The Herald, 1903-10-16, Page 2NEDy INN0GE NT • i of the Celine% no other el
in An Interview He Declares
He Did Not Kill the Girl.
• eerantrord Courier
leas at last spoken with the aeous-
as gained
last night after all had
police station.
Kennedy was in the cell at the
far end of the passage. It was
.ver.y cla,rk •there and, his flame lied
to bo pronounced before
aware et a visitor. He c
ward faom a far corner,
heel been sitting, with I
reeting on .his hands.
clothed and 'with flat
Os head, it looked as though It
Ittee2 idea. of retiring,
.2111* teporter stated his ipisslele
and asked if th'e had any' gatetee:et
to make. The prisoner looked ra-
ther surprised and asked:
e Courier
Detroit, Oct. 12.—A. ripply
tel man. The interview, W
ere necessary, es
he sum paid for the forest was
considerable, but, instead af Parte^
lug into the municipal exohequer, it
Was divided into seven portions,
and each •of the related councilore
appropriated a share, and kept it
for his own Use. The nicnit, extra.
ordiaary Ingenuity ev,as zna,nifestecl
In their endeavors to keep 'the
transaction, wt h the consequent
appropriation, secret. For a long
time these efforts were completely
At last, however, the whole a1 -
was diecovered in a dramatic
Manner, when, rather than face
the consequences of their action,
the seven relatives held hurried
meeting, and there and then put an
end to their lives.
Te Go •oN TIIE siggr sorkeme gstoTlirziontgoagaleitn4 m AgKA milluNni
a, enterpaise, (but he seeks.. to inter- I Ill.
est other. capitalists in the van-
. In that lies the true Secret
of tale visit t
Garry Natio '
s Al o London, where at the
Named " Hatchetation." iks farther In 'treaty with a well-,
v•i•eve 'to eottracting eor a fleet off
Vessels which will run from. Liver -
ew ay is present moment he Is In negotiation U S
Veitle seVeral railway cont_ractors. He 1,,ounsel Rejects Senator
knowel steamehip eomparty witb ; Turner's Hint
HER LECTURE AT DETROIT pool to Moravia, 'the capital of Li
ap- The .saime paper states that SHORTES:0 ffOUTP
a. peer of the, Englitaa realm, and „,
ri-lc 3,0
in all ilk-011110ml wben he goes baste M. eelekeneeant .TEic°1:1
States, a,
to Lie empire he -will take with him ed aouneell for the Unite
left the
amilhe ivoltr-s MENTIFIEll MIN RS lloWE
where he/
• 01
plawee starteci back of the doo
swept across the crowd 'which
the Salvation Army barracks
night as Carrie Nation, smashe
"110n2G defender," walked b
und Jacques I. employs a.s his Prime Mine London, Oct. 12.--" t" eita ei
Ester and Chief Secretary of State
Boundary Tribune' •
down the a113 to the platform,
a violent blare from the tron
of the Army band and an unea
grunt from the tuba gai-e her g
ing as she ascended the steps.
At firet• giance, the a.ppearan
s a de-
cided Uprise. Tais is no 'gaunt,
Ab sharp-fac'etl, serilavoit•ed, muscular Thomas A Edison
- virago. 'Mose T9,110 expnted a fierce -
eater, several other British noblemen.
land r that the line should
'r1117: WILL LICHT TIE 11011SE bo drawn alg"d
edrom the head ofatbe Port -
tie head
in tinily the tend:line Kaneas alone i
still oz3i Prescott Said to be the
fee elle
aeHoev dee ;ape mean ?" '
there atlas statement you
would like to make for the public:
In regard to the charge a,gaInst
Kennedy replied ro ly then.
"No," he said, he had nothing. to
Bay as yet. lie found it very bard
to explain just howl he stood in
Co do.
413.9 matter aed what he intended
a "It is just tills way," he said, "II
eNeen in a thard position, as you win 1
see, and aline I can declare that
rie am, :aocent, la is impossib
to say anything: ita aeou, Yaws
men, When the proaeit time
I will explain all I can." e
It was a most Kennedy t
and acted in a very quiec wa
has a most gentlemanly au
and if it heal pal he9.13 fot
' fact that he 'yeas standing b
tht ble.,K.Seel-he cell, it woul '
t5condi ng Secretary,
. ..;_.„..
