The Herald, 1900-08-17, Page 1The Official Organ of, Zurich and Hay Township. 1,Clanteb genu' To solicit for "Paid Up" SnbS.•. Tn "the ' evatb ITIT YEAR, VOL. ZT.TRICII, ONT. FRIDAY, AEG-. 1711900. NO3 79DIE EV7i Dr, Lir 1. Mrs. R. H. Steinbach, of Riehville, accompanied by Miss Beatrice; Steinbach tend Miss Carrie _ Canada are visit- ing with 'rienc1 this s in eiis Saginaw Courier -Herald, should. Her Majesty Queen Vic- toria be,spared until the, 1$th, of. January next, she will have attain- ed the age of George II:I, and be - Come theest British Sovereign, ' Old � either of modern or me diwva x 'tunes, The first umber of the Zurich Herald is just to hand. It is a most creditable issue and promisee a. long and healthy career. In these days when so many papers are being run to gratify private greelges, it is refreshing to hear BI.6-L •,' layer say, "Wo are here frons, a business standpoint and the money there is in it.—Tilbury Times Mr. F. Kibler made a business trip to Toronto on Thursday. • Sittings of the Division Court Is 7erXRxislaaD • Dyer, of Ontario, will be held here on the 27th. Rev, and Mrs. Andrews of Varna( were in toxon Monday afternoon.. NENSALZ IN FLAMES! ERN' THURSDAY EVENING The . The Business portion of the $ D., nXLR. Town n. almost wiped out. RMS, OF SUBSCRIPTION; --$1.00 per it paid' strictly in advance. When the per is not ordered •to be ^ discontinued will, be sent until such order is given d arrearages paid. $1.50 to be charged ten not Paid in. advanee, ADVERTISING RATES. --Tran s i e nt vextiseznents, 5.eeuts per Brevier line; r first insertion and 3 cents per linefor oh subsequent insertion. Small Advs. eh as' Lost"`" Estray" or "Stolen" will charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 uts for eaeh subsequent . insertion. Copy for change of advertisement must handed in not later khan Tuesday night each week to insure change, in follow - g issue. Local notices in ordinary reading .hype eats per line. Notices for 'Church en- ,rtainments or other benevolent inst'itn- on at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and carter -column :Gates for speeified periods ill be cheerfully given. Address all nimun.icatioiu to , eralc1 DYER, EDITOR, ZrlRre13, P.O. CHURCHES. ST. BONIPACE, Catholie, Order of service for Sundays and Holy Days:—High mass at 10 &.m., Ves- pers and henerlicciou of the most Blessed Sacrament at ;i p. }ra. Week Days:— lhass every morning at, 7:30. Saturday evenings from 7 tn./3, one hour's visit to Our Lord lin the Blessed Saerament. Rev, Father Valentine, Parish Priest EVANGELICAL, German. and English ' Rev. C. H. 7='inkbetner, Pastor. 1-4 .:IRAN. Rev. Schuelke, Pastor. The Commercial Hotel, L FOSTER, .\k ,mrd hes been snared of the safe* arrival in Exeter, of W. Mo Nevin from Manitoba and the North ilber' west Te rritoiies. Miss Doral E ane Miss Gertio Trott were visitors in Hensall, lest week. Rev. Julius Neudc rffer occupied the pulpit in the Lutheran chuiruli. Sunday evening, and preached a -eery good• :,sermon. The Rev. gen- tieman was a resident here when a young boy and his friends aro pleas- ed, at his rapid advancement in his studies. What is the duration of a wink? Zurich now boasts of a newspaper The time occupied by the several called the Herald launched upon the phases of the movement has been journalistic re ill n by D. Dyer as zieasured, and it is found that the editor, . Aug 3, 1900, A. D. ; it is an mean duration of the descent of the eight page six column issue and is licl is from seventy-five to ninety Total loss about $20,000 .Special to Tres HERALD, Aug. 11. About 2 :30 this morning a very disastrous fire swept through the • business portion of our village. The fire started in W.C.Davis gro eery store and spread very rapidly till soon five or six business houses were wiped. out. The folleming aro the places burnt out, with the ap- proximate losses as far as could be a.ncertained this morning.—McAr- tow & Co's bank, loss 81500, par- ti+ally ,insured;- W. E, Davis' stock a.. el building total loss, valued at x+1000 insured for �n250Q; J. 0. Stone .