The Herald, 1904-12-09, Page 8The .Zurich Herald.
Meat Market
I am in the nuarket'to buy all, kinds
I or
for which I will pay the highest
xnarket price.
A supply of
Fresh and Salt Meats,
Bolognas and Sausages,
always on hand.
Terms Cash.
Harry Yungblut,
Zurich = = Ontario.
Horse Shoer and
Verity Plow Rapairs aim
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
Planing and Saw Mill
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Bed. Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on Band,
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind. mills
and Water Troughs.
mills 144li Con., Lot 25.
S. C. Kalbfieisch
Zurich P. 0.
Rings Galore.
October is the month to buy
Gold Rings.
I now show a first class line,
Ladle's and Gents',
soup 601D HY
and right prices. — Make your
choice now
A Full Stock in all Lines.
Vine Watch and Clock Repairing
my Specialty,
F. I,. "ESS
SON 1904'05.
A BE now ready and can be
seen in our show rooms.
They are made of the very best
material obtainable and eon-
structed on princip]es to with-
stand the most rigid wear and
They have that......
which is so notch admired.
Call and Fee them before
buying elsewhere,
F. Hess & Son.
7nticlii Ontario.
(Locals continued from page 1.)
D, S, Faust has a fine range of
gentlemen's mufflers and ties.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Eilber spent Sun-
day Iast with Crediton relatives.
New ads.—D. S. Faust, P. Bender
J. S. Melick,County Council notice,
A lovely range of cushion covers
for 15 and 35 cents at D. S. Faust's.
Did yon see Santa Claus? Oh
yes, he has made his usual call at
Faust's store.
Fancy all wool and medium horse
blankets and robes. There is no
time like the present. Quality
oounts. Merit wins. Be sure and
see the valnes in all wool horse
blankets and other grades. Your
credit good at A. Ohrrlesworth &
At the adjourned meeting of the
convention held in IIensall last
Friday, the Liberals unanimously
nominated Rev. Mr. McLennan as
their candidate. Rev. McLennan
is pastor of the Kippen and Hills -
green Presbyterian chnrclaes and
is very popular with his congrega-
tions. The reverend. gentleman is a
man of pleasing manners, a power-
ful speaker and a good canvasser
and should give a good account of
himself at the close of the polls.
Death of Mr. Alexander McAllis-
ter.—Another of those old setters
who helped to build up this town-
ship in the early days passed to
his reward, in the person of Mr.
Alexander McAllister. His death
took place at his residence on the
Parr line, near Hillsgreen, on Mon-
day, Dec. 5th. and he was well past
the three score and ten mark, hav-
ing reached the ripe old age of 84
years. The deceased had been en-
joying his usual health up to his
death, the immediate cause of
which seems to have been heart
failure. The deceased was well and
widely known throughout the dis-
trict and his many fridnds will re-
gret to hear of his demise. He
leaves to mourn his loss a number
of grown-up daughters to mourn
his loss. The funeral was held on
Thursday, (yesterday, )and the large
attendance, showing the esteem in
which the deceased was held by his
neighbors and friends. Interment
took place in Troyer's cemetery.
DIVISION COURT. The last sitting
of the Tenth Division Court for the
present year was held in the Town
Hall last Monday. Judge Holt pre-
sided. The first case was Hartung
vs. Bender. Plaintiff sued defend-
ant for the amount of an account,
and defendant put in a. contra ac-
count. The case was settled in
open court by the counsels of the
parties, both accounts being allow -
cure their Seats in advance. This
entertainment promises to be the
great event of the season.
The Drysdale reporter for Txno
HERALD has been awakened from
his drowsy slumbers by the recent
snowstorms and has again appeared
on the scene,
The severe snow storms of last
week have left the roads in a rather
critical condition and as a result
traffic is somewhat dull along the
lines. -
The shores of old Lake Huron
are again covered with ice, wild
fowl are hovering about in large
numbers,and sportsmen are every-
where numerous.
