The Herald, 1904-11-18, Page 1THE
The Official Organ of Zu,i,ch and Hay Township.
Vol, V., No. 17
ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1904.
$1. Per Year.
t ® J. D. COOKE,
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris -
r, Solicitor, Notary Public.
Uensall, Ontario.
3• tw. STANBURY, B. A. F. W. (MADMAN.
Gladman & Staxniaitry.
ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on
Village and Farm Property at lowest
rates of interest. Documents in original
ireranan read and advised upon.
•every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store
14.xeter Otfiees—Over O'Neil's Bank.
Godericb, - - - Canada.
0. 14. uT VCR.
Vet. Surgeon and Dentist
Treats all diseases of domesticated
Animals. Veterinary medicines of all
kinds always on hand.
Day and night earls promptly attend-
ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's
Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont.
lage and Farm Property insured. All the
leading Companies- represented. Agent
For Accident and Sickness Insurance.
'Dentist, graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
'-Toronto university. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plato work a speciality.
At Dominion (louse, Zurich, every
15N osidayr. 1-26
Licensed Auctioneer for Hur-
on County, reslieetfully solicits the pat-
ionage of those vaao intend having sales.
Satisfaction ua3.eranteed.
Licensed Auctioneer for the
County of Huron. 1 would request
those having sales to cull on me.
Te'•ms )notie rte ; satisfaction guaran-
teed. Your pa'tronege snlit_it •d.
1110137.6.1- .
tai * f3 aix tui * T hi E C;t r Cit G6 c cx
e•lit Cjt 4t x z al RICH as Ct * i:, s44 0.0Abgetweenosamilrni....110kayearna.....1.01..**0
Mrs. Soldan is on the sick list at
Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell visited rela-
tives in Loudon for a few days last
Mr. Thos. Kelly spent a few clays
this week in London and Toronto
on business.
EMI.. Wm. Miller has rented the
Heyrock farm on the 14th con. for
a term of years.
Misses Diana and Phoebe R.ickbeil
spent Thanksgiving Day with rela-
tives in Stratford..
Mr. Albert Zettel, who has been
in the West for some months, re-
turned home last week.
The three ages of woman are her
real age, what her friends think it
i1, and what she says it is.
Miss -Katherine Hast and sister
are spending Thanksgiving holi-
days with relatives in Tavistock.
Mrs. Nicholson, of Blake, is
seriously ill at present. Her many
friends will be glad to hear of her
Mr. Herman Benner, Jr., left for
Detroit last week, where he has
sectored a position on the street
railway in that city.
Mr. F. W. Farncomb, C. E., of
London, was in the village last
Thursday. He was looking after
some ditches in tk.e township.
Messrs. Nicholas Foster and Wm.
Bender have been at work last
week and this week sinking a 70 -
foot well for Mr. Geo. (;lausius, of
tho Goshen line south.
The Provincial Secretary's De-
partment warn automobile owners
they must not transfer licenses and
numbers from veliiele to an-
other There are 004 licensed auto-
mobiles in Ontario.
The ele.otion of Porter, West Has-
tings, has been protested by the
defeated Libeled candidate, Lott.
Personal bribery is charged. This,
is the first protest to be entered in-
couneotion with the recent Domin-
ion election.
Just gat year ago last Tuesday that
long, colic winter set in. I3ot;
snare •ef us can think of it without
.shuddering la the thought. Here
is to hoping `haat the coning one
will not be so hard. on the coal bin.
Mrs. M. McCor'.nick has pnrches-
,eti tli,e .property north of Fritr's
shoe store from Mr. J. Iiauiilton.
Mr. Hamilton fund .fa.mily have left
the village. 'We understand that
Mr. McOor•.tnick .attends to occupy
the premises herself.