-win's stock, about $2000 ; in this .op were also located the Public Lbrary and the office of the Bell a newsy, bright sheet, ahead. of one thousandths of a second. The Telephone Co., both of Which n*ill many of our exchanges but we gill tlt heavy losers ; A. Maeph• ison's z iced if Zurich can support lost ntcnec while the ey< is shunt was 'eL op, dwelling and'stock of gents' be scup I l in one case only fifteen -hundredths fro,nishing 'all a total loss, insur- such a 1u uuy as a newspaper ; we of a seeond. The rising of the licl amp about 83000 ;1total zloss, s stock hope, however, success,rntay Crown occupied seventeen -hundredths of of millinery; loss or amount of in- stirance not known as Miss Sniitli iS out of town ; the Od elfel1 a w's block had a very narrow eses las the loss on lodge furniture through smoke and water is about $:i0. McEwen's block also suffered rath- er severely,prohably to the extent of $200. The buildings all stood in. one block on the south side of Main Street. On the opposite side the heat from fire did. a groat deal of damage although none of the build. ings were destroyed, the plate glass fronts suffered severel .— Hassall. If the same fire had the 23.plates in all being destroyed by Vertical handwriting is: to be a- same start in Zurich, it is doubtful the intense heat. The lois on the bandoned in the public schools of whether there would have been a New York, and a return made to the. dozen houses left. It was only the brotherDyer's hold ventur ton New Era;, Everything has a finale, so has the school holidays and .before an- other issue of Trs HERALD, the pit- ter-patter of the children's feet will be heard on our side ;�v alks wending a second. A specially arranged photographic apparatus was used, The colloquial phrase that some- thing is done "quicker than a. wink" is therefore expressive to a, degree that may be stated in fractions, of second. their way to school, where they Last week we called the atten- will help each other toe the line tion of our citizens to the unorgan- and hold up the strap until yam- ihed state of our fine departzuent 1 again. SC}1001 re - tion tune comes and no snorer is the reminder read opens in Zurich on August 20th than the news reaches us that a while in town and city, exercises very serious conflagration was al do not Commence until September most wiping out our sister; village 4th, two weeks later. .1.• slanting Spencerian system. The substantizul brick buulclsnr5 w�u The Ramiie block was on fire rev reason for the return is that the saved the business portion of vertical system is now regarded as Hensall. If our town officials in - a fad and that the style is not liked • tend to waits until such a calamity by business houses, so that the befalls aur town, we would say to scholars from the Public schools our citizens, arouse yourselves and had the- slanting system to learn if have an organized fire company :tt they entered commercial life. The once. Get np and dust ! dust ! ! plates will amount to nearly 81000 only four of which were insured, these. were in Bell's block. eral *mos as also were Dr. Buchan- an's building and T. J. Berry's liv- ery and feed stable, but by the su- perhuman efforts of the citizens and flreiuen these buildings were saved. J.. C. Clausen's harness shop in the Otktfellow's block had. West Bruce Entrance= Examiner:; We ,z narrow este ro as one of the #lre- Frorietor found that in many eases the vert- have been very busy in theta 1 L. real handball developed into a back office with Dross and job work ti : proof shutters on his back win=low . l hand. wee:>>llk and ••cold netget out to • . � wa • open and the flames several �ve�l:�"7t(.'xw�ztzic:�>}c�bttltlta•�t)1 th e cLunZ as Nes ,1.x.,u.teti.. 'Grx. ' r' .�tt<eA� ,�'fir i, ',t• a, C ,Let.. e.1 1115 (i O .k. ,T. O. tri. c1ling Public. c. Alava sftop We notice that lightning rod a- Still inuu•h WW1: ahead and may notwsnieke zll howeand dvwaterlose. considerable by at THE COAIiIME1.101 AL Wj en i in. Zurich.. First-class sample rooms for Commercial men. LOUIS FOSTER, ZURICH minis j eG. STAN BU Rx, B. A. Successor to. COLLI\S & STA.1TB .'Rl _BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Conveyancer, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Propertyat lowest rates of In- terest. Documents in original German read :Ind advised upon. ZURICH COURT ATTENDED Mee over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter. our go-g.,gtto#qtr gents are plying their but -moss m be able to all on. 3 ou et once, arc this section of country. 7tnzight would say to all who have recited NOTE'S. be well to warn farmers that light. THE Hxn .LD smiler, come in and McDonellBxos' furniture near the nine. rods are of value. only When tell us to "stole it" or put you on front of his store was considerably put up properly. The lower end of tato root ought to be sunk into the ground far enough to be always in damp ground, at least from four to ceivrd. Our list has already near - six feet. If there is awell or cistern lv200 names but we want 400 by the i The hand cervine didsplendid ser - in the vicinity of the building it is ist of Ont. We thank those who . vice and saved what might have a good plan to run the wire into it have already enrolled their names. 