II oVER $500,000 IS INVO
Torontd eeespaech : Alfeed
Prescott alai aateeley Bowe are one
I Mr.
Telbie....ims:tzt8m2t3 ae;iir,rsoBiliLts,..ithcconrdili
sent out here MiLI n nglitIiii-e
the could identify the Engels
arreeted id T,oronto a few weelt
Cue elle strength 01 a pilotage'
nein le tele abeconding secr.
of the Gteat Fine 11 '
ea. .ata l along the valley and con-
ce of etilx g in the general direction of
4 the canal =until the 56th parallel is
Electricity Gr 1.e. 01.s. rabsence
ouraeledri.inr,Teboeutritnohnerea—a.sleo! 01
.3. Portland Canal. Why not apply one
. ,
r to both ends
by the
lookiug, female giant were nonplust-
ed. 'Ieley saw instead a gray-haired,
plain-/ooking elderly woma,n, some-
thing under the ruedenn size if any-
tiling, in a white dress of severe cut.
LVED Searle eyes loeked through steel -
P. S. cidedly retrousse, and the moute •
bowed spectacles. JUL'lea nose was de -
ng to -.-
was a firm, wide
strength of e- eatatree of
o was; It a....
, .....rpose—sithbornuess.
0. tom , .01 -rags a fiftieth vv.hih broadened into
email es aalelle npon the slightest proeoe
d Nru tiOns Pill. ealien in repose et sbr .a- 1
aph. Gee, determined, restless, ..-
J wed i
P'•• ertfifogAGE BA1
- au' )
4.1p,orth .phia, Pa., Oct, 12
rota• .,arnerican publish
1,^0, an interview with Mho.
•.4 I, in which the invent
Lie has perfected an electric'
1 orator to charge storage b
Mr. Edison says ;--
"I have invented and made
1 , aic le six feet long,
high and five feat wide, th
generate electrecity suffiei
• store my batteries to run an
Mobile and light a house at
pense, per unit of electricity, f
much less than the largest cove
sell it. I know now that I ea
that machine at a selling p
$450. I also know, that I will
able to make one to sell to an
before next wing,. at the ea
that • it
ehortest possible line in the south
. point of Prince of Wales' Leland with
teete the mouth and t lead with the
TER-It.b.) Point where the 56th paralleitointtehr;
Tele t sects' the neountain parallel
or says
yo-Lgn eor:1:1
he atMr' pted to shone that they as-
')Ieeekeni.son demurred to Vile so-
Analyzing questions and 6,
guinea much of walit the United
Statee doeliende for as to tile owner -
a ma- ship of the heads of inlets.
The President—Do you mean that
this treaty of reference prejudices
these questions in your favole?
Mr. Dickenson said ho was trying
to get at the meaning of the gag'
thetas submitted to the tribunal. Ve
declared it was the duty of the trib-
unal to define the meaning and appll-
catkins of the wards "coast,"
"ocean," "sinuosities" and the like,
"'otherwise, there was no use being
Treaty of 1825, he said that R
here." Discussing „article 7 ofussthi:
t first,ctknew England claimed the territor-
l ea y les lying south of 54.40 as well as
tart Uniten Sitaies, but it dig not
at -know wnle-h. bettiitr-Claina, as,
„tome elle took reciprocal. privileges ttoth
both to make sure. This affeleiceleisee
ma- He argued tha,t the tette "Ifiirthe-
eimple explanation of Artieta 7.
West coast of America" - meant the,
whole coat, while the British coal.-
li the1 eel -felon limits it to the lisiere. IDA
the Behring Sea. Orbitration these.,
positions were reVersed. The United a
States then &reeled that the phreaies
meant only the lielere, in fact, their •
tvhole ceare dePended on that Patera -
pretation Wale]] they now- deny.
Mr. Dickenson took up and dateless,
ed What If termed the cruciai clues-
teaa, at the meaning of thee word
'Matta," and argued that ala. nego, •
, Caters of the Treaty of 151115e-Canta,
' elate nagot, Polly, the Rueetia' nse ev- -
abet 'dies-body—considered it to mean' the'
'Whole coast, not a coasf. eomposed
one partly of land and partlae Wag line •
rder drawn across water. Their, use of '
per- the expression "the sluaatiese of the •
e it. coast," he said, put -elate: beyond
t1°Thhhtet. tribunal adjournedlat'la'clock .*
to attend a memorable, servide to the e
the late Sir Michael Herbeat.
