The Herald, 1904-11-18, Page 4kl
T ..
Is ruRnili IE1
BY R. ZEnnitis •
TERMS OF 1U13SCR1P'TION:—$1.00 per
year paid stectly in. advance. When the
mailer is not ordered to be discontinued
it will be sent until siva: order is give): arreerages paid, $1.50 to be charged
when not paid in advance.
$ ivertisements, 10 delves per Brevier line
13rzt insertion and 5 cents per line for
sash ranbsaclaent insertion. Small Advs.
e aeh ,ts"Lost" "Estray" or `Stolen wi,l
e ehar„ od 50 cents first insertion and `?;
eents for each subsequent insertion. v, ell -ordered. life.
nate and to develop zt powerful
poison, which, noting upon, the
walls of the tube, soon produce in-
flammation, which is evidenced by
pain and all the train of symptons
incident to appendicitis." The
popular notion is that fruit stones,
pips and other foreign bodies get
into the appendix and cause infiatn-
illation, These occurrences, 'how-
ever, are very rare, while bad ha-
bits of eating aro very common.
1'ho Isonal is that the best means
of preyentioIi are care in diet, regu-
lar exercise and an intelligent,.
Copy for change of -uivertisement must An interesting point• t inching t•he
?e handed ienotla,er dean ecsdaynight
of each week: to insure shang'e in follow- validity of Ontario marriage 1iern-
Klti issue. sex has just been decided by the
wart Local notie. C
t e. in ordinary reading typo provincial registrar, who declares
5 cents per tine. Notices for Chnr•eh en -
t tf:"taitllnenit or other benevolent1ntshtn- t11at121.1IItil;c'tlt�l'n::e•ii i,t;ueel in On-
ve tion at special rates. tario tire not valid in other provin-
C7outra ,ts for eolninn half -colleen and Three a a ,r
� , Cd'•S. months ago aL i-eiilll:*
quarter -column ratesfor specified per1oc1s
took license
man boas. out a isc,nse in Toronto
communications to and went to Montreal ltrc al to be married
The Zurich Herald
slip and the barrel conning in con.
tact with his leg broke the knee
carp. He will be laid up for some
Mr. T. E. Handford, of Exeter,
recently sold his pacing stallion,
"Ball Patches,"'t•o the Port Arthur
Milling Co, for $1000.
Mfr. Jets, Bagshaw, of near Ex
ter, was taken sudd� my till whil
attending Sunday School on Sn
day a week with appendicitis. Tlii
being the second attack he left fo
London the following .Monday an
underwent an operation wheel pro
ved silceessful in removing th
tronble. •
141r . Frederick a' issuer, an ole] and
respected resident of neta.r Exeter
passed to the great nlujcrity on Fri-
day, Nov. 4th, et the age of i1
years.. He leaves a widow and one
daughter to nioi rn his loss.
Fred Jervis, is, of Holriesyille, wh
left for Alaska last spring, arrive
hope the other day. This is tilt
second snnitner that lie has pelt i,'
- 11 gold�
digging. In -r
r,., .,fun he bi,vs he bits
T'1 .. , ^� '1 '7' The Ontario lei .'it-io authorizes "aLli
E. EiLLER EDITOR, ZURICH, P.0 resident m the Dominion of Canada.
er OVer y n11211 i i r clef "Cilli
and duly ordained or appointed." to
?' IDAY, Ol E11 Matt -
±ts, 1004. perform the ceremony. TMs was
accepted by the minister wh i offic-
The situation in South Huron ioted at the marriage in question. ,
regarding Provincial politics is not Later, proof of the marriage was
of the brightest. That 1. Ir. SI, required in England, in connection.Eilber, the present member, is a withbnsinoss relating to an estate,
strong man is admitted and it will and it was theta found- that the
re hard for tho Liberals to find a Quebec registrar haul refused to re -
man to successfully oppose hila. cord it, on the gro^,ncl that the u
Mr. M. Y. McLean is undoubtedly Li autenant•Govenar of Ontario
the strongest man the Reform. party uld authorize the issue of no li-
can put in the field if he would cense other than fur his own prois
accept the nomination and he ought vince. The principals have brought
to make things very interesting. the matter to the attention of the
The fruit division, Ottawa, issues Ontario Provincial Secretary's de -
shone well each time. The wore
will be cheerfully given. Address all
there in the summer is quite agree-
able but '111e winter is much more
pleasant in.. Ontario.
