The Herald, 1903-10-30, Page 8J. H. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH, Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. 060411010. _0000 All work promptly attcndcd to Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zurich Carriage ork . BUGGIES Our new Stock is now finished. See us before you buy. It will be to your interest.. BUGGIES F. NESS & SDN, Zurich, Oatarie l Kaley 9 I 'telae" i Planing and Saw Milli i —All kinds of woodwork and saw - M LL . lug clone to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A. full stock of B. C. Red. ,Cedar Shingles. Ail kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gattis, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Bills 14th Con., Lot 25. J". C. Kalbfleisch Zurich Pa 0. Just Arrived The "ALMA" SILK GUARD, for Ladies, f Complete with (old Bangle i t and Snap, up•to-date J Price only - - 50 Cents. HOW ABOUT A COL....g,, BUTTON? j I have the Bullet top Buttons l in sets of four ) Price 20 cets. per set. watches, Clocks, Jamul etc, MUSICAL OGODSs--PBIOES RIGHT. F. W. HESS, • THE JEWELER. WANTED A 'nail to represnt 'r CANADA'S GREATEST NI RHERIES" in the town of ZURICH, and surrounding coun- try, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit 'Trees, Stnall fruits. Ornamentals, Shrubs, hoses, Vines; Seed Potatoes, &c. Stook true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position to the right roan on either salary or eommi rieca. Stone & We11in g,tora, FOI TF1ILL NURSERIES, 1.tSERIE.S, Orraa 800 a utas. TORONTO, - ONTARIO. ;3-!•m. N`; " 0E'. S xitAvn ADOPTED 'TIIE C AS1'i 2 -System, all accounts must be laaid by Sept. ' 1st, C, sc IIRA. . Flour and reed, Zuriela Locals continued from page 1.. Mr. William Uttley was called to Berlin this week, on a sad mission, that of burying his father. Mr. E. Bossenberry has been a busy pian this Fall. During Sep- tember and October he had •over four sales per week and has some in November as -well. This, with his windmill agency and implement business, should leave hint little sparetime on his hands to brood over the ills that flesh is heir to. Mr. William Liebold,of the Baby- lon line, lost a child by suffocation or smothering, between Sunday night and Monday morning. The child was six or, seven weeks old, and care being taken to have it sufficiently well wrapped up • for the night, probably accounts for its death. It was buried in the cemetery, near home, on Wednes- day. Mr. Fred Rummel's new house is fast nearing completion and will bo an ornament to the town. A very beautiful veraaclah is now added and. the painting sets both off in good style, being neat without in any way being gaudy. It will undoubtedly be one of the hand- somest residences of the village and should be as comfortable as it is good looking. As requested by Mr. A. Mittle- holtz, we had intended to give some extracts from the "Apple Export- ers' Bulletin," issued by the Domin ion Department of Agriculture, respecting the spraying of trees and the care of the orchard generally, but as the season for this work is pretty well over this year, refrain from doing so until spring, when the advice will be more in season, and far more likely to be followed. Not a great inane- alights since the inhabitants of the village were treated to an exhibition of both filthy and blasphenous language, at a late hour. Young igen visiting , the town should have some respect for others, if they have none for themselves, and if they must use this kind of language go to the woods and spout it out to their heart.':= content. It is not often such things occur in Zurich and t the seldonier it is iIidulged i11 the better. 'We «;ill sono Tris: HERALD for the balance of the year to any address, for the trifling sure of 15 cents, or to parties subscribing now we will give it until the end of 100.1 t for :;1.010, thus making- them a pre- sent of the 8 or more numbers Ibefore the close of the year. All I families should have the local paper. 1,'e also club TI11; HERALD with quite a lumber Of outside limiters at a very low price in order to increase our list for the coining year. "Don't go to Canada to buy land ; there are lots here—stay in CYod's country." A large sign -board con- taining the above words stands on Aiiwriea.n soil, just itt the boundary line between Dakota un'l Manitoba, says Mr. HartIeil>, in order to dis- conra.ge settlers from going into our western territories It is at good monument to the envy of the Dako- • bans at the rapid flow of ianinigra- tion to the Canadian North-west. and shows that our southern neigh- bors up there are thoroughly aroused to the necessity of trying to keep their present population from joining the exodus. We notice that the Sovereign Bank has just declared its second quarterly dividend at the rate of 5% per anima for quarter ending Oct. 31st. The profits were largely in excess of the dividend requirements Their assets now being' considera- bly over $7.000.000. This is, cer- tainly a good record for such a young institution, and goes to show that the management has been of the very best. In .a field. which many, were inclined to think was already over -crowded, at the time of its entree into the financial arena it mast be alike gratifying to both Officers and patrons. The business of the Zurich branch bus, we are glad to learn, exceeded the expecta- tion of the company's officers so far. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat 73 ta 75 Nita . , .. 27 Barley 3; Peas 00 Flour • 1. 75 Butter .. 11 Eggs . 10 Chickens ib ........ 