Limited, whoa" d.faleatioes ar
lege(' te be nee hree-uuar
a million dollars; Preecoth is
Englishman preeented If ' •
la ,yet Mr, B. C. Brown, the 'lane
paper broker, and wee nego Alto eteet
eeters Cf
conies I peralert hip in Me. ' ,elatitig for a
'Mr. T. E. Sini eireeli s bu intim.
faot , of Bewlek, e` • I • i LL1e
known I • ....„Aetang a Co, a
wirll' ' ,sttiiltm fleahcial firm
ettaae 'w tee a niejabate
aele is :Med aseisLiiii enee'rete.
,w4ccriexlv.sich. is the keynote or
• ber char-
i hatebet," she sale
"I'm going to ershow you my
stretched its ne .., and the crowd
me breathless tete .cks with a sudden,
the had la. ...Test. "Here it isa—and
e a well-worn Bible. "This
down awn hatchet, which smashes
the wrong and ankle up that
ea" elt is right. I never travel with-
w1.1°I.fal ust get ibis Government out
a of ' lef the conspirary against our sons
M'a: anti husba.nds. The Ciovernment is
ana'of, rnurd ',*
alked 1
y. He •
• the
tat, eteal: etimpany, the
eand !tidal:tee:1 business of which is man-
eaaa i aged by the Bewick firm.
keen to Mr. Smith vieited the Toront
IA the aeetteedua and was shown into
room ea:41(Ni by Prescott.
any- Do eve naaw ijalz man V' Pie
was a• kJ by Gotarno: 'van
/iota_ The oily answer wee a slink
the heel. -
loner, Mr. Pined'. Mee treeli fake
o for , ee knew the 'Yee," was
d 'he is A. 6§, Ilowe, 21137 10
e ears ; kearea "eget he mistaking me for my
brntli6r," said Prescott, without;
law- 1 giving the aightest evidence of
eaete 1 knowing Smith.
per- I answer to the governor Mr.
ve a Smith said lie cauld not be mistaken ;
estele , he was quite Gum the man before,
who Ih Therentan Prescott time rem°
im waa Bowe.
pew_ from the comfortable room a,t
ovide jail he bad previously occupied
sat- placed behind the bars.
eeen hard to tonceive t'
be connected in any - ataet
terrible death of 1 arta` Nei
thing'?" ,
"Then You tel.,' alst.lent L'bsael•
housand men a year,
through the rum stiops. Yea and led
1 ' by Theodore Roosevelt, that cigar- i
Otte fiend, to.o." Here a storm of
o jeil hisses broke, forth at tele rear of f
the ilia hate evileieg iiieen litej by afoot!
wedged closely - together. The sound
ecoLt an. , but dal nat disconcert the
Zant, speaker. e eerejaa" • e e'e ty 1 a
e of et tila blase Mrs. Stitlinl."-cii)ened '
11Gr satchel and sold a large /ember I °
a. if at sinall hatchets with her ;lame ate r
the ht .10 an §5a ahe exel '
six feet
at will
ent to
au to-
e -
or very
pan lee
n make
rice 'of
not be
rliest •
eto east me more at
but, WU:puttees-I that it ;mon'
any nawe WX1enia am
$no avil, it. 1 ela not knoWt
Ie than; $4,150 it may bei //old
"Almot any shed nom in exi
or the accommodation of an
mobile, contains sufaci
room to take in one Of these
lanasee. t
"rgee chibitieje is necestary. Jai
Weary pipe ventilator throw
oaf le sufficient.
'For 'eili-d-ireaerlate a an say
epe C.Z7,-,
-aeateueelleeate" Pelareued the quest
%IT thereataything, we can d
'I ..
rAllInilnede, lammed intereste
is, ancaleaned up against th
as far,las possible.
