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The Herald, 1904-12-02, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. V., No. 19 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 1904. L Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, (Late with (farrow & Proudfoot) Barris- e>r, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensel', Ontario. J. G. STANBUILY, B. A. F. W. (MADMAN. Gladinan & Sta ibury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan an Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. —AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES-- Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROJJBF IT, HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. Goderich, - - - Canada. W. PROUDFOUT, X. C I R. O. HAYS. G. F. BT AIR. BUSINESS CARDS. E BOSSENBERRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. ANDREW F. NESS. DIVISION COURT CLERK. Vil- lage and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and_Siekness Insurance. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. ��. E. A. SELLEIZY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 ZELLER, 0 CONVEYANCER, NOTARY MEC. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, WILLS and other Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared. OFFICE; Zeller Block Zurich, - - Ontario Royal Glycerated BALSJMVi OF FIR. The best of all COUGH REMEDIES ONLY 25c. PER BOTTLE. DEALERS. FOR SALE BY HOTELS. 0 ail G+ C ell E.* THC C;: * * * 0 0 * tiff CCMMERCI U. MOTEL 0 0 0 0 ZURICH 0 0 0 0 0 0 Strictly up-to-date in modern im provements. Dining rooms is sup- e plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ 0 Bar contains choice liquors and eigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ t 0 0 Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men, 0 > r 0 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. ee :000000 a 01ACa 0e S3 000.1006 :a`i)4 THE Eorgnjon Huse. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. oetter table in the Romlnien. R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPRIETORS, The appearance of John R. Clark here onThitradtty and Friday even- ing, next, Deo. 8th stud Oth, is hail- ed with delight by those who have heard this great entertainer. Don't miss it. LOCAL NEWS Roll butter taken in exchange for goods, C. Hurtleib. The Township Council will meet in the Town Hall here nest Mon- day. r-erRemember we take butter and eggs in exohange for all goods. 0. Fritz. Mr. Dan. Koehler has purchased a fine driver and outfit from a party in Hensall. A sum of $2500.00 to loan at • 4M per cent. on. good farm security. Apply to.E. Zeller, Zurich. A bus -load of local Liberals drove to Hensel' last Friday to attend the convention held there that day. Miss A. Bossenberry, of Grand Bend, was the guest of Mrs. Rau, of the Commercial, for a few days this week. Rev. M. Clemens, of Dashwood, occupied the pulpit of the Evan- gelical church hero last Sunday eve. Mr. John Deichert, Jr., has pur- chased a driver from Mr. H. Yung- blut. John knows a good thing when he sees it. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Magel, on .Monday afternoon, Dec.. 5th, at half past two o'clock. West Huron Conservatives held their convention at Auburn on Monday. Dudley Holmes of Wing - ham, carried the convention as their standard-bearer in the next Provincial elections. We have had a. number of inquir- ies from different parts fur farms of various sizes. List your farms with E. Zeller, general agent of the Western Real Estate Exchange if you want to sell. Full particulars on application. A convention of the Liberals of South Huron was held in Hensel]. on Friday last to choose a candi- date for the coining Provincial elections. A large number of dele- gates from all points of the Riding were present, and mach interest and enthusiasm was manifested. Mr. Peter Lamont, Reeve of Hay, was chosen as their standard-bear- er, but he, unfortunately, was not in a position to accept it at that tune. Mr. M. Y. McLean, of Sea - forth, ,vas then offered the nomi- nation and he asked. for a week's time to consider the matter. The convention will meet again to -day, Friday. and the matter will then be definitely settled. Prospects for redeeming South Huron by the Liberal~ seem bright, although the battle will undoubtedly be a hard- fought one. Last Saturday morning when people awoke from their slumbers they wore surprised to see' about six inches of snow on the ground, and the cutters anct sleigh were used for the first time this winter. Ou Sunday we were treated to a heavy snowfall and a genuine snow, the kind we used to have last win- ter, was raging most of the day, and as aresult the church attend- ance was not very large. The. weather has since been decidedly 000l,and the sleighing has not been of the best, although passable. A TERRIBLE ACCiDENT. On TneS- day a terrible accident happened at the farm of Mr. David Schnell. Mr. Wm. Calfas with his gang of men were cutting straw with the engine and power cutter for Mr. Schnell, and the cutter was not working satisfactorily. It got choked up and stopped occasionally. At one of these stops Mr. Oalfas was en- deavoring to get it started again, when in some way his right hand was drawn into the machine vrith the result that his hand was broken and his aria near the wrist was al- so broken. Ile was brought to the village and his injuries were dress- ed, Mr. Jas. Raunie had his thumb severely fractured in the sane way about an hour before Mr. Calfas met with his accident. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Calfas as he has still a lot of work to do. The different stores in the vil- lago are rapidly assuming a holiday appearance, and the vast display of goods suitable for this season of the year is a credit to our village, and would be well worthy of much larger places. It will not be at all necessary for the residents of the surrounding country to visit larger towns to make their selections of the various holiday articles, and we are assured that the merchants of Zurich can satisfy the most ex- acting. For an up-to-date fur coat gall at 0. Hartleib's. Mr.Peter Lamont was in Toronto, Monday, on business. Felt Goods, Felt Shoos, Felt Slip- pers and Moccasins at Fritz's Shoe Store. Native Herbs, Rival Herbs, Rival Ointment and Native Oil for sale by 0. Schrag. Mr. G. Holtzman 1s visiting re- latives and friends in Elkton, Mich., this week. We are pleased to hear that Mrs, Ellmor Klopp is able to be out again after a severe illness. Don't forget the entertainment in the Town Hall,, Zurich, next week, Thursday and Friday. Lumbermen's Never Break Rub- bers. Give the best of satisfaction. 0. Fritz has the solo agency for this place. Mr. Fred Demuth, of the South end, has added to the comfort of his residence by the addition of a kitchen and a woodshed. Mrs. Wurtz returned to Michigan on Friday, after spending a few weeks in town the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Melick. The John R.Olarke entertainment in the Town Hall, Zurich, promises to be a great success. You will not begrudge the time and money spent to hear hits. Mr. Wes. Schoeillg, of Detroit, spent a few days at his home here last week. Wes. is. attending the Medical College in that city and is one of a class of about two Hundred and fifty students. .A lady had fish for dinner and asked Bridget if she washed thein before cooking, when she replied, "Shure now, what was the use of washing them? haven't they been in the water all their lives?" Mr. Robt. Drysdale, of Drysdale, recently sold' his general store, dwelling and farm to Mr. Joseph I Gehnean. Mr. Gelineau gets posses- sion about the first of April next. We understand that Mr. Drysdale intends retiring from active busi- ness life ant himself and fancily will likely settle down iu one of the neighboring; towns. Mr. Godfrey Nicholson, of the! Bronson lint=, has purchased at gt od Olyeesdale stallion, "Barna Mof- fatt," rising ;; years old, from T. ,T. Berry, the big importer, who hand- les the choicest stock. This Horse looks like a Horse that would I weigh a ton when finished, and j having the best of quality and grand action. This is the kind Of horse that has long bean retl:,ired in this part of the country. . Oxx Goes, An.VVIIl:R COME.,.. Dr. I E. J. Ragan, former resident phy- sician at Lulcelcurst Sun1tarirun . has left town. During his. stay j here Dr. Hagan made mane tic- I gaintonccs who liked hint forhis jovial v.uZ-8 and unselfishness, and particularly his efforts with the sick whoever they were or wher- ever he met thein. He left town on Friday and is sueceeded by Dr. Fettes, of Mount Forest,—Oakville Record. Why could not our Village Trus- tees arrange to have a snow plow brought into use on the sidewalks of our village? It is true that after a heavy fall of snow there are some who clean of the wu.lks, but there aro many spots whore no path is made, and the public has to find their way through as best they can. If a plow would be used the walks would be made passable to everybody, and the expense in- curred to run it throngglc the winter when necessary cannot be large. DEkTIT OF MISS DENoMIn, The residents of the Sanble line were deeply shocked last Saturday to hear of the death of Miss Emma Jane Denomie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Denomie, at the ago of 19 years, 9 month:, and 9 days. The deceased had been ill with that dread disease, pueumonia, for only about throe weeks and last Friday seemed to be much better. On Saturday morning she seemed so well that her father left for Zurich to attend to some business, but a- bout twenty ininutes before he reached hone death claimed her, having taken a sudden turn for the worse during his absence. She was a popular young lady and. was much beloved and respected by both old and young. The grief stricken parents and relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. The funeral was held on Monday and was very largely attended. Locals continued on page 8, will soori be ov-er0 If anyone wants some great bargai , ,.s, come before the loth December. We invite one and all D. S FAUST, ZURICH. - ONTARIO. �•Q.4 i/o' - 0 0:0 ,A '0'0 0 apo .2 �•a©� bdo�D4C�•O.4 tib4•'u OOa. oOo av FELT SHOES a..0 ' Q D FOR ado 0 Men and Women o?d nothing more comfortable. They are warns a.A Dand it is a comfort to wear them. 0 gpFai :te?::{:ti'r rc;#:Ii a ii!:,„„.KixeniE eiisi,'.its::a Fans mF:ii m.4:'v:��/•' i? Our line of (/$� T is more complete than ever. a&� V Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange for Goods. QQ� Q a c. I ITZ, Z -L- .ricJ . •a8 erzea Q 4 0ev,p �> O•li.Kee azagee G7. / -�.. r,/>, is p p.,.. ��o '.��a eeee. t •e b 4 ee ee v Ci4'Ci' •\ ct_i-icee V't`�, \`i '-aWi\ •'eee eev-O- Q Wo have in stock a fine line of eddy -made fi verso ,S E have a new stock of the latest styles of ready -to -wear Overcoats. They are made from good goods, all the popular colors and all prices—according to quality. We still lead in Our stock is more complete and we have better values than ever before. Come and see them. Produce t ken in exchange for goods ZURICH -I, J. EETE ONTARIO, YES! We do i� tinting. 1—A. aft ^q a: Imiir±a,�a, w b �,.+t.h�����ff .{..�.{,.ra,...\7 elc ey 1.:.iy Tere ci , hews a a+edw.d...d..e.L.n t y We do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants. THU ZURIGIl HERALD. ii