The Herald, 1903-10-23, Page 6EtVILs Or 116H C SHOES, Tbiey.Ntit Only Cause Deformation of the .)Peet, but Nervous !Exhaustion. Women are prone to extremes at taislliou. A few years ago every one o,f them wore tight corsets ; to -day they all wear tight shoes. While it inert to be the custom to cut the iiitat,y lace of a fainting woman, now- adays the best restorative lies in severing her shoestrings. Lacing her shoes too tight, wearing shoes too high in the heel and. too narrow in the toe, blase are the charges brought against the modern woman. In tbe wake of these evils follow ner- vous troubles ; chronic dyspepsia, and spinal neuralgia. Circulation in the extremities is interfered with and thereby) the ,stomach and heart ac- tion. The process of restoring "shoe marred" feet is one of the most im- portant bits of knowledge possessed by the chiropodist. In the first place the bruised and cramped extremities are given a bath in strong rock salt, They are then encased in thin stock- ings of pure wool, and in broad in- valid shoes made of soft kid. The 'next stage of treatment is that of putting on them digitated stockings, or those having separate pockets for the toes, like glove tin - gens. ''hoes with a separate com- partment for the great toe are also used to aid in rectieeing the irregular ,shape of the foot, resulting from too much cramping. The daily massage is an important point, and the pati- ent must practice toe and heel ex- ercises every,' morning if she wishes to regain the prehensile faculty. The wearing of fine woolen base, and preferably, shoes of suede, is prescribed by the foot specialist. Patent leather must be discarded, as its nonporous character prevents the evaporation o1 moisture, and it has a. superior tendency toward the cul- tivation of corns. Digitated Hosiery made of silk, lisle and wool is worn 'by. many women for the purpose of retaining the natur- al beauty Of the foot who do not resort 'to the chiropodist. airs. ivayback's Inartistic Eye. New York Weekly. FarmerWayback—Wa11, of all durn fools, that artist feller takes the cake. Mrs. Wayback—What's he dole'? Farmer Wayback—Ire's down yon- der paintin' a picture of that old tumble-down barn, and there's a brand-new barn right behind him. IF A COLD CLINGS to you, you should know tbat even a stubborn and long -neglected cold is cured with Alien's Lung Balsam. Lo not spend more of your life in coughing and worrying. When Leo Thirteenth Wept. N. One of the Guardia Nobile (the Topes noble guard) told me that in the year 1889 he was on duty in the Pope's antechamber the night after the dedication of the statute of Giordano Bruno—a, renegade Do- minican, or a great reformer,. ac- cording to your politics—on the the very spot where in 1600 he was burned at the stake for heresy. The Pope was much offended, felt the church had been insulted ; there was even talk of removing the seat of the papacy from Rome. That plan, if it ever was seriously con- sidered, was spore given up. The whole matter had agitated the Popo tremendously, and they felt anxi- ous about his hlealth. When the usual hour passed for his light to be put out they grew more and more nervous. Eleven, 12, 1 o'clock, still that thin line of light under the door. Finally they knocked. No answer. They gently opened the door and saw, the old man kneeling weeping at his priedieu. Our friend, a man of tate world, had been deeply moved by that glimpse through. the open door. As fotr me, '"tis as if I'd seen it all." —Maud Howe, in October Lippin- cc'tt's. Minard's Liniment cures Burns, etc. A. Polite Denial. Everybody knows the man who is careful never to say "No" abruptly in answer to a question," says the Mobile Register. "No" is a hard word, but one may sometimes be made ridiculous by a reluctance to utter it, says an exeba,nge. A certain man who find this habit was bnce met by two ladies who had been discussing the peculiarity and ono of them said that she was posi- tive she could make him say "011, no," flatly. So she addressed him thus: "Let me see, Mr. Smith, you are a widower, are you not ?" "As much a widower, madam," he answered, with a polite inclination of his head, "as it is possible for a man to be who has never married.". The lady had to own herself beaten. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. The Head and the Blockhead. Detroit Free Press. Peddler --Are you the •bead of tbe house, mister ? Mister—No, my wife's the head ; I'm the .blockhead. WAS INCURABLE BUT IS GRED Joseph Boone at Work Again After Seven Years illness Discharged from the Hospital as In- curable, he llsed Dodd's Kidney Pills with Spleltdid Results. Cottle's Cove, New Eley, Nfld., Oct. 19.—(,special).—After being for seven years a hopeless invalid, un- able to work, and racked by aches and pains, Joseph Boone, of this place, is back at his old work as a fisherman. It sounds like a miracle, but it is not—it was Kidney Disease was the matter with him. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cured him. "It is something worth relating what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done. for me," says Mr. Boone, "and I am glad to tell it. I had doctored with several doctors, and after seven months in the hospital was sent home as incurable. "Richard Quirk, who had been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, advised me to try thein, and I did. I took 21 boxes before I was able to go to work., But I can hardly believe it is my- self 15 in it at all after all those years of suffering." Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to cure all forms of Kidney Disease from Backache to Bright's Disease. Thou- sands of cured will tell you so. t Something New. Toronto Globe. An autosleigh has been invented and patented by a resident of Nome, Alaska. It is expected to carry the mails from Skaguay' to Nome by way of Dawson. In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets raad via Grand Trunk and LehlgliValley route of the "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage is nowehecked lnbondand from Canadian points.The Lehigh Valley has three stations in New York, up town near all first- class hotels, and down town near all Euro- pean steamship docks, saving passengers for Europe a long and expensive transfer. Se:ure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, 33 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. The Angry Tree. There is a. kind of acacia tree In Nevada that not only is as "touchy" as the sensltive plant, but as a gardener put it, "goes very mad." It is abpu't '8 feet tall and is a, very rapid grower. When the sun sets it is ready to go to sleep, and shuts its Ieaves together and coils the ends of its twigs just like a pig's tail. If any one pulls that tail—well, the tree doesn't squeal, but it fluttters and moves uneasi- ly and seems to be deeply agitated. If it is ever disturbed by a shock such as transplanting, the leaves stand out in all directions and quiver violently. Strangest of all, they send out a pungent, nauseat- ing odor that is most unpleasant. It takes this bad-tempered tree an hour or two to got back into good humor. 6dt Dis6ds Most Sudden and Dangerous of Ailments. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure Relieves In 30 Minutes. Stealthy as a thief 122 the night, heart dis- ease heralds its coming only by the deadly grip it lays upon its victims. if you have palpitation, short breath, smothering spells, or vertigo ' do not delay the use of Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure. It will relieve every case in 30 minutes and will radically cure ninety-five per cent. of those afiected. It is a perfect remedy for nerves and stomaeh. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures all skin eruptions, 35c 8 Knew the Kind of Man. Town Topics. "Her husband is a thousand times too geed for her." "Poor thing, she has my sympathy: I have the same sort of husband my- self." Merely Obeying Instructions. • Baltimore News. Stranger—Are the waiters there attentive to y'ou.? Pretty. cashier—Sir-r-r ! Stranger— Oh., ne offenee,,I assure you. I was only carrying out the instructions as printed on the bill of fare, which says, "Please report any. inattention of waiters to cash- ier." And I thought if they are in- attentive to you I would report them—that's all, Minard's Liniment relieves Neur- algia. Sir William Lyne, Home Secretary of th e Australian Common weal Lit, Bas lately decided that women are ,eligible for seats in the Common- wealth Parliament, and Miss Gold- stein, President of the 'Women's Fed- erated Political Asroriation of Mel- bourne, has annonn^ed her intention of standing for the Senate at the forthcoming general elections. ALWAYS SEE THAT TIME Our Parlor Brands— "NINO EDWARD" "HEADLIGHT" "EAGLE" "VICTORIA" "LITTLE COMET" maresaremantm MATCHES YOU BUY BEAR THE NAME Our Sulphur Brands "Telegraph" "Telephone" A'QUICK, SURE LIGHT Is ensured EVERY time SURE o k these brands : . o #•• by using any one of ii'OFf SALE by Dealers Everywhere WAGUE TOES AND SNORE. A Cheap lent . Highly Recommended Itenaedy for Ilnsownia, Meet of the mental deviecs for woo- ing sleeip have relied, because they have nearly, ;alw,ays tried to resort to "local treatluept." Da other wordis, the' have made a homoeopathic, at- tempt to stop thinkiug by thinking a,baut som.etain,g else — a, prooess which might also be called "elimina- tion by eubstitut.on,•' lent all think- ing, ,spontaneous or forced, draws more or lees b,00d to the brain ,pre- vents deep Inhalations, and baro the gate of tee 'kingdom of dreams. Any device, an the`othor hand, which will make one take, sleep, long breathe spontaneously (the invariable fore- runner of sleep) may be counted upon as a genuine remedy for insomnia. Even seep breathing whLdi is forced is better than a,ny purely mental at- tempt to win sleep. But if the deep brew.tiling can be produced involun- tarily one is sure of a passport to Nodland. After several nights of experiment to this end the present writer de- cided to apply the principle adopted by the earasseurs, who begin their en,antiipulationO "at: the point fa,r- thcs't from the Geist of difficulty," which, in the case of insomuia, would b:: the 'feet. Lying on the right Aide, with the knees together, and consid- erably flexed, the victim of insomnia should bog -in to pedal both his feet slowly up and down, with the move- ment entirely in the ankles. The pedaling .should keep time with the natura,l rhythm of respiration, and