"Th a only thing is about a
yea" he said. "You know 1
defend myself very •well and
. haps it ;would be better to ha
lawyer after all. If it is apo
for me to have one -4 -
At this point Sergt. Wallace.,
was also present, assured the
oner that the Crown would pr
one in any case, Kennedy seemed
"I will -very coon make a state-
ment," he concluded, "as soon as 1
possibly- can. At present 1 am not,
all in a position to do it.1 need
lawyer, you know." I
As it was Quite evident that Ken- R
kedy was always the cool, reserved I t
Kennedy of the court -room, and that t
heeevolacl not let drop a word in t
'regard to las real position, the In- a
terview was soon afterwards brought , et
Ito an end. Kennedy quietly thank -ed I li
;his visitor, and then retreated back 1 eo
Into the shadow of hie cell. The last I ho
seen of him was back in the same i or
corner as he had ocupied previous ' ye
to the interview. • TI
During the whole time Kennedy w
gave not one sign of fear of the I lie
terrible position in which he is ' a$
placed. lie spoke quietly and slowly 1 a 1
and in a most decidedly natural man- ' hig
ner; it could not possibly have been str
or the terrible self-consciousness i De
more so. There was nothing in hie T
manner to Indicate any uneasiness ole
which is supposed to go with every 1 not
man who bears the brand of Cain. 1 gig
If Kennedy is guilty his nerves must 1 ea
be of veritable east iron.
en regard to his health Kennedy ale
stated that he felt "fairly well." Ac- had
be has been much better during the
cording to the reports of the jailer., jag
last day or two. It was the sudden day,
cessation of his regular drink that
'brought on the attack of nausea. °
This effect is now over, and Kennedy
is physically in good shape. On
His behavior during the course of that
the short talk showed one thing: on a
either the man is innocent or he is Smit
a very, very clever scoundrel. 11
nations, bis manner, his very word
etre not those of a murd . he
has been responsible for the girl's
•death he Is covering up his guilt
'very cleverly now.
seven Swans or Hungarian Village
Dia Together.
Vienna, Oat. 12.—An amazing trag-
edy, and oue, in all probability.
without precedent, has taken place
at I'eszer, a village in Southern
The entire Village Council, con -
slating of seven pereons, all relat-
ed to eaeb, other, have committed
The reason for this is as remark-
able as the act itself. It appears
that an opportunity arose to eell
' a forest, av,; was village prop-
erty. alhe Council of the village re-
solved itself an thie mouton into
a fatally cOunell, and the utmost
care waa taken by the seven that
Eo hint of 'the idea of purchase or
Dale should transpire in the village.
With the secrecy of Plotter, they
heal meetings to discuss the mat-
ter, made their own term% and
concluded the deal without ane of
the viils.gers being any th'
tJie tat
proceeds went to the fohndkna
of homes for drunkards' of
which lie has 0410 to Ex -00551d 'Opera -
tiara le.ansaa City, Kea., and was
juke: apenenee another in Topeka.
'to it Times repartee 'lie said ;
ant to 'stay only beer night in De-
troit, :and teat -eta! the morning for
Part Huroo. Alter a week or so
of epeaking en this Section I shall
go to Neir, York. .Thee..eIani laspend
a month in preparation for my new
play, and the next time ,you see me
it will be
story of the Crime..
The Bewick, eIoreing Compan,. are
managers for a number of Austral
' mitang concern, inelud-
ng 'the ti"eat Fingal' Consolidated.
owe was appointed secretary; of
he latter company, and completely,
rusted. Every cent paid in passed
h rough his hands. Ile was regarded
s a most astute business man and
'eta confidence was placed in him ;
e was practically; controller of the
mpany. Re lived in a magnificent
use iu Hyde Park Square and was
edited with expending E10,000 a
ar to maintain bis establishment.
ils caused no comment because he
as reputed to be a man of wealth.
was greatly liked by his business
sociates, watt ever ready to extend
ielping hand, and no men was mote
lily reepeetea in Throgmorton
is I e150,000, and that he hacl also forged
1 the names of two directors of th
Great langall Company to three cer-
tificates, each for 5,000 shares, upon
which he had secured some la30,000.
It was immediately fallowing thio
transaction that lie disappeared.
A warrant evae sworn ont for his
arrest, but although a reward was
offered, no trace of him could be
found either le England or abroad
until a few months ago information
waa received tent he was in Can-
ada. The matter was then 'placed in
the hands of Inspector la. K. MoCas-
kell, of the Quebec Provincial Detec-
tive Department, with the result that
the man known here as Prescott was
he bolt that stat•tled banking cir-•
S came straight from the blue last
camber, when, Mr. Smith says, a
e wasreceived bat he Bewees fizzle
ned by Rowe, in wlach be
that. he had misused the funds of
Great Fingal' Compana, but not
b criminal intent. The note Rowe
left with his wife just before go-
on a trip, catensibly into the
ntry, telling her to post it two
s after his departure. fella, bow -
r, forwarded it tbe day he left..
