The Herald, 1904-11-18, Page 51 Strayed, ay, ,onrth 10 7t l premises, sOctober, One darLot 12, Con. k roann year•old steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. 13-3t Jacoid BROWS, Zurich, P, 0. ociA.:1\T ,;_ 5• A kcal salesman for Zurich, Ont., and.. 8S `� The Herald AND THE WKLY ,1 INNTHIEALt surronitctutl territory to Represent "CAIIARAS GREATEST NURSERIES" 'Newest Varieties, and Specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Orn;tnientals and Roses, :1 permanent siNation , and territory The Zurich Herald, \Ve hove rondo arrangements with The '!'•I'ald 1'obi IshIng Company, • of Montreal, rl:aroby we are enabled to give The fNEEkLY reserved for the right Iain. Pay weekly, Ll' L i:andsonte outfit free. Write for partien- Jar:, and send 2.3 cents for our pocket rr2iC': 98CU1)e, first, trio thing t0 11se in exatn- ..::11G, trees and plants for iuseot,, Stone Wellington, FONTHILL NURSERIES. SO:] 4,•1iL;. Toronto, Out HOTOS.-.I will be in Zurich every Monday, all day, and am prepared to take photos at the old stand next to Dr, r i, beii's office. (1 onuI The'r'e. Ho ! Everybody. Why not get your tires Get cold? It does away with burnt rials and `ilistered paint. We Have The HENDERSOIs Tire Setter -which does the work in a few min- utes time. One trial will convince you. 'We do good Horse -shoeing and neat repairing- 7_ epairing,7- VT=a_ OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. ' EDAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 4g-tf .1LArkr. & BENnti:n, Zurich. ARM FOR SALE.—In the Township of Hay, being, lot 23, con. 15, 100 acres, clear, well fenced and in a good state of cultivotion, plenty of water, an overflowing well at the hack end of the .fang, there is also a good brick house and barn with stat les underneath, a large driving shed and other outbuildings, a o ood orchard, also convenient to schools, • churches and post office, ?, miles from Lake Huron, 41, miles from Zurich. For par- ticulars apply on the premises or to Blake r. 0. \IIt , mASW STri.nx, 7 -1m -pd Farm for Sale. 3itl acres on the Sauble line, Hay Tp., alma 30 acres of good bush, good dwoll- ing and large bank barn. Plenty of good water. For further pnrticnlals apply on ' he premises, Lot 13, L R. West, or to Daniel Smith, Sr..Josef% P. 0. Ont. 30tf �ii;ll'dlxR t, .;dra4:ste.t' ,,mesa Hoff a n's Jubilee Laundry . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN 0 Seaforth Man Burned to Death. Elgin, Man., Nov. 15.—Last night about 11 o'clock the Elgin House was destroyed by fire. It was with great difficulty the alarm was con- veyed to the inmates, owing to the dense smoke. • One man perished in the flames — Robert Baldwin, .about 60 years old, who intended starting for his his home near Sea - forth, Ont., this morning. It was known he was suffering from ill - mess, and it is supposed he was overcome by the smoke. There -vas little or nothing saved. The proprietor of the Elgin Mouse was "away from home during the fire. :Loss and insurance unknown. HERALD; rhe "Magazine- klewspaper," fit.,..„ ., To Subrrjfjors (.11,a az: I -1 laxrn a ., to This Paper Rb0 Pay their subscriptions In advance for MI. e ycae. {Y 1f you are in arrears, send in the amount 10) due, with $1.00 to pay 0 year's suberrip- .iun in advance, and we will send you abso- lutely Cree The Weekly i\1ontreal Herald for :nu• year. It your subscription has not expired, you Tay remit VA), and we will extend your nb:uaipiion onn year, and send' you The tt ecl:ly Montreal herald for one year. If yon aro not now a subscriber, send in n',w, rand this paper and The Weekly tlotor,•ci Herold, two dollar newspapers; will cut for ;1.00. This is GREATEST B LLAR VALUE ,.V,0 offered by any Canadian newspaper The Weekly Montreal Herald., the " 1aga- srl,r-Nealapa]•sr," Is without a rival in Can. Col/tenicnt in form, timely, interesting -t:td instruetire as to contents, it is the "idea: •u'ut.puper." Combining the beat features etI 1 ' 1,ot„:lnr magazines, The Weekly Montrea ti.•ts1.