The Herald, 1903-10-09, Page 1TH The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. LEX Vol, 1V., No. 11. ZURICH, ONT., FKID Y, OCT. 9, 1903 $1. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. us J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solieitor, Nota}y Public. Tiensall, Ontario. t.. STANnURY, B. A. B. W. OLADMAN. Gladina.n & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. —AT HENSALL---- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES— Hensall—Over Stoneman's .Tewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. poriamionazawasummassas LOCAL. NEWS Hogs are quoteed at $5.25 this week. Mr. Tolman Warm spent Sun- day at the Bend. Mr. Ohas. Fritz and wife, spent Sunday in Dashwood. Mrs. Dennis left on Tuesday for 1 Exeter, to visit friends. Mr. MclDonell, of Gotlericla, was lin town for somehours, on Sunday. I The Township Collector is now on his annual rounds. He was in Zurannualich last week. Mr. Geo. Sehoellig has rented his farm on the Gosheu Line, to Mr. iSylvanus tVitznter. Miss Phophe R4ekbe l has gone to Blyth,to visit -relatives and friends. the left on Tutesday morning. Miss Clara Bitelaanun left for 'Toronto on Monday morning, to resume her studies lit the Univer- sity. niver- d ty. Messrs. C. Fritz and W. G. Hess drove to Clinton yesterday, to attend the big shooting -snatch at that place. Mr. P. Lamont wan in Toronto egain this week, with iat !cattle. He shipped -two !carloads from Hen- sal1, on Tuesday.. Mm. Geo. Appel .arrived in town on Wednesday 4evening, amid will Wee a situation •wi'l1i Mr. J,. Mer-. ¢ger, in his stone here. Mr. W, H. Ltavette., of Exeter, tris• In town on " uesda.y, and ex- pressed. himself as favorably im- pressed with its neat appearance. A purse, !containing a suns of gat fey, was forma recently. by Mr. W.. T3. Hoffman. 'Losers should in- terview slim on the svllnject. pROUDFOOT 4 1-1AYS, Barristers, Solieitors, Notaries. I'ulalie' ete, ete. Cor. Square And North Street, Galerieia, Ontario W. PROUDFOOT K. C. R. C. HAYS BUS/NESS CARDS. ACfiAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSEAM AGENTS Village and Farm Property bo.taght and sold. Rents collected. 'Coaaveyanein;g of all kinds promptly .attended to. We represent the Le,adti ag Aire .and Life Insurance Companies and tespectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given oto •ooalieotion .of Notes rind Accounts. —OFFICE— ,Zurich, e3LOC1,. outstrip.. (L. V. BAcutANO, Notary �Publde) lR. J. HAMILTON., }.tici Vet. Surgeon aim' tiDenau;at Treats all diseases .off .dotneuticmted Animals. Veterinary medicines •af 41/11 ,kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly ,attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Beatles Old Stand, Main St., Zunioh, Oeyt. ANDREW F. BESS. Fire Insurance effected .iaa:all 'leading companies. Accident policies issued. Confederation Life represented., :ZURICH - - iONTARtff0. De. F.A. SELLEgY, J)entist, graduate of the Royal ,Coilege ,of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department ...of Dentistry, 'Toronto University. Painless eetraetion sof teeth. Plate work a speeiaiity. .At Dominion House, Zurich, ew.ery Monday. 1-2(i E.PeOSSENBERRY, ,Licensed Auctioneer for aur- r�n County,, respectfully solicits the p.at- aenage ut,alhose who intend having sales. 'Satisfaolyion euaranteed. p,IILL :P SIPPLE Lieensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those .iavalrg sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage solicited. Nail rgLS. feC..*** **.Ogreeeeofa€ pa+**O**t e s'xr 4 k3 4 THE * * 4 0 GDMMERRI SL NOTE e C4 404 ZURICH 0004 Strietly up-to-date in modern imi 43 provements. Dining rooms is sup - 0 plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ m Bar contains ehoiee liquors and cigars. If If ¶ ¶ ¶ 4 8 8 Cir Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. f9 f, r a 8 4 8 8 8 49 4s 4 43 J. P. RAU, FROPRIETOR. Wn*000** Jc','.cli*C;'80080438 41888 ik THE 1Dominion ...o.......,.. - �_ House. