The Herald, 1903-11-20, Page 1The Officiaa. Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township.
Vol. IV., No. 17.
ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1903.
$1. Per Year.
LEGAL CARDS.�"'�"�°"'—. _ '°2S °'INIZ'" ` > Messrs. Either and Sclrra.g were in
• (Late with Garrow & Prou(lfoot) Es,rris-
er, Solieitor, Notary Publie.
iiensalJ, Ontario.
G. STANr3U)LY, G. A. F. W. er,AemAs.
GI:adrntum & SStaubury.
ries, Conveyancers, 'Money tr, Loan on
Village and Harm Property at lowest
rates of interest. Documents in original
t,;errnan read and advise(' upon.
—AT 1{EN SA LL--.-_-._
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
liensall--Over Stoneman's jewellery Store
Exeter Offices-- Over O'Nei1's Bank.
Barristers, Solieitors, Notariee Publie
etc, etc. Cor. Square and North Street,
(aodericll, Ontario
Hogs are only quoted at $:4.85
this week.
Spectacles and case found ; apply
at HERALD Office.
For a nobby crap for fall, Stein-
bach's have them.
Mr. Beetson, of the Sovereign
Bank, ape.nt Snnclu.y out of town.
• Miss Vercy Witwer spent Friday
and Saturday visiting friends in
Exeter, on business, on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. john Decher were
visiting at IMr. Chris. Eilber's, on
Mrs. Chas. Fritz has recovered
front her indisposi t,i0U, mentioned
last week.
Mrs. Hamacher visited friends at
Dashwood for two or three days, 1
last week.
Mr. J. Preeter is in the poultry
market for all the chickens, duck:,, I
geese and turkeys availably..
Miss Joanna Elbert has been con-
Honsall. fined to the house for two weeks -1
Our steady Mate Trousers look on the sick -list.
and fit as well. us tailor made. D.The County Connell i culled to l
Steinbach. meet r.t Goderich, on the First day
The prices of our three leading' of December, at three o'clock. p. m. x
lines in hats are 90 its., a i.2:3, 4,75. Masters Earl Hardy and George'
D. Steinbach. Wambold, of Dashwood. were the
The Misses Addie, Tillie and Su- guests of Mr. Charlie Either, on
sie Johnson spent Sunday and. Mon- wunday.
day in Clinton, A. few Saskatebewan Buffalo Rob -1
Mr. David. Pfaff, wife and family, es, Horse -blankets, Rugs, etc., Still
of Dashwood, visited at Fred be sold cheap, at Fritz' .Shoe Store. {
Heiser's, on Sunday. (:all and st.e.them.
Miss Laura Bender has arrived The' Messrs. Mercer have had
ting wood, at the Evaporator since.
The concert on Thiirtiday evening { FOR EVERYBODY: we Give invitations to all the. Ladies
next in the Town hallZurich i
home from Mensal], where she spent
ACi-f Ali D & CO., 1 the summer months.
Do you wear sire 15;4 shirt? If
so, call on us and get a snap on
that size. D. Steinbach.
Mr. Chas. L. Shoemaker, of Park-
hill, was in town on Sunday even-
ing and part of Monday.
Fur coats worth $25 for $20. li'ur
coats worth x,18 for $15. See them,at Hartleib's. Terms cash.
The Zurich cider mill has closed
—.OFFICE.-- down for the season. The patron-
. age accorded this season was only
Zurich, BLOCK 0ntarto. Ifair,
(L. V. l AynANn, Notary Public) Messrs. .T. Melsaac and Klein -
steelier, of Dashwood, accompanied
R. J. HAMILTON, by lady friends, visited. Zurioh on
NING .i�0 for . FALL TR
9 0 e .
Of tyle eery Latest at at Lowest Prices,
Girls' Coats from $2.75 to $4.0,)o.�I11 Styles—Long and 311ort.
Ladies Rain Coats from 5 to c;.
Of ttie irery NeL'Jest Design,
II Wrapperetes new patterns li.®e a yard
their engine and circular. saw cut -
m... :15 inches wide tor. 10 cents per yard.
i0ur Milmmery Department is Open.
Village and Farm Property bought and
sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing
of all kinds promptly attended to.
