The Herald, 1903-10-30, Page 2CEMENT BRIDGES.
Their Good Points Illustrated by One
Near Tavistock.
Tavistock Gazette: Time was when
Very crude Log 'bridges served the
early settlers. Then. came those of
hewn timber, followed again by
bridges of iron. These are passing
out and the up-to-date bridge—for
short spans at least—is made of cem-
ent. Cement bridges are not com-
mon by any means, but there is one
complete a mile past of the village
and one nearly finished at Nau's, be-
Tavistock and Shakespeare.
The one on the town line was
built by the Counties of Oxford and
Perth, under the supervision of Com-
missioner P. Darold. There is a span
of 31 feet, the cost being $600. So
far as one can see there is absolutely
nothing but cement used in the con-
atruction, but we are informed that
some woven wire was laid in when
building the arch. We doubt that
It is needed, for if the bridge isn't
strong enough without the wire it
won't be with it. But we're not an
authority on bridge -building. and
there may be sow g clot' reason. The
bridge to which we are referring is
a strong structure, and even when
a traction engine p;Ise--es over there
isn't a tremor. In appearance it
is neat, but we offer a suggestion
that if carried our will make cement
bridges look much prettier. The sug-
gestion is this: Plant a few roots
of Boston ivy beside the abutments.
3n a few ,rears the whole structure
would be cpvered closel;- with a mass
of beautiful green. a cement bridge
would become an object of beauty on
the King's highway. The ivy would
do the bridge more good than harm,
for cement fleet is kept somewhat
damp will last longer than if it
becomes intensely dry at times.
Silo =' l's
Cure The Lung Tonic
The harder you cough the worse
the cough gets.
is a guaranteed cure.
If it doesn't
benefit you
the druggist will give
you your money back.
Prices 25c., 50c. and $1.00
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y,
One Lesson of the Circus.
Iola. Tian., Register.
When you go to a circus and
see what strength and suppleness
and grace the human body is cap-
able of, doesn't it make yon asham-
ed of your weakness and your slow
and heavy awkwardness" The mis-
take that has been made ever since
the renaissance has been in re-
garding the mind as the only im-
portant part of marc and looking
upon the body as a mere incum-
brance, or, at the best, as a sense-
less machine to be used iaithout
either knowledge of its wondrolus
mechanism and 'without mercy for
its limitations. It is a good thing
a circus comes around occasionally
to remind us that a well-trained
body is something a man may be
as proud of as a well-trained mind.
fn Going to New York
Be sure that your tickets read via Grand
Trunk and LehighVallPy route of the "Black
Diamond Express." This is the direct and
best route from all Canadian points, By this
route baggage is nowchecked inbondand from
Canadian points.The Lehigh Valley hasthree
stations in New York, up town near all first-
class hotels, and down town near all Euro-
pean steamship docks, saving passengers for
Europe a long and expensive, transfer. Se. ore
your tickets of Grand Trunk ['Route. Robert
S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, 83
Yonge street, Toronto, Ont.
The Open Season
Toronto Star.
This appears to be the open sea-
son for the fool with the gun.
Removes all hard, sort or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses ; blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
• etc. Save $050 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful blemish euro ever
Mike t Suddenly.
Two Irish soldiers stationed in
lire West Indies were accnstomed
te baths in a little bey which wan
generally supposed to be free
from sharks. Though on good
terms with each other. they were
not what might be called fast
friends, One day, as they were
swimming about a hundred yards
from shore, Pat observed Mike male
denly making for *the land as hard
as he could, without saying a word:
Wondering what was the matter,
Pat struck out vigorously after
him and landed at hie companion's
heels. "Is there'' anything wrong
wid ye ? inquired Pat, feelingly.
"Natlrin'—notllin' at all," replied
the other. "Thin what did y oe
make such a suddint retrate for
an 'lave me ?" continued Pat. "Be -
dad," answered Mike, coolly, "1
spied the fin' av a big sh.ark about
20 feet ahead, an' I thought while
he Was playin' wtd you it would
give me time to reach! the shore!"
..4 chlati go.
Vernon Bromley Cured by
Dodd's Kidney Pills
For Years be was Crippled by Rheu-
matism and Sciatica—Dodd's Kid-
ney Pilis made a New Man,
.Morristown, N. Y., Oct. 126.—(Spe-
cial.)—Vernon Bromley, now of this
place, but former'ly of Trenton, Ont.,
relates an experience that will prove
of great interest to his old friends in
"I flava been a great sufferer from
Rheumatism and Sciatica for years,"
Mr. Bromley states. "Tihe citizens of
Trenton will remember what a crip-
plei I was. I could neither work nor
lie down, the pain was so great.
