature, -wjAAch I Oil e -'Very bOX of h -'S - , - ling thein Atilywil.iro and ­11lI.-­ t � "., 1� . .. .­­­,6ii��_._ ;IL._-Ihi�� Life not "Illy 'br. is kilways. time for eourt I -.rm 'I h -.'al vlh " I wiv�r ve* Jerv0XIS i4xid weWk, I .&t ,all dealers, ,or Ed , ...... .rlixrh�.. �1'. , _ - ..... . . � I f.... I . ..... _­_- _ . - ,641, r­It"'­ ,." d )MATTWO wv 11, ... vor " .t! 'my future,ico"Tororto, - — — 1A ..., .... i ­­­ ­ .