4 Ducks (i Geese 5 Potatoes ............ :lo 30 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 0 0 0 0 .. • 71 to 75 (.)ats • .... 30 3.3 Barley .......... 40 .10 15cas.... , 05 "r":i Floor . 2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt.. 4.'q5 5.'1:i 29 1) G5 1 85, 15 17 5 5 The social status of more people than realize it is established by their family wash. A man doesn't need t0 be bad to be interesting to 'women ; it is si'liii- clent for them to think he is. The Zurich Herald To -morrow is H'allowe'en. ' Boys, be careful; as little innocent amuse- ment is allo*able, but tricks which work injury or damage to any citi- zen ,should be refrained from. The .aids ertn do little harm, but boys well on in theifc teens, should avoid anything calculated to annoy those of a nervous or excitable tempera- ment. Charnber's Encyclopedia re- fers to the day and customs, as fol- lows, and shpws that the most of the amusements indulged in par- take more of an indoor mature than an outside one : " Hallow -even, or hallowe'en,the name properly given to the eve or vigil of All Hallows, or festival of All.Saints, which be- ing the 1st. of November, Hallow- een is the evening of the 31st of Oc- tober. In England, it was long cus- tomary to crack nuts duck for ap- ples in a tub of water. and perform other harmless revelries. While the same things can be said of Scot- • land, the Hallowe'en ceremonies of that country partook more of a superstitious e.hatructer ; taking among rusties, the form of a charm to discover who.shonld be his or her partner for life. O?these now al- most exploded customs, the best summary is that contained in Burns' \veil -known poem. " Halloween."M Sale Register. Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc., on lot 27, S. 13., Hay, 1% miles west of Dashwood on Friday, Nov. Gth, at one o'clock sharp, the property of Mr. Henry Bender. E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. Auction Sale of Farm Stook and Implements. on lot 17, con. 0, Hay Township, Parr line, on Fridy, Oct. 30th. The property of Mr. Enoch Parker. Ed. Bossenberry, auc- tioneer. - One of the most disastrous fires which ever occurred at St. Cathar- ines took plaice on Friday, when Ridley College was burned to the ground. ivIr. E. 0. Walker, of the Walker-; ville valker- ville distillery, has declfneet the' Eo'cys taken in exchange -for Conservative nomination for the, Commons in South Essex. • Cariosity is the germ of all enter- prise—tne n dig for wood -Chucks more for curiosity than for wood- chucks. The interviewer is a human os- trich. feeding on anything he can find and digesting easily anything he (am swallow. Some people wonld be happy only in jail if the law said they must not go there. 11r. (tee. Trott, of Hensall, is per- manently lncutc'l in bis gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day Tuex,lays excepted. Gi°.O. TROTT, 18-tf Photographer. Go t . ire • a • For your 1-lardware, Tinware, Granite, S iIver and 'Glass Ware _. Sherwin=V(Tilliam s and Hollywood PAI Oils, Pgrtland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials The ' Famous LA ; B FENOE Most durable Fence on the market Don't be decciv d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy ALL BINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON ZURICH, IIAND AS. GRE - ontTFaio. aLONDON There Was Money • . Found At our Corner. And if yon conic inside of our Shop you will fintl more We will sell the Balance of Summer Shoes at cost And below Cost. You will find money in them if yon buy. We must Set thein to make room for our new Fall Stock. P. BENDER. & Go. FARM FOR SALE. In the Pownzhip of Stanley,being lot 2(1, South 13ounclary, containing Jti acres, intra or less. All cleared but about 2 acres. It i5 situated 23 miles frnn the village of Zurich and G miles from 1Cippen Station. There is a good comfortable house on the premise:. as well as two bank barns and other necessary outlniildings, well supplied with nater. well fenced and otherwise an gond condition. For further particulars apply to JAMES ESLER, lin-pBlake 1'. 0. Farming For Profit... Every -Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are rio longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. By reading THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE Sux's market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of Tliu SUN' in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by t'ailway locomotives has been amended. We will said "fill: \,'Vnri,t.Y SUN from now to 1st January, 1905 in combination . with The Weekly Herald, for XL57. sii$SGR7$3+, NO VY x`$.14731.$ P611, Tin ASKING. Zurie a Goods. STOVES. ES. o you need frjt . Cook Stoe all ? 4Jar THE' his LTS.a4Ta."dm4GilERY.f1A.1—••1.v1'FW'3•J.AT,Sn•-UFY(CitLili WE A t THE BURN WOOD OR COAL A At Rock -bottom !rx:' vc::4 ^434M-' AT tars eating Stoves we thern In Full Lines, Robes, Blankets, Halters, rugs oto, oc,„4 t. t.AAt Right Priee,,t.A,,,t_ Apt Our Harness are counted the best r Once a Customer always a Customer C. II ARTLETB, The Big Hardware and Harness House. Zuriela,, 000 '', o � Sfi�inbac�i's AUTUMN DRESS G S E are proud to be able to . invite you to examine our large variety of New Goods. We do not hesitate in stating that it is the best and largest variety slf.own by us. Wise buyers will know by coming early they get best choice. Prices ranging from 30 cents to $1.25. Our Waist Goods are complete. We wish to draw your attention to our Drop/Ornaments and Sectional Triln- lnings; and Pearl Buttons --a large var- iety. ar- iety.