"Reading of cures by Dodd's Kidney
rill., finally lecl me to try them, and
from the second box I began to feel
relief, I continued to use tbem till
I had taken twelve boxes, when I was
completely cured.
"Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a
nes- pian of roe."
R.':eumatism and kindred diseases
are caused by uric acid In the blood.
If the Kidneys are sound they will
take alt the uric acid out of the
blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make
sound kidneys.
Adaing Insult to Injury.
Toronto Globe.
It is to be hoped that no Canadianl
will accept a title as a result of
this surrender.
Never Worry.—Take them and go about
your business—they do their work whilst
you are doing yours. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills
are system renovators, blood purifiers and
builders ; every gland tissue of the whole
anatomy le benefitted and stimulated in the
use of them. 40 doses in a vial, 10 cents. -21
The Eternal Feminine.
When mid-Victorian 'fashions failed
To tempt the laggard lover.
Our Grandmammas in sorrow wailed
Their weakness to discover;
And modes arrived, and altered fast,
Until at length was seen,
In all its glory; wide and vast.
The Crinoline!
But Tickle man was never yet
Content with present blisses,.
And women's wit anew was set
To reinforce her kisses ;
While Cupid simply, stood apart
And watched the mental tussle,
Until in Fashion's shifting mart
Appeared the Bustle!
alas! the struggle ,even then,
Was only just beginning,
For still the ranks of single men
Are far too slowly thinning,
And now, to match the low-cut wear
That eve to Eve allows,
Behold by day the open-air
Pneumonia Blouse!
O 't ecome
An Object
Cf Aversion and Pity. Cure Your
Cold and Catarrh, Purify Your
Breath and Stop the Offensive
Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says: "My
wife and I were both troubled with distress-
ing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom
from this aggravating malty y since the day
we rirst used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.
Its action was instantaneuus, giving the
most grateful relief within ten minutes after
first application."
Use Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills.
40 Dcses 10 cents. 9
New English Ware.
Altogether rich and distinguished is
a new English ware with the most
fetching deuoratio is. The pottery It-
self is of a rich apple green, and the
decoration is confined to the band or
margin. A tall jug shows a band of
yellow around, the upper part, and
some charming feminine heads ex-
quisitely decorated with posies are
upon this band. This piece is called
the Flower itlaidens, and the artist
is Spencer Edge, A jardiniere is just
as admirable. The pieces cost $3 to
$B, and include vases, tobacco and
cracker jar.-, in addit'on to those de-
scribed. 7.liio shade of green is a
happy hit, and the shapes are admir-
able, the jug being charmingly grace-
ful. Tree mellow tones of the deuora-
tion5 go beautifully with the gained
Easier Than They Thougt.
Toronto Telegram.
Uncle Sam would have filed a
claim to all the "land that fines his
own" if he had only known that
Lord Alverstone was as easy as he
proved to be.
The New Century Washer makes it
unnecessary to use a washboard.
Five or six minutes—easy move-
ment of the machine while seated will
thomeghly wash a tubful of clothes.
Ball Bearings and strong spiral
steel springs do most of the work.
No process so easy on the clothes
or the operator.
If your dealer can-
not show you the
write us
Dowswel I
Mnfg. Co..
Cordite Courage.
• N. Y. Harald.
Ind pirate story books we read
How, in the Bay of Biscay.
Tlie buccaneers, for courage, drank
Gunpowder in their whiskey;
Put now, when Tommy Atkins hears
1lhere'se prospect of a war fight,
Be loads his gun, and then himself,
With cartridges of cordite.
'Tis known that doctors oft hays
With patients who've been drink -
Injecting nitro-glycerine
To cure that inward sinking.
But wl,o had dreamed that Tommy
1ins had the brains and foresight,
Tp stimulate his bravery
With cocktails made of cordite?
Fanov's Identity.
N. Y. Herald.
"She's all my fancy painted her,"
The doting husband said,
'Tis superficial to remark
He had but late been wed.
And then his spouse's bosom friend,
Who for the swain had played,
Replied : "Oh, really. Fancy's then
The casae of your wife's maid ?"
Everything She Deserved.
Washington St::r.
"Was it exactly proper to eail it
a farewell tour ?"'
"Certainly,"' answered the prima
donna. "I never fared better in my
should be promptly de ,sit with. When you
begin to cough, use Alien's Lung Balsam. It
will certainly heal the sore throat and lungs
and it may save you from consumption.