( is a weekly magazine and newspapea on.Nnld, at the price of the ordinary news - WI 1,01•. i'iifAlt'E FEATURES ECUSEHOLD DEPT. ARI DEPARTMENT ARRET PAGE UESTIONS AND ANSWERS tOMAN'S PAGE SUNDAY FEATURES ILLUSTRATIONS AND HUMOR AND TIMELY NEWS lathe The Weekly Montreal Herald a "maga- 'lt+e-nawspaper" that appeals to readers of •ve.y t lass. Never a dull number throughout seer, SEND $1.00 FOR YOUR RENEWAL NOW and get The Weekly Montreal Herald free. or subscribe now if you are not already a sub- scriber, and get this paper and The Weekly Montreal Herald for $1.00• Address: Herald, Zurich Subscribe for TIIE HERALD. W. C. T. U. Thelma's Daisy Hat. "I haven't any money to spare, child ; put it back and take your hand out of my pocket. I am in a hurry. 1 must start to town with that corn this very minute." "But father, teacher says we little kindergartners must have new straw hats with wreaths of white daisies on 'em. Miss Darlin', she'll do it herself—cin' she says fifty cents is cheap for it." Little Thelma looked pleadingly at her father, who said to himself, "Bless mc,, if she ain't commenced it young i" while he continued to shako his head and tried to gently push the child away so that he might get of. The laughing face lost its bright look, but Thelma tried hard to keep from crying aloud.. "Don't fuss, child; 1 can't stand it," said Mr. Hectwig, as he lifted her up, kissed her, and wiped away the tears from eyes that were even bluer than his dear olcl mother's,—way off in Sweeten. Tho round hat that had fallen off Thel- ma's sunny, straight hair was torn, and its yellow ribbon looked faded and old. Why hadn't he noticed. it before ! "Say, father," said The]dna,slow- ly getting her breath and also a bit of hope, "it'll he lots of fun. Miss Darin' she's going to have all us kindergartners who belong to the L. T, L., in the entertainment. We'll be birdies and flowers, an' when we're daisies in the grass, 'course we must have daisy hats." "What's all this for, child?" "Miss Darlin' she says .we are missionors of the fresh air. She says lots of boys and girls in Dustin never saw none nor nothin' else what God made, and we can raise money enough to get '0111 out; of the hot streets on to Mrs.Sttmtnerfield's farm . " "All right, dear," said her father with a smile. "I really must go now as fast as Olaf can trot me. We'll see if the corn brings a good price. Run to the kitchen and help your mother wash the dishes and shell the peas." Arriving in the city Mr, Hed'wig was thirsty after his long, hot drive. It was a breathless day in August and the door of the most popular and attractive saloon stood temptingly open. Thoughts of his little girl came to the farmer, and he was driving slowly by when the saloonkeeper, who knew him., ap- peared in the doorway and insisted upon his cooling in to rest and cool off. (T6 be eenti rued.) EVERY ODIC WHO READS THE Acknowledges it to be the Brightest and Newsiest Daily in Canada V'E YOU T IED IT? You can have it and the paper you are reading for only $1.75 a year In the Star to -night you find to -day's prices on all the principal markets—the closing market reports in fact from London, New York, Chicago, Buffalo, Montreal, and Toronto. You will find also, to -night, all to -day's important doings through- out the whole world, written in a catchy, interesting style ; the latest political news from an independent standpoint ; complete and accurate commercial news ; to -day's social gossip ; a special department for women ; and strong, sane, fair editorials. ALL Ti -HS, REMEMBER, TOGETHER WITH THE PAPER YOLT ARE READING FOR $Y.75 A YEAR LET US HAVE YOUR SUBSCIPIIPTI.! ' Nay Erect Sanitarium. Toronto, Nov. 13.—At the meet- ing of the provincial board of health this morning Dr. Kitchen of St. George, stated, during a discussion i on tuberculosis, that the wardens of the counties of Waterloo and Ox- ford were going to meet at Galt next week, to discuss the erection of a joint sanitarium- The Provin- cial Government has a standing of- fer of a bonus to any county or group of counties that will erect such hospitals. The board expressed sympathy with the resolutions passed by the Canadian Associa- tion for the Prevention of Tuber- culosis, which urge the Dominion Government to establish a sanitar- ium in every province. Suicide by Hanging. Kingston, Ont., Nov. 11.