The other day M as vs.{ -t, Beaman
and W. Jones wore working at Mr
Wm. Bagsbaw's now residence,
Exeter, the scaffold. upon which
they were standinggave way pre-
cipititing theta both to the ground,
aping with brick, mortar and a keg
if nails. Mr. broke his
fall somewhat by gresliing at the
window Sill below, but Mr. Jones
fell to the ground, a distance of a-
bout twenty. feet. Both escaped
any injury safe' a severe shaking
Mr. Thos. Jolles, who recently
clisposecl of his fame in the town -
hip of Usborne, bas purchased the
lunched acre farm owned by Mr.John Northcott, being lot 5, eon. 3,
Ea.y township. The price paid was
$5300. Tho farm is a good one and
is considered well -worth the pur-
chase money. Mr. Jones takes im-
mediate possession lint Mr. Henry
Dilling will complete his lease term
thereon, which expires a year hence
when Mr. Jones will again resume
Mrs. \Vin. Stanbnree, of the Lon-
don Road, Stanley, passed peaceful-
ly away- on Tuesday, Nov. lith. De-
ceased had been a great sufferer for
a year or more from cancer, and
death seemed to be a haPpy release.
She leaves a husband, son and
daughter. Early in the summer
she went through an operation for
tumor of the the stomach, in Clin-
ton Hospital. itnd remained there
till some two months- ago, when she
felt strong enough to be removed
to her home. The large attendance
at the funeral showed the high es -
teens in which the deceased was
held by all.
the following. warning: "Last win-
ter thousands of fruit trees were
girdled and killed by mice, and the
same thing will doubtless happen
again the coming winter unless or-
chard -keepers take precaution to
prevent it."
The fruit division also points out
that the plague of mice is largely
due to the common. practice of dos-
troying every owl and hawk that
can possibly be shot or trapped.
The act imposing $500 upon
every Chinaman entering Canada
has had a prohibitive effect. Since
January 1st not a single Celestial
has come to this country, with the
exception of two who escaped from
steamships. In each of these cases
however, the steamship company
had to pay the poll tax of $500. The
exclusion of Chinamen has depri ved
the province of British Columbia
of a handsome revenue. Last year
British Coluinbia, received $225,000
and the year before $255,000 from
the poll tax.
Universal peace, as it stands to-
day, is purely a. matter of exped-
partment, and they have been ad-
vised as to the best course to pur-
sue. The department has also de-
cided that the wording of licenses
hereafter issued will make it quite
clear that the parties taking then
out must be married in Ontario.
Hon. G. W. Ross has called a
convention of the Liberals of On-
tario to meet in Toronto on Nov.
23rd, to discuss the questions now
confronting the party and also to
draft a platform to be advocated
by the Liberal party of Ontario in
the approaching provincial election.
Members, ex -members, candidates,
presidents and vice-presidents of
each riding organization and twen-
ty Liberals appointed) by the execu-
tive committees, are asked to
attend. The prohibition question
will be dealt with, but it looks as if
no action will be taken regarding
it. The meeting promises to be an
interesting one, and the outcome
will be watched with interest by
both parties. Hon. J. P. Whitney,
leader of the opposition, has also
called a meeting to be held in
nosey. Sentiment cuts a sorry Toronto, on Nov. 21th and invites
figure beyondest inspiring all Conservative:; and. others iu
conventions sympathy with the Conservative
and resolutions of protest against
eontinuedl warfare. But if the for-•
cause to attend. flatters of great
•e es allied `with the; Christian church importance to the party will be,
were to array themselves against dealt with. By the activity of
theboth parties it looks as if ,,the e'lee-;
present practices, and direct
bolas were not far dietant.•
their -efforts toward converting the •
jileasing theory of universal peace COUNTY N,EW v.
into a pleasing reality, even thongh
complete success should not crown A. E. Bradwin, editor or The
their endeavors, there is no quer- Myth Standard, is a candidate for
titin as to the beneficiall result; coin ter councillor for his division,
t+irat wonlcl follow, Jos. Cobbledick, of Exeter, re-,
turned the other day from a visit
to Durham, having recently been
elected ne a director on the Board
of the National Cement Co. He
The personal defeat of 1Ir. R. L.
Ber(len, in Halifax, has brought
out most gratifying tributes to his .reports the plant running to its
popularity from Liberals, as well fullest capacity.
as Coneervtttivcs. Everybody seems Petitions asking the township
anxious that a seat should be found council of Hullett to pass a local
for him. This reminds me of at option by-law and submit the same
yarnyarn told of a street car lneidetit, to the electors for ratification will
n't ou be presented to the council at its
y got a seat." in- next meetin7•
a young fellow who was County Clerk Wm. Lune teas in
sitting down, of an elderly gentle-
man who was hanging on to a strap.
"Yes," replied the old boy, doubt-
fully, "I've got a seat, but I haven't
got anywhere to put it." For the
sake of the Conservative party and
for the sake of all Canada, I' hope
Mr. Borden will soon find "some-
where to put it."—The Argus.
