The Herald, 1904-11-18, Page 2ISS JE NO. 47 1904. lues. Winislow's bootliing Syrup should always be used for Children 'Teething. It soothe the ehlld, softenethe gums cures wiser colic and le the best remedy for Dlarrheea. WAVE —men of some experience In the insurance• lino to canvass in reserved dis- tricts and appoint sub -agents. Permanent positions will be given to those meaning busi- ness, Renewal commissions added the sec- ond year. Company's standing first class; styles of policies attractive. Anyone desiring to work up in the inaur- ance business will be given every assistance and other fair inducements to begin and con- tinue with us. For particulars, write tho Star Life, 35 Richmond street west, Toronto. WANTED, A GENERAL, SERVANT, FOR family of three; new house, every kit- chen convenience, a particularly attractive into, Can onor situation, Geo and well Mill Milligan, 7 oWellingtou east, Toronto, Ont. NOVELTY MANUFACTURING CO. Agents wanted for our specialties. Com- plete outfit does not exceed $2.00. All good sellers. Write 237 King street eaat, Toronto. Deaths on the Rails. The comparative rate of deaths and accidents on British and American rail- ways is strtling. On British railways only one passenger in something less than 200,000,000 is killed, while on Am- erican railways the fatal casualty is one in less than 2,000,000. One in less, than 100,000 passengers is injured on American railways to one in more than 1,000,000 on British. An eminent rail- road president explains this by saying that "under certain conditions the hu- man brain refuses to work." And we seen to have the conditions.—Boston Globe. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur,. F. J. CI3ENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans- actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by this firm. WALDING, KINNAN a Maavrs. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken laternally,ae ing directly upon the blood and mucous ser. faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price -75c per bottle. Sold by all drui;aiste. Take Hall's FamilyPills for constipation Only One He Ever Had. (New York Herald.) "Does your coachman have any perquis- ites?" asked Mr. Oldcastlo. "He had one once," replied her hostess, "but the doctor said it was brought on'by Nein' out too long in tho hot sun. My! I don't know what I'd do with a person around me that had them regularly." C. C. RICILARDS CO.: Dear Sirs,—A few days ago I was taken with a severe pain and contrac- tion of the cords of my leg, and had to be taken Thome in a rig. I could not sleep for pain, and was unable to put my foot to the floor. A friend told nae of your MINARD'S LINIMENT, and one hour from the first application I was able to walk, and the pain entirely dis- appeared. You can use my name as freely as you like, as I consider it the beat remedy I have ever used. CHRISTOPHER. GERRY, Ingersoll, Ont. His First Step in Crime. (Chicago News). "What was your first step in crime that led up to this daring forgery?" asked the judge. I began by changing the dates of my wife's letters before 1 finally mailed them," answered the victim of his own wiles. 1 BUFFE1111111 TORTURE FOR, IT TY E ARS Then Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured IsVrn. Dgeg's Rheumatism. 'I1Ee was so lead That lie Could not Lie Down, But Had to Sit Night ht and Day in a Chair. Buudridge, Ont., Nov. 7.—(Special.)— .Mr. William Doeg, of this place, now a drearty man, tells of his almost %miraculous cure of Rheumatism by us - tag Dodd's Kidney Pills. "For 'four years I suffered excruciat- torture," says Mr. Doeg. "I was oely an lour free from pain. I could t lie down to take gest, but had to t night and day in a chair. "I was treated for Rheumatism by veral doctor's, and naso tried several edieines without reeeiving any benefit. most in despair, I feared I never "u would ge free from pain. Then I of some remarkable cures by Dodds Kidney Pills. I procured a box rad soon found they were doing me good, and before I thad finished the sec- ond box I was entirely free from pain mend a new man" Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure Rheu- matism by putting the kidneys in drape 4o take the cause—Uric .Acid—out of the blood. Old Forks. A London jeweler has made a collec- tion of ancient forks used in England, which show some little known facts about the table manners of a few cen- turies ago. The forks, which are of solid Oliver, date from the sixteenth century. In many cases the designs in all this time have scarcely varied in any detail rind the forks Iook like those which might be bought to -day. The old forks were a great Imairy in their time and were only used by the aristocracy. The ristocra The thousands of people who write to me, saying that hilo 99 esu ptio liumepe The Lung eea Tonic cured them of chronic coughs, cannot all be mistaken. There must be some truth in it. Try a Emilio tar that cough of yours. Prices: S. C. WELLS 84CO. 310 2Sc. 50e. $1. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. One Cause of Failure. . It is a significant fact that, according to Bradstreet's. nearly 80 per cent. of the concerns which fail in business are 'those which do not advertise. The es- ta.btitntent which stakes a profit with- - out advertising would be vastly more successful if it should use the news- papers. The Stomach's ."Weal or ViCeS"—The stomach is the centre from which, frori the standpoint of health, flows "weal or wee." A healthy stomach means perfect di nstion—r-erfect digestion means strong and steady nerve centres—strong nerve centres mean good circulation, rich blood and good health. South American Nervine ,,sakes and keeps the stomach right. -12 An ImpossiJle Combination. "'Why has Mr. Flipklas disappeared from society'!" "'Lost his money,"'answered Miss Cayette. "'* thinnee'n-le to be a lion in society and u Iamb in Wail street both at once." MOTHER SHIPTON'S PROPHECY. Much of it Has Been Accomplished, But ' the End is Not Yet. The Penn Monthly says the famous prophecy of Mother Shipton, in. Eng- land, has at last been accomplished in many respects. Steamboats, telegraphs, ironclads, tunnels, the gold discoveries, the admission of the Jews into Eng- land, have been necompliehed in the nineteenth century, as the fire of Lon- don, the execution of Charles I., the death of Cardinal Wolsey and the reigns of Elizabeth and James, prophesied long before, came to pass each in their .,own time. Her doggerel verses, which are a powerful influence in parts of Yorkshire to this day, are as follows: Carriages without horses shall go. And accidents fill the world with woe; Around. the world thoughts shall fly In the twinkling of an eye. Water shall yet more wonders do, Now strange, but het they shall be true. The world upside down shall be, And gold be found at the root of a tree. Through the hills man .shall ride, Nor horse nor ass be at his side. Under water man shall walk, Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk. In the air shall men be seen, In white, in black, in green. Iron in the water shall float As easy as a wooden boat. Gold shall be found and shown In a land that's now not known. Fire and water shall wonders do. . England shall at last admit a Jew. The world to anend shall conte in eighteen hundred eighty-one. • - Tee Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Boy's Tussle With a Leopard. A huge leopard visited the Gopalpore tea estate a few days ago, and, arriving about 11 o'elcck in the morning took a good look around. After roasting about and apparently satisfying himself that everything was going on all right, be felt the pangs of hunger coming over him. The hospitality of the manager of the Gopalpore tea estate is proverbial, and he has a "Mutton Club." The leopard soon got to find out this, and he there- fore strolled into the precincts of the club and made himself an honorary member straightaway, quite unconven- tionally and without any of the usual formalities. For "tifi'in" he selected and seized the fattest sheep. But the boy who was in charge of the sheep would not allow this, so he caught the sheep by the hind legs and hung on to them while the leopard was tugging away at the other end, the boy yelling "blue murder" all the time. When this had gone on for a few min- utes the manager game riding up, and observing the state of affairs at olive chipped into the genie. He and the boy between them succeeded in rescuing the body of the sheep, but the leopard got the bead. He contented himself with this for the time being, and it is a won- der that be did not take more and that be did not attack the manager and the boy who deprived him of his meal. The leopard had his revenge for his discom- fiture a few days after, when he mauled a girl and a member of the Girathas.— Amarita Bazaar Patrika. The Best Advertising. An experienced business man tells of a contractor who undertook a job from which he did not expect any profit. "I clo it as an advertisement," he said. The man of experience calls this a mistake. "Make a profit out of every job and go to the newspaper and pay for your ad- vertisement. The best advertising is in the newspaper, followed by good • work at a profit." Myers' d . oyal Cattle S ice Is worth Two Cows in 5L Four cows, that have their feed seasoned with MYERS' ROYAL SPICE, give as much milk as Six without it. Actual tests prove this. It not only increases the quantity of milk, but improves QUALITY as well. There's more cream and butter -fat to be gotten out of the milk—and butter and cheese is always smooth and rich. MYERS' ROYAL SPICE does this by toning up the stomach— insuring perfect digestion —and enabling cows to get all the nourish- ment possible out of their food. It keeps the whole herd sle.elt and fat—pays for itself, a dozen times over, just in the feed it saves. Write for our free literature. MYERS ROYAL r iitCi"i•. CO., NIACARA FALLS, ONT. a N.Y. t .JJ J'��'1 ; 35 iii1 qJ /1/4-4k," l4 ?; i`�+:.uei`. G�' frit K-�i,1,,Jr�.Y+ +4yr�,�4'. wormariume>, .n.nems,,Fm., aimeamur.m ..s,m n.....meum•w.mm. . _ .... ... Who lt.nows Anything About AU buyers, ac iers and users of EDDY'S IMPERVIOUS SHE T M U PAPE are