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the • Most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province, o 'getter Table in the nominicp. R. Re Johnston & Son, 14Th. Chas. Walper psis sold his house and lot to MT. John Hildo. brand, and purchased the Zeller homestead, nearly opposite the h azn gelical Church manse. A bti11and sumris;aaroaoznaaeeclto take ni'lace in the Assembly room sof the Dominion House, on the night `cif 1"ha.nksgiving Tagg -Messrs Lii- itle wad Knorr being the managers,. RecV. Alfred Geiger., of the Pxsrn•y Sound District, waft keine on a visit to his parents, this week. He was in attendance at the 'Church Confer- ence. •aft Berlin, for sonnne buys pre- vious to re- vious'to his arrival. vir. Louis Prang returned home from Manitoba. and the northwest, onTnesday. He is now quite. satis- fied to remain in Zrtth r, not being ver•;y'nne'h fascinated with the ap- pearance of things up there. 11sIi•s Lordship, Bishop McEvoy, of -London. iRas in town on Monda and .gave Confirmation to a class of boys;wrtdgirls He also visited St. Joseph, the same clay, and confirm- ed .aia,l.nusually large number. The rmeeting of the Zurie.,li Lodge A. O. IT. W., takes place this; even- ing, and we are requested to ask all members to be present, in order that arrangements many be made for the reception of the District Deputy at an early state. Mr. Philip Munch has, we learn, disposed of his home and part of his land, in the northwest of the vil- lage, to Mr. Abram Geiger, of the Goshen Line. Mr. Hauch, it is pre- sumed, will build on the part which he still owns. Miss Gertie Magel entertained a, number of her girl friends at a birthday party, • on, Wednesday evening. It was a great success, there being over 35 persons present, besides her teacher. Gertie is ten years of age. Mr. Gottleib Merner, Sr., has arrived home from his trip to Wis- consin, where he spent a pleasant time visiting friends. He enjoyed the change of scenery as well an the change of faces, but likes the old home better than the west. The School Trustees of this sec- tion met in the Town Hall hero, last week and transacted consider- able business. Mr. Robert Stelck and Miss Hart were re-engaged for another year,while Miss Nicholson, of Blake, replaced Miss Kl.opp after the Chris, mas holidays, the latter not being an applicant for the posi- tion. Owing to the crowded state of our columns last week and the late arrival of some of our correspon- dence, a portion of the latter did not appear. Correspondents would do its a favor by trying' to have their news in the office not later than Wednesday noon at the very latest. The newest Dip. Lip Corset can be had at D. 5, Faust's. Misses Bertha -and Louisa Wurnr left for Detroit, this meek. - Mr. Chris. Eilber and id liis son Char lie, spent a couple ol! .days, in Ber- lin, this week. The Misses Schnell, of the 14th Concession, left recently for Walker ville and Detroit. Mr. Peter Lamont, Miss Stein- bach and others, will spend Sunday at Grand Bens. Messrs. dhristie and Meyers, of Exeter, spent a few hours in town, Saturday evening. Teachers are .reminded that the County Promotion ;Examinations will he held on Oct. 22nd and 23rd. Mr. Ed. Rose and 'wife, of -Mc- Eillop Township, visited at his brother's, Albert Rose, on Sunday. D. S. Faust Esq, and Messrs. Philip H:Lueh and Chris. Schoch re. turned home from Berlin, Monday night. Mrs. Michael Zeller has given up house -keeping and 1S now residing with her daughter.',' Mrs. Edward Appel. D. S. Faust has st new Supply -of Dress Goods to hand the very new est out—and invites the ladies to call and see them: Mr. Moses Littlevler, of Cross - hill, is visiting his . ►rother-in-law; Mr. 3oseph G. Oescb; of the Bron- son line, the past week. Mr. John Knorr:'has .purchased the Barber Shop business from Mr. W. Bender, and is now sole proprie. tor of the establishment Mrs. John Harnick and son Ro- land; returned to their home at Loomis, Mich., after a month's vis- it