. A distffaguished physician gives
his opinion that the main cause of
appendicitis is the eating of hurried
.and irregular meals,' involving the
retention of imperfectly digested
food, "Then it is that these mic-
roscopical organisms will crowd in-
to what may be called the back:
`water of the appendix, here to stag -
Clinton one day last week attend-
ing a nieeting of the House of Re-
fuge committee. The committee
looked over the inspector's ac-
counts, found the management of
the house and farm satisfactory
and seventy-six inmates at the in-
Mr. Brandenberger has brought
to Clinton another speoies of the
dog kind. It is it poodle, snow
white, has hair like fine wool, and
is a curiosity to look at. For a
house pet there is nothing to equal
the poodle dog, even suppose it has
been associated with the name
of "soup."
John Brown, of Centralia, niet
with. a painful accident the other
day. He was assisting in loading
apples when the elan who had a
hold of tho end of the barrel let it
Native Herbs, Rival Herbs, Rival
Ointment and Native Oil for sale
by C. Schrag.
r rt�1+ k is -- np7
'.nt' 7z^: � 1. �� ti
`rv1? P
Z ,:,,i"
Anyone set ding a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion freetirlietiler an
invention is probably patentable. Communion.
Lions strictly
confidential. Handbook on Patents
s tetsecuring ens taken through for Co. reeeve
special notice, without charge,, in the
Vrie utl(�ic seri cal
A handsomely illnsirated weekly. Inrcest vin
cnlation of any scientific: Journal. Terme, NI a
year ;four months, in. Sold by all newsdnierks,
JNN &CQ.3siEroadway. New ®er
Branch Office.
;"' Ht.. Washington. D. (1.
Sold by All Newsdealer s
s.v. . PEPPER
Monthly all lovers
a vast olumeof fw, Chc
Copyright CompositIono by the most pop-
ular authors. 64 pages of Piano Music,
half Vocal, half Instrumental—aComplete
Pieces for Piano—Once a Month for as
Cents. yearly Subscription, $2.00. If you
will send us the name and address of FIVR
performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send
You a copy of the Magazine Free.
Eighth G LocuatStap.° PhiladelpPublisherhia. pa.
Clubbing. rates.
lar We have mad 6 arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE HiajaA.LD :
Daily Globe . $ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . • 1.75
Mail & Empire 1.70
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1,75
Daily,Tree Press 3.25
Weekly Free Press 1,75
Daily Advertiser 2,40
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun Y.75
Tanner's S.dvocate 2.25
bas taken its place again and of which we hate a complete
6 ROBES we have the Saskatchewan, goat Skin, I3ishop
act the Northwest Black Galloway Robe.
5re also have the Bishop
tend the Northwest Galloway COATS 9
Those articles aro the finest on the market.
Horse -Plank -eta, all sizes; Rubber
c� ra d Wb rugs, Mitts,
Also a complete line in
Alit Cases. Double and Single Harness, our own snake and jr
hand stitched. Our stock of Furniture is complete as usual.
Combination Couch can be quickly changed into a bed,
:*****.7V'C*'•!rJ-)i*** *T ** * I.='` O - O o O O •. o a
It he r(topic's St re g
�. wvl, . •v •..:d •`iy'•,''1 � Y.:.::i ii'la%.'`$ap=31 `.','fi„d%:••Y%9%.' ✓ ✓%:: ✓%'.•%'';`r,• r.",: frL`,•', %'. �';,..e.y......
TM; iT a very short time the feminine hind
will be very intent upon what will be
most fashionable, most serviceable and most
suitable for
fait anb Winter wear.
We have made it a special point to purchase
carefully and what will suit the ladies of this
Special values given in all lines of
u mill er dear.
No trouble to show goods.
' '1I1eg:a sash:5 ii%5f:1 ....,,.;,4v" °' `riyf3 ✓.';'..^.i v:i' .:•.ac50? i ifii
�yr9 Zurich.
0 0
• '"e have a: a. -thixa..g
•• •• 7 -cu. =lead .. ..
-----such as
Dietic Stock Compound, Gall Cure, Colic Cure,
W-orcni Powders, Healing Oil, Oil Cake and Linseed
Meal. Also
A choke line of Flour and Breakfast
Foods. ---.
" ` ora = y)atro nage- solicited..
! e Cf1.1RA69 m Zurich,.
Is in a class by itself. The vel°y best that can
be bought.
The Deering Disc
and Shoe Drills
can not be excelled.
is the best on the market. It has many im-
provements which other spreaders have not.
are all well known in this section,
J. . ickboiJ, A.Deering ericY