'been a fire with six times the loss. deep enough. to insure the end al- • Ouct lauhhine7 rates with the city * '" * ways, 'beim in the water —East i' papers, both English and German, Lawyer • Cooke is minus a front Lambtozs< Tribune. , will be .nude known in a week or entrance to his office and will have two so th at we can then' give to use the back stairway for a while. A gentiemanfromBayfield, (name i you lots of reacting for little money * * * not known) was struck by a whirl -1 • A traveller stopping in town was wind on our street one day last ; What books should be placed in the first one to see the fire. week. The said whirlwind being ; the hand, n.f-3erang girls to for =r. .r.* manipulated by architect McLeanm, thecharacters, stimulate their When the fire was first noticed who is in charge of constructions on i intellectual capacities, and lay the the wind was from the. South, and luckily turned to South west or the loss would have been much heavier on the North side of the street. 0 Iva e are offering the remainder of our summer dress goods at prices that will snit everybody. The fol- lowing list contains only a few of the bargains we offer Were we to itemize every article "The Herald" wouid n't; have any room left for news. Mrs. Caanpbell is . visiting her sister in St. Thomas. Miss Amy Fisher, is home from Toronto, on a visit. The Misses Laura find Flossie Kibler spent Sttnclay in Creditless Misses Eilit'rman an(L Wisest of Dashwood, are visiting at F.Bib- lerys, Miss. Schnieder of Detriot, was the guest of the Mises Kiblers last week: 1VIessrs F. Kibler and P. Lamont transacted business in Exeter, on Monday, Miss Tillie Kibler returned home on, Monday evening after' visiting friends in Clinton. Miss. Melvine.; Koehler returned homd last week aftervisiting friends in Seaforth The. Evangelical Chhzi'•" : intend. to hold their annexal Sunday School picnic on. the 23rd inst. our list as a subscriber. Tne price is only $1 per year and we feel sat- isfied that we are giving value re - blistered and their loss including four plata glass windows is consider- able. k * * 8e yds Scotch gingham the ne -est designs and shades retailer 12% cent goods now eletzring at - - - - .10 184 yds Zephyr Mb -easing in cream, blue and pink shades iT leilar 15 cents .per yard clearing at - - - - .12 93 yds American percales' regular 10 cents per yax dnow clearing at - - - 223% yds Seersucker in fine shades, re;ular 10 and 12'A cent per yard, clearing at 130 yds Fine dress mulins in 8 different patterns and shades, now reduced to 12% .08 ome and see the goods and be convinced that such. bargains. were never offered before in Zurich. Produce taken in exchange for goods. We do as we say! the big block at St. Joseph. The G.F.B. we understand made a per- sonal attack on Mr. McLean, when suddenly the unknown's probuseuus bumped up against rnaek's fihticuff foundation of a liberal education is a serious matter for educators. Acl- dressing the girl studends of Bur- lington school, England, recently, the Bishop of London advisee. them The following are the firm's who then terra firma bumped up against "to occupy their leisure in taking have suffered through breakage of the lead 1: of the unknown's head up some particular study and pur- plateglass :- F.C. 36Donell 2 plates and the dust flew. Mac. is severely suing it to the end. One great Pickard:+ 2, F.C. Arnold 2, J.E. Mc modest over the matter and would difficulty which young laches in Done11.1•, E. Rennie 2, G.F. Young. no particulars any more than society e\perienced, was, he said, Nut 2, J. McArthur 2, Miss Carlisle to say "That insinuations bring how to spend their time properly. 2, W.R. Hodgins is. These were all forth retalliations, henceforth, so., Girls were too fond of the books on the North sidle of main street forth and so mote be. ` 'writing was usually and directly apposite the fire. indicated by a yellow label on the =k * * whose date of The Ingersoll Chronicle has the cover. The happiest years df his reverel of the boys drove out from following to say of the Company life were the ten daring which he Zurich, but too late to be of any represented at Zurich by E. Bossen- berry. "We are pleased indeed to be able to state that the Noxon Co., Limited, have been awarded open their exhibit at the world's great fair in Paris, France, the grand prix (highest award obtainable) and gold. medal, We have great reason to feel proud of our town to think that it possesses an industry capable of turning out a line of goods worthy of such an honor as the one just conferred upon this company's ex- hibit. A few months ago we pre- dicted for this firm sunder its new management a very brilliant future but little thought that in so short a tiin.e its output -would be raised to such a high. point of excellence that. Miss Addie .Witwer retitrned in competition with the World's hone on Saturday evening after visiting friendelfin Exeter. A. jolly erowd of voting peoPle Cf Zineoh, had. 