Mr. R.-3. Talbot has purchased
the fishing station on the shore of
the Lake opposite this villag, form-
erly owned by Ivir. L. Menore and
has it removed to his residence.
Mr. Frank C'orriveau is at present
making preparations to have his
barn placed on a cement wall and
has most of the material placed
upon the ground.
Mr. H. Talbot onr veteran thresh-
er is doing a rushing business at
present with his giant locomotive.
Flurry has an up-to-date outfit and
has taken sweep stakes for being
the best thresher in this vicinity
this fall.
Messrs. T, Johnston Jr. and Peter
Durand Jr. delivered some fat
cattle to Mr. Gilbert Dick in Hen -
sail during the past week.
Mr. Alex. Cliallot who has been.
engaged with Mr. Thomson,of Hen-
sall, in framing,has returned home.
Mr. Ben. Sherrit is doing a rush-
ing business along this line with
his chopper. Ben is a hustler.
Mr. John Durand is at present
engaged in erecting windmills at
Messrs. Joseph Gellman. and
Louis Durand have taken the con-
tract of cutting a large supply of
wood. for Mr, S. Moore of .Bayfield.
Mr. William Turner, who has
spent the summer on the Govern-
ment survey boat on Lake Superior,
has returned home looking hale and
hear ty.
Mr. Paul Cleave paid our burg
tt business trip on Monday last.
Waken up old. Drysdale reporter
for The Expositor and give us some
of your news. This is the winter
season and you are violating the
laws of our newspaper reporters by
maintaining silence.
Messrs. Emerson Snider and
Blake Horner intend shipping two
carloads of choice heavy cattle to
the Old Country next week. These
two gentlemen aro expert stock-
ed, each party to pay their own dealers and we wish them every
costs. H.:1'. D. Cooke for platintiV success.
We cordially invite Young Byron,
the poetic genius, to give an inter-
esting piece of poetry in next
was an action brought en by the week's issue of Tray Ze'aicn HERALD
1)latiritifi, who is tt hardware mer- 'It is a long time since Byron has
chant in Hensel', to recover the appeared on the scene and a piece
price of a stove purchased by the; of hie poetry will be a treat for
defendant about five years ago, The ? next week. Come now wake up
stove was loaded into the wagon of j'13yron and help us along.
the defendant at the plaintiffs'
store in Hensall, and when a short
distance out of the village the stove
fell off and was broken. The plain-
tiff demanded payment but was re-
fused. Judgment was given again-
st defendant for Mica of Stove and
and Dickson & Carling for defend-
ant. The next ease on the list was
McArthur vs. Workman. This case
Special to Tnn HERALD.
Mr. A. Brandt, who for over two
years was our popular station
agent, has resigned and is succeed -
costs. E3, .i. D. Crooke for plaintiff, c'd by Mr, King. Mr. and Mrs.
and Dickson & Carling for defend- Brandt and family left on Tuesday
ant. The last case was an action evening tor a holiday trip of some
by N. E. Cook, of Hen4all, against
G. J oynt, also of Henson, to recov-
er the amount of a judgment ob-
tained in \Vinghani court against
Mr, Cook. It seems that Mr. Cook
had purchased a. trotting sulky
in Winglhun for Mr. Joynt, but the
latter refused to accept it, it not
being what it was represented. to
be. ittr. Cook, in the maantinle,
had paid for the sulky but thc for-
mer owner refused to take it back.
Judgment of non -suit was given.
Mr. Vanstone, of wingham, acted
for plaintiff, and Mr. Proudfoot, of
Goderich, for defendant.
weeks' duration and on his return
he will take a very lucrative posi-
tion in our new engine works,
Alex. will be greatly missed at the
On Friday last the bonus was
paid to the engine works. Orders
for months ahead have been receiv-
ed and it will soon be a great help
to the village.
Dri. Medd. preached in .St. Thomas
on Sunday and reports the water-
ing cart put on Monday. He will
preach in Wingham next Sunday.
The merchants are preparing for
Christmas, Mr, Hopper has a fine
DASHW6oD display of ebony goods. •
------ Rev, Mr. Kethwell,ot St.Thomas,
Special to TUE HERALD. Secretary of the Superannuation.