b continued until it is followed by deep and spontaneous breathing. Several aeeople wilo have tried the remedy {report that invariably deep. breathing invariably begins before they have pedalled up and down a dozen times. In ob,tina,te cases of in- somnia the patient mt}y need to keep up the pedalling two or three min- utes, or even ,more, with in termLs- ei.ans. if hecesary. The treatment may also ba varied by moving the feet alternately, instead of simul- taneously, though the latter method hats proved the more speedily effica- ciouls in the cases known to the writer. The explanation of the result obtained 1s probably simple. The blood Is pumped from the head. and with the removal of brain tension a general relazatian follows, with a consequent deep respiration and its resulting sleep.—Good Housekeeping. C. C. RICHARDSi & CO. Dear Siirs,—I have great faith in 111:INT ARD'S. LINIMENT, as last year I cured .a horse of Ring -bone, with five bottles. It blistered the horse, but in. a month there wras no ring -bone and ne lameness. DANIEL MUR)CHISON, Ebur Falls, N. a 1 , 1 A Falling Off In Goods. One result of th'e Chinese out- break, so far as Birmingham is concerned, says Tit Bits, is that the manufacture of Chinese deities is falling off. Mese manufactories turn out gods of all sorts and sizes. Some are gods of war, Judg- ing by their stern looks and mur- derous swords; another, with a blanc] look, is a god of peace; othl- ers bear 'hideous leers. All are thor- oighly Chinese in character nad expression. An enterprising Bir- mingham manufacturer is said to be prepared to supply to order all sorts of gods at varying prices. You may have one as low as a2 10s., or one of superior 'workman- ship and size at graduated scales up to £100 or more. Heart relief in half an hour.—A lady In New York State, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for .the Heart, says: "I feel like one brought back from the dead, so great was my suffering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this powerful treat- ment. I owe my life to it." -18 Tale of a Connecting Link. The Darwinian theory has recent- ly received more tangible support in the Gaya District, where an in- fant has 'been discovered who' is possessed of a tail. The ease is reported to the Indian Medical Ga- zette by Capt. Chatterton, I. M. S., and the infant is apparently caus- ing a. sensation, hand may in time,' for aught that can be saki, be wor- shipped as the god Hanuman, the monkey god come back to earth. Capt. Chatterton describes this curious child as follows "The child had what appeared to be a tail. I made the following note at 'the time. Tih'e spine is ap- parently perfectly normal. Over the base of the sacrum. is a brawny swelling, from the lower portion of which' emerges a perfectly skin - cover, tail-liko appendage, about three and a half inches Long. Tills appendage is capable of a limited amount of motion. It wags slightly when the infant takes the breast. There is no evidence of any bone in this 'tail." It feels tough) and elastic. It appears to be connected by soft attacllrnents to th'o sacruan. The tip of the coccyx can be felt 'id its normal situation, under cover of the `tail.' All the other parts of this 'baby were noirmal. The parents absolutely refuse to enter- tain the idea of hfaving the tail re- moved. The reason is,: I think, that the fame of the baby has already begun to spread. and X have no doubt that, by Judicious manage- ment, It will prove a source of in» come of It iparents."--Amrita Eaxar Patrialo, UNLIG1IT O i EDVcEs iriP EXi ENSE $5,000 Reward` will be paid by 9 Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who can prove 'that this soap contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, or contains any injurious chemicals. Ask for the Octagon Ulm ar$ Where Kisses are Illegal. Kisses are actionable in Southern Russia, but the malty cases before the local magistrates prove that the little god of love defies law as well as locks. A kiss in the street car costs the Indiscreet osculator a fine of $3. To embrace one's fiancee In pub - lie is p, privilege valued at $2.40. A declaration of a great "passion" by postal card is subject to a fine of $2.40. The public must be protected, and the disturbing influence of such sights is assesed at a figure calcu- lated to discourage youthful im- petuosity. At Milan, Italy, 721 couples paid last year the fine of six lire (about $1.20) for having braved the con- ventions and kissed each other in public places.—New York World. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- fects and means at the same time. 3v Absent-minded. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Butterby is awfully absent mind- ed:' "What is his latest ?" "He was drivings a nail and ham- mered leis 'thumb. He howled and put tbe nail in his mouth and tried to fling firs thumb on the floor." PilesTo prove to you that Dr. Chase's Ointment is a certain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes- timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think of it. You can use it and get Sour money back if not cured. 