A •eoneen:ticai of Abe Reformer:;
of ,South Heron as constituted for
Provincial purposes will be held. in
Miller's 1tdll l;1ensaall, on Friday,
lox . 25.tli, for the purpose of st,leet-
ing d.cesudidate to contest South
Huron its the coming Provincial
Strictly up-to-date in modern int
3r proveliaents. l iningroomsis sup- e
ve plied with only the very pest. I; ¶ cr
liar contains claoito leviers and
cigars. sJ rj !r 11
Excellent Sample Roorne
I,3 for Court: ec fol Men.UNISINAIrattniltigi..601=1110.11fro. Or. 47
41.11, $4061.13.e.rniaoutrl
t>'. 44.2$ ac?i>,CCIa¢,. tate, ;
M.XXXTXJ Ytl...vYf.Yi.'I.dMY -
This House has recently changed
hands, analis now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
o atter B able in the cf eriliraiCan.
R. R. Johnston & Son
�®� � Pn0p1tIETO7i5.
Revised every Thursday afternoon.
Wheat (new) 00 to 7..04 •
Oats .. 20 30
Barley ............. 37 38
Peas 55 02
Flour , . , ....... 2 50 2 75
Butter .. .13 14
17 18
4 5
Eggs.... 60 0 • ,
Potatoes. . , . , . , 30 35'
Hogs 'per cwt) . $5,00 $5,00
New acts. --D. S. Faust, O. Sahrag.
Miss .Lizzie Flaxbard. is ill with a
severe attack, of typhoid fever.
Miss Versy Witwer. . spent three
days with Exeter friends last week.
Waterloo county farmers aro
interested in the • rural telephone
Mr. John Sieinon has moved into
the village and occupies the house
near the fins mill.
Miss Ida Brill spent a few clays
with Mr. Geo. Broder ick's, of the
Babylon line, this week.
Mr Robt. Williams hits returned
to Clinton, Mr. Wiltsie being able
to resume his duties here.
Mr. W. C. Calfas started his new
chopper at Mr. C. Fuss' on 'Monday
and it gave splendid satisfaction.
Dr. Buchanan is improving the
appearance of his dwelling and
office by the application of a coat
of paint.
Mr. Nelson Ho}temann is con-
fined to his room with at severe
attack of bronchitis. We wish hint
a speedy recovery.
Mrs. W. H. Finkbeiner and
daughter, of Milverton, are spend-
ing Thanksgiving with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. D. S. Faust, here.
D. S. Faust will bo ready to buy
all kinds of fowl, beginning Nov.
27th, every Tuesday and Thursday.
for which he is paying highest
Messrs. F. Hess & Son are busily
engaged in building a. large num-
ber of cutters for the coming win-
ter. The style and finish will be
equal to their output of former
Mr. W. 0. Calfas was busy last
Friday and Saturday in the village
sawing wood with his traction
engine and saw outfit. This way
of sawing wood. is a vast improve-
ment on the older method and
saves a lot of "elbow grease."
Our public school teachers have
deeicled to have another school;
concert solea time before Christ -1
mass The children have started
preparing for it. These concerts'
are always popular and will rro,
doubt ha anxiously waited for.
Tho Police, Trustees of the village
have haat some outlets made to!,
carry tiff the surface water on the
streets. A cement mould is trade 1
from the tile to the surface and an •
iron cap is fastened to the. top. This
leap is full of hole, and the water 1 The P eo pi e' ss
lean readily escape through them. 1
1The 'cotrtinned fine weather we
have been getting has given the
I farmers .aMpie time to get their fall
plowing clone, _and many are mak- •
ling use of their spare time and giv-
ing the farm a general cleaning up.
i The saying goes, look at the cloth-
c's at man Seat:. 1111d. you know the
1 leen. In the suns' manner look at •
i tbo appoar1trICO of a faritt and you
I%now vvhat kind of a farmer lives
; these.
vvil1 soon be over.
lif nyo ie wants some great
bargains, Come before the loth
We invite One ., _ d all
D. S. FA. 9
5s1. t3
1•t Y' T� 1'.
�}iig a�y ��
Ihr for 3� a !!i
in.. c
Boots and Shoes
from 11c;W 1111th ifst. Nov. for cash.
We are not going to sell goods at cost. No elan would sell
his good goods at cost, therefore, do not be deceived.. When you
spend a dollar in our shop you get good value for lour money-.
We mean what we say.
Produce taken in exchange for foods.