interested In tam question ? sem, ' �+u, ? n Will every reader of this enquiry a.W JO KNOWS ANYTIiING ABOUT BANNIt'1ER" please drop a line on the subject to THE E, B. EDDY COMPAlNY, - HULL, CANADA ...nwm...ewowMau/nm»w+` eMie..e:m,,..we,.aMIE.m.. .,.ea.,rwvee 1?? Criminal Education Society. The academy of erime of which Dick - en's immitable Fagan was head profes- sor has lost its prestige since details of a similar institution in Italy have come ±0 light. This organization, called the "Malavita," was situated at Foggia, and aimed at committing all sorts of crime, from highway robbery to kidnapping. There were two schools, one to teach the use of the knife and the other for pick- pockets. A few frances were charged for admission, and the pupils graduated ac- cording 'to the proficiency they attained. If any of the members were arrested tile other members volunteered to give per- jured testimony in his behalf, while a few more took charge of the witnesses for the prosecution, whom they scared by threats into refusing to testify. .Lifebuoy Soap—..disinfectant—is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. „s ' Making and Selling. A manufacturer thus tells his experi- ence: "For a Iong time we paid more attention to produeeion than to selling, and the result was an accumulation of products to excess. An advertising cam-' paign was imperative, and we carried it on with such vigor that our shelves were dearly emptied, and we considered it expedient to put on more force in manufacturing." `y. r: i? 1• F ik ony Our range in ebony toilet articles is large and varied. A favorite set, in handsome case, is No. r4.807. It con- tains hair -brush, mirror and five other necessary pieces, mounted with sterling silver shields, $1,5.00. Our catalogue will prove of value when next you are thinking about gift -making. Send for it to -day. see t ms+ RYI IE B1 OS. "DIAMO14D IIALL" 'ry 15II to 124 Yonee 51' met TOl+O 3TO e.� va tf "MARRYING IN THE LORD." Story of a Preacher who Hastily Wedded a Second Time. Said a clergyman, who likes dearly to tell an anecdote: "I hope the Epis- copalians in Boston will settle the di- vorce question for all time, but don't think they will. There is the second marriage question, too. You know the story of the Methodist preacher who was taken to task by his congregation for marrying a gay young spinster a month after his wife's death. He ex- cused himself in this way: 'My dear sisters and brethren, my grief was great- er than I could bear. I turned every way for peace and comfort, but none came. I searched the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelations, and found plenty of promises to the widow, but none to the widower. I took it that the Lord. was not inclined to waste sympathy on a widower when it was in the latter's poer to comfort himself; so, having a first-rate chance to marry in the Lord, I, did so, and would do so again. Be- sides, sisters and brethren, I considered that poor Olivia was just as dead as she would ever be,'" Little butSaarChin''M —Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big, naus- eous doses that contain injurious drugs or narcotics—they are the pure vegetable pepsin —the medicinal extract from this luscious fruit, and the tablets aro prepared in as palatable form as the fruit itself. They , cure indigestion. 60 in a box, 35 cents. -50 � Five Thousand Distinct Languages. Mr. J. Collier is authority for the statement that there are no less than five thousand distinct languages spoken by mankind. The number of separate dialects is enormous. There are more than sixty distinct vocabularies in Bra- zil, and in Mexico the Nahum language has been broken up into seven hundred dialects. There are hnudreds in Bor- neo. The complexities are beyond class- ification in Australia, and generally the number of dialects decreases with the intellectual culture of the population. If there is an average of fifty dialects to every' language we still have the enor- mous total of 200,000. • lMinard's Liniment Cures target in Cows Governor Dockery's Dog Story. (Kansas City Journal.) Governor Dockery, in his speech, tolls of a man who was attacked by a ferocious ' dog. In self-defense he killed It with a pitchfork. The owner, numb aggrieved, re- monstrated. 'Why didn't you come at him with the hiunt end of it?" "Because," re - with the blunt end."dog didn't come at me The Sunlight way of wash- ing requires lithe or no rubbing. You " should try Sunlight Soap. Will not injure dainty fab- rics. SB Tommy Had Upset the Ink, (Philadelphia Ledger.) Tommy—Ma, lend me a load pencil. Mother—I just Left pen and ink on the par- lor table for you. What do you want with a pencil? Tommy—I want to write to the editor of the paper, to ask him what'll' take iukstains out of the parlor carpet. NEW PATENT Folding Seat. This seat is the 'only one of its kind on the mar- ket. and should be seen and used to be appreciated. The advantage- ous feature is in the fact that the seat drops. There is no spring and it cannot get out of order. Made of malleable iron with a piano stool finish top. Largely