60c a box, at all dealers or I1IDMANSON,B.TES & Co.,Toronto, Dr. Chase's Ointment The Praise of the Apple. Atlanta Journal. The apple is the most democratic of all fruits. The pomegranate Is priestly ; the grape is royal ; the or- ange is luxurious ; the peach and pear are plutocratic, but the apple belongs to tbe populace. It Is sym- bolic of the country store and the corner grocery. It breathes the free spirit of the American township and village. It has a flavor of old New England and yet a pungency as of the south and middle west. It is mild, palatable, nourishing, and promotive of good fellowship and long life. Minard's Liniment for sale every- where. Failures Last Week. 11. G. Dun & Co. report 239 com- mercial failures this week in the United States, against 226 last week, 232 tbe preceding week, and 243the corresponding week last leer, and In Canada 17, against 10 last week, 19 the preceding week, and 21 last year. Of failures this week in the Uniled States 101 were In the east, 67 south, 52 west, and 19 in the Pacific States. and 95 ,report liabilities of $5,000 or more. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. When the last trump sounds, some woman will ask Gabriel to wait a minute. The "Dead March" 15 not necessar- ily: the one that tbe musicians have murdered. ISSUE NO. 43, 1903 Mrs. "Winslow's boothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething. It soothes tee child, softensthogguumst cures wind code and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Plea Went Wrong. They had been married only a few mouths, and 'the wife stood by the side of ber husband looking into ono of the department store windows. A handsome tailor-made dress took her fancy, and sine loft her husband to ex- amine it more closely. Then she went back to him, still talking, "You never look at anything I Want to look at any more," s+he cotn- , plained. "You don't care how I dregs. You don't care for me any more. Why, you haven't kissed me for two weeks." "Indeed, I am sorry, but it is not my fault," said the man. Turning, the lady looked at him and gasped. She had taken the aria of the wrong man.—Philadelphia Led- ger. I I When Rheumatism doubles a man up Physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a euro, but here's the exception. Wrp. Pegg,of Norwood Ont., says: "I was nearly ddubled up with rheu- matism. I got three bottles of South Amer- ican Rheumatic Cure and they cured me. It's the quickest acting medicine I ever saw." Hoots Penetrate Rock. There is a tree just beyond the New England Railway arch on the Middlebury road in Connecticut which has grown through a solid rock many tons in weight, maing a large fis- sure which would require a dyna- mite explosion to duplicate. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT. Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses ; blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save g50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. As it Should Be. Buffalo News. Student—What kind of treatment would you recommend for inebriates, professor ? Professor—I wouldn't recommend any. The worst possible thing you can do for an inebriate is to treat him. Warranted Watches We will not sell a watch that we cannot positively guar- antee. Do not understand from this that we sell Watches of extravagant prica only. Our No. gI3 Silver or Gun Metal Watch at $6.5o is a warranted time -keeper. When we state that we sell Watches in price as high as $700, You can judge of our great assortment. Write for our new catalogue. Ready for delivery Nov. 15th. It will cost you nothing, and it may be the means of sav- ing you considerable money. RYRt1E BROS. JEWELERS 118, I20, I22 and I24 Yon$e Si'., Toronto Your Money Back if Gin Pills Do Not Csre. 'Iris the Kidneys. When there Is a puffiness under the Eyes it is a certain indication the Kidneys are not working properly. There Is danger in neglect and the trouble should be immediately corrected. Tho most effective remedy is 1f. Used it tenrosrs, Washington, D.C., Nov. so, x5os, , Please send me your "Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases." Have used ICcntiall's spavin Cure for ten years end gladly testify to its merits, Yours truly, Justus C. Nelson. in Pill for they act at once and do their work most thoroughly. All druggists 50 cls. per box, 6 boxes for $2.50 or direct from THE BOLE DRUG CO., WINNIPEG, MAN. • u7 S'2 lvL qty`+t. °a . •Serif of 'Five Cases of Spavin Absolutely Cured. nuFhto, N. Dakota, Jan. 26, 1ms. i have cured five horses absolutely of Spavin in the last four years with your Kendall's Spavin Curs. Very truly yours, Harry D, Ruottel. THE OLD RELIABLE And Most Strocessful Remedy Ever Discovered for Spavins, Ringbones, Splints and ail Lameness. This is the unqualified experience of thousands of horsemen and others in this and other Countries and there is no reason Why you should not Share in these benefits. . Just read what the above people say about "Kendall s." Write to thorn for your own satisfaction. In addition to being the best stable remedy known, it is unequaled as a liniment for house- hold and family use. Sold generally by all drug. gists. ?rice $1•: six bottles for . Wo said valuable book, "fA Treatise on the Horse," prod fusely illustrated, free upon request: DR. B. J. KENDALL CO.. Etrosburg 1Fo,lls, Vt. 9 I iS I'AVIN 4