We represent the Leading Fire and Life
Insuzrance Companies and respectfully
solicit your patronage. -
Special attention given to collection of
Notes and Accounts.
ICJ Vet. Surgeon and Dentist
Treats all diseases of domesticated
Animals. Veterinary medicines of all
kinds always on hand.
Day and night calls promptly attend-
ed to. OFFICE— In Win. Bender's
• Old Stand, Main St, Zurich, Ont.
Fire Insurance effected in all loading
companies. Accident policies issued.
Confederation Life represented..
Dentist, graduate of the Royal College
of Dental 'Surgeons, Toronto, also honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
Toronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speeiality.
At Dominion House, Zurich, every
Mon'):1y. 1-26
the cider -mill closed down.
promises to be the best held here' to give a call. •Ie, .�
for a long time. Don't miss it.
a trouble to show (foods. PRODUCE TAKEN- IR EECHAI\NGE
�� . J. Mern e is buying poultry I fir which the highest prices are paid.
ed and undressed., Call and see him
about prices. See ad. in this issue.
,,r r
and wants all he can get, both dress-
All friends of the Lutheran
church are invited to attend the
25th anniversary of the dedication
of the edifice, on the 29th instant.
Besides Miss Anna. Beckett the
famous singer of - Detroit, the
Excelsior Orchestra; Misses Doan
and Williams in piano drietts and
Messrs. Faust find Icelly in vocal
The Misses I3i11, Finl;hpiner' (.netts will take part, i,n Zurich, on
Wenzel and Bei trend, of Crediton, I Thursday next; Nov. 20th. Don't
were the guests of Miss Silber on
Sundt forget the date.
y' Rev. Father Tonnes, bus taken
Miss Lavine. Bossenberry return charge of St. Boniface Parish,
Zurich,' o l arriv, d. l♦,n town last
week. Father Tonnes . is of very
pleasing address and will be sure
to crake firiends with his parishion-
ers as well as with the' rest of our
He that will not permit his wealth
to do any good to others while he is
alive, prevents it doing any good
to himself when ho is dead ; and by
an egotism that is snicidal, and has
a double edge, arts himself oft' from
the truest pleasure and the highest
colt to Mr. J. P. Ran, of the. ,.(;ore- happiness hereafter.
merci;,l," on Monday, for the sum M - w. A. (Intel, of Bernie, near
ed home from Manitoba on Satur-
day last. She had been up there
nearly tiro years.
Mr. John Dtunart went to Lon-
don, on Saturday, to place himself
under the care of a specialist, for
some five or six weeks.
Miss Melvina Kdrhler returned
borne on Saturday from Sebring-
ville, where she spent some weeks
with her sister, who resides there.
Mr. Noah Sa_ruras, of the 14th
concession, sold. a. fine two-year-old
of 125. Kinear dine, visited Iris sister, Mrs -
The Misses Ella and Lizzie Ronnie loch, and other friends, in and
returned home on Friday evening around Zurich, last week. Mr.
after a seven weeks' visit with rel,'- (Iabei'livcil bore some 45 or 40 years
) tives and friend., in Berlin and oth- ago. hut has not been in town bc-
Licensed repat-
Auctioneer for I- I er'.)laces. fore for abont seven years. He no-
on County, respectfully solicits the
ronage of ;hose who intend having sales, Messrs. i'Vreseloh and K(u;herrr5 •d es many inrerovements in that
Satisfaetion -guaranteed. , finished the woodwork on Mr, time,
Rutrnne3l's new .rouse last week. Messrs Bess and Reichert have
purchased most of the woo(' on the
Wm, Lamont place, on the Goshen
line, and will put a gang of inen on
getting it off almost immediately,
The price paid is we understand in
the neighborhood of one thousand
dollars. Mr. Lamont receiving
some few acres for his own use.
Mr. John. Hey, Jr., of the Goshen
Line, has a Baldwin apple, which
grew in his orchard this year,which
measures no less than 11% inches
in circumference. This, we believe,
is the largest apple of its kind
grown around here for some time,—
Are there any others who can beat
this i If so we would like to hear
from. them. The apple will be on
exhibition at THE HERALD Office,
so that any wishing to see it may
do so.