used in deoratmontal stores and any place where space is an object. Price per seat. 51.25. If a larger number is re- quired write for special terms. Novelty Mfg. Co., 219 Queen street east, Toronto, Ont. Mistake of the Country -Bred Boy. • Young hien from the country stand a better chance of success in a city than do the young women, but they exchange a life of health and freedom among the fields for a hard and exacting employ- ment in the city. Once inoculated with the virus of metropolitan experience, they are driven on by habit and neces- sity until finally, as the years accumu- late, the majority sink to the level of mediocrity, and finally into dull apathy. It is then that the country -bred boy wishes with all his heart that he bad returned long ago to the farm of his youth and taken up again the yoke which then seemed so heavy, but which he now knows was light. -Kansas City Journal. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Prevention of Railroad Wrecks. In the good 'tim ecoming there will not be any single-track railroads nor any trains going in opposite directions on the same track; grade crossings will have been abolished, the road beds, tracks and rolling stock of all roads will be as sound and safe as science, skill and money can make them, and no effort to insure safety will be spared. Very few of our enormous aggregate of deaths and injuries by rail would have occurred had all of these conditions been present. It is the absence of most of them that piles up the appalling list. So long as that absence exists the slaughtering will go on. It will decrease in proportion to the extent to which the obvious causes are removed.—Washing- ton Post. 1'ATENT TROU- ser and Skirt Hanger, holds 4 garments„ steel, heavily nickel - plated. will last a lifetime. Send '50c and secure one. Endorsed by all leading tailors. Novelty Mfg. Co., 219 Queen. street east, Toronto, Out. College Girls' Walking Club. It is a move in the right direction when college girls start of their own ac- cord to organize walking clubs. At Wel- lesley such a union has been formed, with the appropriate name of Cross Country Club. It is the first of the kind there and the object proclaimed is that a habit of taking long walks may be formed. Health is the first desideratum and it shows that the young women mean business when each member of the club is required to walk out of doors at least three hours a week—Brooklyn Eagle. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Worm's Defence. The annelid, Podynce cirrata, is a mean -looking worm, about an inch and a half in length, of flaattened shape, blunt at both ends, apparently covered by a smooth skin of a dull brown color. On being touched it throws itself into elegant serpentine curves, and then what appears to be the upper skin is seen to be composed of a great number of round flat membranous plates or shields, ar- ranged in tfo rows, overlapping each other. These, though of larger size, are attached to the body only by a small 1 point in the centre of their sides, so that when the animal moves the edges of the ! shields are lifted and reveal their live structure, sliding upon each other in singular manner. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains; euros sore and swoolen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one got- tle. Waranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure aver known. Effect of Advertising. A banker who has adopted modern business methods to increase deposits, says: "It was not until we began to ad- vertise systematically in the newspapers that we found it expedient to keep the place open three evenings in the week." Positively Unbearable. Polly—The way that man looped at me was positively insulting. Delle—Did ]ie 'stare at you'? Polly—No. zee gave one glance and then looked at something else, , ••,.2x7! !. 4145 115435,,. •. •",u-twSKO5103l17Mauu 'NMI, Wee Wean* Tickr=otya 5 The Nov caecatai:a'yi9'm 'g$ager speaks for itself but you will speak for it too if you use it once. When buying a Washer you certainly should have the very Lest. Thousands are talking of the advan- tages had from the New Century nall- Bcaring Machine. For sale by dealers. If your local deal - Er cannot show you the flew Century we shall be glad to send you a booklet des- cribing it. Dealers sell it at se.go. THE DO 5SWELL E':FQ CO. LTD, HAMILIelI, GAN. Itkirollt.'ilM^•ififiat. {11;_tlf! ti� 911 Two i,`ears $1 !dl g for ea That's what our special in- troductory offer means to farmers and stockmen. $1.00 brings the to you for Two games—less than one cent a week. There's a dollar's worth of good, sound reading in every. number. Here's what one subscriber says about our paper: Es different Frown ®Cheers "I consider your paper the best egri. cultural paper in Canada, being angi- nal, and in every department full of valuable information. DVNCAN CARStrenAnr,, Kigin Co,, Ont. Won't you let us send you e' l ce sainple copy, so that you can see The Farming world for yourseff? or send. ,fr.00 for two years' subset -10w%. Address THE ratnunND WDRLII, Truman...RAlli 1,.