'at pie:-artpar c ;acre the Grand Bend, on Tlie..y sclat w ChesterSteinirariz errd his Geo. 13L1dwiiiY o. forth, have gene into calm) Bend. Miss Angie 12es' and Mis be h of Cbi.cagoi,are ,beth or`mer's parents it tow veeks. DStec •B; 7tich azz greatest manufacturers of agricul- tural implements the Nolen Cos. exl, ibit should have gained. _ such .narked distinction, it being the only Canadian firm exhibiting to which this prize was given for the first time. The company has just received a letter foom the Canadian Commiss- ioner General in Paris,'congratulat. ing them upon the success achieved and thanking them for eontribtitinl "SO largely towards bringing Canada and her industries so prominently before the world,, We might say that the : Noxon Cjb's exhibit there comprises repre- sentative machine's from their full Zine of cultivating, .seediing, hay- Making and harvesting. inplen entss, kept a resolution that be would read no books which. were -written after the year 1600, He would not course, but if they were to read trojans. and helped materially in assistance. * * The young fellows worked like have them adopt so stringent a keeping the fire in hand, three books written before. 1800 for each one written after than date, he was confident they would be better employed." The every -day novel of the perimd is deebti:oss the bane of education, as most thinkers a- gree. The Herald is the name of a new gaper published in the Village of Zurich, by D. Dyer. The first hum ber is a creditable issue, and gives evidence of receiving fair support The project however, seems to us to be very speculative; the field al- ready being overcrowded, and the villa„ esmall, without railroad, or steamboat communication, its car- eer will certainly ' be checkered, We wish the publisher success. —Exeter Thies. Our worthy contonipory seems to worry more over the patronage in store for Tarr Hge,At 7 than ''.vo do— and not without reason, a:twforyears this has been a most lucrative, in fact his harvett field, and ;good. (2) wishes held mit in• the above item soundg more like ahowl of venom and prejudice, however, if we only get 'steamboat coniinunieation" we Will be ;able to swine, any11010 c source of danger. The total loss is estimated at $ 20,000. t * =k * The cause of the fire is a mystery to everyone' at time of writing. Tp zt9 Main Street Znrinh, en ber Co. Succersors to F.'IBLER DEALERS AND REPA KERS ! Wish to inform the people of. Zurichyy and vicinity that they are going to ;yell boots and shoes this fall at lower prices than any other dealer in the trade, having purchased the stock at a low rate on the dollar it places us in a position to do all we advertise. We have now the largest stock in the .' village and you will find, the choicest lilies from which to select your present needs. Come and see our goods, -com- pare quality and price, with other deal.- ers and you will cruel it is money spati ed by dealing with us! Ordered Work Leave your order now for your fall foot wear, so that they will be well sea- soned when wanted, --it will pay you. der C Main Street., 9 Zurich, Ontario. .,o, dmmr.en..,4.few...mean... tmuaoearsenemnmeoafo•ros.bm. .., Two detectives at Peoria have come to grief for importing bm-giars to rob a house and planning to cap- ture the wrong men, How to guard the guardians is a problem that hu- manity has not yet solved. Drowning accidents - have been distressingly frequent during the present season, and the number of narrow escapes that have been re- ported show a lamentable amount of carelessness. Boys and men to able to, swim, who venture where water is more than waist deep take their lives in their hands. Good swimmers who . venture alone in deep water take the chalices of -an attack of cramps, and. the canoe, easily capsized, easily filled .b; splashing woes, and with little buoyancy when filled,is always a E Great Slaughter of all 'aa..;r +J,:i m Y •1 ,iS e r GoceP 0 s • Mock a L 15-oc:n1 muslin for p Sc ;� tl anti llat . l's at cost. Preeter