An Irish philosopher says the troa-
ble with some mete is that they can't
believe half the lies they tell.
Mao wants but little here below,
but when he 'fails to get it, he howls
just as much as if he wanted the
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings to the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever, Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.
Am biguons.
Buffalo Express.
Mr. Bragg—She's just crazy to
marry me.
Miss Sweetly—Naturally, any girl
would be.
South American Kidney Cure is
the only kidney treatment that has proven
equal to correct all the evils that are likely
to befall these physicalregulatore. Hundreds
of testimonials to prose the curative merits
of this liquid kidney specific in caaes of
Bright's disease, diabetes, irritation of the
bladder, inflammation, dropsical tendency.
Don't delay. -22
A Government Restaurant.
The city of Washington has scarce-
ly a single goad popular -price res-
taurant. Wa.hingtonians, as a rule,
breakfast and cline at home; and as
no restaurant can pay expenses on
lunch counters alone, few are in ex-
istence.,, The United States Govern-
ment, recognizing this fact, provides
a Luneb-room in the Pension Office
for the use of employees and others
who cannot afford to pay much for
their meals. Coffee, milk and vege-
tables may bo had for five cents,
while meat casts ten. Harper's
Weekly for Oct.3 published an inter-
esting snapshot taken from the gal-
lery of the Pension, Office during the
lunch hour.
Stanstead Junction, P.Q., 12th Aug.,1903
Gentlemen,—I fell from the bridge leading
from a platform to a loaded car while assist-
ing my men in unloading a load of grain.
The bridge went down as well as the load
on my back and I struck on Oa, ends of the
sleepers, causing a serious injury to my leg.
Only for its being very fleshy wouly have
broken it. In an hour could not walk a
step. Commenced using MINARD'S LINI-
MENT and the third day went to Montreal
on business and got about well by the use of
a cane. In ten days was nearly well. I can
sincerely recommend it as the best Liniment
that I know of in use.
Yours truly,
Thrills and Frills.
Straws in Scotch plaid design are
The tailed sunflower rosette is a
pretty under -brim trimming.
Only the plainest hats require
veils by way of trimming.
Shirred ribbon trills laid flat on
a hat' are very smart.
A three-quarter wreath iof violets
trims a golden Neapolitan. run with
Violet strands to perfection.
Ribbon wreaths hold their color
much better than flowers formed by
Some of the plaid straws are trim-
med with .green ribbon and deep blue
Fur Fineness.
Sable comes first.
Sealskin holds its own.
Moleskin is, alas! not durable.
Baby lamb is in high favor.
A lamb blouse has Inner fronts of
Fur combinations are often sue-
Petit gris (squirrel,) is right in line
with the popular gray shades.
White fox boas are lovely, eve-
elaily on those possessing fresh young
Chenille fringe finishes are among
tho best -liked garnitures for Tine
Alt ermine stole is finished by a
fringe of• the little black tails over
a fall of Irish lace.
A little Sunlight Soap will clean
cut glass and other articles until
they shine and sparkle. Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
clothes. 4B
John Bull's Vast Merchant Marine
Official statistics for 1903 show,
that the British have 336 steamships
of over 500 tons, against 59 German,
34 Americatni, apt French, 16 Japan,
es and 10 Russian. Of steamers of
over 7,000 'tons, 119 are British, 15
2 Russian. Of huge ships exceeding
10,000 tons, 48 are 'British, 26 Ger-
German, 7 American, 4 French and
man, 7 American, 2 French, and 4
Dutch. Nearly half of the ],7,761
steamships and 12,182 sailing ves-
sels in the world are British.
Minard's Liniment for sale every-
Real Ocean Yacht Race.
Buffalo Express.
Alt persons who are' interested in
yachting will hail with delight Sir
Thomas Lipton's offer. There are al-
ready a lareg number of ocean-going
yachts which will be entered by the
owners In a race such as is proposed,
while the opening of the contest to
all comers will mean that the best
builders in the world will soon be at
work on new boats. A few trans-At-
lantio races will prove whch country
Las the best designers and the best
1 ISSUENO. 449 1902
alinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
The Editor Laughed.
Philadelphia Press.
"I left a poem with your. editor
yesterday," said the. young poet.
" Yes," replied his friend in the
office. "I saw you and after you
went out he read it, and it seemed
to make a big hit with him."
" Indeed ? Oh, I'm so glad, It was
a sonnet on 'Death,' and I'm quite
proud 0 fit.'•
' Oh !—er—I thought it was a
humorous poem."
Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to
wash woolens and flannels,—you'll like
More Unfallable Still.