with friends in and around. Zur- ich. Mr. H. S. Faust, of Cairo, Mich., attended the Conference. at Berlin. On his Way home, •he called on his I brothers' and sister here, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Koch, of iD.ashwood, Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Warm and Mrs. Hartung, of Zurich, were visiting Mr Woseloh, jr., on Sunday last. Mr. Gortleib Merner has had the roof of his large brick block pain ted during the week: It is now up.to- date in every respect. The Hart- leib establishment had the contract. ilv1essrs. J. Eilber and Ed. Wurm, of Crediton, were in town, last week, deepening the well on Reeve Lamont's farm. They are said to have done a good job, and the re- sult is plenty of water. Mr. Wellington Fee returned. on Saturday night, after a, few weeks' (visit in Manitoba and part of North Dakota. He looks hale and hearty and report, having a good time, during his absence The receipts at the gate, on Fair Day, wan in the neighborhood of 4;120. This is net tar bad when we take. into account the fact that every member's ticket not only ad- mitted himself, but three others as well. Mr. Chas Linder, Bandmaster at Hensall, was in town on Monday. Charlie is quite popular out here, and is always welcome:.. Dr. Sellery is equally so, but is looked upon alb, most as a resident, his. trips being regular weekly ones. Rev. Father Eberhard, of Cincin- natti, arrives in town on Tuesday, and will succeed Father Kurtz in charge of St. Boniface church and congregation and services will, we understand, be conducted in the church, as usual on Sabbath next as well as all succeeding sabbaths. Thursday, the 15th instant, has been named as a day.of general Thanksgiving, by the ttawa Au- thorities, and will therefore, be a h.oliday throughout the Dominion. Never had the people of. Canada more reason to be thankful than this year, for besides the high rate of wages prevailing, times have been good and the harvest bounti- fuI. The regular meeting ef the W. C . T. U. Was held at the home of' i1IrS. C. Fritz on Monday evening, Oct 5th. Mrs. H. Magel led the devotional part, after which Rev. A. Gei ser of Parry Sound gave a very interesting address. The president then took charge of the business, after which the meeting was brought to a close by singing "God be with you till we meet again''. Father Kurtz, who hits had charge ef, Si. Boniface Church, and parish, for the last six months, left on„ Wed Locals continued en page t,v la r FAUST'S, e; �.1��,° �i^�^o�r''�rl�', a�3{+G ti t�•.,7 rA�, u +'$"oK'?'! ru7 -uTi.r v P NI for FALLTRA.�_p ot defa �"`3 kt ITIVEDA • %tom In •vh" at.• rig ancomari 10 ,K i DRESS ®. o� S Of the very Latest at at I..oietest Prices. Girls' Coats from $2.75 to $4.00. All Styles—Lorlg arid 311ort. Ladies Rain Coats from 5 to •Of tile Very NeVest Design, 2:E11 Wrapperetes new patterns 10c a yard WHITE, CRER d, BLUE, RED & PINK 35 inches wide for :l0 cents per yard. Our 1ViIl1inery Department is Open -- FOR EVERYBODY. We Give invitations to all the Ladies to give a call. «§ is y9 y9 z-P—No trouble to show Goods. PRODUCE TAKEN IR EXCHANGE, fir which the highest prices are paid. 9 rich. FAUST, INA SPECIAL PRICES 1112421 In i\lens' and Womens' NNE 7 Odd Lines for Wolper, 50cts. and 1.00, extra good vale, e. Also In Mens'1from 1.00 to 1.50. ;4 CALL AND ' SEE THEM. CHAS. FRITZ,, THE SHOEMAN ZURICH, x,. r. Cllr cry ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Q•c�•o•o o•o•�agOD 00.E • e0 0.3 RESPECTIULL T• 4 D invite you to our 0 Q4� COMMENCING a o SEPTEIaIBER 3rd a p�p AND FOL LOWING QI l)ArS. QI • We are also Showing Speciae? 4 Under management of D O values in Do M1Ss op r..coo (6oriit5 Mazesfit*. 8113EANDF0R.DA J. PREETER, Zurich cal iotlata,alat)fal ao1'Iaalee l�elat Zut^'ICS ONT lt' " We have a number of Good Farms for salo and also some property in the Village of Zurich: : Goon Anent Wanted in every Tal, n and 7521.11age in the County, to take risks for the ROYAL-VICTOPIA .LIFE, :