The home of Mr. and -Mrs. Kraft, Board of the Methodist church
Stephen, was the scene of an in. preached in the interest of that
teresting event on Tuosday. Dec. fund on Sunday.
lith, when their seeenc.l daughter,6 Miss Annie, was united in the holy
ponds of wecllotalr. to Dir. John
tjWein, of C roditc„i. Tito ceremony
i was performed. by Rev. . M. Clemens
, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in the
presence of aboortt one hundred
plies la . The bride vans itttende d by
Miss Tillie Wein, and Miss Myrtle
1 (lurk, of Crediton, played the wved-
I ding a1ur<'',i. In the evening the
1 '. 1 tun Bras:; :l3dand arrived and
The children had a half holiday
on Monday to allow the teachers
to attend the funeral of the late
Hadley Doan.
Mr Dairock and two children, of
C]irord, visited friends in town
last week.
Mr. Thos. Dayman has moved his
family and household effects to
The other horning Dr. Gunn,
the limo 'eras agreeably ;,pant We assisted by two of our local physi-.
extend c 1r heartiest c ongratulao, clans, performed an operation on
tid.ns to the happy couple.
Special to Tnh HERALD.
The teacher and pupils of Separate
S. 5, No. 1, Sauble lino, Hay, aro
preparing a concert to be given in
the School Hal. on Friday evening,
Dec. 18th, The hall has been en-
tirely renovated and a now stage
erected. Reserved seat tickets are
to be sold for those wishing to pro -
Jan ass Bunthron, assistant at the
stool;m, far appendicitis. The
patient is doing well,
The fire alarm was sounded on
Wednesday morning and the citi-
zens soon found tlittt the trouble
was at Cook's flour mill, A pipe in
that boiler gave way and steam. and
water filled the engine room and
put out the fire. It, Cameron and
I�. Howald narrowly escaped a
severe scalding, The damage has
since been repaired.
A. Charlesworth & Son.
Hardware Merchants.. ✓
ARE now carrying a large and up-to-date
Stock of Hardware,fully assorted in all lines
We buy for cash, and it will be our endeavor to
do the best we can for all our customers. To
deal fair. We want your trade, we want your
confidence, and above all we want to give you
good honest goods at a fair margin. Come and
inspect Stock and get acquainted. Our. MR.
KELLY was in London last week and picked
up . . .
in an $85000 bankrupt stock of hardware, that
was put on the market last week. You will get
the benefit of any good buying.
A. Charlesworth & Son,
We have a fine lot of...........
Winter Shoes
UR FELTS are warm and
good wearers. We also
handle the King Stub -proof and
Armor Proof Rubbers : the best
Rubbers ever sold in town.
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods
This cut represents the
Pandora Range.
That People talk
so much about.
HE Stive where the fire circulates twice around the oven
before it strikes the tripe, no other Stove has this ianprove-
ment. No other Stove is just as good. It also has an indicator
on the oven to register the heat, no guess work in baking and
a dozen other improvements over other Stoves. Call and see
this great Stove
A big stock of...
Harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats
ca -area at
C. HART LEI B, The People's Hardware
and Harness House
l I A
What is there more fascinating and cheerful in a room
thtt.n a pretty variety of Chinaware? Our stock is complete.
Nevar before have rye shown such beautiful lines. Christ-
mas is drawing near and you can't choose anything nicer
for a gift. The following are a few lines we wish to draw
your attention to.
,l,rdineers. 1 Cups and
Berry Setts.—All prices. I Nice,
Fancy Pats —All sizes, I Pitchers. --A good Vali-
from 10 cts. to $1.25 each. i ety.
Cake Dishes. -- Some- I China Bowls. - - Some-
thing very pretty. I thing Odd.
,lap's Ware, Bohemian I Porridge Setts. -- Just
Bowls, Vases. I the thing.
-Saucers.- -
Poultry, Dried Apples, Butter and Eggs taken in ex-
change for goods.