Chas. Fritz,
Boot and SHoe Hous,e.
lir...7ollri t' reybiel.„.tif Daehworal, i
as clerk ill. his :store. 1IL Greymel'
aa, well known to most of tho letir-
iha;•,cdbirth lie.. J. 1Teeter,; 't`q`-+M-,t'>se' :iTrs.S'rhitosicles
x of w;aont we all
think so Mthly,
i 'rill have charge of the devotional
1 •., ui • 1(xe c lee s, of the W. C. T. 1T. ales>t-
cleat ; of are; tiuini 1 and his nx z'. v:hi 1i is l'''1••(' betel a.t the homo
pleasing rnalu ars Zvi]1 no doubt of Sees. Williams, Monday, at half
further incr' a' ' hitt popularity.
l,1 .+1. ... }. ,, 'y• 'r tSt t''Rr) o OlO('k. Mss. Paulin.
11 Mr. Wti. Perxdor bus ta,lcen thtl i Comity Presitk'nt, will give 0 very
'interesting report of the Provitteit.l
tomsetttit n held in i3owutanville
last week.. Every woman in Zurich
is heartily invited to be present 1
I contract tit sleeving the show 11ota,ti
to the riew grounds. It 'will be
raised and ai iitnnbcr of cross
pieces put under and put on a true k
oracle for the purpose of moving
buildings, and it 's thought that it
will take only two or three days
to move it. Mr. Render expects to
start shoving it next week.
No sservioes were held in the
Evangelical church` last Sunday,
on account of the absence of the
pastor,Rev. W. J. Yaeger who was
assisting at the special servicse be-
ing held in the Evangelical church
in Colborne. On Sunday evening
the Y. P. A. gave ora interesting
programme, consisting of singing,
recitations, etc., which was very
much appreciated.
Again we have been warned. how
uncertain our life is here on earth,
How, at any moment we may be
called before our Maker. Mr. Hy.
Otterbein, on Saturday last, was in
his usual good health, doing the
work about the f'ar'm as usual. On
Sunday morning his wife went to
waken him but Lis spirit had taken
flight. The cause of his death was
heart disease, the deceased being
troubled with his heart for some
years. He was 73 years of age and
leavese, widow and a number of
grownup cliildrei to mourn the
lass. He was a good. neighbor and
was respected by all who knew
him. Interment took place on the
gosh= line cemetery .on- .Tuesday,
to hoar tee flume gond things :that
will be said. '.l'ltis will be the last
opportunity of Tu'uring Mrs. White -
sides for some time, us she ]ealves
a dal;* or two for her home near
The sale of the old show grounds
b, auction last Saturday afternoon ,
C� t
I have IS 110W s�tc)c k (i f' the latest .t :'Inti of
ready-to-wear Overcoats. .'.Phew ere
!Rade from (cod goons , rill tho popular colors
and1 all irric'.e's---alt a�or(In1 ; to anality.
\\7'(= still load ill
e -p a 7
: 'xAS.r_rTM
0111.' st(K'l� i:, ] )Ce10 c•t);'s11)Iet.' alai! \ve have hott'e'r
values deft. t'.vo1' Lifoi't.'. Come and wee' ila'1L..
Prot Li f:
ya c• �<
was very successful. < Four .build- ZURICH,
mg lots were sold oft the front and
the balance rn One parcel. .A good
deal. more was obtained for the
property by selling it in this way
than if it would have been sold in
one lump. Mr. Tolrn Deichert, Sr.,
bought the first lot for $80, and he
picked on the one where the show
house stands at present. Mr. C.
Eilber bought the second for $70,
and he picked on the corner one
next to Mr. A. Geiger's property.
A right of way was reserved. b -
tweon this lot and Mr; Geiger%
land to give free access to the land
at the back of these lots. Mr. A.
Hoidemarl bought the remaining
two, one for $$70 and the other one
for $55. 11e has since sold them. to
Mr. Henry Theil. Mr. Ab, Geiger
bought the remainder of the land
for $290. Thus the total proceeds
of the sale amounted to $565.00,
Mr. Silber informs us that he has
since sold his lot to Mr. William
Bender at a slight advance.
taken in exchange Aor se
J. G o Rt 1�EM°BIER 9
'We do
111 Mieacia, Stateana.ents.
We do neat and quids. work.
Let us know your wants.
ex -
a -