The Herald, 1904-03-25, Page 8The'` Zurich Herald. New Butcher Shop. I wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continue the business 2it The Old Stand. I will carry in stock all kinds of '. eats and will give my Custo- /tilera the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich - - Ontario. j. H.WISMER Morse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH® Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. —s All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each weak, at six o'clock sharp. K ; lbflreisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates Sven for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. O. %nap. /31 Second Hand tt NJE1R11C RI UttC1bE% All in fine running order to be sold in ten days for cash 1pricee ra the best F. W. HESS, THEJEWELER. DIxltr Special to THE HERALD. Mrs. and Mrs. Isaac Wismer of the Babylon visited Mr.Burkholder on Sunday last. Miss Nancy Gingerich of Blake spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kipfer. Mr. J. Kipfer intends going to the Northwest this spring. A little more snow would help our roads and make them real good. •0 e: HENSALL Special to THE HERALD. Mites Bell of Blyth has taken charge of Mr: E. Rannie's millnery department. Mr. George McEwen M. P. has gone to Ottawa to attend parlia- ment. The Women's Auxilliary held their meeting in the Mission Hall last Thursday afternoon. It is with regret that we chron- icle the death this week of Miss Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron, 2nd Con., Hay, in her 29th year, She had, been ailing for some time and on Thursday death relieved her suffering. The remains were interred in the Union cemetery on Thursday hist. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. a HI LLSGREEN Special to The HERALD. On Wednesday, Mar. 16th, the home of Mrs. James Cochrane, east of Hillsgreen, was the scene of a very pleasant event, when Miss Mary was married to Mr. James Forrest, a prosperous farmer of Moosejaw, Assi. On Thursday a reception party for the bride and groom was held at the home of Mr. John G. Forrest. Rev. M. C. Mc Lennan tied the nuptial knot. The happy couple will leave for Assa. on March 22nd where they will make their future home. Mr. William Cochrane of North Dakota, who has been visiting his parents, will leave for his home again on Monday. Mrs. James Turner is on the sick list. Dr. Campbell is attending her and we hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Henry Reichert has, bought a heavy draught colt from Mr. Alf Mellick, Bronson line, for $150.00. Hcnr ,likes a good horse. GOSHEN LINE Special to THE .HERALD. Miss F. Sturdy spent Sunday at Mr. George Dowson's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Esler spent Monday evening at R.Armstrong's. While a sleigh -load of young folks were going to a party one evening last week, they had the misfortune to upset and glad to say no one was disabled except one young gentleman who had the misfortune to lose his after that the band played. You had better keep the ribbons yourself next time Billy and you will have better success.—Onlooker. Messrs. Mike Kennedy and Wm. Stogdill have finished cutting wood for Mr. John McKinley and are now at Robt. Armstrong's. A few young ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Wilson Arm- strong's and some fine needlework was shown on a quilt. Messrs. Norman and Wm. Pat- terson have taken the contract of cutting Mr, Robt. McLinchey's wood. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson and Miss F. Sturdy spent Tuesday evening at Wm. Stogdill'a, Messrs. Robt. McKinley and Thomas Robinson are ha bore in the epring. Mr, Prod Ducharme and .wife visited relations near Grand Bend last week. Subscribe for THE HERALD. Tell youkr friends about it, , DASHW®0D Special to THE IdERALD. Mr. E. p. Paulin and fainily were to Exeter Sunday evening. Miss Clara Ash, who has been visiting in town for a few weeks, has returned to her home at Sebringville, Mr. C. Frits and family spent Sunday at Mr. J. Kellerman's. Mr. H. Reynolds of Sarepta has rented his farm to Messrs. Snell and Guenther and intends 'leaving for the North West in the Spring: Mr. H. Willert had to dress about twenty hogs on Monday on account of the freight trains not running on the L.H.