BSsIbop Potter is telling a story,
for after-dinner purposes, on an Irish
cook who once served in his family.
"One day I heard this '000k swear-
ing at a great rate at an Italian
gardener we had, and I rebuked her
for it.
"'But, yer riverince,' she said, 'he
is ntothin' but an ole Dago, anyway.'
Minard's Liniment relieves Neur-
Mrs. Winslow's boothing syrup should
always be used for Children Teething. It
soothes tae child, softens thegnme, puree wind
collo and ie the best remedyof r Dfarrhosa.
Rathiel, the greatest Astrologer of modern
times, who foretold the assassination of
President McKinley, Are you drifting and in
trouble? Rathiel's wonderful horoscopes will
pave the way to fortune, success in business
and marriage. Send date of birth and 100
for test horoscope, and ascertain how you
can obtain life horoscope absolutely free. Prof.
Beruise Rathiel, A. S. D., Academy Occult
Sciences Dept.10,127 E. 23rd St., NswSork.
Aggravating Man.
Detroit Times.
"I don't see how you can have any,
fault to find with him."
"Why not ?"
"Because lie appears to be a man
who is absolutely without faults of
any sort."'
"That's just it ; that's his worst
Together with num-
ber and price, we
publish here a list
of special Birthday
Ail stones mounted in
r4k. gold.
January • - otraet
No. 4675—Price, 02.50
Ne. 4677—Price, 02.60
4676—Price, 02.60
Na {0n—Price, 914.00
2te. 4663—Prlee, 97.66
No. ties—aria', *tie
Ne. 4667—Price, 97.00
August - Sardonyx
No. 458s—Price, 92.50
September - - Sapphire
No. 6651—Price, 95.00
Oet.Der - - Opal
No. 4693—Foca, 96 00
November Tope.
No. 4665—Price, 92.50
December - - Turquoise
No. 4607—Price 0.50
These with innumerable other choice
Rings et very low prices are illus-
trated k our new catalogue, ready
Nor. rgth. Write for a copy.
118, 120. 122 and I24
Yonee St.. Toronto
One of Satan's Chief Aids.
San Francisco Bulletin.
"Dear, dear, dear !" said Dante,
as he viewed 'the scenes in the in-
fernal regions; "it seems to me
you have enlarged your establish-
ment considerably since I was here
before !"
"We have," said his Satanic maj-
esty. "We got along very comfort-
ably until thley invented the tele-
phone, an& then I found it neces-
1r"9S u F ra VC) U
To protect your loved ones to the best of your ability.
will furnish you with an insurance from $300 to $2000, at as low a cost as is
consistent with safety.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends is thoroughly reliable.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Fr'euds Ie purely Canadian.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends is registered.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Frtenes !s growing rapidly.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has 470 Councils.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has 25,000 members.
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has $400,000 surplus.
YJCSI I.1 I% 'W. Local members, show this ad. to your friends. If
you are not a member, full information will be furnished by writing to
W, F. MONTAGUE, Grand Recorder, Hamilton, or
W. F. CAMPBELL, Grand Organizer, Hamilton.
Girls, do you wish to earn a beautiful Bisque Doll,
also a lovely Brooch ? If so, send us your FULL
name and address and we will send 15 Collar
Buttons, postpaid, sell them at 10 cents each, and
retflrn us $1.50, and we will send you, all charges
prepaid, one df the most beautiful Bisque Dolls
ever given away, together with a beautiful Brooch,
This Doll is nearly one-half yard tall, '
Beaatifi lly dressed is latest
style with Hat to snatch
and looks a perfect beauty, with •Bisque head,
lovely curly hair, pearly teeth, natural eyes, real
slippers, stockings, etc., and is completely dressed
from head to foot. Understand this is not a
printed cloth or rag doll, nor cheap plaster of
Paris doll, such as some concerns give, but a real
Bisque Doll nearly
together with a beautiful brooch. Positively these
presents given for selling only 15 Collar Buttons.
Take notice : 1Ve prepay all express and mailing
charges on �og000 1EtI1&1II1 to o n any -
our premiums. ii19 6Y�EAA t40 16� lI
who can prove that we are not giving these premi-
ums described above, for selling only 15 Collar
Buttons. Write to -day and be sure to send your
FULL name and address, if you wish to earn
these beautiful premiums, r.
GERMAN DOLL CO., Dept. 13, Toronto, Canada
Our Parlor Brands --
by using any one of
Our Sulphur Brands
Is ensured. EVERY time
those brands
Dealers Everywhere