Embezzled One Haifa+ ion.
investigation it was disco .
Rowe's embezzlements had bee
colossal scale, aggregating, Mr
h euys, between E300,oUu an
(i 1 M. LEBAUD'S SECRET 6,1./1,
London Oct. 1.2
It can be put in operation by
meta 'massing of a button.
"We 'Will use the word fuel for
of ea 'Vetter term just at presen
appiY 'to `the -means by, which
"The fuel, -then, used in this
cliTeen is one -41-tat bas never b
been efeea'eftir fuel, under these
st an
t to
it is
con -
"A child •6h.n operate it.
"An ordizzary, maid servant
rate it.
t is eno necessary, bleat
ould readerstand Engage o
be told flow to operate it ; -a •
n can be shown how to .operat
'One, or two minutea is all 'theOessar'
y to learn how to •ope
"Ann your automobile -ander
shed. Attach the Wire which bonn
the batteries with the maxillae,
the button, and -a little 'time
--do the rest.
"When the batteries "are char
the machine will stop autom
"Run a our feed Wire 'from the ho
into the sbed. When the automo
is not in use connect the feed ve
feom the house with the batteries
your automobile. They will 11
your house for YOu.
"If lyou go to 'bed like other pe
fele, aou will have enough power 1
in your batteries in the
aage in a real all
theatre. call the Ilay 'eratelieta-1 to
tion,' anal, it ehows hit work and the s'e
conditions wihich =keg it necessary.
It shams me smashing. the three ea -
bootie d • open dives in Kiowa,
Inas, and I have a Republican in it,
and a Democrat, and a politician and
a saloonekeeper, and a drunkard and
his poor family. Olt, it w111 be a play
that well open your eyes.
"I turn over the money I take en
as fast as possible to my homes for
drunkards' wives. I want them scat-
tered all over the country, Back
home I eat off a table that cost me
25 cents, and it tS Covered with an
oil cloth; my dishes altogether
would not sell for more than $2.50,
Med I keep them in a attpboard made
from a dry goods box. I wear no
flowers in my hat and no jewelry. 1
have taken a Tow p,overty so
that the oor " •
o whose inter -
1 am geeing my Tire will know.
an 3 ainotere, and not .a
y -maker off their misfortunes."
4E9s THE iliEgRoEslullsr5 at:el
Whips With 12 Tee:males- and 20'
Lashes Each Used.
use New Westminatem, Be Ca Oat liee— •
bile The old law allowing twenty lashes
ire on the bare back as. a part penalty
in for robbery and kindred. felonious
ght acts, was brought into. requisitio11.
here, a few daya ago,. in an effort
o- to minimize the outlawry that hasa
approached, the- magnitude of an'
Last week tem Izekkup men nanzedk
Leonard and Lorenzo,. who had been
found guilty by a jury and sen-
tenced the first to. six and the see- •
and to seven, yearn, in prison, with!,
twenty lashes, as. a. foretaste of thea
time penalty, were brought here frona,
Vancouver and, glean, the twenty'
lashes in the prison, yard;
In administering the lashes the'
criminals were tied, te, a post with.
wrists high, above the head, bring=
Ing out eaery muscle prominent in:
the back,. so, that the effect of every
blow from the whip would be more-.
telling., The punishment was
[acted with. a vvell-dried rawhiclee
with a dozen- tongues, and appliedi
with all, the• etrength, the wielder,
eould bring into play. It was dm,
under the watelifiel eye • of the prz-
-son phyeitian, foriner- inetancese
fr015 six to eight blows are all that.
a mate eare stand without danger to.,
Ms life.
But Leonard and'Lorenzo took the -
tall twenty without great) after
the first threceor feurawhibh brought
ont huge *welts, and theli. backs were
Streaming with bleed before the
fall score had been) administered.
Theater:: had' to be carried into the
prison and their woutids dressed bee,
tare their "thine" begba.
take you 'wherever you may want
in your auto.