&B. Mr. Dan. Koehler of Zurich was in town on business last week. Mr. S. Hardy and daughter, Jen- nie, were to Exeter, Thursday. The Misses Theo and Lily Hart- leib spent Sunday in town. The ice in Mr. Snell's field has been in excellent condition for the past two weeks and the young people have been making good use of it. The Y. P. A. have arranged to have a musical entertainment on Thursday evening, March $lst. A good program is being prepared and a large crowd is expected to be present, Mr. Morlock and family were very pleasantly surprised on Thurs- day evening of last week when a load of their friends from Crediton arrived to spend the evening with them. --s (Locals continued from page 1.) The Canadian Post Office depart- ment has issued another notice that half -cent stamps must only be used by newspaper offices. Postmasters are enjoined to be careful that all parcels posted at their office for transmission by parcel post to the United Kingdom or to foreign countries are fully prepaid and have the necessary customs declar- ations affixed to them, and comply in all other respects with the regu- lations. On Wednesday, March 16th, the death took place, on the Bauble line of Mrs. Screenan, at the age of 79 years. She was born in Dumfries, Scotland, but hens lived on the Sauble line for many years. She was a good wife and a kind mother and leaves to mourn her loss a number of grown up sons and daughters,her husband having died about six years ago. The funeral took place on Friday ; the remains being interred in the Sauble line cemetery and was largely attended. The first installment of the esti- mates for the present year were presented to the House of Commons last week. The total atuount is $62,935,338. The places in Huron County mentioned in the list are as follows: — Clinton, post -office, $15,000; Wingham, public building $18,000; Goderich, harbor works, $20,000; Grand Bend, breakwater, $15,000; and St. Joseph, wharf, $4,000, For the information of our readers we,may say that these aro not granted yet, but have to be voted on in the House, each item separately. W. O. T. U. A Quaker's Temperance Lecture. Buggies Buggies Season 1904. Orly new line of Buggie will soon be ready for the market. RUBBER=TYREE BUGGIE a specialty. Give us a call before you buy: F. Hess & Son. Zurich Ontario Several persons, among them a Quaker, were crossing the Alle- gheny Mountains in a stage. A lively discussion arose on the subject of temperance and the liquor business, and those engaged in it were handled without gloves. One of the company remained silent. After enduring it as long as he could he said : "Gentlemen, I want you to un- derstand that I am a liquor dealer. I keep a public house of , but I would have you know that I have a license and keep a decent house. 'I don't keep loafers and loungers about my place, and when a man has enough he can get no more at ,y bar. 'I sell it to.decent people, and do respectable business.' He thought he had put a quietus on the subject, and that no answer could be given. Not so. The Quaker said : 'Friend, that is the most damning part of the business. If thee would only sell to drunkards and loafers, then would help to kill off the race, and society would be rid of them. 'But thee takes the young, the poor, the innocent and the unsus- pecting, and make drunkards and loafers of them, 'When their character and money is all gone, thee kicks them out and turns then over to the other shops to be finished off, and thee ensnares others and sends them on, the same road to ruin.' Press. Supt. Go to e. Greb .. . -For your Hardware; Tinware, Granite, Silver and 'Glass Ware„„„els;., She"rvvin-Williams and Hollywood PAINTS Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials The Famous LAMB FENCE Most, durable Fence on the . market - Don't be deceir• d with a Fence Machinc—You will not be if you buy a LONDON • ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND CHAS. GREB, ZURICH, ONTA RIO. [Ei[A RiA , We are going to Sell Out All WINTER G00DS; at Cost INCLUDING -RUBBERS AN D SOCKS Of all Kinds, and FELT.SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. Come in Time to Get Bargains P. BENDER & Go. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. =3 ,57, tJ 0, • Mr-77-oxito IF YOU WANT A COAL COOK THAT DOWNS THEM ALL. The above Stove burns wood also, 'and takes in 23 inches. We can give yon the names of about 40. sold the last 2 years. Consult these parties, and hear what they have to say for its good qualities: 'Made only for those who ' require the best. PRICES RIGHT. Call and See it. BLANKETS, ROBES & FUR COATS AT A BIG REDUCTION FOR CASH. • G. IARTLE I B, The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, ZURICH. STOOK TAKING ..SALE In order to make room for our Spring Stock which we expect will arrive shortly ; we have put a great part of our present stock at prices which will not give any of the lines much time to re- main in our store. •Are you . interested in saving money on clothing? If so call and examine goods.' and prices. D. WICEINEITICH, Zurich, mws