—Gustav Middlestadt, who came to the peni- tentiary a month ago, having been convicted of manslaughter and sen- tenced to three years for killing 't blacksmith at Eganville, Ont., with tl. pick, after tL quarrel and while drunk, was found dead at four o'clock this morning, having sui- cidal by hanging. Soon after his incarceration Middlestadt showed signs of insanity, ana was sent to the insane ward for cure. .aurin;; the nigh t he took a sheet from his beef, tied an end about the bars over his door, and, putting another enol about his neck, he succeeded in tllicing his life. His horn( watt in Renfrew county. • The Ring's Presents. London, Nov . 15.—Among the numerous birthday presents re- ceived by King Edwal d none in- terested or amused him more than a little book from Prince Eddie of Wales, his future successor. It ap- pears that the King on a recent occasion was unable to inform Ed- die how the leopard gets its spots, and in the book was a puzzle which explained a]1 about it. The Prince of Wales' second son presented his grandfather with a perfect mechanical torpedo boat. Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester, gave him a cigar casket fillea with his favorite cigars. Mrs, George Cornwallis -West, who was one of the Sandringham House party, gave him a diamond and ruby bell push for his writing table, but Mrs. George Keppol's gift was probably the most novel of. all. It was a beautiful box studded with jewels and containing a clock of marvel- ous workmanship, out of which every hour springs a dainty hum- ming- bird which for one minute pours forth a flood of melody. Countess Torby sent a pair of long leather nlotoving gloves lined with the finest Russian sable, ;especially made for hila in Moscow. Have you a Farm Por Sale If so, how are you going to sell it? IRST you must make public the fact that it is for sa.1e. If you are old-fashioned; in your methods [or in other words, behind the times] you will prob- ably tell your friends about it, or put a board up on the property with the words "For Sale" on it. After you have waited a long time you finally conte to the conclusion. that Real Estate is not in demand, although at that very time there are hundreds of people in different parts of the country who would be glad to buy your property at a fair price if they only knew about it. t ' UR method of doing business has caused a complete revolution in the Real Estate business, FIRST, because it is entirely differ- ent from the methods heretofore existing. SECONDLY, because it is reasonable, thoroughly practicable and up-to-date. And THIRD- LY, because it is wonderfully successful. By our method of advert- ing full particulars of your property can be brought to the attention of more than half aft million people. The 'Western Real Estate Exchange,. Limited. E. ZELLER, Ut1,.nreH al Agent Zurich, Ontario "I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling. One" half a bottle cured me." J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, I11. Ayer's Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco- nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of it goes a long way. It doesn't take much of it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray Bair. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. no Surd and give the name your nearest express °flied. Address, J. 0. AYIE1 0o,, Lowell, Mass. •\i •v '0 `•ssvvl 'silt/l '" 33dO01110 lC0i, X0E1 '0'el '00 1003.. 0 9111'11V 5143A2.Y.9 'S •ysanbax nodn mina paTrent aq 11fu ' 11"°" lanai° splS 1T2zznd 1t'T:IRI xno Ti;IM:1:IVN1HILL .L1(( '05tysod •ao1:d Sad oy adtuals ui syuaa t xol pa11IW •9uiloags fo .nods panxS agy 01 palsata(0) s:ano1 fry o; siaaddt pun 'agogma: Spnax ;o yooq sl3I •9onnua pave:min 3o ydlaoax ttodn 'piodaxd ssa:dxa'aoaxip digs 1t1M. pus .0 oun sn 1a a nsatn Mar go lou -uua noS;I •spoo9;no no puos o; 'llvri s.,stoa mei pat'pieap xno0 Zsv se o; 05' L Gatos; 'sunatogS' os . na 0S'z tu043 'xloteId °Sit.,at 00'£$ xx1043 "Ce13111 001'1 sno 'sajd:adoxd naxta:g iupuassai t:o snort n; put ♦LS1 'Iva° ;t0:1 cn nSsVIivi1O 2(1(1550111U (C 1100 Si ..s A[ a A 3 s V s..L ze. •9upn'o s1 atomao..k saga put S11'.lt1vrl s faro n'n ..S IaAIISS.. papnumstein pug )5(t noX •a:,atn 9ulpays 11110 ai paipogluaaopaapa i 001.101) eqy 50215010mo SSi�11O•LO11IS pnu S'IOSStd sa-is 2I Sk8A1.T.5 ani 3lucindo pta:ds'apia aim wV aAvutivA %t111 LlltPtt! 1.110 I1(Les (ISO arlta Vre00.