If woe have any doubts about t
matter, all that is necessary is
step out to the shed, disconnect t
o Wire. connect the batter
theaeachine and press the bu
y the and
you are thrall
kfeest and aeAdeto go dow
your batteries will be r
he eupply of fuel for one da
not weigh three pounds.
can't explode or take fire,
great tatesire, aty great arab
is to place all these faciliti
n the reach of the mass of th
e, so that the ordinary indiel
can afford to keep a pleasur
e for his family and leg,ht b
by electriity. That is wan
going to do, and wheat I WI
U in doing aware very long,
le the writer was at the la
ory Miss Madeline Edisen rod
he yard to her own ante
has the latest iznprovexaent
le most perfect appiratas tha
ther can supply.
beautiful machie, teeth a
d3r and nickel and silver -trim-
It carries 88 battery cell, 24
and 14 in front. For the
woman's use it is geared dowel
von or twelv
1 -
Empire of 'Jacques 1, to lye a
Home for the Race,
Deedwere drawn up by themselves
and As they Were the only membere
Not Personalty Benefited.
Mr. Smith Stated that it was gen-
erally believad in London financial
circles that Rowo had riot personally
benefited by his embezzlements ana
Many of las friends went so far as
to apenly eympathize with him. He
had, it was knew, boon speculating
heavily, and had lost large sums of
money. It: was in the hope of tiding
over hls flnaacial difficulties that he
misused the stock and fuds nof the
Great Fingal, Company. The opinion
tvas also expressed In London that
when the true uhwardness of the c
(aline ;became known it would be o
foi hat Rowe was the helpieee
victim of a complieated financial e
3 ,o lie
ere zee J auguee , Enateeor of Sehara,
ate Lae.] .eut. a meat ueeeo. ere, and zajereseetatitees, of terms
anaemia to have a hand 4n fitting
out. his empire, and avesterclay the
eiege of Inc taara al the aveY
was v/deed and .he tv-as free:
L•1 go about ble busineatan London.
hat that btia aineeexactly is M.
Lebtattly sa 1 efuses (az d setae, bet/
tide morninge Daily Mail contains
a VOreilOn of Mr. Lebaucly's intone
tentions hat: purparte to be on
next to the bast authoity. Aceorde
ing to this repara Lebaudy de-
sires to be lianeled down to Poster -
as the greatest benfacteer or the
negro race lvfho ever 11 ved.
With thit, idea 1)19 intentions are
rarely Pacific and cominereled.
desires first to obtain the consene
of the European powers wbo mite
to have influeece over 1130 terri-
iory on whieli he has designs to es -t
tahlish along the northwest ooast
of Africa an empire' larger than(
Rhodesia, to be entitled the trnitc...d
States of Liberia., Ile proposes to
found a negro stte, peopled by rie-
gross fl 0111Ametica, es'peclally from
the Southern States, who would re-
celve grants of land, and be en-
oareged to founl a country of
wn If Mr. Lcbaudy obtains all the
erritory the desires he Will have a
ountry richin uinerals, India rub-
ber and voile
1 am
Into t
and ti
her fa
It is
red bo
to ole
meat an hour
because, as her father expresses It,
that is about as fast as he wants
her to ride when sho is out alone,
or with some of her friend. Here le
the. point „Mr. Edison said:
"Of course, an automobile can be
geared to 70 miles an hour if the
parts of the vehicle •
enough to stand that speed.
"nem is really no limit to the
el:aed that can be gotten out of
vehicle if it is strong enough to
Withstand the wear ancl tear of the
power the cells are capable of cone
taining and giving out."
In the operation of the machine
there Is not the slightest noise or di-
turbance, and of course no odor
hatever. Ther is no jar, no grat-
ing or 'wheezing, no noise of
tor, but all is silent and perfect.
A touch of the finger moves the
kwe that coo rol
the machine Is under absoletely pere
the power and
, ; , teat contrl. ,
Workman ns Faor Crib Worec and
is Swept to Death.
g ra, Fels despatch: The first
man to Lose las life in the rapids,
above the falls 'where capital is pre -
to. sink. the deep wheel pits
to, turn the mananoth turbines of the
Niagara Eleetribal Development Com-
pany, occurred this afternoon about
8 o'clock. Eclward Dela of this town,
ernployed by Barry & MeMordie, wait
ou,t the etetreme end af the crib
work. In order to get out of the
way af the crane or the derrick that
W55 being elvung, Ile stepped back
Wards, losing his balance; fell bead..
long into the deep, seethltig Water
and was Swept ()Vet the fll. Dell
Was abeat 25 yeare or age, leaVeti a
widow and one 'child, being niarrled,
a,boat throe mears ago,.