Miss Charlotte E. Wiggins, To-
ronto, lecturer and organizer of the
Ontario Women's Christian Tem-
perance Union, will speak in the
Workman's Hall on Friday after-
noon and evening, Nov, 27th. The
afternoon meeting will commence
at two o'clock. She will speak on
one of these topics : A study in
child nature, children's rights,
children's reading, child culture
and its relation to purity. The
home and society, the home and
state, W. (7. T. U. departments.
The evening meeting will com-
tnenoe at eight o'clock, when she
will speak on ono of the following
topics : our nations duty, new cen-
tury ideals, humanity's battles, a
twentieth century crusade, the new
patriotism and the hone ballot, A
hearty invitation is extended to the
publio. A silver collection will be
taken at both these meetings,
Locals continued en page 8,
Licensed Auctioneer for the
County of Huron. I would request
those having sales to call on me.
Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran-
teed, Your patronage solicited.
* 111 t;9 zza ZURICH z,'1 t:3 0 0
Strietly up-to-date in modern im¶
provements. .Dining rooms is sup-
plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶
Bar eonlains choice liquors and
cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ 11 ¶
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men.
.000000 zs443
figlo 0 IAey
E ominton
This House has recently changed
hands, and. is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
To getter rtable in the 7Sontinion,
R. R. Johnston & Son,
......... .....
The job seems a creditable one to
the gentlemen named.
The notice of stray cattle, adver-
tised in THE HERALD, brought the
owner from the other side of Credi-
ton, a few days after it appeared.—
Who says advertising does not pay,
Mr. Charles Troyer, the Town-
ship Collector, was in town on Fri-
day, and gathered in a very respect
able sum. The payments, how-
ever, were scarcely up to his expec-
Mr. Wes. Sohcellig sold his hand-
some team of Percherons, to Mr.
Thomas Handford, of Exeter, on
Wednesday, the price received be-
ing, we understand, in the neigh-
borhood of $;350.
Mr. Casper Weber lost a couple
valuable hogs this week through
some disease or other the nature of
which is not understood as they
were seemingly well enough a few
hours before they died.
Mr. Henry Weber is working at
the new Hotel, in St. Joseph. It is
being lathed and plastered and it
will take several weeks yet to com-
plete the job, which has been let to
a London firm of contractors.
Mr. Dan. McLean, of London,
one of the most popular horse
trainers and drivers of Canada was
in towel on Sunday, in company
with Mr. T. Murdock, of Hensall,
and called on Mr. Bossenberry and
Dr. Campbell.
Mr. E. Bossenberry has converted
his trotting Dolt, Lee L., into a
pacer and is giving him daily exer-
cise on the track. Ho says he
takes to pace as a, duck does to
water and expects he will make a
god one.
FAr. ST,
For good Fail Water -proof
is n C 6hoes
Rubbers and Overhoes,
Leggings, Felt Shoes,
Any and AH Muds of Shoes
ot 1
THE. S;f'JO M 4.T`1A
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
OOP' �
/11 /he Mtn?t,5(? t)f
171.(.7'61,9 It) f./(!'+'1I (;t' -,
Preeter knows This
and is constantly trying to give h
customers the 'best value for the least
money, and does not spare himself to
• , '; accomplish his purpose. °aij
Stock is e'er v
'This Fall k,
New Dress O000dss, New Over=Coats
(Up-to-date colors, styles and Prices.) (All kinds, Styles and prices)
New Furs all kinds Ladies & Gents.
Including Coats, Tippets, Ruffs, Gauntlets, Caperines, caps., &c. &c.
Ata kinds of Gents' Fu nisi ings- —..
Including Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties,
Handkerchiefs, Under -wear,
TRIMMINGS.Suspenders, etc, etc.
Flowers, Feathers Tweeds, Worsteds, Beavers
Small -Wares, And MENS' & BOYS' SUITS.
Trimmed or untrimmed. Goods are good & Prices right
Ribbons, Laces, Corse
0 Farm Produce taken in exchange and highest prices paid.
J. PREETER. Zurick
'gat dotattaturgtulu'l;lurt Atit l;##
ZUEiticil oTwpao
We have a number of Good Farms for sale and
also some property in. the Village of Zurich :::
Good Agent Wanted in every Town and Village
in the County, 'to take risks for the ROYAL-VIOTO1 IA LIFE